Java tutorial
/** This file is part of opensearch. Copyright 2009, Dansk Bibliotekscenter a/s, Tempovej 7-11, DK-2750 Ballerup, Denmark. CVR: 15149043 opensearch is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. opensearch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with opensearch. If not, see <>. */ /** * \file * \brief */ package dk.dbc.opensearch.datadock; import dk.dbc.commons.db.OracleDBPooledConnection; import dk.dbc.commons.os.FileHandler; import dk.dbc.opensearch.fedora.FcrepoModifier; import dk.dbc.opensearch.fedora.FcrepoReader; import dk.dbc.opensearch.fedora.ObjectRepositoryException; import dk.dbc.opensearch.harvest.ESHarvest; import dk.dbc.opensearch.harvest.FileHarvestLight; import dk.dbc.opensearch.harvest.HarvesterIOException; import dk.dbc.opensearch.harvest.IHarvest; import dk.dbc.opensearch.helpers.IShutdownMain; import dk.dbc.opensearch.helpers.Log4jConfiguration; import dk.dbc.opensearch.pluginframework.PluginException; import dk.dbc.opensearch.pluginframework.PluginResolver; import dk.dbc.opensearch.pluginframework.FlowMapCreator; import dk.dbc.opensearch.pluginframework.PluginTask; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Map; import java.util.List; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource; import org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration; import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException; import org.apache.commons.configuration.PropertiesConfiguration; import org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.log4j.SimpleLayout; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; /** * The Main method of the datadock. It secures all necessary * resources for the program, starts the datadockManager and then * closes stdin and stdout thus closing connection to the console. * * It also adds a shutdown hook to the JVM so orderly shutdown is * accompleshed when the process is killed. */ public class DatadockMain implements IShutdownMain { /** * Private enum used to differentiate between various harvester types */ private enum HarvestType { ESHarvest, FileHarvestLight; } private final static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(DatadockMain.class); /** TODO: what is the purpose of rootAppender and startupAppender wrt the startup in this class*/ private final static ConsoleAppender startupAppender = new ConsoleAppender(new SimpleLayout()); private static final String logConfiguration = "log4j_datadock.xml"; private static final String propFileName = ""; protected boolean shutdownRequested = false; static DatadockManager datadockManager; static FlowMapCreator flowMapCreator = null; private final int queueSize; private final int corePoolSize; private final int maxPoolSize; private final long keepAliveTime; private final int pollTime; private final File pluginFlowXmlPath; private final File pluginFlowXsdPath; private static HarvestType defaultHarvestType = HarvestType.FileHarvestLight; static java.util.Date startTime = null; private boolean terminateOnZeroSubmitted = false; private final int maxToHarvest; boolean usePriorityFlag = false; List<String> dataBaseNames = null; String oracleCacheName = ""; String oracleUrl = ""; String oracleUser = ""; String oraclePassWd = ""; String minLimit = ""; String maxLimit = ""; String initialLimit = ""; String connectionWaitTimeout = ""; String host = ""; String port = ""; String user = ""; String pass = ""; private String fileHarvestLightDir; private String fileHarvestLightSuccessDir; private String fileHarvestLightFailureDir; private String javascriptPath = ""; /** * * * @throws ConfigurationException */ public DatadockMain() throws ConfigurationException { this(new String[0]); } /** * * * @param args * @throws ConfigurationException */ public DatadockMain(String[] args) throws ConfigurationException { /** Try obtaining home path of datadock. If property 'datadock.home' is not set, * current working directory is assumed to be home. */ String datadockHome = System.getProperty("datadock.home"); if (datadockHome == null) { datadockHome = new File(".").getAbsolutePath(); } else { datadockHome = new File(datadockHome).getAbsolutePath(); }"Using datadock.home: %s", datadockHome)); System.out.println(String.format("Using datadock.home: %s", datadockHome)); Configuration config = null; // Try reading properties file from -Dproperties.file String localPropFileName = System.getProperty("properties.file"); // If -Dpropfile is not set try reading from either ../config/ or ./config/ if (localPropFileName != null) { config = new PropertiesConfiguration(localPropFileName); } else { localPropFileName = "../config/" + propFileName; if (new File(localPropFileName).exists()) { config = new PropertiesConfiguration(localPropFileName); } localPropFileName = "./config/" + propFileName; if (new File(localPropFileName).exists()) { config = new PropertiesConfiguration(localPropFileName); } } // Throw new ConfigurationException if properties file could not be located. if (config == null) { throw new ConfigurationException( String.format("Could not load configuration from configuration file: %s; CWD: %s", localPropFileName, new File(".").getAbsoluteFile())); }"Using properties file: %s", localPropFileName)); try { String configFile = config.getString("Log4j"); if (new File(configFile).exists()) { Log4jConfiguration.configure(configFile); } else { if (configFile.startsWith("../")) { configFile = configFile.replaceFirst("../", ""); if (new File(configFile).exists()) { Log4jConfiguration.configure(configFile); } else { throw new ConfigurationException( String.format("Could not locate config file at: %s", config.getString("Log4j"))); } } else { throw new ConfigurationException( String.format("Could not locate config file at: %s", config.getString("Log4j"))); } }"Using config file: %s", configFile)); } catch (ConfigurationException ex) { String errMsg = String.format("Logger could not be configured, will continue without logging: %s", ex.getMessage()); log.error(errMsg); System.out.println(errMsg); } pollTime = config.getInt("MainPollTime"); queueSize = config.getInt("QueueSize"); corePoolSize = config.getInt("CorePoolSize"); maxPoolSize = config.getInt("MaxPoolSize"); keepAliveTime = config.getInt("KeepAliveTime"); log.debug(String.format("Starting Datadock with pollTime = %s", pollTime)); log.debug(String.format("Starting Datadock with queueSize = %s", queueSize)); log.debug(String.format("Starting Datadock with corePoolSize = %s", corePoolSize)); log.debug(String.format("Starting Datadock with maxPoolSize = %s", maxPoolSize)); log.debug(String.format("Starting Datadock with keepAliveTime = %s", keepAliveTime)); pluginFlowXmlPath = new File(config.getString("PluginFlowXmlPath")); pluginFlowXsdPath = new File(config.getString("PluginFlowXsdPath")); if (null == pluginFlowXmlPath || null == pluginFlowXsdPath) { throw new ConfigurationException( "Failed to initialize configuration values for File objects properly (pluginFlowXmlPath or pluginFlowXsdPath)"); } log.debug(String.format("Starting Datadock with pluginFlowXmlPath = %s", pluginFlowXmlPath)); log.debug(String.format("Starting Datadock with pluginFlowXsdPath = %s", pluginFlowXsdPath)); maxToHarvest = config.getInt("MaxToHarvest"); dataBaseNames = config.getList("OracleDataBaseNames"); oracleCacheName = config.getString("OracleCacheName"); oracleUrl = config.getString("OracleUrl"); oracleUser = config.getString("OracleUserID"); oraclePassWd = config.getString("OraclePassWd"); minLimit = config.getString("OracleMinLimit"); maxLimit = config.getString("OracleMaxLimit"); initialLimit = config.getString("OracleInitialLimit"); connectionWaitTimeout = config.getString("OracleConnectionWaitTimeout"); usePriorityFlag = config.getBoolean("UsePriorityField"); host = config.getString("Host"); port = config.getString("Port"); user = config.getString("User"); pass = config.getString("PassPhrase"); javascriptPath = config.getString("ScriptPath"); fileHarvestLightDir = config.getString("ToHarvest"); fileHarvestLightSuccessDir = config.getString("HarvestDone"); fileHarvestLightFailureDir = config.getString("HarvestFailure"); } /** * Gets the type of a * {@link dk.dbc.opensearch.harvest.IHarvest Harvester} from a * command line parameter or, if that fails, the type of a default harvester * specified in the class */ private HarvestType getHarvesterType() { log.trace("Trying to get harvester type from commandline"); String harvestTypeFromCmdLine = System.getProperty("harvester"); log.debug(String.format("Found this harvester: %s", harvestTypeFromCmdLine)); HarvestType harvestType = null; if (harvestTypeFromCmdLine == null || harvestTypeFromCmdLine.isEmpty()) { // Only set to default harvester if none is given on commandline harvestType = defaultHarvestType; } else { harvestType = harvestTypeFromCmdLine.equals("ESHarvest") ? HarvestType.ESHarvest : harvestType; harvestType = harvestTypeFromCmdLine.equals("FileHarvestLight") ? HarvestType.FileHarvestLight : harvestType; if (harvestType == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format("Unknown harvestType: %s", harvestTypeFromCmdLine)); } } log.debug(String.format("initialized harvester with type: %s", harvestType)); return harvestType; } /** * Reads command line arguments and initializes the server mode */ private void setServerMode() { String mode = System.getProperty("shutDownOnJobsDone"); if (null != mode && mode.equals("true")) { this.terminateOnZeroSubmitted = true; } } /** * This method does the actual work of nudging the datadockmanager to get * on with processing data from the harvester. If any exceptions are thrown * from the manager, this method will issue a shutdown, and exit. * * @return the number of jobs that have been submitted for processing up until a shutdown request */ private int runServer() { int mainJobsSubmitted = 0; try { while (!isShutdownRequested()) { log.trace("DatadockMain calling datadockManager update"); long timer = System.currentTimeMillis(); int jobsSubmitted = datadockManager.update(this.maxToHarvest); log.debug(String.format("%s jobs submitted according to the DatadockManager", jobsSubmitted)); timer = System.currentTimeMillis() - timer; mainJobsSubmitted += jobsSubmitted; if (jobsSubmitted > 0) {"%1$d Jobs submitted in %2$d ms - %3$f jobs/s", jobsSubmitted, timer, jobsSubmitted / (timer / 1000.0))); } else {"%1$d Jobs submitted in %2$d ms - ", jobsSubmitted, timer)); if (terminateOnZeroSubmitted) {"Program set to terminate on empty job queue. Shutting down now"); this.shutdown(); } else { Thread.currentThread(); Thread.sleep(this.pollTime); } } } } catch (HarvesterIOException hioe) { String fatal = String.format("A fatal error occured in the communication with the database: %s", hioe.getMessage()); log.fatal(fatal, hioe); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { log.fatal(String.format("InterruptedException caught in Main.runServer: %s", ie.getMessage()), ie); } catch (RuntimeException re) { log.fatal(String.format("RuntimeException caught in Main.runServer: %s", re.getMessage()), re); } catch (Exception e) { log.fatal(String.format("Exception caught in Main.runServer: %s", e.getMessage()), e); } // finally // { // this.shutdown(); // } log.debug(String.format("Total # jobs submitted to main: %s", mainJobsSubmitted)); return mainJobsSubmitted; } /** * The shutdown hook. This method is called when the program catches a * kill signal. * Or if internal code requests that the datadock is shutdown */ public void shutdown() { this.shutdownRequested = true; try {"Shutting down."); datadockManager.shutdown(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.error(String.format("Interrupted while waiting on main daemon thread to complete: %s", e.getMessage())); System.exit(-1); } catch (HarvesterIOException hioe) { log.fatal(String.format("Some error occured while shutting down the harvester: %s", hioe.getMessage())); System.exit(-1); } catch (NullPointerException npe) { log.fatal( "DatadockManager does not seem to have been started or it crashed. Shutting down with the risk of inconsistencies"); System.exit(-1); }"Exiting normally."); } /** * Getter method for shutdown signal. */ public boolean isShutdownRequested() { return this.shutdownRequested; } /** * Daemonizes the program, ie. disconnects from the console and * creates a pidfile. */ private void daemonize() { String pidFile = System.getProperty("daemon.pidfile"); FileHandler.getFile(pidFile).deleteOnExit(); System.out.close(); System.err.close(); } /** * Adds the shutdownhook. */ protected void addDaemonShutdownHook() { Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() { @Override public void run() { shutdown(); } }); } private void collectStatistics(long mainTimer, int mainJobsSubmitted) { mainTimer = System.currentTimeMillis() - mainTimer; if (mainJobsSubmitted > 0) {"Total: %1$d Jobs submitted in %2$d ms - %3$f jobs/s", mainJobsSubmitted, mainTimer, mainJobsSubmitted / (mainTimer / 1000.0))); } else {"Total: %1$d Jobs submitted in %2$d ms - ", mainJobsSubmitted, mainTimer)); } } private IHarvest initializeHarvester() throws SQLException, IllegalArgumentException, ConfigurationException, SAXException, HarvesterIOException, IOException { log.trace("Getting harvester type"); HarvestType harvestType = this.getHarvesterType(); IHarvest harvester; switch (harvestType) { case ESHarvest: harvester = this.selectESHarvester(); break; case FileHarvestLight: log.trace("selecting FileHarvestLight"); harvester = new FileHarvestLight(fileHarvestLightDir, fileHarvestLightSuccessDir, fileHarvestLightFailureDir); break; default: log.warn( "no harvester explicitly selected, and default type failed. This should not happen, but I'll default to FileHarvestLight"); harvester = new FileHarvestLight(fileHarvestLightDir, fileHarvestLightSuccessDir, fileHarvestLightFailureDir); } return harvester; } private IHarvest selectESHarvester() throws ConfigurationException, SQLException, HarvesterIOException { // List< String > dataBaseNames = DataBaseConfig.getOracleDataBaseNames(); // String oracleCacheName = DataBaseConfig.getOracleCacheName(); // String oracleUrl = DataBaseConfig.getOracleUrl(); // String oracleUser = DataBaseConfig.getOracleUserID(); // String oraclePassWd = DataBaseConfig.getOraclePassWd(); // String minLimit = DataBaseConfig.getOracleMinLimit(); // String maxLimit = DataBaseConfig.getOracleMaxLimit(); // String initialLimit = DataBaseConfig.getOracleInitialLimit(); // String connectionWaitTimeout = DataBaseConfig.getOracleConnectionWaitTimeout(); // // boolean usePriorityFlag = HarvesterConfig.getPriorityFlag();"DB Url : %s ", oracleUrl));"DB User: %s ", oracleUser)); OracleDataSource ods; try { ods = new OracleDataSource(); // set db-params: ods.setURL(oracleUrl); ods.setUser(oracleUser); ods.setPassword(oraclePassWd); // set db-cache-params: ods.setConnectionCachingEnabled(true); // connection pool // set the cache name ods.setConnectionCacheName(oracleCacheName); // set cache properties: Properties cacheProperties = new Properties(); cacheProperties.setProperty("MinLimit", minLimit); cacheProperties.setProperty("MaxLimit", maxLimit); cacheProperties.setProperty("InitialLimit", initialLimit); cacheProperties.setProperty("ConnectionWaitTimeout", connectionWaitTimeout); cacheProperties.setProperty("ValidateConnection", "true"); ods.setConnectionCacheProperties(cacheProperties); } catch (SQLException sqle) { String errorMsg = "An SQL error occured during the setup of the OracleDataSource"; log.fatal(errorMsg, sqle); throw sqle; } OracleDBPooledConnection connectionPool = new OracleDBPooledConnection(oracleCacheName, ods); return new ESHarvest(this, connectionPool, dataBaseNames, usePriorityFlag); } private void initializeServices() throws ObjectRepositoryException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, PluginException, HarvesterIOException, IllegalStateException, ParserConfigurationException, IOException, IllegalArgumentException, SQLException, InvocationTargetException, SAXException, ConfigurationException, ClassNotFoundException { log.trace("Initializing plugin resolver"); // String host = FedoraConfig.getHost(); // String port = FedoraConfig.getPort(); // String user = FedoraConfig.getUser(); // String pass = FedoraConfig.getPassPhrase(); FcrepoReader reader = new FcrepoReader(host, port); FcrepoModifier modifier = new FcrepoModifier(host, port, user, pass); PluginResolver pluginResolver = new PluginResolver(); //String javascriptPath = FileSystemConfig.getScriptPath(); flowMapCreator = new FlowMapCreator(this.pluginFlowXmlPath, this.pluginFlowXsdPath); Map<String, List<PluginTask>> flowMap = flowMapCreator.createMap(pluginResolver, reader, modifier, javascriptPath); log.trace("Initializing harvester"); IHarvest harvester = this.initializeHarvester(); log.trace("Initializing the DatadockPool"); LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable> queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>(this.queueSize); ThreadPoolExecutor threadpool = new ThreadPoolExecutor(this.corePoolSize, this.maxPoolSize, this.keepAliveTime, TimeUnit.SECONDS, queue); DatadockPool datadockPool = new DatadockPool(threadpool, harvester, flowMap); log.trace("Initializing the DatadockManager"); datadockManager = new DatadockManager(datadockPool, harvester, flowMap); } /** * The datadocks main method. * Starts the datadock and starts the datadockManager. */ public static void main(String[] args) { DatadockMain serverInstance = null; try { serverInstance = new DatadockMain(args); serverInstance.setServerMode(); } catch (ConfigurationException ex) { String error = String.format("Could not get configure DatadockMain object: %s", ex.getMessage()); log.fatal(error, ex); //we cannot guarantee a serverInstance to call shutdown on: System.exit(-1); } log.removeAppender("RootConsoleAppender"); log.addAppender(startupAppender); try { serverInstance.initializeServices(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Startup failed." + e.getMessage()); log.fatal(String.format("Startup failed: %s", e.getMessage()), e); serverInstance.shutdown(); } finally { log.removeAppender(startupAppender); }"Daemonizing Datadock server"); serverInstance.daemonize(); serverInstance.addDaemonShutdownHook();"Starting processing of data"); long mainTimer = System.currentTimeMillis(); int mainJobsSubmitted = serverInstance.runServer();"Collecting and printing processing statistics"); serverInstance.collectStatistics(mainTimer, mainJobsSubmitted); } }