Java tutorial
/* * * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development and Distribution * License, Version 1.0 only (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at license/ESCIDOC.LICENSE or * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each file and include the License * file at license/ESCIDOC.LICENSE. If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with * the fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information: Portions * Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END */ /* * Copyright 2006-2012 Fachinformationszentrum Karlsruhe Gesellschaft fr * wissenschaftlich-technische Information mbH and Max-Planck- Gesellschaft zur Frderung der * Wissenschaft e.V. All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. */ package de.mpg.mpdl.inge.transformation.transformations.commonPublicationFormats; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import bibtex.dom.BibtexEntry; import bibtex.dom.BibtexFile; import bibtex.dom.BibtexPerson; import bibtex.dom.BibtexPersonList; import bibtex.dom.BibtexString; import bibtex.dom.BibtexToplevelComment; import bibtex.parser.BibtexParser; import de.mpg.mpdl.inge.xmltransforming.XmlTransforming; import de.mpg.mpdl.inge.xmltransforming.exceptions.TechnicalException; import de.mpg.mpdl.inge.model.valueobjects.FileVO; import de.mpg.mpdl.inge.model.valueobjects.metadata.AbstractVO; import de.mpg.mpdl.inge.model.valueobjects.metadata.AlternativeTitleVO; import de.mpg.mpdl.inge.model.valueobjects.metadata.CreatorVO; import de.mpg.mpdl.inge.model.valueobjects.metadata.EventVO; import de.mpg.mpdl.inge.model.valueobjects.metadata.IdentifierVO; import de.mpg.mpdl.inge.model.valueobjects.metadata.IdentifierVO.IdType; import de.mpg.mpdl.inge.model.valueobjects.metadata.MdsFileVO; import de.mpg.mpdl.inge.model.valueobjects.metadata.OrganizationVO; import de.mpg.mpdl.inge.model.valueobjects.metadata.PersonVO; import de.mpg.mpdl.inge.model.valueobjects.metadata.PublishingInfoVO; import de.mpg.mpdl.inge.model.valueobjects.metadata.SourceVO; import de.mpg.mpdl.inge.model.valueobjects.metadata.SourceVO.Genre; import de.mpg.mpdl.inge.model.valueobjects.metadata.SubjectVO; import de.mpg.mpdl.inge.model.valueobjects.publication.MdsPublicationVO; import de.mpg.mpdl.inge.model.valueobjects.publication.MdsPublicationVO.ReviewMethod; import de.mpg.mpdl.inge.model.valueobjects.publication.MdsPublicationVO.SubjectClassification; import de.mpg.mpdl.inge.model.valueobjects.publication.PubItemVO; import de.mpg.mpdl.inge.xmltransforming.xmltransforming.XmlTransformingBean; import de.mpg.mpdl.inge.transformation.Util; import de.mpg.mpdl.inge.transformation.util.creators.Author; import de.mpg.mpdl.inge.transformation.util.creators.AuthorDecoder; import de.mpg.mpdl.inge.util.PropertyReader; /** * Implementation of BibTex transformation. * * @author kleinfe1 (initial creation) * @author $Author: MWalter $ (last modification) * @version $Revision: 5725 $ $LastChangedDate: 2015-10-07 14:43:23 +0200 (Wed, 07 Oct 2015) $ */ public class Bibtex implements BibtexInterface { private final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Bibtex.class); private Map<String, String> configuration = null; private Set<String> groupSet = null; private Set<String> projectSet = null; /** * sets the configuration-settings * * @param configuration */ public void setConfiguration(Map<String, String> configuration) { this.configuration = configuration; } /** * @param bibtex * @return eSciDoc-publication item XML representation of this BibTeX entry * @throws RuntimeException */ public String getBibtex(String bibtex) throws RuntimeException { // Remove Math '$' from the whole BibTex-String Pattern mathPattern = Pattern.compile("(?sm)\\$(\\\\.*?)(?<!\\\\)\\$"); Matcher mathMatcher = mathPattern.matcher(bibtex); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); while (mathMatcher.find()) { mathMatcher.appendReplacement(sb, "$1"); } mathMatcher.appendTail(sb); bibtex = sb.toString(); BibtexParser parser = new BibtexParser(true); BibtexFile file = new BibtexFile(); try { parser.parse(file, new StringReader(bibtex)); } catch (Exception e) { this.logger.error("Error parsing BibTex record."); throw new RuntimeException(e); } PubItemVO itemVO = new PubItemVO(); MdsPublicationVO mds = new MdsPublicationVO(); itemVO.setMetadata(mds); List entries = file.getEntries(); boolean entryFound = false; if (entries == null || entries.size() == 0) { this.logger.warn("No entry found in BibTex record."); throw new RuntimeException(); } for (Object object : entries) { if (object instanceof BibtexEntry) { if (entryFound) { this.logger.error("Multiple entries in BibTex record."); throw new RuntimeException(); } entryFound = true; BibtexEntry entry = (BibtexEntry) object; // genre BibTexUtil.Genre bibGenre; try { bibGenre = BibTexUtil.Genre.valueOf(entry.getEntryType()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { bibGenre = BibTexUtil.Genre.misc; this.logger.warn("Unrecognized genre: " + entry.getEntryType()); } MdsPublicationVO.Genre itemGenre = BibTexUtil.getGenreMapping().get(bibGenre); mds.setGenre(itemGenre); SourceVO sourceVO = new SourceVO(); SourceVO secondSourceVO = new SourceVO(); Map fields = entry.getFields(); // Mapping of BibTeX Standard Entries // title if (fields.get("title") != null) { if (fields.get("chapter") != null) { mds.setTitle(BibTexUtil.stripBraces( BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("chapter").toString()), false) + " - " + BibTexUtil.stripBraces(BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("title").toString()), false)); } else { mds.setTitle(BibTexUtil.stripBraces(BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("title").toString()), false)); } } // booktitle if (fields.get("booktitle") != null) { if (bibGenre == { mds.setTitle(BibTexUtil .stripBraces(BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("booktitle").toString()), false)); } else if (bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.conference || bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.inbook || bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.incollection || bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.inproceedings) { sourceVO.setTitle(BibTexUtil .stripBraces(BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("booktitle").toString()), false)); if (bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.conference || bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.inproceedings) { sourceVO.setGenre(Genre.PROCEEDINGS); } else if (bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.inbook || bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.incollection) { sourceVO.setGenre(Genre.BOOK); } } } // fjournal, journal if (fields.get("fjournal") != null) { if (bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.article || bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.misc || bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.unpublished) { sourceVO.setTitle(BibTexUtil .stripBraces(BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("fjournal").toString()), false)); sourceVO.setGenre(SourceVO.Genre.JOURNAL); if (fields.get("journal") != null) { sourceVO.getAlternativeTitles().add(new AlternativeTitleVO(BibTexUtil.stripBraces( BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("journal").toString()), false))); } } } else if (fields.get("journal") != null) { if (bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.article || bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.misc || bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.unpublished || bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.inproceedings) { sourceVO.setTitle(BibTexUtil .stripBraces(BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("journal").toString()), false)); sourceVO.setGenre(SourceVO.Genre.JOURNAL); } } // number if (fields.get("number") != null && bibGenre != BibTexUtil.Genre.techreport) { sourceVO.setIssue(BibTexUtil .stripBraces(BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("number").toString()), false)); } else if (fields.get("number") != null && bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.techreport) { { mds.getIdentifiers().add(new IdentifierVO(IdentifierVO.IdType.REPORT_NR, BibTexUtil .stripBraces(BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("number").toString()), false))); } } // pages if (fields.get("pages") != null) { if (bibGenre == || bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.proceedings) { mds.setTotalNumberOfPages(BibTexUtil .stripBraces(BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("pages").toString()), false)); } else { BibTexUtil.fillSourcePages(BibTexUtil.stripBraces( BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("pages").toString()), false), sourceVO); if (bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.inproceedings && (fields.get("booktitle") == null || fields.get("booktitle").toString() == "") && (fields.get("event_name") != null && fields.get("event_name").toString() != "")) { sourceVO.setTitle(BibTexUtil.stripBraces(fields.get("event_name").toString(), false)); sourceVO.setGenre(Genre.PROCEEDINGS); } } } // Publishing info PublishingInfoVO publishingInfoVO = new PublishingInfoVO(); mds.setPublishingInfo(publishingInfoVO); // address if (fields.get("address") != null) { if (!(bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.article || bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.inbook || bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.inproceedings || bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.conference || bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.incollection) && (sourceVO.getTitle() == null || sourceVO.getTitle() == null)) { publishingInfoVO.setPlace(BibTexUtil .stripBraces(BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("address").toString()), false)); } else { if (sourceVO.getPublishingInfo() == null) { PublishingInfoVO sourcePublishingInfoVO = new PublishingInfoVO(); sourceVO.setPublishingInfo(sourcePublishingInfoVO); } sourceVO.getPublishingInfo().setPlace(BibTexUtil .stripBraces(BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("address").toString()), false)); } } // edition if (fields.get("edition") != null) { publishingInfoVO.setEdition(BibTexUtil .stripBraces(BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("edition").toString()), false)); } // publisher if (!(bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.article || bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.inbook || bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.inproceedings || bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.conference || bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.incollection) && (sourceVO.getTitle() == null || sourceVO.getTitle() == null)) { if (fields.get("publisher") != null) { publishingInfoVO.setPublisher(BibTexUtil .stripBraces(BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("publisher").toString()), false)); } else if (fields.get("school") != null && (bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.mastersthesis || bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.phdthesis || bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.techreport)) { publishingInfoVO.setPublisher(BibTexUtil .stripBraces(BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("school").toString()), false)); } else if (fields.get("institution") != null) { publishingInfoVO.setPublisher(BibTexUtil .stripBraces(BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("institution").toString()), false)); } else if (fields.get("publisher") == null && fields.get("school") == null && fields.get("institution") == null && fields.get("address") != null) { publishingInfoVO.setPublisher("ANY PUBLISHER"); } } else { if (sourceVO.getPublishingInfo() == null) { PublishingInfoVO sourcePublishingInfoVO = new PublishingInfoVO(); sourceVO.setPublishingInfo(sourcePublishingInfoVO); } if (fields.get("publisher") != null) { sourceVO.getPublishingInfo().setPublisher(BibTexUtil .stripBraces(BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("publisher").toString()), false)); } else if (fields.get("school") != null && (bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.mastersthesis || bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.phdthesis || bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.techreport)) { sourceVO.getPublishingInfo().setPublisher(BibTexUtil .stripBraces(BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("school").toString()), false)); } else if (fields.get("institution") != null) { sourceVO.getPublishingInfo().setPublisher(BibTexUtil .stripBraces(BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("institution").toString()), false)); } else if (fields.get("publisher") == null && fields.get("school") == null && fields.get("institution") == null && fields.get("address") != null) { sourceVO.getPublishingInfo().setPublisher("ANY PUBLISHER"); } } // series if (fields.get("series") != null) { if (bibGenre == || bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.misc || bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.techreport) { sourceVO.setTitle(BibTexUtil .stripBraces(BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("series").toString()), false)); sourceVO.setGenre(SourceVO.Genre.SERIES); } else if (bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.inbook || bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.incollection || bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.inproceedings || bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.conference) { secondSourceVO.setTitle(BibTexUtil .stripBraces(BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("series").toString()), false)); secondSourceVO.setGenre(SourceVO.Genre.SERIES); } } // type --> degree if (fields.get("type") != null && bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.mastersthesis) { if (fields.get("type").toString().toLowerCase().contains("master") || fields.get("type").toString().toLowerCase().contains("m.a.") || fields.get("type").toString().toLowerCase().contains("m.s.") || fields.get("type").toString().toLowerCase().contains("")) { mds.setDegree(MdsPublicationVO.DegreeType.MASTER); } else if (fields.get("type").toString().toLowerCase().contains("bachelor")) { mds.setDegree(MdsPublicationVO.DegreeType.BACHELOR); } else if (fields.get("type").toString().toLowerCase().contains("magister")) { mds.setDegree(MdsPublicationVO.DegreeType.MAGISTER); } else if (fields.get("type").toString().toLowerCase().contains("diplom")) // covers also // the english // version // (diploma) { mds.setDegree(MdsPublicationVO.DegreeType.DIPLOMA); } else if (fields.get("type").toString().toLowerCase().contains("statsexamen") || fields.get("type").toString().toLowerCase().contains("state examination")) { mds.setDegree(MdsPublicationVO.DegreeType.DIPLOMA); } } else if (fields.get("type") != null && bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.phdthesis) { if (fields.get("type").toString().toLowerCase().contains("phd") || fields.get("type").toString().toLowerCase().contains("dissertation") || fields.get("type").toString().toLowerCase().contains("doktor") || fields.get("type").toString().toLowerCase().contains("doctor")) { mds.setDegree(MdsPublicationVO.DegreeType.PHD); } else if (fields.get("type").toString().toLowerCase().contains("habilitation")) { mds.setDegree(MdsPublicationVO.DegreeType.HABILITATION); } } // volume if (fields.get("volume") != null) { if (bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.article || bibGenre == { sourceVO.setVolume(BibTexUtil .stripBraces(BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("volume").toString()), false)); } else if (bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.inbook || bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.inproceedings || bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.incollection || bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.conference) { if (sourceVO.getSources() != null && !sourceVO.getSources().isEmpty()) { sourceVO.getSources().get(0).setVolume(BibTexUtil .stripBraces(BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("volume").toString()), false)); } else { sourceVO.setVolume(BibTexUtil .stripBraces(BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("volume").toString()), false)); } } } // event infos if (bibGenre != null && (bibGenre.equals(BibTexUtil.Genre.inproceedings) || bibGenre.equals(BibTexUtil.Genre.proceedings) || bibGenre.equals(BibTexUtil.Genre.conference) || bibGenre.equals(BibTexUtil.Genre.poster) || bibGenre.equals( { EventVO event = new EventVO(); boolean eventNotEmpty = false; // event location if (fields.get("location") != null) { event.setPlace(BibTexUtil .stripBraces(BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("location").toString()), false)); eventNotEmpty = true; } // event place else if (fields.get("event_place") != null) { event.setPlace(BibTexUtil .stripBraces(BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("event_place").toString()), false)); eventNotEmpty = true; } // event name/title if (fields.get("event_name") != null) { event.setTitle(BibTexUtil .stripBraces(BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("event_name").toString()), false)); eventNotEmpty = true; } // event will be set only it's not empty if (eventNotEmpty == true) { if (event.getTitle() == null) { event.setTitle(""); } mds.setEvent(event); } } // year, month String dateString = null; if (fields.get("year") != null) { dateString = BibTexUtil.stripBraces(BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("year").toString()), false); if (fields.get("month") != null) { String month = BibTexUtil.parseMonth(fields.get("month").toString()); dateString += "-" + month; } if (bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.unpublished) { mds.setDateCreated(dateString); } else { mds.setDatePublishedInPrint(dateString); } } String affiliation = null; String affiliationAddress = null; // affiliation if (fields.get("affiliation") != null) { affiliation = BibTexUtil .stripBraces(BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("affiliation").toString()), false); } // affiliationaddress if (fields.get("affiliationaddress") != null) { affiliationAddress = BibTexUtil.stripBraces( BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("affiliationaddress").toString()), false); } // author boolean noConeAuthorFound = true; if (fields.get("author") != null) { if (fields.get("author") instanceof BibtexPersonList) { BibtexPersonList authors = (BibtexPersonList) fields.get("author"); for (Object author : authors.getList()) { if (author instanceof BibtexPerson) { addCreator(mds, (BibtexPerson) author, CreatorVO.CreatorRole.AUTHOR, affiliation, affiliationAddress); } else { this.logger.warn("Entry in BibtexPersonList not a BibtexPerson: [" + author + "] in [" + author + "]"); } } } else if (fields.get("author") instanceof BibtexPerson) { BibtexPerson author = (BibtexPerson) fields.get("author"); addCreator(mds, (BibtexPerson) author, CreatorVO.CreatorRole.AUTHOR, affiliation, affiliationAddress); } else if (fields.get("author") instanceof BibtexString) { AuthorDecoder decoder; try { String authorString = BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("author").toString(), false); List<CreatorVO> teams = new ArrayList<CreatorVO>(); if (authorString.contains("Team")) { // set pattern for finding Teams (leaded or followed by [and|,|;|{|}|^|$]) Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile( "(?<=(and|,|;|\\{|^))([\\w|\\s]*?Team[\\w|\\s]*?)(?=(and|,|;|\\}|$))", Pattern.DOTALL); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(authorString); String matchedGroup; while (matcher.find()) { matchedGroup =; // remove matchedGroup (and prefix/suffix) from authorString if (authorString.startsWith(matchedGroup)) { authorString = authorString.replaceAll(matchedGroup + "(and|,|;|\\})", ""); } else { authorString = authorString.replaceAll("(and|,|;|\\{)" + matchedGroup, ""); } // set matchedGroup as Organisation Author OrganizationVO team = new OrganizationVO(); team.setName(matchedGroup.trim()); CreatorVO creatorVO = new CreatorVO(team, CreatorVO.CreatorRole.AUTHOR); teams.add(creatorVO); } } decoder = new AuthorDecoder(authorString, false); if (decoder.getBestFormat() != null) { List<Author> authors = decoder.getAuthorListList().get(0); for (Author author : authors) { PersonVO personVO = new PersonVO(); personVO.setFamilyName(author.getSurname()); if (author.getGivenName() != null) { personVO.setGivenName(author.getGivenName()); } else { personVO.setGivenName(author.getInitial()); } /* * Case for MPI-KYB (Biological Cybernetics) with CoNE identifier in brackets and * affiliations to adopt from CoNE for each author (also in brackets) */ if (configuration != null && "true".equals(configuration.get("CoNE")) && ("identifier and affiliation in brackets" .equals(configuration.get("CurlyBracketsForCoNEAuthors"))) && (author.getTags().get("identifier") != null)) { String query = author.getTags().get("identifier"); int affiliationsCount = Integer .parseInt(author.getTags().get("affiliationsCount")); if (affiliationsCount > 0 || configuration.get("OrganizationalUnit") != null) { for (int ouCount = 0; ouCount < (affiliationsCount > 0 ? affiliationsCount : 1); ouCount++) // 1 // is // for // the // case // configuration.get("OrganizationalUnit") // != // null { String organizationalUnit = (author.getTags().get( "affiliation" + new Integer(ouCount).toString()) != null ? author.getTags() .get("affiliation" + new Integer(ouCount).toString()) : (configuration.get("OrganizationalUnit") != null ? configuration.get("OrganizationalUnit") : "")); Node coneEntries = null; if (query.equals(author.getTags().get("identifier"))) { coneEntries = Util.queryConeExactWithIdentifier("persons", query, organizationalUnit); // for MPIKYB due to OUs which do not occur in CoNE if (coneEntries.getFirstChild().getFirstChild() == null) { logger.error("No Person with Identifier (" + author.getTags().get("identifier") + ") and OU (" + organizationalUnit + ") found in CoNE for Publication \"" + fields.get("title") + "\""); } } else { coneEntries = Util.queryConeExact("persons", query, organizationalUnit); } Node coneNode = coneEntries.getFirstChild().getFirstChild(); if (coneNode != null) { Node currentNode = coneNode.getFirstChild(); boolean first = true; while (currentNode != null) { if (currentNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && first) { first = false; noConeAuthorFound = false; Node coneEntry = currentNode; String coneId = coneEntry.getAttributes() .getNamedItem("rdf:about").getNodeValue(); personVO.setIdentifier( new IdentifierVO(IdType.CONE, coneId)); for (int i = 0; i < coneEntry.getChildNodes() .getLength(); i++) { Node posNode = coneEntry.getChildNodes().item(i); if ("escidoc:position" .equals(posNode.getNodeName())) { String from = null; String until = null; String name = null; String id = null; Node node = posNode.getFirstChild() .getFirstChild(); while (node != null) { if ("eprints:affiliatedInstitution" .equals(node.getNodeName())) { name = node.getFirstChild() .getNodeValue(); } else if ("escidoc:start-date" .equals(node.getNodeName())) { from = node.getFirstChild() .getNodeValue(); } else if ("escidoc:end-date" .equals(node.getNodeName())) { until = node.getFirstChild() .getNodeValue(); } else if ("dc:identifier" .equals(node.getNodeName())) { id = node.getFirstChild() .getNodeValue(); } node = node.getNextSibling(); } if (smaller(from, dateString) && smaller(dateString, until)) { OrganizationVO org = new OrganizationVO(); org.setName(name); org.setIdentifier(id); personVO.getOrganizations().add(org); } } } } else if (currentNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { throw new RuntimeException( "Ambigous CoNE entries for " + query); } currentNode = currentNode.getNextSibling(); } } else { throw new RuntimeException("Missing CoNE entry for " + query); } } } } /* * Case for MPI-Microstructure Physics with affiliation identifier in brackets and * affiliations to adopt from CoNE for each author (also in brackets) */ else if (configuration != null && "true".equals(configuration.get("CoNE")) && ("affiliation id in brackets" .equals(configuration.get("CurlyBracketsForCoNEAuthors"))) && (author.getTags().get("identifier") != null)) { String identifier = author.getTags().get("identifier"); String query = personVO.getFamilyName() + ", " + personVO.getGivenName(); if (!("extern".equals(identifier))) { Node coneEntries = null; coneEntries = Util.queryConeExact("persons", query, (configuration.get("OrganizationalUnit") != null ? configuration.get("OrganizationalUnit") : "")); Node coneNode = coneEntries.getFirstChild().getFirstChild(); if (coneNode != null) { Node currentNode = coneNode.getFirstChild(); boolean first = true; while (currentNode != null) { if (currentNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && first) { first = false; noConeAuthorFound = false; Node coneEntry = currentNode; String coneId = coneEntry.getAttributes() .getNamedItem("rdf:about").getNodeValue(); personVO.setIdentifier( new IdentifierVO(IdType.CONE, coneId)); if (identifier != null && !("".equals(identifier))) { try { String ouSubTitle = identifier.substring(0, identifier.indexOf(",")); Document document = Util.queryFramework( "/oum/organizational-units?query=" + URLEncoder.encode("\"/title\"=\"" + ouSubTitle + "\"", "UTF-8")); NodeList ouList = document.getElementsByTagNameNS( "", "organizational-unit"); Element ou = (Element) ouList.item(0); String href = ou.getAttribute("xlink:href"); String ouId = href .substring(href.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); OrganizationVO org = new OrganizationVO(); org.setName(identifier); org.setIdentifier(ouId); personVO.getOrganizations().add(org); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error getting OUs", e); throw new RuntimeException( "Error getting Organizational Unit for " + identifier); } } } else if (currentNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { throw new RuntimeException( "Ambigous CoNE entries for " + query); } currentNode = currentNode.getNextSibling(); } } else { throw new RuntimeException("Missing CoNE entry for " + query); } } } else if (configuration != null && "true".equals(configuration.get("CoNE")) && ("empty brackets" .equals(configuration.get("CurlyBracketsForCoNEAuthors")) && (author.getTags().get("brackets") != null))) { String query = personVO.getFamilyName() + ", " + personVO.getGivenName(); Node coneEntries = Util.queryConeExact("persons", query, (configuration.get("OrganizationalUnit") != null ? configuration.get("OrganizationalUnit") : "")); Node coneNode = coneEntries.getFirstChild().getFirstChild(); if (coneNode != null) { Node currentNode = coneNode.getFirstChild(); boolean first = true; while (currentNode != null) { if (currentNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && first) { first = false; noConeAuthorFound = false; Node coneEntry = currentNode; String coneId = coneEntry.getAttributes() .getNamedItem("rdf:about").getNodeValue(); personVO.setIdentifier(new IdentifierVO(IdType.CONE, coneId)); for (int i = 0; i < coneEntry.getChildNodes() .getLength(); i++) { Node posNode = coneEntry.getChildNodes().item(i); if ("escidoc:position".equals(posNode.getNodeName())) { String from = null; String until = null; String name = null; String id = null; Node node = posNode.getFirstChild().getFirstChild(); while (node != null) { if ("eprints:affiliatedInstitution" .equals(node.getNodeName())) { name = node.getFirstChild().getNodeValue(); } else if ("escidoc:start-date" .equals(node.getNodeName())) { from = node.getFirstChild().getNodeValue(); } else if ("escidoc:end-date" .equals(node.getNodeName())) { until = node.getFirstChild().getNodeValue(); } else if ("dc:identifier" .equals(node.getNodeName())) { id = node.getFirstChild().getNodeValue(); } node = node.getNextSibling(); } if (smaller(from, dateString) && smaller(dateString, until)) { OrganizationVO org = new OrganizationVO(); org.setName(name); org.setIdentifier(id); personVO.getOrganizations().add(org); } } } } else if (currentNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { throw new RuntimeException( "Ambigous CoNE entries for " + query); } currentNode = currentNode.getNextSibling(); } } else { throw new RuntimeException("Missing CoNE entry for " + query); } } else if (configuration != null && "true".equals(configuration.get("CoNE")) && ("no".equals(configuration.get("CurlyBracketsForCoNEAuthors")))) { String query = personVO.getFamilyName() + ", " + personVO.getGivenName(); Node coneEntries = Util.queryConeExact("persons", query, (configuration.get("OrganizationalUnit") != null ? configuration.get("OrganizationalUnit") : "")); Node coneNode = coneEntries.getFirstChild().getFirstChild(); if (coneNode != null) { Node currentNode = coneNode.getFirstChild(); boolean first = true; while (currentNode != null) { if (currentNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && first) { first = false; noConeAuthorFound = false; Node coneEntry = currentNode; String coneId = coneEntry.getAttributes() .getNamedItem("rdf:about").getNodeValue(); personVO.setIdentifier(new IdentifierVO(IdType.CONE, coneId)); for (int i = 0; i < coneEntry.getChildNodes() .getLength(); i++) { Node posNode = coneEntry.getChildNodes().item(i); if ("escidoc:position".equals(posNode.getNodeName())) { String from = null; String until = null; String name = null; String id = null; Node node = posNode.getFirstChild().getFirstChild(); while (node != null) { if ("eprints:affiliatedInstitution" .equals(node.getNodeName())) { name = node.getFirstChild().getNodeValue(); } else if ("escidoc:start-date" .equals(node.getNodeName())) { from = node.getFirstChild().getNodeValue(); } else if ("escidoc:end-date" .equals(node.getNodeName())) { until = node.getFirstChild().getNodeValue(); } else if ("dc:identifier" .equals(node.getNodeName())) { id = node.getFirstChild().getNodeValue(); } node = node.getNextSibling(); } if (smaller(from, dateString) && smaller(dateString, until)) { OrganizationVO org = new OrganizationVO(); org.setName(name); org.setIdentifier(id); personVO.getOrganizations().add(org); } } } } else if (currentNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { throw new RuntimeException( "Ambigous CoNE entries for " + query); } currentNode = currentNode.getNextSibling(); } } } if (affiliation != null) { OrganizationVO organization = new OrganizationVO(); organization.setIdentifier(PropertyReader .getProperty("")); organization.setName(affiliation); organization.setAddress(affiliationAddress); personVO.getOrganizations().add(organization); } CreatorVO creatorVO = new CreatorVO(personVO, CreatorVO.CreatorRole.AUTHOR); mds.getCreators().add(creatorVO); } } if (!teams.isEmpty()) { mds.getCreators().addAll(teams); } } catch (Exception e) { this.logger.error("An error occured while getting field 'author'.", e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } // editor boolean noConeEditorFound = false; if (fields.get("editor") != null) { this.logger.debug("fields.get(\"editor\"): " + fields.get("editor").getClass()); if (fields.get("editor") instanceof BibtexPersonList) { BibtexPersonList editors = (BibtexPersonList) fields.get("editor"); for (Object editor : editors.getList()) { if (editor instanceof BibtexPerson) { addCreator(mds, (BibtexPerson) editor, CreatorVO.CreatorRole.EDITOR, affiliation, affiliationAddress); } else { this.logger.warn("Entry in BibtexPersonList not a BibtexPerson: [" + editor + "] in [" + editors + "]"); } } } else if (fields.get("editor") instanceof BibtexPerson) { BibtexPerson editor = (BibtexPerson) fields.get("editor"); addCreator(mds, (BibtexPerson) editor, CreatorVO.CreatorRole.EDITOR, affiliation, affiliationAddress); } else if (fields.get("editor") instanceof BibtexString) { AuthorDecoder decoder; try { String editorString = BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("editor").toString(), false); List<CreatorVO> teams = new ArrayList<CreatorVO>(); if (editorString.contains("Team")) { // set pattern for finding Teams (leaded or followed by [and|,|;|{|}|^|$]) Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile( "(?<=(and|,|;|\\{|^))([\\w|\\s]*?Team[\\w|\\s]*?)(?=(and|,|;|\\}|$))", Pattern.DOTALL); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(editorString); String matchedGroup; while (matcher.find()) { matchedGroup =; // remove matchedGroup (and prefix/suffix) from authorString if (editorString.startsWith(matchedGroup)) { editorString = editorString.replaceAll(matchedGroup + "(and|,|;|\\})", ""); } else { editorString = editorString.replaceAll("(and|,|;|\\{)" + matchedGroup, ""); } // set matchedGroup as Organisation Author OrganizationVO team = new OrganizationVO(); team.setName(matchedGroup.trim()); CreatorVO creatorVO = new CreatorVO(team, CreatorVO.CreatorRole.EDITOR); teams.add(creatorVO); } } decoder = new AuthorDecoder(editorString, false); if (decoder.getBestFormat() != null) { List<Author> editors = decoder.getAuthorListList().get(0); for (Author editor : editors) { PersonVO personVO = new PersonVO(); personVO.setFamilyName(editor.getSurname()); if (editor.getGivenName() != null) { personVO.setGivenName(editor.getGivenName()); } else { personVO.setGivenName(editor.getInitial()); } /* * Case for MPI-KYB (Biological Cybernetics) with CoNE identifier in brackets and * affiliations to adopt from CoNE for each author (also in brackets) */ if (configuration != null && "true".equals(configuration.get("CoNE")) && ("identifier and affiliation in brackets" .equals(configuration.get("CurlyBracketsForCoNEAuthors"))) && (editor.getTags().get("identifier") != null)) { String query = editor.getTags().get("identifier"); int affiliationsCount = Integer .parseInt(editor.getTags().get("affiliationsCount")); if (affiliationsCount > 0 || configuration.get("OrganizationalUnit") != null) { for (int ouCount = 0; ouCount < (affiliationsCount > 0 ? affiliationsCount : 1); ouCount++) // 1 // is // for // the // case // configuration.get("OrganizationalUnit") // != // null { String organizationalUnit = (editor.getTags().get( "affiliation" + new Integer(ouCount).toString()) != null ? editor.getTags() .get("affiliation" + new Integer(ouCount).toString()) : (configuration.get("OrganizationalUnit") != null ? configuration.get("OrganizationalUnit") : "")); Node coneEntries = null; if (query.equals(editor.getTags().get("identifier"))) { coneEntries = Util.queryConeExactWithIdentifier("persons", query, organizationalUnit); // for MPIKYB due to OUs which do not occur in CoNE if (coneEntries.getFirstChild().getFirstChild() == null) { logger.error("No Person with Identifier (" + editor.getTags().get("identifier") + ") and OU (" + organizationalUnit + ") found in CoNE for Publication \"" + fields.get("title") + "\""); } } else { coneEntries = Util.queryConeExact("persons", query, organizationalUnit); } Node coneNode = coneEntries.getFirstChild().getFirstChild(); if (coneNode != null) { Node currentNode = coneNode.getFirstChild(); boolean first = true; while (currentNode != null) { if (currentNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && first) { first = false; noConeEditorFound = false; Node coneEntry = currentNode; String coneId = coneEntry.getAttributes() .getNamedItem("rdf:about").getNodeValue(); personVO.setIdentifier( new IdentifierVO(IdType.CONE, coneId)); for (int i = 0; i < coneEntry.getChildNodes() .getLength(); i++) { Node posNode = coneEntry.getChildNodes().item(i); if ("escidoc:position" .equals(posNode.getNodeName())) { String from = null; String until = null; String name = null; String id = null; Node node = posNode.getFirstChild() .getFirstChild(); while (node != null) { if ("eprints:affiliatedInstitution" .equals(node.getNodeName())) { name = node.getFirstChild() .getNodeValue(); } else if ("escidoc:start-date" .equals(node.getNodeName())) { from = node.getFirstChild() .getNodeValue(); } else if ("escidoc:end-date" .equals(node.getNodeName())) { until = node.getFirstChild() .getNodeValue(); } else if ("dc:identifier" .equals(node.getNodeName())) { id = node.getFirstChild() .getNodeValue(); } node = node.getNextSibling(); } if (smaller(from, dateString) && smaller(dateString, until)) { OrganizationVO org = new OrganizationVO(); org.setName(name); org.setIdentifier(id); personVO.getOrganizations().add(org); } } } } else if (currentNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { throw new RuntimeException( "Ambigous CoNE entries for " + query); } currentNode = currentNode.getNextSibling(); } } else { throw new RuntimeException("Missing CoNE entry for " + query); } } } } /* * Case for MPI-Microstructure Physics with affiliation identifier in brackets and * affiliations to adopt from CoNE for each author (also in brackets) */ else if (configuration != null && "true".equals(configuration.get("CoNE")) && ("affiliation id in brackets" .equals(configuration.get("CurlyBracketsForCoNEAuthors"))) && (editor.getTags().get("identifier") != null)) { String identifier = editor.getTags().get("identifier"); String query = personVO.getFamilyName() + ", " + personVO.getGivenName(); if (!("extern".equals(identifier))) { Node coneEntries = null; coneEntries = Util.queryConeExact("persons", query, (configuration.get("OrganizationalUnit") != null ? configuration.get("OrganizationalUnit") : "")); Node coneNode = coneEntries.getFirstChild().getFirstChild(); if (coneNode != null) { Node currentNode = coneNode.getFirstChild(); boolean first = true; while (currentNode != null) { if (currentNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && first) { first = false; noConeAuthorFound = false; Node coneEntry = currentNode; String coneId = coneEntry.getAttributes() .getNamedItem("rdf:about").getNodeValue(); personVO.setIdentifier( new IdentifierVO(IdType.CONE, coneId)); if (identifier != null && !("".equals(identifier))) { try { String ouSubTitle = identifier.substring(0, identifier.indexOf(",")); Document document = Util.queryFramework( "/oum/organizational-units?query=" + URLEncoder.encode("\"/title\"=\"" + ouSubTitle + "\"", "UTF-8")); NodeList ouList = document.getElementsByTagNameNS( "", "organizational-unit"); Element ou = (Element) ouList.item(0); String href = ou.getAttribute("xlink:href"); String ouId = href .substring(href.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); OrganizationVO org = new OrganizationVO(); org.setName(identifier); org.setIdentifier(ouId); personVO.getOrganizations().add(org); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error getting OUs", e); throw new RuntimeException( "Error getting Organizational Unit for " + identifier); } } } else if (currentNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { throw new RuntimeException( "Ambigous CoNE entries for " + query); } currentNode = currentNode.getNextSibling(); } } else { throw new RuntimeException("Missing CoNE entry for " + query); } } } else if (configuration != null && "true".equals(configuration.get("CoNE")) && ("empty brackets" .equals(configuration.get("CurlyBracketsForCoNEAuthors")) && (editor.getTags().get("brackets") != null))) { String query = personVO.getFamilyName() + ", " + personVO.getGivenName(); Node coneEntries = Util.queryConeExact("persons", query, (configuration.get("OrganizationalUnit") != null ? configuration.get("OrganizationalUnit") : "")); Node coneNode = coneEntries.getFirstChild().getFirstChild(); if (coneNode != null) { Node currentNode = coneNode.getFirstChild(); boolean first = true; while (currentNode != null) { if (currentNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && first) { first = false; noConeEditorFound = false; Node coneEntry = currentNode; String coneId = coneEntry.getAttributes() .getNamedItem("rdf:about").getNodeValue(); personVO.setIdentifier(new IdentifierVO(IdType.CONE, coneId)); for (int i = 0; i < coneEntry.getChildNodes() .getLength(); i++) { Node posNode = coneEntry.getChildNodes().item(i); if ("escidoc:position".equals(posNode.getNodeName())) { String from = null; String until = null; String name = null; String id = null; Node node = posNode.getFirstChild().getFirstChild(); while (node != null) { if ("eprints:affiliatedInstitution" .equals(node.getNodeName())) { name = node.getFirstChild().getNodeValue(); } else if ("escidoc:start-date" .equals(node.getNodeName())) { from = node.getFirstChild().getNodeValue(); } else if ("escidoc:end-date" .equals(node.getNodeName())) { until = node.getFirstChild().getNodeValue(); } else if ("dc:identifier" .equals(node.getNodeName())) { id = node.getFirstChild().getNodeValue(); } node = node.getNextSibling(); } if (smaller(from, dateString) && smaller(dateString, until)) { OrganizationVO org = new OrganizationVO(); org.setName(name); org.setIdentifier(id); personVO.getOrganizations().add(org); } } } } else if (currentNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { throw new RuntimeException( "Ambigous CoNE entries for " + query); } currentNode = currentNode.getNextSibling(); } } else { throw new RuntimeException("Missing CoNE entry for " + query); } } else if (configuration != null && "true".equals(configuration.get("CoNE")) && ("no".equals(configuration.get("CurlyBracketsForCoNEAuthors")))) { String query = personVO.getFamilyName() + ", " + personVO.getGivenName(); Node coneEntries = Util.queryConeExact("persons", query, (configuration.get("OrganizationalUnit") != null ? configuration.get("OrganizationalUnit") : "")); Node coneNode = coneEntries.getFirstChild().getFirstChild(); if (coneNode != null) { Node currentNode = coneNode.getFirstChild(); boolean first = true; while (currentNode != null) { if (currentNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && first) { first = false; noConeEditorFound = false; Node coneEntry = currentNode; String coneId = coneEntry.getAttributes() .getNamedItem("rdf:about").getNodeValue(); personVO.setIdentifier(new IdentifierVO(IdType.CONE, coneId)); for (int i = 0; i < coneEntry.getChildNodes() .getLength(); i++) { Node posNode = coneEntry.getChildNodes().item(i); if ("escidoc:position".equals(posNode.getNodeName())) { String from = null; String until = null; String name = null; String id = null; Node node = posNode.getFirstChild().getFirstChild(); while (node != null) { if ("eprints:affiliatedInstitution" .equals(node.getNodeName())) { name = node.getFirstChild().getNodeValue(); } else if ("escidoc:start-date" .equals(node.getNodeName())) { from = node.getFirstChild().getNodeValue(); } else if ("escidoc:end-date" .equals(node.getNodeName())) { until = node.getFirstChild().getNodeValue(); } else if ("dc:identifier" .equals(node.getNodeName())) { id = node.getFirstChild().getNodeValue(); } node = node.getNextSibling(); } if (smaller(from, dateString) && smaller(dateString, until)) { OrganizationVO org = new OrganizationVO(); org.setName(name); org.setIdentifier(id); personVO.getOrganizations().add(org); } } } } else if (currentNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { throw new RuntimeException( "Ambigous CoNE entries for " + query); } currentNode = currentNode.getNextSibling(); } } } if (affiliation != null) { OrganizationVO organization = new OrganizationVO(); organization.setIdentifier(PropertyReader .getProperty("")); organization.setName(affiliation); organization.setAddress(affiliationAddress); personVO.getOrganizations().add(organization); } CreatorVO creatorVO = new CreatorVO(personVO, CreatorVO.CreatorRole.EDITOR); if ((bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.article || bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.inbook || bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.inproceedings || bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.conference || bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.incollection) && (sourceVO.getTitle() != null || sourceVO.getTitle() == null)) { sourceVO.getCreators().add(creatorVO); } else { mds.getCreators().add(creatorVO); } } } if (!teams.isEmpty()) { mds.getCreators().addAll(teams); } } catch (Exception e) { this.logger.error("An error occured while getting field 'editor'.", e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } // No CoNE Author or Editor Found if (noConeAuthorFound == true && noConeEditorFound == true && configuration != null && "true".equals(configuration.get("CoNE"))) { throw new RuntimeException("No CoNE-Author and no CoNE-Editor was found"); } // If no affiliation is given, set the first author to "external" boolean affiliationFound = false; for (CreatorVO creator : mds.getCreators()) { if (creator.getPerson() != null && creator.getPerson().getOrganizations() != null) { for (OrganizationVO organization : creator.getPerson().getOrganizations()) { if (organization.getIdentifier() != null) { affiliationFound = true; break; } } } } if (!affiliationFound && mds.getCreators().size() > 0) { OrganizationVO externalOrganization = new OrganizationVO(); externalOrganization.setName("External Organizations"); try { externalOrganization.setIdentifier( PropertyReader.getProperty("")); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Property not found", e); } if (mds.getCreators().get(0).getPerson() != null) { mds.getCreators().get(0).getPerson().getOrganizations().add(externalOrganization); } } // Mapping of "common" (maybe relevant), non standard BibTeX Entries // abstract if (fields.get("abstract") != null) { mds.getAbstracts().add(new AbstractVO(BibTexUtil .stripBraces(BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("abstract").toString()), false))); } // contents if (fields.get("contents") != null) { mds.setTableOfContents(BibTexUtil .stripBraces(BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("contents").toString()), false)); } // isbn if (fields.get("isbn") != null) { if (bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.inproceedings || bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.inbook || bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.incollection || bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.conference) { if (sourceVO != null) { sourceVO.getIdentifiers().add(new IdentifierVO(IdentifierVO.IdType.ISBN, BibTexUtil .stripBraces(BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("isbn").toString()), false))); } } else { mds.getIdentifiers().add(new IdentifierVO(IdentifierVO.IdType.ISBN, BibTexUtil .stripBraces(BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("isbn").toString()), false))); } } // issn if (fields.get("issn") != null) { if (bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.inproceedings || bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.inbook || bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.incollection || bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.conference) { if (sourceVO.getSources() != null && !sourceVO.getSources().isEmpty()) { sourceVO.getSources().get(0).getIdentifiers() .add(new IdentifierVO(IdentifierVO.IdType.ISSN, BibTexUtil.stripBraces( BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("issn").toString()), false))); } } else if (bibGenre == BibTexUtil.Genre.article) { if (sourceVO != null) { sourceVO.getIdentifiers().add(new IdentifierVO(IdentifierVO.IdType.ISSN, BibTexUtil .stripBraces(BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("issn").toString()), false))); } } else { mds.getIdentifiers().add(new IdentifierVO(IdentifierVO.IdType.ISSN, BibTexUtil .stripBraces(BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("issn").toString()), false))); } } // keywords if (fields.get("keywords") != null) { mds.setFreeKeywords(BibTexUtil .stripBraces(BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("keywords").toString()), false)); } // language /* * if (fields.get("language") != null) { * mds.getLanguages().add(BibTexUtil.stripBraces(BibTexUtil * .bibtexDecode(fields.get("language").toString ()), false)); } */ // subtitle if (fields.get("subtitle") != null) { mds.getAlternativeTitles().add(new AlternativeTitleVO(BibTexUtil .stripBraces(BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("subtitle").toString()), false))); } // url is now mapped to locator if (fields.get("url") != null) { // mds.getIdentifiers().add( // new IdentifierVO( // IdentifierVO.IdType.URI, // BibTexUtil.stripBraces(BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("url").toString()), false))); FileVO locator = new FileVO(); locator.setContent( BibTexUtil.stripBraces(BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("url").toString()), false)); locator.setName("Link"); locator.setStorage(FileVO.Storage.EXTERNAL_URL); locator.setVisibility(FileVO.Visibility.PUBLIC); locator.setContentCategory( ""); MdsFileVO metadata = new MdsFileVO(); metadata.setContentCategory( ""); metadata.setTitle("Link"); locator.getMetadataSets().add(metadata); itemVO.getFiles().add(locator); } // web_url as URI-Identifier else if (fields.get("web_url") != null) { mds.getIdentifiers().add(new IdentifierVO(IdentifierVO.IdType.URI, BibTexUtil .stripBraces(BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("web_url").toString()), false))); } // Prevent the creation of an empty source if (sourceVO.getTitle() != null && sourceVO.getTitle() != null && sourceVO.getTitle() != "" && sourceVO.getGenre() != null) { mds.getSources().add(sourceVO); // Prevent the creation of an empty second if (sourceVO.getSources() != null && !sourceVO.getSources().isEmpty() && sourceVO.getSources().get(0) != null && sourceVO.getSources().get(0).getTitle() != null && sourceVO.getSources().get(0).getTitle() != null && sourceVO.getSources().get(0).getTitle() != "") { mds.getSources().add(sourceVO.getSources().get(0)); } } // Prevent the creation of an empty second source if (secondSourceVO.getTitle() != null && secondSourceVO.getTitle() != null && secondSourceVO.getTitle() != "" && secondSourceVO.getGenre() != null) { mds.getSources().add(secondSourceVO); // Prevent the creation of an empty second if (secondSourceVO.getSources() != null && !secondSourceVO.getSources().isEmpty() && secondSourceVO.getSources().get(0) != null && secondSourceVO.getSources().get(0).getTitle() != null && secondSourceVO.getSources().get(0).getTitle() != null && secondSourceVO.getSources().get(0).getTitle() != "") { mds.getSources().add(secondSourceVO.getSources().get(0)); } } // New mapping for MPIS // DOI if (fields.get("doi") != null) { mds.getIdentifiers().add(new IdentifierVO(IdentifierVO.IdType.DOI, BibTexUtil.stripBraces(BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("doi").toString()), false))); } // eid if (fields.get("eid") != null) { if (mds.getSources().size() == 1) { mds.getSources().get(0).setSequenceNumber(BibTexUtil .stripBraces(BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("eid").toString()), false)); } } // rev if (fields.get("rev") != null) { if ("Peer".equals( BibTexUtil.stripBraces(BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("rev").toString()), false))) { mds.setReviewMethod(ReviewMethod.PEER); } else if ("No review".equals( BibTexUtil.stripBraces(BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("rev").toString()), false))) { mds.setReviewMethod(ReviewMethod.NO_REVIEW); } } // MPG-Affil if (fields.get("MPG-Affil") != null) { if ("Peer".equals(BibTexUtil .stripBraces(BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("MPG-Affil").toString()), false))) { // TODO } } // MPIS Groups if (fields.get("group") != null) { String[] groups = BibTexUtil .stripBraces(BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("group").toString()), false).split(","); for (String group : groups) { group = group.trim(); if (!"".equals(group)) { if (groupSet == null) { try { groupSet = loadGroupSet(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } if (!groupSet.contains(group)) { throw new RuntimeException("Group '" + group + "' not found."); } mds.getSubjects() .add(new SubjectVO(group, null, SubjectClassification.MPIS_GROUPS.toString())); } } } // MPIS Projects if (fields.get("project") != null) { String[] projects = BibTexUtil .stripBraces(BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(fields.get("project").toString()), false) .split(","); for (String project : projects) { project = project.trim(); if (!"".equals(project)) { if (projectSet == null) { try { projectSet = loadProjectSet(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } if (!projectSet.contains(project)) { throw new RuntimeException("Project '" + project + "' not found."); } mds.getSubjects().add( new SubjectVO(project, null, SubjectClassification.MPIS_PROJECTS.toString())); } } } // Cite Key mds.getIdentifiers().add(new IdentifierVO(IdType.BIBTEX_CITEKEY, entry.getEntryKey())); } else if (object instanceof BibtexToplevelComment) { this.logger.debug("Comment found: " + ((BibtexToplevelComment) object).getContent()); } } XmlTransforming xmlTransforming = new XmlTransformingBean(); try { if (entryFound) { return xmlTransforming.transformToItem(itemVO); } else { this.logger.warn("No entry found in BibTex record."); throw new RuntimeException(); } } catch (TechnicalException e) { this.logger.error("An error ocurred while transforming the item."); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private void addCreator(MdsPublicationVO publicationVO, BibtexPerson person, CreatorVO.CreatorRole role, String affiliation, String affiliationAddress) throws RuntimeException { PersonVO personVO = new PersonVO(); personVO.setFamilyName(BibTexUtil .bibtexDecode(person.getLast() + (person.getLineage() != null ? " " + person.getLineage() : "") + (person.getPreLast() != null ? ", " + person.getPreLast() : ""))); personVO.setGivenName(BibTexUtil.bibtexDecode(person.getFirst())); if (configuration != null && "true".equals(configuration.get("CoNE"))) { String query = personVO.getFamilyName() + " " + personVO.getGivenName() + " " + (configuration.get("OrganizationalUnit") != null ? configuration.get("OrganizationalUnit") : ""); List<String> coneEntries = Util.queryConeForJava("persons", query); if (coneEntries.size() == 1) { personVO.setIdentifier(new IdentifierVO(IdType.CONE, coneEntries.get(0))); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Ambigous CoNE entry for " + query + ": " + coneEntries); } } if (affiliation != null || affiliationAddress != null) { OrganizationVO organization = new OrganizationVO(); organization.setName(affiliation); organization.setAddress(affiliationAddress); try { organization.setIdentifier(PropertyReader.getProperty("")); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } personVO.getOrganizations().add(organization); } CreatorVO creatorVO = new CreatorVO(personVO, role); publicationVO.getCreators().add(creatorVO); } /** * Checks if date1 is before date2. * * @param date1 A date in one of the formats "YYYY", "YYYY-MM" or "YYYY-MM-DD" * @param date2 A date in one of the formats "YYYY", "YYYY-MM" or "YYYY-MM-DD" * @return Returns true if date1 is before date2 */ private boolean smaller(String date1, String date2) { if (date1 == null || "".equals(date1) || date2 == null || "".equals(date2)) { return true; } date1 = (date1 + "-01-01").substring(0, 10); date2 = (date2 + "-ZZ-ZZ").substring(0, 10); return date1.compareTo(date2) <= 0; } /** * Get group classification from CoNE. * * @return A set containing MPIS groups. * @throws Exception */ public static Set<String> loadGroupSet() throws Exception { HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient(); GetMethod getMethod = new GetMethod( PropertyReader.getProperty("escidoc.cone.service.url") + "mpis-groups/all?f=options"); httpClient.executeMethod(getMethod); InputStream inputStream = getMethod.getResponseBodyAsStream(); String line; Set<String> result = new HashSet<String>(); BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream, "UTF-8")); while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) { // result.add(line.replaceAll("(\\d|_)+\\|", "")); try { result.add(line.substring(line.indexOf("|") + 1, line.length())); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { } } inputStream.close(); return result; } /** * Get project classification from CoNE. * * @return A set containing MPIS projects. * @throws Exception */ public static Set<String> loadProjectSet() throws Exception { HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient(); GetMethod getMethod = new GetMethod( PropertyReader.getProperty("escidoc.cone.service.url") + "mpis-projects/all?f=options"); httpClient.executeMethod(getMethod); InputStream inputStream = getMethod.getResponseBodyAsStream(); String line; Set<String> result = new HashSet<String>(); BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream, "UTF-8")); while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) { try { result.add(line.substring(line.indexOf("|") + 1, line.length())); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { } // result.add(line.replaceAll("(\\d|_)+\\|", "")); } inputStream.close(); return result; } }