Java tutorial
// // Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Micromata GmbH // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // package de.micromata.genome.db.jpa.logging; import de.micromata.genome.db.jpa.logging.entities.BaseLogAttributeDO; import de.micromata.genome.db.jpa.logging.entities.BaseLogMasterDO; import de.micromata.genome.db.jpa.logging.entities.EntityLogSearchAttribute; import de.micromata.genome.jpa.DefaultEmgr; import de.micromata.genome.jpa.EmgrCallable; import de.micromata.genome.jpa.EmgrFactory; import de.micromata.genome.logging.EndOfSearch; import de.micromata.genome.logging.Escape; import de.micromata.genome.logging.FallbackLogging; import de.micromata.genome.logging.GLog; import de.micromata.genome.logging.GenomeLogCategory; import de.micromata.genome.logging.LogAttribute; import de.micromata.genome.logging.LogAttributeType; import de.micromata.genome.logging.LogEntry; import de.micromata.genome.logging.LogEntryCallback; import de.micromata.genome.logging.LogLevel; import de.micromata.genome.logging.LogWriteEntry; import de.micromata.genome.util.types.Converter; import de.micromata.genome.util.types.Pair; import java.beans.BeanInfo; import java.beans.IntrospectionException; import java.beans.Introspector; import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.persistence.Column; import javax.persistence.Query; import org.apache.commons.collections4.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ObjectUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.StopWatch; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; /** * Logging implementation based on JPA. * * @author Roger Rene Kommer ( * */ public abstract class BaseJpaLoggingImpl<M extends BaseLogMasterDO<?>> extends FallbackLogging { /** * The colsize. */ public static final int COLSIZE = 3990; /** * The colnum. */ public static final int COLNUM = 1; /** * The Constant log. */ private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(BaseJpaLoggingImpl.class); /** * The Constant propertyNamesByColumnNames. */ private static final Map<String, String> propertyNamesByColumnNames; static { propertyNamesByColumnNames = new HashMap<String, String>(); propertyNamesByColumnNames.put("CREATEDAT", "createdAt"); propertyNamesByColumnNames.put("MODIFIEDAT", "modifiedAt"); propertyNamesByColumnNames.put("TA_LOG_MASTER", "pk"); propertyNamesByColumnNames.put("CATEGORY", "category"); propertyNamesByColumnNames.put("LOGLEVEL", "loglevel"); } public static class SearchColumnDesc { PropertyDescriptor pdesc; int maxLength; public SearchColumnDesc(PropertyDescriptor pdesc, int maxLength) { this.pdesc = pdesc; this.maxLength = maxLength; } } /** * The searchable attribute properties. * */ private Map<String, SearchColumnDesc> searchableAttributeProperties = new HashMap<>(); /** * Entity class of LogMaster. * * @return the class of the master */ protected abstract Class<M> getMasterClass(); /** * Create a new empty imstance of the Master Entity. * * @return the newly created master */ protected abstract M createNewMaster(); /** * The entity manager to persist the logging. * * @return the factory of the entity manager */ protected abstract EmgrFactory<DefaultEmgr> getEmgrFactory(); /** * {@inheritDoc} * */ @Override protected void doCustomInitialization() { } /** * Inits the. */ protected void initProps() { final BeanInfo bi; try { bi = Introspector.getBeanInfo(getMasterClass()); } catch (IntrospectionException e) { log.error("unable to introspect hibernate DO for logging -> no searchable fields will be available", e); return; } for (PropertyDescriptor pd : bi.getPropertyDescriptors()) { if (pd.getReadMethod() == null || pd.getWriteMethod() == null) { continue; } EntityLogSearchAttribute ent = pd.getReadMethod().getAnnotation(EntityLogSearchAttribute.class); if (ent == null) { continue; } Column col = pd.getReadMethod().getAnnotation(Column.class); if (col == null) { log.warn("Found EntityLogSearchAttribute but no Column: " + pd); continue; } for (String en : ent.enumName()) { searchableAttributeProperties.put(en, new SearchColumnDesc(pd, col.length())); } } } /** * {@inheritDoc} * */ @Override public void doLogImplWithFallback(LogWriteEntry lwe) { final M master = createNewMaster(); copyMasterFields(master, lwe); EmgrFactory<DefaultEmgr> mgrfac = getEmgrFactory(); mgrfac.tx().go(mgr -> { mgr.insert(master); return null; }); } /** * Split cols string. * * @param content the content * @param cols the cols * @return the string */ public static String splitColsString(String content, List<String> cols) { if (content == null) { return null; } for (int i = 0; i < COLNUM && content.length() > 0; ++i) { String t = Converter.trimUtf8(content, COLSIZE); content = StringUtils.substring(content, t.length()); cols.add(t); // alt aber gehend // int byteL = COLSIZE; // String t = StringUtils.substring(content, 0, byteL); // // byte[] contentBytes = Converter.bytesFromString(t); // if (contentBytes.length > COLSIZE) { // int dif = (contentBytes.length - COLSIZE); // byteL = t.length() - dif; // t = StringUtils.substring(content, 0, byteL); // } // cols.add(t); } return content; } /** * Split cols. * * @param ccontent the ccontent * @param defaultInserts the default inserts * @return the list */ public static List<List<Object>> splitCols(String ccontent, List<Object> defaultInserts) { List<List<Object>> il = new ArrayList<List<Object>>(); int rowNum = 0; String c = ccontent; while (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(c) == true) { List<Object> l = new ArrayList<Object>(); l.addAll(defaultInserts); l.add(rowNum); List<String> cols = new ArrayList<String>(); c = splitColsString(c, cols); int i = 1; for (; i <= cols.size(); ++i) { l.add(cols.get(i - 1)); } for (; i <= COLNUM; ++i) { l.add(""); } il.add(l); ++rowNum; } return il; } private String shortendToCol(SearchColumnDesc colDesc, String value) { if (StringUtils.length(value) <= colDesc.maxLength) { return value; } return value.substring(0, colDesc.maxLength); } /** * Copy master fields. * * @param master the master * @param lwe the lwe */ private void copyMasterFields(M master, LogWriteEntry lwe) { master.setPk((Long) lwe.getLogEntryIndex()); master.setCategory(lwe.getCategory()); master.setLoglevel((short) lwe.getLevel().getLevel()); String message = escapeNullBytes(lwe.getMessage()); master.setMessage(message); master.setShortmessage(message); if (lwe.getTimestamp() != 0) { master.setCreatedAt(new Date(lwe.getTimestamp())); } if (lwe.getAttributes() == null) { return; } for (LogAttribute attr : lwe.getAttributes()) { boolean handled = false; final String normalizedValue = escapeNullBytes(getLengthNormalizedValue(lwe, attr)); if (attr.getType().isSearchKey() == true) { SearchColumnDesc colDesc = searchableAttributeProperties.get(attr.getType().name()); if (colDesc != null) { String val = shortendToCol(colDesc, normalizedValue); try { colDesc.pdesc.getWriteMethod().invoke(master, val); handled = true; } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Exception while setting searchable attribute '" + colDesc.pdesc.getName() + "'", e); } } else { log.warn("JpaLogging; No column found for searchable attribute: " + attr.getType().name()); } } if (handled == false) { List<Object> deflist = new ArrayList<Object>(); List<List<Object>> list = splitCols(normalizedValue, deflist); long partNr = 0; for (List<Object> la : list) { // for (Object contentPartO : la) { String contentPart = (String) la.get(1); BaseLogAttributeDO<?> logAttr = master.createAddAttribute(); // IdClass id = IdClass(); logAttr.setBaseLogAttribute(attr.getType().name()); logAttr.setDatarow(partNr++); logAttr.setDatacol1(contentPart); } } } } /** * Replaces all Null-Bytes in the value * This is required, because i.e. Postgres fails with exception "invalid byte sequence 0x00" * * @param value the value where to escape the null bytes * @return the escaped string */ private String escapeNullBytes(String value) { return Escape.nullBytes(value); } /** * Copy master fields. * * @param lwe the lwe * @param master the master * @param masterOnly the master only */ private void copyMasterFields(LogEntry lwe, M master, boolean masterOnly) { lwe.setCategory(master.getCategory()); lwe.setLogLevel(LogLevel.getLevelFrom(master.getLoglevel())); lwe.setMessage(master.getMessage()); lwe.setTimestamp(master.getCreatedAt().getTime()); lwe.setLogEntryIndex(master.getPk()); List<LogAttribute> attributes = new ArrayList<LogAttribute>(); lwe.setAttributes(attributes); for (Map.Entry<String, SearchColumnDesc> pe : searchableAttributeProperties.entrySet()) { try { String value = (String) pe.getValue().pdesc.getReadMethod().invoke(master, ArrayUtils.EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY); if (value != null) { lwe.getAttributes().add(new LogAttribute(getAttributeTypeByString(pe.getKey()), value)); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Exception while reading searchable LogAttribute '" + pe.getValue().pdesc.getName() + "'; " + e.getMessage()); } } if (masterOnly == true) { return; } appendLogAttributes(lwe, master); } protected int sort(final BaseLogAttributeDO<M> first, final BaseLogAttributeDO<M> second) { int c = first.getBaseLogAttribute().compareTo(second.getBaseLogAttribute()); if (c != 0) { return c; } c =, second.getDatarow()); return c; } private void appendLogAttributes(LogEntry lwe, M master) { final Collection<BaseLogAttributeDO<M>> attrs = (Collection) master.getAttributes(); List<BaseLogAttributeDO<M>> sortedAttrs = new ArrayList<>(); sortedAttrs.addAll(attrs); sortedAttrs.sort((first, second) -> sort(first, second)); String lastAttr = null; LogAttribute lastLogAttr = null; String notFoundAttrType = null; final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (BaseLogAttributeDO<M> attrDo : sortedAttrs) { if (StringUtils.equals(notFoundAttrType, attrDo.getBaseLogAttribute()) == true) { continue; } if (StringUtils.equals(lastAttr, attrDo.getBaseLogAttribute()) == false) { lastAttr = attrDo.getBaseLogAttribute(); if (lastLogAttr != null) { lastLogAttr.setValue(sb.toString()); } LogAttributeType type = getAttributeTypeByString(attrDo.getBaseLogAttribute()); if (type == null) { log.warn("LogAttributeType '" + attrDo.getBaseLogAttribute() + "' is not registered"); notFoundAttrType = attrDo.getBaseLogAttribute(); continue; } lastLogAttr = new LogAttribute(type, ""); lwe.getAttributes().add(lastLogAttr); sb.setLength(0); } sb.append(attrDo.getDatacol1()); } if (lastLogAttr != null) { lastLogAttr.setValue(sb.toString()); lastLogAttr = null; } } /** * Gets the length normalized value. * * @param lwe the lwe * @param la the la * @return the length normalized value */ protected String getLengthNormalizedValue(LogWriteEntry lwe, LogAttribute la) { String value = la.getValueToWrite(lwe); if (la.getType().maxValueSize() > 0) { return LogAttribute.shorten(value, la.getType().maxValueSize()); } return value; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * */ @Override protected void selectLogsImpl(Timestamp start, Timestamp end, Integer loglevel, String category, String msg, List<Pair<String, String>> logAttributes, final int startRow, final int maxRow, List<OrderBy> orderBy, final boolean masterOnly, final LogEntryCallback callback) throws EndOfSearch { final StopWatch sw = new StopWatch(); sw.start(); final StringBuilder queryStringBuilder = new StringBuilder( "select lm from " + getMasterClass().getName() + " as lm"); if (masterOnly == false) { queryStringBuilder.append(" left outer join fetch lm.attributes"); } boolean firstWhere = true; // final List<Object> args = new ArrayList<Object>(); Map<String, Object> argmap = new HashMap<>(); if (start != null) { firstWhere = addWhere(queryStringBuilder, firstWhere, "lm.createdAt >= :createdAtMin"); argmap.put("createdAtMin", start); } if (end != null) { firstWhere = addWhere(queryStringBuilder, firstWhere, "lm.createdAt <= :createdAtMax"); argmap.put("createdAtMax", end); } if (loglevel != null) { firstWhere = addWhere(queryStringBuilder, firstWhere, "lm.loglevel >= :logLevelMin"); argmap.put("logLevelMin", new Short(loglevel.shortValue())); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(category) == true) { firstWhere = addWhere(queryStringBuilder, firstWhere, "lm.category = :category"); argmap.put("category", category); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(msg) == true) { firstWhere = addWhere(queryStringBuilder, firstWhere, "lm.shortmessage like :message"); argmap.put("message", msg + "%"); } if (logAttributes != null) { int attrNum = 0; for (Pair<String, String> pat : logAttributes) { ++attrNum; LogAttributeType at = getAttributeTypeByString(pat.getFirst()); if (at == null) { GLog.warn(GenomeLogCategory.Configuration, "SelLogs; Cannot find LogAttribute: " + pat.getFirst()); continue; } if (at.isSearchKey() == false) { GLog.warn(GenomeLogCategory.Configuration, "SelLogs; LogAttribute not searchable: " + pat.getFirst()); continue; } if (StringUtils.contains(pat.getSecond(), "%") == false) { firstWhere = addWhere(queryStringBuilder, firstWhere, at.columnName(), " = :attr" + attrNum); } else { firstWhere = addWhere(queryStringBuilder, firstWhere, at.columnName(), " like :attr" + attrNum); } argmap.put("attr" + attrNum, pat.getSecond()); } } if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(orderBy) == false) { queryStringBuilder.append(" order by "); boolean first = true; for (OrderBy order : orderBy) { if (first == true) { first = false; } else { queryStringBuilder.append(", "); } String propertyName = convertColumnNameToPropertyName(order.getColumn()); queryStringBuilder.append("lm.").append((propertyName != null) ? propertyName : order.getColumn()); // eventually // requires // translation // to // propertynames queryStringBuilder.append(order.isDescending() ? " desc" : " asc"); } } EmgrFactory<DefaultEmgr> mgrfac = getEmgrFactory(); mgrfac.runInTrans(new EmgrCallable<Void, DefaultEmgr>() { @Override public Void call(DefaultEmgr mgr) { Query query = mgr.createQuery(queryStringBuilder.toString()); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> arg : argmap.entrySet()) { query.setParameter(arg.getKey(), arg.getValue()); } query.setFirstResult(startRow); if (masterOnly == true) { query.setMaxResults(maxRow); } else { query.setMaxResults(maxRow * 10); // pessimistic assumption: // 10 attributes per // master entry } List<M> res = query.getResultList(); for (M lmDo : res) { LogEntry le = new LogEntry(); copyMasterFields(le, lmDo, masterOnly); try { callback.onRow(le); } catch (EndOfSearch eos) { break; } } return null; } }); } /** * Convert column name to property name. * * @param column the column * @return the string */ private String convertColumnNameToPropertyName(String column) { final String rVal = propertyNamesByColumnNames.get(column); if (rVal != null) { return rVal; } return column;//not to make .toLowerCase(); } /** * Adds the where. * * @param sb the sb * @param firstWhere the first where * @param strings the strings * @return true, if successful */ private boolean addWhere(StringBuilder sb, boolean firstWhere, String... strings) { if (firstWhere == true) { sb.append(" where "); } else { sb.append(" and "); } for (String s : strings) { sb.append(s); } return false; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * */ @Override protected void selectLogsImpl(List<Object> logIds, final boolean masterOnly, LogEntryCallback callback) throws EndOfSearch { EmgrFactory<DefaultEmgr> mgrfac = getEmgrFactory(); for (final Object logId : logIds) { LogEntry le = mgrfac.runInTrans(new EmgrCallable<LogEntry, DefaultEmgr>() { @Override public LogEntry call(DefaultEmgr mgr) { Query query; if (masterOnly == true) { query = mgr.createQuery( "select lm from " + getMasterClass().getName() + " as lm where = :pk"); } else { query = mgr.createQuery("select lm from " + getMasterClass().getName() + " as lm left outer join fetch lm.attributes where = :pk"); } query.setParameter("pk", logId); LogEntry le = new LogEntry(); M lmDo = (M) query.getSingleResult(); copyMasterFields(le, lmDo, masterOnly); return le; } }); callback.onRow(le); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} * */ @Override public String formatLogId(Object logId) { return ((Long) logId).toString(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * */ @Override public Object parseLogId(String logId) { return Long.valueOf(logId); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * */ @Override public boolean supportsFulltextSearch() { return false; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * */ @Override public boolean supportsSearch() { return true; } }