Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2017 the original author or authors. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package de.schildbach.pte; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Currency; import java.util.Date; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import de.schildbach.pte.dto.Departure; import de.schildbach.pte.dto.Fare; import de.schildbach.pte.dto.Line; import de.schildbach.pte.dto.LineDestination; import de.schildbach.pte.dto.Location; import de.schildbach.pte.dto.LocationType; import de.schildbach.pte.dto.NearbyLocationsResult; import de.schildbach.pte.dto.Point; import de.schildbach.pte.dto.Position; import de.schildbach.pte.dto.Product; import de.schildbach.pte.dto.QueryDeparturesResult; import de.schildbach.pte.dto.QueryTripsContext; import de.schildbach.pte.dto.QueryTripsResult; import de.schildbach.pte.dto.ResultHeader; import de.schildbach.pte.dto.StationDepartures; import de.schildbach.pte.dto.Stop; import de.schildbach.pte.dto.SuggestLocationsResult; import de.schildbach.pte.dto.SuggestedLocation; import de.schildbach.pte.dto.Trip; import de.schildbach.pte.exception.InternalErrorException; import de.schildbach.pte.exception.NotFoundException; import de.schildbach.pte.util.ParserUtils; import de.schildbach.pte.util.WordUtils; import okhttp3.HttpUrl; /** * @author full-duplex */ public class NegentweeProvider extends AbstractNetworkProvider { private static final String API_BASE = ""; private static final String SERVER_PRODUCT = "negentwee"; private static final Language DEFAULT_API_LANG = Language.NL_NL; private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_LOCATIONS = 50; private static final SimpleDateFormat dateTimeParser = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm"); private static final SimpleDateFormat timeParser = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm"); private static final EnumSet<Product> trainProducts = EnumSet.of(Product.HIGH_SPEED_TRAIN, Product.REGIONAL_TRAIN, Product.SUBURBAN_TRAIN); private final Language language; private final ResultHeader resultHeader; public enum Language { NL_NL("nl-NL"), EN_GB("en-GB"); private final String lang; private Language(String lang) { this.lang = lang; } @Override public String toString() { return this.lang; } } private enum InterchangeTime { STANDARD, EXTRA; @Override public String toString() { return name().toLowerCase(); } } @SuppressWarnings("serial") private static class QueryParameter implements Serializable { public String name, value; private QueryParameter(String name, String value) { = name; this.value = value; } @Override public String toString() { return + "=" + this.value; } } @SuppressWarnings("serial") private static class TripsContext implements QueryTripsContext { private String url, earlier, later; public Location from, to, via; private TripsContext(HttpUrl url, @Nullable String earlier, @Nullable String later, Location from, @Nullable Location via, Location to) { this.url = url.toString(); this.earlier = earlier; this.later = later; this.from = from; this.via = via; = to; } private HttpUrl getQueryEarlier() { return HttpUrl.parse(this.url).newBuilder(this.earlier).addQueryParameter("before", "4").build(); } private HttpUrl getQueryLater() { return HttpUrl.parse(this.url).newBuilder(this.later).addQueryParameter("after", "4").build(); } @Override public boolean canQueryEarlier() { return (earlier != null); } @Override public boolean canQueryLater() { return (later != null); } } public NegentweeProvider() { this(DEFAULT_API_LANG); } public NegentweeProvider(Language language) { super(NetworkId.NEGENTWEE); this.language = language; this.resultHeader = new ResultHeader(network, SERVER_PRODUCT); } private HttpUrl buildApiUrl(String action, List<QueryParameter> queries) { HttpUrl.Builder url = HttpUrl.parse(API_BASE).newBuilder().addPathSegments(action).addQueryParameter("lang", this.language.toString()); for (QueryParameter q : queries) { url.addQueryParameter(, q.value); } return; } private Location queryLocationById(String stationId) throws IOException { HttpUrl url = buildApiUrl("locations/" + stationId, new ArrayList<QueryParameter>()); final CharSequence page = httpClient.get(url); try { JSONObject head = new JSONObject(page.toString()); JSONObject location = head.getJSONObject("location"); return locationFromJSONObject(location); } catch (final JSONException x) { throw new IOException("cannot parse: '" + page + "' on " + url, x); } } private Location queryLocationByName(String locationName, EnumSet<LocationType> types) throws IOException { for (Location location : queryLocationsByName(locationName, types)) { if ( != null && { return location; } } throw new RuntimeException("Cannot find station with name " + locationName); } private List<Location> queryLocationsByName(String locationName, EnumSet<LocationType> types) throws IOException { List<QueryParameter> queryParameters = new ArrayList<>(); queryParameters.add(new QueryParameter("q", locationName)); if (!types.contains(LocationType.ANY) && types.size() > 0) { StringBuilder typeValue = new StringBuilder(); for (LocationType type : types) { for (String addition : locationStringsFromLocationType(type)) { if (typeValue.length() > 0) typeValue.append(","); typeValue.append(addition); } } queryParameters.add(new QueryParameter("type", typeValue.toString())); } HttpUrl url = buildApiUrl("locations", queryParameters); final CharSequence page = httpClient.get(url); try { JSONObject head = new JSONObject(page.toString()); JSONArray locations = head.getJSONArray("locations"); Location[] foundLocations = new Location[locations.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < locations.length(); i++) { foundLocations[i] = locationFromJSONObject(locations.getJSONObject(i)); } return Arrays.asList(foundLocations); } catch (final JSONException x) { throw new RuntimeException("cannot parse: '" + page + "' on " + url, x); } } private Point pointFromLocation(Location location) throws JSONException { return new Point(, location.lon); } private LocationType locationTypeFromTypeString(String type) throws JSONException { switch (type) { case "station": case "stop": return LocationType.STATION; case "address": case "street": case "streetrange": case "place": case "postcode": return LocationType.ADDRESS; case "poi": return LocationType.POI; case "latlong": return LocationType.COORD; default: throw new JSONException("Unsupported location type: " + type); } } private List<String> locationStringsFromLocationType(LocationType type) { switch (type) { case STATION: return Arrays.asList("station", "stop"); case POI: return Arrays.asList("poi"); case ADDRESS: return Arrays.asList("address", "street", "streetrange", "place", "postcode"); case COORD: return Arrays.asList("latlong"); default: return Arrays.asList(); } } private EnumSet<Product> productSetFromTypeString(String type) { switch (type.toLowerCase()) { case "train": return EnumSet.of(Product.HIGH_SPEED_TRAIN, Product.REGIONAL_TRAIN, Product.SUBURBAN_TRAIN); case "subway": return EnumSet.of(Product.SUBWAY); case "tram": return EnumSet.of(Product.TRAM); case "bus": return EnumSet.of(Product.BUS); case "ferry": return EnumSet.of(Product.FERRY); case "walk": return EnumSet.of(Product.ON_DEMAND); default: return EnumSet.noneOf(Product.class); } } private Product productFromMode(String type, String name) { switch (type.toLowerCase()) { case "train": switch (name.toLowerCase()) { // TODO: Likely not all possible train names, add here if trains are classified incorrectly. case "thalys": case "ice": case "intercity direct": case "intercity": return Product.HIGH_SPEED_TRAIN; case "sprinter": default: return Product.REGIONAL_TRAIN; } case "tram": return Product.TRAM; case "subway": return Product.SUBWAY; case "bus": return Product.BUS; case "ferry": return Product.FERRY; case "walk": return Product.ON_DEMAND; } return null; } private Date dateFromJSONObject(JSONObject obj, String key) throws JSONException { try { return dateTimeParser.parse(obj.getString(key)); } catch (ParseException e) { return null; } } private Date timeFromJSONObject(JSONObject obj, String key) throws JSONException { try { return timeParser.parse(obj.getString(key)); } catch (ParseException e) { return null; } } private Date realtimeDateFromJSONObject(JSONObject obj, String key, String realtimeKey) throws JSONException { return dateFromJSONObject(obj, (!obj.isNull(realtimeKey)) ? realtimeKey : key); } private Trip tripFromJSONObject(JSONObject trip, @Nullable Location from, @Nullable Location to, @Nullable Map<String, JSONObject> disturbances) throws JSONException { JSONArray legs = trip.getJSONArray("legs"); Date tripDeparture = realtimeDateFromJSONObject(trip, "departure", "realtimeDeparture"); /* Date tripArrival = */ realtimeDateFromJSONObject(trip, "arrival", "realtimeArrival"); // Get journey legs LinkedList<Trip.Leg> foundLegs = new LinkedList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < legs.length(); i++) { JSONObject leg = legs.getJSONObject(i); JSONArray stops = leg.getJSONArray("stops"); JSONObject mode = leg.getJSONObject("mode"); JSONObject operator = leg.optJSONObject("operator"); LinkedList<Point> foundPoints = new LinkedList<>(); // First stop Stop firstStop = stopFromJSONObject(stops.getJSONObject(0)); foundPoints.add(pointFromLocation(firstStop.location)); // Intermediate stops LinkedList<Stop> foundStops = new LinkedList<>(); for (int j = 1; j < stops.length() - 1; j++) { foundStops.add(stopFromJSONObject(stops.getJSONObject(j))); foundPoints.add(pointFromLocation(foundStops.getLast().location)); } // Last stop Stop lastStop = stopFromJSONObject(stops.getJSONObject(stops.length() - 1)); foundPoints.add(pointFromLocation(lastStop.location)); switch (leg.getString("type").toLowerCase()) { case "scheduled": Product lineProduct = productFromMode(mode.getString("type"), mode.getString("name")); StringBuilder legMessage = new StringBuilder(); // Add attributes to leg message JSONArray legAttributes = leg.getJSONArray("attributes"); for (int k = 0; k < legAttributes.length(); k++) { JSONObject legAttribute = legAttributes.getJSONObject(k); if (legMessage.length() > 0) legMessage.append(", "); legMessage.append(WordUtils.capitalizeFirst(legAttribute.getString("title"))); } // Add disturbances to leg message if (disturbances != null) { JSONArray legDisturbances = leg.getJSONArray("disturbancePlannerIds"); for (int k = 0; k < legDisturbances.length(); k++) { String legDisturbanceId = legDisturbances.optString(k); if (legDisturbanceId != null && disturbances.containsKey(legDisturbanceId)) { JSONObject legDisturbance = disturbances.get(legDisturbanceId); if (legMessage.length() > 0) legMessage.append("<br>\n<br>\n"); legMessage.append(legDisturbance.getString("title")); legMessage.append(":<br>\n"); legMessage.append(legDisturbance.getString("effect")); legMessage.append(" "); legMessage.append(legDisturbance.getString("measure")); } } } StringBuilder lineName = new StringBuilder(); lineName.append(mode.getString("name")); // Service codes have no relevant meaning for trains if (!leg.isNull("service") && !trainProducts.contains(lineProduct)) { lineName.append(" "); lineName.append(leg.getString("service")); } foundLegs.add(new Trip.Public( new Line(leg.getString("service"), (operator != null) ? operator.getString("name") : null, lineProduct, lineName.toString(), leg.optString("service"), Standard.STYLES.get(lineProduct), null, null), new Location(LocationType.STATION, null, null, leg.getString("destination")), firstStop, lastStop, foundStops, foundPoints, legMessage.length() > 0 ? legMessage.toString() : null)); break; case "continuous": // Get leg time from trip or previous leg Date legDeparture = (i == 0) ? tripDeparture : foundLegs.getLast().getArrivalTime(); Date legArrival = ParserUtils.addMinutes(legDeparture, ParserUtils.parseMinutesFromTimeString(leg.getString("duration"))); foundLegs.add(new Trip.Individual(Trip.Individual.Type.WALK, firstStop.location, legDeparture, lastStop.location, legArrival, foundPoints, -1)); break; default: throw new JSONException("Unknown leg type: " + leg.getString("type")); } } // Get journey fares JSONObject fareInfo = trip.getJSONObject("fareInfo"); JSONArray fareLegs = fareInfo.getJSONArray("legs"); Fare[] foundFares = new Fare[fareLegs.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < fareLegs.length(); i++) { foundFares[i] = fareFromJSONObject(fareLegs.getJSONObject(i)); } return new Trip(trip.getString("id"), from, to, foundLegs, Arrays.asList(foundFares), null, trip.getInt("numberOfChanges")); } private Stop stopFromJSONObject(JSONObject stop) throws JSONException { Position plannedPlatform = positionFromJSONObject(stop, "platform"); Position changedPlatform = positionFromJSONObject(stop, "platformChange"); return new Stop(locationFromJSONObject(stop.getJSONObject("location")), dateFromJSONObject(stop, "arrival"), dateFromJSONObject(stop, "realtimeArrival"), plannedPlatform, changedPlatform, false, dateFromJSONObject(stop, "departure"), dateFromJSONObject(stop, "realtimeDeparture"), plannedPlatform, changedPlatform, false); } private Fare fareFromJSONObject(JSONObject fareLeg) throws JSONException { JSONArray fares = fareLeg.getJSONArray("fares"); float farePrice = 0; for (int j = 0; j < fares.length(); j++) { JSONObject fare = fares.getJSONObject(j); // Always get the full non-reduced 2nd class fare price String fareClass = fare.getString("class"); if (!fare.getBoolean("reduced") && (fareClass.equals("none") || fareClass.equals("second"))) { farePrice = (fare.getInt("eurocents") / 100); break; } } return new Fare(fareLeg.getString("operatorString"), Fare.Type.ADULT, Currency.getInstance("EUR"), farePrice, null, null); } private Departure departureFromJSONObject(JSONObject departure) throws JSONException { JSONObject mode = departure.getJSONObject("mode"); /* String lineName = */ departure.optString("service"); Product lineProduct = productFromMode(mode.getString("type"), mode.getString("name")); return new Departure(timeFromJSONObject(departure, "time"), timeFromJSONObject(departure, "time"), new Line(null, departure.getString("operatorName"), lineProduct, !departure.isNull("service") ? departure.getString("service") : mode.getString("name"), null, Standard.STYLES.get(lineProduct), null, null), !departure.isNull("platform") ? new Position(departure.getString("platform")) : null, new Location(LocationType.STATION, null, null, departure.getString("destinationName")), null, !departure.isNull("realtimeText") ? departure.optString("realtimeText") : null); } private Position positionFromJSONObject(JSONObject obj, String key) throws JSONException { String position = obj.getString(key); if (position != null && !position.equals("null")) { return new Position(position); } else { return null; } } private Location locationFromJSONObject(JSONObject location) throws JSONException { return locationFromJSONObject(location, true); } private Location locationFromJSONObject(JSONObject location, boolean addTypePrefix) throws JSONException { JSONObject latlon = location.getJSONObject("latLong"); JSONObject place = location.optJSONObject("place"); String locationType = location.getString("type"); String locationName = location.getString("name"); if (addTypePrefix && !location.isNull(locationType + "Type") && !locationType.equals("poi")) { locationName = location.getString(locationType + "Type") + " " + locationName; } Point locationPoint = Point.fromDouble(latlon.getDouble("lat"), latlon.getDouble("long")); return new Location(locationTypeFromTypeString(locationType), location.getString("id"),, locationPoint.lon, !(place == null) ? place.getString("name") : null, locationName, null); } private List<Location> solveAmbiguousLocation(Location location) throws IOException { if (location.hasId()) { return Arrays.asList(location); } else if (location.hasLocation()) { return queryNearbyLocations(EnumSet.of(location.type), location, -1, -1).locations; } else if (location.hasName()) { return queryLocationsByName(, EnumSet.of(location.type)); } else { return null; } } private QueryTripsResult ambiguousQueryTrips(Location from, @Nullable Location via, Location to) throws IOException { List<Location> ambiguousFrom = solveAmbiguousLocation(from); if (ambiguousFrom == null || ambiguousFrom.size() <= 0) return new QueryTripsResult(this.resultHeader, QueryTripsResult.Status.UNKNOWN_FROM); List<Location> ambiguousTo = solveAmbiguousLocation(to); if (ambiguousTo == null || ambiguousTo.size() <= 0) return new QueryTripsResult(this.resultHeader, QueryTripsResult.Status.UNKNOWN_TO); List<Location> ambiguousVia = null; if (via != null) { ambiguousVia = solveAmbiguousLocation(via); if (ambiguousVia == null || ambiguousVia.size() <= 0) return new QueryTripsResult(this.resultHeader, QueryTripsResult.Status.UNKNOWN_VIA); } return new QueryTripsResult(this.resultHeader, ambiguousFrom, ambiguousVia, ambiguousTo); } private QueryTripsResult queryTrips(HttpUrl url, Location from, @Nullable Location via, Location to) throws IOException { final CharSequence page; try { page = httpClient.get(url); } catch (InternalErrorException e) { return new QueryTripsResult(this.resultHeader, QueryTripsResult.Status.SERVICE_DOWN); } List<Trip> foundTrips = new ArrayList<>(); String tripsEarlier, tripsLater; try { final JSONObject head = new JSONObject(page.toString()); if (head.has("error")) { switch (head.getString("error")) { case "WithinWalkingDistance": return new QueryTripsResult(this.resultHeader, QueryTripsResult.Status.TOO_CLOSE); case "DateOutOfRange": return new QueryTripsResult(this.resultHeader, QueryTripsResult.Status.INVALID_DATE); case "UnknownLocations": String errorDetails = head.getString("details"); if (errorDetails.startsWith("From:")) { return new QueryTripsResult(this.resultHeader, QueryTripsResult.Status.UNKNOWN_FROM); } else if (errorDetails.startsWith("Via:")) { return new QueryTripsResult(this.resultHeader, QueryTripsResult.Status.UNKNOWN_VIA); } else if (errorDetails.startsWith("To:")) { return new QueryTripsResult(this.resultHeader, QueryTripsResult.Status.UNKNOWN_TO); } else { return new QueryTripsResult(this.resultHeader, QueryTripsResult.Status.UNRESOLVABLE_ADDRESS); } default: return new QueryTripsResult(this.resultHeader, QueryTripsResult.Status.NO_TRIPS); } } if (head.has("exception")) { return new QueryTripsResult(this.resultHeader, QueryTripsResult.Status.NO_TRIPS); } final JSONArray trips = head.optJSONArray("journeys"); final JSONArray disturbances = head.optJSONArray("disturbances"); // Prepare disturbances mapping for leg messages Map<String, JSONObject> disturbancesMap; if (disturbances != null && disturbances.length() > 0) { disturbancesMap = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < disturbances.length(); i++) { JSONObject disturbance = disturbances.getJSONObject(i); disturbancesMap.put(disturbance.getString("plannerDisturbanceId"), disturbance); } } else { disturbancesMap = null; } tripsEarlier = head.optString("earlier"); tripsLater = head.optString("later"); for (int i = 0; i < trips.length(); i++) { JSONObject trip = trips.getJSONObject(i); // Skip impossible or cancelled trips JSONObject realtimeInfo = trip.optJSONObject("realtimeInfo"); if (realtimeInfo != null && ("fatal".equals(realtimeInfo.optString("delays")) || "cancellations".equals(realtimeInfo.optString("cancellations")))) continue; foundTrips.add(tripFromJSONObject(trip, from, to, disturbancesMap)); } } catch (final JSONException x) { throw new RuntimeException("cannot parse: '" + page + "' on " + url, x); } return new QueryTripsResult(null, url.toString(), from, via, to, new TripsContext(url, tripsEarlier, tripsLater, from, via, to), foundTrips); } @Override public Set<Product> defaultProducts() { return EnumSet.of(Product.HIGH_SPEED_TRAIN, Product.REGIONAL_TRAIN, Product.SUBURBAN_TRAIN, Product.SUBWAY, Product.TRAM, Product.BUS, Product.FERRY); } @Override protected boolean hasCapability(Capability capability) { switch (capability) { case SUGGEST_LOCATIONS: case NEARBY_LOCATIONS: case DEPARTURES: case TRIPS: return true; default: return false; } } @Override public NearbyLocationsResult queryNearbyLocations(EnumSet<LocationType> types, Location location, int maxDistance, int maxLocations) throws IOException { // Coordinates are required if (!location.hasLocation()) { try { if (location.hasId()) { location = queryLocationById(; } else if (location.hasName()) { location = queryLocationByName(, EnumSet.of(location.type)); } } catch (InternalErrorException | NotFoundException | RuntimeException e) { return new NearbyLocationsResult(this.resultHeader, NearbyLocationsResult.Status.INVALID_ID); } catch (IOException e) { return new NearbyLocationsResult(this.resultHeader, NearbyLocationsResult.Status.SERVICE_DOWN); } if (location == null || !location.hasLocation()) { return new NearbyLocationsResult(this.resultHeader, NearbyLocationsResult.Status.INVALID_ID); } } // Default query options List<QueryParameter> queryParameters = new ArrayList<>(); queryParameters .add(new QueryParameter("latlong", location.getLatAsDouble() + "," + location.getLonAsDouble())); queryParameters.add(new QueryParameter("rows", String.valueOf(Math.min((maxLocations <= 0) ? DEFAULT_MAX_LOCATIONS : maxLocations, 100)))); // Add type if specified if (!types.contains(LocationType.ANY) && types.size() > 0) { StringBuilder typeValue = new StringBuilder(); for (LocationType type : types) { for (String addition : locationStringsFromLocationType(type)) { if (typeValue.length() > 0) typeValue.append(","); typeValue.append(addition); } } queryParameters.add(new QueryParameter("type", typeValue.toString())); } HttpUrl url = buildApiUrl("locations", queryParameters); CharSequence page; try { page = httpClient.get(url); } catch (InternalErrorException e) { return new NearbyLocationsResult(this.resultHeader, NearbyLocationsResult.Status.SERVICE_DOWN); } // Parse result into location list final List<Location> foundLocations = new ArrayList<>(); try { final JSONObject head = new JSONObject(page.toString()); final JSONArray locations = head.optJSONArray("locations"); for (int i = 0; i < locations.length(); i++) { foundLocations.add(locationFromJSONObject(locations.getJSONObject(i))); } } catch (final JSONException x) { throw new RuntimeException("cannot parse: '" + page + "' on " + url, x); } return new NearbyLocationsResult(new ResultHeader(network, SERVER_PRODUCT), foundLocations); } @Override public QueryDeparturesResult queryDepartures(String stationId, @Nullable Date time, int maxDepartures, boolean equivs) throws IOException { // The stationId does not need the / character escaped HttpUrl url = buildApiUrl("locations/" + stationId + "/departure-times", new ArrayList<QueryParameter>()); final CharSequence page; try { page = httpClient.get(url); } catch (InternalErrorException | NotFoundException e) { return new QueryDeparturesResult(this.resultHeader, QueryDeparturesResult.Status.INVALID_STATION); } catch (Exception e) { return new QueryDeparturesResult(this.resultHeader, QueryDeparturesResult.Status.SERVICE_DOWN); } QueryDeparturesResult queryDeparturesResult = new QueryDeparturesResult(this.resultHeader); try { JSONObject head = new JSONObject(page.toString()); JSONArray tabs = head.getJSONArray("tabs"); for (int t = 0; t < tabs.length(); t++) { JSONObject tab = tabs.getJSONObject(t); JSONArray locations = tab.getJSONArray("locations"); for (int l = 0; l < locations.length(); l++) { JSONObject location = locations.getJSONObject(l); // Ignore if equivs is false and stationId is not a strict match if (!equivs && !location.getString("id").equals(stationId)) { continue; } // Get list of departures List<Departure> departuresResult = new ArrayList<>(); List<LineDestination> lineDestinationResult = new ArrayList<>(); JSONArray departures = tab.getJSONArray("departures"); for (int i = 0; i < departures.length(); i++) { JSONObject departure = departures.getJSONObject(i); JSONObject mode = departure.getJSONObject("mode"); departuresResult.add(departureFromJSONObject(departure)); Product lineProduct = productFromMode(mode.getString("type"), mode.getString("name")); lineDestinationResult.add(new LineDestination( new Line(null, departure.getString("operatorName"), lineProduct, mode.getString("name"), null, Standard.STYLES.get(lineProduct), null, null), new Location(LocationType.STATION, null, 0, 0, null, departure.getString("destinationName"), EnumSet.of(lineProduct)))); } // Add to result object queryDeparturesResult.stationDepartures.add(new StationDepartures( locationFromJSONObject(location), departuresResult, lineDestinationResult)); } } return queryDeparturesResult; } catch (final JSONException x) { throw new RuntimeException("cannot parse: '" + page + "' on " + url, x); } } @Override public SuggestLocationsResult suggestLocations(CharSequence constraint) throws IOException { HttpUrl url = buildApiUrl("locations", Arrays.asList(new QueryParameter("q", constraint.toString()))); final CharSequence page; try { page = httpClient.get(url); } catch (InternalErrorException e) { return new SuggestLocationsResult(this.resultHeader, SuggestLocationsResult.Status.SERVICE_DOWN); } final List<SuggestedLocation> foundLocations = new ArrayList<>(); try { final JSONObject head = new JSONObject(page.toString()); final JSONArray locations = head.optJSONArray("locations"); if (head.has("error")) { return new SuggestLocationsResult(this.resultHeader, SuggestLocationsResult.Status.SERVICE_DOWN); } for (int i = 0; i < locations.length(); i++) { JSONObject location = locations.getJSONObject(i); foundLocations.add(new SuggestedLocation(locationFromJSONObject(location))); } } catch (final JSONException x) { throw new RuntimeException("cannot parse: '" + page + "' on " + url, x); } return new SuggestLocationsResult(this.resultHeader, foundLocations); } @Override public QueryTripsResult queryTrips(Location from, @Nullable Location via, Location to, Date date, boolean dep, @Nullable Set<Product> products, @Nullable Optimize optimize, @Nullable WalkSpeed walkSpeed, @Nullable Accessibility accessibility, @Nullable Set<Option> options) throws IOException { if (!from.hasId()) return ambiguousQueryTrips(from, via, to); if (!to.hasId()) return ambiguousQueryTrips(from, via, to); // Default query options List<QueryParameter> queryParameters = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(new QueryParameter("from",, new QueryParameter("to",, new QueryParameter("searchType", dep ? "departure" : "arrival"), new QueryParameter("dateTime", new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HHmm").format(date.getTime())), new QueryParameter("sequence", "1"), new QueryParameter("realtime", "true"), new QueryParameter("before", "1"), new QueryParameter("after", "5"))); if (via != null) { if (!via.hasId()) return ambiguousQueryTrips(from, via, to); queryParameters.add(new QueryParameter("via",; } if (walkSpeed != null && walkSpeed == WalkSpeed.SLOW) { queryParameters.add(new QueryParameter("interchangeTime", InterchangeTime.EXTRA.toString())); } else { queryParameters.add(new QueryParameter("interchangeTime", InterchangeTime.STANDARD.toString())); } // Add trip product options to query if (products == null || products.size() == 0) { products = defaultProducts(); } queryParameters.add(new QueryParameter("byBus", String.valueOf(products.contains(Product.BUS)))); queryParameters.add(new QueryParameter("byTrain", String.valueOf(products.contains(Product.HIGH_SPEED_TRAIN) || products.contains(Product.REGIONAL_TRAIN) || products.contains(Product.SUBURBAN_TRAIN)))); queryParameters.add(new QueryParameter("bySubway", String.valueOf(products.contains(Product.SUBWAY)))); queryParameters.add(new QueryParameter("byTram", String.valueOf(products.contains(Product.TRAM)))); queryParameters.add(new QueryParameter("byFerry", String.valueOf(products.contains(Product.FERRY)))); return queryTrips(buildApiUrl("journeys", queryParameters), from, via, to); } @Override public QueryTripsResult queryMoreTrips(QueryTripsContext context, boolean later) throws IOException { TripsContext tripContext = (TripsContext) context; HttpUrl url; if (later && context.canQueryLater()) { url = tripContext.getQueryLater(); } else if (!later && context.canQueryEarlier()) { url = tripContext.getQueryEarlier(); } else { return new QueryTripsResult(this.resultHeader, QueryTripsResult.Status.NO_TRIPS); } return queryTrips(url, tripContext.from, tripContext.via,; } }