Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2011-2016 Frank W. Rahn and the project authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import static javax.persistence.AccessType.FIELD;
import static javax.persistence.EnumType.STRING;
import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isBlank;
import static org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.EqualsBuilder.reflectionEquals;
import static org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.HashCodeBuilder.reflectionHashCode;
import static org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString;
import static org.apache.commons.lang3.builder.ToStringStyle.MULTI_LINE_STYLE;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import javax.persistence.Access;
import javax.persistence.CascadeType;
import javax.persistence.Column;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.Enumerated;
import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
import javax.persistence.Id;
import javax.persistence.OneToMany;
import javax.persistence.OrderBy;
import javax.persistence.Table;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;
import javax.validation.constraints.Size;

import org.hibernate.annotations.ColumnDefault;
import org.hibernate.validator.constraints.Length;
import org.hibernate.validator.constraints.NotBlank;

 * Ein persistentes Wertpapier.
 * @author Frank W. Rahn
@Table(name = "SEC")
public class Security implements Persistable<String> {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    @GeneratedValue(generator = "uuid")
    @Column(length = 36)
    private String id;

    /** Der Name des Wertpapiers. */
    @Column(nullable = false)
    private String name;

    /** Die International Security Identification Number. */
    @Column(length = 12, nullable = false, unique = true)
    @Size(min = 12, max = 12, message = "muss genau {max} Zeichen lang sein")
    private String isin;

    /** Die Wertpapier-Kennnummer (WKN). */
    @Column(length = 6, nullable = false, unique = true)
    @Size(min = 6, max = 6, message = "muss genau {max} Zeichen lang sein")
    private String wkn;

    /** Das Symbole des Wertpapiers. */
    @Column(length = 6)
    @Length(max = 6)
    private String symbol;

    /** Die Wertpapierart. */
    @Column(nullable = false)
    private SecurityType type;

    /** Gibt es zu diesem Wertpapier noch einen Bestand? */
    @Column(nullable = false)
    private boolean inventory = false;

    /** Die Buchungen zu diesem Wertpapier. */
    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "security", cascade = { CascadeType.ALL })
    @OrderBy(value = "date")
    private List<Entry> entries;

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see Persistable#getId()
    public String getId() {
        return id;

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see Persistable#isNew()
    public boolean isNew() {
        return id == null;

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see java.lang.Object#hashCode()
    public int hashCode() {
        return reflectionHashCode(this, false);

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        return reflectionEquals(this, obj, false);

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see java.lang.Object#toString()
    public String toString() {
        return reflectionToString(this, MULTI_LINE_STYLE);

     * @param entryId Suche die Buchung mit der angegeben Id
     * @return die gefundene Buchung oder <code>null</code>
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException falls die Buchungs-Id ungltig ist
    public Entry getEntry(String entryId) {

        if (isBlank(entryId)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal id: " + entryId);

        if (entries != null) {
            for (Entry entry : entries) {
                if (entryId.equals(entry.getId())) {
                    return entry;

        return null;

     * @param entry Fge die Buchung dem Wertpapier hinzu
     * @return die hinzugefgte Buchung
    public Entry addEntry(Entry entry) {

        if (entries == null) {
            entries = new ArrayList<>();

        return entry;

     * @param entry Ersetze die angegebene Buchung
     * @return die ursprngliche Buchung
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException falls die Buchung nicht gefunden wurde
    public Entry replaceEntry(Entry entry) {
        if (entries != null && !entry.isNew()) {
            int index = entries.indexOf(entry);
            if (index >= 0) {
                return entries.set(index, entry);

        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Entry in Security not found: " + entry);

     * @param entry Entferne die Buchung aus dem Wertpapier
     * @return die ursprngliche Buchung
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException falls die Buchung nicht gefunden wurde
    public Entry removeEntry(Entry entry) {

        if (entries != null) {
            if (entries.remove(entry)) {
                return entry;

        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Entry in Security not found: " + entry);

     * @param entryId Entferne die Buchung aus dem Wertpapier
     * @return die ursprngliche Buchung
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException falls die Buchung nicht gefunden wurde
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException falls die Buchungs-Id ungltig ist
    public Entry removeEntry(String entryId) {
        Entry entry = getEntry(entryId);

        if (entry != null) {
            return removeEntry(entry);

        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Entry in Security not found: " + entryId);

    /* Ab hier generiert: Setter, Getter, toString, hashCode, equals... */

     * @return the isin
    public String getIsin() {
        return isin;

     * @param isin the isin to set
    public void setIsin(String isin) {
        this.isin = isin;

     * @return the wkn
    public String getWkn() {
        return wkn;

     * @param wkn the wkn to set
    public void setWkn(String wkn) {
        this.wkn = wkn;

     * @return the name
    public String getName() {
        return name;

     * @param name the name to set
    public void setName(String name) { = name;

     * @return the symbol
    public String getSymbol() {
        return symbol;

     * @param symbol the symbol to set
    public void setSymbol(String symbol) {
        this.symbol = symbol;

     * @return the type
    public SecurityType getType() {
        return type;

     * @param type the type to set
    public void setType(SecurityType type) {
        this.type = type;

     * @param id the id to set
    public void setId(String id) { = id;

     * @return the inventory
    public boolean isInventory() {
        return inventory;

     * @param inventory the inventory to set
    public void setInventory(boolean inventory) {
        this.inventory = inventory;

     * @return the entries
    public List<Entry> getEntries() {
        return entries;

     * @param entries the entries to set
    public void setEntries(List<Entry> entries) {
        this.entries = entries;
