Java tutorial
package de.zib.gndms.kit.monitor; /* * Copyright 2008-2011 Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64InputStream; import groovy.lang.Binding; import groovy.lang.GroovyShell; import groovy.lang.Script; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItemFactory; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileUploadException; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.disk.DiskFileItemFactory; import org.apache.commons.fileupload.servlet.ServletFileUpload; import org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilerConfiguration; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import javax.servlet.http.*; import*; import; import java.util.List; /** * Instances represent a multi-way connection point between an output stream (get-request) and * input-streams (post-request) of a GroovyMonitorServlet which can be used to execute server-side * groovy script code in a stateful manner. * <br /> * * Thread safe. * * @see GroovyMoniServlet * * @author try ste fan pla nti kow zib * @version $Id$ * * User: stepn Date: 19.07.2008 Time: 13:08:00 */ @SuppressWarnings({ "HardcodedLineSeparator" }) final class GroovyMonitor implements HttpSessionBindingListener, HttpSessionActivationListener { /** * Describes how code is to be executed by a GroovyMoniSession instance * */ enum RunMode { REPL(true, true), BATCH(false, true), SCRIPT(false, false), EVAL_SCRIPT(true, false), // reserved to denote end of execution CLOSE(false, false); /** * Determined if the result of calls to be printed on out */ private final boolean evaled; /** * Determines if a two-way connection is closed after the first post-request or if * it is kept-open for multiple requests */ private final boolean looping; RunMode(boolean eval, boolean loop) { evaled = eval; looping = loop; } boolean isEvaled() { return evaled; } boolean isLooping() { return looping; } } @SuppressWarnings({ "FieldCanBeLocal" }) private static final String INIT_SCRIPT; private static final int INIT_SCRIPT_SIZE_BOUND = 1024; static { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(INIT_SCRIPT_SIZE_BOUND); builder.append("ExpandoMetaClass.enableGlobally()\n"); builder.append("Object.metaClass.out=out\n"); builder.append("Object.metaClass.err=out\n"); INIT_SCRIPT = builder.toString(); } /** * Timeout used in out-stream flushing wait-loop */ private static final long WAIT_LOOP_DELAY = 2300L; /** * The console object that runs the servlet engine that hosts the servlet that uses this */ @Nullable private GroovyMoniServer moniServer; /** * Principal of the get-request that created this instance */ @Nullable private Principal principal; /** * Session-unique token that identifies this instance */ @NotNull private final String token; /** * GroovyShell object that executes code received via incoming post-requests */ @Nullable private final GroovyShell shell; @NotNull private final PrintWriter outWriter; @NotNull private RunMode runMode; /** * True iff at least one post-request was executed by this monitor. It is not relevant * whether that execution was succesfull or not. * */ private boolean doneOnce; @SuppressWarnings({ "FieldHasSetterButNoGetter" }) @Nullable private HttpSession session; /** * * @param theMoniServer the responsible monitor server for this instances' servlet * @param thePrincipal that created this monitor * @param theToken that is used to identify this monitor in principal's session * @param theMode @see RunMode * @param args a plain argument string passend on to the GroovyBindingFactory * @param theOutWriter output stream of the get-requests's connection * @throws IOException if something is afoul with the stream */ @SuppressWarnings({ "IOResourceOpenedButNotSafelyClosed" }) GroovyMonitor(@NotNull GroovyMoniServer theMoniServer, @NotNull Principal thePrincipal, @NotNull String theToken, @NotNull RunMode theMode, @NotNull String args, @NotNull PrintWriter theOutWriter) throws IOException { token = theToken; moniServer = theMoniServer; principal = thePrincipal; outWriter = theOutWriter; runMode = theMode; shell = createShell(args); } /** * @return a newly created shell that writes to outStream, uses bindings created by * createBinding() and has already processed the contents of getInitStream() * * @throws IOException * @param args */ @NotNull private GroovyShell createShell(@NotNull String args) throws IOException { CompilerConfiguration config = new CompilerConfiguration(); config.setOutput(outWriter); final GroovyBindingFactory bindingFactory = getMoniServer().getBindingFactory(); Binding binding = createBinding(args, bindingFactory); GroovyShell theShell = new GroovyShell(binding, config); theShell.initializeBinding(); runInitStream(theShell); bindingFactory.initShell(theShell, binding); return theShell; } /** * Calls BindingFactory and adds points "out" and "err" properties to outWriter * * @return new binding * @param args * @param bindingFactory */ @NotNull private synchronized Binding createBinding(@NotNull String args, @NotNull GroovyBindingFactory bindingFactory) { Binding binding = bindingFactory.createBinding(getMoniServer(), getPrincipal(), args); binding.setVariable("out", outWriter); binding.setVariable("err", outWriter); binding.setProperty("out", outWriter); binding.setProperty("err", outWriter); return binding; } private void runInitStream(@NotNull GroovyShell theShell) throws IOException { InputStream theInitStream = null; try { theInitStream = getInitStream(); runStream(theShell, "", theInitStream, false); } finally { if (theInitStream != null) theInitStream.close(); } } /** * The initStream is evaluated by the shell prior to the processing of post-requests. * * Currently adds "out" and "err" properties to Object.metaClass for easy output from * within classes. * * @return a new init stream */ @NotNull @SuppressWarnings({ "HardcodedLineSeparator" }) private static InputStream getInitStream() { try { return new ByteArrayInputStream(INIT_SCRIPT.getBytes("utf8")); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Explicitely sets "out" and "err" properties to outWriter before running the script * read from inStream. * * @param theShell * @param args to the stream/script, bound to "args" property * @param inStream * @param printEvaled if true, the result object is printed to outWriter via script.println() * @return the result of evaluating inStream */ private Object runStream(@NotNull GroovyShell theShell, String args, @NotNull InputStream inStream, boolean printEvaled) throws IOException { final InputStreamReader streamReader = new InputStreamReader(inStream, "utf8"); final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(INIT_SCRIPT.length()); final BufferedReader bufReader = new BufferedReader(streamReader); try { String line = bufReader.readLine(); while (line != null) { builder.append(line); builder.append('\n'); line = bufReader.readLine(); } } finally { bufReader.close(); } final Script script = theShell.parse(builder.toString()); script.setProperty("out", outWriter); script.setProperty("err", outWriter); script.setProperty("args", args); outWriter.flush(); final Object result =; if (printEvaled) script.println(result); outWriter.flush(); return result; } /** * Main wait loop on the output stream. Wakes up every WAIT_LOOP_DELY ms * to flush the stream or on notify(). * */ synchronized void waitLoop() { do { try { wait(WAIT_LOOP_DELAY); } catch (InterruptedException e) { /* ignored */ } outWriter.flush(); } while (isRemainingOpen()); } /** * outWriter closing condition: Not in CLOSE mode and either looping or no post-request * processed so far * * @return true, if processing should continue and outWriter may not yet be closed down */ private synchronized boolean isRemainingOpen() { return !RunMode.CLOSE.equals(runMode) && (runMode.isLooping() || !isPostDone()); } /** * Evaluate the multiparts of a http multipart request as groovy shell script code. * * @param servletRequest * @param args to the script/command (plain string) *@param b64 if true, the content is asumed to be encoded in base64 @throws IOException */ synchronized void evalParts(@NotNull HttpServletRequest servletRequest, @NotNull String args, boolean b64) throws IOException { try { if (isRemainingOpen()) { boolean isMultipart = ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(servletRequest); if (isMultipart) { FileItemFactory factory = new DiskFileItemFactory(); ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(factory); try { List<FileItem> items = upload.parseRequest(servletRequest); for (FileItem fi : items) handlePart(b64, args, fi); } catch (FileUploadException fue) { throw new RuntimeException(fue); } } else throw new RuntimeException("Non-multipart content received"); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Processing of multiple requests on a monitor in " + " mode " + runMode + " is either invalid " + " or monitor was closed down in the middle of processing"); } } finally { postDone(); notifyAll(); } } /** * Processing of single parts. * <br /> * * Converts non-file parts into string streams and handles base64 decoding. * * @param b64 if true, the content is asumed to be encoded in base64 * @param args args to the part/script * @param part @throws IOException */ private synchronized void handlePart(boolean b64, @NotNull String args, @NotNull FileItem part) throws IOException { if (!part.isFormField()) { InputStream in = part.getInputStream(); handleStream(b64, args, in); } else { final String val = part.getString(); final InputStream valStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(val.getBytes("utf8")); try { handleStream(b64, args, valStream); } finally { valStream.close(); } } } @SuppressWarnings({ "SynchronizationOnLocalVariableOrMethodParameter" }) private synchronized void handleStream(boolean b64, final @NotNull String args, final @NotNull InputStream val) throws IOException { final @NotNull GroovyShell theShell = getShell(); synchronized (theShell) { final InputStream decodedStream = getDecodedValStream(b64, val); try { runStream(theShell, args, decodedStream, runMode.isEvaled()); } finally { decodedStream.close(); if (val != decodedStream) val.close(); } } } private static @NotNull InputStream getDecodedValStream(boolean b64, final @NotNull InputStream val) throws IOException { final @NotNull InputStream val1; if (b64) { val1 = new Base64InputStream(val); } else val1 = val; return val1; } synchronized void verifyPrincipal(@NotNull Principal thePrincipal) { if (!getPrincipal().equals(thePrincipal)) throw new SecurityException("Principal mismatch"); } public synchronized void valueBound(HttpSessionBindingEvent event) { setSession(event.getSession()); } private synchronized void setSession(@NotNull HttpSession httpSession) { if (session != null) throw new RuntimeException("Attempt to overwrite monitor session"); session = httpSession; } public synchronized void valueUnbound(HttpSessionBindingEvent event) { if (event.getSession() == session) { session = null; final GroovyMoniServer theSerer = getMoniServer(); theSerer.getBindingFactory().destroyBinding(theSerer, getShell().getContext()); runMode = RunMode.CLOSE; notifyAll(); } } public void sessionDidActivate(HttpSessionEvent event) { // That may be } public synchronized void sessionWillPassivate(HttpSessionEvent event) { final HttpSession evSession = event.getSession(); if (evSession != null) { evSession.removeAttribute(getToken()); } } synchronized boolean isPostDone() { return doneOnce; } synchronized void postDone() { doneOnce = true; } @NotNull String getToken() { return token; } @NotNull private synchronized Principal getPrincipal() { if (principal == null) throw new IllegalStateException("null Principal encountered where not allowed"); return principal; } @NotNull synchronized GroovyShell getShell() { if (shell == null) throw new IllegalStateException("null shell encountered where not allowed"); return shell; } @NotNull synchronized RunMode getRunMode() { return runMode; } synchronized void setRunMode(@NotNull RunMode theMode) { runMode = theMode; } @NotNull private synchronized GroovyMoniServer getMoniServer() { if (moniServer == null) throw new IllegalStateException("null moniServer encountered where not allowed"); return moniServer; } }