Java tutorial
/* * SWAMP Workflow Administration and Management Platform * * Copyright (c) 2005 Thomas Schmidt <tschmidt [at]> * Copyright (c) 2006 Novell Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin * St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * In addition, as a special exception, Novell Inc. gives permission to link the * code of this program with the following applications: * * - All applications of the Apache Software Foundation * * and distribute such linked combinations. */ package de.suse.swamp.core.util; import*; import java.text.*; import java.util.*; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.*; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.auth.*; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.*; import org.xml.sax.*; import org.xml.sax.helpers.*; import de.suse.swamp.core.container.*; import*; import*; import*; import de.suse.swamp.util.*; public class BugzillaTools { private String errormsg = null; private Hashtable bugData = null; private static Cookie[] cookies = null; private SWAMP swamp = SWAMP.getInstance(); // extra logger for bugzilla stuff public static org.apache.log4j.Logger log = org.apache.log4j.Logger .getLogger("de.suse.swamp.core.util.BugzillaTools"); // cache bug data with same excludefield parameters // key: bugid value: Hashtable with keys: excludefields, date, <bugdatafields> public static Hashtable bugzillaCache = new Hashtable(); public BugzillaTools() { } public void fetchBugzillaInfo(Dataset dataset, int bugid) throws Exception { ArrayList excludeFields = new ArrayList(); if (dataset != null && !dataset.containsDatabit("description")) { excludeFields.add("long_desc"); } Hashtable bug = getBugData(bugid, excludeFields); // only store if a dataset is provided if (dataset != null) { for (Iterator it = dataset.getDatabits().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Databit bit = (Databit); String bitName = bit.getName(); if (bitName.equals("people")) { if (bit.setValue(((SWAMPHashSet) bug.get("people")).toString(", "), SWAMPUser.SYSTEMUSERNAME)) { Logger.LOG("Bugzilla copy: " + bitName + "=" + bug.get(bitName), log); } } else if (bitName.equals("delta_time") && bug.containsKey("delta")) { DateFormat df1 = new SimpleDateFormat(dateDatabit.dateFormat); bit.setValue(df1.format((Date) bug.get("delta")), SWAMPUser.SYSTEMUSERNAME); } else if (bug.containsKey(bitName)) { if (bit.setValue((String) bug.get(bitName), SWAMPUser.SYSTEMUSERNAME)) { Logger.DEBUG("Bugzilla copy: " + bitName + "=" + bug.get(bitName), log); } } } } } /** * This method will return a HashMap with key= name of bugzilla xml element * value = value of the elements CDDATA. * additional values are "people", a SWAMPHashSet of people contained in the bug * "delta": Date of the last action in the bug * "description": String - the first comment * * @param bugid * @return * @throws Exception */ public Hashtable getBugData(int bugid, List excludeFields) throws Exception { /* Hashtable cacheBugData = getCacheEntry(bugid, excludeFields); if (cacheBugData != null) { Logger.LOG("Reading Bugzilla XML for bug #" + bugid + " from cache.", log); return cacheBugData; } String queryUrl = swamp.getProperty("BUGZILLA_QUERYURL") + bugid; queryUrl += "&excludefield=attachment"; if (excludeFields != null && excludeFields.size() > 0){ for (Iterator it = excludeFields.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ){ queryUrl += "&excludefield=" +; } } Logger.LOG("Reading Bugzilla XML for bug #" + bugid, log); try { xmlToData(queryUrl); if (bugData.get("assigned_to") == null) { Logger.ERROR("Bugzilla session not valid. Trying new login..."); BugzillaTools.cookies = null; xmlToData(queryUrl); } } catch (Exception e) { if (e.getMessage().indexOf("NotPermitted") >= 0){ Logger.ERROR("Bugzilla session not valid. Trying new login..."); BugzillaTools.cookies = null; xmlToData(queryUrl); } else { throw e; } } bugData.put("excludefields", excludeFields); bugData.put("date", new Date()); synchronized (bugzillaCache) { bugzillaCache.put(new Integer(bugid), bugData); } return bugData; */ Hashtable h = new Hashtable(); h.put("foo", "bar"); return h; } public Hashtable getBugData(String bugid, List excludeFields) throws Exception { return getBugData(Integer.valueOf(bugid).intValue(), excludeFields); } private Cookie[] getCookies() throws Exception { if (cookies == null) { cookies = bzConnect(swamp.getProperty("BUGZILLA_USER"), swamp.getProperty("BUGZILLA_PASSWORD")); } return cookies; } private Cookie[] bzConnect(String username, String pwd) throws Exception { Logger.DEBUG("Performing bugzilla login..."); HttpState initialState = new HttpState(); // Do a Login at Bugzilla HttpClient httpclient = new HttpClient(); httpclient.setState(initialState); String loginUrl = swamp.getProperty("BUGZILLA_LOGIN_URL"); // add form fields for logging in: String usernameField = swamp.getProperty("BUGZILLA_LOGIN_FORM_USERNAME"); String passwordField = swamp.getProperty("BUGZILLA_LOGIN_FORM_PWD"); NameValuePair login = new NameValuePair(usernameField, username); NameValuePair pw = new NameValuePair(passwordField, pwd); NameValuePair loginid = new NameValuePair("GoAheadAndLogIn", "1"); PostMethod httppost = new PostMethod(loginUrl); httppost.setRequestBody(new NameValuePair[] { login, pw, loginid }); try { httpclient.executeMethod(httppost); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Could not connect to " + loginUrl + " (error: " + e.getMessage() + ")"); } Cookie[] cookies = httpclient.getState().getCookies(); //System.out.println("Response: " + httppost.getResponseBodyAsString()); if (cookies == null || cookies.length == 0) { throw new Exception("Could not login to " + loginUrl); } httppost.releaseConnection(); return cookies; } private synchronized void xmlToData(String url) throws Exception { HttpState initialState = new HttpState(); String authUsername = swamp.getProperty("BUGZILLA_AUTH_USERNAME"); String authPassword = swamp.getProperty("BUGZILLA_AUTH_PWD"); if (authUsername != null && authUsername.length() != 0) { Credentials defaultcreds = new UsernamePasswordCredentials(authUsername, authPassword); initialState.setCredentials(AuthScope.ANY, defaultcreds); } else { Cookie[] cookies = getCookies(); for (int i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) { initialState.addCookie(cookies[i]); Logger.DEBUG("Added Cookie: " + cookies[i].getName() + "=" + cookies[i].getValue(), log); } } HttpClient httpclient = new HttpClient(); httpclient.setState(initialState); HttpMethod httpget = new GetMethod(url); try { httpclient.executeMethod(httpget); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Could not get URL " + url); } String content = httpget.getResponseBodyAsString(); char[] chars = content.toCharArray(); // removing illegal characters from bugzilla output. for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) { if (chars[i] < 32 && chars[i] != 9 && chars[i] != 10 && chars[i] != 13) { Logger.DEBUG("Removing illegal character: '" + chars[i] + "' on position " + i, log); chars[i] = ' '; } } Logger.DEBUG(String.valueOf(chars), log); CharArrayReader reader = new CharArrayReader(chars); XMLReader parser = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader("org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser"); parser.setFeature("", false); // disable parsing of external dtd parser.setFeature("", false); parser.setFeature("", false); parser.setFeature("", false); parser.setFeature("", false); // get XML File BugzillaReader handler = new BugzillaReader(); parser.setContentHandler(handler); InputSource source = new InputSource(); source.setCharacterStream(reader); source.setEncoding("utf-8"); try { parser.parse(source); } catch (SAXParseException spe) { spe.printStackTrace(); throw spe; } httpget.releaseConnection(); if (errormsg != null) { throw new Exception(errormsg); } } private Hashtable getCacheEntry(int bugId, List excludefields) { synchronized (bugzillaCache) { cacheMaintenance(); Hashtable cacheEntry = (Hashtable) bugzillaCache.get(new Integer(bugId)); if (cacheEntry != null && (cacheEntry.get("excludefields").equals(excludefields) || cacheEntry.get("excludefields") == null || ((List) cacheEntry.get("excludefields")).size() == 0)) { return (Hashtable) bugzillaCache.get(new Integer(bugId)); } } return null; } private void cacheMaintenance() { // do maintenance, remove outdated entries List removeIds = new ArrayList(); synchronized (bugzillaCache) { for (Iterator it = bugzillaCache.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Integer id = (Integer); Date date = (Date) ((Hashtable) bugzillaCache.get(id)).get("date"); Date outDate = new Date(new Date().getTime() - 1000 * 60 * 20); if (date == null || date.before(outDate)) removeIds.add(id); } for (Iterator it = removeIds.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Integer id = (Integer); bugzillaCache.remove(id); Logger.DEBUG("Bug cache outdated: " + id); } } } /* * make that an inner class so that we can access all these private fields * defined above to keep track of the parsing process */ private class BugzillaReader extends DefaultHandler { // PCDATA is collected in a stack as well... private Stack pcdataStack = new Stack(); private BugzillaReader() { super(); } public void startDocument() { Logger.DEBUG("Start reading Bugzilla XML.", log); bugData = new Hashtable(); bugData.put("people", new SWAMPHashSet()); bugData.put("description", ""); errormsg = null; } public void endDocument() { Logger.DEBUG("Finished reading Bugzilla XML.", log); } public void startElement(String uri, String name, String qName, Attributes atts) { pcdataStack.push(new String()); Logger.DEBUG("Start of Element " + qName, log); if (qName.equals("bug")) { for (int i = 0; i < atts.getLength(); i++) { if (atts.getQName(i).equals("error")) { Logger.ERROR("Bugzilla Error: " + atts.getValue(i), log); errormsg = "Bugzilla Error: " + atts.getValue(i).toString(); } } } } public void endElement(String uri, String name, String qName) { String pcdata = ""; if (!pcdataStack.empty()) { pcdata = ((String) pcdataStack.pop()); } // adding the values to the hash Logger.DEBUG("End of Element " + qName + " with value " + pcdata.trim(), log); bugData.put(qName, pcdata); if (qName.equals("who") || qName.equals("cc") || qName.equals("reporter") || qName.equals("assigned_to")) { SWAMPHashSet people = (SWAMPHashSet) bugData.get("people"); people.add(pcdata); } else if (qName.equals("delta_ts")) { DateFormat df1 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"); try { bugData.put("delta", df1.parse(pcdata)); } catch (ParseException e) { Logger.ERROR("Cannot parse delta time: " + pcdata, log); } } else if (qName.equals("thetext")) { if (bugData.get("description").equals("")) { bugData.put("description", pcdata); } } } public void characters(char ch[], int start, int length) { String oldpcdata = ""; String pcdata = new String(ch, start, length); Logger.DEBUG("Reading characters:" + pcdata.trim(), log); if (!pcdataStack.empty()) { oldpcdata = (String) pcdataStack.pop(); } pcdata = oldpcdata + pcdata; /* Put new value for pcdata on stack */ pcdataStack.push(pcdata); } } }