Source code

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 * Copyright (c) 2014-2015 University of Ulm
 * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

package de.uniulm.omi.cloudiator.axe.aggregator.utils;

import de.uniulm.omi.cloudiator.axe.aggregator.entities.FormulaOperator;
import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.StatUtils;
import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.DescriptiveStatistics;

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

 * TODO add functions for weighted values
 * <p>
 * Created by Frank on 06.08.2015.
public class Calc {
    private static double ACC = 0.00001;

    private static DescriptiveStatistics transform(List<Double> values) {
        double[] arr = toArray(values);
        return new DescriptiveStatistics(arr);

    private static double[] toArray(List<Double> values) {
        double[] arr = new double[values.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) {
            arr[i] = values.get(i);
        return arr;

    public static Double calculate(FormulaOperator operator, List<Double> values) {

        switch (operator) {
        case AVG: {
            return Calc.AVG(values);
        case SUM: {
            return Calc.SUM(values);
        case MINUS: {
            return Calc.MINUS(values);
        case MULTIPLY: {
            return Calc.MULTIPLY(values);
        case DIV: {
            return Calc.DIV(values);
        case MODULO: {
            return Calc.MODULO(values);
        case AND: {
            return Calc.AND(values);
        case OR: {
            return Calc.OR(values);
        case XOR: {
            return Calc.XOR(values);
        case GT: {
            return Calc.GT(values);
        case GTE: {
            return Calc.GTE(values);
        case LT: {
            return Calc.LT(values);
        case LTE: {
            return Calc.LTE(values);
        case EQ: {
            return Calc.EQ(values);
        case NEQ: {
            return Calc.NEQ(values);
        case STD: {
            return Calc.STD(values);
        case COUNT: {
            return Calc.COUNT(values);
        case MIN: {
            return Calc.MIN(values);
        case PERCENTILE: {
            return Calc.PERCENTILE(values);
        case DERIVATIVE: {
            return Calc.DERIVATIVE(values);
        case MODE: {
            return Calc.MODE(values);
        case MEDIAN: {
            return Calc.MEDIAN(values);
        case LAST: {
            return Calc.LAST(values);
        case IDENTITY:
        case FIRST: {
            return Calc.FIRST(values);
        case MAX: {
            return Calc.MAX(values);
            throw new RuntimeException("FormulaOperator not yet implemented!" + "\t" + operator.toString());


    public static Double calculate(FormulaOperator operator, List<Double> values, int minimumApplies,
            Double mappedMonitorValue) {

        switch (operator) {
        case AVG:
        case SUM:
        case MINUS:
        case MULTIPLY:
        case DIV:
        case MODULO:
        case AND:
        case OR:
        case XOR:
        case STD:
        case COUNT:
        case MIN:
        case PERCENTILE:
        case DERIVATIVE:
        case MODE:
        case MEDIAN:
        case LAST:
        case FIRST:
        case EQ: {
            return Calc.EQ(values, minimumApplies, mappedMonitorValue);
        case NEQ: {
            return Calc.NEQ(values, minimumApplies, mappedMonitorValue);
        case GT: {
            return Calc.GT(values, minimumApplies, mappedMonitorValue);
        case GTE: {
            return Calc.GTE(values, minimumApplies, mappedMonitorValue);
        case LT: {
            return Calc.LT(values, minimumApplies, mappedMonitorValue);
        case LTE: {
            return Calc.LTE(values, minimumApplies, mappedMonitorValue);
            throw new RuntimeException("FormulaOperator not yet implemented!");


    public static Double AVG(List<Double> values) {
        Double sum = 0d;

        for (Double number : values) {
            sum += number;

        return sum / values.size();

    public static Double SUM(List<Double> values) {
        Double sum = 0d;

        for (Double number : values) {
            sum += number;

        return sum;

    public static Double MINUS(List<Double> values) {
        Double minus = null;

        for (Double number : values) {
            if (minus == null) {
                minus = number;
            } else {
                minus += number;

        return minus;

    public static Double MULTIPLY(List<Double> values) {
        Double multiply = null;

        for (Double number : values) {
            if (multiply == null) {
                multiply = number;
            } else {
                multiply *= number;

        return multiply;

    public static Double DIV(List<Double> values) {
        Double div = null;

        for (Double number : values) {
            if (div == null) {
                div = number;
            } else {
                div /= number;

        return div;

    public static Double MODULO(List<Double> values) {
        Double modulo = null;

        for (Double number : values) {
            if (modulo == null) {
                modulo = number;
            } else {
                modulo %= number;

        return modulo;

    public static Double STD(List<Double> values) {
        DescriptiveStatistics ds = transform(values);

        return ds.getStandardDeviation();

    public static Double COUNT(List<Double> values) {
        return (double) values.size();

    public static Double MIN(List<Double> values) {
        DescriptiveStatistics ds = transform(values);

        return ds.getMin();

    public static Double MAX(List<Double> values) {
        DescriptiveStatistics ds = transform(values);

        return ds.getMax();

    public static Double PERCENTILE(List<Double> values) {
        //TODO this semantics has to be defined better
        Double p = values.get(0);
        DescriptiveStatistics ds = transform(values);

        return ds.getPercentile(p);

    public static Double PERCENTILE(List<Double> values, Double p) {
        DescriptiveStatistics ds = transform(values);

        return ds.getPercentile(p);

    public static Double DERIVATIVE(List<Double> values) {
        //TODO not sure about the meaning / difference to STD
        return values.get(0) / values.get(values.size() - 1);

    public static Double MODE(List<Double> values) {
        DescriptiveStatistics ds = transform(values);

        // TODO check if first value of mode is enough
        return Double.valueOf(StatUtils.mode(toArray(values))[0]);

    public static Double MEDIAN(List<Double> values) {
        DescriptiveStatistics ds = transform(values);

        return ds.getPercentile(50.0);

    public static Double GT(List<Double> values, int minimumApplies, Double mappedMonitorValue) {
        int amountApply = 0;
        Iterator<Double> iterator = values.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext() && amountApply < minimumApplies) {
            if ( > mappedMonitorValue) {
                amountApply += 1;

        if (amountApply < minimumApplies) {
            return 0d;
        } else {
            return 1d;

    public static Double GT(List<Double> values) {
        boolean result = true;
        int amountApply = 0;
        boolean first = true;
        double last = 0.0;
        Iterator<Double> iterator = values.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            if (first) {
                first = false;
                last =;
            } else {
                result &= ( > last);

        if (result) {
            return 0d;
        } else {
            return 1d;

    public static Double GTE(List<Double> values, int minimumApplies, Double mappedMonitorValue) {
        int amountApply = 0;
        Iterator<Double> iterator = values.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext() && amountApply < minimumApplies) {
            /* TODO equals dangerous with double arithmetic */
            if ( >= mappedMonitorValue) {
                amountApply += 1;

        if (amountApply < minimumApplies) {
            return 0d;
        } else {
            return 1d;

    public static Double GTE(List<Double> values) {
        boolean result = true;
        int amountApply = 0;
        boolean first = true;
        double last = 0.0;
        Iterator<Double> iterator = values.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            if (first) {
                first = false;
                last =;
            } else {
                result &= ( >= last);

        if (result) {
            return 0d;
        } else {
            return 1d;

    public static Double LT(List<Double> values, int minimumApplies, Double mappedMonitorValue) {
        int amountApply = 0;
        Iterator<Double> iterator = values.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext() && amountApply < minimumApplies) {
            if ( < mappedMonitorValue) {
                amountApply += 1;

        if (amountApply < minimumApplies) {
            return 0d;
        } else {
            return 1d;

    public static Double LT(List<Double> values) {
        boolean result = true;
        int amountApply = 0;
        boolean first = true;
        double last = 0.0;
        Iterator<Double> iterator = values.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            if (first) {
                first = false;
                last =;
            } else {
                result &= ( < last);

        if (result) {
            return 0d;
        } else {
            return 1d;

    public static Double LTE(List<Double> values, int minimumApplies, Double mappedMonitorValue) {
        int amountApply = 0;
        Iterator<Double> iterator = values.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext() && amountApply < minimumApplies) {
            /* TODO equals dangerous with double arithmetic */
            if ( <= mappedMonitorValue) {
                amountApply += 1;

        if (amountApply < minimumApplies) {
            return 0d;
        } else {
            return 1d;

    public static Double LTE(List<Double> values) {
        boolean result = true;
        int amountApply = 0;
        boolean first = true;
        double last = 0.0;
        Iterator<Double> iterator = values.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            if (first) {
                first = false;
                last =;
            } else {
                /* TODO equals dangerous with double arithmetic */
                result &= ( <= last);

        if (result) {
            return 0d;
        } else {
            return 1d;

    public static Double EQ(List<Double> values, int minimumApplies, Double mappedMonitorValue) {
        int amountApply = 0;
        Iterator<Double> iterator = values.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext() && amountApply < minimumApplies) {
            /* TODO equals dangerous with double arithmetic */
            Double next =;
            if ((next + ACC) > mappedMonitorValue && (next - ACC) < mappedMonitorValue) {
                amountApply += 1;

        if (amountApply < minimumApplies) {
            return 0d;
        } else {
            return 1d;

    public static Double EQ(List<Double> values) {
        boolean result = true;
        int amountApply = 0;
        boolean first = true;
        double last = 0.0;
        Iterator<Double> iterator = values.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            if (first) {
                first = false;
                last =;
            } else {
                double next =;
                /* TODO equals dangerous with double arithmetic */
                result &= ((next + ACC) > last && (next - ACC) < last);

        if (result) {
            return 0d;
        } else {
            return 1d;

    public static Double NEQ(List<Double> values, int minimumApplies, Double mappedMonitorValue) {
        int amountApply = 0;
        Iterator<Double> iterator = values.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext() && amountApply < minimumApplies) {
            /* TODO equals dangerous with double arithmetic */
            Double next =;
            if (!((next + ACC) > mappedMonitorValue && (next - ACC) < mappedMonitorValue)) {
                amountApply += 1;

        if (amountApply < minimumApplies) {
            return 0d;
        } else {
            return 1d;

    public static Double NEQ(List<Double> values) {
        boolean result = true;
        int amountApply = 0;
        boolean first = true;
        double last = 0.0;
        Iterator<Double> iterator = values.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            if (first) {
                first = false;
                last =;
            } else {
                double next =;
                /* TODO equals dangerous with double arithmetic */
                result &= !((next + ACC) > last && (next - ACC) < last);

        if (result) {
            return 0d;
        } else {
            return 1d;

    Semantic: if one value is true, the expression is true.
    public static Double OR(List<Double> values) {
        boolean result = false;
        Iterator<Double> iterator = values.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext() && result == false) {
            if ( > 0.1 /* ungenauigkeit */) {
                result = true;

        if (result) {
            return 1d;
        } else {
            return 0d;

    public static Double XOR(List<Double> values) {
        boolean result = false;
        boolean first = true;
        Iterator<Double> iterator = values.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext() && result == false) {
            double next =;
            if (first) {
                if (next > 0.1 /* ungenauigkeit */) {
                    result = true;
                    first = false;
            } else {
                if ((!result && next > 0.1) || (result && next < 0.99)) {
                    result = true;

        if (result) {
            return 1d;
        } else {
            return 0d;

    public static Double AND(List<Double> values) {
        boolean result = true;

        if (values.size() > 0) {
            Iterator<Double> iterator = values.iterator();
            while (iterator.hasNext() && result == true) {
                if ( < 0.99 /* ungenauigkeit */) {
                    result = false;
        } else {
            result = false;

        if (result) {
            return 1d;
        } else {
            return 0d;

    public static Double FIRST(List<Double> values) {
        return values.get(0);

    public static Double LAST(List<Double> values) {
        return values.get(values.size() - 1);
