Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2009, 2010 Innovation Gate GmbH. All Rights Reserved. * * This file is part of the OpenWGA server platform. * * OpenWGA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * In addition, a special exception is granted by the copyright holders * of OpenWGA called "OpenWGA plugin exception". You should have received * a copy of this exception along with OpenWGA in file COPYING. * If not, see <>. * * OpenWGA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with OpenWGA in file COPYING. * If not, see <>. ******************************************************************************/ package; import; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import org.apache.commons.vfs2.CacheStrategy; import org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileObject; import org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileSystemException; import org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileType; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream; import de.innovationgate.utils.WGUtils; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGAPIException; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGCSSJSModule; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGDatabase; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGDatabaseEvent; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGDesignDocument; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGDocument; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGFactory; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGFileContainer; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.WGTMLModule; import de.innovationgate.webgate.api.locking.Lock; import de.innovationgate.wga.common.DesignDirectory; import de.innovationgate.wga.common.DesignDirectory.ScriptInformation; import de.innovationgate.wga.common.beans.DesignDefinition; import de.innovationgate.wga.common.beans.csconfig.v1.InvalidCSConfigVersionException; import de.innovationgate.wga.config.DesignReference; import de.innovationgate.wga.model.FCMetadataInfo; import de.innovationgate.wga.model.ScriptMetadataInfo; import de.innovationgate.wga.model.TMLMetadataInfo; import de.innovationgate.wgpublisher.WGACore; import; public class DesignSyncManager extends FileSystemDesignManager { public static final String OPTION_AUTOUPDATE = "autoupdate"; public class PollingTask extends TimerTask { public void run() { synchronized (DesignSyncManager.this) { if (_inactiveLoops > 1) { _inactiveLoops--; return; } try { _db.openSession(); _db.getSessionContext().setTask("WGA Design Synchronisation"); Thread.currentThread().setName("Design Synchronisation DB " + _db.getDbReference()); // If the db is currently locked design sync would most likely fail if (_db.getLockStatus() != Lock.NOT_LOCKED) { return; } // Put deployments that need to be updated in here Set<DesignDeployment> deploymentsToUpdate = new HashSet<DesignDeployment>(); // Fetch file system fetchFileSystem(_core); // Put deployments still in file system here. Will determine deleted deployments by comparing with old deployments DesignSyncStatus currentDeployments = new DesignSyncStatus(DesignSyncManager.this, getBaseFolder().getURL().toString()); // Test files for updates if (_syncedDoctypes.contains(new Integer(WGDocument.TYPE_CSSJS))) { checkScriptDeployments(deploymentsToUpdate, currentDeployments); } if (_syncedDoctypes.contains(new Integer(WGDocument.TYPE_FILECONTAINER))) { checkFileContainerDeployments(deploymentsToUpdate, currentDeployments); } if (_syncedDoctypes.contains(new Integer(WGDocument.TYPE_TML))) { checkTMLDeployments(deploymentsToUpdate, currentDeployments); } // Perform updates boolean somethingChanged = false; Iterator<DesignDeployment> updatesIt = deploymentsToUpdate.iterator(); DesignDeployment deployment; while (updatesIt.hasNext()) { deployment =;"DB:" + _db.getDbReference() + " - Updating " + deployment.getDocumentKey() + " from file system"); somethingChanged = true; try { deployment.performUpdate(_db); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("Error updating " + deployment.getDocumentKey() + " of db " + _db.getDbReference() + " from file system", e); if (deployment.addFailure() == true) { _log.error("Cancelling update of " + deployment.getDocumentKey() + " of db " + _db.getDbReference() + " from file system after 5 failures"); _log.error("Modify the deployment file again to re-trigger it's update: " + deployment.getCodeFile().getName().getPath()); deployment.resetUpdateInformation(); } } } // Find deleted deployments Iterator deleted = _syncStatus.findDeletedDeployments(currentDeployments).iterator(); while (deleted.hasNext()) { DesignDeployment deletedDeployment = (DesignDeployment);"DB:" + _db.getDbReference() + " - Deleting " + deletedDeployment.getDocumentKey() + " because it was deleted in file system"); somethingChanged = true; try { deletedDeployment.performDeletion(_db); } catch (RuntimeException e) { _log.error("Error deleting " + deletedDeployment.getDocumentKey() + " of db " + _db.getDbReference() + " from file system", e); } } // Replace old deployments with new deployments and write then to disk _syncStatus = currentDeployments; if (somethingChanged) { _lastModificationTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); storeSyncStatus(); } // Manage throttling if (_core.getWgaConfiguration().getDesignConfiguration().isThrottlingEnabled()) { if (somethingChanged && _throttled == true) {"Stopped throttling design synchronisation of database '" + _db.getDbReference() + "' after new modification"); _throttled = false; } else if (!somethingChanged && _throttled == false) { if (_lastModificationTime + (1000 * 60 * _core.getWgaConfiguration() .getDesignConfiguration().getThrottlingPeriodMinutes()) < System .currentTimeMillis()) {"Throttling design synchronisation of database '" + _db.getDbReference() + "' after " + _core.getWgaConfiguration() .getDesignConfiguration().getThrottlingPeriodMinutes() + " minutes of inactivity"); _throttled = true; } } } if (_throttled) { _inactiveLoops = 10; } _lastRun = new Date(); } catch (WGDesignSyncException e) { _log.error("Design sync encountered an error and will resume synchronisation on next run:"); if (e.getCause() != null) { _log.error(e); } else { _log.error(e.getMessage()); } } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("Error synchronizing design for database " + _db.getDbReference(), e); } finally { WGFactory.getInstance().closeSessions(); closeFileSystem(); } } } } public static final String SYSPROPERTY_AUTOUPDATE_DISABLE = "de.innovationgate.wga.designsync.disable_autoupdate"; public static final boolean AUTOUPDATE_GLOBALLY_DISABLED = Boolean .valueOf(System.getProperty(SYSPROPERTY_AUTOUPDATE_DISABLE)).booleanValue(); static { // Add aliases for metadata classes to xtream _xstream.alias(TMLMetadataInfo.XSTREAM_ALIAS, TMLMetadataInfo.class); _xstream.alias(ScriptMetadataInfo.XSTREAM_ALIAS, ScriptMetadataInfo.class); _xstream.alias(FCMetadataInfo.XSTREAM_ALIAS, FCMetadataInfo.class); _xstream.alias("DesignSyncStatus", DesignSyncStatus.class); _xstream.alias("DesignSyncInfo", DesignDefinition.class); _xstream.alias("TMLDeployment", TMLDeployment.class); _xstream.alias("FileContainerDeployment", FileContainerDeployment.class); _xstream.alias("ScriptDeployment", ScriptDeployment.class); _xstream.alias("ContainerFile", FileContainerDeployment.ContainerFile.class); if (AUTOUPDATE_GLOBALLY_DISABLED) { Logger.getLogger("wga.designsync") .warn("Automatic update for design synchronisation is globally disabled for this WGA runtime"); } } // Status information for throtting feature private boolean _throttled = false; private int _inactiveLoops = 0; private Date _lastRun = new Date(); private PollingTask _pollingTask; private Timer _timer; protected DesignSyncStatus _syncStatus; protected boolean _autoUpdate; protected long _lastModificationTime = Long.MIN_VALUE; private DesignReference _designReference; public DesignSyncManager(DesignReference ref, WGACore core, WGDatabase db, String path, Map<String, String> options) throws WGDesignSyncException, IOException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, WGAPIException, InvalidCSConfigVersionException { super(core, db, path, options); _autoUpdate = WGUtils.getBooleanMapValue(_designOptions, OPTION_AUTOUPDATE, true); _designReference = ref; if (_db.isConnected()) { prepareSync(true); } closeFileSystem(); } private void checkTMLDeployments(Set<DesignDeployment> deploymentsToUpdate, DesignSyncStatus currentDeployments) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IOException, WGDesignSyncException { if (!getTmlFolder().exists()) { return; } List<ModuleFile> files = getTMLModuleFiles(); Iterator<ModuleFile> filesIt = files.iterator(); while (filesIt.hasNext()) { checkTMLDeployment(deploymentsToUpdate, currentDeployments,; } } private void checkFileContainerDeployments(Set<DesignDeployment> deploymentsToUpdate, DesignSyncStatus currentDeployments) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IOException, WGDesignSyncException { if (!getFilesFolder().exists()) { return; } Iterator<ModuleFile> files = getFileContainerFiles().iterator(); if (files == null) { throw new WGDesignSyncException("Cannot collect files from directory '" + getFilesFolder().getName().getPathDecoded() + "'. Please verify directory existence."); } while (files.hasNext()) { ModuleFile file =; checkFCDeployment(deploymentsToUpdate, currentDeployments, file); } } private void checkScriptDeployments(Set<DesignDeployment> deploymentsToUpdate, DesignSyncStatus currentDeployments) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IOException, WGDesignSyncException { if (!getScriptFolder().exists()) { return; } List<ModuleFile> files = getScriptModuleFiles(); // Check all files Iterator<ModuleFile> filesIt = files.iterator(); while (filesIt.hasNext()) { checkScriptDeployment(deploymentsToUpdate, currentDeployments,; } } private void checkTMLDeployment(Set<DesignDeployment> deploymentsToUpdate, DesignSyncStatus currentDeployments, ModuleFile file) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IOException, WGDesignSyncException { String fileName = file.getFile().getName().getBaseName().toLowerCase(); String fileSuffix = null; // Determine suffix if (fileName.endsWith(DesignDirectory.SUFFIX_TML) || fileName.indexOf(DesignDirectory.SUFFIX_TML + "-") != -1) { fileSuffix = DesignDirectory.SUFFIX_TML; } else if (fileName.endsWith(DesignDirectory.SUFFIX_METADATA)) { fileSuffix = DesignDirectory.SUFFIX_METADATA; } else { // Won't process files of unknown suffix as simple TML modules return; } // Determine designName and see if there is an deployment String designDocumentKey = WGDesignDocument.buildDesignDocumentKey(WGDocument.TYPE_TML, file.getModuleName(), file.getCategory()); DesignDeployment deployment = (DesignDeployment) _syncStatus.getTmlDeployments().get(designDocumentKey); if (deployment != null && !deployment.isDeleted()) { currentDeployments.putDeployment(designDocumentKey, deployment); if (deployment.isUpdated()) { deploymentsToUpdate.add(deployment); } } else { // We won't create an new deployment for a metadata file only. A code file must be present if (fileSuffix == DesignDirectory.SUFFIX_METADATA) { return; } // Create a new deployment deployment = new TMLDeployment(_syncStatus, designDocumentKey, file.getFile()); currentDeployments.putDeployment(designDocumentKey, deployment); deploymentsToUpdate.add(deployment); } } private void checkFCDeployment(Set<DesignDeployment> deploymentsToUpdate, DesignSyncStatus currentDeployments, ModuleFile file) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IOException, WGDesignSyncException { if (!file.getFile().getType().equals(FileType.FOLDER)) { return; } // Determine designName and see if there is an deployment String designDocumentKey = WGDesignDocument.buildDesignDocumentKey(WGDocument.TYPE_FILECONTAINER, file.getFile().getName().getBaseName(), null); DesignDeployment deployment = (DesignDeployment) _syncStatus.getFileContainerDeployments() .get(designDocumentKey); if (deployment != null && !deployment.isDeleted()) { currentDeployments.putDeployment(designDocumentKey, deployment); try { if (deployment.isUpdated()) { deploymentsToUpdate.add(deployment); } } catch (FileSystemException e) { _log.error("Error determining update for file container deployment " + deployment.getDocumentKey(), e); } } else { // Create a new deployment deployment = new FileContainerDeployment(_syncStatus, designDocumentKey, file.getFile()); currentDeployments.putDeployment(designDocumentKey, deployment); deploymentsToUpdate.add(deployment); } } private void checkScriptDeployment(Set<DesignDeployment> deploymentsToUpdate, DesignSyncStatus currentDeployments, ModuleFile file) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IOException, WGDesignSyncException { String fileName = file.getFile().getName().getBaseName().toLowerCase(); String fileSuffix = "." + file.getFile().getName().getExtension(); ScriptInformation info = DesignDirectory.getScriptInformationBySuffix(fileSuffix); if (info == null && !fileName.endsWith(DesignDirectory.SUFFIX_METADATA)) { // Won't process files of unknown suffix return; } // Filter out scripts that could collide with metadata module names if (info != null && info.getType().equals(WGCSSJSModule.CODETYPE_XML)) { if (fileName.startsWith(WGCSSJSModule.METADATA_MODULE_QUALIFIER)) { return; } } // Determine designName and see if there is an deployment String designDocumentKey = WGDesignDocument.buildDesignDocumentKey(WGDocument.TYPE_CSSJS, file.getModuleName(), file.getCategory()); ScriptDeployment deployment = (ScriptDeployment) _syncStatus.getScriptDeployments().get(designDocumentKey); if (deployment != null && !deployment.isDeleted()) { currentDeployments.putDeployment(designDocumentKey, deployment); if (deployment.isUpdated()) { deploymentsToUpdate.add(deployment); deployment.setWarnedAboutDuplicate(false); } checkForScriptDuplicate(file, info, deployment); } else { // We won't create an new deployment for a metadata file only. A code file must be present if (info == null) { return; } // Create a new deployment deployment = new ScriptDeployment(_syncStatus, designDocumentKey, file.getFile(), info.getType()); ScriptDeployment oldDeployment = (ScriptDeployment) currentDeployments.putDeployment(designDocumentKey, deployment); if (oldDeployment != null) { checkForScriptDuplicate(file, info, oldDeployment); } deploymentsToUpdate.add(deployment); } } private void checkForScriptDuplicate(ModuleFile file, ScriptInformation info, ScriptDeployment deployment) { try { // Test if the existing deployment eventually differs in script type - We might have a duplicate script name if (!deployment.getCodeType().equals(info.getType()) && getDB().getContentStoreVersion() < WGDatabase.CSVERSION_WGA5 && !deployment.isWarnedAboutDuplicate()) { _log.warn("There are multiple script files named '" + file.getModuleName() + "' with script types '" + deployment.getCodeType() + "' and '" + info.getType() + "' in design of db '" + _db.getDbReference() + "'."); _log.warn( "WGA Content Stores of versions lower than 5 cannot store multiple scripts with equal names. Please use unique names for script files or use a newer content store version (Your current is " + getDB().getContentStoreVersion() + ")!"); deployment.setWarnedAboutDuplicate(true); } } catch (WGAPIException e) { getLog().error("Exception checking for script duplicates", e); } } /** * @return Returns the xstream. */ public static XStream getXstream() { return _xstream; } public boolean isTemporary() { return false; } public void scanForUpdates() { Thread thread = new Thread(new PollingTask()); thread.start(); try { thread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void waitForNextSync() { Date lastRun = _lastRun; while (lastRun.equals(_lastRun)) { try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } } @Override protected boolean init() throws WGAPIException, IOException, WGDesignSyncException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, InvalidCSConfigVersionException { _lastModificationTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); boolean initialDeploy = super.init(); // Import sync status. If not present or does not belong to the same directory, initialize it if (!initialDeploy) { if (!importSyncStatus()) { initSyncStatus(); } } return initialDeploy; } private void prepareSync(boolean doInitSync) throws WGAPIException, FileSystemException, IOException, WGDesignSyncException { // Sync mode String mode = getSyncMode(); if (mode.equals(MODE_FULL)) { /*// Test for correct design key OBSOLETE if (!getSyncInfo().getDesignKey().equals(_designKey)) { throw new WGDesignKeyException(getBaseFolder().getURL().toString(), getSyncInfo().getDesignKey(), _designKey); }*/ // Disable modification of the served doctypes Iterator<Integer> doctypes = _syncedDoctypes.iterator(); while (doctypes.hasNext()) { Integer doctype =; _db.setDoctypeModifiable(doctype.intValue(), false); } } else if (mode.equals(MODE_VIRTUAL)) { // Register a virtual design provider for this database so that designs in the database do not get modified // Deployment information must be reset to do an inital update of the provider"Creating virtual design provider for database '" + _db.getDbReference() + "' to be filled with designs from file system"); _db.setDesignProvider(new VirtualDesignProvider(_designReference, "Virtual design provider, receiving designs from directory " + getBaseFolder().getURL().toString(), _db, WGFactory.getTempDir())); initSyncStatus(); } else { throw new WGDesignSyncException("Unknown sync mode: " + mode); } // Do initial sync right now and wait for it: // This must not be executed when init() was triggered by an event, bc. synchronisations // may lead to a deadlock if (doInitSync) { Thread initSyncThread = new Thread(new PollingTask()); initSyncThread.start(); try { initSyncThread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } // If autoupdate enabled start the update task if (_autoUpdate && !AUTOUPDATE_GLOBALLY_DISABLED) { _pollingTask = new PollingTask(); _timer = new Timer(); int pollingInterval = _core.getWgaConfiguration().getDesignConfiguration().getPollingInterval() * 1000; _timer.schedule(_pollingTask, pollingInterval, pollingInterval); } } private String getSyncMode() { String mode = getDesignOptions().get("syncmode"); if (mode == null) { mode = MODE_FULL; } return mode; } @Override public void close() { if (_timer != null) { _timer.cancel(); } super.close(); } private void initSyncStatus() throws FileSystemException, WGDesignSyncException { _syncStatus = new DesignSyncStatus(this, getBaseFolder().getURL().toString()); } private boolean importSyncStatus() throws IOException, WGAPIException, WGDesignSyncException { WGCSSJSModule mod = _db.getMetadataModule(SYNCSTATUS_MODULE); if (mod == null) { return false; } _syncStatus = (DesignSyncStatus) _xstream.fromXML(mod.getCode()); _syncStatus.setManager(this); if (_syncStatus.getBasePath().equals(getBaseFolder().getURL().toString())) { return true; } else { return false; } } @Override protected void doInitialDeployment(String designKey) throws WGAPIException, IOException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, WGDesignSyncException { initSyncStatus(); super.doInitialDeployment(designKey); storeSyncStatus(); } protected void storeSyncStatus() throws IOException, WGAPIException { if (!getSyncMode().equals(MODE_FULL)) { return; } WGCSSJSModule mod = _db.getMetadataModule(SYNCSTATUS_MODULE); if (mod == null) { mod = _db.createMetadataModule(SYNCSTATUS_MODULE); mod.setDescription( "Module used internally by WGA to store the current status of design synchronisation."); } mod.setCode(_xstream.toXML(_syncStatus));; } @Override protected FileObject initialDeployFileContainer(WGFileContainer con) throws IOException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, WGAPIException, WGDesignSyncException { FileObject containerFolder = super.initialDeployFileContainer(con); // Create deployment if (containerFolder != null) { DesignDeployment deployment = new FileContainerDeployment(_syncStatus, con.getDocumentKey(), containerFolder); deployment.resetUpdateInformation(); _syncStatus.putDeployment(con.getDocumentKey(), deployment); } return containerFolder; } @Override protected FileObject initialDeployScriptModule(WGCSSJSModule script) throws IOException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, WGAPIException, WGDesignSyncException { FileObject codeFile = super.initialDeployScriptModule(script); // Create deployment object if (codeFile != null) { ScriptInformation info = DesignDirectory.getScriptInformation(script.getCodeType()); DesignDeployment deployment = new ScriptDeployment(_syncStatus, script.getDocumentKey(), codeFile, info.getType()); deployment.resetUpdateInformation(); _syncStatus.putDeployment(script.getDocumentKey(), deployment); } return codeFile; } @Override protected FileObject initialDeployTMLModule(WGTMLModule mod) throws IOException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, WGAPIException, WGDesignSyncException { FileObject tmlCodeFile = super.initialDeployTMLModule(mod); // Create deployment if (tmlCodeFile != null) { DesignDeployment deployment = new TMLDeployment(_syncStatus, mod.getDocumentKey(), tmlCodeFile); deployment.resetUpdateInformation(); _syncStatus.putDeployment(mod.getDocumentKey(), deployment); } return tmlCodeFile; } @Override protected CacheStrategy getVFSCacheStrategy() { return CacheStrategy.MANUAL; } @Override public void databaseConnected(WGDatabaseEvent event) { try { fetchFileSystem(_core); try { init(); prepareSync(false); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("Error initializing design sync manager", e); } finally { closeFileSystem(); } } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("Error fetching file system for design sync manager of lazily connected db", e); } } }