Java tutorial
/* DA-NRW Software Suite | ContentBroker Copyright (C) 2014 LVRInfoKom Landschaftsverband Rheinland This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import static; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import; import org.hibernate.Session; import de.uzk.hki.da.grid.GridFacade; import de.uzk.hki.da.model.Copy; import de.uzk.hki.da.model.Job; import de.uzk.hki.da.model.Node; import de.uzk.hki.da.model.Object; import de.uzk.hki.da.model.ObjectNamedQueryDAO; import de.uzk.hki.da.model.Package; import de.uzk.hki.da.model.PreservationSystem; import de.uzk.hki.da.model.StoragePolicy; import de.uzk.hki.da.model.User; import de.uzk.hki.da.model.WorkArea; import de.uzk.hki.da.pkg.NativeJavaTarArchiveBuilder; import de.uzk.hki.da.repository.MetadataIndex; import de.uzk.hki.da.service.HibernateUtil; import de.uzk.hki.da.test.TC; import de.uzk.hki.da.util.FileIdGenerator; import de.uzk.hki.da.utils.C; import de.uzk.hki.da.utils.CommandLineConnector; import de.uzk.hki.da.utils.FolderUtils; import de.uzk.hki.da.utils.MD5Checksum; import de.uzk.hki.da.utils.Path; import de.uzk.hki.da.utils.ProcessInformation; import de.uzk.hki.da.utils.RelativePath; import de.uzk.hki.da.utils.StringUtilities; /** * @author Daniel M. de Oliveira */ public class AcceptanceTestHelper { public static final String TEST_RESOURCES_PATH_PROPERTY = "WorkaroundToPathTestCaseFilesPathToJUNITTests"; //Name for a system property to pass the testfiles directory public static final String NO_DIRTY_CLEANUP_AFTER_EACH_TEST_PROPERTY = "WorkaroundNoCleanupCompleteDB"; //Name for a system property to avoid cleanups, because they cleanup all data, not only testdata private static final String MSG_READY = "ready"; private static final String MSG_ERROR_WHEN_TIMEOUT_REACHED = "waited to long. test considered failed"; private static final String TEMP_FOLDER = "/tmp/"; static final String URN_NBN_DE_DANRW = "urn:nbn:de:danrw-"; protected static Path TEST_DATA_ROOT_PATH = new RelativePath("src/test/resources/at/"); private static final int INTERVAL = 2000; // in ms private int TIMEOUT = 1200000; // ins ms private GridFacade gridFacade; private Node localNode; private PreservationSystem preservationSystem; private User testContractor; private StoragePolicy sp; private String logPath = null; private String fedoraUrlTemplate = null; //"http://localhost:8080/fedora/objects/collection-open:IDENTIFIER/datastreams/FILENAME/content"; //""; public AcceptanceTestHelper(GridFacade gridFacade, Node localNode, User testContractor, StoragePolicy sp, PreservationSystem ps) { this.gridFacade = gridFacade; this.localNode = localNode; this.testContractor = testContractor; this.sp = sp; if (System.getProperty(TEST_RESOURCES_PATH_PROPERTY) != null) TEST_DATA_ROOT_PATH = Path.make(System.getProperty(TEST_RESOURCES_PATH_PROPERTY)); String localNodeWorkArea = localNode.getWorkAreaRootPath().toString(); String localNodeTMP = localNodeWorkArea.replace("/storage/WorkArea", ""); logPath = (new File(localNodeTMP + "/ContentBroker/log")).getAbsolutePath();//default logpath preservationSystem = ps; } /** * Retrieves a package and unpacks it to a target folder. * <br> * <strong>!</strong> Make sure to delete targetFolder at tearDown in acceptance tests. * * @param originalName of the object. * @param targetFolder to extract the DIP to. * @param packageName number of the package of the object. * @return a new instance that represents the object. fetched from the from the database. * @throws IOException if cannot fetch file from grid. * */ void retrieveAIP(Object o, File targetFolder, String packageName) throws IOException { final String packSuffix = ".pack_"; Object object = getObject(o.getOrig_name()); if (object == null) throw new RuntimeException("cannot find object"); System.out.println("object: " + object.getIdentifier()); Path.makeFile(TEMP_FOLDER, object.getIdentifier() + packSuffix + packageName + C.FILE_EXTENSION_TAR) .delete(); // if exists gridFacade.get( Path.makeFile(TEMP_FOLDER, object.getIdentifier() + packSuffix + packageName + C.FILE_EXTENSION_TAR), testContractor.getShort_name() + "/" + object.getIdentifier() + "/" + object.getIdentifier() + packSuffix + packageName + C.FILE_EXTENSION_TAR); try { new NativeJavaTarArchiveBuilder().unarchiveFolder( Path.makeFile(TEMP_FOLDER, object.getIdentifier() + packSuffix + packageName + C.FILE_EXTENSION_TAR), Path.makeFile(TEMP_FOLDER)); } catch (Exception e) { fail("could not find source file or unarchive source file to tmp"); } if (targetFolder.exists()) FolderUtils.deleteDirectorySafe(targetFolder); FileUtils.moveDirectory(Path.makeFile(TEMP_FOLDER, object.getIdentifier() + packSuffix + packageName), targetFolder); Path.makeFile(TEMP_FOLDER, object.getIdentifier() + packSuffix + packageName + C.FILE_EXTENSION_TAR) .delete(); } /** * * @param originalName * @return null if no object found. */ Object getObject(String originalName) { Object object = null; try { object = new ObjectNamedQueryDAO().getUniqueObject(originalName, testContractor.getShort_name()); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Catched exception " + e.getMessage() + ". Try again."); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } try { object = new ObjectNamedQueryDAO().getUniqueObject(originalName, testContractor.getShort_name()); } catch (Exception e2) { fail("Exception loading Object called " + originalName + " " + e2.getStackTrace()); } } return object; } /** * Checks in regular intervals if the object with the originalName * is in a desired object state. * * @param originalName * @param awaitedObjectState * @return when the object is in the desired state * @throws RuntimeException if a job associated with the object is found in an job error state. * @throws RuntimeException after a globally defined amount of time. * This is to prevent an infinite loop in case the desired state gets not reached. */ void awaitObjectState(String originalName, int awaitedObjectState) { int waited_ms_total = 0; while (true) { waited_ms_total = updateTimeout(waited_ms_total, TIMEOUT, INTERVAL); Job job = null; Object o = null; try { o = getObject(originalName); if (o == null) { System.out.println("Object not found (yet). "); Thread.sleep(6000); continue; } System.out.print("Awaiting object state " + awaitedObjectState + ". Identifier: " + o.getIdentifier() + ". Orig name: " + o.getOrig_name() + ". Object state: " + o.getObject_state() + ". "); job = getJob(originalName); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Catched hibernate exception. Try again."); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } job = getJob(originalName); o = getObject(originalName); } if (job == null) { // to avoid false positive for slow starters try { Thread.sleep(1000); job = getJob(originalName); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } // if (job != null) { if (isInErrorState(job)) { try { // just sleep for a while if state persists Thread.sleep(3000); job = getJob(originalName); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { } if (isInErrorState(job)) evaluateErrorDetails(job); } else System.out.println(" Job state: " + job.getStatus() + "."); } else { System.out.println(" Job is null"); } if (o.getObject_state() == awaitedObjectState && waited_ms_total > 0) { return; } } } void waitForDefinedPublishedState(String origName) { waitForObjectPublishedState(origName, -1); } void waitForObjectPublishedState(String origName, int publishedFlag) { int waited_ms_total = 0; while (true) { waited_ms_total = updateTimeout(waited_ms_total, TIMEOUT, INTERVAL); Object o = getObject(origName); if (o == null) { System.out.println("Object not found (yet). "); continue; } System.out.println("Awaiting object to be published. Identifier: " + o.getIdentifier() + ". Orig name: " + o.getOrig_name() + ". Published flag: " + o.getPublished_flag() + ". "); if (publishedFlag == 0 && o.getPublished_flag() == 0) break; else if ((o.getPublished_flag() & publishedFlag) > 0) break; // Binary and operator!!! } } void waitForJobToBeInErrorStatus(String originalName, String errorStatusLastDigit) throws InterruptedException { waitForJobToBeInErrorStatus(originalName, errorStatusLastDigit, TIMEOUT); } /** * Checking the database in regular intervals for a job in an error state ending with errorStatusLastDigit. * * @param originalName * @param errorStatusLastDigit * @param timeout wait timeout ms until you consider the test failed. * @return job if found job in error state * @throws RuntimeException to signal the test considered failed. For example if it takes longer than timeout to reach the status. */ void waitForJobToBeInErrorStatus(String originalName, String errorStatusLastDigit, int timeout) throws InterruptedException { int waited_ms_total = 0; while (true) { waited_ms_total = updateTimeout(waited_ms_total, timeout, INTERVAL); Job job = getJob(originalName); if (job == null) { System.out.println("no job found in db"); continue; } System.out.println("Awaiting job to be in error state ending with " + errorStatusLastDigit + ". Identifier: " + job.getObject().getIdentifier() + ". Orig name: " + job.getObject().getOrig_name() + ". Job state: " + job.getStatus() + "."); if (job.getStatus().endsWith(errorStatusLastDigit)) { System.out.println(MSG_READY); return; } } } /** * Waits for a job to reach a certain status. * * @param originalName * @param status * @param timeout * @return * @throws InterruptedException */ void waitForJobToBeInStatus(String originalName, String status) throws InterruptedException { System.out.println( "waiting for job of object with original name " + originalName + " to be in status " + status); int waited_ms_total = 0; while (true) { waited_ms_total = updateTimeout(waited_ms_total, TIMEOUT, INTERVAL); Job job = getJob(originalName); if (job != null) { System.out.println("Awaiting job to be in state " + status + ". Identifier: " + job.getObject().getIdentifier() + ". Orig name: " + job.getObject().getOrig_name() + ". Job state: " + job.getStatus() + "."); if (job.getStatus().equals(status)) { System.out.println(MSG_READY); return; } else if (isInErrorState(job)) { String msg = "ERROR: Job in error state: " + job.getStatus(); System.out.println(msg); throw new RuntimeException(msg); } } else { System.out.println("Awaiting job (OriginalName: " + originalName + ") to be in state " + status + ". Job is NULL "); } } } public Job getJob(String originalName) { Job job; Session session = HibernateUtil.openSession(); session.beginTransaction(); job = getJob(session, originalName, testContractor.getShort_name()); session.close(); return job; } void waitForObjectToBeIndexed(MetadataIndex mi, String indexName, String identifier) { int waited_ms_total = 0; while (true) { waited_ms_total = updateTimeout(waited_ms_total, TIMEOUT, INTERVAL); System.out.println("Awaiting object to be indexed. Identifier: " + identifier + ". Index: " + indexName + ". MetadataIndex: " + mi + ". "); if (mi.getIndexedMetadata(indexName, identifier).contains(identifier)) break; } } /** * Gets the job. * * @param orig_name the orig_name * @param csn the csn * @return the job */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Job getJob(Session session, String orig_name, String csn) { List<Job> l = null; try { l = session.createQuery( "SELECT j FROM Job j left join j.obj as o left join o.user as c where o.orig_name=?1 and c.short_name=?2") .setParameter("1", orig_name).setParameter("2", csn).setReadOnly(true).list(); return l.get(0); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { return null; } } private int updateTimeout(int waited_ms_total, int timeout, int interval) { System.out.println("(total time: " + waited_ms_total + "ms / timeout: " + timeout + "ms) "); if (waited_ms_total > timeout) throw new RuntimeException(MSG_ERROR_WHEN_TIMEOUT_REACHED); try { Thread.sleep(interval); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } // no problem return waited_ms_total += interval; } private void evaluateErrorDetails(Job job) { String oid = job.getObject().getIdentifier(); String msg = "ERROR: Job in error state: " + job.getStatus() + " in Object-Id " + oid; System.out.println(msg); if (job.getObject().getIdentifier() != null) { try { System.out.println("SHOWING OBJECT LOG:"); System.out.println(FileUtils.readFileToString(new File( Path.make(logPath, "object-logs") + "/" + job.getObject().getIdentifier() + ".log"))); System.out.println("END OF OBJECT LOG: " + job.getObject().getIdentifier()); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } throw new RuntimeException(msg); } /** * Makes a copy of a file from src/test/resources/at/[sourcePackagename].[ext] * and puts it to the nodes IngestArea at ingestAreaRootPath/test/[originalName].[ext]. * * @param originalName * @throws IOException */ void putSIPtoIngestArea(String sourcePackageName, String ext, String originalName) throws IOException { System.out.println("putSIPtoIngestArea(" + sourcePackageName + ", " + ext + ", " + originalName + ")"); if (localNode == null) throw new IllegalStateException(); if (localNode.getIngestAreaRootPath() == null) throw new IllegalStateException(); File source; File target; if (StringUtilities.isSet(ext)) { source = Path.makeFile(TEST_DATA_ROOT_PATH, sourcePackageName + "." + ext); target = Path.makeFile(localNode.getIngestAreaRootPath(), testContractor.getShort_name(), originalName + "." + ext); FileUtils.copyFile(source, target); } else { source = Path.makeFile(TEST_DATA_ROOT_PATH, sourcePackageName); target = Path.makeFile(localNode.getIngestAreaRootPath(), testContractor.getShort_name(), originalName); if (target.exists()) FolderUtils.deleteDirectorySafe(target); FileUtils.copyDirectory(source, target, false); } } Object putAIPToLongTermStorage(String identifier, String originalName, Date createddate, int object_state) throws IOException { return putAIPToLongTermStorage(identifier, originalName, createddate, object_state, null, null); } /** * @throws IOException */ Object putAIPToLongTermStorage(String identifier, String originalName, Date createddate, int object_state, String packageType, String metadataFile) throws IOException { int timeout = 2000; if (createddate == null) createddate = new Date(); String urn = URN_NBN_DE_DANRW + identifier; gridFacade.put(Path.makeFile(TC.TEST_ROOT_AT, identifier + ".pack_1" + C.FILE_EXTENSION_TAR), new RelativePath(testContractor.getUsername(), identifier, identifier + ".pack_1" + C.FILE_EXTENSION_TAR).toString(), sp, null); int i = 0; while (!gridFacade.storagePolicyAchieved(new RelativePath(testContractor.getUsername(), identifier, identifier + ".pack_1" + C.FILE_EXTENSION_TAR).toString(), sp, null, null)) { try { Thread.sleep(timeout); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } // no problem if (i > 200) fail("Package was not replicated to archive resc"); } Object object = new Object(); object.setPackage_type(packageType); object.setMetadata_file(metadataFile); object.setContractor(testContractor); object.setInitial_node(localNode.getName()); object.setIdentifier(identifier); object.setObject_state(object_state); object.setUrn(urn); object.setCreatedAt(createddate); object.setModifiedAt(createddate); object.setLast_checked(createddate); object.setOrig_name(originalName); Package pkg = new Package(); pkg.setDelta(1); pkg.setContainerName(originalName + "." + C.FILE_EXTENSION_TGZ); Copy copy = new Copy(); String md5 = MD5Checksum.getMD5checksumForLocalFile( Path.makeFile(TC.TEST_ROOT_AT, identifier + ".pack_1" + C.FILE_EXTENSION_TAR)); pkg.setChecksum(md5); copy.setChecksum(md5); copy.setChecksumDate(new Date()); for (Copy c : pkg.getCopies()) c.getId(); pkg.getCopies().add(copy); object.getPackages().add(pkg); Session session = HibernateUtil.openSession(); session.beginTransaction();; session.getTransaction().commit(); session.close(); return object; } void createJob(String origName, String jobStatus) { createJob(origName, jobStatus, new Date()); } void createJob(String origName, String jobStatus, Date createdAt) { Object o = getObject(origName); Session session = HibernateUtil.openSession(); session.beginTransaction(); Node node = (Node) session.load(Node.class, localNode.getId()); Job j = new Job(); j.setResponsibleNodeName(node.getName()); j.setObject(o); j.setCreatedAt(createdAt); j.setModifiedAt(createdAt); j.setStatus(jobStatus);; session.getTransaction().commit(); session.close(); } private boolean isInErrorState(Job job) { if (job.getStatus().endsWith(C.WORKFLOW_STATUS_DIGIT_ERROR_BAD_ROLLBACK) || job.getStatus().endsWith(C.WORKFLOW_STATUS_DIGIT_ERROR_PROPERLY_HANDLED) || job.getStatus().endsWith(C.WORKFLOW_STATUS_DIGIT_USER_ERROR)) return true; return false; } public void setLogPath(String newLogPath) { logPath = newLogPath; } public void setTIMEOUT(int tIMEOUT) { TIMEOUT = tIMEOUT; } public void setFedoraUrlTemplate(String fedoraUrlTemplate) { this.fedoraUrlTemplate = fedoraUrlTemplate; } public File loadDefaultMetsFileFromPip(String identifier) throws IOException { return loadFileFromPip(identifier, C.CB_PACKAGETYPE_METS + C.FILE_EXTENSION_XML); } public File loadDefaultLidoFileFromPip(String identifier) throws IOException { return loadFileFromPip(identifier, C.CB_PACKAGETYPE_LIDO + C.FILE_EXTENSION_XML); } public File loadFileFromPip(String identifier, String fileName) throws IOException { Path contractorsPipsPublic = Path.make(localNode.getWorkAreaRootPath(), WorkArea.PIPS, WorkArea.PUBLIC, testContractor.getUsername()); Path targetDir = Path.make(contractorsPipsPublic, identifier); Path filePath = Path.make(targetDir, fileName); File tmpFile = filePath.toFile(); if (localNode.getName().equals(preservationSystem.getPresServer())) { if (!tmpFile.exists()) { //throw new IOException("File: " + tmpFile + " doesn't exists"); System.out.println("File: " + tmpFile + " doesn't exists"); } } else { if (tmpFile.exists()) { tmpFile.delete(); } Files.createDirectories(Paths.get(targetDir.toFile().getAbsolutePath())); tmpFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); //if filename contains directories if (fedoraUrlTemplate == null) throw new IOException("File: " + tmpFile + " is not downloadable, fedora Url is not seted"); fetchFileFromFedora(identifier, fileName, tmpFile); } return tmpFile; } public void fetchFileFromFedora(String identifier, String srcFileName, File targetFile) throws IOException { String url = fedoraUrlTemplate.replace("IDENTIFIER", identifier).replace("FILENAME", FileIdGenerator.getFileId(srcFileName)); // String curlUrlCommand="curl X GET \"" + url.replace("IDENTIFIER", // identifier).replace("FILENAME", srcFileName)+"\""; // ProcessInformation pi = new // CommandLineConnector().runCmdSynchronously(new String[]{"curl X GET // ", url},null,60000); String htmlString = null; try { htmlString = getFileAsHTMContent(url); // pi.getStdOut(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println("ERROR: " + url + " is not awaible!!! " + e); } if (htmlString != null) { String[] htmlStringSplit = htmlString.split("</html>"); FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(targetFile); fw.write(htmlStringSplit[htmlStringSplit.length - 1]); // get the part of content after html-stuff fw.close(); } // curl X GET // "http://localhost:8080/fedora/objects/collection-open:1-2016102534/datastreams/_1175-mets_1175.xml/content" // -> danrw:8-2016101915371/... // } private static String getFileAsHTMContent(String urlString) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException { System.out.println("Fetch File from fedora: " + urlString); URL url = new URL(urlString); URLConnection urlc = url.openConnection(); urlc.addRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0"); StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder(); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.openStream(), "UTF-8")); for (String line; (line = reader.readLine()) != null;) { System.out.println(line); ret.append(line); } return ret.toString(); } }