Java tutorial
/* Copyright (C) 2005 Jesper Goertz All Rights Reserved, This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package dk.hippogrif.prettyxml; import*; import*; import java.util.*; import java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler; import java.util.logging.FileHandler; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import org.jdom.*; import org.jdom.input.*; import org.jdom.output.*; import org.jdom.transform.XSLTransformer; import org.jdom.transform.XSLTransformException; /** * Prettyprints XML based on JDOM 1.0 according to a set of properties * specifying format and options. * See {@link dk.hippogrif.prettyxml}. * * @author Jesper Goertz */ public class PrettyPrint implements PropertyNames { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(PrettyPrint.class.getName()); private static String[] encodings; private static String[] settings; private static HashMap setting; private static String[] transformations; private static HashMap transformation; /** * Accepted properties (basic and extended). */ static ArrayList keys = initKeys(); private static String version = loadConfiguration(""); private static ArrayList initKeys() { ArrayList keys = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(BASIC_KEYS)); if (keys == null) throw new RuntimeException("basic keys null"); keys.addAll(Arrays.asList(EXTENDED_KEYS)); if (keys == null) throw new RuntimeException("added keys null"); return keys; } /** * Get prettyxml version. */ public static String getVersion() { return version; } class MyLevel extends Level { public MyLevel(int level) { super("prettyxml", level); } } /** * Get wellknown encodings. **/ public static String[] getEncodings() { return encodings; } /** * Get names of wellknown properties settings. **/ public static String[] getSettings() { return settings; } /** * Get wellknown properties setting. **/ public static Properties getSetting(String name) { return (Properties) setting.get(name); } /** * Get default properties setting - the first in configured settings. **/ public static Properties getDefaultSetting() { return (Properties) setting.get(settings[0]); } /** * Get names of wellknown transformations. **/ public static String[] getTransformations() { return transformations; } /** * Get wellknown transformation. **/ public static XSLTransformer getTransformation(String name) { return (XSLTransformer) transformation.get(name); } static String loadConfiguration(String resource) { try { Properties prop = loadPropertiesResource(resource); // logging String loggingLevel = prop.getProperty("logging.Level"); if (loggingLevel != null) { Level level = Level.parse(loggingLevel); Logger l = Logger.getLogger("dk.hippogrif.prettyxml"); l.setLevel(level); if ("ConsoleHandler".equals(prop.getProperty("logging.Handler"))) { ConsoleHandler h = new ConsoleHandler(); h.setLevel(level); l.addHandler(h); } else if ("FileHandler".equals(prop.getProperty("logging.Handler"))) { FileHandler h = new FileHandler(System.getProperty("user.home") + "/prettyxml.log"); h.setLevel(level); l.addHandler(h); } logger.config("logging.Level=" + loggingLevel); } // version version = prop.getProperty("version", ""); logger.config("version=" + version); // wellknown encodings String s = prop.getProperty("encodings"); if (s == null) { throw new Exception("encodings missing in"); } encodings = s.split(";"); // wellknown property settings s = prop.getProperty("settings"); if (s == null) { throw new Exception("settings missing in"); } settings = s.split(";"); setting = new HashMap(); for (int i = 0; i < settings.length; i++) { String name = settings[i]; Properties props = loadPropertiesResource(name + ".properties"); checkProperties(props, false); setting.put(name, props); } // wellknown transformations s = prop.getProperty("transformations"); if (s == null) { throw new Exception("transformations missing in"); } transformations = s.split(";"); transformation = new HashMap(); for (int i = 0; i < transformations.length; i++) { String name = transformations[i]; transformation.put(name, mkTransformerResource(name + ".xslt")); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return version; } static void setIndentation(String no, Format format) { int n = Integer.parseInt(no); if (n > 0) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { sb.append(' '); } format.setIndent(sb.toString()); } } static Format initFormat(Properties prop) throws Exception { Format format = Format.getRawFormat(); String p; if ((p = prop.getProperty(ENCODING)) != null) { format.setEncoding(p); } if ((p = prop.getProperty(EXPAND_EMPTY_ELEMENTS)) != null) { format.setExpandEmptyElements(Boolean.valueOf(p).booleanValue()); } if ((p = prop.getProperty(INDENT)) != null) { setIndentation(p, format); } if ((p = prop.getProperty(LINE_SEPARATOR)) != null) { format.setLineSeparator(p); } if ((p = prop.getProperty(OMIT_DECLARATION)) != null) { format.setOmitDeclaration(Boolean.valueOf(p).booleanValue()); } if ((p = prop.getProperty(OMIT_ENCODING)) != null) { format.setOmitEncoding(Boolean.valueOf(p).booleanValue()); } if ((p = prop.getProperty(TEXT_MODE)) != null) { if (p.equals("NORMALIZE")) { format.setTextMode(Format.TextMode.NORMALIZE); } else if (p.equals("TRIM")) { format.setTextMode(Format.TextMode.TRIM); } else if (p.equals("TRIM_FULL_WHITE")) { format.setTextMode(Format.TextMode.TRIM_FULL_WHITE); } else if (!p.equals("PRESERVE")) { throw new Exception("invalid " + TEXT_MODE + " in properties file: " + p); } } return format; } /** * Checks known properties - * present boolean properties are set to either "true" or "false", * indent=0 is removed, * string properties are trimmed and empty properties removed - * however, TEXT_MODE is checked when format is initialized * and ENCODING when used. * * @param prop holds the properties * @param extended to include in/out properties * @throws Exception if property error */ public static void checkProperties(Properties prop, boolean extended) throws Exception { for (Enumeration elements = prop.propertyNames(); elements.hasMoreElements();) { String s = (String) elements.nextElement(); if (!keys.contains(s)) { prop.remove(s); } } checkBoolean(EXPAND_EMPTY_ELEMENTS, prop); checkBoolean(OMIT_DECLARATION, prop); checkBoolean(OMIT_ENCODING, prop); checkBoolean(INDENT_ATTRIBUTES, prop); checkBoolean(SORT_ATTRIBUTES, prop); if (prop.containsKey(INDENT)) { try { int i = Integer.parseInt(prop.getProperty(INDENT)); if (i == 0) { prop.remove(INDENT); } else if (i < 1 || i > 99) { throw new Exception(INDENT + " must be an integer >= 0 and < 100"); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new Exception(INDENT + " must be an integer >= 0 and < 100"); } } if (prop.containsKey(LINE_SEPARATOR)) { String s = prop.getProperty(LINE_SEPARATOR); boolean err = true; for (int i = 0; i < LINE_SEPARATORS.length; i++) { if (LINE_SEPARATORS[i].equals(s)) { err = false; break; } } if (err) { throw new Exception(LINE_SEPARATOR + " must be \\r, \\n or \\r\\n"); } } checkString(TRANSFORM, prop); if (extended) { checkString(INPUT, prop); checkString(URL, prop); checkString(OUTPUT, prop); if (prop.containsKey(INPUT) && prop.containsKey(URL)) { throw new Exception("do not use " + INPUT + " and " + URL + " at the same time"); } } else { prop.remove(INPUT); prop.remove(URL); prop.remove(OUTPUT); } } /** * Load properties from file or as resource in classpath if file not found. * * @param name of properties file or resource * @throws IOException if io error on reading file * @throws Exception if resource not found */ public static Properties loadProperties(String name) throws Exception { File file = new File(name); if (file.isFile()) { return loadProperties(file); } return loadPropertiesResource(name); } /** * Load properties as resource in classpath. * * @param name of resource holding properties * @throws Exception if resource not found */ public static Properties loadPropertiesResource(String name) throws Exception { InputStream is = null; try { is = PrettyPrint.class.getResourceAsStream("/" + name); if (is == null) { throw new Exception("cannot find properties " + name); } Properties prop = new Properties(); prop.load(is); return prop; } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(is); } } /** * Load properties from file. * * @param file holding properties * @throws IOException on io error */ public static Properties loadProperties(File file) throws IOException { Properties prop = new Properties(); FileInputStream fis = null; try { fis = new FileInputStream(file); prop.load(fis); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(fis); } return prop; } /** * Store properties in file with version in header. * * @param file to store the properties in * @param prop the properties to store * @throws IOException on io error */ public static void storeProperties(File file, Properties prop) throws IOException { FileOutputStream fos = null; try { fos = new FileOutputStream(file);, "prettyxml " + version); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(fos); } } static void checkBoolean(String key, Properties prop) throws Exception { String s = prop.getProperty(key); if (s != null) { if ("false".equalsIgnoreCase(s)) { prop.setProperty(key, "false"); } else if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(s)) { prop.setProperty(key, "true"); } else { throw new Exception("value of property " + key + " must be true or false, was: " + s); } } } static void checkString(String key, Properties prop) { String s = prop.getProperty(key); if (s != null) { s = s.trim(); if (s.length() == 0) { prop.remove(key); } else { prop.setProperty(key, s); } } } /** * Construct an XSL transformer. * * @param name of stylesheet file or resource * @throws Exception if stylesheet not found */ public static XSLTransformer mkTransformer(String name) throws Exception { if (transformation.containsKey(name)) { return (XSLTransformer) transformation.get(name); } File file = new File(name); if (file.isFile()) { return new XSLTransformer(file); } return mkTransformerResource(name); } private static XSLTransformer mkTransformerResource(String name) throws Exception { InputStream is = null; try { is = PrettyPrint.class.getResourceAsStream("/" + name); if (is == null) { throw new Exception("cannot find stylesheet " + name); } return new XSLTransformer(is); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(is); } } /** * Do the prettyprint according to properties. * * @throws Exception if something goes wrong */ public static void execute(Properties prop) throws Exception { execute(prop, null); } /** * Do the prettyprint according to properties. * * @param input holds xml document as text if present * @return prettyprinted document as text if input param present * @throws Exception if something goes wrong */ public static String execute(Properties prop, String input) throws Exception { try { checkProperties(prop, true); logger.log(Level.FINEST, "input=" + input + " properties=" + prop); Format format = initFormat(prop); PrettyXMLOutputter outp = new PrettyXMLOutputter(format); outp.setSortAttributes(prop.containsKey(SORT_ATTRIBUTES)); outp.setIndentAttributes(prop.containsKey(INDENT_ATTRIBUTES)); SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(); Document doc; if (input != null) { doc = StringReader(input)); } else if (prop.containsKey(INPUT)) { doc = File(prop.getProperty(INPUT))); } else if (prop.containsKey(URL)) { doc = URL(prop.getProperty(URL))); } else { doc =; } if (prop.containsKey(TRANSFORM)) { String[] sa = prop.getProperty(TRANSFORM).split(";"); for (int i = 0; i < sa.length; i++) { XSLTransformer transformer = mkTransformer(sa[i].trim()); doc = transformer.transform(doc); } } if (prop.containsKey(OUTPUT)) { FileOutputStream fos = null; try { fos = new FileOutputStream(new File(prop.getProperty(OUTPUT))); outp.output(doc, fos); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(fos); } } else if (input != null) { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); outp.output(doc, baos); return baos.toString(prop.getProperty(ENCODING, "UTF-8")); } else { outp.output(doc, System.out); } return null; } catch (Exception e) { logger.log(Level.FINER, "properties=" + prop, e); throw e; } } }