Java tutorial
// // See toplevel license.txt for copyright and license terms. package ded.ui; import java.awt.AWTEvent; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Cursor; import java.awt.FontMetrics; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.GraphicsConfiguration; import java.awt.GraphicsDevice; import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.KeyboardFocusManager; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.datatransfer.Clipboard; import java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor; import java.awt.datatransfer.StringSelection; import java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable; import java.awt.event.ComponentEvent; import java.awt.event.ComponentListener; import java.awt.event.FocusEvent; import java.awt.event.FocusListener; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyListener; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseListener; import java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener; import java.awt.font.LineMetrics; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.awt.image.ColorModel; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.IdentityHashMap; import java.util.Set; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import javax.swing.JFileChooser; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import javax.swing.filechooser.FileNameExtensionFilter; import org.json.JSONException; import util.IdentityHashSet; import util.ImageFileUtil; import util.Util; import util.awt.GeomUtil; import util.swing.SwingUtil; import ded.Ded; import ded.model.ArrowStyle; import ded.model.Diagram; import ded.model.Entity; import ded.model.EntityShape; import ded.model.Inheritance; import ded.model.Relation; import ded.model.RelationEndpoint; /** Widget to display and edit a diagram. */ public class DiagramController extends JPanel implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener, KeyListener, ComponentListener, FocusListener { // ------------- constants --------------- private static final long serialVersionUID = 1266678840598864303L; /** Pixels from left/top edge to draw the file name label. */ public static final int fileNameLabelMargin = 2; private static final String helpMessage = "H or F1 - This message\n" + "Q - Quit\n" + "S - Select mode\n" + "C - Create entity mode\n" + "A - Create relation (\"arrow\") mode\n" + "I - Create inheritance mode\n" + "Enter or Double click - Edit selected thing\n" + "Insert - Insert relation control point\n" + "Delete - Delete selected thing\n" + "Ctrl+C, Ctrl-V - Copy/paste, including across windows\n" + "Ctrl+S - Save to file and export to PNG (fname+\".png\")\n" + "Ctrl+O - Load from file (can import ER files)\n" + "Left click - select\n" + "Ctrl+Left click - multiselect\n" + "Left click+drag - multiselect rectangle\n" + "Right click - properties\n" + "\n" + "When entity selected, F/B to move to front/back.\n" + "When relation selected, H/V/D to change routing,\n" + "and O to toggle owned/shared.\n" + "When inheritance selected, O to change open/closed.\n" + "When dragging, hold Shift to turn off 5-pixel snap.\n" + "\n" + "See menu bar for commands without keybindings."; /** The existence and value of this field tells (via reflection) * Abbot, a GUI test tool, that it should record low-level mouse * events rather than converting them into "click" or "drag" * events. */ public static String abbotRecorderClassName = "NoClickComponent"; /** When true, turn on some extra diagnostics related to debugging * a problem with Abbot where it interferes with normal focus. */ public static final boolean debugFocus = false; // ------------- static data --------------- /** Granularity of drag/move snap action. */ public static final int SNAP_DIST = 5; // ------------- private types --------------- /** Primary "mode" of the editing interface, indicating what happens * when the left mouse button is clicked or released. */ public static enum Mode { DCM_SELECT // click to select/move/resize ("Select"), DCM_CREATE_ENTITY // click to create an entity ("Create entity"), DCM_CREATE_RELATION // click to create a relation ("Create relation"), DCM_CREATE_INHERITANCE // click to create an inheritance relation ("Create inheritance"), DCM_DRAGGING // currently drag-moving something ("Dragging"), DCM_RECT_LASSO // currently drag-lasso selecting ("Rectangle lasso selecting"); /** User-visible description of the mode. */ public final String description; private Mode(String d) { this.description = d; } } // ------------- instance data --------------- /** Parent diagram editor window. */ private Ded dedWindow; /** The diagram we are editing. */ public Diagram diagram; /** Set of controllers for elements of the diagram. For the moment, the order * is supposed to be the same as the corresponding 'diagram' model elements, * but I'm not sure how I'm going to maintain that invariant or if it is * really what I want. */ private ArrayList<Controller> controllers; /** Current primary editing mode. */ private Mode mode; /** If DCM_RECT_LASSO, the point where the mouse button was originally pressed. */ private Point lassoStart; /** If DCM_RECT_LASSO, the current mouse position. */ private Point lassoEnd; /** If DCM_RECT_LASSO, the set of originally-selected controllers, * which is to be included in whatever is contained by the lasso. */ private IdentityHashSet<Controller> lassoOriginalSelected = new IdentityHashSet<Controller>(); /** If CFM_DRAGGING, this is the controller being moved. */ private Controller dragging; /** If CFM_DRAGGING, this is the vector from the original mouse click point * to the Controller's original getLoc(). */ private Point dragOffset; /** Most recently used file name, or "" if there is none. */ private String fileName; /** Most recently used directory for loading/saving files. */ private File currentFileChooserDirectory; /** When true, the in-memory Diagram has been modified since the * last time it was saved. */ private boolean dirty; /** When true, the in-memory Diagram was loaded from a file that * was in the ER format. This matters because we cannot *save* * the file in that format. */ private boolean importedFile; /** Map from image file name to cached image. A name can be * mapped to null, meaning we failed to load the image. */ private HashMap<String, Image> imageCache; /** Accumulated log messages. */ private StringBuilder logMessages; /** When not 0, we use a "triple buffer" render technique to * avoid problems on Apple HiDPI/Retina displays. Mode -1 * uses a "compatible" image. Other values are treated as * "imageType" arguments to BufferedImage; for example, 1 * is TYPE_INT_RGB, 2 is TYPE_INT_ARGB, etc. */ private int tripleBufferMode = 0; /** When true, we render frames as fast as possible and measure * the resulting frames per second. */ private boolean fpsMeasurementMode = false; /** Number of frames rendered since entering FPS mode. */ private int fpsFrameCount = 0; /** System.currentTimeMillis() when we entered FPS mode. */ private long fpsStartMillis = 0; /** Last FPS measurement. */ private String fpsMeasurement = null; /** Number of FPS samples reported. This is useful because * the effects of the JIT mean the number naturally climbs * over time, so I need to know about how long I have been * running FPS measurement so I can pick a consistent point * to stop and consider the measurement final. */ private int fpsSampleCount = 0; // ------------- public methods --------------- public DiagramController(Ded dedWindow) { this.setBackground(Color.WHITE); this.dedWindow = dedWindow; this.diagram = new Diagram(); this.controllers = new ArrayList<Controller>(); this.mode = Mode.DCM_SELECT; this.fileName = ""; this.currentFileChooserDirectory = Util.getWorkingDirectoryFile(); this.dirty = false; this.importedFile = false; this.imageCache = new HashMap<String, Image>(); this.logMessages = new StringBuilder(); this.log("Diagram Editor started at " + (new Date())); String tbm = System.getenv("DED_TRIPLE_BUFFER"); if (tbm != null) { try { this.tripleBufferMode = Integer.valueOf(tbm); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { this.log("invalid DED_TRIPLE_BUFFER value \"" + tbm + "\": " + Util.getExceptionMessage(e)); } } this.log("DED_TRIPLE_BUFFER: " + this.tripleBufferMode); this.addMouseListener(this); this.addMouseMotionListener(this); this.addKeyListener(this); this.addComponentListener(this); this.addFocusListener(this); this.setFocusable(true); // I want to see Tab and Shift Tab keys in my KeyListener. this.setFocusTraversalKeysEnabled(false); } public Diagram getDiagram() { return this.diagram; } @Override public void paint(Graphics g) { // Swing JPanel is double buffered already, but that is not // sufficient to avoid rendering bugs on Apple computers // with HiDPI/Retina displays. This is an attempt at a // hack that might circumvent it, effectively triple-buffering // the rendering step. if (this.tripleBufferMode != 0) { // The idea here is if I create an in-memory image with no // initial association with the display, whatever hacks Apple // has added should not kick in, and I get unscaled pixel // rendering. BufferedImage bi; if (this.tripleBufferMode == -1) { // This is not right because we might be drawing on a // different screen than the "default" screen. Also, I // am worried that a "compatible" image might be one // subject to the scaling effects I'm trying to avoid. GraphicsDevice gd = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getDefaultScreenDevice(); GraphicsConfiguration gc = gd.getDefaultConfiguration(); bi = gc.createCompatibleImage(this.getWidth(), this.getHeight()); } else { // This is not ideal because the color representation // for this hidden image may not match that of the display, // necessitating a conversion during 'drawImage'. try { bi = new BufferedImage(this.getWidth(), this.getHeight(), this.tripleBufferMode); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // This would happen if 'tripleBufferMode' were invalid. if (this.tripleBufferMode == BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB) { // I don't know how this could happen. Re-throw. this.log("creating a BufferedImage with TYPE_INT_ARGB failed: " + Util.getExceptionMessage(e)); this.log("re-throwing exception..."); throw e; } else { // Change it to something known to be valid and try again. this.log("creating a BufferedImage with imageType " + this.tripleBufferMode + " failed: " + Util.getExceptionMessage(e)); this.log("switching type to TYPE_INT_ARGB and re-trying..."); this.tripleBufferMode = BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB; this.paint(g); return; } } } Graphics g2 = bi.createGraphics(); this.innerPaint(g2); g2.dispose(); g.drawImage(bi, 0, 0, null /*imageObserver*/); } else { this.innerPaint(g); } if (this.fpsMeasurementMode) { // Immediately trigger another paint cycle. this.repaint(); } } /** The core of the paint routine, after we decide whether to interpose * another buffer. */ private void innerPaint(Graphics g) { super.paint(g); // I do not know the proper way to get a font set automatically // in a Graphics object. Calling JComponent.setFont has gotten // me nowhere. Setting it myself when I first get control // seems to work; but note that I have to do this *after* // calling super.paint(). g.setFont(this.dedWindow.diagramFont); // Filename label. if (this.diagram.drawFileName && !this.fileName.isEmpty()) { String name = new File(this.fileName).getName(); FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(); LineMetrics lm = fm.getLineMetrics(name, g); int x = fileNameLabelMargin; int y = fileNameLabelMargin + (int) lm.getAscent(); g.drawString(name, x, y); y += (int) lm.getUnderlineOffset() + 1 /*...*/; g.drawLine(x, y, x + fm.stringWidth(name), y); } // Controllers. for (Controller c : this.controllers) { if (c.isSelected()) { c.paintSelectionBackground(g); } c.paint(g); } // Lasso rectangle. if (this.mode == Mode.DCM_RECT_LASSO) { Rectangle r = this.getLassoRect(); g.drawRect(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height); } // Current focused Component. if (debugFocus) { KeyboardFocusManager kfm = KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager(); Component fo = kfm.getFocusOwner(); g.drawString("Focus: " + fo, 3, this.getHeight() - 22); } // Mode label. if (this.mode != Mode.DCM_SELECT) { g.drawString("Mode: " + this.mode.description, 3, this.getHeight() - 4); } else if (this.fpsMeasurementMode) { this.fpsFrameCount++; long current = System.currentTimeMillis(); long millis = current - this.fpsStartMillis; if (millis > 1000) { // Update the FPS measurement with the results for this // interval. this.fpsSampleCount++; this.fpsMeasurement = "FPS: " + this.fpsFrameCount + " (millis=" + millis + ", samples=" + this.fpsSampleCount + ")"; // Reset the counters. this.fpsStartMillis = current; this.fpsFrameCount = 0; } g.drawString(this.fpsMeasurement + " (Ctrl+G to stop)", 3, this.getHeight() - 4); } } /** Return the set of currently selected controllers as a freshly * created set object. */ protected HashSet<Controller> getSelectionSet() { HashSet<Controller> ret = new HashSet<Controller>(); for (Controller c : this.controllers) { if (c.isSelected()) { ret.add(c); } } return ret; } /** Set the selection state of all of the controllers in 'set' to 'state'. */ protected void setMultipleSelected(Set<Controller> set, SelectionState state) { for (Controller c : set) { c.setSelected(state); } } /** Deselect all controllers and return the number that were previously selected. */ public int deselectAll() { // Get selection set first, so we only change state after iterating. HashSet<Controller> toDeselect = getSelectionSet(); // Unselect them. setMultipleSelected(toDeselect, SelectionState.SS_UNSELECTED); return toDeselect.size(); } /** Return the top-most Controller that contains 'point' and satisfies 'filter' * (if it is not null), or null if none does. */ private Controller hitTest(Point point, ControllerFilter filter) { // Go backwards for top-down order. for (int i = this.controllers.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Controller c = this.controllers.get(i); if (filter != null && filter.satisfies(c) == false) { continue; } if (c.boundsContains(point)) { return c; } } return null; } /** Hit test restricted to Entities. */ private EntityController hitTestEntity(Point pt) { return (EntityController) hitTest(pt, new ControllerFilter() { public boolean satisfies(Controller c) { return c instanceof EntityController; } }); } /** Hit test restricted to Inheritances. */ private InheritanceController hitTestInheritance(Point pt) { return (InheritanceController) hitTest(pt, new ControllerFilter() { public boolean satisfies(Controller c) { return c instanceof InheritanceController; } }); } /** This method is passed some of the input events. I'm using it * as a convenient instrumentation point while experimenting with * and fixing bugs in Abbot. In production usage, it should do * nothing. */ private void eventReceived(AWTEvent e) { //System.out.println(e.toString()); } @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { this.eventReceived(e); switch (this.mode) { case DCM_SELECT: { // Clicked a controller? Controller c = this.hitTest(e.getPoint(), null); if (c == null) { // Missed controls, start a lasso selection // if left button. if (SwingUtilities.isLeftMouseButton(e)) { this.lassoOriginalSelected.clear(); if (SwingUtil.controlPressed(e)) { // Control is pressed. Keep current selections. this.lassoOriginalSelected.addAll(this.getAllSelected()); } else { if (this.deselectAll() > 0) { this.repaint(); } } // Enter lasso mode. setMode(Mode.DCM_RECT_LASSO); this.lassoStart = this.lassoEnd = e.getPoint(); } } else { c.mousePressed(e); } break; } case DCM_CREATE_RELATION: { // Make a Relation that starts and ends at the current location. RelationEndpoint start = this.getRelationEndpoint(e.getPoint()); RelationEndpoint end = new RelationEndpoint(start); end.arrowStyle = ArrowStyle.AS_FILLED_TRIANGLE; Relation r = new Relation(start, end); this.diagram.relations.add(r); this.setDirty(); // Build a controller and select it. RelationController rc = this.buildRelationController(r); this.selectOnly(rc); // Drag the end point while the mouse button is held. this.beginDragging(rc.getEndHandle(), e.getPoint()); this.repaint(); break; } case DCM_CREATE_ENTITY: { EntityController.createEntityAt(this, e.getPoint()); this.setMode(Mode.DCM_SELECT); this.setDirty(); break; } case DCM_CREATE_INHERITANCE: { if (SwingUtilities.isLeftMouseButton(e)) { this.createInheritanceAt(e.getPoint()); this.setDirty(); } break; } case DCM_DRAGGING: case DCM_RECT_LASSO: // These modes are entered with a mouse press and // exited with mouse release, so we should not get // a mouse press while already in such a mode. // Ignore it if it happens. break; } } @Override public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) { this.eventReceived(e); if (this.mode == Mode.DCM_DRAGGING) { this.selfCheck(); // Where are we going to move the dragged object's main point? Point destLoc = GeomUtil.subtract(e.getPoint(), this.dragOffset); // Snap if Shift not held. if (!SwingUtil.shiftPressed(e)) { destLoc = GeomUtil.snapPoint(destLoc, SNAP_DIST); } if (this.dragging.isSelected()) { // How far are we going to move the dragged object? Point delta = GeomUtil.subtract(destLoc, this.dragging.getLoc()); // Move all selected controls by that amount. for (Controller c : this.controllers) { if (!c.isSelected()) { continue; } Point cur = c.getLoc(); c.dragTo(GeomUtil.add(cur, delta)); } } else { // Dragging item is not selected; must be a resize handle. this.dragging.dragTo(destLoc); } this.repaint(); } if (this.mode == Mode.DCM_RECT_LASSO) { this.lassoEnd = e.getPoint(); this.selectAccordingToLasso(); this.repaint(); } } @Override public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { this.eventReceived(e); // Click+drag should only be initiated with left mouse button, so ignore // release of others. if (!SwingUtilities.isLeftMouseButton(e)) { return; } if (this.mode == Mode.DCM_DRAGGING || this.mode == Mode.DCM_RECT_LASSO) { this.setMode(Mode.DCM_SELECT); } } @Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { this.eventReceived(e); // Double-click on control to edit it. if (SwingUtilities.isLeftMouseButton(e) && (e.getClickCount() == 2)) { Controller c = this.hitTest(e.getPoint(), null); if (c != null) { c.edit(); } } } // MouseListener methods I do not care about. @Override public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { } @Override public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { } // MouseMotionListener events I do not care about. @Override public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) { this.eventReceived(e); // Keep the focus display up to date if desired. if (debugFocus && e.getX() < 10) { this.repaint(); } } @Override public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { this.eventReceived(e); // Note: Some of the key bindings shown in the help dialog // have been moved to the menu created in if (SwingUtil.controlPressed(e)) { switch (e.getKeyCode()) { case KeyEvent.VK_F: if (this.fpsMeasurementMode == false) { this.fpsMeasurementMode = true; this.fpsStartMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.fpsFrameCount = 0; this.fpsMeasurement = "(FPS measurement in progress)"; this.repaint(); } else { // FPS mode already active. We get lots of key // events due to auto-repeat. } break; case KeyEvent.VK_G: this.fpsMeasurementMode = false; break; } return; } if (SwingUtil.altPressed(e)) { return; } // See if the selected controller wants this keypress. Controller sel = this.getUniqueSelected(); if (sel != null) { if (sel.keyPressed(e)) { return; } } switch (e.getKeyCode()) { case KeyEvent.VK_X: if (SwingUtil.shiftPressed(e)) { assert (false); // Make sure assertions are enabled. } else { throw new RuntimeException("Test exception/error message."); } break; case KeyEvent.VK_H: this.showHelpBox(); break; case KeyEvent.VK_TAB: this.selectNextController(!SwingUtil.shiftPressed(e) /*forward*/); break; } } /** Compare Controllers by their 'getLoc()' point, ordering them * first top to bottom then left to right. */ public static class ControllerLocationComparator implements Comparator<Controller> { @Override public int compare(Controller a, Controller b) { Point aLoc = a.getLoc(); Point bLoc = b.getLoc(); int cmp = Util.compareInts(aLoc.y, bLoc.y); if (cmp != 0) { return cmp; } cmp = Util.compareInts(aLoc.x, bLoc.x); if (cmp != 0) { return cmp; } return 0; } } /** If a controller is selected, cycle to either the next or * previous depending on 'forward' (true means next). * * Otherwise, select the first controller if there is one. */ public void selectNextController(boolean forward) { // Make a list of cyclable controllers. In particular, we need // to ignore resize handles. ArrayList<Controller> controllerCycle = new ArrayList<Controller>(); for (Controller c : this.controllers) { if (c.wantLassoSelection()) { controllerCycle.add(c); } } // The insertion order isn't very meaningful and cannot be // easily changed by the user. So, instead, sort by the // controllers' locations to make the cycle order more // predictable. Collections.sort(controllerCycle, new ControllerLocationComparator()); // Locate the currently selected controller in the sorted cycle. int curSelIndex = controllerCycle.indexOf(this.getUniqueSelected()); if (curSelIndex == -1) { // Nothing selected, start with first controller if // there is one. if (!controllerCycle.isEmpty()) { selectOnly(controllerCycle.get(0)); } return; } // Compute index of next to select, cycling as necessary. // The extra size() term is to ensure the dividend does not // become negative. int nextSelIndex = (controllerCycle.size() + curSelIndex + (forward ? +1 : -1)) % controllerCycle.size(); // Select it. selectOnly(controllerCycle.get(nextSelIndex)); } /** Show the box with the key bindings. */ public void showHelpBox() { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, helpMessage, "Diagram Editor Keybindings", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } /** Show a window with the log. */ public void showLogWindow() { SwingUtil.logFileMessageBox(this, this.logMessages.toString(), "Diagram Editor Log"); } /** Clear the current diagram. */ public void newFile() { if (this.isDirty()) { int res = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(this, "There are unsaved changes. Create new diagram anyway?", "New Diagram Confirmation", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); if (res != JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { return; } } // Reset file status. this.dirty = false; this.setFileName(""); // Clear the diagram. this.setDiagram(new Diagram()); } /** Change the Diagram to an entirely new one. */ private void setDiagram(Diagram newDiagram) { this.diagram = newDiagram; this.rebuildControllers(); this.dedWindow.updateMenuState(); this.repaint(); } /** Prompt for a file name to load, then replace the current diagram with it. */ public void loadFromFile() { if (this.isDirty()) { int res = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(this, "There are unsaved changes. Load new diagram anyway?", "Load Confirmation", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); if (res != JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { return; } } JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser(); chooser.setCurrentDirectory(this.currentFileChooserDirectory); chooser.addChoosableFileFilter( new FileNameExtensionFilter("Diagram and ER Editor Files (.ded, .png, .er)", "ded", "png", "er")); int res = chooser.showOpenDialog(this); if (res == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { this.currentFileChooserDirectory = chooser.getCurrentDirectory(); this.loadFromNamedFile(chooser.getSelectedFile().getAbsolutePath()); } } /** Load from the given file, replacing the current diagram. */ public void loadFromNamedFile(String name) { if (!new File(name).exists()) { SwingUtil.errorMessageBox(this, "File \"" + name + "\" does not exist."); return; } try { Diagram d; // See if this is a PNG file with a DED-created comment. if (name.endsWith(".png") || name.endsWith(".PNG")) { d = loadFromPNG(name); if (d == null) { return; // canceled, or error already reported } } else { // For compatibility with the C++ implementation, start // by trying to read it in the ER format. d = Diagram.readFromERFile(name); if (d != null) { // Success; but we need to indicate that the file will // be saved in a different format, lest people lose // their original file unexpectedly. this.importedFile = true; } else { // Read the file as JSON. d = Diagram.readFromFile(name); this.importedFile = false; } // Success. Update file name. this.dirty = false; this.setFileName(name); } // Sizing is achieved by specifying a preferred size for // the content pane, then packing other controls and the // window border stuff around it. this.setPreferredSize(d.windowSize); this.dedWindow.pack(); // Swap in the new diagram and rebuild the UI for it. this.setDiagram(d); } catch (Exception e) { this.exnErrorMessageBox("Error while reading \"" + name + "\"", e); } } /** Try to load a diagram by reading the JSON out of the comment * section of the PNG file 'pngName'. If that succeeds, return * non-null, and also set: * * * this.importedFile * * this.dirty * * this.fileName * * Return null if this failed but we already explained the problem * to the user, or the user cancels; or throw an exception otherwise. */ private Diagram loadFromPNG(String pngName) throws Exception { // Get the name of the image source file. String sourceFileName = pngName.substring(0, pngName.length() - 4); File sourceFile = new File(sourceFileName); if (sourceFile.exists()) { if (SwingUtil.confirmationBox(this, "You are trying to open a diagram PNG file \"" + pngName + "\", but the source DED file \"" + sourceFileName + "\" is right next to it. Usually, you should open " + "the source file instead. Otherwise, that source file " + "will be overwritten when you next save. Are you sure you want to " + "read the diagram out of the PNG comment?", "Are you sure?", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION) != JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { return null; } } // Try to read the comment from the file. If the file is corrupt // or cannot be read, this will throw. But if the comment is merely // absent, then this will return null. String comment = ImageFileUtil.getPNGComment(new File(pngName)); if (comment == null || comment.isEmpty()) { SwingUtil.errorMessageBox(this, "The PNG file \"" + pngName + "\" does not contain a comment, " + "so it is not possible to read the diagram source from it."); return null; } // Do a preliminary sanity check on the comment. if (!comment.startsWith("{")) { SwingUtil.errorMessageBox(this, "The PNG file \"" + pngName + "\" contains a comment, " + "but it does not begin with '{', so it is not a comment " + "created by DED, " + "so it is not possible to read the diagram source from it."); return null; } // Try parsing the comment as diagram JSON. Diagram d; try { d = Diagram.readFromReader(new StringReader(comment)); } catch (Exception e) { this.exnErrorMessageBox("The PNG file \"" + pngName + "\" has a comment that might " + "have been created by DED, but parsing that comment as " + "a diagram source file failed", e); return null; } // That worked. Update the editor state variables. this.importedFile = false; // Note: We chop off ".png" and treat that as the name for // subsequent saves. this.setFileName(sourceFileName); // The file is not considered dirty because they are no // unsaved changes, even though the next save may cause // on-disk changes due to overwriting a source file if the // user ignored the warning above. this.dirty = false; return d; } /** Rebuild all the controllers from 'diagram'. */ private void rebuildControllers() { this.controllers.clear(); for (Entity e : this.diagram.entities) { this.buildEntityController(e); } for (Relation r : this.diagram.relations) { this.buildRelationController(r); } for (Inheritance inh : this.diagram.inheritances) { this.buildInheritanceController(inh); } this.setMode(Mode.DCM_SELECT); } /** Prompt user for file name and save to it. */ public void chooseAndSaveToFile() { // Prompt for a file name, confirming if the file already exists. String result = this.fileName; while (true) { JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser(); chooser.setCurrentDirectory(this.currentFileChooserDirectory); chooser.addChoosableFileFilter(new FileNameExtensionFilter("Diagram Editor Files (.ded)", "ded")); int res = chooser.showSaveDialog(this); if (res != JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { return; } this.currentFileChooserDirectory = chooser.getCurrentDirectory(); result = chooser.getSelectedFile().getAbsolutePath(); if (new File(result).exists()) { res = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(this, "A file called \"" + result + "\" already exists. Overwrite it?", "Confirm Overwrite", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); if (res != JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { continue; // Ask again. } } break; } // Save to the chosen file. this.saveToNamedFile(result); } /** Save to the current file name. If there is no file name, * prompt for a name. */ public void saveCurrentFile() { if (this.fileName.isEmpty()) { this.chooseAndSaveToFile(); } else { if (this.importedFile) { int res = SwingUtil.confirmationBox(this, "This diagram was loaded from \"" + this.fileName + "\", which uses the old binary ER format from the " + "C++ ERED implementation. If you save the file, it " + "will be overwritten with the new JSON-based format " + "used by the Java-based Diagram Editor, which the " + "C++ ERED cannot read.\n" + "\n" + "In order to avoid confusion, it is probably best to " + "save the new file with the \".ded\" extension rather " + "than the traditional \".er\" extension so that others " + "will know to use Ded to read it.\n" + "\n" + "Overwrite with the new format anyway?", "Confirm Overwrite of Imported File", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); if (res != JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { return; } } this.saveToNamedFile(this.fileName); } } /** Save to the specified file. */ private void saveToNamedFile(String fname) { try { this.diagram.saveToFile(fname); } catch (Exception e) { this.exnErrorMessageBox("Error while saving \"" + fname + "\"", e); return; } // If it worked, remember the new name. this.dirty = false; this.importedFile = false; this.setFileName(fname); // Additionally, always export to PNG. String pngFname = fname + ".png"; try { // I will save the document source JSON as a comment in the image // file so if the source gets separated, I can still edit // the image. One place this really helps is with diagrams // on a wiki: there is no easy way to upload both an image // and its source, nor even uninterpreted source files alone // for that matter. It also helps with email attachments, // where again it is awkward to send pairs of files. // First, get the JSON as a string. String comment = this.diagram.toJSONString(); // Now, this string might contain non-ASCII characters inside // the JSON strings. They need to be changed to use JSON // escapes to conform to the requirements of comments in PNG // files. StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < comment.length(); i++) { char c = comment.charAt(i); if (c >= 127) { // Render this using a JSON escape sequence. (We // simply assume that non-ASCII characters will only // appear inside quoted strings.) // // JSON escapes use UTF-16 code units, with all the // surrogate pair ugliness, just like Java Strings, // so there is no transformation to do on them. sb.append(String.format("\\u%04X", (int) c)); } else { // Note that 'c' here will be printable because the // procedure for rendering JSON as a string already // maps the control characters to escape sequences. sb.append(c); } } // Write the image to the PNG file, including with the comment. writeToPNG(new File(pngFname), sb.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { this.exnErrorMessageBox("The primary diagram file \"" + fname + "\" was saved successfully, " + "but exporting the PNG to \"" + pngFname + "\" failed", e); } } /** Change the recent file name to 'name', updating window title too. */ private void setFileName(String name) { this.fileName = name; this.updateWindowTitle(); // Changing the file name affects the drawn name in the // main editing area (if enabled). this.repaint(); } /** Write the diagram in PNG format to 'file' with an optional comment. * The comment must only use ASCII characters. */ public void writeToPNG(File file, String comment) throws Exception { // For a large-ish diagram, this operation takes ~200ms. For now, // I will just acknowledge the delay. An idea for the future is // to add a status bar to the UI, then do the export work in a // separate thread, with an indicator in the status bar that will // reflect when the operation completes. I consider it important // for the user to know when it finishes so if it takes a long // time, they don't in the meantime go copy or view the partially // written image. this.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR)); try { // Based on code from: // // First, render the image to an in-memory image buffer. BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(this.getSize().width, this.getSize().height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); Graphics g = bi.createGraphics(); this.paintWithoutSelectionsShowing(g); g.dispose(); // Now, write that image to a file in PNG format. String warning = ImageFileUtil.writeImageToPNGFile(bi, file, comment); if (warning != null) { SwingUtil.warningMessageBox(this, "File save completed successfully, but while exporting to PNG, " + "there was a warning: " + warning); } } finally { this.setCursor(Cursor.getDefaultCursor()); } } /** Paint diagram to 'g', except temporarily deselect everything * first so that the selection indicators do not not appear. */ protected void paintWithoutSelectionsShowing(Graphics g) { // Turn off selections. HashSet<Controller> originalSelection = this.getSelectionSet(); setMultipleSelected(originalSelection, SelectionState.SS_UNSELECTED); try { // Paint now that selections are turned off. // // This uses 'innerPaint' to bypass the additional buffering // logic, which is unnecessary here since we are already // rendering to a hidden image to write to a file. this.innerPaint(g); } finally { // Restore selection state. setSelectionSet(originalSelection); } } /** Check to see if the font is rendering properly. I have had a * lot of trouble getting this to work on a wide range of * machines and JVMs. If the font rendering does not work, just * alert the user to the problem but keep going. */ public void checkFontRendering() { // Render the glyph for 'A' in a box just large enough to // contain it when rendered properly. int width = 9; int height = 11; BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); Graphics g = bi.createGraphics(); ColorModel colorModel = bi.getColorModel(); g.setColor(Color.WHITE); g.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); g.setColor(Color.BLACK); g.setFont(this.dedWindow.diagramFont); g.drawString("A", 0, 10); // Print that glyph as a string. StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { int bits = 0; for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { int pixel = bi.getRGB(x, y); int red = colorModel.getRed(pixel); int green = colorModel.getGreen(pixel); int blue = colorModel.getBlue(pixel); int alpha = colorModel.getAlpha(pixel); boolean isWhite = (red == 255 && green == 255 && blue == 255 && alpha == 255); boolean isBlack = (red == 0 && green == 0 && blue == 0 && alpha == 255); sb.append( isWhite ? "_" : isBlack ? "X" : ("(" + red + "," + green + "," + blue + "," + alpha + ")")); bits <<= 1; if (!isWhite) { bits |= 1; } } sb.append(String.format(" (0x%03X)\n", bits)); } // Also include some of the font metrics. FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(); sb.append("fm: ascent=" + fm.getAscent() + " leading=" + fm.getLeading() + " charWidth('A')=" + fm.charWidth('A') + " descent=" + fm.getDescent() + " height=" + fm.getHeight() + "\n"); String actualGlyph = sb.toString(); g.dispose(); // The expected glyph and metrics. String expectedGlyph = "_________ (0x000)\n" + "____X____ (0x010)\n" + "___X_X___ (0x028)\n" + "___X_X___ (0x028)\n" + "__X___X__ (0x044)\n" + "__X___X__ (0x044)\n" + "__XXXXX__ (0x07C)\n" + "_X_____X_ (0x082)\n" + "_X_____X_ (0x082)\n" + "_X_____X_ (0x082)\n" + "_________ (0x000)\n" + "fm: ascent=10 leading=1 charWidth('A')=9 descent=3 height=14\n"; if (!expectedGlyph.equals(actualGlyph)) { // Currently, this is known to happen when using OpenJDK 6 // and 7, with 6 being close to right and 7 being very bad. // I also have reports of it happening on certain Mac OS/X // systems, but I haven't been able to determine what the // important factor there is. String warningMessage = "There is a problem with the font rendering. The glyph " + "for the letter 'A' should look like:\n" + expectedGlyph + "but it renders as:\n" + actualGlyph + "\n" + "This probably means there is a bug in the TrueType " + "font library. You might try a different Java version. " + "(I'm working on how to solve this permanently.)"; System.err.println(warningMessage); this.log(warningMessage); SwingUtil.errorMessageBox(null /*component*/, warningMessage); } } /** Get and log some details related to display scaling, particularly * to help diagnose the graphics bugs on HiDPI/Retina displays. */ public void logDisplayScaling() { // Based on code from // try { // Dump a bunch of possibly interesting JVM properties. String propertyNames[] = { "awt.toolkit", "java.awt.graphicsenv", "", "java.runtime.version", "java.vendor", "java.version", "", "java.vm.vendor", "java.vm.version", }; for (String name : propertyNames) { this.log("property " + name + ": " + System.getProperty(name)); } // Try a property specific to the Apple JVM. this.log("apple.awt.contentScaleFactor: " + Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getDesktopProperty("apple.awt.contentScaleFactor")); // Try something specific to OpenJDK. Here, we // reflectively query some private field. Yuck. GraphicsDevice gd = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getDefaultScreenDevice(); try { Field field = gd.getClass().getDeclaredField("scale"); field.setAccessible(true); this.log("GraphicsEnvironment.scale: " + field.get(gd)); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { this.log("GraphicsEnvironment does not have a 'scale' field"); } // Check some details of "compatible" images. GraphicsConfiguration gc = gd.getDefaultConfiguration(); BufferedImage bi = gc.createCompatibleImage(64, 64); ColorModel cm = bi.getColorModel(); this.log("compatible image color model: " + cm); // Do the same for a specific imageType that seems to be // commonly used, and that I am using when saving to PNG. bi = new BufferedImage(64, 64, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); cm = bi.getColorModel(); this.log("TYPE_INT_ARGB color model: " + cm); // And one more. bi = new BufferedImage(64, 64, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); cm = bi.getColorModel(); this.log("TYPE_INT_RGB color model: " + cm); } catch (Exception e) { this.log("exception during logDisplayScaling(): " + Util.getExceptionMessage(e)); this.logNoNewline(Util.getExceptionStackTrace(e)); } } /** Called when the diagram has been changed. This does a repaint * and sets the dirty bit. */ public void diagramChanged() { this.setDirty(); this.repaint(); } /** Set 'dirty' to true. */ public void setDirty() { if (!this.dirty) { this.dirty = true; this.updateWindowTitle(); } } /** Clear the dirty bit. */ public void clearDirty() { if (this.dirty) { this.dirty = false; this.updateWindowTitle(); } } /** Return true if 'dirty'. */ public boolean isDirty() { return this.dirty; } /** Set the window title to match current state. */ private void updateWindowTitle() { String title = Ded.windowTitle; if (!this.fileName.isEmpty()) { // Do not include the directory here. title += ": " + new File(this.fileName).getName(); } if (this.importedFile) { title += " (imported)"; } if (this.dirty) { title += " *"; } this.dedWindow.setTitle(title); } // KeyListener methods I do not care about. @Override public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) { } @Override public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { } /** Change the UI mode to 'm', maintaining a few invariants in the process. */ public void setMode(Mode m) { this.mode = m; if (m != Mode.DCM_DRAGGING) { if (this.dragging != null) { this.dragging.stopDragging(); } this.dragging = null; this.dragOffset = new Point(0, 0); } if (m != Mode.DCM_RECT_LASSO) { this.lassoStart = this.lassoEnd = new Point(0, 0); this.lassoOriginalSelected.clear(); } switch (m) { default: // I tried crosshair for lasso, but that is too annoying // when just clicking in empty space. I also tried the // "move" cursor for dragging, but that cursor blocks too // much of the view of the area right under what is being // moved, making precise positioning difficult. // // Basically, I don't really need a different cursor when // the mouse button is pressed because the user has already // initiated an action and is therefore aware that something // unusual is happening. And in most other cases, I don't // need a special cursor because the effect of pressing the // mouse is fairly obvious already. this.setCursor(Cursor.getDefaultCursor()); break; case DCM_CREATE_ENTITY: case DCM_CREATE_INHERITANCE: case DCM_CREATE_RELATION: // The crosshair here is not particularly suggestive of // what the mode does, but it is noticeably different, // which clues the user to the altered behavior. this.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.CROSSHAIR_CURSOR)); break; } this.selfCheck(); this.repaint(); } /** Construct a controller for 'e' and add it to 'this'. */ private EntityController buildEntityController(Entity e) { EntityController ec = new EntityController(this, e); this.add(ec); return ec; } /** Construct a controller for 'r' and add it to 'this'. */ private RelationController buildRelationController(Relation r) { RelationController rc = new RelationController(this, r); this.add(rc); return rc; } /** Construct a controller for 'inh' and add it to 'this'. */ private InheritanceController buildInheritanceController(Inheritance inh) { InheritanceController ic = new InheritanceController(this, inh); this.add(ic); return ic; } /** If there is exactly one controller selected, return it; otherwise * return null. */ public Controller getUniqueSelected() { Controller ret = null; for (Controller c : this.controllers) { if (c.isSelected()) { if (ret != null) { return null; // More than one is selected. } ret = c; } } return ret; } /** Get all selected controllers. */ public IdentityHashSet<Controller> getAllSelected() { return this.findControllers(new ControllerFilter() { public boolean satisfies(Controller c) { return c.isSelected(); } }); } /** Edit the selected controller and associated entity, if any. */ public void editSelected() { if (this.mode == Mode.DCM_SELECT) { Controller c = this.getUniqueSelected(); if (c != null) { c.edit(); } else { this.errorMessageBox("There must be exactly one thing selected to edit it."); } } } /** Copy the selected entities to the (application) clipboard. */ public void copySelected() { IdentityHashSet<Controller> selControllers = this.getAllSelected(); if (selControllers.isEmpty()) { this.errorMessageBox("Nothing is selected to copy."); return; } // Collect all the selected elements. IdentityHashSet<Entity> selEntities = new IdentityHashSet<Entity>(); IdentityHashSet<Inheritance> selInheritances = new IdentityHashSet<Inheritance>(); IdentityHashSet<Relation> selRelations = new IdentityHashSet<Relation>(); for (Controller c : selControllers) { if (c instanceof EntityController) { selEntities.add(((EntityController) c).entity); } if (c instanceof InheritanceController) { selInheritances.add(((InheritanceController) c).inheritance); } if (c instanceof RelationController) { selRelations.add(((RelationController) c).relation); } } // Map from elements in the original to their counterpart in the copy. IdentityHashMap<Entity, Entity> entityToCopy = new IdentityHashMap<Entity, Entity>(); IdentityHashMap<Inheritance, Inheritance> inheritanceToCopy = new IdentityHashMap<Inheritance, Inheritance>(); // Construct a new Diagram with just the selected elements. Diagram copy = new Diagram(); for (Entity e : selEntities) { Entity eCopy = new Entity(e); entityToCopy.put(e, eCopy); copy.entities.add(eCopy); } for (Inheritance i : selInheritances) { // See if the parent entity is among those we are copying. Entity parentCopy = entityToCopy.get(i.parent); if (parentCopy == null) { // No, so we'll skip the inheritance too. } else { Inheritance iCopy = new Inheritance(i, parentCopy); inheritanceToCopy.put(i, iCopy); copy.inheritances.add(iCopy); } } for (Relation r : selRelations) { RelationEndpoint startCopy = copyRelationEndpoint(r.start, entityToCopy, inheritanceToCopy); RelationEndpoint endCopy = copyRelationEndpoint(r.end, entityToCopy, inheritanceToCopy); if (startCopy == null || endCopy == null) { // Skip the relation. } else { copy.relations.add(new Relation(r, startCopy, endCopy)); } } // Make sure the Diagram is well-formed. try { // This is quadratic... copy.selfCheck(); } catch (Throwable t) { this.errorMessageBox("Internal error: failed to create a well-formed copy: " + t); return; } // Copy it as a string to the system clipboard. StringSelection data = new StringSelection(copy.toJSONString()); Clipboard clipboard = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard(); clipboard.setContents(data, data); clipboard = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemSelection(); if (clipboard != null) { clipboard.setContents(data, data); } } /** Make a copy of 'src', taking advantage of the maps to corresponding * entities and inheritances already copied. */ private static RelationEndpoint copyRelationEndpoint(RelationEndpoint src, IdentityHashMap<Entity, Entity> entityToCopy, IdentityHashMap<Inheritance, Inheritance> inheritanceToCopy) { RelationEndpoint ret; if (src.entity != null) { Entity eCopy = entityToCopy.get(src.entity); if (eCopy == null) { // Counterpart is not copied, so we will bail on the // endpoint, and hence the relation too. return null; } ret = new RelationEndpoint(eCopy); } else if (src.inheritance != null) { Inheritance iCopy = inheritanceToCopy.get(src.inheritance); if (iCopy == null) { return null; } ret = new RelationEndpoint(iCopy); } else { ret = new RelationEndpoint(new Point(; } ret.arrowStyle = src.arrowStyle; return ret; } /** Try to read the clipboard contents as a Diagram. Return null and * display an error if we cannot. */ private Diagram getClipboardAsDiagram() { // Let's start with the "selection" because if it is valid JSON // then it's probably what we want. String selErrorMessage = null; String selContents = null; Clipboard clipboard = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemSelection(); if (clipboard == null) { // Probably we're running on something other than X Windows, // so we thankfully don't have to deal with the screwy // "selection" concept. } else { Transferable clipData = clipboard.getContents(clipboard); if (clipData == null) { selErrorMessage = "Nothing is in the \"selection\"."; } else { try { if (clipData.isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor.stringFlavor)) { selContents = (String) (clipData.getTransferData(DataFlavor.stringFlavor)); // Try to parse it. try { return Diagram.parseJSONString(selContents); } catch (JSONException e) { selErrorMessage = "Could not parse selection data as Diagram JSON: " + e; } } else { selErrorMessage = "The data in the selection is not a string."; } } catch (Exception e) { selErrorMessage = "Error while retrieving selection data: " + e; } } } // Now try again with the clipboard. String clipErrorMessage = null; String clipContents = null; clipboard = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard(); if (clipboard == null) { clipErrorMessage = "getSystemClipboard returned null?!"; } else { Transferable clipData = clipboard.getContents(clipboard); if (clipData == null) { clipErrorMessage = "Nothing is in the clipboard."; } else { try { if (clipData.isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor.stringFlavor)) { clipContents = (String) (clipData.getTransferData(DataFlavor.stringFlavor)); try { return Diagram.parseJSONString(clipContents); } catch (JSONException e) { clipErrorMessage = "Could not parse clipboard data as Diagram JSON: " + e; } } else { clipErrorMessage = "The data in the clipboard is not a string."; } } catch (Exception e) { clipErrorMessage = "Error while retrieving clipboard data: " + e; } } } // Both methods failed, and we have one or two error messages. // Decide what to show. if (selErrorMessage == null) { this.errorMessageBox(clipErrorMessage); } else if (selContents == null && clipContents != null) { this.errorMessageBox(clipErrorMessage); } else if (selContents != null && clipContents == null) { this.errorMessageBox(selErrorMessage); } else if (selContents.equals(clipContents)) { this.errorMessageBox(clipErrorMessage + " (The selection and clipboard contents are the same.)"); } else { this.errorMessageBox("Failed to read either the selection or the clipboard. " + selErrorMessage + " " + clipErrorMessage); } return null; } /** Insert the clipboard contents into the diagram. */ public void pasteClipboard() { // Try to parse what is in the clipboard as Diagram JSON. Diagram copy = this.getClipboardAsDiagram(); if (copy == null) { // Already showed the error dialog. return; } // Prepare to select only the new controllers. this.deselectAll(); // Insert the new entities, making controllers for them. final IdentityHashSet<Controller> newControllers = new IdentityHashSet<Controller>(); for (Entity e : copy.entities) { this.diagram.entities.add(e); newControllers.add(this.buildEntityController(e)); } for (Inheritance i : copy.inheritances) { this.diagram.inheritances.add(i); newControllers.add(this.buildInheritanceController(i)); } for (Relation r : copy.relations) { this.diagram.relations.add(r); newControllers.add(this.buildRelationController(r)); } // Make exactly the new controllers selected. this.selectAccordingToFilter(new ControllerFilter() { public boolean satisfies(Controller c) { return newControllers.contains(c); } }); this.diagramChanged(); } /** Delete the selected controllers and associated entities, if any. */ public void deleteSelected() { if (this.mode == Mode.DCM_SELECT) { IdentityHashSet<Controller> sel = this.getAllSelected(); int n = sel.size(); if (n > 1) { int choice = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(this, "Delete " + n + " elements?", "Confirm Deletion", JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION); if (choice != JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) { return; } } this.deleteControllers(sel); } } /** Insert a new control point into the selected controller and * associated entity, if any and applicable. */ public void insertControlPoint() { if (this.mode == Mode.DCM_SELECT) { Controller c = this.getUniqueSelected(); if (c != null) { c.insertControlPoint(); } else { this.errorMessageBox("There must be exactly one thing selected to insert a control point."); } } } /** Toggle selection state of one controller. */ public void toggleSelection(Controller c) { if (c.isSelected()) { c.setSelected(SelectionState.SS_UNSELECTED); } else { c.setSelected(SelectionState.SS_SELECTED); } this.normalizeExclusiveSelect(); this.repaint(); } /** If exactly one controller is selected, set its state to * SS_EXCLUSIVE; otherwise, set all selected controllers to * SS_SELECTED. */ public void normalizeExclusiveSelect() { this.selectAccordingToFilter(new ControllerFilter() { public boolean satisfies(Controller c) { return c.isSelected(); } }); } /** Select a single controller. */ public void selectOnly(Controller c) { this.deselectAll(); c.setSelected(SelectionState.SS_EXCLUSIVE); this.repaint(); } /** Change mode to DCM_DRAGGING, dragging 'c' from 'pt'. */ public void beginDragging(Controller c, Point pt) { this.dragging = c; this.dragOffset = GeomUtil.subtract(pt, c.getLoc()); c.beginDragging(pt); this.setMode(Mode.DCM_DRAGGING); } /** Check internal invariants, throw assertion failure if violated. */ public void selfCheck() { if (this.mode == Mode.DCM_DRAGGING) { assert (this.dragging != null); } else { assert (this.dragging == null); } for (Controller c : this.controllers) { c.globalSelfCheck(this.diagram); } } /** Set the set of selected controllers to those in 'toSelect'. */ protected void setSelectionSet(final Set<Controller> toSelect) { selectAccordingToFilter(new ControllerFilter() { public boolean satisfies(Controller c) { return toSelect.contains(c); } }); } /** Set the set of selected controllers according to the filter. */ protected void selectAccordingToFilter(ControllerFilter filter) { // During the loop, merely collect the sets of controllers // to select and deselect, then set the selection state afterward; // otherwise, we risk trying to modify the set of controllers // while it is being iterated over, since changing the selection // state of a controller can add or remove resize handles. HashSet<Controller> toSelect = new HashSet<Controller>(); HashSet<Controller> toDeselect = new HashSet<Controller>(); for (Controller c : this.controllers) { if (filter.satisfies(c)) { toSelect.add(c); } else if (c.isSelected()) { toDeselect.add(c); } else { // 'c' is not selected and should not be; just leave // it alone. } } // Deselect everything that should not be selected but // previously was. setMultipleSelected(toDeselect, SelectionState.SS_UNSELECTED); if (toSelect.size() == 1) { // Exclusively select the one lasso'd controller. (Using // the "multi" call is merely syntactically convenient.) // // This will show resize controls. setMultipleSelected(toSelect, SelectionState.SS_EXCLUSIVE); } else { // Set state of all selected controls. setMultipleSelected(toSelect, SelectionState.SS_SELECTED); } } /** Return the current lasso rectangle. */ protected Rectangle getLassoRect() { return new Rectangle(Math.min(this.lassoStart.x, this.lassoEnd.x), Math.min(this.lassoStart.y, this.lassoEnd.y), Math.abs(this.lassoEnd.x - this.lassoStart.x), Math.abs(this.lassoEnd.y - this.lassoStart.y)); } /** Set the set of selected controllers according to the lasso. */ protected void selectAccordingToLasso() { final Rectangle lasso = this.getLassoRect(); this.selectAccordingToFilter(new ControllerFilter() { public boolean satisfies(Controller c) { if (!c.wantLassoSelection()) { // Do not consider resize handles, mainly because doing so // causes them to flicker: lassoing a single control adds // resize handles, making the lasso no longer enclose just // one control, which turns off resize handles, etc. // // I'm actually not sure how the C++ ered tool avoids this // effect. I do not see any avoidance in the code... return false; } // Keep the original set, if any. if (DiagramController.this.lassoOriginalSelected.contains(c)) { return true; } return c.boundsIntersects(lasso); } }); } /** Add an active controller. */ public void add(Controller c) { this.controllers.add(c); this.repaint(); } /** Remove an active controller. */ public void remove(Controller c) { this.controllers.remove(c); this.repaint(); } /** Return true if 'c' is among the active controllers for this diagram. */ public boolean contains(Controller c) { return this.controllers.contains(c); } /** Return set of matching controllers. */ private IdentityHashSet<Controller> findControllers(ControllerFilter filter) { IdentityHashSet<Controller> ret = new IdentityHashSet<Controller>(); for (Controller c : this.controllers) { if (filter.satisfies(c)) { ret.add(c); } } return ret; } /** Delete matching controllers. */ public void deleteControllers(ControllerFilter filter) { // Get the set of matching controllers first; we cannot remove // them while searching due to iterator invalidation issues. IdentityHashSet<Controller> ctls = this.findControllers(filter); this.deleteControllers(ctls); } /** Delete specified controllers. */ public void deleteControllers(IdentityHashSet<Controller> ctls) { for (Controller c : ctls) { // This is inefficient, but oh well: before deleting, check // if it is still in 'controllers'. It might have been removed // due to deletion of another controller in 'ctls'. if (this.controllers.contains(c)) { c.deleteSelfAndData(this.diagram); } this.setDirty(); } } /** Find EntityControllers fully contained in a rectangle. */ public IdentityHashSet<EntityController> findEntityControllersInRectangle(Rectangle rect) { IdentityHashSet<EntityController> ret = new IdentityHashSet<EntityController>(); for (Controller c : this.controllers) { if (c instanceof EntityController) { EntityController ec = (EntityController) c; if (rect.contains(ec.getRect())) { ret.add(ec); } } } return ret; } /** Map a Point to a RelationEndpoint: either an Entity or Inheritance * that contains the Point, or else just the point itself. */ public RelationEndpoint getRelationEndpoint(Point pt) { // Entity? EntityController ec = this.hitTestEntity(pt); if (ec != null) { return new RelationEndpoint(ec.entity); } // Inheritance? InheritanceController ic = this.hitTestInheritance(pt); if (ic != null) { return new RelationEndpoint(ic.inheritance); } // No suitable intersecting controller, use the point itself. return new RelationEndpoint(pt); } /** Create an inheritance based on the user's click on 'point'. */ private void createInheritanceAt(Point point) { // Must be clicking on an entity. EntityController parent = this.hitTestEntity(point); if (parent == null) { this.errorMessageBox( "To create an inheritance, start by clicking " + "and dragging on the parent Entity."); return; } // Make an Inheritance connected to 'parent' and // current location. Inheritance inh = new Inheritance(parent.entity, false /*open*/, point); this.diagram.inheritances.add(inh); this.setDirty(); // Build and select a controller. InheritanceController ic = buildInheritanceController(inh); this.selectOnly(ic); // Drag it while the mouse button is pressed. this.beginDragging(ic, point); this.repaint(); } /** Change the selected entities' fill colors to the named color. */ public void setSelectedEntitiesFillColor(String colorName) { // Iterate over selected entities, changing their color. for (Controller c : this.controllers) { if (c.isSelected() && c instanceof EntityController) { EntityController ec = (EntityController) c; ec.entity.setFillColor(colorName); } } this.diagramChanged(); } /** Change the selected entities' shapes to the indicated shape. */ public void setSelectedEntitiesShape(EntityShape shape) { for (Controller c : this.controllers) { if (c.isSelected() && c instanceof EntityController) { EntityController ec = (EntityController) c; ec.entity.setShape(shape); } } this.diagramChanged(); } public static enum SetAnchorCommand { // Set the anchor name to equal the entity name. SAC_SET_TO_ENTITY_NAME, // Clear the anchor name. SAC_CLEAR } /** Change the selected entities' anchor names in accordance with * 'command'. */ public void setSelectedEntitiesAnchorName(SetAnchorCommand command) { int count = 0; for (Controller c : this.controllers) { if (c.isSelected() && c instanceof EntityController) { EntityController ec = (EntityController) c; switch (command) { case SAC_SET_TO_ENTITY_NAME: ec.entity.anchorName =; break; case SAC_CLEAR: ec.entity.anchorName = ""; break; } count++; } } if (count == 0) { errorMessageBox("There were no selected entities? Should not happen."); } else { SwingUtil.informationMessageBox(this, "Updated entities", "Updated the anchor names of " + count + " entities."); } this.diagramChanged(); } /** Show an error message dialog box with 'message'. */ public void errorMessageBox(String message) { SwingUtil.errorMessageBox(this, message); } /** Show an error message arising from Exception 'e'. */ public void exnErrorMessageBox(String context, Exception e) { errorMessageBox(context + ": " + Util.getExceptionMessage(e)); } /** Get an image for a given file name. Save the result in an * image cache. Return null if it cannot be loaded. */ public Image getImage(String imageFileName) { // Consult the cache. if (this.imageCache.containsKey(imageFileName)) { return this.imageCache.get(imageFileName); // Might be null. } // Try to load the image from disk. Image image = this.innerGetImage(imageFileName); // Cache the result, whatever it was, even if null. this.imageCache.put(imageFileName, image); return image; } /** Get an image for a file name, not using the cache. If there * is problem, log it and return null. */ private Image innerGetImage(String imageFileName) { // What directory will we interpret a relative name as relative to? File relativeBase; if (this.fileName.isEmpty()) { // Use current working directory. relativeBase = Util.getWorkingDirectoryFile(); } else { // Use the directory containing the diagram file. relativeBase = new File(this.fileName).getParentFile(); } // Combine the base with the specified file. File imageFile = Util.getFileRelativeTo(relativeBase, imageFileName); // Try to load the file. FileInputStream is = null; try { // I explicitly create my own InputStream because ImageIO // does a poor job of reporting file read errors. is = new FileInputStream(imageFile); Image image =; if (image == null) { this.log("no registered image reader for: " + imageFile); return null; } this.log("loaded: " + imageFileName); return image; } catch (Exception e) { this.log("while loading \"" + imageFileName + "\": " + Util.getExceptionMessage(e)); return null; } finally { if (is != null) { try { is.close(); } catch (IOException e) { /*ignore*/} } } } /** Clear the image cache and redraw so we reload the images. */ public void reloadEntityImages() { this.log("image cache cleared at " + (new Date())); this.imageCache.clear(); // Reloading images might alter size-locked entity sizes. for (Controller c : this.controllers) { c.updateAfterImageReload(); } this.repaint(); } /** Log the given one-line message. A newline will be added after * it to mark its end in the total accumulated log. */ public void log(String message) { this.logNoNewline(message + "\n"); } /** Add a string to the accumulated log without adding a newline. * This is appropriate when the message may have multiple lines, * all of which are already newline-terminated. */ public void logNoNewline(String message) { this.logMessages.append(message); } /** If 'front' is true, make selected entities top-most so they * are displayed on top of all others, preserving the relative * order of the selected entities. If 'front' is false, move * them to the bottom. */ public void moveSelectedEntitiesToFrontOrBack(boolean front) { // Collect the selected entities and controllers in their // current relative order. I need 'selEntities' so I can // call 'removeAll' and 'addAll' with them. ArrayList<Entity> selEntities = new ArrayList<Entity>(); ArrayList<EntityController> selControllers = new ArrayList<EntityController>(); for (Controller c : this.controllers) { if (c.isSelected() && c instanceof EntityController) { EntityController ec = (EntityController) c; selEntities.add(ec.entity); selControllers.add(ec); } } if (selEntities.isEmpty()) { this.errorMessageBox("There are no selected entities to move."); return; } // Move the entities in the diagram. this.diagram.entities.removeAll(selEntities); if (front) { this.diagram.entities.addAll(selEntities); } else { this.diagram.entities.addAll(0, selEntities); } // Move the controller as well. this.controllers.removeAll(selControllers); if (front) { this.controllers.addAll(selControllers); } else { this.controllers.addAll(0, selControllers); } this.selfCheck(); this.diagramChanged(); } @Override public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) { this.diagram.windowSize = this.getSize(); // I do not set the dirty bit here because resizing is not a // very important action, and I'm having some trouble avoiding // making things dirty on startup. } // ComponentListener events I do not care about. @Override public void componentMoved(ComponentEvent e) { } @Override public void componentShown(ComponentEvent e) { } @Override public void componentHidden(ComponentEvent e) { } @Override public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) { if (debugFocus) { System.out.println("DiagramController focusGained: " + e); this.repaint(); } } @Override public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) { if (debugFocus) { System.out.println("DiagramController focusLost: " + e); this.repaint(); } } /** Return a resource image, using an internal cache. */ public Image getResourceImage(String resourceName) { return this.dedWindow.resourceImageCache.getResourceImage(resourceName); } } // EOF