Java tutorial
/* ProbUI - a probabilistic reinterpretation of bounding boxes designed to facilitate creating dynamic and adaptive mobile touch GUIs. Copyright (C) 2017 Daniel Buschek This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package de.lmu.ifi.medien.probui.system; import; import android.util.Log; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewTreeObserver; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import de.lmu.ifi.medien.probui.R; import de.lmu.ifi.medien.probui.behaviours.ProbBehaviourLinker; import de.lmu.ifi.medien.probui.exceptions.WrongObservationDelegationException; import de.lmu.ifi.medien.probui.gui.ProbInteractor; import de.lmu.ifi.medien.probui.gui.ProbUIContainer; import de.lmu.ifi.medien.probui.observations.ProbObservationFactory; import de.lmu.ifi.medien.probui.observations.ProbObservationTouch; /** * Created by Daniel on 05.07.2015. */ public class ProbUIManager { /** * Instance for the singleton pattern. */ protected static ProbUIManager instance; /** * The view to be managed by this manager. This can be thought of as the root view * of the (part of the) interface that should be managed probabilistically. */ protected View view; /** * The container layout within the view that is managed by this manager. * This is mainly needed to intercept touch events across all normal Android UI elements, * for example dragging across multiple buttons. */ ProbUIContainer container; protected int screenWidth; protected int screenHeight; /** * The mediator used for probabilistic reasoning over the probInteractors managed by this manager. */ protected ProbUIMediator mediator; /** * Array to hold last touch observations. * Defined here instead of local variable for GC reasons. */ protected List<ProbObservationTouch> currentTouchObservations = new ArrayList<ProbObservationTouch>(); protected List<ProbObservationTouch> previousTouchObservations = new ArrayList<ProbObservationTouch>(); /** * List of the probInteractors managed by this manager. */ protected List<ProbInteractor> probInteractors; private List<View> nonProbInteractors; protected boolean setupFinalised = false; private MotionEvent lastTouchEvent; public ProbUIManager(View view, int containerID) { this.view = view; container = (ProbUIContainer) view.findViewById(containerID); container.registerProbUIManager(this); // Call finaliseSetup() after Android has finished layouting the container: ViewTreeObserver vto = container.getViewGroup().getViewTreeObserver(); vto.addOnGlobalLayoutListener(new ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener() { @Override public void onGlobalLayout() { container.getViewGroup().getViewTreeObserver().removeGlobalOnLayoutListener(this); screenWidth = container.getViewGroup().getMeasuredWidth(); screenHeight = container.getViewGroup().getMeasuredHeight(); Log.d("ProbUIManager", "onGlobalLayout: " + screenWidth + ", " + screenHeight); finaliseSetup(); } }); // init probInteractors list: this.probInteractors = new ArrayList<ProbInteractor>(); this.nonProbInteractors = new ArrayList<View>(); // init mediator: this.mediator = new ProbUIMediatorImpl(); } /** * Adds the given interactor to this manager. * The manager can only manage probInteractors added to it in this way. * * @param interactor */ public void addProbInteractor(ProbInteractor interactor) { this.probInteractors.add(interactor); this.mediator.addInteractor(interactor); interactor.getCore().setMediationRequestListener(this.mediator); } private void addNonProbInteractor(View interactor) { this.nonProbInteractors.add(interactor); } /** * Called once implicitly, when the ProbUIContainer is ready (i.e. has been layouted by Android). * Triggers behaviour setup of the probInteractors. */ public void finaliseSetup() { for (ProbInteractor interactor : this.probInteractors) { interactor.getCore().updateSurfaceSize(this.screenWidth, this.screenHeight); } // one time switch (once container has actual size, i.e. Android has finally finished layouting...): if (this.setupFinalised || this.container.getWidth() == 0) return; this.setupFinalised = true; // call on setup of the probInteractors: for (ProbInteractor interactor : this.probInteractors) { interactor.onProbSetup(); interactor.getCore().setReady(); } // add a default touch pattern: for (ProbInteractor interactor : this.probInteractors) { String[] bbs = interactor.getDefaultBehaviours(); if (bbs != null && bbs.length > 0) for (int i = 0; i < bbs.length; i++) { ProbBehaviourLinker.linkPresetProbBehaviourTouch(this, interactor, bbs[i], i > 0, this.view.getContext().getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density); } } } public int getSurfaceWidth() { return this.screenWidth; } public int getSurfaceHeight() { return this.screenHeight; } public List<ProbInteractor> getProbInteractors() { return this.probInteractors; } /** * Called by the container ViewGroup when a touch event is received. * * @param ev */ public void manageTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) throws WrongObservationDelegationException { this.lastTouchEvent = ev; this.manageHelper(ev); } public void manageHelper(MotionEvent ev) throws WrongObservationDelegationException { this.currentTouchObservations.clear(); int action = MotionEventCompat.getActionMasked(ev); int index = MotionEventCompat.getActionIndex(ev); int pointerID = ev.getPointerId(index); int type = -1; switch (action) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN: type = ProbObservationTouch.TYPE_TOUCH_DOWN; break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: type = ProbObservationTouch.TYPE_TOUCH_MOVE; break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP: type = ProbObservationTouch.TYPE_TOUCH_UP; break; default: type = -1; break; } long timestamp = ev.getEventTime(); ProbObservationTouch observation = ProbObservationFactory.createTouchObservation(ev.getX(index), ev.getY(index), ev.getX(index) * 1.0 / container.getWidth(), ev.getY(index) * 1.0 / container.getHeight(), ev.getOrientation(index), ev.getTouchMinor(index) * 1.0 / container.getWidth(), ev.getTouchMajor(index) * 1.0 / container.getHeight(), ev.getPressure(index), type, pointerID, timestamp); this.currentTouchObservations.add(observation); // Since move is always associated with the first pointer, // we need to manually duplicate it for the second one // (TODO: and for further pointers, if we change it to more than 2): if (ev.getPointerCount() == 2 && type == ProbObservationTouch.TYPE_TOUCH_MOVE) { ProbObservationTouch observation2 = ProbObservationFactory.createTouchObservation(ev.getX(index), ev.getY(index), ev.getX(1) * 1.0 / container.getWidth(), ev.getY(1) * 1.0 / container.getHeight(), ev.getOrientation(1), ev.getToolMinor(1) * 1.0 / container.getWidth(), ev.getToolMajor(1) * 1.0 / container.getHeight(), ev.getPressure(1), type, ev.getPointerId(1), timestamp); this.currentTouchObservations.add(observation2); } //Log.d("MULTITOUCH", "type: " + type + ", index: " + pointerID + ", size: " + ev.getTouchMajor(index) * 1.0 / container.getHeight()); // Distribute touch observation to the cores of all probInteractors // (for reasoning by these interactor cores!, not for visual feedback etc. - that comes below: interactor.onTouchDown etc.) boolean passedOn = false; for (ProbInteractor interactor : this.probInteractors) { for (int i = 0; i < this.currentTouchObservations.size(); i++) { ProbObservationTouch obs = this.currentTouchObservations.get(i); if (obs == null) continue; if (obs.getNominalFeatures()[0] != ProbObservationTouch.TYPE_TOUCH_MOVE || this.currentTouchObservations.size() != this.previousTouchObservations.size()) { interactor.getCore().onTouchObservation(obs); passedOn = true; } else { // This code filters out move events that moved very little (potentially improves performance): double[] obsXY = this.currentTouchObservations.get(i).getRealFeatures(); double[] obsPrevXY = this.previousTouchObservations.get(i).getRealFeatures(); double dx = obsXY[0] - obsPrevXY[0]; double dy = obsXY[1] - obsPrevXY[1]; double dist = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); if (dist > 0.0125) { // TODO: movement threshold currently hardcoded: 0.0125 interactor.getCore().onTouchObservation(obs); passedOn = true; } else { } } } } if (passedOn) { this.previousTouchObservations.clear(); this.previousTouchObservations.addAll(this.currentTouchObservations); } // Forward the touch observation for probInteractors // to react (e.g. visual feedback, triggering actions, nothing to do with the mediation): for (ProbInteractor interactor : this.probInteractors) { for (ProbObservationTouch obs : this.currentTouchObservations) { if (obs != null) { switch (obs.getNominalFeatures()[0]) { case ProbObservationTouch.TYPE_TOUCH_DOWN: interactor.onTouchDown(obs); break; case ProbObservationTouch.TYPE_TOUCH_MOVE: interactor.onTouchMove(obs); break; case ProbObservationTouch.TYPE_TOUCH_UP: interactor.onTouchUp(obs, ev.getPointerCount() - 1); break; default: break; } } } } // If no element is determined yet (i.e. no decision yet), update the reasoning process. if (!isOneDetermined() && passedOn) { this.mediator.mediate(false); } // Post mediation: Forward the touch observation again // to the post-mediation versions of the onTouch... methods for (ProbInteractor interactor : this.probInteractors) { for (ProbObservationTouch obs : this.currentTouchObservations) { if (obs != null) { switch (obs.getNominalFeatures()[0]) { case ProbObservationTouch.TYPE_TOUCH_DOWN: interactor.onTouchDownPost(obs); break; case ProbObservationTouch.TYPE_TOUCH_MOVE: interactor.onTouchMovePost(obs); break; case ProbObservationTouch.TYPE_TOUCH_UP: interactor.onTouchUpPost(obs, ev.getPointerCount() - 1); break; default: break; } } } } // Pass on to other GUI elements: if (!isOneDetermined()) { for (View view : this.nonProbInteractors) { if (view.isFocusable() && view.isEnabled()) view.onTouchEvent(ev); } } } /** * Checks whether there is a determined interactor among those managed by this manager. * * @return */ public boolean isOneDetermined() { for (ProbInteractor interactor : this.probInteractors) { if (interactor.getCore().isDetermined()) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Automatically adds all ProbInteractor views within the probUIContainer ViewGroup to this manager. */ public void autoAssignInteractors() { List<ProbInteractor> foundProbInteractors = Tools.getAllProbInteractors(this.container.getViewGroup()); for (ProbInteractor interactor : foundProbInteractors) { this.addProbInteractor(interactor); } List<View> foundNonProbInteractors = Tools.getAllNonProbViews(this.container.getViewGroup()); for (View view : foundNonProbInteractors) { this.addNonProbInteractor(view); } Log.d("ProbUIManager", "Auto-assign added " + foundProbInteractors.size() + " probInteractors."); } }