Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2013 * * This file is part of JBOP (Java Bytecode OPtimizer). * * JBOP is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * JBOP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with JBOP. If not, see <>. */ package de.tuberlin.uebb.jbop.example; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import org.apache.commons.math3.exception.NumberIsTooLargeException; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath; import de.tuberlin.uebb.jbop.exception.JBOPClassException; import de.tuberlin.uebb.jbop.optimizer.Optimizer; /** * A factory for creating {@link DSCompiler} objects. * * Extracted from the original {@link org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.differentiation.DSCompiler}. */ public class DSCompilerFactory { /** Array of all compilers created so far. */ private static AtomicReference<IDSCompiler[][]> compilers = new AtomicReference<IDSCompiler[][]>(null); /** * Get the compiler for number of free parameters and order. * * @param parameters * number of free parameters * @param order * derivation order * @return cached rules set */ public static IDSCompiler getCompiler(final int parameters, final int order) { // get the cached compilers final IDSCompiler[][] cache = compilers.get(); if ((cache != null) && (cache.length > parameters) && (cache[parameters].length > order)) { if (cache[parameters][order] != null) { // the compiler has already been created return cache[parameters][order]; } } // we need to create more compilers final int maxParameters = FastMath.max(parameters, cache == null ? 0 : cache.length); final int maxOrder = FastMath.max(order, cache == null ? 0 : cache[0].length); final IDSCompiler[][] newCache = new IDSCompiler[maxParameters + 1][maxOrder + 1]; if (cache != null) { // preserve the already created compilers for (int i = 0; i < cache.length; ++i) { System.arraycopy(cache[i], 0, newCache[i], 0, cache[i].length); } } // create the array in increasing diagonal order for (int diag = 0; diag <= (parameters + order); ++diag) { for (int o = FastMath.max(0, diag - parameters); o <= FastMath.min(order, diag); ++o) { final int p = diag - o; if (newCache[p][o] == null) { final IDSCompiler valueCompiler = (p == 0) ? null : newCache[p - 1][o]; final IDSCompiler derivativeCompiler = (o == 0) ? null : newCache[p][o - 1]; final int[][] sizes = compileSizes(p, o, valueCompiler); final int[][] derivativesIndirection = compileDerivativesIndirection(p, o, valueCompiler, derivativeCompiler); final int[] lowerIndirection = compileLowerIndirection(p, o, valueCompiler, derivativeCompiler); final int[][][] multiplicationIndirection = compileMultiplicationIndirection(p, o, valueCompiler, derivativeCompiler, lowerIndirection); final int[][][] compositionIndirection = compileCompositionIndirection(p, o, valueCompiler, derivativeCompiler, sizes, derivativesIndirection); final IDSCompiler dsCompiler = new DSCompiler(p, o, sizes, derivativesIndirection, lowerIndirection, multiplicationIndirection, compositionIndirection); final Optimizer optimizer = new Optimizer(); IDSCompiler optimized; try { optimized = optimizer.optimize(dsCompiler, "__" + p + "x" + o); } catch (final JBOPClassException e) { throw new RuntimeException("IDSCompiler couldn't be created.", e); } newCache[p][o] = optimized; } } } // atomically reset the cached compilers array compilers.compareAndSet(cache, newCache); return newCache[parameters][order]; } /** * Compile the sizes array. * * @param parameters * number of free parameters * @param order * derivation order * @param valueCompiler * compiler for the value part * @return sizes array */ private static int[][] compileSizes(final int parameters, final int order, final IDSCompiler valueCompiler) { final int[][] sizes = new int[parameters + 1][order + 1]; if (parameters == 0) { Arrays.fill(sizes[0], 1); } else { System.arraycopy(valueCompiler.getSizes(), 0, sizes, 0, parameters); sizes[parameters][0] = 1; for (int i = 0; i < order; ++i) { sizes[parameters][i + 1] = sizes[parameters][i] + sizes[parameters - 1][i + 1]; } } return sizes; } /** * Compile the derivatives indirection array. * * @param parameters * number of free parameters * @param order * derivation order * @param valueCompiler * compiler for the value part * @param derivativeCompiler * compiler for the derivative part * @return derivatives indirection array */ private static int[][] compileDerivativesIndirection(final int parameters, final int order, final IDSCompiler valueCompiler, final IDSCompiler derivativeCompiler) { if ((parameters == 0) || (order == 0)) { return new int[1][parameters]; } final int vSize = valueCompiler.getDerivativesIndirection().length; final int dSize = derivativeCompiler.getDerivativesIndirection().length; final int[][] derivativesIndirection = new int[vSize + dSize][parameters]; // set up the indices for the value part for (int i = 0; i < vSize; ++i) { // copy the first indices, the last one remaining set to 0 System.arraycopy(valueCompiler.getDerivativesIndirection()[i], 0, derivativesIndirection[i], 0, parameters - 1); } // set up the indices for the derivative part for (int i = 0; i < dSize; ++i) { // copy the indices System.arraycopy(derivativeCompiler.getDerivativesIndirection()[i], 0, derivativesIndirection[vSize + i], 0, parameters); // increment the derivation order for the last parameter derivativesIndirection[vSize + i][parameters - 1]++; } return derivativesIndirection; } /** * Compile the lower derivatives indirection array. * <p> * This indirection array contains the indices of all elements except derivatives for last derivation order. * </p> * * @param parameters * number of free parameters * @param order * derivation order * @param valueCompiler * compiler for the value part * @param derivativeCompiler * compiler for the derivative part * @return lower derivatives indirection array */ private static int[] compileLowerIndirection(final int parameters, final int order, final IDSCompiler valueCompiler, final IDSCompiler derivativeCompiler) { if ((parameters == 0) || (order <= 1)) { return new int[] { 0 }; } // this is an implementation of definition 6 in Dan Kalman's paper. final int vSize = valueCompiler.getLowerIndirection().length; final int dSize = derivativeCompiler.getLowerIndirection().length; final int[] lowerIndirection = new int[vSize + dSize]; System.arraycopy(valueCompiler.getLowerIndirection(), 0, lowerIndirection, 0, vSize); for (int i = 0; i < dSize; ++i) { lowerIndirection[vSize + i] = valueCompiler.getSize() + derivativeCompiler.getLowerIndirection()[i]; } return lowerIndirection; } /** * Compile the multiplication indirection array. * <p> * This indirection array contains the indices of all pairs of elements involved when computing a multiplication. This * allows a straightforward loop-based multiplication (see * {@link #multiply(double[], int, double[], int, double[], int)}). * </p> * * @param parameters * number of free parameters * @param order * derivation order * @param valueCompiler * compiler for the value part * @param derivativeCompiler * compiler for the derivative part * @param lowerIndirection * lower derivatives indirection array * @return multiplication indirection array */ private static int[][][] compileMultiplicationIndirection(final int parameters, final int order, final IDSCompiler valueCompiler, final IDSCompiler derivativeCompiler, final int[] lowerIndirection) { if ((parameters == 0) || (order == 0)) { return new int[][][] { { { 1, 0, 0 } } }; } // this is an implementation of definition 3 in Dan Kalman's paper. final int vSize = valueCompiler.getMultIndirection().length; final int dSize = derivativeCompiler.getMultIndirection().length; final int[][][] multIndirection = new int[vSize + dSize][][]; System.arraycopy(valueCompiler.getMultIndirection(), 0, multIndirection, 0, vSize); for (int i = 0; i < dSize; ++i) { final int[][] dRow = derivativeCompiler.getMultIndirection()[i]; final List<int[]> row = new ArrayList<int[]>(); for (int j = 0; j < dRow.length; ++j) { row.add(new int[] { dRow[j][0], lowerIndirection[dRow[j][1]], vSize + dRow[j][2] }); row.add(new int[] { dRow[j][0], vSize + dRow[j][1], lowerIndirection[dRow[j][2]] }); } // combine terms with similar derivation orders final List<int[]> combined = new ArrayList<int[]>(row.size()); for (int j = 0; j < row.size(); ++j) { final int[] termJ = row.get(j); if (termJ[0] > 0) { for (int k = j + 1; k < row.size(); ++k) { final int[] termK = row.get(k); if ((termJ[1] == termK[1]) && (termJ[2] == termK[2])) { // combine termJ and termK termJ[0] += termK[0]; // make sure we will skip termK later on in the outer loop termK[0] = 0; } } combined.add(termJ); } } multIndirection[vSize + i] = combined.toArray(new int[combined.size()][]); } return multIndirection; } /** * Compile the function composition indirection array. * <p> * This indirection array contains the indices of all sets of elements involved when computing a composition. This * allows a straightforward loop-based composition (see {@link #compose(double[], int, double[], double[], int)}). * </p> * * @param parameters * number of free parameters * @param order * derivation order * @param valueCompiler * compiler for the value part * @param derivativeCompiler * compiler for the derivative part * @param sizes * sizes array * @param derivativesIndirection * derivatives indirection array * @return multiplication indirection array */ private static int[][][] compileCompositionIndirection(final int parameters, final int order, final IDSCompiler valueCompiler, final IDSCompiler derivativeCompiler, final int[][] sizes, final int[][] derivativesIndirection) { if ((parameters == 0) || (order == 0)) { return new int[][][] { { { 1, 0 } } }; } final int vSize = valueCompiler.getCompIndirection().length; final int dSize = derivativeCompiler.getCompIndirection().length; final int[][][] compIndirection = new int[vSize + dSize][][]; // the composition rules from the value part can be reused as is System.arraycopy(valueCompiler.getCompIndirection(), 0, compIndirection, 0, vSize); // the composition rules for the derivative part are deduced by // differentiation the rules from the underlying compiler once // with respect to the parameter this compiler handles and the // underlying one did not handle for (int i = 0; i < dSize; ++i) { final List<int[]> row = new ArrayList<int[]>(); for (final int[] term : derivativeCompiler.getCompIndirection()[i]) { // handle term p * f_k(g(x)) * g_l1(x) * g_l2(x) * ... * g_lp(x) // derive the first factor in the term: f_k with respect to new parameter final int[] derivedTermF = new int[term.length + 1]; derivedTermF[0] = term[0]; // p derivedTermF[1] = term[1] + 1; // f_(k+1) final int[] orders = new int[parameters]; orders[parameters - 1] = 1; derivedTermF[term.length] = getPartialDerivativeIndex(parameters, order, sizes, orders); // g_1 for (int j = 2; j < term.length; ++j) { // convert the indices as the mapping for the current order // is different from the mapping with one less order derivedTermF[j] = convertIndex(term[j], parameters, derivativeCompiler.getDerivativesIndirection(), parameters, order, sizes); } Arrays.sort(derivedTermF, 2, derivedTermF.length); row.add(derivedTermF); // derive the various g_l for (int l = 2; l < term.length; ++l) { final int[] derivedTermG = new int[term.length]; derivedTermG[0] = term[0]; derivedTermG[1] = term[1]; for (int j = 2; j < term.length; ++j) { // convert the indices as the mapping for the current order // is different from the mapping with one less order derivedTermG[j] = convertIndex(term[j], parameters, derivativeCompiler.getDerivativesIndirection(), parameters, order, sizes); if (j == l) { // derive this term System.arraycopy(derivativesIndirection[derivedTermG[j]], 0, orders, 0, parameters); orders[parameters - 1]++; derivedTermG[j] = getPartialDerivativeIndex(parameters, order, sizes, orders); } } Arrays.sort(derivedTermG, 2, derivedTermG.length); row.add(derivedTermG); } } // combine terms with similar derivation orders final List<int[]> combined = new ArrayList<int[]>(row.size()); for (int j = 0; j < row.size(); ++j) { final int[] termJ = row.get(j); if (termJ[0] > 0) { for (int k = j + 1; k < row.size(); ++k) { final int[] termK = row.get(k); boolean equals = termJ.length == termK.length; for (int l = 1; equals && (l < termJ.length); ++l) { equals &= termJ[l] == termK[l]; } if (equals) { // combine termJ and termK termJ[0] += termK[0]; // make sure we will skip termK later on in the outer loop termK[0] = 0; } } combined.add(termJ); } } compIndirection[vSize + i] = combined.toArray(new int[combined.size()][]); } return compIndirection; } /** * Get the index of a partial derivative in an array. * * @param parameters * number of free parameters * @param order * derivation order * @param sizes * sizes array * @param orders * derivation orders with respect to each parameter * (the lenght of this array must match the number of parameters) * @return index of the partial derivative * @throws NumberIsTooLargeException * if sum of derivation orders is larger * than the instance limits */ public static int getPartialDerivativeIndex(final int parameters, final int order, final int[][] sizes, final int... orders) throws NumberIsTooLargeException { // the value is obtained by diving into the recursive Dan Kalman's structure // this is theorem 2 of his paper, with recursion replaced by iteration int index = 0; int m = order; int ordersSum = 0; for (int i = parameters - 1; i >= 0; --i) { // derivative order for current free parameter int derivativeOrder = orders[i]; // safety check ordersSum += derivativeOrder; if (ordersSum > order) { throw new NumberIsTooLargeException(ordersSum, order, true); } while (derivativeOrder-- > 0) { // as long as we differentiate according to current free parameter, // we have to skip the value part and dive into the derivative part // so we add the size of the value part to the base index index += sizes[i][m--]; } } return index; } /** * Convert an index from one (parameters, order) structure to another. * * @param index * index of a partial derivative in source derivative structure * @param srcP * number of free parameters in source derivative structure * @param srcDerivativesIndirection * derivatives indirection array for the source * derivative structure * @param destP * number of free parameters in destination derivative structure * @param destO * derivation order in destination derivative structure * @param destSizes * sizes array for the destination derivative structure * @return index of the partial derivative with the <em>same</em> characteristics * in destination derivative structure */ private static int convertIndex(final int index, final int srcP, final int[][] srcDerivativesIndirection, final int destP, final int destO, final int[][] destSizes) { final int[] orders = new int[destP]; System.arraycopy(srcDerivativesIndirection[index], 0, orders, 0, FastMath.min(srcP, destP)); return getPartialDerivativeIndex(destP, destO, destSizes, orders); } }