Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * In the Hi-WAY project we propose a novel approach of executing scientific * workflows processing Big Data, as found in NGS applications, on distributed * computational infrastructures. The Hi-WAY software stack comprises the func- * tional workflow language Cuneiform as well as the Hi-WAY ApplicationMaster * for Apache Hadoop 2.x (YARN). * * List of Contributors: * * Marc Bux (HU Berlin) * Jrgen Brandt (HU Berlin) * Hannes Schuh (HU Berlin) * Ulf Leser (HU Berlin) * * Jrgen Brandt is funded by the European Commission through the BiobankCloud * project. Marc Bux is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft through * research training group SOAMED (GRK 1651). * * Copyright 2014 Humboldt-Universitt zu Berlin * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ******************************************************************************/ package de.huberlin.wbi.hiway.scheduler; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.Container; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ContainerId; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ContainerStatus; import org.json.JSONException; import de.huberlin.hiwaydb.useDB.HiwayDB; import de.huberlin.hiwaydb.useDB.HiwayDBI; import de.huberlin.hiwaydb.useDB.HiwayDBNoSQL; import de.huberlin.hiwaydb.useDB.InvocStat; import de.huberlin.wbi.cuneiform.core.semanticmodel.JsonReportEntry; import de.huberlin.wbi.hiway.common.HiWayConfiguration; import de.huberlin.wbi.hiway.common.LogParser; import de.huberlin.wbi.hiway.common.TaskInstance; /** * An abstract implementation of a workflow scheduler. * * @author Marc Bux * */ public abstract class Scheduler { protected HiWayConfiguration conf; protected HiwayDBI dbInterface; protected final FileSystem hdfs; protected int maxRetries = 0; protected Map<String, Long> maxTimestampPerHost; protected int numberOfFinishedTasks = 0; protected int numberOfPreviousRunTasks = 0; protected int numberOfRemainingTasks = 0; protected int numberOfRunningTasks = 0; protected boolean relaxLocality = true; protected Map<String, Map<Long, RuntimeEstimate>> runtimeEstimatesPerNode; protected Set<Long> taskIds; // a queue of nodes on which containers are to be requested protected Queue<String[]> unissuedNodeRequests; protected String workflowName; public Scheduler(String workflowName, HiWayConfiguration conf, FileSystem hdfs) { this.workflowName = workflowName; this.conf = conf; this.hdfs = hdfs; unissuedNodeRequests = new LinkedList<>(); taskIds = new HashSet<>(); runtimeEstimatesPerNode = new HashMap<>(); maxTimestampPerHost = new HashMap<>(); } public void addEntryToDB(JsonReportEntry entry) { System.out.println("HiwayDB: Adding entry " + entry + " to database."); dbInterface.logToDB(entry); System.out.println("HiwayDB: Added entry to database."); } protected abstract void addTask(TaskInstance task); public void addTasks(Collection<TaskInstance> tasks) { for (TaskInstance task : tasks) { addTask(task); } } public abstract void addTaskToQueue(TaskInstance task); public String[] getNextNodeRequest() { return unissuedNodeRequests.remove(); } public abstract TaskInstance getNextTask(Container container); protected Set<String> getNodeIds() { return new HashSet<>(runtimeEstimatesPerNode.keySet()); } public int getNumberOfFinishedTasks() { return numberOfFinishedTasks - numberOfPreviousRunTasks; } public abstract int getNumberOfReadyTasks(); public int getNumberOfRunningTasks() { return numberOfRunningTasks; } public int getNumberOfTotalTasks() { int fin = getNumberOfFinishedTasks(); int run = getNumberOfRunningTasks(); int rem = numberOfRemainingTasks; System.out.println("Scheduled Containers Finished: " + fin); System.out.println("Scheduled Containers Running: " + run); System.out.println("Scheduled Containers Remaining: " + rem); return fin + run + rem; } protected Set<Long> getTaskIds() { return new HashSet<>(taskIds); } public boolean hasNextNodeRequest() { return !unissuedNodeRequests.isEmpty(); } public void initialize() { maxRetries = conf.getInt(HiWayConfiguration.HIWAY_AM_TASK_RETRIES, HiWayConfiguration.HIWAY_AM_TASK_RETRIES_DEFAULT); HiWayConfiguration.HIWAY_DB_TYPE_OPTS dbType = HiWayConfiguration.HIWAY_DB_TYPE_OPTS.valueOf( conf.get(HiWayConfiguration.HIWAY_DB_TYPE, HiWayConfiguration.HIWAY_DB_TYPE_DEFAULT.toString())); switch (dbType) { case SQL: String sqlUser = conf.get(HiWayConfiguration.HIWAY_DB_SQL_USER); if (sqlUser == null) { System.err.println( HiWayConfiguration.HIWAY_DB_SQL_USER + " not set in " + HiWayConfiguration.HIWAY_SITE_XML); throw new RuntimeException(); } String sqlPassword = conf.get(HiWayConfiguration.HIWAY_DB_SQL_PASSWORD); if (sqlPassword == null) { System.err.println(HiWayConfiguration.HIWAY_DB_SQL_PASSWORD + " not set in " + HiWayConfiguration.HIWAY_SITE_XML); throw new RuntimeException(); } String sqlURL = conf.get(HiWayConfiguration.HIWAY_DB_SQL_URL); if (sqlURL == null) { System.err.println( HiWayConfiguration.HIWAY_DB_SQL_URL + " not set in " + HiWayConfiguration.HIWAY_SITE_XML); throw new RuntimeException(); } dbInterface = new HiwayDB(sqlUser, sqlPassword, sqlURL); break; case NoSQL: sqlUser = conf.get(HiWayConfiguration.HIWAY_DB_SQL_USER); if (sqlUser == null) { System.err.println( HiWayConfiguration.HIWAY_DB_SQL_USER + " not set in " + HiWayConfiguration.HIWAY_SITE_XML); throw new RuntimeException(); } sqlPassword = conf.get(HiWayConfiguration.HIWAY_DB_SQL_PASSWORD); if (sqlPassword == null) { System.err.println(HiWayConfiguration.HIWAY_DB_SQL_PASSWORD + " not set in " + HiWayConfiguration.HIWAY_SITE_XML); throw new RuntimeException(); } sqlURL = conf.get(HiWayConfiguration.HIWAY_DB_SQL_URL); if (sqlURL == null) { System.err.println( HiWayConfiguration.HIWAY_DB_SQL_URL + " not set in " + HiWayConfiguration.HIWAY_SITE_XML); throw new RuntimeException(); } String noSqlBucket = conf.get(HiWayConfiguration.HIWAY_DB_NOSQL_BUCKET); if (noSqlBucket == null) { System.err.println(HiWayConfiguration.HIWAY_DB_NOSQL_BUCKET + " not set in " + HiWayConfiguration.HIWAY_SITE_XML); throw new RuntimeException(); } String noSqlPassword = conf.get(HiWayConfiguration.HIWAY_DB_NOSQL_PASSWORD); if (noSqlPassword == null) { System.err.println(HiWayConfiguration.HIWAY_DB_NOSQL_PASSWORD + " not set in " + HiWayConfiguration.HIWAY_SITE_XML); throw new RuntimeException(); } String noSqlURIs = conf.get(HiWayConfiguration.HIWAY_DB_NOSQL_URLS); if (noSqlURIs == null) { System.err.println(HiWayConfiguration.HIWAY_DB_NOSQL_URLS + " not set in " + HiWayConfiguration.HIWAY_SITE_XML); throw new RuntimeException(); } List<URI> noSqlURIList = new ArrayList<>(); for (String uri : noSqlURIs.split(",")) { noSqlURIList.add(URI.create(uri)); } dbInterface = new HiwayDBNoSQL(noSqlBucket, noSqlPassword, noSqlURIList, sqlUser, sqlPassword, sqlURL); break; default: dbInterface = new LogParser(); parseLogs(); } } protected void newHost(String nodeId) { Map<Long, RuntimeEstimate> runtimeEstimates = new HashMap<>(); for (long taskId : getTaskIds()) { runtimeEstimates.put(taskId, new RuntimeEstimate()); } runtimeEstimatesPerNode.put(nodeId, runtimeEstimates); maxTimestampPerHost.put(nodeId, 0l); } protected void newTask(long taskId) { taskIds.add(taskId); for (Map<Long, RuntimeEstimate> runtimeEstimates : runtimeEstimatesPerNode.values()) { runtimeEstimates.put(taskId, new RuntimeEstimate()); } } public boolean nothingToSchedule() { return getNumberOfReadyTasks() == 0; } protected void parseLogs() { String hdfsBaseDirectoryName = conf.get(HiWayConfiguration.HIWAY_AM_DIRECTORY_BASE, HiWayConfiguration.HIWAY_AM_DIRECTORY_BASE_DEFAULT); String hdfsSandboxDirectoryName = conf.get(HiWayConfiguration.HIWAY_AM_DIRECTORY_CACHE, HiWayConfiguration.HIWAY_AM_DIRECTORY_CACHE_DEFAULT); Path hdfsBaseDirectory = new Path(new Path(hdfs.getUri()), hdfsBaseDirectoryName); Path hdfsSandboxDirectory = new Path(hdfsBaseDirectory, hdfsSandboxDirectoryName); try { for (FileStatus appDirStatus : hdfs.listStatus(hdfsSandboxDirectory)) { if (appDirStatus.isDirectory()) { Path appDir = appDirStatus.getPath(); for (FileStatus srcStatus : hdfs.listStatus(appDir)) { Path src = srcStatus.getPath(); String srcName = src.getName(); if (srcName.endsWith(".log")) { Path dest = new Path(appDir.getName()); System.out.println("Parsing log " + dest.toString()); hdfs.copyToLocalFile(false, src, dest); try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader( new FileReader(new File(dest.toString())))) { String line; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { JsonReportEntry entry = new JsonReportEntry(line); addEntryToDB(entry); } } } } } } } catch (IOException | JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } } public boolean relaxLocality() { return relaxLocality; } public Collection<ContainerId> taskCompleted(TaskInstance task, ContainerStatus containerStatus, long runtimeInMs) { numberOfRunningTasks--; numberOfFinishedTasks++; System.out.println("Task " + task + " in container " + containerStatus.getContainerId().getContainerId() + " finished after " + runtimeInMs + " ms"); return new ArrayList<>(); } public Collection<ContainerId> taskFailed(TaskInstance task, ContainerStatus containerStatus) { numberOfRunningTasks--; System.out.println( "Task " + task + " on container " + containerStatus.getContainerId().getContainerId() + " failed"); if (task.retry(maxRetries)) { System.out.println("Retrying task " + task + "."); addTask(task); } else { System.out.println( "Task " + task + " has exceeded maximum number of allowed retries. Aborting workflow."); throw new RuntimeException(); } return new ArrayList<>(); } protected void updateRuntimeEstimate(InvocStat stat) { RuntimeEstimate re = runtimeEstimatesPerNode.get(stat.getHostName()).get(stat.getTaskId()); re.finishedTasks += 1; re.timeSpent += stat.getRealTime(); re.weight = re.averageRuntime = re.timeSpent / re.finishedTasks; } public void updateRuntimeEstimates(String runId) { System.out.println("Updating Runtime Estimates."); System.out.println("HiwayDB: Querying Host Names from database."); Collection<String> newHostIds = dbInterface.getHostNames(); System.out.println("HiwayDB: Retrieved Host Names " + newHostIds.toString() + " from database."); newHostIds.removeAll(getNodeIds()); for (String newHostId : newHostIds) { newHost(newHostId); } System.out.println("HiwayDB: Querying Task Ids for workflow " + workflowName + " from database."); Collection<Long> newTaskIds = dbInterface.getTaskIdsForWorkflow(workflowName); System.out.println("HiwayDB: Retrieved Task Ids " + newTaskIds.toString() + " from database."); newTaskIds.removeAll(getTaskIds()); for (long newTaskId : newTaskIds) { newTask(newTaskId); } for (String hostName : getNodeIds()) { long oldMaxTimestamp = maxTimestampPerHost.get(hostName); long newMaxTimestamp = oldMaxTimestamp; for (long taskId : getTaskIds()) { System.out.println("HiwayDB: Querying InvocStats for task id " + taskId + " on host " + hostName + " since timestamp " + oldMaxTimestamp + " from database."); Collection<InvocStat> invocStats = dbInterface.getLogEntriesForTaskOnHostSince(taskId, hostName, oldMaxTimestamp); System.out.println("HiwayDB: Retrieved InvocStats " + invocStats.toString() + " from database."); for (InvocStat stat : invocStats) { newMaxTimestamp = Math.max(newMaxTimestamp, stat.getTimestamp()); updateRuntimeEstimate(stat); if (!runId.equals(stat.getRunId())) { numberOfPreviousRunTasks++; numberOfFinishedTasks++; } } } maxTimestampPerHost.put(hostName, newMaxTimestamp); } } }