Java tutorial
/********************************************************************** * * Copyright (c) 2004 Olaf Willuhn * All rights reserved. * * This software is copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the * Jameica License. Please consult the file "LICENSE" for details. * **********************************************************************/ package de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.passports.pintan.server; import; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.kapott.hbci.manager.HBCIVersion; import org.kapott.hbci.passport.HBCIPassport; import de.willuhn.datasource.GenericObject; import de.willuhn.datasource.rmi.ObjectNotFoundException; import de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.HBCIProperties; import de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.passports.pintan.Detail; import de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.passports.pintan.PinTanConfigFactory; import de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.passports.pintan.PtSecMech; import de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.passports.pintan.rmi.PinTanConfig; import de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.rmi.Konto; import de.willuhn.jameica.system.Settings; import de.willuhn.logging.Logger; import de.willuhn.util.ApplicationException; /** * Implementierung eines in Hibiscus existierenden RDH-Schluessels. * @author willuhn */ public class PinTanConfigImpl implements PinTanConfig { private final static Settings settings = new Settings(PinTanConfig.class); private HBCIPassport passport = null; private File file = null; /** * ct. * @param passport * @param file * @throws RemoteException */ public PinTanConfigImpl(HBCIPassport passport, File file) throws RemoteException { this.passport = passport; this.file = file; } /** * @see de.willuhn.datasource.GenericObject#getAttribute(java.lang.String) */ public Object getAttribute(String attribute) throws RemoteException { if ("blz".equals(attribute)) return getBLZ(); if ("bank".equals(attribute)) return HBCIProperties.getNameForBank(getBLZ()); if ("url".equals(attribute)) return getURL(); if ("port".equals(attribute)) return new Integer(getPort()); if ("filtertype".equals(attribute)) return getFilterType(); if ("hbciversion".equals(attribute)) return getHBCIVersion(); if ("customerid".equals(attribute)) return getCustomerId(); if ("userid".equals(attribute)) return getUserId(); if ("bezeichnung".equals(attribute)) return getBezeichnung(); if ("showtan".equals(attribute)) return new Boolean(getShowTan()); if ("tanmedia".equals(attribute)) return getTanMedia(); if ("tanmedias".equals(attribute)) return getTanMedias(); return null; } /** * @see de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.passport.Configuration#getDescription() */ public String getDescription() { try { String name = this.getBezeichnung(); String bank = HBCIProperties.getNameForBank(getBLZ()); String url = this.getURL(); boolean haveName = (name != null && name.trim().length() > 0); boolean haveBank = (bank != null && bank.length() > 0); // wenn wir weder Name noch Bank haben, nehmen wir die URL if (!haveBank && !haveName) return url; // wenn wir Name und Bank haben, nehmen wir beides if (haveBank && haveName) return name + " - " + bank; // Ansonsten das, was da ist if (haveName) return name; return bank; } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error("unable to determine name", e); return passport.getHost(); } } /** * @see de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.passport.Configuration#getConfigDialog() */ public Class getConfigDialog() throws RemoteException { return Detail.class; } /** * @see de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.passport.Configuration#delete() */ public void delete() throws ApplicationException { PinTanConfigFactory.delete(this); } /** * @see de.willuhn.datasource.GenericObject#getAttributeNames() */ public String[] getAttributeNames() throws RemoteException { return new String[] { "blz", "bank", "url", "port", "filtertype", "hbciversion" }; } /** * @see de.willuhn.datasource.GenericObject#getID() */ public String getID() throws RemoteException { return PinTanConfigFactory.toRelativePath(getFilename()); } /** * @see de.willuhn.datasource.GenericObject#getPrimaryAttribute() */ public String getPrimaryAttribute() throws RemoteException { return "url"; } /** * @see de.willuhn.datasource.GenericObject#equals(de.willuhn.datasource.GenericObject) */ public boolean equals(GenericObject other) throws RemoteException { if (other == null) return false; if (this.getID() == null || other.getID() == null) return false; return getID().equals(other.getID()); } /** * @see de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.passports.pintan.rmi.PinTanConfig#getHBCIVersion() */ public String getHBCIVersion() throws RemoteException { String ppVersion = StringUtils.trimToNull(passport.getHBCIVersion()); return settings.getString(getID() + ".hbciversion", ppVersion != null ? ppVersion : HBCIVersion.HBCI_300.getId()); } /** * @see de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.passports.pintan.rmi.PinTanConfig#setHBCIVersion(java.lang.String) */ public void setHBCIVersion(String version) throws RemoteException { settings.setAttribute(getID() + ".hbciversion", version); } /** * @see de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.passports.pintan.rmi.PinTanConfig#getURL() */ public String getURL() throws RemoteException { return passport.getHost(); } /** * @see de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.passports.pintan.rmi.PinTanConfig#setURL(java.lang.String) */ public void setURL(String url) throws RemoteException { if (url == null || url.length() == 0) { Logger.warn("no url entered"); return; } if (url.startsWith("https://")) { Logger.warn("URL entered with https:// prefix, cutting"); url = url.substring(8); }"saving URL " + url); passport.setHost(url); } /** * @see de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.passports.pintan.rmi.PinTanConfig#getPort() */ public int getPort() throws RemoteException { return passport.getPort().intValue(); } /** * @see de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.passports.pintan.rmi.PinTanConfig#setPort(int) */ public void setPort(int port) throws RemoteException { passport.setPort(new Integer(port)); } /** * @see de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.passports.pintan.rmi.PinTanConfig#getFilterType() */ public String getFilterType() throws RemoteException { return passport.getFilterType(); } /** * @see de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.passports.pintan.rmi.PinTanConfig#setFilterType(java.lang.String) */ public void setFilterType(String type) throws RemoteException { passport.setFilterType(type); } /** * @see de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.passports.pintan.rmi.PinTanConfig#getBLZ() */ public String getBLZ() throws RemoteException { return passport.getBLZ(); } /** * @see de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.passports.pintan.rmi.PinTanConfig#getCustomerId() */ public String getCustomerId() throws RemoteException { return passport.getCustomerId(); } /** * @see de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.passports.pintan.rmi.PinTanConfig#setCustomerId(java.lang.String) */ public void setCustomerId(String customer) throws RemoteException { passport.setCustomerId(customer); } /** * @see de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.passports.pintan.rmi.PinTanConfig#getUserId() */ public String getUserId() throws RemoteException { return passport.getUserId(); } /** * @see de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.passports.pintan.rmi.PinTanConfig#setUserId(java.lang.String) */ public void setUserId(String user) throws RemoteException { passport.setUserId(user); } /** * @see de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.passports.pintan.rmi.PinTanConfig#getFilename() */ public String getFilename() throws RemoteException { return file.getAbsolutePath(); } /** * @see de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.passports.pintan.rmi.PinTanConfig#getPassport() */ public HBCIPassport getPassport() throws RemoteException { return passport; } /** * @see de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.passports.pintan.rmi.PinTanConfig#getBezeichnung() */ public String getBezeichnung() throws RemoteException { return settings.getString(getID() + ".bezeichnung", null); } /** * @see de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.passports.pintan.rmi.PinTanConfig#setBezeichnung(java.lang.String) */ public void setBezeichnung(String bezeichnung) throws RemoteException { settings.setAttribute(getID() + ".bezeichnung", bezeichnung); } /** * @see de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.passports.pintan.rmi.PinTanConfig#getKonten() */ public Konto[] getKonten() throws RemoteException { // Und jetzt laden wir die Liste neu String[] ids = settings.getList(getID() + ".konto", null); if (ids == null || ids.length == 0) return null; List<String> fixedIds = new ArrayList<String>(); List<Konto> konten = new ArrayList<Konto>(); for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; ++i) { try { konten.add( (Konto) de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.Settings.getDBService().createObject(Konto.class, ids[i])); fixedIds.add(ids[i]); // Wenn das Konto geladen wurde, bleibt es erhalten } catch (ObjectNotFoundException noe) { Logger.warn("account " + ids[i] + " does not exist, removing from list"); } catch (RemoteException re) { throw re; } } if (fixedIds.size() != ids.length) {"fixing list of assigned accounts"); settings.setAttribute(getID() + ".konto", fixedIds.toArray(new String[fixedIds.size()])); } return konten.toArray(new Konto[konten.size()]); } /** * @see de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.passports.pintan.rmi.PinTanConfig#setKonten(de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.rmi.Konto[]) */ public void setKonten(Konto[] k) throws RemoteException { if (k == null || k.length == 0) { settings.setAttribute(getID() + ".konto", (String[]) null); return; } String[] ids = new String[k.length]; for (int i = 0; i < k.length; ++i) { ids[i] = k[i].getID(); } settings.setAttribute(getID() + ".konto", ids); } /** * @see de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.passports.pintan.rmi.PinTanConfig#getStoredSecMech() */ public PtSecMech getStoredSecMech() throws RemoteException { // Wir haben migriert. Vorher wurde nur die ID des Verfahrens gespeichert. // Jetzt zusaetzlich auch der Name, damit wir erkennen koennen, ob es chipTAN USB ist // Wenn wir den Namen nicht haben, forcieren wir, dass der User die Auswahl // neu taetigt. Wenn hier nur die ID enthalten ist, wird NULL zurueckgeliefert // und damit die Vorauswahl resettet. return PtSecMech.create(settings.getString(getID() + ".secmech", null)); } /** * @see de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.passports.pintan.rmi.PinTanConfig#setStoredSecMech(de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.passports.pintan.PtSecMech) */ public void setStoredSecMech(PtSecMech mech) throws RemoteException { settings.setAttribute(getID() + ".secmech", mech != null ? mech.toString() : null); } /** * @see de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.passports.pintan.rmi.PinTanConfig#getCurrentSecMech() */ @Override public PtSecMech getCurrentSecMech() throws RemoteException { // Checken, ob es ein aktuell ausgewaehltes gibt. Das hat Vorrang. PtSecMech mech = PtSecMech.create(settings.getString(getID() + ".secmech.current", null)); // Wenn kein aktuelles vorhanden ist, nehmen wir das persistierte return mech != null ? mech : this.getStoredSecMech(); } /** * @see de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.passports.pintan.rmi.PinTanConfig#setCurrentSecMech(de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.passports.pintan.PtSecMech) */ @Override public void setCurrentSecMech(PtSecMech mech) throws RemoteException { settings.setAttribute(getID() + ".secmech.current", mech != null ? mech.toString() : null); } /** * @see de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.passports.pintan.rmi.PinTanConfig#getCardReader() */ @Override public String getCardReader() throws RemoteException { return settings.getString(getID() + ".cardreader", null); } /** * @see de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.passports.pintan.rmi.PinTanConfig#setCardReader(java.lang.String) */ @Override public void setCardReader(String name) throws RemoteException { settings.setAttribute(getID() + ".cardreader", name); } /** * @see de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.passports.pintan.rmi.PinTanConfig#isChipTANUSB() */ @Override public Boolean isChipTANUSB() throws RemoteException { String s = StringUtils.trimToNull(settings.getString(getID() + ".chiptan.usb.enabled", null)); return s != null ? Boolean.valueOf(s) : null; } /** * @see de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.passports.pintan.rmi.PinTanConfig#setChipTANUSB(java.lang.Boolean) */ @Override public void setChipTANUSB(Boolean b) throws RemoteException { settings.setAttribute(getID() + ".chiptan.usb.enabled", (String) (b != null ? b.toString() : null)); } /** * @see de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.passports.pintan.rmi.PinTanConfig#getTanMedias() */ public String[] getTanMedias() throws RemoteException { return settings.getList(getID() + ".tanmedias", new String[0]); } /** * @see de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.passports.pintan.rmi.PinTanConfig#setTanMedias(java.lang.String[]) */ public void setTanMedias(String[] names) throws RemoteException { settings.setAttribute(getID() + ".tanmedias", names); } /** * @see de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.passports.pintan.rmi.PinTanConfig#addTanMedia(java.lang.String) */ public void addTanMedia(String name) throws RemoteException { if (name == null || name.length() == 0) return; // Bisherige Werte String[] current = this.getTanMedias(); List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String s : current) { // Wenn es schon in der Liste ist, nehmen wir // es erstmal raus if (name.equals(s)) continue; list.add(s); } // Am Anfang neu einfuegen. // Dann steht die letzte Auswahl immer vorn list.add(0, name); // Abspeichern this.setTanMedias(list.toArray(new String[list.size()])); } /** * @see de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.passports.pintan.rmi.PinTanConfig#getTanMedia() */ public String getTanMedia() throws RemoteException { return settings.getString(getID() + ".tanmedia", null); } /** * @see de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.passports.pintan.rmi.PinTanConfig#setTanMedia(java.lang.String) */ public void setTanMedia(String name) throws RemoteException { settings.setAttribute(getID() + ".tanmedia", name); } /** * @see de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.passports.pintan.rmi.PinTanConfig#getShowTan() */ public boolean getShowTan() throws RemoteException { return settings.getBoolean(getID() + ".showtan", true); } /** * @see de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.passports.pintan.rmi.PinTanConfig#setShowTan(boolean) */ public void setShowTan(boolean show) throws RemoteException { settings.setAttribute(getID() + ".showtan", show); } /** * @see de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.passports.pintan.rmi.PinTanConfig#getCustomProperty(java.lang.String) */ public String getCustomProperty(String name) throws RemoteException { if (name == null) return null; return settings.getString(getID() + "." + name, null); } /** * @see de.willuhn.jameica.hbci.passports.pintan.rmi.PinTanConfig#setCustomProperty(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) */ public void setCustomProperty(String name, String value) throws RemoteException { if (name == null) return; settings.setAttribute(getID() + "." + name, value); } }