Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2013 - 2016 Trojaner <> and contributors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package de.static_interface.sinksql; import de.static_interface.sinksql.annotation.ForeignKey; import de.static_interface.sinksql.annotation.UniqueKey; import de.static_interface.sinksql.annotation.Column; import de.static_interface.sinksql.annotation.Index; import de.static_interface.sinksql.exception.InvalidSqlColumnException; import de.static_interface.sinksql.impl.table.OptionsTable; import de.static_interface.sinksql.query.Query; import de.static_interface.sinksql.query.condition.EqualsCondition; import de.static_interface.sinksql.query.condition.GreaterThanCondition; import de.static_interface.sinksql.query.condition.GreaterThanEqualsCondition; import de.static_interface.sinksql.query.condition.LikeCondition; import de.static_interface.sinksql.query.condition.WhereCondition; import de.static_interface.sinksql.query.impl.AndQuery; import de.static_interface.sinksql.query.impl.DeleteQuery; import de.static_interface.sinksql.query.impl.FromQuery; import de.static_interface.sinksql.query.impl.LimitQuery; import de.static_interface.sinksql.query.impl.OrQuery; import de.static_interface.sinksql.query.impl.OrderByQuery; import de.static_interface.sinksql.query.impl.SelectQuery; import de.static_interface.sinksql.query.impl.SetQuery; import de.static_interface.sinksql.query.impl.UpdateQuery; import de.static_interface.sinksql.query.impl.WhereQuery; import de.static_interface.sinksql.util.ReflectionUtil; import de.static_interface.sinksql.util.StringUtil; import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.annotation.Nullable; public abstract class SqlDatabase extends Database { private final char backtick; int queryType = 0; int selectQuery = 1; int updateQuery = 2; int deleteQuery = 3; private boolean firstSetCall = true; /** * @param info the connection info * @param backtick the backtick used by the database sql synrax */ public SqlDatabase(@Nullable DatabaseConnectionInfo info, char backtick) { super(info); this.backtick = backtick; } @Override public String toDatabaseType(Field f) { Class clazz = f.getType(); Column column = FieldCache.getAnnotation(f, Column.class); String keyLength = ""; if (column.keyLength() >= 0) { keyLength = "(" + column.keyLength() + ")"; } boolean isKey = column.primaryKey() || column.uniqueKey() || FieldCache.getAnnotation(f, ForeignKey.class) != null || FieldCache.getAnnotation(f, UniqueKey.class) != null; if (clazz == Date.class) { throw new RuntimeException("Date is not supported for now !"); } if (clazz == java.sql.Date.class) { throw new RuntimeException("Date is not supported for now!"); } if (clazz == Integer.class || clazz == int.class) { return "INT" + keyLength; } if (clazz == Boolean.class || clazz == boolean.class) { return keyLength.equals("") ? "TINYINT(1)" : "TINYINT" + keyLength; } if (clazz == Double.class || clazz == double.class) { return "DOUBLE" + keyLength; } if (clazz == Float.class || clazz == float.class) { return "FLOAT" + keyLength; } if (clazz == Long.class || clazz == long.class) { return "BIGINT" + keyLength; } if (clazz == Short.class || clazz == short.class) { return "SMALLINT" + keyLength; } if (clazz == Byte.class || clazz == byte.class) { return "TINYINT" + keyLength; } if (clazz == String.class) { if (keyLength.equals("")) { return isKey ? "VARCHAR(255)" : "VARCHAR(999)"; } else { return "VARCHAR" + keyLength; } } throw new RuntimeException("No database type available for: " + clazz.getName()); } /** * @return The backtick used by the database sql syntax */ public char getBacktick() { return backtick; } @Override public String parseQuery(Query tQuery) { String sql = ""; while (tQuery != null) { sql += toSql(tQuery); tQuery = tQuery.getChild(); } queryType = 0; firstSetCall = true; return sql.trim(); } protected String toSql(Query tQuery) { String s = handleQuery(tQuery); if (!StringUtil.isEmptyOrNull(s)) { return s; } char bt = getBacktick(); if (tQuery instanceof FromQuery) { return ""; } if (tQuery instanceof SelectQuery) { queryType = selectQuery; validateColumnNames(tQuery, ((SelectQuery) tQuery).getColumns()); return "SELECT " + StringUtil.formatArrayToString(((SelectQuery) tQuery).getColumns(), ",") + " FROM " + bt + "{TABLE}" + bt + " "; } if (tQuery instanceof UpdateQuery) { queryType = updateQuery; return "UPDATE " + bt + "{TABLE}" + bt + " "; } if (tQuery instanceof DeleteQuery) { queryType = deleteQuery; return "DELETE FROM " + bt + "{TABLE}" + bt + " "; } if (tQuery instanceof SetQuery) { if (queryType != updateQuery) { throw new IllegalStateException("Can only use SET statements on UPDATE queries!"); } String columnName = ((SetQuery) tQuery).getColumn(); validateColumnNames(tQuery, columnName); String value = tQuery.getTable().toSqlValue(((SetQuery) tQuery).getValue()); String setStatement = bt + columnName + bt + "=" + value + " "; if (!firstSetCall) { setStatement = ", " + setStatement; } else { setStatement = "SET " + setStatement; firstSetCall = false; } return setStatement; } if (tQuery instanceof AndQuery) { return "AND " + whereStatementToSql((WhereQuery) tQuery) + " "; } if (tQuery instanceof OrQuery) { return "OR " + whereStatementToSql((WhereQuery) tQuery) + " "; } if (tQuery instanceof WhereQuery) { return "WHERE " + whereStatementToSql((WhereQuery) tQuery) + " "; } if (tQuery instanceof OrderByQuery) { String columnName = ((OrderByQuery) tQuery).getColumn(); validateColumnNames(tQuery, columnName); String order = ((OrderByQuery) tQuery).getOrder().name().toUpperCase(); return "ORDER BY " + bt + columnName + bt + " " + order + " "; } if (tQuery instanceof LimitQuery) { return "LIMIT " + ((LimitQuery) tQuery).getOffset() + "," + ((LimitQuery) tQuery).getRowCount() + " "; } throw new IllegalStateException("Query not supported: " + tQuery.getClass().getName()); } protected String handleQuery(Query query) { //easier integration for 3rd party extensions return null; } private void validateColumnNames(Query query, String... columns) { if (true) { return; // not stable } if (query.isColumnVerificationDisabled()) { return; } if (columns.length < 1) { return; } AbstractTable table = query.getTable(); Class<Row> rowClass = table.getRowClass(); List<String> rowColumns = new ArrayList<>(); for (Field f : ReflectionUtil.getAllFields(rowClass)) { if (f == null) { continue; } String name = f.getName(); Column c = FieldCache.getAnnotation(f, Column.class); if (!StringUtil.isEmptyOrNull( { name =; } rowColumns.add(name.trim()); } boolean isInvalid = false; for (String s : columns) { if (s.equals("*")) { continue; } if (StringUtil.isEmptyOrNull(s)) { isInvalid = true; } if (s.contains("'")) { isInvalid = true; } if (s.contains("'")) { isInvalid = true; } if (isInvalid) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Column \"" + s + "\" has an illegal name in query \"" + query.getClass().getSimpleName() + "\""); } if (!rowColumns.contains(s.trim())) { throw new IllegalStateException("Column \"" + s + "\"" + " not found in table \"" + table.getName() + "\"" + " in query " + query.getClass().getSimpleName() + "\""); } } } protected String whereStatementToSql(WhereQuery tQuery) { WhereCondition condition = tQuery.getCondition(); String prefix = ""; String suffix = ""; if (tQuery.getParanthesisState() == 1) { prefix = "("; } if (tQuery.getParanthesisState() == 2) { suffix = ")"; } char bt = getBacktick(); String columName = bt + tQuery.getColumn() + bt; validateColumnNames(tQuery, columName); if (condition instanceof GreaterThanCondition) { String operator = ""; boolean isInverted = ((GreaterThanCondition) condition).isInverted(); boolean isNegated = condition.isNegated(); if (isInverted && !isNegated || !isInverted && condition.isNegated()) { operator = "<"; } else if (isInverted && isNegated) { operator = ">"; } else if (!isInverted && !isNegated) { operator = ">"; } boolean isEquals = condition instanceof GreaterThanEqualsCondition; if ((isEquals && !isNegated) || (!isEquals && condition.isNegated())) { operator += "="; } String value = tQuery.getTable().toSqlValue(condition.getValue(), false); return prefix + columName + " " + operator + " " + value + suffix; } if (condition instanceof EqualsCondition) { String equalsOperator = "="; if (condition.isNegated()) { equalsOperator = "!="; } Object o = condition.getValue(); if (o == null) { equalsOperator = "IS"; if (condition.isNegated()) { equalsOperator = "IS NOT"; } } return prefix + columName + " " + equalsOperator + " " + (o == null ? "NULL" : o.toString()) + suffix; } if (condition instanceof LikeCondition) { String likeOperator = "LIKE"; if (condition.isNegated()) { likeOperator = "NOT LIKE"; } return prefix + columName + " " + likeOperator + ((LikeCondition) condition).getPattern() + suffix; } throw new IllegalStateException("Condition not supported: " + condition.getClass().getName()); } @Override public String stringify(String s) { if (s == null) { return null; } s = s.replaceAll("['\"\\\\]", "\\\\$0"); return "\"" + s + "\""; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Override public <T extends Row> void createTable(AbstractTable<T> abstractTable) { char bt = getBacktick(); String sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + bt + abstractTable.getName() + bt + " ("; List<String> primaryKeys = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> uniqueKeys = new ArrayList<>(); List<Field> foreignKeys = new ArrayList<>(); List<Field> indexes = new ArrayList<>(); HashMap<Integer, List<String>> combinedUniqueKeys = new HashMap<>(); Class foreignOptionsTable = null; if (abstractTable instanceof OptionsTable) { foreignOptionsTable = ((OptionsTable) abstractTable).getForeignTable(); } for (Field f : abstractTable.getRowClass() . getFields() ) { Column column = FieldCache.getAnnotation(f, Column.class); if (column == null) { continue; } String name = StringUtil.isEmptyOrNull( ? f.getName() :; sql += bt + name + bt + " " + toDatabaseType(f); if (column.zerofill()) { if (!ReflectionUtil.isNumber(f.getType())) { throw new InvalidSqlColumnException(abstractTable, f, name, "column was annotated as ZEROFILL but wrapper type is not a number"); } sql += " ZEROFILL"; } if (column.unsigned()) { if (!ReflectionUtil.isNumber(f.getType())) { throw new InvalidSqlColumnException(abstractTable, f, name, "column was annotated as UNSIGNED but wrapper type is not a number"); } sql += " UNSIGNED"; } if (column.autoIncrement()) { if (!ReflectionUtil.isNumber(f.getType())) { throw new InvalidSqlColumnException(abstractTable, f, name, "column was annotated as AUTO_INCREMENT but wrapper type is not a number"); } sql += " AUTO_INCREMENT"; } if (column.uniqueKey()) { uniqueKeys.add(name); } UniqueKey uniqueKey = FieldCache.getAnnotation(f, UniqueKey.class); if (uniqueKey != null) { if (uniqueKey.combinationId() == Integer.MAX_VALUE) { uniqueKeys.add(name); } else { List<String> keys = combinedUniqueKeys.get(uniqueKey.combinationId()); if (keys == null) { keys = new ArrayList<>(); } keys.add(name); combinedUniqueKeys.put(uniqueKey.combinationId(), keys); } } if (column.primaryKey()) { primaryKeys.add(name); } if (FieldCache.getAnnotation(f, Nullable.class) == null) { sql += " NOT NULL"; } else if (ReflectionUtil.isPrimitiveClass(f.getType())) { // The column is nullable but the wrapper type is a primitive value, which can't be null throw new InvalidSqlColumnException(abstractTable, f, name, "column was annotated as NULLABLE but wrapper type is a primitive type"); } if (!StringUtil.isEmptyOrNull(column.defaultValue())) { sql += " DEFAULT " + column.defaultValue(); } if (!StringUtil.isEmptyOrNull(column.comment())) { sql += " COMMENT '" + column.comment() + "'"; } if (FieldCache.getAnnotation(f, ForeignKey.class) != null) { foreignKeys.add(f); } if (FieldCache.getAnnotation(f, Index.class) != null) { indexes.add(f); } sql += ","; } if (primaryKeys.size() > 0) { String columns = ""; for (String f : primaryKeys) { if (!columns.equals("")) { columns += ", "; } columns += bt + f + bt; } sql += "PRIMARY KEY (" + columns + "),"; } if (uniqueKeys.size() > 0) { for (String s : uniqueKeys) { sql += "UNIQUE (" + bt + s + bt + "),"; } } if (combinedUniqueKeys.size() > 0) { for (List<String> columnsList : combinedUniqueKeys.values()) { String columns = ""; String first = null; for (String f : columnsList) { if (!columns.equals("")) { columns += ", "; } if (first == null) { first = f; } columns += bt + f + bt; } sql += "UNIQUE KEY " + bt + first + "_uk" + bt + " (" + columns + "),"; } } for (Field f : foreignKeys) { Column column = FieldCache.getAnnotation(f, Column.class); String name = StringUtil.isEmptyOrNull( ? f.getName() :; ForeignKey foreignKey = FieldCache.getAnnotation(f, ForeignKey.class); sql = addForeignKey(sql, name, foreignKey.table(), foreignKey.column(), foreignKey.onUpdate(), foreignKey.onDelete()); } if (foreignOptionsTable != null) { String column = ((OptionsTable) abstractTable).getForeignColumn(); CascadeAction onUpdate = ((OptionsTable) abstractTable).getForeignOnUpdateAction(); CascadeAction onDelete = ((OptionsTable) abstractTable).getForeignOnDeleteAction(); sql = addForeignKey(sql, "foreignTarget", foreignOptionsTable, column, onUpdate, onDelete); } for (Field f : indexes) { if (abstractTable.getEngine().equalsIgnoreCase("InnoDB") && foreignKeys.contains(f)) { continue; //InnoDB already creates indexes for foreign keys, so skip these... } Column column = FieldCache.getAnnotation(f, Column.class); String name = StringUtil.isEmptyOrNull( ? f.getName() :; Index index = FieldCache.getAnnotation(f, Index.class); String indexName = StringUtil.isEmptyOrNull( ? name + "_I_" + abstractTable.getName().toLowerCase() :; sql += "INDEX " + bt + indexName + bt + " (" + bt + name + bt + ")"; sql += ","; } if (sql.endsWith(",")) { sql = sql.substring(0, sql.length() - 1); } sql += ")"; if (supportsEngines()) { //Todo: do other SQL databases support engines? sql += " ENGINE=" + abstractTable.getEngine(); } sql += ";"; abstractTable.executeUpdate(sql); } protected abstract boolean supportsEngines(); protected String addForeignKey(String sql, String name, Class<? extends AbstractTable> targetClass, String columnName, CascadeAction onUpdate, CascadeAction onDelete) { char bt = getBacktick(); String tablename; try { tablename = targetClass.getField("TABLE_NAME").get(null).toString(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Static String Field TABLE_NAME was not declared in table wrapper class " + targetClass.getName() + "!", e); } sql += "FOREIGN KEY (" + bt + name + bt + ") REFERENCES " + getConnectionInfo().getTablePrefix() + tablename + " (" + bt + columnName + bt + ")"; sql += " ON UPDATE " + onUpdate.toSql() + " ON DELETE " + onDelete.toSql(); sql += ","; return sql; } @Override public <T extends Row> T insert(AbstractTable<T> abstractTable, T row) { Validate.notNull(row); String columns = ""; char bt = getBacktick(); int i = 0; List<Field> fields = ReflectionUtil.getAllFields(abstractTable.getRowClass()); Map<Field, String> autoIncrements = new HashMap<>(); for (Field f : fields) { Column column = FieldCache.getAnnotation(f, Column.class); if (column == null) { continue; } String name = StringUtil.isEmptyOrNull( ? f.getName() :; if (column.autoIncrement()) { autoIncrements.put(f, name); } name = bt + name + bt; if (i == 0) { columns = name; i++; continue; } columns += ", " + name; i++; } if (i == 0) { throw new IllegalStateException( abstractTable.getRowClass().getName() + " doesn't have any public fields!"); } String valuesPlaceholders = ""; for (int k = 0; k < i; k++) { if (k == 0) { valuesPlaceholders = "?"; continue; } valuesPlaceholders += ",?"; } String sql = "INSERT INTO `{TABLE}` (" + columns + ") " + "VALUES(" + valuesPlaceholders + ")"; List<Object> values = new ArrayList<>(); for (Field f : fields) { try { values.add(f.get(row)); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } PreparedStatement ps = abstractTable.createPreparedStatement(sql, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS, values.toArray(new Object[values.size()])); try { ps.executeUpdate(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } ResultSet rs; try { rs = ps.getGeneratedKeys(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } try {; } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } for (Field f : autoIncrements.keySet()) { abstractTable.setFieldFromResultSet(row, rs, f, autoIncrements.get(f)); } try { rs.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return row; } }