Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright NEC Europe Ltd. 2006-2007
 * This file is part of the context simulator called Siafu.
 * Siafu is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
 * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
 * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
 * version.
 * Siafu is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
 * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
 * details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program. If not, see <>.


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;

import org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration;


 * This class represents the world being simulated. It is the main class in what
 * concerns the simulation model. It contains all the agents, places and context
 * overlays. This is the class you'll be coming to when writing your World,
 * Agent and Context models.
 * The methods in this class let you interact with the world, find agents,
 * places, etc...
 * @author Miquel Martin
public class World {
    /** The white color. Used to identify walls. */
    private static final int COLOR_WHITE = 0xFFFFFF;

     * The distance in simulation grid points within which a Trackable is
     * considered to be "near".
    private static final int NEAR_DISTANCE = 15;

     * Whether the cache should be prefilled or not.
    private static Boolean prefillCache;

     * The size of the cache, if the GUI is used.
    private static int cacheSize;

     * A random number generator.
    private final Random rand = new Random();

     * The world's height.
    private int height;

     * The worlds width.
    private int width;

     * The configuration of the simulation being displayed.
    private Configuration simulationConfig;

     * The name of the world being simulated.
    private String worldName;

     * A map of the simulated overlays.
    private SortedMap<String, Overlay> overlays;

     * A collection of the places in the simulation.
    private ArrayList<Place> places;

     * The set of place types.
    private Set<String> placeTypes = new HashSet<String>();

     * The simulation time.
    private Calendar time;

     * The behavior model for the agents.
    private BaseAgentModel agentModel;

     * The behavior model for the places in the world.
    private BaseWorldModel worldModel;

     * The behavior model for the simulated context.
    private BaseContextModel contextModel;

     * The agents being simulated.
    private HashMap<String, Agent> people;

     * The matrix of points that defines where an agent can walk or not.
    private boolean[][] walls;

     * The simulation object, which starts the simulation thread.
    private Simulation simulation;

     * The data that defines this simulation, including maps, sprites and
     * behavioral classes.
    private SimulationData simData;

     * Whether the gradient cache should be prefilled to avoid hiccups at the
     * GUI.
     * @param prefill
     *            true to fill the cache with place gradients
    public static void setShouldPrefillCache(final boolean prefill) {
        prefillCache = prefill;

     * Find out if the cache has to be prefilled or not.
     * @return true if the cache has to be prefilled
    public static boolean shouldPrefillCache() {
        return prefillCache;

     * Get the amount of gradients to keep in memory.
     * @return the said amount
    public static int getCacheSize() {
        return cacheSize;

     * Set the amount of gradients that should be kept in memory.
     * @param cacheSize
     *            the said amount
    public static void setCacheSize(final int cacheSize) {
        World.cacheSize = cacheSize;

     * Instantiate the world in which the simulation will run.
     * @param simulation
     *            the simulation object which is running this world.
     * @param simData
     *            the simulation data (maps, sprites, classes) for this
     *            simulation.
    public World(final Simulation simulation, final SimulationData simData) {
        this.simulation = simulation;
        this.simData = simData;
        this.simulationConfig = simData.getConfigFile();
        this.worldName = simulationConfig.getString("worldname");










     * Creates a place for each black pixel in the images contained in the
     * simulation data. The place type is the name of the image.
     * @return a list of places generated from the images in the simulation
     *         data.
    protected ArrayList<Place> createPlacesFromImages() {
        ArrayList<Place> placesFromImg = new ArrayList<Place>();
        Map<String, InputStream> fileList = simData.getPlaceFiles();
        Iterator<String> listIt = fileList.keySet().iterator();

        //int total = 0;

        while (listIt.hasNext()) {
            String type = (String);
            ArrayList<Position> placePoints = readPlacePoints(fileList.get(type));
            Iterator<Position> it = placePoints.iterator();
            //total += placePoints.size();
            Controller.getProgress().reportPlacesFound(type, placePoints.size());

            while (it.hasNext()) {
                Position pos = (Position);
                Place place;
                try {
                    place = new Place(type, pos, this);
                } catch (PositionOnAWallException e) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("One of your \"" + type + "\" places, at " + pos + " is on a wall");

        return placesFromImg;

     * Find the black pixels in the provided images, and interpret them as
     * coordinates for places.
     * @param is
     *            the InputStream to look for the points
     * @return an ArrayList with the discovered positions
    private ArrayList<Position> readPlacePoints(final InputStream is) {
        ImageData attractorsImgData = new ImageData(is);
        ArrayList<Position> placePoints = new ArrayList<Position>();

        for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
            int[] row = new int[width];
            attractorsImgData.getPixels(0, i, width, row, 0);

            for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
                if (row[j] == 0) {
                    Position attractor;

                    try {
                        attractor = new Position(i, j);
                    } catch (PositionUnreachableException e) {
                        throw new RuntimeException("Place \"" + i + "," + j + "\" is unreachable. Is it out of "
                                + "the map or on a wall?", e);

        return placePoints;

     * Get the name of the world.
     * @return the world's name
    public String getWorldName() {
        return worldName;

     * Get the height of the world map in pixels.
     * @return the height of the world in pixels
    public int getHeight() {
        return height;

     * Get the width of the world map in pixels.
     * @return the width of the world map in pixels
    public int getWidth() {
        return width;

     * Find out if the given position corresponds to a wall, or is actually
     * walkable by agents.
     * @param pos
     *            the position to check
     * @return true if the position is on a wall, false otherwise
    public boolean isAWall(final Position pos) {
        return walls[pos.getRow()][pos.getCol()];

     * Get the names of the sprites available in this simulation.
     * @return a Set with the sprite names
    public Set<String> getAvailableSprites() {
        Set<String> spriteNames = new TreeSet<String>();

        for (String fileName : simData.getSpriteNames()) {

        return spriteNames;

     * Get all the people (Agents) in the world.
     * @return a collection with the world's agents
    public Collection<Agent> getPeople() {
        return people.values();

     * Get an Agent by its name.
     * @param name
     *            the agent's name
     * @return the Agent instance
     * @throws AgentNotFoundException
     *             if the person does not exist
    public Agent getPersonByName(final String name) throws AgentNotFoundException {
        Agent p = people.get(name);

        if (p == null) {
            throw new AgentNotFoundException(name);
        } else {
            return p;

     * Get all the places in the simulated world.
     * @return an ArrayList with the places
    public ArrayList<Place> getPlaces() {
        return places;

     * Get the simulation time.
     * @return a Calendar with the simulation time
    public Calendar getTime() {
        return time;

     * Initialize the simulation time.
    private void createTime() {
        time = Calendar.getInstance();
        time.set(simulationConfig.getInt("starttime.year"), simulationConfig.getInt("starttime.month"),
                simulationConfig.getInt(""), simulationConfig.getInt("starttime.hour"),

     * Find a Trackable (Agent, Place, etc..) near the given position. The
     * distance for "nearness" is set to NEAR_DISTANCE grid positions.
     * @param pos
     *            the position in which to search
     * @param visibleOnly
     *            set to true to filter out invisible Trackables near the
     *            position
     * @return the first Trackable found
     * @throws NothingNearException
     *             if nothing is found nearby
    public Trackable findAnythingNear(final Position pos, final boolean visibleOnly) throws NothingNearException {
        try {
            return findAgentNear(pos, visibleOnly);
        } catch (NothingNearException e) {
            return findPlaceNear(pos, visibleOnly);

     * Find an Agent near the given position. The distance is set to
     * @param pos
     *            the position in which to search
     * @param visibleOnly
     *            set to true to find only visible agents
     * @return the first nearby Agent found
     * @throws NothingNearException
     *             if nothing is found nearby
    public Trackable findAgentNear(final Position pos, final boolean visibleOnly) throws NothingNearException {
        return findNearOutOf(pos, people.values(), NEAR_DISTANCE, visibleOnly);

     * Find a Place near the given position. The distance is set to
     * @param pos
     *            the position in which to search
     * @param visibleOnly
     *            set to true to find only visible places
     * @return the first nearby Place found
     * @throws NothingNearException
     *             if nothing is found nearby
    public Trackable findPlaceNear(final Position pos, final boolean visibleOnly) throws NothingNearException {
        return findNearOutOf(pos, places, NEAR_DISTANCE, visibleOnly);

     * Find a Trackable that's near the given positions, out of the provided
     * candidates.
     * @param pos
     *            the position in which to search
     * @param candidates
     *            the nearby trackables that we are willing to accept
     * @param distance
     *            the distance in grid positions to consider a Trackable as
     *            being near
     * @param visibleOnly
     *            set to true to find only visible trackables
     * @return the first nearby trackable out of the candidates
     * @throws NothingNearException
     *             if nothing
    public Trackable findNearOutOf(final Position pos, final Collection<? extends Trackable> candidates,
            final int distance, final boolean visibleOnly) throws NothingNearException {
        Trackable target = null;
        Trackable candidate = null;

        Iterator<? extends Trackable> candidateIt = candidates.iterator();

        while ((target == null) && candidateIt.hasNext()) {
            candidate = (Trackable);

            if ((!visibleOnly || candidate.isVisible()) && candidate.getPos().isNear(pos, distance)) {
                target = candidate;
                if (visibleOnly && !((Trackable) candidate).isVisible()) {
                    target = null;

        if (target == null) {
            throw new NothingNearException();
        } else {
            return target;

     * Find all the agents within distance grid positions.
     * @param pos
     *            the position in which to search
     * @param distance
     *            the maximum distance at which we consider the agent as being
     *            nearby
     * @param visibleOnly
     *            set to true if only visible trackables should be returned
     * @return a collection with all the agents near pos
     * @throws NothingNearException
     *             if there's no agents nearby
    public ArrayList<Trackable> findAllAgentsNear(final Position pos, final int distance, final boolean visibleOnly)
            throws NothingNearException {
        return findAllNearOutOf(pos, people.values(), distance, visibleOnly);

     * Find all the places within distance grid positions.
     * @param pos
     *            the position in which to search
     * @param distance
     *            the maximum distance at which we consider the place as being
     *            nearby
     * @param visibleOnly
     *            set to true if only visible trackables should be returned
     * @return a collection with all the places near pos
     * @throws NothingNearException
     *             if there's no agents nearby
    public ArrayList<Trackable> findAllPlacesNear(final Position pos, final int distance, final boolean visibleOnly)
            throws NothingNearException {
        return findAllNearOutOf(pos, places, distance, visibleOnly);

     * Find all the Trackable near the given position, out of the provided
     * candidates.
     * @param pos
     *            the position in which to search
     * @param candidates
     *            the nearby trackables that we are willing to accept
     * @param distance
     *            the distance in grid positions to consider a Trackable as
     *            being near
     * @param visibleOnly
     *            set to true to find only visible trackables
     * @return a collection with all the narby candidates
     * @throws NothingNearException
     *             if nothing
    public ArrayList<Trackable> findAllNearOutOf(final Position pos,
            final Collection<? extends Trackable> candidates, final int distance, final boolean visibleOnly)
            throws NothingNearException {
        ArrayList<Trackable> targets = new ArrayList<Trackable>();
        Trackable candidate;

        Iterator<? extends Trackable> candidatesIt = candidates.iterator();

        while (candidatesIt.hasNext()) {
            candidate = (Trackable);

            if ((!visibleOnly || candidate.isVisible()) && candidate.getPos().isNear(pos, distance)) {

        if (targets.isEmpty()) {
            throw new NothingNearException();
        } else {
            return targets;

     * Find a place given its name.
     * @param name
     *            the place's name
     * @return the place instance
     * @throws PlaceNotFoundException
     *             if the place is not found
    public Place getPlaceByName(final String name) throws PlaceNotFoundException {
        Iterator<Place> placesIt = places.iterator();

        while (placesIt.hasNext()) {
            Place p =;

            if (p.getName().equals(name)) {
                return p;

        throw new PlaceNotFoundException(name);

     * Get the place at the given position.
     * @param pos
     *            the position in which to find a place
     * @return the place at that position
     * @throws PlaceNotFoundException
     *             if there is no place at that position
    public Place getPlaceByPosition(final Position pos) throws PlaceNotFoundException {
        Iterator<Place> placesIt = places.iterator();

        while (placesIt.hasNext()) {
            Place p =;

            if (p.getPos().equals(pos)) {
                return p;

        throw new PlaceNotFoundException("at " + pos.toString());

     * Get all the places of a given type.
     * @param type
     *            the chosen type
     * @return a Collection with the places of that type
     * @throws PlaceTypeUndefinedException
     *             if the type is not defined
    public Collection<Place> getPlacesOfType(final String type) throws PlaceTypeUndefinedException {
        if (!placeTypes.contains(type)) {
            throw new PlaceTypeUndefinedException(type);

        ArrayList<Place> selection = new ArrayList<Place>();
        Iterator<Place> it = places.iterator();

        while (it.hasNext()) {
            Place p = (Place);

            if (p.getType().equals(type)) {

        return selection;

     * Get the place that's colsest to the given position, for a given type.
     * @param type
     *            the type to consider
     * @param pos
     *            the position in which to search
     * @return the nearest place
     * @throws PlaceTypeUndefinedException
     *             if no place is found
    public Place getNearestPlaceOfType(final String type, final Position pos) throws PlaceTypeUndefinedException {
        Place nearest = null;
        double minDistance = -1;
        Iterator<Place> pIt = getPlacesOfType(type).iterator();

        while (pIt.hasNext()) {
            Place p =;
            double distance = p.distanceFrom(pos);

            if ((distance < minDistance) || (nearest == null)) {
                nearest = p;
                minDistance = distance;

        return nearest;

     * Get a random place out of all the places known for the given type.
     * @param type
     *            the type of place we need
     * @return a random place of type "type"
     * @throws PlaceNotFoundException
     *             if there are no places of that type
    public Place getRandomPlaceOfType(final String type) throws PlaceNotFoundException {
        ArrayList<Place> typedPlaces = new ArrayList<Place>();

        if (typedPlaces.isEmpty()) {
            throw new PlacesTypeIsEmptyException(type);

        return (Place) typedPlaces.get(rand.nextInt(typedPlaces.size()));

     * Pause the simulation.
     * @param pause
     *            true if the simulation should be paused
    public void pause(final boolean pause) {

     * Make the world stop spinning with a single method call! Ok, this is
     * identical to the pause method. Only funnier.
     * @param stop
     *            true if you need a break and want to stop the world, false
     *            otherwise.
    public void stopSpinning(final boolean stop) {

     * Add a Marker to the simulation GUI. If the GUI is not ready, this method
     * performs no action a GUINotReadyException is thrown. If the GUI is not
     * being used this method returns silently and does nothing.
     * @param m
     *            the marker to add
     * @throws GUINotReadyException
     *             if the GUI can not draw the mark at the moment.
    public void addMarker(final Marker m) throws GUINotReadyException {

     * Remove all Markers from the simulation GUI. If the GUI is not ready, this
     * method performs no action a GUINotReadyException is thrown. If the GUI is
     * not being used this method returns silently and does nothing.
     * @throws GUINotReadyException
     *             if the GUI can not draw the mark at the moment.
    public void unMarkAll() throws GUINotReadyException {

     * Remove the Marker for this Trackable from the simulation GUI F. If the
     * GUI is not ready, this method performs no action a GUINotReadyException
     * is thrown. If the GUI is not being used this method returns silently and
     * does nothing.
     * @param t
     *            the Trackable to unmark
     * @throws GUINotReadyException
     *             if the GUI can not draw the mark at the moment.
    public void unMark(final Trackable t) throws GUINotReadyException {

     * Find out if the given Trackable is marked in the GUI. If the GUI is not
     * ready, this method throws a GUINotReadyException. If the GUI is not being
     * used this method returns false.
     * @param t
     *            the Trackable about which we are asking
     * @return true if the trackable has been marked, false otherwise
     * @throws GUINotReadyException
     *             if the GUI can not draw the mark at the moment.
    public boolean isMarked(final Trackable t) throws GUINotReadyException {
        return simulation.isMarked(t);

     * Use the calibration provided in the configuration file to figure out the
     * coordinates of each map position.
    private void initializeCoordinates() {
        double[] topRight = new double[] { simulationConfig.getDouble("calibration.topright[@latitude]"),
                simulationConfig.getDouble("calibration.topright[@longitude]") };

        double[] bottomLeft = new double[] { simulationConfig.getDouble("calibration." + "bottomleft[@latitude]"),
                simulationConfig.getDouble("calibration." + "bottomleft[@longitude]") };
        double[] bottomRight = new double[] { simulationConfig.getDouble("calibration." + "bottomright[@latitude]"),
                simulationConfig.getDouble("calibration." + "bottomright[@longitude]") };

        Position.initialize(this, topRight, bottomRight, bottomLeft);

     * Create the people to simulate by asking the AgentModel to do so.
    private void createPeople() {
        people = new HashMap<String, Agent>();

        try {
            agentModel = (BaseAgentModel) simData.getAgentModelClass()
                    .getConstructor(new Class[] { this.getClass() }).newInstance(new Object[] { this });
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Can't instantiate the agent model", e);

        ArrayList<Agent> peopleList = agentModel.createAgents();
        Iterator<Agent> peopleIt = peopleList.iterator();

        while (peopleIt.hasNext()) {
            Agent p =;
            people.put(p.getName(), p);

     * Keep the simulation from adding any new fields to the info field of
     * Agents. The values can still be changed, but no new keys are allowed.
    private void freezeInfoFields() {
        Iterator<Agent> peopleIt = people.values().iterator();

        while (peopleIt.hasNext()) {
            Agent p =;

            if (!p.checkAllInfoFieldsPresent()) {
                throw new RuntimeException(
                        "Agent " + p.getName() + " is missing at least one field that other agents have.");


     * Generate a matrix with the world's walls, out of the image file provided
     * in the simulation data.
    private void buildWalls() {
        InputStream wallsIS = simData.getWallsFile();
        ImageData img = new ImageData(wallsIS);
        height = img.height;
        width = img.width;

        walls = new boolean[height][width];

        for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
            int[] colors = new int[width];
            img.getPixels(0, i, width, colors, 0);

            for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
                walls[i][j] = (colors[j] == COLOR_WHITE);

     * Create the world's places by generating them from out of the images, and
     * then asking the WorldModel to create extra ones if needed.
    private void createPlaces() {
        try {
            worldModel = (BaseWorldModel) simData.getWorldModelClass()
                    .getConstructor(new Class[] { this.getClass() }).newInstance(new Object[] { this });

        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Can't instantiate the world model", e);
        places = createPlacesFromImages();


     * Create the simulation overlays out of the overlay images provided, and
     * then asking the ContextModel to modify them as suitable.
    private void createOverlays() {
        overlays = new TreeMap<String, Overlay>();

        try {
            contextModel = (BaseContextModel) simData.getContextModelClass()
                    .getConstructor(new Class[] { this.getClass() }).newInstance(new Object[] { this });
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Can't instantiate the context model", e);

        ArrayList<Overlay> olList = createOverlaysFromImages();

        Iterator<Overlay> olListIt = olList.iterator();

        while (olListIt.hasNext()) {
            Overlay ol =;
            overlays.put(ol.getName(), ol);

     * Create the simulation overlays out of the overlay images provided.
     * @return the collection of overlays
    private ArrayList<Overlay> createOverlaysFromImages() {
        ArrayList<Overlay> overlaysFromImages = new ArrayList<Overlay>();
        Map<String, InputStream> fileList = simData.getOverlayFiles();
        Iterator<String> listIt = fileList.keySet().iterator();

        while (listIt.hasNext()) {
            String name =;
            InputStream overlayIS = fileList.get(name);
            overlaysFromImages.add(Overlay.getOverlay(name, overlayIS, simulationConfig));

        return overlaysFromImages;

     * Get the overlays being simulated.
     * @return a SortedMap with the overlays in the simulation
    public SortedMap<String, Overlay> getOverlays() {
        return overlays;

     * Get a Set with all the place types in the simulation.
     * @return a Set with the place types
    public Set<String> getPlaceTypes() {
        return placeTypes;

     * Create a new place type.
     * @param placeType
     *            the name of the place type
    public void addPlaceType(final String placeType) {

     * Get the Agent Model being used in the simulation.
     * @return the AgentModel
    public BaseAgentModel getAgentModel() {
        return agentModel;

     * Get the CotnextModel being used in the simulation.
     * @return the ContextModel
    public BaseContextModel getContextModel() {
        return contextModel;

     * Get the World Model being used in the simulation.
     * @return the WorldModel
    public BaseWorldModel getWorldModel() {
        return worldModel;
