Java tutorial
/* * ELAC: Ensemble Learning for Anaphora- and Coreference-Resolution-Systems * package: * class: WEKARunner * * Authors: E-Mail * Thomas Boegel: * Lukas Funk: * Andreas Kull: * * Please find a detailed explanation of this particular class/package and its role and usage at * the first JavaDoc following this comment. * * Copyright 2010 Thomas Boegel & Lukas Funk & Andreas Kull * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Random; import; import weka.classifiers.Classifier; import weka.classifiers.Evaluation; import weka.classifiers.meta.Stacking; import weka.core.converters.ArffSaver; import weka.core.Instance; import weka.core.Instances; import weka.core.Utils; /** * An interface class to access the <a href="">WEKA API</a>. * <br> * Several parts of the code are taken from the <a href="">WEKA Wiki</a> * and adapted to our needs in order to classify a single instance. * <br> * To use this class, <a href="">WEKA 3.7.1</a> is needed and * to be placed in the resource folder. */ public class WEKARunner { private Instances train; private Classifier classifier; /* internal WEKA evaluation not used yet */ private Evaluation evaluation; /** * Holds the classifiers we currently support and use. */ private enum Type { J48, BAYES, BAGGING, ADABOOST, NEARESTNEIGHBOR, ZEROR, KSTAR, BFTREE } /** * Creates a WEKA interface with a local ARFF file for training. * * @param trainArff Local ARFF file for training. * @throws If WEKA couldn't be initialized. */ public WEKARunner(String trainArff) throws Exception { train = new Instances(new BufferedReader(new FileReader(trainArff))); train.setClassIndex(train.numAttributes() - 1); } /** * Creates a WEKA interface with a provided Instances for training. * * @param trainInstances Instances used for training. * @throws If WEKA couldn't be initialized. */ public WEKARunner(Instances trainInstances) throws Exception { train = trainInstances; } /** * Returns the class-name and path for a given classifier type. * <br> * This is mainly for security so that we can guarantee functionality. * * @param type Given classifier type. * @return String representation to the class-name and its path. */ private String getClass(Type type) throws Exception { switch (type) { case J48: return "weka.classifiers.trees.J48"; case BAYES: return "weka.classifiers.bayes.NaiveBayes"; case BAGGING: return "weka.classifiers.meta.Bagging"; case ADABOOST: return "weka.classifiers.meta.AdaBoostM1"; case NEARESTNEIGHBOR: return "weka.classifiers.lazy.IB1"; case ZEROR: return "weka.classifiers.rules.ZeroR"; case KSTAR: return "weka.classifiers.lazy.KStar"; case BFTREE: return "weka.classifiers.trees.BFTree"; default: throw new ClassifierException("Classifier not found."); } } /** * Internal class for useful exception handling. */ private class ClassifierException extends Exception { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public ClassifierException(String msg) { super(msg); } } /** * Entry point for external usage to construct the classifier given a machine learning * algorithm. * * @param type A base classifier (machine learning algorithm). * @param options Options for the classifier. * @throws If the classifier couldn't be initialized. */ public void run(String type, String options) throws Exception { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); if (type.equals("J48") || type.equals("BAYES") || type.equals("KSTAR") || type.equals("ZEROR") || type.equals("BFTREE")) { buildClassifier(getClass(Type.valueOf(type.toUpperCase())), Utils.splitOptions(sb.toString())); } else { throw new ClassifierException("Please select a subclassifier"); } } /** * Entry point for external usage to construct the classifier given a meta machine learning * algorithm and a machine learning algorithm for a base-learner. * * @param type A meta machine learning algorithm. * @param subtype A machine learning algorithm. * @param options Options for the classifiers. * @throws If the classifier couldn't be initialized. */ public void run(String type, String subtype, String options) throws Exception { if (subtype.equals("J48") || subtype.equals("BAYES")) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("-W " + getClass(Type.valueOf(subtype.toUpperCase())) + " " + options); buildClassifier(getClass(Type.valueOf(type.toUpperCase())), Utils.splitOptions(sb.toString())); } else { throw new ClassifierException("Please specify a proper subclassifier for " + "base-learning"); } } /** * Entry point for external usage to construct a stacking classifier with a meta machine * learning algorithm for level 1 and multiple machine learning algorithms for level 0. * * @param type A meta machine learning algorithm for level 1. * @param subtypes Multiple machine learning algorithms for level 0. * @param options Options for the classifiers. * @throws If the classifier couldn't be initialized. */ public void run(String type, String[] subtypes, String options) throws Exception { this.classifier = createStack(type, subtypes, options); } /** * Internal construction of the stacking classifier and its level 1 and level 0 algorithms. * * @param type A meta machine learning algorithm for level 1. * @param subtypes Multiple machine learning algorithms for level 0. * @param options Options for the classifiers. * @return The stacking classifier. */ private Stacking createStack(String type, String[] subtypes, String options) throws Exception { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); Stacking stack = new Stacking(); sb.append("-M " + getClass(Type.valueOf(type.toUpperCase()))); for (String s : subtypes) { sb.append(" -B " + getClass(Type.valueOf(s.toUpperCase()))); } sb.append(" " + options); Logging.getInstance().getLogger() .info("Building " + subtypes.length + " subclassifiers... this might take some time"); stack.setOptions(Utils.splitOptions(sb.toString())); stack.buildClassifier(train); return stack; } /** * Builds a classifier. * * @param name Classname of the specific classifier. * @param options Options for the specific classifier. */ private void buildClassifier(String name, String[] options) throws Exception { classifier = (Classifier) Utils.forName(Classifier.class, name, options); classifier.buildClassifier(train); } /** * Evaluates our classifier with a test set. * <br> * Not used yet. * * @param testArff ARFF file to evaluate against. * @throws If the evaluation couldn't be initialized. */ public void buildEvaluation(String testArff) throws Exception { Instances evalIns = new Instances(new BufferedReader(new FileReader(testArff))); evalIns.setClassIndex(evalIns.numAttributes() - 1); evaluation = new Evaluation(train); } /** * Cross-evaluates our classifier. * <br> * Not used yet. * * @throws If the evaluation couldn't be initialized. */ public void buildEvaluation() throws Exception { evaluation = new Evaluation(train); evaluation.crossValidateModel(classifier, train, 10, new Random(1)); } /** * Getter for returning the evaluation of the classifier. * <br> * Not used yet. * * @return Evaluation of the classifier. */ public Evaluation getEvaluation() { return evaluation; } /** * Predicts unknown labels of an Instances. * * @param unkIns Instances with unknown attributes. * @return Instances with the formerly unknown instances, now labeled. * @throws If the Instances couldn't be labeled. */ public Instances labelUnknownInstances(Instances unkIns) throws Exception { Instances testcpy = new Instances(unkIns); for (int i = 0; i < unkIns.numInstances(); i++) { double clsLabel = classifier.classifyInstance(unkIns.instance(i)); testcpy.instance(i).setClassValue(clsLabel); } return testcpy; } /** * Classifies a single Instance. * <br> * The class attribute, which is a numeral representation (representing the position) of the * label, must be resolved by the caller. * * @param instance Instance to be classified. * @return A numeral representation of the class attribute. * @throws If the Instance couldn't be labeled. */ public double labelUnknownInstance(Instance instance) throws Exception { return classifier.classifyInstance(instance); } /** * Returns the output possibility of each possible label of an instance. * <br> * Not used yet. * * @param instance Instance for the distribution analysis. * @return Array of possibilities with values for each attribute. */ public double[] getDistribution(Instance instance) throws Exception { return classifier.distributionForInstance(instance); } /** * Writes an Instances to an ARFF file. * * @param instances Instances to be written to an ARFF file. * @param savedArffPath Filename and -path of the Instances to be saved. * @throws If the file couldn't be written. */ public static void writeInstancesToArff(Instances instances, String savedArffPath) throws IOException { ArffSaver saver = new ArffSaver(); saver.setInstances(instances); saver.setFile(new File(savedArffPath)); saver.writeBatch(); } }