Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2015 - 2017 Michael Rapp
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
 * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
 * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.

import android.annotation.TargetApi;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.TypedArray;
import android.os.Build;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.widget.FrameLayout;


 * A layout, which allows to show a drawable in the insets, which are passed to its {@link
 * #fitSystemWindows(Rect)} method. This area usually corresponds to the device's status or
 * navigation bar.
 * @author Michael Rapp
 * @since 1.4.6
public class ScrimInsetsLayout extends FrameLayout {

     * Defines the interface, a class, which should be notified, when the insets, which are passed
     * to the layout's {@link #fitSystemWindows(Rect)} method, have been changed, must implement.
    public interface Callback {

         * The method, which is invoked, when the insets have been changed.
         * @param insets
         *         The new insets as an instance of the class {@link Rect}. The insets may not be
         *         null
        void onInsetsChanged(@NonNull Rect insets);


     * The drawable, which is shown in the layout's insets.
    private Drawable insetDrawable;

     * The layout's current insets.
    private Rect insets;

     * The callback, which is notified, when the layout's insets have been changed.
    private Callback callback;

     * Initializes the view.
     * @param attributeSet
     *         The attribute set, the attributes should be obtained from, as an instance of the type
     *         {@link AttributeSet}, or null, if no attributes should be obtained
     * @param defaultStyle
     *         The default style to apply to this view. If 0, no style will be applied (beyond what
     *         is included in the theme). This may either be an attribute resource, whose value will
     *         be retrieved from the current theme, or an explicit style resource
     * @param defaultStyleResource
     *         A resource identifier of a style resource that supplies default values for the view,
     *         used only if the default style is 0 or can not be found in the theme. Can be 0 to not
     *         look for defaults
    private void initialize(@Nullable final AttributeSet attributeSet, @AttrRes final int defaultStyle,
            @StyleRes final int defaultStyleResource) {
        this.insets = null;
        this.callback = null;
        obtainStyledAttributes(attributeSet, defaultStyle, defaultStyleResource);

     * Obtains the view's attributes from a specific attribute set.
     * @param attributeSet
     *         The attribute set, the view's attributes should be obtained from, as an instance of
     *         the type {@link AttributeSet} or null, if no attributes should be obtained
     * @param defaultStyle
     *         The default style to apply to this view. If 0, no style will be applied (beyond what
     *         is included in the theme). This may either be an attribute resource, whose value will
     *         be retrieved from the current theme, or an explicit style resource
     * @param defaultStyleResource
     *         A resource identifier of a style resource that supplies default values for the view,
     *         used only if the default style is 0 or can not be found in the theme. Can be 0 to not
     *         look for defaults
    private void obtainStyledAttributes(@Nullable final AttributeSet attributeSet, @AttrRes final int defaultStyle,
            @StyleRes final int defaultStyleResource) {
        if (attributeSet != null) {
            TypedArray typedArray = getContext().obtainStyledAttributes(attributeSet, R.styleable.ScrimInsetsLayout,
                    defaultStyle, defaultStyleResource);

            try {
            } finally {

     * Obtains the drawable, which should be shown in the layout's insets, from a specific typed
     * array.
     * @param typedArray
     *         The typed array, the drawable should be obtained from, as an instance of the class
     *         {@link TypedArray}. The typed array may not be null
    private void obtainInsetForeground(@NonNull final TypedArray typedArray) {
        int color = typedArray.getColor(R.styleable.ScrimInsetsLayout_insetDrawable, -1);

        if (color == -1) {
            Drawable drawable = typedArray.getDrawable(R.styleable.ScrimInsetsLayout_insetDrawable);

            if (drawable != null) {
            } else {
        } else {

     * Notifies the callback, that the layout's insets have been changed.
     * @param insets
     *         The new insets as an instance of the class {@link Rect}
    private void notifyOnInsetsChanged(@NonNull final Rect insets) {
        if (callback != null) {

     * Creates a new layout, which allows to show a drawable in the insets, which are passed to its
     * {@link #fitSystemWindows(Rect)} method.
     * @param context
     *         The context, which should be used by the view, as an instance of the class {@link
     *         Context}. The context may not be null
    public ScrimInsetsLayout(@NonNull final Context context) {
        this(context, null);

     * Creates a new layout, which allows to show a drawable in the insets, which are passed to its
     * {@link #fitSystemWindows(Rect)} method.
     * @param context
     *         The context, which should be used by the view, as an instance of the class {@link
     *         Context}. The context may not be null
     * @param attributeSet
     *         The attribute set, the view's attributes should be obtained from, as an instance of
     *         the type {@link AttributeSet} or null, if no attributes should be obtained
    public ScrimInsetsLayout(@NonNull final Context context, @Nullable final AttributeSet attributeSet) {
        super(context, attributeSet);
        initialize(attributeSet, 0, 0);

     * Creates a new layout, which allows to show a drawable in the insets, which are passed to its
     * {@link #fitSystemWindows(Rect)} method.
     * @param context
     *         The context, which should be used by the view, as an instance of the class {@link
     *         Context}. The context may not be null
     * @param attributeSet
     *         The attribute set, the view's attributes should be obtained from, as an instance of
     *         the type {@link AttributeSet} or null, if no attributes should be obtained
     * @param defaultStyle
     *         The default style to apply to this view. If 0, no style will be applied (beyond what
     *         is included in the theme). This may either be an attribute resource, whose value will
     *         be retrieved from the current theme, or an explicit style resource
    public ScrimInsetsLayout(@NonNull final Context context, @Nullable final AttributeSet attributeSet,
            @AttrRes final int defaultStyle) {
        super(context, attributeSet, defaultStyle);
        initialize(attributeSet, defaultStyle, 0);

     * Creates a new layout, which allows to show a drawable in the insets, which are passed to its
     * {@link #fitSystemWindows(Rect)} method.
     * @param context
     *         The context, which should be used by the view, as an instance of the class {@link
     *         Context}. The context may not be null
     * @param attributeSet
     *         The attribute set, the view's attributes should be obtained from, as an instance of
     *         the type {@link AttributeSet} or null, if no attributes should be obtained
     * @param defaultStyle
     *         The default style to apply to this view. If 0, no style will be applied (beyond what
     *         is included in the theme). This may either be an attribute resource, whose value will
     *         be retrieved from the current theme, or an explicit style resource
     * @param defaultStyleResource
     *         A resource identifier of a style resource that supplies default values for the view,
     *         used only if the default style is 0 or can not be found in the theme. Can be 0 to not
     *         look for defaults
    public ScrimInsetsLayout(@NonNull final Context context, @Nullable final AttributeSet attributeSet,
            @AttrRes final int defaultStyle, @StyleRes final int defaultStyleResource) {
        super(context, attributeSet, defaultStyle);
        initialize(attributeSet, defaultStyle, defaultStyleResource);

     * Sets the callback, which should be notified, when the layout's insets have been changed.
     * @param callback
     *         The callback, which should be set, as an instance of the type {@link Callback}, or
     *         null, if no callback should be notified
    public final void setCallback(@Nullable final Callback callback) {
        this.callback = callback;

     * Returns the drawable, which is shown in the layout's insets.
     * @return The drawable, which is shown in the layout's insets, as an instance of the class
     * {@link Drawable}, or null, if no drawable is shown
    public final Drawable getInsetDrawable() {
        return insetDrawable;

     * Sets the drawable, which should be shown in the layout's insets.
     * @param insetForeground
     *         The drawable, which should be set, as an instance of the class {@link Drawable}, or
     *         null, if no drawable should be set
    public final void setInsetDrawable(@Nullable final Drawable insetForeground) {
        this.insetDrawable = insetForeground;

     * Sets the color, which should be shown in the layout's insets.
     * @param color
     *         The color, which should be set, as an {@link Integer} value
    public final void setInsetColor(@ColorInt final int color) {
        setInsetDrawable(new ColorDrawable(color));

     * Returns the layout's current insets.
     * @return The layout's current insets or null, if the layout has not been shown yet
    public final Rect getInsets() {
        return insets;

    public final void draw(final Canvas canvas) {
        int width = getWidth();
        int height = getHeight();

        if (insets != null && insetDrawable != null) {
            int saveCount =;
            canvas.translate(getScrollX(), getScrollY());
            insetDrawable.setBounds(0, 0, width,;
            insetDrawable.setBounds(0, height - insets.bottom, width, height);
            insetDrawable.setBounds(0,, insets.left, height - insets.bottom);
            insetDrawable.setBounds(width - insets.right,, width, height - insets.bottom);

    protected boolean fitSystemWindows(final Rect insets) {
        this.insets = new Rect(insets);
        setWillNotDraw(insetDrawable == null);
        return true;

    protected final void onAttachedToWindow() {

        if (insetDrawable != null) {

    protected final void onDetachedFromWindow() {

        if (insetDrawable != null) {
