Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of HeavySpleef. * Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Matthias Werning * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package de.xaniox.heavyspleef.core.flag; import; import; import; import; import de.xaniox.heavyspleef.commands.base.CommandManager; import de.xaniox.heavyspleef.core.HeavySpleef; import de.xaniox.heavyspleef.core.Unregister; import de.xaniox.heavyspleef.core.collection.DualKeyBiMap; import de.xaniox.heavyspleef.core.collection.DualKeyHashBiMap; import de.xaniox.heavyspleef.core.collection.DualKeyMap; import de.xaniox.heavyspleef.core.collection.DualMaps; import de.xaniox.heavyspleef.core.config.ConfigType; import de.xaniox.heavyspleef.core.config.DefaultConfig; import; import de.xaniox.heavyspleef.core.hook.HookManager; import de.xaniox.heavyspleef.core.hook.HookReference; import de.xaniox.heavyspleef.core.i18n.I18N; import de.xaniox.heavyspleef.core.i18n.I18NManager; import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate; import org.bukkit.plugin.PluginManager; import org.dom4j.DocumentHelper; import org.dom4j.Element; import java.lang.reflect.*; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Set; public class FlagRegistry { public static final String FLAG_PATH_SEPERATOR = ":"; private final HeavySpleef heavySpleef; private final I18NSupplier GLOBAL_SUPPLIER = new I18NSupplier() { @Override public I18N supply() { return I18NManager.getGlobal(); } }; private final DualMaps.Mapper<FlagClassHolder, Class<? extends AbstractFlag<?>>> valueMapper = new DualMaps.Mapper<FlagClassHolder, Class<? extends AbstractFlag<?>>>() { @Override public Class<? extends AbstractFlag<?>> map(FlagClassHolder from) { return from.flagClass; } }; private DualKeyBiMap<String, Flag, FlagClassHolder> registeredFlagsMap; private Queue<Method> queuedInitMethods; private Set<Injector<AbstractFlag<?>>> staticInjectors; private Set<Injector<AbstractFlag<?>>> instanceInjectors; private InitializationPolicy initializationPolicy; public FlagRegistry(HeavySpleef heavySpleef) { this.heavySpleef = heavySpleef; this.registeredFlagsMap = new DualKeyHashBiMap<String, Flag, FlagClassHolder>(String.class, Flag.class); this.queuedInitMethods = Lists.newLinkedList(); this.staticInjectors = Sets.newHashSet(); this.instanceInjectors = Sets.newHashSet(); this.initializationPolicy = InitializationPolicy.COMMIT; } public void registerFlag(Class<? extends AbstractFlag<?>> clazz) { registerFlag(clazz, null, null); } public void registerFlag(Class<? extends AbstractFlag<?>> clazz, I18NSupplier i18nSupplier, Object cookie) { Validate.notNull(clazz, "clazz cannot be null"); Validate.isTrue(!isFlagPresent(clazz), "Cannot register flag twice: " + clazz.getName()); if (i18nSupplier == null) { i18nSupplier = GLOBAL_SUPPLIER; } /* Check if the class provides the required Flag annotation */ Validate.isTrue(clazz.isAnnotationPresent(Flag.class), "Flag-Class must be annotated with the @Flag annotation"); Flag flagAnnotation = clazz.getAnnotation(Flag.class); String name =; Validate.isTrue(!name.isEmpty(), "name() of annotation of flag for class " + clazz.getCanonicalName() + " cannot be empty"); /* Generate a path */ StringBuilder pathBuilder = new StringBuilder(); Flag parentFlagData = flagAnnotation; do { pathBuilder.insert(0,; Class<? extends AbstractFlag<?>> parentFlagClass = parentFlagData.parent(); parentFlagData = parentFlagClass.getAnnotation(Flag.class); if (parentFlagData != null && parentFlagClass != NullFlag.class) { pathBuilder.insert(0, FLAG_PATH_SEPERATOR); } } while (parentFlagData != null); String path = pathBuilder.toString(); /* Check for name collides */ for (String flagPath : registeredFlagsMap.primaryKeySet()) { if (flagPath.equalsIgnoreCase(path)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Flag " + clazz.getName() + " collides with " + registeredFlagsMap.get(flagPath).flagClass.getName()); } } /* Check if the class can be instantiated */ try { Constructor<? extends AbstractFlag<?>> constructor = clazz.getDeclaredConstructor(); //Make the constructor accessible for future uses constructor.setAccessible(true); } catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Flag-Class must provide an empty constructor"); } FlagClassHolder holder = new FlagClassHolder(); holder.flagClass = clazz; holder.supplier = i18nSupplier; holder.cookie = cookie; Field[] instanceInjectableFields = null; if (checkHooks(flagAnnotation)) { inject(holder, null, null); instanceInjectableFields = getInjectableDeclaredFieldsByFilter(clazz, new FieldFilter(FieldFilter.INSTANCE_MODE)); if (initializationPolicy == InitializationPolicy.COMMIT) { Method[] initMethods = getInitMethods(holder); for (Method method : initMethods) { queuedInitMethods.offer(method); } } else if (initializationPolicy == InitializationPolicy.REGISTER) { runInitMethods(holder); } if (flagAnnotation.hasCommands()) { CommandManager manager = heavySpleef.getCommandManager(); manager.registerSpleefCommands(clazz); } holder.staticFieldsInjected = true; holder.staticMethodsInitialized = true; } holder.injectingFields = instanceInjectableFields; registeredFlagsMap.put(path, flagAnnotation, holder); if (heavySpleef.isGamesLoaded()) { for (Game game : heavySpleef.getGameManager().getGames()) { for (AbstractFlag<?> flag : game.getFlagManager().getFlags()) { if (!(flag instanceof UnloadedFlag)) { continue; } UnloadedFlag unloaded = (UnloadedFlag) flag; if (!unloaded.getFlagName().equals(path)) { continue; } game.removeFlag(path); AbstractFlag<?> newFlag = newFlagInstance(path, AbstractFlag.class, game); newFlag.unmarshal(unloaded.getXmlElement()); game.addFlag(newFlag); } } } } public void unregister(Class<? extends AbstractFlag<?>> flagClass) { String path = null; for (Entry<DualKeyMap.DualKeyPair<String, Flag>, FlagClassHolder> entry : registeredFlagsMap.entrySet()) { FlagClassHolder holder = entry.getValue(); if (holder.flagClass != flagClass) { continue; } Flag annotation = entry.getKey().getSecondaryKey(); if (annotation.hasCommands()) { CommandManager manager = heavySpleef.getCommandManager(); manager.unregisterSpleefCommand(flagClass); } Iterator<Method> methodIterator = queuedInitMethods.iterator(); while (methodIterator.hasNext()) { Method method =; if (method.getDeclaringClass() == flagClass) { methodIterator.remove(); } } Unregister.Unregisterer.runUnregisterMethods(flagClass, heavySpleef, true, true); path = entry.getKey().getPrimaryKey(); for (Game game : heavySpleef.getGameManager().getGames()) { if (!game.isFlagPresent(flagClass)) { continue; } AbstractFlag<?> flag = game.getFlag(flagClass); game.removeFlag(flagClass); Element element = DocumentHelper.createElement("flag"); element.addAttribute("name", path); flag.marshal(element); UnloadedFlag unloaded = new UnloadedFlag(); unloaded.setXmlElement(element); game.addFlag(unloaded, false); } break; } if (path != null) { registeredFlagsMap.remove(path); } } public Flag getFlagData(Class<? extends AbstractFlag<?>> clazz) { for (Entry<FlagClassHolder, DualKeyMap.DualKeyPair<String, Flag>> entry : registeredFlagsMap.inverse() .entrySet()) { FlagClassHolder holder = entry.getKey(); if (clazz != holder.flagClass) { continue; } return entry.getValue().getSecondaryKey(); } throw new NoSuchFlagException(clazz.getName()); } public boolean isFlagPresent(String flagPath) { return getFlagClass(flagPath) != null; } public boolean isFlagPresent(Class<? extends AbstractFlag<?>> flagClass) { for (FlagClassHolder holder : registeredFlagsMap.values()) { if (holder.flagClass == flagClass) { return true; } } return false; } /* Reverse path lookup */ public Class<? extends AbstractFlag<?>> getFlagClass(String flagPath) { for (Entry<DualKeyMap.DualKeyPair<String, Flag>, FlagClassHolder> entry : registeredFlagsMap.entrySet()) { if (!entry.getKey().getPrimaryKey().equalsIgnoreCase(flagPath)) { continue; } return entry.getValue().flagClass; } return null; } public String getFlagPath(Class<? extends AbstractFlag<?>> flagClass) { for (Entry<DualKeyMap.DualKeyPair<String, Flag>, FlagClassHolder> entry : registeredFlagsMap.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().flagClass != flagClass) { continue; } return entry.getKey().getPrimaryKey(); } return null; } public DualKeyBiMap<String, Flag, Class<? extends AbstractFlag<?>>> getAvailableFlags() { return DualMaps.valueMappedImmutableDualBiMap(registeredFlagsMap, valueMapper); } public <T extends AbstractFlag<?>> T newFlagInstance(String name, Class<T> expected) { return newFlagInstance(name, expected, null); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T extends AbstractFlag<?>> T newFlagInstance(String name, Class<T> expected, Game game) { FlagClassHolder holder = registeredFlagsMap.get(name); if (holder == null) { throw new NoSuchFlagException(name); } if (expected == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("expected cannot be null"); } if (!expected.isAssignableFrom(holder.flagClass)) { throw new NoSuchFlagException("Expected class " + expected.getName() + " is not compatible with " + holder.flagClass.getName()); } //Do a check on plugin dependencies Flag annotation = registeredFlagsMap.inverse().get(holder).getSecondaryKey(); if (!checkHooks(annotation)) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Cannot instantiate flag when its plugin dependencies are not available"); } if (!holder.staticFieldsInjected) { inject(holder, null, null); holder.staticFieldsInjected = true; } if (!holder.staticMethodsInitialized) { runInitMethods(holder); holder.staticMethodsInitialized = true; } try { AbstractFlag<?> flag = holder.flagClass.newInstance(); flag.setHeavySpleef(heavySpleef); flag.setI18N(; inject(holder, flag, game); return (T) flag; } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) { //This should not happen as we made the constructor //accessible while the class was registered //But to be sure throw a RuntimeException throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private boolean checkHooks(Flag annotation) { HookReference[] refs = annotation.depend(); String[] pluginDepends = annotation.pluginDepend(); HookManager hookManager = heavySpleef.getHookManager(); PluginManager pluginManager = heavySpleef.getPlugin().getServer().getPluginManager(); boolean hooksPresent = true; for (HookReference ref : refs) { if (!hookManager.getHook(ref).isProvided()) { hooksPresent = false; } } for (String pluginDepend : pluginDepends) { if (!pluginManager.isPluginEnabled(pluginDepend)) { hooksPresent = false; } } return hooksPresent; } private void inject(FlagClassHolder holder, AbstractFlag<?> instance, final Game game) { Field[] injectingFields; Class<? extends AbstractFlag<?>> clazz = holder.flagClass; if (instance == null) { injectingFields = getInjectableDeclaredFieldsByFilter(clazz, new FieldFilter(FieldFilter.STATIC_MODE)); } else { if (holder.injectingFields != null) { injectingFields = holder.injectingFields; } else { injectingFields = getInjectableDeclaredFieldsByFilter(clazz, new FieldFilter(FieldFilter.INSTANCE_MODE)); } } if (instance != null) { Injector<AbstractFlag<?>> baseInjector = new Injector<AbstractFlag<?>>() { @Override public void inject(AbstractFlag<?> instance, Field[] injectableFields, Object cookie) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException { DefaultConfig config = heavySpleef.getConfiguration(ConfigType.DEFAULT_CONFIG); for (Field field : injectableFields) { if (field.getType() == Game.class) { field.set(instance, game); } else if (field.getType() == DefaultConfig.class) { field.set(instance, config); } } } }; try { baseInjector.inject(instance, injectingFields, holder); } catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to run basic injector", e); } } for (Injector<AbstractFlag<?>> injector : (instance == null ? staticInjectors : instanceInjectors)) { try { injector.inject(instance, injectingFields, holder); } catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RuntimeException( "Could not inject fields when running injector '" + injector.getClass().getName() + "'", e); } } } private Field[] getInjectableDeclaredFieldsByFilter(Class<?> clazz, Predicate<Field> predicate) { Set<Field> fieldList = Sets.newHashSet(); Class<?> currentClass = clazz; do { Field[] fields = currentClass.getDeclaredFields(); for (Field field : fields) { if (!field.isAnnotationPresent(Inject.class)) { continue; } if (!predicate.apply(field)) { continue; } field.setAccessible(true); fieldList.add(field); } currentClass = currentClass.getSuperclass(); } while (AbstractFlag.class.isAssignableFrom(currentClass)); return fieldList.toArray(new Field[fieldList.size()]); } public void flushAndExecuteInitMethods() { while (!queuedInitMethods.isEmpty()) { Method method = queuedInitMethods.poll(); runInitMethod(method); } } private void runInitMethods(FlagClassHolder holder) { Method[] initMethods = getInitMethods(holder); for (Method method : initMethods) { runInitMethod(method); } } private void runInitMethod(Method method) { Class<?>[] parameters = method.getParameterTypes(); Object[] args = new Object[parameters.length]; for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) { Class<?> parameter = parameters[i]; if (parameter == HeavySpleef.class) { args[i] = heavySpleef; } } try { method.invoke(null, args); } catch (IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not invoke flag initialization method " + method.getName() + " of type " + method.getDeclaringClass().getCanonicalName() + ": ", e); } } private Method[] getInitMethods(FlagClassHolder holder) { Class<? extends AbstractFlag<?>> clazz = holder.flagClass; List<Method> methods = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Method method : clazz.getDeclaredMethods()) { if (!method.isAnnotationPresent(FlagInit.class)) { continue; } if ((method.getModifiers() & Modifier.STATIC) == 0) { continue; } method.setAccessible(true); methods.add(method); } return methods.toArray(new Method[methods.size()]); } public List<Class<? extends AbstractFlag<?>>> getChildFlags(Class<? extends AbstractFlag<?>> flagClass) { List<Class<? extends AbstractFlag<?>>> childs = Lists.newArrayList(); for (FlagClassHolder holder : registeredFlagsMap.values()) { if (!isChildFlag(flagClass, holder.flagClass)) { continue; } childs.add(holder.flagClass); } return childs; } public boolean isChildFlag(Class<? extends AbstractFlag<?>> parent, Class<? extends AbstractFlag<?>> childCandidate) { Validate.notNull(parent, "Parent cannot be null"); Validate.notNull(childCandidate, "Child candidate cannot be null"); BiMap<FlagClassHolder, DualKeyMap.DualKeyPair<String, Flag>> inverse = registeredFlagsMap.inverse(); FlagClassHolder foundHolder = null; for (FlagClassHolder holder : inverse.keySet()) { if (holder.flagClass == childCandidate) { foundHolder = holder; break; } } Validate.isTrue(foundHolder != null, "Child candidate flag " + childCandidate.getName() + " has not been registered"); Flag annotation = inverse.get(foundHolder).getSecondaryKey(); Validate.isTrue(annotation != null, "ChildCandidate has not been registered"); boolean directChild = annotation != null && annotation.parent() != NullFlag.class && annotation.parent() == parent; if (directChild) { return true; } //Do a search on the path Class<? extends AbstractFlag<?>> recentChildParent = annotation.parent(); loop: do { if (recentChildParent == parent) { return true; } for (FlagClassHolder holder : inverse.keySet()) { if (holder.flagClass != recentChildParent) { continue; } //Get the parent of the parent Flag parentData = holder.flagClass.getAnnotation(Flag.class); recentChildParent = parentData.parent(); continue loop; } recentChildParent = null; } while (recentChildParent != null && recentChildParent != NullFlag.class); //NullFlag is the root parent as annotations require non-null values return false; } public void registerInjector(Injector<AbstractFlag<?>> injector) { staticInjectors.add(injector); instanceInjectors.add(injector); } public void registerInjector(Injector<AbstractFlag<?>> injector, boolean isStatic) { Set<Injector<AbstractFlag<?>>> injectorSet = isStatic ? staticInjectors : instanceInjectors; Validate.isTrue(!injectorSet.contains(injector), "Injector already registered"); Validate.notNull(injector, "Injector cannot be null"); injectorSet.add(injector); } public void unregisterInjector(Injector<AbstractFlag<?>> injector) { Validate.isTrue(instanceInjectors.contains(injector) || staticInjectors.contains(injector), "Injector has not been registered"); instanceInjectors.remove(injector); staticInjectors.remove(injector); } public void setInitializationPolicy(InitializationPolicy policy) { this.initializationPolicy = policy; } public enum InitializationPolicy { REGISTER, COMMIT; } public static interface I18NSupplier { public I18N supply(); } private class FieldFilter implements Predicate<Field> { public static final int INSTANCE_MODE = 0; public static final int STATIC_MODE = 1; private int mode; public FieldFilter(int mode) { this.mode = mode; } @Override public boolean apply(Field input) { int modifiers = input.getModifiers(); int result = (modifiers & Modifier.STATIC); return mode == 0 ? result == 0 : mode != 1 || result != 0; } }; public class FlagClassHolder { private Class<? extends AbstractFlag<?>> flagClass; private Field[] injectingFields; private I18NSupplier supplier; private Object cookie; private boolean staticFieldsInjected; private boolean staticMethodsInitialized; public Class<? extends AbstractFlag<?>> getFlagClass() { return flagClass; } public Field[] getInjectingFields() { return injectingFields; } public I18NSupplier getSupplier() { return supplier; } public Object getCookie() { return cookie; } public boolean isStaticFieldsInjected() { return staticFieldsInjected; } public boolean isStaticMethodsInitialized() { return staticMethodsInitialized; } } }