Java tutorial
// // Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Micromata GmbH // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // package de.micromata.genome.jpa.metainf; import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.AccessibleObject; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Member; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import; import javax.persistence.Column; import javax.persistence.ManyToMany; import javax.persistence.ManyToOne; import javax.persistence.OneToMany; import javax.persistence.OneToOne; import javax.persistence.Table; import javax.persistence.Transient; import javax.persistence.metamodel.Attribute; import javax.persistence.metamodel.EntityType; import javax.persistence.metamodel.ManagedType; import javax.persistence.metamodel.Metamodel; import javax.persistence.metamodel.PluralAttribute; import javax.persistence.metamodel.PluralAttribute.CollectionType; import javax.persistence.metamodel.Type; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import de.micromata.genome.jpa.EmgrFactory; import de.micromata.genome.util.bean.PrivateBeanUtils; import de.micromata.genome.util.runtime.ClassUtils; /** * Utils to build the JpaMetadataRepostory. * * @author Roger Rene Kommer ( */ public class MetaInfoUtils { /** * The Constant LOG. */ private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(MetaInfoUtils.class); /** * Fill entity metadata. * * @param emgrFac the emgr fac * @return the jpa metadata repostory */ public static JpaMetadataRepostory fillEntityMetadata(EmgrFactory<?> emgrFac) { JpaMetadataRepostory nrepo = new JpaMetadataRepostory(); Metamodel metamodel = emgrFac.getEntityManagerFactory().getMetamodel(); Set<ManagedType<?>> mtl = metamodel.getManagedTypes(); for (ManagedType<?> mt : mtl) { EntityMetadata empt = toEntityMetaData(mt); nrepo.getEntities().put(empt.getJavaType(), empt); } resolve(nrepo); buildReferences(nrepo); List<EntityMetadata> entities = buildSortedEnties(nrepo); nrepo.getTableEntities().addAll(entities); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled() == true) { LOG.debug("Sorted entities: " + -> e.getJavaType().getSimpleName()).collect(Collectors.toList())); } return nrepo; } private static List<EntityMetadata> buildSortedEnties(JpaMetadataRepostory nrepo) { List<EntityMetadata> unsortedTables = new ArrayList<>(nrepo.getEntities().size()); for (EntityMetadata em : nrepo.getEntities().values()) { if (em.isTableEntity() == true) { unsortedTables.add(em); } } Set<EntityMetadata> remainsings = new HashSet<>(unsortedTables); List<EntityMetadata> sortedTables = new ArrayList<>(); for (EntityMetadata table : unsortedTables) { addDepsFirst(table, remainsings, sortedTables); } return sortedTables; } private static void addDepsFirst(EntityMetadata table, Set<EntityMetadata> remainsings, List<EntityMetadata> sortedTable) { if (remainsings.contains(table) == false) { return; } remainsings.remove(table); for (EntityMetadata nt : table.getReferencedBy()) { addDepsFirst(nt, remainsings, sortedTable); } sortedTable.add(table); } /** * Resolve. * * @param nrepo the nrepo */ private static void resolve(JpaMetadataRepostory nrepo) { for (EntityMetadata ent : nrepo.getEntities().values()) { resolve(nrepo, ent); } } /** * Resolve. * * @param nrepo the nrepo * @param ent the ent */ private static void resolve(JpaMetadataRepostory nrepo, EntityMetadata ent) { for (ColumnMetadata cmd : ent.getColumns().values()) { resolve(nrepo, (ColumnMetadataBean) cmd); } } /** * Resolve. * * @param nrepo the nrepo * @param cmd the cmd */ private static void resolve(JpaMetadataRepostory nrepo, ColumnMetadataBean cmd) { resolveTargetEntity(nrepo, cmd); } private static void buildReferences(JpaMetadataRepostory nrepo) { for (EntityMetadata ent : nrepo.getEntities().values()) { EntityDependencies edeps = ent.getJavaType().getAnnotation(EntityDependencies.class); if (edeps != null) { for (Class<?> ref : edeps.references()) { EntityMetadata other = nrepo.getEntityMetadata(ref); ent.getReferencesTo().add(other); other.getReferencedBy().add(ent); } for (Class<?> ref : edeps.referencedBy()) { EntityMetadata other = nrepo.getEntityMetadata(ref); ent.getReferencedBy().add(other); other.getReferencesTo().add(ent); } } for (ColumnMetadata col : ent.getColumns().values()) { EntityMetadata te = col.getTargetEntity(); if (te == null) { continue; } if (col.isCollection() == true) { ManyToMany mm = col.findAnnoation(ManyToMany.class); if (mm != null) { // has to be declared by EntityDependencies continue; } ent.getReferencedBy().add(te); te.getReferencesTo().add(ent); continue; } ManyToOne mo = col.findAnnoation(ManyToOne.class); OneToMany om = col.findAnnoation(OneToMany.class); ManyToMany mm = col.findAnnoation(ManyToMany.class); if (mo != null) { te.getReferencedBy().add(ent); ent.getReferencesTo().add(te); } else { ent.getReferencedBy().add(te); te.getReferencesTo().add(ent); } } } } /** * Find set target entity. * * @param nrepo the nrepo * @param clazz the clazz * @param cmd the cmd * @return true, if successful */ private static boolean findSetTargetEntity(JpaMetadataRepostory nrepo, Class<?> clazz, ColumnMetadataBean cmd) { if (void.class == clazz) { return false; } EntityMetadata entmeta = nrepo.findEntityMetadata(clazz); if (entmeta == null) { LOG.warn("Cannot find targetEntity: " + clazz); return false; } cmd.setTargetEntity(entmeta); return true; } /** * Resolve target entity. * * @param nrepo the nrepo * @param cmd the cmd */ private static void resolveTargetEntity(JpaMetadataRepostory nrepo, ColumnMetadataBean cmd) { { OneToOne anot = cmd.findAnnoation(OneToOne.class); if (anot != null) { if (findSetTargetEntity(nrepo, anot.targetEntity(), cmd) == true) { return; } } } { OneToMany anot = cmd.findAnnoation(OneToMany.class); if (anot != null) { if (findSetTargetEntity(nrepo, anot.targetEntity(), cmd) == true) { return; } } } { ManyToOne anot = cmd.findAnnoation(ManyToOne.class); if (anot != null) { if (findSetTargetEntity(nrepo, anot.targetEntity(), cmd) == true) { return; } } } EntityMetadata entmeta = nrepo.findEntityMetadata(cmd.getJavaType()); if (entmeta != null) { cmd.setTargetEntity(entmeta); return; } if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(cmd.getJavaType()) == true) { Class<?> entclazz = cmd.getEntity().getJavaType(); Class<?> genClazz = ClassUtils.findGenericTypeFromProperty(entclazz, cmd.getName(), 0); if (genClazz != null) { entmeta = nrepo.findEntityMetadata(genClazz); if (entmeta != null) { cmd.setTargetEntity(entmeta); return; } } } } /** * To entity meta data. * * @param mt the mt * @return the entity metadata */ private static EntityMetadata toEntityMetaData(ManagedType<?> mt) { EntityMetadataBean ret = new EntityMetadataBean(); ret.setJavaType(mt.getJavaType()); if (mt instanceof EntityType) { EntityType ift = (EntityType) mt; ret.setDatabaseName(ift.getName()); } // TODO RK delete propDesc List<PropertyDescriptor> propDescs = Arrays.asList(PropertyUtils.getPropertyDescriptors(ret.getJavaType())); Set<?> attr = mt.getAttributes(); for (Object oa : attr) { Attribute<?, ?> at = (Attribute<?, ?>) oa; Optional<PropertyDescriptor> pdo = -> el.getName().equals(at.getName())) .findFirst(); ColumnMetadata colm = getColumnMetaData(ret, mt.getJavaType(), at, pdo); if (colm != null) { ret.getColumns().put(colm.getName(), colm); } } /// EntityType.getName() is not correct. Table[] tabs = mt.getJavaType().getAnnotationsByType(Table.class); if (tabs != null && tabs.length > 0) { for (Table tab : tabs) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank( == true) { ret.setDatabaseName(; break; } } } return ret; } /** * Gets the column meta data. * * @param emgrFac the emgr fac * @param entity the entity * @return the column meta data */ public static EntityMetadata getColumnMetaData(EmgrFactory<?> emgrFac, Class<?> entity) { EntityMetadataBean ret = new EntityMetadataBean(); Metamodel metamodel = emgrFac.getEntityManagerFactory().getMetamodel(); ManagedType<?> mt = metamodel.managedType(entity); return toEntityMetaData(mt); } /** * Gets the column meta data. * * @param entity the entity * @param entityClass the entity class * @param at the at * @param pdo the pdo * @return the column meta data */ public static ColumnMetadata getColumnMetaData(EntityMetadataBean entity, Class<?> entityClass, Attribute<?, ?> at, Optional<PropertyDescriptor> pdo) { ColumnMetadataBean ret = new ColumnMetadataBean(entity); ret.setName(at.getName()); ret.setJavaType(at.getJavaType()); ret.setAssociation(at.isAssociation()); ret.setCollection(at.isCollection()); if (at instanceof PluralAttribute) { PluralAttribute pa = (PluralAttribute) at; Type eltype = pa.getElementType(); CollectionType coltype = pa.getCollectionType(); } Member jm = at.getJavaMember(); // TODO maybe handle this. at.getPersistentAttributeType(); if ((jm instanceof AccessibleObject) == false) { LOG.warn("Column " + at.getName() + " ha no valid Java Member"); return ret; } AccessibleObject ao = (AccessibleObject) jm; getGetterSetter(entityClass, ao, pdo, ret); ret.setAnnotations(getFieldAndMemberAnnots(entityClass, ao)); if (ret.getAnnotations().stream().filter((anot) -> anot.getClass() == Transient.class).count() > 0) { return null; } Column colc = ao.getAnnotation(Column.class); if (colc == null) { ret.setMaxLength(255); return ret; } String name =; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(name) == true) { ret.setDatabaseName(ret.getName()); } else { ret.setDatabaseName(name); } ret.setMaxLength(colc.length()); ret.setUnique(colc.unique()); ret.setColumnDefinition(colc.columnDefinition()); ret.setInsertable(colc.insertable()); ret.setNullable(colc.nullable()); ret.setPrecision(colc.precision()); ret.setScale(colc.scale()); return ret; } /** * Gets the getter setter. * * @param entityClass the entity class * @param accessableObject the accessable object * @param pdo the pdo * @param ret the ret */ private static void getGetterSetter(Class<?> entityClass, AccessibleObject accessableObject, Optional<PropertyDescriptor> pdo, ColumnMetadataBean ret) { if (accessableObject instanceof Method) { ret.setGetter(PrivateBeanUtils.getMethodAttrGetter((Class) entityClass, (Method) accessableObject, Object.class)); } if (ret.getGetter() == null) { Method method = PrivateBeanUtils.findGetterFromField(entityClass, ret.getName(), ret.getJavaType()); if (method != null) { ret.setGetter(PrivateBeanUtils.getMethodAttrGetter((Class) entityClass, method, Object.class)); } } if (ret.getSetter() == null) { Method method = PrivateBeanUtils.findSetterFromField(entityClass, ret.getName(), ret.getJavaType()); if (method != null) { ret.setSetter(PrivateBeanUtils.getMethodAttrSetter((Class) entityClass, method, Object.class)); } } if (ret.getSetter() != null && ret.getGetter() != null) { return; } Field field = PrivateBeanUtils.findField(entityClass, ret.getName()); if (field == null) { if (ret.getGetter() != null) { // no warn on collections. LOG.warn("Cannot determine all getter method or field for " + entityClass.getName() + "." + ret.getName()); } return; } if (ret.getGetter() == null) { ret.setGetter(PrivateBeanUtils.getFieldAttrGetter((Class) entityClass, field, Object.class)); } if (ret.getSetter() == null) { ret.setSetter(PrivateBeanUtils.getFieldAttrSetter((Class) entityClass, field, Object.class)); } } /** * Gets the field and member annots. * * @param entityClass the entity class * @param ao the ao * @return the field and member annots */ private static List<Annotation> getFieldAndMemberAnnots(Class<?> entityClass, AccessibleObject ao) { List<Annotation> ret = new ArrayList<>(); fillAnnots(ao, ret); if (ao instanceof Field) { Field f = (Field) ao; Method m = PrivateBeanUtils.findGetterFromField(entityClass, f); if (m != null) { fillAnnots(m, ret); } } else if (ao instanceof Method) { Method method = (Method) ao; Field field = PrivateBeanUtils.findFieldFromGetter(entityClass, method); if (field != null) { fillAnnots(field, ret); } } return ret; } /** * Fill annots. * * @param ao the ao * @param anots the anots */ private static void fillAnnots(AccessibleObject ao, List<Annotation> anots) { for (Annotation anot : ao.getAnnotations()) { anots.add(anot); } } public static String dumpMetaTableReferenceByTree(List<EntityMetadata> deps, boolean fullTree) { Set<EntityMetadata> printed = new HashSet<>(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (EntityMetadata em : deps) { sb.append(em); sb.append("\n"); for (EntityMetadata re : em.getReferencedBy()) { if (fullTree == false) { if (printed.contains(re) == true) { continue; } printed.add(re); } String ident = " "; HashSet<EntityMetadata> used = new HashSet<>(); dumpReferencePath(sb, re, fullTree ? used : printed, ident); } } return sb.toString(); } private static void dumpReferencePath(StringBuilder sb, EntityMetadata em, Set<EntityMetadata> visited, String ident) { sb.append(ident).append(em); if (visited.contains(em) == true) { sb.append(" < CYCLIC ").append("\n"); return; } visited.add(em); sb.append("\n"); for (EntityMetadata re : em.getReferencedBy()) { dumpReferencePath(sb, re, visited, ident + " "); } } }