Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016 Albert Tregnaghi * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * */ package de.jcup.egradle.eclipse.ide.virtualroot; import static de.jcup.egradle.eclipse.ide.IDEUtil.*; import static de.jcup.egradle.eclipse.util.EclipseUtil.*; import static org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate.*; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IContainer; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProjectDescription; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspace; import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.SubMonitor; import de.jcup.egradle.core.Constants; import de.jcup.egradle.core.ExceptionUtils; import de.jcup.egradle.core.domain.GradleRootProject; import de.jcup.egradle.core.virtualroot.VirtualProjectPartCreator; import de.jcup.egradle.core.virtualroot.VirtualRootProjectException; import de.jcup.egradle.eclipse.ide.IDEUtil; import de.jcup.egradle.eclipse.util.EclipseUtil; import de.jcup.egradle.eclipse.util.ProjectDescriptionCreator; public class EclipseVirtualProjectPartCreator implements VirtualProjectPartCreator { private IProject newProject; private List<File> foldersToIgnore; private File rootFolder; private SubMonitor monitor; private IProgressMonitor creationMonitor; private int createdLinks; private File newProjectFile; /* * These two files are already inside the project and cannot be shown` */ private static final List<String> FILENAMES_NOT_TO_LINK = Arrays.asList(".project", ".gitignore"); /* * gradle, git subfolders are always */ private static final List<String> FOLDERNAMES_NOT_TO_LINK = Arrays.asList(".gradle", ".git"); /** * Deletes virtual root project completely - if there exists one * * @param monitor * @throws CoreException * @return <code>true</code> when a virtual root was existing */ public static boolean deleteVirtualRootProjectFull(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { IProject virtualRootProject = getVirtualRootProject(); if (virtualRootProject == null) { /* * okay, not in workspace, but what's about sleeping around in file * system? It must be deleted too: */ File folder = createVirtualRootFolderFile(); if (folder != null) { try { getFileHelper().delete(folder); } catch (IOException e) { EclipseUtil.throwCoreException("Cannot delete old virtual root project on filesystem!", e); } } return false; } deleteVirtualRootProjectFull(monitor, virtualRootProject); virtualRootProject = getVirtualRootProject(); if (virtualRootProject != null) { throwCoreException("virtual root project should be full deleted, but was still found in workspace!"); } return true; } private static void deleteVirtualRootProjectFull(IProgressMonitor monitor, IProject projectToDelete) throws CoreException { /* * to check delete with content happens only on virtual root projects we * do check on another way too - this is only to prevent coding failures * and should never happen! */ String name = projectToDelete.getName(); if (!Constants.VIRTUAL_ROOTPROJECT_NAME.equals(name)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Trying to delete full, with content, but this seems not to be a virtual root project?!?!?"); } projectToDelete.delete(true, true, monitor); } // ignored public EclipseVirtualProjectPartCreator(GradleRootProject rootProject, IProgressMonitor monitor) { notNull(rootProject, "'rootProject' may not be null"); if (monitor == null) { monitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); } this.monitor = SubMonitor.convert(monitor); this.rootFolder = rootProject.getFolder(); } @Override public Object createOrRecreateProject(String projectName) throws VirtualRootProjectException { notNull(projectName, "'projectName' may not be null"); monitor.beginTask("virtual root project (re)creation", 3); File rootprojectFolder = getRootProjectFolderWithoutErrorHandling(); if (rootprojectFolder == null) { throw new VirtualRootProjectException( "Cannot create virtual root project, because root folder is not configured"); } try { /* setup folder creation */ foldersToIgnore = new ArrayList<>(); /* check if already an eclipse project */ IProject[] projects = EclipseUtil.getAllProjects(); for (IProject p : projects) { try { File projectPath = getResourceHelper().toFile(p.getLocation()); if (projectPath.getParentFile().equals(rootFolder)) { /* already an eclipse project! */ foldersToIgnore.add(projectPath); } } catch (CoreException e) { throw new VirtualRootProjectException("Was not able to check project:" + p, e); } } monitor.worked(1); monitor.subTask("delete project"); try { getResourceHelper().deleteProject(projectName); } catch (CoreException e) { throw new VirtualRootProjectException("Cannot delete newProject:" + projectName, e); } monitor.worked(2); monitor.subTask("create project"); try { File newProjectFolder = createVirtualRootFolderFile(rootprojectFolder); URI creationPath = newProjectFolder.toURI(); ProjectDescriptionCreator projectDescriptionCreator = new ProjectDescriptionCreator() { @Override public IProjectDescription createNewProjectDescription(String projectName) { IWorkspace workspace = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace(); IProjectDescription initialDescription = workspace.newProjectDescription(projectName); initialDescription.setLocationURI(creationPath); initialDescription.setComment("EGradle virtual root project - only a temporary project.\n" + "There are only two files: .gitignore and .project which will be created,\n" + "all other files are just links.\n" + "\n" + "Please do NOT change these two generated files!!"); return initialDescription; } }; newProject = IDEUtil.createOrRefreshProject(projectName, monitor, projectDescriptionCreator, VirtualRootProjectNature.NATURE_ID); newProjectFile = newProject.getLocation().toFile(); /* create .gitignore file */ File parentFolder = new File(newProject.getLocationURI()); try { getFileHelper().createTextFile(parentFolder, ".gitignore", "*"); } catch (IOException e) { throw new VirtualRootProjectException("cannot create gitignore for virtual root"); } getResourceHelper().addFileFilter(newProject, ".gitignore", creationMonitor); // ok. // git // ignore // is // no // more // seen // on // navigator // r.addFileFilter(newProject, ".project",creationMonitor); // //.project seems to be not filterable... /* * I had the idea to make .project readonly but this does not * work, because .project is necessary to contain new created * links etc. */ } catch (CoreException e) { Throwable rootCause = ExceptionUtils.getRootCause(e); throw new VirtualRootProjectException("Cannot (re)create newProject:" + projectName, rootCause); } monitor.worked(3); monitor.done(); return newProject; } catch (VirtualRootProjectException e) { throw e; } finally { monitor.done(); } } /** * Creates virtual root folder file * * @return root folder or <code>null</code> */ public static File createVirtualRootFolderFile() { return createVirtualRootFolderFile(getRootProjectFolderWithoutErrorHandling()); } /** * Creates virtual root folder file * * @param rootprojectFolder * @return root folder or <code>null</code> */ public static File createVirtualRootFolderFile(File rootprojectFolder) { if (rootprojectFolder == null) { return null; } File newProjectFolder = new File(rootprojectFolder, Constants.VIRTUAL_ROOTPROJECT_FOLDERNAME); return newProjectFolder; } @Override public boolean isLinkCreationNeeded(Object targetFolder, File file) throws VirtualRootProjectException { if (targetFolder == null) { String message = "Cannot create link for file " + file + ", because target folder is null!"; IDEUtil.logWarning(message); return false; } notNull(file, "'file' may not be null"); boolean creationNeeded = internalCheckIfLinkMustBeCreated(targetFolder, file); if (!creationNeeded) { /* increase the counter for progress */ getCreationMonitor().worked(++createdLinks); } return creationNeeded; } private boolean internalCheckIfLinkMustBeCreated(Object targetFolder, File file) { return isLinkCandidate(newProject, newProjectFile, foldersToIgnore, targetFolder, file); } /** * Check if given file should be linked inside the projects root * * @param projectItSelf * @param file * @return <code>true</code> when a link candidate */ public static boolean isLinkCandidate(IProject projectItSelf, File file) { return isLinkCandidate(projectItSelf, projectItSelf.getLocation().toFile(), new ArrayList<>(), projectItSelf, file); } /** * Check if given file should be linked inside project * * @param virtualRootProject * @param newProjectFile * @param foldersToIgnore * a list of folders to ignore for inspection * @param targetFolder * where to create the link * @param file * - origin file/folder * @return <code>true</code> when a link candidate */ protected static boolean isLinkCandidate(IProject virtualRootProject, File newProjectFile, List<File> foldersToIgnore, Object targetFolder, File file) { if (newProjectFile.equals(file)) { /* root project cannot link to itself - infinite loop... */ return false; } if (file.getParentFile().equals(newProjectFile)) { /* we also do not link content of virtual root project */ return false; } String fileName = file.getName(); boolean fileIsDirectory = file.isDirectory(); boolean fileExists = file.exists(); if (!fileExists) { return false; } if (fileIsDirectory) { if (FOLDERNAMES_NOT_TO_LINK.contains(fileName)) { return false; } if (targetFolder == virtualRootProject) { // inside root if (foldersToIgnore.contains(file)) { /* ignored - normally because eclipse project inside */ return false; } /* okay, directory link has to be created */ return true; } /* * we do not dive into folders deeper than root folder - because * links to folders does all the job */ return false; } else { /* not a directory but a normal file */ if (FILENAMES_NOT_TO_LINK.contains(fileName)) { return false; } return true; } } @Override public void createLink(Object targetParentFolder, File file) throws VirtualRootProjectException { notNull(targetParentFolder, "'targetParentFolder' may not be null"); notNull(file, "'file' may not be null"); if (!(targetParentFolder instanceof IContainer)) { throw new VirtualRootProjectException("Target folder clazz not supported:" + targetParentFolder); } IContainer container = (IContainer) targetParentFolder; IPath path = Path.fromPortableString(file.getName()); try { if (file.isDirectory()) { getCreationMonitor().subTask("Create link to folder '" + file.getName() + "'"); getResourceHelper().createLinkedFolder(container, path, file); } else if (file.isFile()) { getCreationMonitor().subTask("Create link to file '" + file.getName() + "'"); getResourceHelper().createLinkedFile(container, path, file); } getCreationMonitor().worked(++createdLinks); } catch (CoreException e) { IDEUtil.logError("Was not able to create link to file:" + file, e); } } @Override public void setMaximumLinksToCreate(int max) { creationMonitor = monitor.newChild(max); } public IProgressMonitor getCreationMonitor() { if (creationMonitor == null) { creationMonitor = new NullProgressMonitor(); } return creationMonitor; } }