Java tutorial
// // Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Roger Rene Kommer & Micromata GmbH // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import de.micromata.genome.gdbfs.FsFileObject; import de.micromata.genome.gdbfs.FsObject; import de.micromata.genome.gwiki.model.GWikiElement; import de.micromata.genome.gwiki.model.GWikiElementInfo; import; import; import de.micromata.genome.gwiki.utils.WebUtils; import de.micromata.genome.util.matcher.AndMatcher; import de.micromata.genome.util.matcher.EqualsMatcher; import de.micromata.genome.util.matcher.LeftRightMatcherBase; import de.micromata.genome.util.matcher.Matcher; import de.micromata.genome.util.matcher.OrMatcher; import de.micromata.genome.util.matcher.string.StringMatcherBase; import de.micromata.genome.util.matcher.string.StringPatternMatcherBase; import de.micromata.genome.util.types.Pair; /** * ContentSearch using index text files. * * @author Roger Rene Kommer ( * */ public class IndexTextFilesContentSearcher implements ContentSearcher { @Override public Collection<String> getSearchMacros() { return Collections.emptyList(); } public static String readFileContent(GWikiContext ctx, String indexFile) { GWikiFileStorage gstore = (GWikiFileStorage) ctx.getWikiWeb().getStorage(); FsObject obj = gstore.getStorage().getFileObject(indexFile); if (obj == null) { return null; } if ((obj instanceof FsFileObject) == false) { return null; } FsFileObject file = (FsFileObject) obj; String content = file.readString(); return content; } protected void getTextSample(GWikiContext ctx, SearchResult res, String searchExpression, String pageId) { String indexFile = pageId + "TextExtract.txt"; String rawText = readFileContent(ctx, indexFile); if (rawText == null) { return; } String nsex = searchExpression.toUpperCase(); String nt = rawText.toUpperCase(); int idx = nt.indexOf(nsex); if (idx == -1) { return; } int startIdx = 0; if (idx > 100) { startIdx = idx - 100; } int endIdx = idx + 100; if (rawText.length() - 1 < idx + 100) { endIdx = rawText.length() - 1; } String sample = rawText.substring(startIdx, endIdx); res.setTextExerpt(sample); } protected SearchResult findResult(GWikiContext ctx, String searchExpression, String pageId) { String indexFile = pageId + "TextIndex.txt"; String content = readFileContent(ctx, indexFile); if (content == null) { return null; } String normExpress = NormalizeUtils.normalize(searchExpression); if (content.indexOf(normExpress) == -1) { return null; } SearchResult sr = new SearchResult(ctx.getWikiWeb().findElementInfo(pageId)); getTextSample(ctx, sr, searchExpression, pageId); return sr; } public List<SearchResult> search(GWikiContext ctx, String searchExpression, int maxCount) { SearchMatcherFactory fac = new SearchMatcherFactory(); Matcher<String> matcher = fac.createMatcher(searchExpression); return search(ctx, matcher, maxCount); } private static class SearchResultIdComparator implements Comparator<SearchResult> { @Override public int compare(SearchResult o1, SearchResult o2) { return o1.getPageId().compareTo(o2.getPageId()); } } private Collection<SearchResult> or(Collection<SearchResult> first, Collection<SearchResult> second) { Map<String, SearchResult> ret = new TreeMap<String, SearchResult>(); for (SearchResult sr : first) { ret.put(sr.getPageId(), sr); } for (SearchResult sr : second) { SearchResult or = ret.get(sr.getPageId()); if (or != null) { or.setRelevance(or.getRelevance() + sr.getRelevance() + 50); } else { ret.put(sr.getPageId(), sr); } } // Set<SearchResult> set = new TreeSet<SearchResult>(new SearchResultIdComparator()); // ret. return ret.values(); } private Collection<SearchResult> and(Collection<SearchResult> first, Collection<SearchResult> second) { Set<SearchResult> ret = new TreeSet<SearchResult>(new SearchResultIdComparator()); ret.addAll(first); ret.retainAll(second); return ret; } private int getWeightFromLine(String content, int idx) { while (idx >= 0) { if (content.charAt(idx) == '|') { break; } --idx; } int eidx = idx; while (idx >= 0) { if (content.charAt(idx) == '\n') { break; } --idx; } String pt = content.substring(idx + 1, eidx); try { return Integer.parseInt(pt); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { return 1; } } // private String getFullWordFromLine(String content, int idx) // { // int i = idx; // while (i >= 0) { // if (content.charAt(i) == '|') { // ++i; // break; // } // --i; // } // int sidx = i; // i = idx; // while (i < content.length()) { // if (content.charAt(i) == '\n') { // break; // } // ++i; // } // int eidx = i; // if (sidx < eidx) { // return content.substring(sidx, eidx); // } // return ""; // } private Pair<String, Integer> findInIdxText(String content, Matcher<String> matcher) { String pt; if (matcher instanceof StringPatternMatcherBase) { pt = ((StringPatternMatcherBase<String>) matcher).getPattern(); } else if (matcher instanceof EqualsMatcher) { pt = ((EqualsMatcher<String>) matcher).getOther(); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported Matcher"); } String normpt = NormalizeUtils.normalize(pt); String fqnpt = "|" + normpt + "\n"; int idx = content.indexOf(fqnpt); boolean exactMatch = false; if (idx != -1) { exactMatch = true; } else { idx = content.indexOf(normpt); if (idx == -1) { return null; } } int hit = 0; if (exactMatch == true) { hit = 3; } int weight = getWeightFromLine(content, idx); if (exactMatch == true) { return Pair.make(normpt, hit * weight); } return Pair.make(normpt, hit * weight); } // private Pair<String, Integer> findInIdxText(String content, StringMatcherBase<String> matcher) // { // if (matcher instanceof StringPatternMatcherBase) { // return findInIdxText(content, (StringPatternMatcherBase<String>) matcher); // } // throw new RuntimeException("not supported Matcher Type: " + matcher.getClass().getName()); // } private int getFoundIndexWeightOld(GWikiContext ctx, SearchResult res, Matcher<String> matcher) { String indexFile = res.getPageId() + "TextIndex.txt"; String content = readFileContent(ctx, indexFile); if (content == null) { return 0; } Pair<String, Integer> p = findInIdxText(content, matcher); if (p == null) { return 0; } return p.getSecond(); } /** * * @param ctx * @param res * @param matcher * @return -1 not in index, 0 not found, > 0 found */ private int getFoundIndexWeight(GWikiContext ctx, SearchResult res, Matcher<String> matcher) { GWikiElement gf = ctx.getWikiWeb().findElement(GlobalIndexFile.GLOBAL_INDEX_PAGEID); if (gf == null) { return getFoundIndexWeightOld(ctx, res, matcher); } GlobalWordIndexTextArtefakt gfa = (GlobalWordIndexTextArtefakt) gf.getMainPart(); String pt; if (matcher instanceof StringPatternMatcherBase) { pt = ((StringPatternMatcherBase<String>) matcher).getPattern(); } else if (matcher instanceof EqualsMatcher) { pt = ((EqualsMatcher<String>) matcher).getOther(); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported Matcher"); } String normpt = NormalizeUtils.normalize(pt); return gfa.getFoundIndexWeight(ctx, res, normpt); } private Collection<SearchResult> filterByContent(GWikiContext ctx, Collection<SearchResult> infos, Matcher<String> matcher) { List<SearchResult> ret = new ArrayList<SearchResult>(); for (SearchResult sr : infos) { int w = getFoundIndexWeight(ctx, sr, matcher); if (w <= 0) { continue; } ret.add(new SearchResult(sr, sr.getRelevance() + w)); } return ret; } private Collection<SearchResult> filter(GWikiContext ctx, Collection<SearchResult> infos, Matcher<String> matcher) { if (matcher instanceof AndMatcher) { AndMatcher<String> am = (AndMatcher<String>) matcher; Collection<SearchResult> lc = filter(ctx, infos, am.getLeftMatcher()); Collection<SearchResult> rc = filter(ctx, infos, am.getRightMatcher()); return and(lc, rc); } else if (matcher instanceof OrMatcher) { OrMatcher<String> am = (OrMatcher<String>) matcher; Collection<SearchResult> lc = filter(ctx, infos, am.getLeftMatcher()); Collection<SearchResult> rc = filter(ctx, infos, am.getRightMatcher()); return or(lc, rc); } else if (matcher instanceof StringMatcherBase || matcher instanceof EqualsMatcher) { return filterByContent(ctx, infos, matcher); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Matcher not supported for Search: " + matcher.getClass()); } } public static class SearchResultByRelevanceComparator implements Comparator<SearchResult> { @Override public int compare(SearchResult o1, SearchResult o2) { return o2.getRelevance() - o1.getRelevance(); } } private String getSampleByMatcher(Matcher<String> matcher) { if (matcher instanceof StringPatternMatcherBase) { return ((StringPatternMatcherBase<String>) matcher).getPattern(); } if (matcher instanceof LeftRightMatcherBase) { LeftRightMatcherBase<String> mm = (LeftRightMatcherBase<String>) matcher; return getSampleByMatcher(mm.getLeftMatcher()); } return ""; } public List<SearchResult> search(GWikiContext ctx, Matcher<String> matcher, int maxCount) { List<SearchResult> ret = new ArrayList<SearchResult>(); Iterable<GWikiElementInfo> allPis = ctx.getWikiWeb().getElementInfos(); List<SearchResult> alls = new ArrayList<SearchResult>(ctx.getWikiWeb().getElementInfoCount()); for (GWikiElementInfo ei : allPis) { alls.add(new SearchResult(ei)); } ret.addAll(filter(ctx, alls, matcher)); Collections.sort(ret, new SearchResultByRelevanceComparator()); String sampleText = getSampleByMatcher(matcher); for (int i = 0; i < maxCount && i < ret.size(); ++i) { getTextSample(ctx, ret.get(i), sampleText, ret.get(i).getPageId()); } return ret; } public void addElement(GWikiElement el) { } public void removeElement(GWikiElementInfo ei) { } public void replaceElement(GWikiElement el) { } @Override public QueryResult search(GWikiContext ctx, SearchQuery query) { List<SearchResult> lres = search(ctx, query.getSearchExpression(), query.getMaxCount()); return new QueryResult(lres, lres.size()); } @Override public void rebuildIndex(GWikiContext wikiContext, String pageId, boolean full) { throw new RuntimeException("rebuildIndex not supported"); } public static String reworkRawTextForPreview(String str) { str = WebUtils.escapeHtml(str); str = StringUtils.replace(str, "\n", "<br/>\n"); return str; } public static String getHtmlPreviewS(GWikiContext ctx, String pageId) { String indexFile = pageId + "TextExtract.txt"; String ret = readFileContent(ctx, indexFile); if (ret == null) { return ret; } return reworkRawTextForPreview(ret); } @Override public String getHtmlPreview(GWikiContext ctx, String pageId) { return getHtmlPreviewS(ctx, pageId); } }