Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * (c) Kitodo. Key to digital objects e. V. <>
 * This file is part of the Kitodo project.
 * It is licensed under GNU General Public License version 3 or later.
 * For the full copyright and license information, please read the
 * GPL3-License.txt file that was distributed with this source code.

package de.sub.goobi.forms;

import de.sub.goobi.config.ConfigCore;
import de.sub.goobi.config.ConfigProjects;
import de.sub.goobi.helper.BeanHelper;
import de.sub.goobi.helper.Helper;
import de.sub.goobi.helper.UghHelper;
import de.sub.goobi.helper.exceptions.UghHelperException;
import de.sub.goobi.metadaten.copier.CopierData;
import de.sub.goobi.metadaten.copier.DataCopier;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

import javax.enterprise.context.SessionScoped;
import javax.faces.model.SelectItem;
import javax.inject.Named;

import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.SystemUtils;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.goobi.production.cli.helper.WikiFieldHelper;
import org.goobi.production.constants.FileNames;
import org.goobi.production.constants.Parameters;
import org.goobi.production.plugin.CataloguePlugin.CataloguePlugin;
import org.goobi.production.plugin.CataloguePlugin.Hit;
import org.goobi.production.plugin.CataloguePlugin.QueryBuilder;
import org.goobi.production.plugin.PluginLoader;
import org.jdom.Document;
import org.jdom.Element;
import org.jdom.JDOMException;
import org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder;
import org.kitodo.production.thread.TaskScriptThread;

import ugh.dl.DigitalDocument;
import ugh.dl.DocStruct;
import ugh.dl.DocStructType;
import ugh.dl.Fileformat;
import ugh.dl.Metadata;
import ugh.dl.MetadataType;
import ugh.dl.Person;
import ugh.dl.Prefs;
import ugh.exceptions.DocStructHasNoTypeException;
import ugh.exceptions.MetadataTypeNotAllowedException;
import ugh.exceptions.PreferencesException;
import ugh.exceptions.ReadException;
import ugh.exceptions.TypeNotAllowedAsChildException;
import ugh.exceptions.TypeNotAllowedForParentException;
import ugh.exceptions.UGHException;
import ugh.exceptions.WriteException;
import ugh.fileformats.mets.XStream;

public class ProzesskopieForm implements Serializable {
    private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(ProzesskopieForm.class);
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -4512865679353743L;
    private transient ServiceManager serviceManager = new ServiceManager();

     * The class SelectableHit represents a hit on the hit list that shows up if
     * a catalogue search yielded more than one result. We need an inner class
     * for this because Faces is striclty object oriented and the always
     * argument-less actions can only be executed relatively to the list entry
     * in question this way if they are concerning elements that are rendered by
     * iterating along a list.
     * @author Matthias Ronge &lt;;
    public class SelectableHit {
         * The field hit holds the hit to be rendered as a list entry.
        private final Hit hit;

         * The field error holds an error message to be rendered as a list entry
         * in case that retrieving the hit failed within the plug-in used for
         * catalogue access.
        private final String error;

         * Selectable hit constructor. Creates a new SelectableHit object with a
         * hit to show.
         * @param hit
         *            Hit to show
        public SelectableHit(Hit hit) {
            this.hit = hit;
            error = null;

         * Selectable hit constructor. Creates a new SelectableHit object with
         * an error message to show.
         * @param error
         *            error message
        public SelectableHit(String error) {
            hit = null;
            this.error = error;

         * The function getBibliographicCitation() returns a summary of this hit
         * in bibliographic citation style as HTML as read-only property
         * bibliographicCitation?.
         * @return a summary of this hit in bibliographic citation style as HTML
        public String getBibliographicCitation() {
            return hit.getBibliographicCitation();

         * The function getErrorMessage() returns an error if that had occurred
         * when trying to retrieve that hit from the catalogue as read-only
         * property errorMessage?.
         * @return an error message to be rendered as a list entry
        public String getErrorMessage() {
            return error;

         * The function isError() returns whether an error occurred when trying
         * to retrieve that hit from the catalogue as read-only property
         * error?.
         * @return whether an error occurred when retrieving that hit
        public boolean isError() {
            return hit == null;

         * The function selectClick() is called if the user clicks on a
         * catalogue hit summary in order to import it into Production.
         * @return always "", indicating to Faces to stay on that page
        public String selectClick() {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Helper.setFehlerMeldung("Error on reading opac ", e);
            } finally {
                hitlistPage = -1;
            return null;

     * The constant DEFAULT_HITLIST_PAGE_SIZE holds the fallback number of hits
     * to show per page on the hit list if the user conducted a catalogue search
     * that yielded more than one result, if none is configured in the
     * Production configuration file.
    private static final int DEFAULT_HITLIST_PAGE_SIZE = 10;

    public static final String DIRECTORY_SUFFIX = "_tif";

    static final String NAVI_FIRST_PAGE = "/pages/NewProcess/Page1";

    private String addToWikiField = "";
    private List<AdditionalField> additionalFields;
    private String atstsl = "";
    private List<String> digitalCollections;
    private String docType;
    private Integer guessedImages = 0;

     * The field hitlist holds some reference to the hitlist retrieved from a
     * library catalogue. The internals of this object are subject to the plugin
     * implementation and are not to be accessed directly.
    private Object hitlist;

     * The field hitlistPage holds the zero-based index of the page of the
     * hitlist currently showing. A negative value means that the hitlist is
     * hidden, otherwise it is showing the respective page.
    private long hitlistPage = -1;
     * The field hits holds the number of hits in the hitlist last retrieved
     * from a library catalogue.
    private long hits;

     * The field importCatalogue holds the catalogue plugin used to access the
     * library catalogue.
    private CataloguePlugin importCatalogue;

    private Fileformat myRdf;
    private String opacSuchfeld = "12";
    private String opacSuchbegriff;
    private String opacKatalog;
    private List<String> possibleDigitalCollection;
    private Process prozessVorlage = new Process();
    private Process prozessKopie = new Process();
    private boolean useOpac;
    private boolean useTemplates;
    private Integer auswahl;
    private HashMap<String, Boolean> standardFields;
    private String tifHeaderImageDescription = "";
    private String tifHeaderDocumentName = "";

     * Prepare.
     * @return empty String
    public String prepare(int id) {
        atstsl = "";
        try {
            this.prozessVorlage = serviceManager.getProcessService().getById(id);
        } catch (DAOException e) {
            Helper.setFehlerMeldung("Process " + id + " not found.");
            return null;
        if (serviceManager.getProcessService().getContainsUnreachableSteps(this.prozessVorlage)) {
            if (this.prozessVorlage.getTasks().size() == 0) {
            for (Task s : this.prozessVorlage.getTasks()) {
                if (serviceManager.getTaskService().getUserGroupsSize(s) == 0
                        && serviceManager.getTaskService().getUsersSize(s) == 0) {
                    List<String> param = new ArrayList<>();
                    Helper.setFehlerMeldung(Helper.getTranslation("noUserInStep", param));
            return null;

        this.myRdf = null;
        this.prozessKopie = new Process();
        this.digitalCollections = new ArrayList<>();

         * Kopie der Prozessvorlage anlegen
        BeanHelper.copyTasks(this.prozessVorlage, this.prozessKopie);
        BeanHelper.copyScanTemplates(this.prozessVorlage, this.prozessKopie);
        BeanHelper.copyWorkpieces(this.prozessVorlage, this.prozessKopie);
        BeanHelper.copyProperties(this.prozessVorlage, this.prozessKopie);


        return NAVI_FIRST_PAGE;

    private void readProjectConfigs() {
         * projektabhngig die richtigen Felder in der Gui anzeigen
        ConfigProjects cp = null;
        try {
            cp = new ConfigProjects(this.prozessVorlage.getProject().getTitle());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            Helper.setFehlerMeldung("IOException", e.getMessage());

        this.docType = cp.getParamString("createNewProcess.defaultdoctype",
        this.useOpac = cp.getParamBoolean("createNewProcess.opac[@use]");
        this.useTemplates = cp.getParamBoolean("createNewProcess.templates[@use]");
        if (this.opacKatalog.equals("")) {
            this.opacKatalog = cp.getParamString("createNewProcess.opac.catalogue");

         * die auszublendenden Standard-Felder ermitteln
        for (String t : cp.getParamList("createNewProcess.itemlist.hide")) {
            this.standardFields.put(t, false);

         * die einzublendenen (zustzlichen) Eigenschaften ermitteln
        int count = cp.getParamList("createNewProcess.itemlist.item").size();
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            AdditionalField fa = new AdditionalField(this);
            fa.setFrom(cp.getParamString("createNewProcess.itemlist.item(" + i + ")[@from]"));
            fa.setTitle(cp.getParamString("createNewProcess.itemlist.item(" + i + ")"));
            fa.setRequired(cp.getParamBoolean("createNewProcess.itemlist.item(" + i + ")[@required]"));
            fa.setIsdoctype(cp.getParamString("createNewProcess.itemlist.item(" + i + ")[@isdoctype]"));
            fa.setIsnotdoctype(cp.getParamString("createNewProcess.itemlist.item(" + i + ")[@isnotdoctype]"));
            // attributes added 30.3.09
            String test = (cp.getParamString("createNewProcess.itemlist.item(" + i + ")[@initStart]"));

            fa.setInitEnd(cp.getParamString("createNewProcess.itemlist.item(" + i + ")[@initEnd]"));

             * Bindung an ein Metadatum eines Docstructs
            if (cp.getParamBoolean("createNewProcess.itemlist.item(" + i + ")[@ughbinding]")) {
                fa.setDocstruct(cp.getParamString("createNewProcess.itemlist.item(" + i + ")[@docstruct]"));
                fa.setMetadata(cp.getParamString("createNewProcess.itemlist.item(" + i + ")[@metadata]"));
            if (cp.getParamBoolean("createNewProcess.itemlist.item(" + i + ")[@autogenerated]")) {

             * prfen, ob das aktuelle Item eine Auswahlliste werden soll
            int selectItemCount = cp.getParamList("createNewProcess.itemlist.item(" + i + ").select").size();
            /* Children durchlaufen und SelectItems erzeugen */
            if (selectItemCount > 0) {
                fa.setSelectList(new ArrayList<>());
            for (int j = 0; j < selectItemCount; j++) {
                String svalue = cp
                        .getParamString("createNewProcess.itemlist.item(" + i + ").select(" + j + ")[@label]");
                String sid = cp.getParamString("createNewProcess.itemlist.item(" + i + ").select(" + j + ")");
                fa.getSelectList().add(new SelectItem(sid, svalue, null));

     * Get Process templates.
     * @return list of SelectItem objects
    public List<SelectItem> getProzessTemplates() {
        List<SelectItem> processTemplates = new ArrayList<>();

        /* Einschrnkung auf bestimmte Projekte, wenn kein Admin */
        LoginForm loginForm = (LoginForm) Helper.getManagedBeanValue("#{LoginForm}");
        List<Process> processes = serviceManager.getProcessService().getProcessTemplates();
        if (loginForm != null) {
            User currentUser = loginForm.getMyBenutzer();
            try {
                currentUser = serviceManager.getUserService().getById(loginForm.getMyBenutzer().getId());
            } catch (DAOException e) {
            if (currentUser != null) {
                 * wenn die maximale Berechtigung nicht Admin ist, dann nur
                 * bestimmte
                if (loginForm.getMaximaleBerechtigung() > 1) {
                    ArrayList<Integer> projectIds = new ArrayList<>();
                    for (Project project : currentUser.getProjects()) {
                    if (projectIds.size() > 0) {
                        processes = serviceManager.getProcessService().getProcessTemplatesForUser(projectIds);

        for (Process process : processes) {
            processTemplates.add(new SelectItem(process.getId(), process.getTitle(), null));
        return processTemplates;

     * The function evaluateOpac() is executed if a user clicks the command link
     * to start a catalogue search. It performs the search and loads the hit if
     * it is unique. Otherwise, it will cause a hit list to show up for the user
     * to select a hit.
     * @return always "", telling JSF to stay on that page
    public String evaluateOpac() {
        long timeout = CataloguePlugin.getTimeout();
        try {
            if (!pluginAvailableFor(opacKatalog)) {
                return null;

            String query = QueryBuilder.restrictToField(opacSuchfeld, opacSuchbegriff);
            query = QueryBuilder.appendAll(query, ConfigOpac.getRestrictionsForCatalogue(opacKatalog));

            hitlist = importCatalogue.find(query, timeout);
            hits = importCatalogue.getNumberOfHits(hitlist, timeout);

            switch ((int) Math.min(hits, Integer.MAX_VALUE)) {
            case 0:
                Helper.setFehlerMeldung("No hit found", "");
            case 1:
                importHit(importCatalogue.getHit(hitlist, 0, timeout));
                hitlistPage = 0; // show first page of hitlist
            return null;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Helper.setFehlerMeldung("Error on reading opac ", e);
            return null;

     * The function pluginAvailableFor(catalogue) verifies that a plugin
     * suitable for accessing the library catalogue identified by the given
     * String is available in the global variable importCatalogue. If
     * importCatalogue is empty or the current plugin doesnt support the given
     * catalogue, the function will try to load a suitable plugin. Upon success
     * the preferences and the catalogue to use will be configured in the
     * plugin, otherwise an error message will be set to be shown.
     * @param catalogue
     *            identifier string for the catalogue that the plugin shall
     *            support
     * @return whether a plugin is available in the global varibale
     *         importCatalogue
    private boolean pluginAvailableFor(String catalogue) {
        if (importCatalogue == null || !importCatalogue.supportsCatalogue(catalogue)) {
            importCatalogue = PluginLoader.getCataloguePluginForCatalogue(catalogue);
        if (importCatalogue == null) {
            Helper.setFehlerMeldung("NoCataloguePluginForCatalogue", catalogue);
            return false;
        } else {
            return true;

     * alle Konfigurationseigenschaften und Felder zurcksetzen.
    private void clearValues() {
        if (this.opacKatalog == null) {
            this.opacKatalog = "";
        this.standardFields = new HashMap<>();
        this.standardFields.put("collections", true);
        this.standardFields.put("doctype", true);
        this.standardFields.put("regelsatz", true);
        this.standardFields.put("images", true);
        this.additionalFields = new ArrayList<>();
        this.tifHeaderDocumentName = "";
        this.tifHeaderImageDescription = "";

     * The method importHit() loads a hit into the display.
     * @param hit
     *            Hit to load
    protected void importHit(Hit hit) throws PreferencesException {
        myRdf = hit.getFileformat();
        docType = hit.getDocType();
        applyCopyingRules(new CopierData(myRdf, prozessVorlage));
        atstsl = createAtstsl(hit.getTitle(), hit.getAuthors());

     * Creates a DataCopier with the given configuration, lets it process the
     * given data and wraps any errors to display in the front end.
     * @param data
     *            data to process
    private void applyCopyingRules(CopierData data) {
        String rules = ConfigCore.getParameter("copyData.onCatalogueQuery");
        if (rules != null && !rules.equals("- keine Konfiguration gefunden -")) {
            try {
                new DataCopier(rules).process(data);
            } catch (ConfigurationException e) {
                Helper.setFehlerMeldung("dataCopier.syntaxError", e.getMessage());
            } catch (RuntimeException exception) {
                if (RuntimeException.class.equals(exception.getClass())) {
                    Helper.setFehlerMeldung("dataCopier.runtimeException", exception.getMessage());
                } else {
                    throw exception;

     * die Eingabefelder fr die Eigenschaften mit Inhalten aus der RDF-Datei
     * fllen.
    private void fillFieldsFromMetadataFile() throws PreferencesException {
        if (this.myRdf != null) {

            for (AdditionalField field : this.additionalFields) {
                if (field.isUghbinding() && field.getShowDependingOnDoctype()) {
                    /* welches Docstruct */
                    DocStruct myTempStruct = this.myRdf.getDigitalDocument().getLogicalDocStruct();
                    if (field.getDocstruct().equals("firstchild")) {
                        try {
                            myTempStruct = this.myRdf.getDigitalDocument().getLogicalDocStruct().getAllChildren()
                        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                    if (field.getDocstruct().equals("boundbook")) {
                        myTempStruct = this.myRdf.getDigitalDocument().getPhysicalDocStruct();
                    /* welches Metadatum */
                    try {
                        if (field.getMetadata().equals("ListOfCreators")) {
                            /* bei Autoren die Namen zusammenstellen */
                            StringBuilder authors = new StringBuilder();
                            if (myTempStruct.getAllPersons() != null) {
                                for (Person p : myTempStruct.getAllPersons()) {
                                    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(p.getFirstname())) {
                                        authors.append(", ");
                                    authors.append("; ");
                                if (authors.toString().endsWith("; ")) {
                                    authors.setLength(authors.length() - 2);
                        } else {
                            /* bei normalen Feldern die Inhalte auswerten */
                            MetadataType mdt = UghHelper.getMetadataType(serviceManager.getRulesetService()
                                    .getPreferences(this.prozessKopie.getRuleset()), field.getMetadata());
                            Metadata md = UghHelper.getMetadata(myTempStruct, mdt);
                            if (md != null) {
                                md.setValue(field.getValue().replace("&amp;", "&"));
                    } catch (UghHelperException e) {
                        Helper.setFehlerMeldung(e.getMessage(), "");
                    if (field.getValue() != null && !field.getValue().equals("")) {
                        field.setValue(field.getValue().replace("&amp;", "&"));
                } // end if ughbinding
            } // end for
        } // end if myrdf==null

     * Auswahl des Prozesses auswerten.
    public String templateAuswahlAuswerten() throws DAOException {
        /* den ausgewhlten Prozess laden */
        Process tempProzess = serviceManager.getProcessService().getById(this.auswahl);
        if (serviceManager.getProcessService().getWorkpiecesSize(tempProzess) > 0) {
            /* erstes Werkstck durchlaufen */
            Workpiece werk = tempProzess.getWorkpieces().get(0);
            for (Property workpieceProperty : werk.getProperties()) {
                for (AdditionalField field : this.additionalFields) {
                    if (field.getTitle().equals(workpieceProperty.getTitle())) {
                    if (workpieceProperty.getTitle().equals("DocType")) {
                        docType = workpieceProperty.getValue();

        if (serviceManager.getProcessService().getTemplatesSize(tempProzess) > 0) {
            /* erste Vorlage durchlaufen */
            Template vor = tempProzess.getTemplates().get(0);
            for (Property templateProperty : vor.getProperties()) {
                for (AdditionalField field : this.additionalFields) {
                    if (field.getTitle().equals(templateProperty.getTitle())) {

        if (serviceManager.getProcessService().getPropertiesSize(tempProzess) > 0) {
            for (Property processProperty : serviceManager.getProcessService()
                    .getPropertiesInitialized(tempProzess)) {
                if (processProperty.getTitle().equals("digitalCollection")) {
        try {
            this.myRdf = serviceManager.getProcessService().readMetadataAsTemplateFile(tempProzess);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Helper.setFehlerMeldung("Error on reading template-metadata ", e);

        /* falls ein erstes Kind vorhanden ist, sind die Collectionen dafr */
        try {
            DocStruct colStruct = this.myRdf.getDigitalDocument().getLogicalDocStruct();
            colStruct = colStruct.getAllChildren().get(0);
        } catch (PreferencesException e) {
            Helper.setFehlerMeldung("Error on creating process", e);
            logger.error("Error on creating process", e);
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
             * das Firstchild unterhalb des Topstructs konnte nicht ermittelt
             * werden

        return null;

     * Validierung der Eingaben.
     * @return sind Fehler bei den Eingaben vorhanden?
    boolean isContentValid() {
        return isContentValid(true);

    boolean isContentValid(boolean criticiseEmptyTitle) {
        boolean valide = true;

        if (criticiseEmptyTitle) {

             * grundstzlich den Vorgangstitel prfen
            /* kein Titel */
            if (this.prozessKopie.getTitle() == null || this.prozessKopie.getTitle().equals("")) {
                valide = false;
                Helper.setFehlerMeldung(Helper.getTranslation("UnvollstaendigeDaten") + " "
                        + Helper.getTranslation("ProcessCreationErrorTitleEmpty"));

            String validateRegEx = ConfigCore.getParameter("validateProzessTitelRegex", "[\\w-]*");
            if (!this.prozessKopie.getTitle().matches(validateRegEx)) {
                valide = false;

            /* prfen, ob der Prozesstitel schon verwendet wurde */
            if (this.prozessKopie.getTitle() != null) {
                long amount = 0;
                try {
                    amount = serviceManager.getProcessService()
                } catch (DataException e) {
                    Helper.setFehlerMeldung("Error on reading process information", e.getMessage());
                    valide = false;
                if (amount > 0) {
                    valide = false;
                            + Helper.getTranslation("ProcessCreationErrorTitleAllreadyInUse"));


         * Prfung der standard-Eingaben, die angegeben werden mssen
        /* keine Collektion ausgewhlt */
        if (this.standardFields.get("collections") && getDigitalCollections().size() == 0) {
            valide = false;
            Helper.setFehlerMeldung(Helper.getTranslation("UnvollstaendigeDaten") + " "
                    + Helper.getTranslation("ProcessCreationErrorNoCollection"));

         * Prfung der additional-Eingaben, die angegeben werden mssen
        for (AdditionalField field : this.additionalFields) {
            if ((field.getValue() == null || field.getValue().equals("")) && field.isRequired()
                    && field.getShowDependingOnDoctype() && (StringUtils.isBlank(field.getValue()))) {
                valide = false;
                Helper.setFehlerMeldung(Helper.getTranslation("UnvollstaendigeDaten") + " " + field.getTitle() + " "
                        + Helper.getTranslation("ProcessCreationErrorFieldIsEmpty"));

        return valide;

    public String goToPageOne() {
        return NAVI_FIRST_PAGE;

     * Go to page 2.
     * @return page
    public String goToPageTwo() {
        if (!isContentValid()) {
            return NAVI_FIRST_PAGE;
        } else {
            return "/pages/NewProcess/Page2";

     * Anlegen des Prozesses und save der Metadaten.
    public String createNewProcess()
            throws ReadException, IOException, PreferencesException, DAOException, WriteException {

        if (!isContentValid()) {
            return NAVI_FIRST_PAGE;

        for (Task step : this.prozessKopie.getTasks()) {
             * always save date and user for each step
            LoginForm loginForm = (LoginForm) Helper.getManagedBeanValue("#{LoginForm}");
            if (loginForm != null) {

             * only if its done, set edit start and end date
            if (step.getProcessingStatusEnum() == TaskStatus.DONE) {
                // this concerns steps, which are set as done right on creation
                // bearbeitungsbeginn is set to creation timestamp of process
                // because the creation of it is basically begin of work
                Date myDate = new Date();

        try {
        } catch (DataException e) {
            logger.error("error on save: ", e);
            return null;

         * wenn noch keine RDF-Datei vorhanden ist (weil keine Opac-Abfrage
         * stattfand, dann jetzt eine anlegen
        if (this.myRdf == null) {

         * wenn eine RDF-Konfiguration vorhanden ist (z.B. aus dem Opac-Import,
         * oder frisch angelegt), dann diese ergnzen
        if (this.myRdf != null) {

            // there must be at least one non-anchor level doc struct
            // if missing, insert logical doc structs until you reach it
            DocStruct populizer = null;
            try {
                populizer = myRdf.getDigitalDocument().getLogicalDocStruct();
                if (populizer.getAnchorClass() != null && populizer.getAllChildren() == null) {
                    Prefs ruleset = serviceManager.getRulesetService().getPreferences(prozessKopie.getRuleset());
                    while (populizer.getType().getAnchorClass() != null) {
                        populizer = populizer.createChild(populizer.getType().getAllAllowedDocStructTypes().get(0),
                                myRdf.getDigitalDocument(), ruleset);
            } catch (NullPointerException | IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // if
                // getAllAllowedDocStructTypes()
                // returns null
                Helper.setFehlerMeldung("DocStrctType is configured as anchor but has no allowedchildtype.",
                        populizer != null && populizer.getType() != null ? populizer.getType().getName() : null);
            } catch (UGHException catchAll) {

            for (AdditionalField field : this.additionalFields) {
                if (field.isUghbinding() && field.getShowDependingOnDoctype()) {
                    /* welches Docstruct */
                    DocStruct myTempStruct = this.myRdf.getDigitalDocument().getLogicalDocStruct();
                    DocStruct myTempChild = null;
                    if (field.getDocstruct().equals("firstchild")) {
                        try {
                            myTempStruct = this.myRdf.getDigitalDocument().getLogicalDocStruct().getAllChildren()
                        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                             * das Firstchild unterhalb des Topstructs konnte
                             * nicht ermittelt werden
                     * falls topstruct und firstchild das Metadatum bekommen
                     * sollen
                    if (!field.getDocstruct().equals("firstchild") && field.getDocstruct().contains("firstchild")) {
                        try {
                            myTempChild = this.myRdf.getDigitalDocument().getLogicalDocStruct().getAllChildren()
                        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                    if (field.getDocstruct().equals("boundbook")) {
                        myTempStruct = this.myRdf.getDigitalDocument().getPhysicalDocStruct();
                    /* welches Metadatum */
                    try {
                         * bis auf die Autoren alle additionals in die Metadaten
                         * bernehmen
                        if (!field.getMetadata().equals("ListOfCreators")) {
                            MetadataType mdt = UghHelper.getMetadataType(serviceManager.getRulesetService()
                                    .getPreferences(this.prozessKopie.getRuleset()), field.getMetadata());
                            Metadata md = UghHelper.getMetadata(myTempStruct, mdt);
                            if (md != null) {
                             * wenn dem Topstruct und dem Firstchild der Wert
                             * gegeben werden soll
                            if (myTempChild != null) {
                                md = UghHelper.getMetadata(myTempChild, mdt);
                                if (md != null) {
                    } catch (Exception e) {

                } // end if ughbinding
            } // end for

             * Metadata inheritance and enrichment
            if (ConfigCore.getBooleanParameter(Parameters.USE_METADATA_ENRICHMENT, false)) {
                DocStruct enricher = myRdf.getDigitalDocument().getLogicalDocStruct();
                Map<String, Map<String, Metadata>> higherLevelMetadata = new HashMap<>();
                while (enricher.getAllChildren() != null) {
                    // save higher level metadata for lower enrichment
                    List<Metadata> allMetadata = enricher.getAllMetadata();
                    if (allMetadata == null) {
                        allMetadata = Collections.emptyList();
                    for (Metadata available : allMetadata) {
                        Map<String, Metadata> availableMetadata = higherLevelMetadata
                                        ? higherLevelMetadata.get(available.getType().getName())
                                        : new HashMap<>();
                        if (!availableMetadata.containsKey(available.getValue())) {
                            availableMetadata.put(available.getValue(), available);
                        higherLevelMetadata.put(available.getType().getName(), availableMetadata);

                    // enrich children with inherited metadata
                    for (DocStruct nextChild : enricher.getAllChildren()) {
                        enricher = nextChild;
                        for (Entry<String, Map<String, Metadata>> availableHigherMetadata : higherLevelMetadata
                                .entrySet()) {
                            String enrichable = availableHigherMetadata.getKey();
                            boolean addable = false;
                            List<MetadataType> addableTypesNotNull = enricher.getAddableMetadataTypes();
                            if (addableTypesNotNull == null) {
                                addableTypesNotNull = Collections.emptyList();
                            for (MetadataType addableMetadata : addableTypesNotNull) {
                                if (addableMetadata.getName().equals(enrichable)) {
                                    addable = true;
                            if (!addable) {
                            there: for (Entry<String, Metadata> higherElement : availableHigherMetadata.getValue()
                                    .entrySet()) {
                                List<Metadata> amNotNull = enricher.getAllMetadata();
                                if (amNotNull == null) {
                                    amNotNull = Collections.emptyList();
                                for (Metadata existentMetadata : amNotNull) {
                                    if (existentMetadata.getType().getName().equals(enrichable)
                                            && existentMetadata.getValue().equals(higherElement.getKey())) {
                                        continue there;
                                try {
                                } catch (UGHException didNotWork) {

             * Collectionen hinzufgen
            DocStruct colStruct = this.myRdf.getDigitalDocument().getLogicalDocStruct();
            try {
                 * falls ein erstes Kind vorhanden ist, sind die Collectionen
                 * dafr
                colStruct = colStruct.getAllChildren().get(0);
            } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                 * das Firstchild unterhalb des Topstructs konnte nicht
                 * ermittelt werden

             * Imagepfad hinzufgen (evtl. vorhandene zunchst lschen)
            try {
                MetadataType mdt = UghHelper.getMetadataType(this.prozessKopie, "pathimagefiles");
                List<? extends Metadata> alleImagepfade = this.myRdf.getDigitalDocument().getPhysicalDocStruct()
                if (alleImagepfade != null && alleImagepfade.size() > 0) {
                    for (Metadata md : alleImagepfade) {
                Metadata newmd = new Metadata(mdt);
                if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS) {
                    newmd.setValue("file:/" + serviceManager.getFileService().getImagesDirectory(this.prozessKopie)
                            + this.prozessKopie.getTitle().trim() + DIRECTORY_SUFFIX);
                } else {
                    newmd.setValue("file://" + serviceManager.getFileService().getImagesDirectory(this.prozessKopie)
                            + this.prozessKopie.getTitle().trim() + DIRECTORY_SUFFIX);

                /* Rdf-File schreiben */
                serviceManager.getFileService().writeMetadataFile(this.myRdf, this.prozessKopie);

                 * soll der Prozess als Vorlage verwendet werden?
                if (this.useTemplates && this.prozessKopie.isInChoiceListShown()) {
                    serviceManager.getFileService().writeMetadataAsTemplateFile(this.myRdf, this.prozessKopie);

            } catch (ugh.exceptions.DocStructHasNoTypeException e) {
                Helper.setFehlerMeldung("DocStructHasNoTypeException", e.getMessage());
                logger.error("creation of new process throws an error: ", e);
            } catch (UghHelperException e) {
                Helper.setFehlerMeldung("UghHelperException", e.getMessage());
                logger.error("creation of new process throws an error: ", e);
            } catch (MetadataTypeNotAllowedException e) {
                Helper.setFehlerMeldung("MetadataTypeNotAllowedException", e.getMessage());
                logger.error("creation of new process throws an error: ", e);


        // Create configured directories


        // Adding process to history
        if (!HistoryAnalyserJob.updateHistoryForProcess(this.prozessKopie)) {
            return null;
        } else {
            try {
            } catch (DataException e) {
                logger.error("error on save: ", e);
                return null;


        /* damit die Sortierung stimmt nochmal einlesen */

        List<Task> tasks = serviceManager.getProcessService().getById(prozessKopie.getId()).getTasks();
        for (Task t : tasks) {
            if (t.getProcessingStatus() == 1 && t.isTypeAutomatic()) {
                TaskScriptThread myThread = new TaskScriptThread(t);
        return "/pages/NewProcess/Page3";


    private void addCollections(DocStruct colStruct) {
        for (String s : this.digitalCollections) {
            try {
                Metadata md = new Metadata(UghHelper.getMetadataType(
            } catch (UghHelperException | DocStructHasNoTypeException | MetadataTypeNotAllowedException e) {
                Helper.setFehlerMeldung(e.getMessage(), "");

     * alle Kollektionen eines bergebenen DocStructs entfernen.
    private void removeCollections(DocStruct colStruct) {
        try {
            MetadataType mdt = UghHelper.getMetadataType(
            ArrayList<Metadata> myCollections = new ArrayList<>(colStruct.getAllMetadataByType(mdt));
            if (myCollections.size() > 0) {
                for (Metadata md : myCollections) {
        } catch (UghHelperException | DocStructHasNoTypeException e) {
            Helper.setFehlerMeldung(e.getMessage(), "");

     * Create new file format.
    public void createNewFileformat() {
        Prefs myPrefs = serviceManager.getRulesetService().getPreferences(this.prozessKopie.getRuleset());
        try {
            DigitalDocument dd = new DigitalDocument();
            Fileformat ff = new XStream(myPrefs);
            /* BoundBook hinzufgen */
            DocStructType dst = myPrefs.getDocStrctTypeByName("BoundBook");
            DocStruct dsBoundBook = dd.createDocStruct(dst);

            /* Monographie */
            if (!ConfigOpac.getDoctypeByName(this.docType).isPeriodical()
                    && !ConfigOpac.getDoctypeByName(this.docType).isMultiVolume()) {
                DocStructType dsty = myPrefs
                DocStruct ds = dd.createDocStruct(dsty);
                this.myRdf = ff;
            } else if (ConfigOpac.getDoctypeByName(this.docType).isPeriodical()) {
                /* Zeitschrift */
                DocStructType dsty = myPrefs.getDocStrctTypeByName("Periodical");
                DocStruct ds = dd.createDocStruct(dsty);

                DocStructType dstyvolume = myPrefs.getDocStrctTypeByName("PeriodicalVolume");
                DocStruct dsvolume = dd.createDocStruct(dstyvolume);
                this.myRdf = ff;
            } else if (ConfigOpac.getDoctypeByName(this.docType).isMultiVolume()) {
                /* MultivolumeBand */
                DocStructType dsty = myPrefs.getDocStrctTypeByName("MultiVolumeWork");
                DocStruct ds = dd.createDocStruct(dsty);

                DocStructType dstyvolume = myPrefs.getDocStrctTypeByName("Volume");
                DocStruct dsvolume = dd.createDocStruct(dstyvolume);
                this.myRdf = ff;
            if (this.docType.equals("volumerun")) {
                DocStructType dsty = myPrefs.getDocStrctTypeByName("VolumeRun");
                DocStruct ds = dd.createDocStruct(dsty);

                DocStructType dstyvolume = myPrefs.getDocStrctTypeByName("Record");
                DocStruct dsvolume = dd.createDocStruct(dstyvolume);
                this.myRdf = ff;

        } catch (TypeNotAllowedForParentException | TypeNotAllowedAsChildException | PreferencesException e) {
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            logger.error("Error while reading von opac-config", e);
            Helper.setFehlerMeldung("Error while reading von opac-config", e.getMessage());

    private void addProperties() {
         * Vorlageneigenschaften initialisieren
        Template vor;
        if (serviceManager.getProcessService().getTemplatesSize(this.prozessKopie) > 0) {
            vor = this.prozessKopie.getTemplates().get(0);
        } else {
            vor = new Template();
            List<Template> vorlagen = new ArrayList<>();

         * Werkstckeigenschaften initialisieren
        Workpiece werk;
        if (serviceManager.getProcessService().getWorkpiecesSize(this.prozessKopie) > 0) {
            werk = this.prozessKopie.getWorkpieces().get(0);
        } else {
            werk = new Workpiece();
            List<Workpiece> werkstuecke = new ArrayList<>();

        for (AdditionalField field : this.additionalFields) {
            if (field.getShowDependingOnDoctype()) {
                if (field.getFrom().equals("werk")) {
                    BeanHelper.addProperty(werk, field.getTitle(), field.getValue());
                if (field.getFrom().equals("vorlage")) {
                    BeanHelper.addProperty(vor, field.getTitle(), field.getValue());
                if (field.getFrom().equals("prozess")) {
                    BeanHelper.addProperty(this.prozessKopie, field.getTitle(), field.getValue());

        for (String col : digitalCollections) {
            BeanHelper.addProperty(prozessKopie, "digitalCollection", col);
        /* Doctype */
        BeanHelper.addProperty(werk, "DocType", this.docType);
        /* Tiffheader */
        BeanHelper.addProperty(werk, "TifHeaderImagedescription", this.tifHeaderImageDescription);
        BeanHelper.addProperty(werk, "TifHeaderDocumentname", this.tifHeaderDocumentName);
        BeanHelper.addProperty(prozessKopie, "Template", prozessVorlage.getTitle());
        BeanHelper.addProperty(prozessKopie, "TemplateID", String.valueOf(prozessVorlage.getId()));

    public String getDocType() {
        return this.docType;

     * Set document type.
     * @param docType
     *            String
    public void setDocType(String docType) {
        if (!this.docType.equals(docType)) {
            this.docType = docType;
            if (myRdf != null) {

                Fileformat tmp = myRdf;

                try {
                    if (myRdf.getDigitalDocument().getLogicalDocStruct()
                            .equals(tmp.getDigitalDocument().getLogicalDocStruct())) {
                        myRdf = tmp;
                    } else {
                        DocStruct oldLogicalDocstruct = tmp.getDigitalDocument().getLogicalDocStruct();
                        DocStruct newLogicalDocstruct = myRdf.getDigitalDocument().getLogicalDocStruct();
                        // both have no children
                        if (oldLogicalDocstruct.getAllChildren() == null
                                && newLogicalDocstruct.getAllChildren() == null) {
                            copyMetadata(oldLogicalDocstruct, newLogicalDocstruct);
                        } else if (oldLogicalDocstruct.getAllChildren() != null
                                && newLogicalDocstruct.getAllChildren() == null) {
                            // old has a child, new has no child
                            copyMetadata(oldLogicalDocstruct, newLogicalDocstruct);
                            copyMetadata(oldLogicalDocstruct.getAllChildren().get(0), newLogicalDocstruct);
                        } else if (oldLogicalDocstruct.getAllChildren() == null
                                && newLogicalDocstruct.getAllChildren() != null) {
                            // new has a child, but old not
                            copyMetadata(oldLogicalDocstruct, newLogicalDocstruct);
                            copyMetadata(oldLogicalDocstruct.copy(true, false),
                        } else if (oldLogicalDocstruct.getAllChildren() != null
                                && newLogicalDocstruct.getAllChildren() != null) {
                            // both have children
                            copyMetadata(oldLogicalDocstruct, newLogicalDocstruct);
                } catch (PreferencesException e) {
                try {
                } catch (PreferencesException e) {

    private void copyMetadata(DocStruct oldDocStruct, DocStruct newDocStruct) {

        if (oldDocStruct.getAllMetadata() != null) {
            for (Metadata md : oldDocStruct.getAllMetadata()) {
                try {
                } catch (MetadataTypeNotAllowedException | DocStructHasNoTypeException e) {
        if (oldDocStruct.getAllPersons() != null) {
            for (Person p : oldDocStruct.getAllPersons()) {
                try {
                } catch (MetadataTypeNotAllowedException | DocStructHasNoTypeException e) {

    public Process getProzessVorlage() {
        return this.prozessVorlage;

     * The function getProzessVorlageTitel() returns some kind of identifier for
     * this ProzesskopieForm. The title of the process template that a process
     * will be created from can be considered with some reason to be some good
     * identifier for the ProzesskopieForm, too.
     * @return a human-readable identifier for this object
    public String getProzessVorlageTitel() {
        return prozessVorlage != null ? prozessVorlage.getTitle() : null;

    public void setProzessVorlage(Process prozessVorlage) {
        this.prozessVorlage = prozessVorlage;

    public Integer getAuswahl() {
        return this.auswahl;

    public void setAuswahl(Integer auswahl) {
        this.auswahl = auswahl;

    public List<AdditionalField> getAdditionalFields() {
        return this.additionalFields;

     * The method setAdditionalField() sets the value of an AdditionalField held
     * by a ProzesskopieForm object.
     * @param key
     *            the title of the AdditionalField whose value shall be modified
     * @param value
     *            the new value for the AdditionalField
     * @param strict
     *            throw a RuntimeException if the field is unknown
     * @throws RuntimeException
     *             in case that no field with a matching title was found in the
     *             ProzesskopieForm object
    public void setAdditionalField(String key, String value, boolean strict) throws RuntimeException {
        boolean unknownField = true;
        for (AdditionalField field : additionalFields) {
            if (key.equals(field.getTitle())) {
                unknownField = false;
        if (unknownField && strict) {
            throw new RuntimeException(
                    "Couldnt set " + key + "? to " + value + "?: No such field in record.");

    public void setAdditionalFields(List<AdditionalField> additionalFields) {
        this.additionalFields = additionalFields;

     * this is needed for GUI, render multiple select only if this is false if
     * this is true use the only choice
     * @author Wulf
    public boolean isSingleChoiceCollection() {
        return (getPossibleDigitalCollections() != null && getPossibleDigitalCollections().size() == 1);


     * This is needed for GUI, render multiple select only if this is false if
     * isSingleChoiceCollection is true use this choice.
     * @author Wulf
    public String getDigitalCollectionIfSingleChoice() {
        List<String> pdc = getPossibleDigitalCollections();
        if (pdc.size() == 1) {
            return pdc.get(0);
        } else {
            return null;

    public List<String> getPossibleDigitalCollections() {
        return this.possibleDigitalCollection;

    private void initializePossibleDigitalCollections() {
        this.possibleDigitalCollection = new ArrayList<>();
        ArrayList<String> defaultCollections = new ArrayList<>();

        String filename = FilenameUtils.concat(ConfigCore.getKitodoConfigDirectory(),
        if (!(new File(filename).exists())) {
            Helper.setFehlerMeldung("File not found: ", filename);
        this.digitalCollections = new ArrayList<>();
        try {
            /* Datei einlesen und Root ermitteln */
            SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();
            Document doc = File(filename));
            Element root = doc.getRootElement();
            /* alle Projekte durchlaufen */
            List<Element> projekte = root.getChildren();
            for (Element project : projekte) {
                // collect default collections
                if (project.getName().equals("default")) {
                    List<Element> myCols = project.getChildren("DigitalCollection");
                    for (Element digitalCollection : myCols) {
                        if (digitalCollection.getAttribute("default") != null
                                && digitalCollection.getAttributeValue("default").equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
                } else {
                    // run through the projects
                    List<Element> projektnamen = project.getChildren("name");
                    for (Element projectName : projektnamen) {
                        // all all collections to list
                        if (projectName.getText().equalsIgnoreCase(this.prozessKopie.getProject().getTitle())) {
                            List<Element> myCols = project.getChildren("DigitalCollection");
                            for (Element digitalCollection : myCols) {
                                if (digitalCollection.getAttribute("default") != null && digitalCollection
                                        .getAttributeValue("default").equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
        } catch (JDOMException | IOException e1) {
            logger.error("error while parsing digital collections", e1);
            Helper.setFehlerMeldung("Error while parsing digital collections", e1);

        if (this.possibleDigitalCollection.size() == 0) {
            this.possibleDigitalCollection = defaultCollections;

        // if only one collection is possible take it directly

        if (isSingleChoiceCollection()) {

     * Get all OPAC catalogues.
     * @return list of catalogues
    public List<String> getAllOpacCatalogues() {
        try {
            return ConfigOpac.getAllCatalogueTitles();
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            logger.error("Error while reading von opac-config", t);
            Helper.setFehlerMeldung("Error while reading von opac-config", t.getMessage());
            return new ArrayList<>();

     * Get all document types.
     * @return list of ConfigOpacDoctype objects
    public List<ConfigOpacDoctype> getAllDoctypes() {
        try {
            return ConfigOpac.getAllDoctypes();
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            logger.error("Error while reading von opac-config", t);
            Helper.setFehlerMeldung("Error while reading von opac-config", t.getMessage());
            return new ArrayList<>();

     * changed, so that on first request list gets set if there is only one
     * choice
    public List<String> getDigitalCollections() {
        return this.digitalCollections;

    public void setDigitalCollections(List<String> digitalCollections) {
        this.digitalCollections = digitalCollections;

    public HashMap<String, Boolean> getStandardFields() {
        return this.standardFields;

    public boolean isUseOpac() {
        return this.useOpac;

    public boolean isUseTemplates() {
        return this.useTemplates;

    public String getTifHeaderDocumentName() {
        return this.tifHeaderDocumentName;

    public void setTifHeaderDocumentName(String tifHeaderDocumentName) {
        this.tifHeaderDocumentName = tifHeaderDocumentName;

    public String getTifHeaderImageDescription() {
        return this.tifHeaderImageDescription;

    public void setTifHeaderImageDescription(String tifHeaderImageDescription) {
        this.tifHeaderImageDescription = tifHeaderImageDescription;

    public Process getProzessKopie() {
        return this.prozessKopie;

    public void setProzessKopie(Process prozessKopie) {
        this.prozessKopie = prozessKopie;

    public String getOpacSuchfeld() {
        return this.opacSuchfeld;

    public void setOpacSuchfeld(String opacSuchfeld) {
        this.opacSuchfeld = opacSuchfeld;

    public String getOpacKatalog() {
        return this.opacKatalog;

    public void setOpacKatalog(String opacKatalog) {
        this.opacKatalog = opacKatalog;

    public String getOpacSuchbegriff() {
        return this.opacSuchbegriff;

    public void setOpacSuchbegriff(String opacSuchbegriff) {
        this.opacSuchbegriff = opacSuchbegriff;

     * Helper

     * Prozesstitel und andere Details generieren.
    public void calculateProcessTitle() {
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            Helper.setFehlerMeldung("IOException", e.getMessage());

     * Generate title.
     * @param genericFields
     *            Map of Strings
     * @return String
    public String generateTitle(Map<String, String> genericFields) throws IOException {
        String currentAuthors = "";
        String currentTitle = "";
        int counter = 0;
        for (AdditionalField field : this.additionalFields) {
            if (field.getAutogenerated() && field.getValue().isEmpty()) {
                field.setValue(String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() + counter));
            if (field.getMetadata() != null && field.getMetadata().equals("TitleDocMain")
                    && currentTitle.length() == 0) {
                currentTitle = field.getValue();
            } else if (field.getMetadata() != null && field.getMetadata().equals("ListOfCreators")
                    && currentAuthors.length() == 0) {
                currentAuthors = field.getValue();

        StringBuilder newTitle = new StringBuilder();
        String titeldefinition = "";
        ConfigProjects cp = new ConfigProjects(this.prozessVorlage.getProject().getTitle());

        int count = cp.getParamList("createNewProcess.itemlist.processtitle").size();
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            String titel = cp.getParamString("createNewProcess.itemlist.processtitle(" + i + ")");
            String isdoctype = cp.getParamString("createNewProcess.itemlist.processtitle(" + i + ")[@isdoctype]");
            String isnotdoctype = cp
                    .getParamString("createNewProcess.itemlist.processtitle(" + i + ")[@isnotdoctype]");

            if (titel == null) {
                titel = "";
            if (isdoctype == null) {
                isdoctype = "";
            if (isnotdoctype == null) {
                isnotdoctype = "";

            /* wenn nix angegeben wurde, dann anzeigen */
            if (isdoctype.equals("") && isnotdoctype.equals("")) {
                titeldefinition = titel;

            /* wenn beides angegeben wurde */
            if (!isdoctype.equals("") && !isnotdoctype.equals("")
                    && StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(isdoctype, this.docType)
                    && !StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(isnotdoctype, this.docType)) {
                titeldefinition = titel;

            /* wenn nur pflicht angegeben wurde */
            if (isnotdoctype.equals("") && StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(isdoctype, this.docType)) {
                titeldefinition = titel;
            /* wenn nur "darf nicht" angegeben wurde */
            if (isdoctype.equals("") && !StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(isnotdoctype, this.docType)) {
                titeldefinition = titel;

        StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(titeldefinition, "+");
        /* jetzt den Bandtitel parsen */
        while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
            String myString = tokenizer.nextToken();
             * wenn der String mit ' anfngt und mit ' endet, dann den Inhalt so
             * bernehmen
            if (myString.startsWith("'") && myString.endsWith("'")) {
                newTitle.append(myString.substring(1, myString.length() - 1));
            } else if (myString.startsWith("#")) {
                 * resolve strings beginning with # from generic fields
                if (genericFields != null) {
                    String genericValue = genericFields.get(myString);
                    if (genericValue != null) {
            } else {
                /* andernfalls den string als Feldnamen auswerten */
                for (AdditionalField additionalField : this.additionalFields) {
                     * wenn es das ATS oder TSL-Feld ist, dann den berechneten
                     * atstsl einsetzen, sofern noch nicht vorhanden
                    if ((additionalField.getTitle().equals("ATS") || additionalField.getTitle().equals("TSL"))
                            && additionalField.getShowDependingOnDoctype()
                            && (additionalField.getValue() == null || additionalField.getValue().equals(""))) {
                        if (atstsl == null || atstsl.length() == 0) {
                            atstsl = createAtstsl(currentTitle, currentAuthors);

                    /* den Inhalt zum Titel hinzufgen */
                    if (additionalField.getTitle().equals(myString) && additionalField.getShowDependingOnDoctype()
                            && additionalField.getValue() != null) {
                                calculateProcessTitleCheck(additionalField.getTitle(), additionalField.getValue()));

        if (newTitle.toString().endsWith("_")) {
            newTitle.setLength(newTitle.length() - 1);
        // remove non-ascii characters for the sake of TIFF header limits
        String filteredTitle = newTitle.toString().replaceAll("[^\\p{ASCII}]", "");
        return filteredTitle;

    private String calculateProcessTitleCheck(String inFeldName, String inFeldWert) {
        String rueckgabe = inFeldWert;

         * Bandnummer
        if (inFeldName.equals("Bandnummer") || inFeldName.equals("Volume number")) {
            try {
                int bandint = Integer.parseInt(inFeldWert);
                java.text.DecimalFormat df = new java.text.DecimalFormat("#0000");
                rueckgabe = df.format(bandint);
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                if (inFeldName.equals("Bandnummer")) {
                            Helper.getTranslation("UngueltigeDaten: ") + "Bandnummer ist keine gltige Zahl");
                } else {
                            Helper.getTranslation("UngueltigeDaten: ") + "Volume number is not a valid number");
            if (rueckgabe != null && rueckgabe.length() < 4) {
                rueckgabe = "0000".substring(rueckgabe.length()) + rueckgabe;

        return rueckgabe;

     * Calculate tiff header.
    public void calculateTiffHeader() {
        String tifDefinition = "";
        ConfigProjects cp = null;
        try {
            cp = new ConfigProjects(this.prozessVorlage.getProject().getTitle());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            Helper.setFehlerMeldung("IOException", e.getMessage());
        tifDefinition = cp.getParamString("tifheader." + this.docType, "intranda");

         * evtuelle Ersetzungen
        tifDefinition = tifDefinition.replaceAll("\\[\\[", "<");
        tifDefinition = tifDefinition.replaceAll("\\]\\]", ">");

         * Documentname ist im allgemeinen = Prozesstitel
        this.tifHeaderDocumentName = this.prozessKopie.getTitle();
        this.tifHeaderImageDescription = "";
         * Imagedescription
        StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(tifDefinition, "+");
        /* jetzt den Tiffheader parsen */
        String title = "";
        while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
            String myString = tokenizer.nextToken();
             * wenn der String mit ' anfngt und mit ' endet, dann den Inhalt so
             * bernehmen
            if (myString.startsWith("'") && myString.endsWith("'") && myString.length() > 2) {
                this.tifHeaderImageDescription += myString.substring(1, myString.length() - 1);
            } else if (myString.equals("$Doctype")) {
                /* wenn der Doctype angegeben werden soll */
                try {
                    this.tifHeaderImageDescription += ConfigOpac.getDoctypeByName(this.docType).getTifHeaderType();
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                    logger.error("Error while reading von opac-config", t);
                    Helper.setFehlerMeldung("Error while reading von opac-config", t.getMessage());
            } else {
                /* andernfalls den string als Feldnamen auswerten */
                for (AdditionalField additionalField : this.additionalFields) {
                    if (additionalField.getTitle().equals("Titel") || additionalField.getTitle().equals("Title")
                            && additionalField.getValue() != null && !additionalField.getValue().equals("")) {
                        title = additionalField.getValue();
                     * wenn es das ATS oder TSL-Feld ist, dann den berechneten
                     * atstsl einsetzen, sofern noch nicht vorhanden
                    if ((additionalField.getTitle().equals("ATS") || additionalField.getTitle().equals("TSL"))
                            && additionalField.getShowDependingOnDoctype()
                            && (additionalField.getValue() == null || additionalField.getValue().equals(""))) {

                    /* den Inhalt zum Titel hinzufgen */
                    if (additionalField.getTitle().equals(myString) && additionalField.getShowDependingOnDoctype()
                            && additionalField.getValue() != null) {
                        this.tifHeaderImageDescription += calculateProcessTitleCheck(additionalField.getTitle(),

            // reduce to 255 character
        int length = this.tifHeaderImageDescription.length();
        if (length > 255) {
            try {
                int toCut = length - 255;
                String newTitle = title.substring(0, title.length() - toCut);
                this.tifHeaderImageDescription = this.tifHeaderImageDescription.replace(title, newTitle);
            } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {

     * Downloads a docket for the process.
     * @return the navigation-strign
    public String downloadDocket() {
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            logger.error("Excetion thrown, when creating the docket", e.getMessage());
            // TODO: Handle exceptions in Frontend
        return "";

     * Set images guessed.
     * @param imagesGuessed
     *            the imagesGuessed to set
    public void setImagesGuessed(Integer imagesGuessed) {
        if (imagesGuessed == null) {
            imagesGuessed = 0;
        this.guessedImages = imagesGuessed;

     * Get images guessed.
     * @return the imagesGuessed
    public Integer getImagesGuessed() {
        return this.guessedImages;

    public String getAddToWikiField() {
        return this.addToWikiField;

     * Set add to wiki field.
     * @param addToWikiField
     *            String
    public void setAddToWikiField(String addToWikiField) {
        this.addToWikiField = addToWikiField;
        if (addToWikiField != null && !addToWikiField.equals("")) {
            User user = (User) Helper.getManagedBeanValue("#{LoginForm.myBenutzer}");
            String message = this.addToWikiField + " (" + serviceManager.getUserService().getFullName(user) + ")";
                    .setWikiField(WikiFieldHelper.getWikiMessage(prozessKopie.getWikiField(), "info", message));

     * Create Atstsl.
     * @param title
     *            String
     * @param author
     *            String
     * @return String
    public static String createAtstsl(String title, String author) {
        StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(8);
        if (author != null && author.trim().length() > 0) {
            result.append(author.length() > 4 ? author.substring(0, 4) : author);
            result.append(title.length() > 4 ? title.substring(0, 4) : title);
        } else {
            StringTokenizer titleWords = new StringTokenizer(title);
            int wordNo = 1;
            while (titleWords.hasMoreTokens() && wordNo < 5) {
                String word = titleWords.nextToken();
                switch (wordNo) {
                case 1:
                    result.append(word.length() > 4 ? word.substring(0, 4) : word);
                case 2:
                case 3:
                    result.append(word.length() > 2 ? word.substring(0, 2) : word);
                case 4:
                    result.append(word.length() > 1 ? word.substring(0, 1) : word);
                    assert false : wordNo;
        return result.toString().replaceAll("[\\W]", ""); // delete umlauts etc.

     * The function getHitlist returns the hits for the currently showing page
     * of the hitlist as read-only property "hitlist".
     * @return a list of hits to render in the hitlist
    public List<SelectableHit> getHitlist() {
        if (hitlistPage < 0) {
            return Collections.emptyList();
        int pageSize = getPageSize();
        List<SelectableHit> result = new ArrayList<>(pageSize);
        long firstHit = hitlistPage * pageSize;
        long lastHit = Math.min(firstHit + pageSize - 1, hits - 1);
        for (long index = firstHit; index <= lastHit; index++) {
            try {
                Hit hit = importCatalogue.getHit(hitlist, index, CataloguePlugin.getTimeout());
                result.add(new SelectableHit(hit));
            } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                result.add(new SelectableHit(e.getMessage()));
        return result;

     * The function getNumberOfHits() returns the number of hits on the hit list
     * as read-only property "numberOfHits".
     * @return the number of hits on the hit list
    public long getNumberOfHits() {
        return hits;

     * The function getPageSize() retrieves the desired number of hits on one
     * page of the hit list from the configuration.
     * @return desired number of hits on one page of the hit list from the
     *         configuration
    private int getPageSize() {
        return ConfigCore.getIntParameter(Parameters.HITLIST_PAGE_SIZE, DEFAULT_HITLIST_PAGE_SIZE);

     * The function isFirstPage() returns whether the currently showing page of
     * the hitlist is the first page of it as read-only property "firstPage".
     * @return whether the currently showing page of the hitlist is the first
     *         one
    public boolean isFirstPage() {
        return hitlistPage == 0;

     * The function getHitlistShowing returns whether the hitlist shall be
     * rendered or not as read-only property "hitlistShowing".
     * @return whether the hitlist is to be shown or not
    public boolean isHitlistShowing() {
        return hitlistPage >= 0;

     * The function isLastPage() returns whether the currently showing page of
     * the hitlist is the last page of it as read-only property "lastPage".
     * @return whether the currently showing page of the hitlist is the last one
    public boolean isLastPage() {
        return (hitlistPage + 1) * getPageSize() > hits - 1;

     * The function nextPageClick() is executed if the user clicks the action
     * link to flip one page forward in the hit list.
    public void nextPageClick() {

     * The function previousPageClick() is executed if the user clicks the
     * action link to flip one page backwards in the hit list.
    public void previousPageClick() {

     * The function isCalendarButtonShowing tells whether the calendar button
     * shall show up or not as read-only property "calendarButtonShowing".
     * @return whether the calendar button shall show
    public boolean isCalendarButtonShowing() {
        try {
            return ConfigOpac.getDoctypeByName(docType).isNewspaper();
        } catch (NullPointerException e) {
            // may occur if user continues to interact with the page across a
            // restart of the servlet container
            return false;
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            logger.error("Error while reading von opac-config", e);
            Helper.setFehlerMeldung("Error while reading von opac-config", e.getMessage());
            return false;

     * Returns the representation of the file holding the document metadata in
     * memory.
     * @return the metadata file in memory
    public Fileformat getFileformat() {
        return myRdf;