Java tutorial
/* * SWAMP Workflow Administration and Management Platform * * Copyright (c) 2004 Thomas Schmidt * Copyright (c) 2006 Novell Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin * St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * In addition, as a special exception, Novell Inc. gives permission to link the * code of this program with the following applications: * * - All applications of the Apache Software Foundation * * and distribute such linked combinations. */ package de.suse.swamp.webswamp; import*; import java.util.*; import org.apache.commons.lang.*; import org.apache.turbine.*; import*; import*; import*; import org.apache.turbine.util.*; import org.apache.velocity.*; import*; import de.suse.swamp.core.container.*; import de.suse.swamp.core.workflow.*; import*; import de.suse.swamp.util.*; /** * @author tschmidt * * Extended Turbine UIManager Pull-Tool, * to be able to handle different Interfaces */ public class SwampUIManager extends UIManager implements ApplicationTool, Serializable { /** * Property tag for the Interface that is to be * used for the web application. */ private static final String INTERFACE_PROPERTY = "tool.ui.interface"; /** * Default Interface name. */ private static final String INTERFACE_PROPERTY_DEFAULT = ""; /** * Attribute name of InterfaceName value in User's temp hashmap. */ private static final String INTERFACE_ATTRIBUTE = SwampUIManager.class.getName() + ".interface"; /** * The actual Interface being used for the webapp. */ private String interfaceName; /** * The location of the skins within the application * resources directory. */ private static final String SKINS_DIRECTORY = "/ui/skins"; /** * The file within the skin directory that actually * contains the name/value pairs for the skin. */ private static final String SKIN_PROPS_FILE = "skin.props"; private static final String RESOURCES_PROPS_FILE = "resources.props"; /** * The file name for the skin style sheet. */ private static final String SKIN_CSS_FILE = "skin.css"; /** * Properties to hold the name/value pairs * of image mappings. */ private Properties resourceProperties; /** * The skins directory. */ private String skinsDirectory; /** * Properties to hold the name/value pairs * for the skin. */ private Properties skinProperties; /** * Overwriting init-Method of UIManager * * @param data assumed to be a RunData object */ public void init(Object data) { super.init(data); skinsDirectory = TurbinePull.getAbsolutePathToResourcesDirectory() + SKINS_DIRECTORY; loadSkin(); if (data == null) { setInterface(); } else if (data instanceof RunData) { setInterface((RunData) data); } else if (data instanceof User) { setInterface((User) data); } } /** * @return Returns the interfaceName. */ public String getInterface() { return interfaceName; } /** * Set the Interface name to the Interface from the TR.props * file. If the property is not present use the * default Interface. */ public void setInterface() { this.interfaceName = Turbine.getConfiguration().getString(INTERFACE_PROPERTY, INTERFACE_PROPERTY_DEFAULT); } /** * Set the Interface name to the specified Interface. * * @param InterfaceName the Interface name to use. */ public void setInterface(String interfaceName) { this.interfaceName = interfaceName; } /** * Set the Interface name when the tool is configured to be * loaded on a per-request basis. By default it calls getInterface * to return the Interface specified in * * @param data a RunData instance */ protected void setInterface(RunData data) { setInterface(); } /** * Set the Interface name when the tool is configured to be * loaded on a per-session basis. It the user's temp hashmap contains * a value in the attribute specified by the String constant Interface_ATTRIBUTE * then that is returned. Otherwise it calls getInterface to return the skin * specified in * * @param user a User instance */ protected void setInterface(User user) { if (user.getTemp(INTERFACE_ATTRIBUTE) == null) { setInterface(); } else { setInterface((String) user.getTemp(INTERFACE_ATTRIBUTE)); } } /** * Set the Interface name user's temp hashmap for the current session. * * @param user a User instance * @param interfacename the Interface name for the session */ public static void setInterface(User user, String interfacename) { user.setTemp(INTERFACE_ATTRIBUTE, interfacename); } /**Get valid Interface Names from existance of * "workflows/$wfname/menutop.vm" files * @return - List of valid Interfaces */ public static ArrayList getValidInterfaces() { String fs = System.getProperty("file.separator"); ArrayList interfaces = new ArrayList(); String swampHome = SWAMP.getInstance().getSWAMPHome(); String templateDir = swampHome + fs + ".." + fs + "templates" + fs + "app" + fs + "screens" + fs + "workflows"; File[] files = new File(templateDir).listFiles(); if (files != null) { for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { if (new File(files[i].getPath() + fs + "menutop.vm").exists()) { interfaces.add(files[i].getName()); } } } return interfaces; } /** * Check if a a wf-template provides a "templatefile" with name "templatename" */ public static boolean hasTemplate(String templateName, String templateFile) { String fs = System.getProperty("file.separator"); String swampHome = SWAMP.getInstance().getSWAMPHome(); String templateDir = swampHome + fs + ".." + fs + "templates" + fs + "app" + fs + "screens" + fs + "workflows" + fs + templateName; if (new File(templateDir + fs + templateFile).exists()) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Get the path to the workflows Index page */ public String getIndexPath(String templateName) { if (hasTemplate(templateName, "WorkflowIndex.vm")) { return "workflows," + templateName + ",WorkflowIndex.vm"; } else { return "WorkflowIndex.vm"; } } public static ArrayList getValidSkins() { ArrayList skins = new ArrayList(); String resourcesDirectory = TurbinePull.getResourcesDirectory(); File uiDir = null; try { uiDir = new File(resourcesDirectory); } catch (RuntimeException e) { Logger.ERROR("wskin path (" + resourcesDirectory + ") not found. " + "Error: " + e.getMessage()); } if (uiDir != null) { String[] userSkins = uiDir.list(); if (userSkins != null) { for (int i = 0; i < userSkins.length; i++) { skins.add(userSkins[i]); } } } return skins; } public String getResourcePath(String templateName, String configItem) { WorkflowManager wfMan = WorkflowManager.getInstance(); return getResourcePath(wfMan.getWorkflowTemplate(templateName), configItem); } public String getResourcePath(Workflow wf, String configItem) { return getResourcePath(wf.getTemplate(), configItem); } public String getResourcePath(WorkflowTemplate wf, String configItem) { if (wf == null) { Logger.ERROR("getResourcePath(): wfTemplate is NULL!"); return ""; } String path = null; String itemPath = wf.getConfigItem(configItem); if (itemPath != null) { path = getAppLink() + "/resources/workflows/" + wf.getName() + "/" + wf.getVersion() + "/" + itemPath; } return path; } /** * check from the velocity template if a workflow template provides * a special resource, for example icon. */ public boolean hasConfigValue(WorkflowTemplate wf, String configItem) { boolean hasResource = false; if (wf != null && wf.containsConfigItem(configItem)) { hasResource = true; } return hasResource; } /** * check from the velocity template if a workflow template provides * a special resource, for example icon. */ public boolean hasConfigValue(String templatename, String configItem) { WorkflowManager wfman = WorkflowManager.getInstance(); return hasConfigValue(wfman.getWorkflowTemplate(templatename), configItem); } public boolean hasConfigValue(Workflow wf, String configItem) { return hasConfigValue(wf.getTemplate(), configItem); } /** * get a workflow config value from a valocity template */ public String getConfigValue(WorkflowTemplate wf, String configItem) { return wf.getConfigItem(configItem); } public String getConfigValue(String templatename, String configItem) { WorkflowManager wfman = WorkflowManager.getInstance(); return wfman.getWorkflowTemplate(templatename).getConfigItem(configItem); } /** Just overwriting Turbines method to get a relative path. * So we get the Style + Images loaded from the * Clients requested Server and http/https method. */ public String getStylecss() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(getAppLink()).append("/resources/ui/skins/").append(getSkin()).append("/").append(SKIN_CSS_FILE); return sb.toString(); } public String getCommonStylecss() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(getAppLink()).append("/resources/ui/skins/").append("common/").append(SKIN_CSS_FILE); return sb.toString(); } private String getAppLink() { return WebSWAMP.relativeAppLink; } /** Just overwriting Turbines method to get a relative path. * So we get the Style + Images loaded from the * Clients requested Server and http/https method. */ public String image(String imageId) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); if (imageId != null && resourceProperties.containsKey(imageId)) { String imagePath = resourceProperties.getProperty(imageId); sb.append(getAppLink()).append("/resources/ui/skins/").append(imagePath); return sb.toString(); } else { Logger.ERROR("Image: " + imageId + " not found for skin " + getSkin()); return ""; } } /** * Load the specified skin on top of the "common" skin. */ private void loadSkin() { resourceProperties = new Properties(); try { FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream(skinsDirectory + "/common/" + RESOURCES_PROPS_FILE); resourceProperties.load(is); for (Iterator it = resourceProperties.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { String key = (String); resourceProperties.put(key, "common/images/" + resourceProperties.get(key)); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.ERROR("Cannot load resources for skin: common! " + e.getMessage()); } try { FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream(skinsDirectory + "/" + getSkin() + "/" + RESOURCES_PROPS_FILE); Properties resourceProperties2 = new Properties(); resourceProperties2.load(is); for (Iterator it = resourceProperties2.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { String key = (String); resourceProperties2.put(key, getSkin() + "/images/" + resourceProperties2.get(key)); } resourceProperties.putAll(resourceProperties2); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.ERROR("Cannot load resources for skin: " + super.getSkin()); } skinProperties = new Properties(); try { FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream(skinsDirectory + "/common/" + SKIN_PROPS_FILE); skinProperties.load(is); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.ERROR("Cannot load common skin props: " + super.getSkin()); } try { FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream(skinsDirectory + "/" + getSkin() + "/" + SKIN_PROPS_FILE); Properties skinProperties2 = new Properties(); skinProperties2.load(is); skinProperties.putAll(skinProperties2); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.ERROR("Cannot load skin props for: " + super.getSkin()); } } public String getWorkflowColour(Workflow wf) { WorkflowTemplate wftemp = wf.getTemplate(); String cssColour = ""; if (hasConfigValue(wftemp, "workflowlist_colour")) { String script = getConfigValue(wftemp, "workflowlist_colour"); VelocityContext context = new VelocityContext(); context.put("wf", wf); context.put("ui", this); context.put("now", new Date()); String ident = "getWfColour"; StringWriter w = new StringWriter(); try { Velocity.evaluate(context, w, ident, script); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.ERROR("Could not set wfColour, Reason: " + e.getMessage()); } if (w != null && !w.toString().equals("")) { cssColour = "background-color: " + w.toString().trim() + "; "; } //Logger.DEBUG("Setting colour to: " + w.toString()); // set default colour for inactive wfs: } else if (!wf.isRunning()) { cssColour = "background-color: #cdccbf; "; } return cssColour; } /** * get diff between 2 dates in days */ public int getDateDiff(Date d1, Date d2) { long diff = d2.getTime() - d1.getTime(); int days = new Long(diff / 1000 / 3600 / 24).intValue(); return days; } public String htmlEncode(String html) { html = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(html); return html; } public String newlineEncode(String html) { html = html.replaceAll("\r", "").replaceAll("\\\\n", "<br />").replaceAll("\\\n", "<br />") .replaceAll("\\n", "<br />").replaceAll("\n", "<br />"); return html; } public String tooltipEncode(String html) { html = htmlEncode(html); html = newlineEncode(html); html = html.replaceAll("'", "").replaceAll("'", ""); return html; } /** * Translates the String into the users language * using the default resource */ public String tr(String text, SWAMPTurbineUser user) { I18n i18n = new I18n(getClass(), "de.suse.swamp.webswamp.i18n.Webswamp"); return, user.getSWAMPUser()); } public String tr(String text, SWAMPTurbineUser user, Object object) { I18n i18n = new I18n(getClass(), "de.suse.swamp.webswamp.i18n.Webswamp"); return, user.getSWAMPUser(), object.toString()); } public String tr(String text, SWAMPTurbineUser user, Object object, Object object2) { I18n i18n = new I18n(getClass(), "de.suse.swamp.webswamp.i18n.Webswamp"); return, user.getSWAMPUser(), object.toString(), object2.toString()); } /** * Translates the String into the users language * using a given resource (only used in extensions such as suse internal swamp) */ public String trpath(String text, SWAMPTurbineUser user, String path) { I18n i18n = new I18n(getClass(), path); return, user.getSWAMPUser()); } public String trpath(String text, SWAMPTurbineUser user, String path, Object object) { I18n i18n = new I18n(getClass(), path); return, user.getSWAMPUser(), object.toString()); } public String trpath(String text, SWAMPTurbineUser user, String path, Object object, Object object2) { I18n i18n = new I18n(getClass(), path); return, user.getSWAMPUser(), object.toString(), object2.toString()); } public void log(String message) { Logger.DEBUG("webswamp:" + message); } }