Java tutorial
/* * (c) Kitodo. Key to digital objects e. V. <> * * This file is part of the Kitodo project. * * It is licensed under GNU General Public License version 3 or later. * * For the full copyright and license information, please read the * GPL3-License.txt file that was distributed with this source code. */ package; import de.sub.goobi.config.ConfigCore; import de.sub.goobi.config.ConfigProjects; import de.sub.goobi.export.dms.ExportDms; import de.sub.goobi.export.dms.ExportDms_CorrectRusdml; import de.sub.goobi.forms.LoginForm; import de.sub.goobi.helper.Helper; import de.sub.goobi.helper.VariableReplacer; import de.sub.goobi.helper.exceptions.ExportFileException; import de.sub.goobi.helper.exceptions.InvalidImagesException; import de.sub.goobi.metadaten.MetadatenImagesHelper; import de.sub.goobi.metadaten.copier.CopierData; import de.sub.goobi.metadaten.copier.DataCopier; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.kitodo.api.filemanagement.ProcessSubType; import; import; import; import; import; import; import ugh.dl.ContentFile; import ugh.dl.DigitalDocument; import ugh.dl.DocStruct; import ugh.dl.Fileformat; import ugh.dl.Prefs; import ugh.dl.VirtualFileGroup; import ugh.exceptions.DocStructHasNoTypeException; import ugh.exceptions.MetadataTypeNotAllowedException; import ugh.exceptions.PreferencesException; import ugh.exceptions.ReadException; import ugh.exceptions.TypeNotAllowedForParentException; import ugh.exceptions.WriteException; import ugh.fileformats.mets.MetsModsImportExport; public class ExportMets { private final ServiceManager serviceManager = new ServiceManager(); private final FileService fileService = serviceManager.getFileService(); protected Helper help = new Helper(); protected Prefs myPrefs; protected static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(ExportMets.class); /** * DMS-Export in das Benutzer-Homeverzeichnis. * * @param myProcess * Process object */ public boolean startExport(Process myProcess) throws IOException, DocStructHasNoTypeException, PreferencesException, WriteException, MetadataTypeNotAllowedException, ExportFileException, ReadException, TypeNotAllowedForParentException { LoginForm login = (LoginForm) Helper.getManagedBeanValue("#{LoginForm}"); URI userHome = null; if (login != null) { userHome = serviceManager.getUserService().getHomeDirectory(login.getMyBenutzer()); } return startExport(myProcess, userHome); } /** * DMS-Export an eine gewnschte Stelle. * * @param myProcess * Process object * @param inZielVerzeichnis * String */ public boolean startExport(Process myProcess, URI inZielVerzeichnis) throws IOException, PreferencesException, WriteException, DocStructHasNoTypeException, MetadataTypeNotAllowedException, ExportFileException, ReadException, TypeNotAllowedForParentException { /* * Read Document */ this.myPrefs = serviceManager.getRulesetService().getPreferences(myProcess.getRuleset()); String atsPpnBand = myProcess.getTitle(); Fileformat gdzfile = serviceManager.getProcessService().readMetadataFile(myProcess); String rules = ConfigCore.getParameter("copyData.onExport"); if (rules != null && !rules.equals("- keine Konfiguration gefunden -")) { try { new DataCopier(rules).process(new CopierData(gdzfile, myProcess)); } catch (ConfigurationException e) { Helper.setFehlerMeldung("dataCopier.syntaxError", e.getMessage()); return false; } catch (RuntimeException exception) { Helper.setFehlerMeldung("dataCopier.runtimeException", exception.getMessage()); return false; } } /* nur beim Rusdml-Projekt die Metadaten aufbereiten */ ConfigProjects cp = new ConfigProjects(myProcess.getProject().getTitle()); if (cp.getParamList("dmsImport.check").contains("rusdml")) { ExportDms_CorrectRusdml expcorr = new ExportDms_CorrectRusdml(myProcess, this.myPrefs, gdzfile); atsPpnBand = expcorr.correctionStart(); } URI zielVerzeichnis = prepareUserDirectory(inZielVerzeichnis); String targetFileName = zielVerzeichnis + atsPpnBand + "_mets.xml"; URI metaFile = fileService.getProcessSubTypeURI(myProcess, ProcessSubType.META_XML, targetFileName); return writeMetsFile(myProcess, metaFile, gdzfile, false); } /** * prepare user directory. * * @param targetFolder * the folder to prove and maybe create it */ protected URI prepareUserDirectory(URI targetFolder) { User myBenutzer = (User) Helper.getManagedBeanValue("#{LoginForm.myBenutzer}"); if (myBenutzer != null) { try { fileService.createDirectoryForUser(targetFolder, myBenutzer.getLogin()); } catch (Exception e) { Helper.setFehlerMeldung("Export canceled, could not create destination directory: " + targetFolder, e); } } return targetFolder; } /** * write MetsFile to given Path. * * @param myProcess * the Process to use * @param metaFile * the meta file which should be written * @param gdzfile * the FileFormat-Object to use for Mets-Writing */ protected boolean writeMetsFile(Process myProcess, URI metaFile, Fileformat gdzfile, boolean writeLocalFilegroup) throws PreferencesException, WriteException, IOException, TypeNotAllowedForParentException { MetsModsImportExport mm = new MetsModsImportExport(this.myPrefs); mm.setWriteLocal(writeLocalFilegroup); URI imageFolderPath = serviceManager.getFileService().getImagesDirectory(myProcess); /* * before creating mets file, change relative path to absolute - */ DigitalDocument dd = gdzfile.getDigitalDocument(); if (dd.getFileSet() == null) { Helper.setMeldung(myProcess.getTitle() + ": digital document does not contain images; temporarily adding them for mets file creation"); MetadatenImagesHelper mih = new MetadatenImagesHelper(this.myPrefs, dd); mih.createPagination(myProcess, null); } /* * get the topstruct element of the digital document depending on anchor * property */ DocStruct topElement = dd.getLogicalDocStruct(); if (this.myPrefs.getDocStrctTypeByName(topElement.getType().getName()).getAnchorClass() != null) { if (topElement.getAllChildren() == null || topElement.getAllChildren().size() == 0) { throw new PreferencesException(myProcess.getTitle() + ": the topstruct element is marked as anchor, but does not have any children for " + "physical docstrucs"); } else { topElement = topElement.getAllChildren().get(0); } } /* * if the top element does not have any image related, set them all */ if (topElement.getAllToReferences("logical_physical") == null || topElement.getAllToReferences("logical_physical").size() == 0) { if (dd.getPhysicalDocStruct() != null && dd.getPhysicalDocStruct().getAllChildren() != null) { Helper.setMeldung(myProcess.getTitle() + ": topstruct element does not have any referenced images yet; temporarily adding them " + "for mets file creation"); for (DocStruct mySeitenDocStruct : dd.getPhysicalDocStruct().getAllChildren()) { topElement.addReferenceTo(mySeitenDocStruct, "logical_physical"); } } else { if (this instanceof ExportDms && ((ExportDms) this).exportDmsTask != null) { ((ExportDms) this).exportDmsTask.setException(new RuntimeException( myProcess.getTitle() + ": could not find any referenced images, export aborted")); } else { Helper.setFehlerMeldung( myProcess.getTitle() + ": could not find any referenced images, export aborted"); } return false; } } for (ContentFile cf : dd.getFileSet().getAllFiles()) { String location = cf.getLocation(); // If the file's location string shoes no sign of any protocol, // use the file protocol. if (!location.contains("://")) { location = "file://" + location; } String url = new URL(location).getFile(); URI uri = !url.startsWith(imageFolderPath.getPath()) ? imageFolderPath : URI.create(""); uri = uri.resolve(url); cf.setLocation(uri.toString()); } mm.setDigitalDocument(dd); /* * wenn Filegroups definiert wurden, werden diese jetzt in die * Metsstruktur bernommen */ // Replace all paths with the given VariableReplacer, also the file // group paths! VariableReplacer vp = new VariableReplacer(mm.getDigitalDocument(), this.myPrefs, myProcess, null); List<ProjectFileGroup> myFilegroups = myProcess.getProject().getProjectFileGroups(); if (myFilegroups != null && myFilegroups.size() > 0) { for (ProjectFileGroup pfg : myFilegroups) { // check if source files exists if (pfg.getFolder() != null && pfg.getFolder().length() > 0) { URI folder = serviceManager.getProcessService().getMethodFromName(pfg.getFolder(), myProcess); if (fileService.fileExist(folder) && fileService.getSubUris(folder).size() > 0) { VirtualFileGroup v = new VirtualFileGroup(); v.setName(pfg.getName()); v.setPathToFiles(vp.replace(pfg.getPath())); v.setMimetype(pfg.getMimeType()); v.setFileSuffix(pfg.getSuffix()); v.setOrdinary(!pfg.isPreviewImage()); mm.getDigitalDocument().getFileSet().addVirtualFileGroup(v); } } else { VirtualFileGroup v = new VirtualFileGroup(); v.setName(pfg.getName()); v.setPathToFiles(vp.replace(pfg.getPath())); v.setMimetype(pfg.getMimeType()); v.setFileSuffix(pfg.getSuffix()); v.setOrdinary(!pfg.isPreviewImage()); mm.getDigitalDocument().getFileSet().addVirtualFileGroup(v); } } } // Replace rights and digiprov entries. mm.setRightsOwner(vp.replace(myProcess.getProject().getMetsRightsOwner())); mm.setRightsOwnerLogo(vp.replace(myProcess.getProject().getMetsRightsOwnerLogo())); mm.setRightsOwnerSiteURL(vp.replace(myProcess.getProject().getMetsRightsOwnerSite())); mm.setRightsOwnerContact(vp.replace(myProcess.getProject().getMetsRightsOwnerMail())); mm.setDigiprovPresentation(vp.replace(myProcess.getProject().getMetsDigiprovPresentation())); mm.setDigiprovReference(vp.replace(myProcess.getProject().getMetsDigiprovReference())); mm.setDigiprovPresentationAnchor(vp.replace(myProcess.getProject().getMetsDigiprovPresentationAnchor())); mm.setDigiprovReferenceAnchor(vp.replace(myProcess.getProject().getMetsDigiprovReferenceAnchor())); mm.setPurlUrl(vp.replace(myProcess.getProject().getMetsPurl())); mm.setContentIDs(vp.replace(myProcess.getProject().getMetsContentIDs())); // Set mets pointers. MetsPointerPathAnchor or mptrAnchorUrl is the // pointer used to point to the superordinate (anchor) file, that is // representing a virtual? group such as a series. Several anchors // pointer paths can be defined/ since it is possible to define several // levels of superordinate structures (such as the complete edition of // a daily newspaper, one year ouf of that edition, ) String anchorPointersToReplace = myProcess.getProject().getMetsPointerPath(); mm.setMptrUrl(null); for (String anchorPointerToReplace : anchorPointersToReplace.split(Project.ANCHOR_SEPARATOR)) { String anchorPointer = vp.replace(anchorPointerToReplace); mm.setMptrUrl(anchorPointer); } // metsPointerPathAnchor or mptrAnchorUrl is the pointer used to point // from the (lowest) superordinate // (anchor) file to the lowest level file (the non-anchor file). String metsPointerToReplace = myProcess.getProject().getMetsPointerPathAnchor(); String metsPointer = vp.replace(metsPointerToReplace); mm.setMptrAnchorUrl(metsPointer); if (ConfigCore.getBooleanParameter("ExportValidateImages", true)) { try { // TODO andere Dateigruppen nicht mit image Namen ersetzen List<URI> images = new MetadatenImagesHelper(this.myPrefs, dd).getDataFiles(myProcess); List<String> imageStrings = new ArrayList<>(); for (URI uri : images) { imageStrings.add(uri.toString()); } int sizeOfPagination = dd.getPhysicalDocStruct().getAllChildren().size(); int sizeOfImages = images.size(); if (sizeOfPagination == sizeOfImages) { dd.overrideContentFiles(imageStrings); } else { List<String> param = new ArrayList<>(); param.add(String.valueOf(sizeOfPagination)); param.add(String.valueOf(sizeOfImages)); Helper.setFehlerMeldung(Helper.getTranslation("imagePaginationError", param)); return false; } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException | InvalidImagesException e) { logger.error(e); return false; } } else { // create pagination out of virtual file names dd.addAllContentFiles(); } mm.write(metaFile.toString()); Helper.setMeldung(null, myProcess.getTitle() + ": ", "ExportFinished"); return true; } }