Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * In the Hi-WAY project we propose a novel approach of executing scientific
 * workflows processing Big Data, as found in NGS applications, on distributed
 * computational infrastructures. The Hi-WAY software stack comprises the func-
 * tional workflow language Cuneiform as well as the Hi-WAY ApplicationMaster
 * for Apache Hadoop 2.x (YARN).
 * List of Contributors:
 * Jrgen Brandt (HU Berlin)
 * Marc Bux (HU Berlin)
 * Ulf Leser (HU Berlin)
 * Jrgen Brandt is funded by the European Commission through the BiobankCloud
 * project. Marc Bux is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft through
 * research training group SOAMED (GRK 1651).
 * Copyright 2014 Humboldt-Universitt zu Berlin
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package de.huberlin.wbi.cuneiform.core.invoc;

import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;

import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;

import de.huberlin.wbi.cuneiform.core.semanticmodel.CompoundExpr;
import de.huberlin.wbi.cuneiform.core.semanticmodel.DataType;
import de.huberlin.wbi.cuneiform.core.semanticmodel.ForeignLambdaExpr;
import de.huberlin.wbi.cuneiform.core.semanticmodel.JsonReportEntry;
import de.huberlin.wbi.cuneiform.core.semanticmodel.NameExpr;
import de.huberlin.wbi.cuneiform.core.semanticmodel.NotBoundException;
import de.huberlin.wbi.cuneiform.core.semanticmodel.NotDerivableException;
import de.huberlin.wbi.cuneiform.core.semanticmodel.Param;
import de.huberlin.wbi.cuneiform.core.semanticmodel.Prototype;
import de.huberlin.wbi.cuneiform.core.semanticmodel.ReduceVar;
import de.huberlin.wbi.cuneiform.core.semanticmodel.CfSemanticModelVisitor;
import de.huberlin.wbi.cuneiform.core.semanticmodel.StringExpr;
import de.huberlin.wbi.cuneiform.core.semanticmodel.Ticket;
import de.huberlin.wbi.cuneiform.core.semanticmodel.Type;

public abstract class Invocation {

    private static final Map<String, String> libPathMap = new HashMap<>();

    protected static final String FUN_LOG = "cflogmsg";
    protected static final String FUN_LOGFILE = "cflogfilemsg";
    protected static final String FUN_NORMALIZE = "cfnormalize";
    public static final String REPORT_FILENAME = "__report__.txt";
    public static final String SCRIPT_NAME = "cfscript";
    public static final String SUCCESS_FILENAME = "__success__";
    public static final String STDOUT_FILENAME = "__stdout__.txt";
    public static final String STDERR_FILENAME = "__stderr__.txt";
    public static final String LOCK_FILENAME = "__lock__";

    protected final String libPath;
    private final Ticket ticket;

    public Invocation(Ticket ticket, String libPath) {

        if (ticket == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("Ticket must not be null.");

        this.ticket = ticket;
        this.libPath = libPath;

    public void evalReport(Set<JsonReportEntry> report) throws JSONException {

        if (report == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("Report entry set must not be null.");

        for (JsonReportEntry entry : report)

    public void evalReport(JsonReportEntry entry) throws JSONException {

        JSONObject obj;
        JSONArray array;
        CompoundExpr ce;
        int i, n;

        if (entry == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("Report entry must not be null.");

        if (!entry.getKey().equals(JsonReportEntry.KEY_INVOC_OUTPUT))

        obj = entry.getValueJsonObj();

        for (NameExpr nameExpr : ticket.getOutputList()) {

            array = obj.getJSONArray(nameExpr.getId());
            ce = new CompoundExpr();
            n = array.length();

            for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
                ce.addSingleExpr(new StringExpr(array.getString(i)));

            ticket.setValue(nameExpr, ce);


    public String[] getCmd() {
        return new String[] { "./" + SCRIPT_NAME };

    public Path getExecutablePath(Path location) {
        return location.resolve(SCRIPT_NAME);

    public JsonReportEntry getExecutableLogEntry() {
        return ticket.getExecutableLogEntry();

    public JsonReportEntry getScriptLogEntry() throws NotBoundException, NotDerivableException {
        return new JsonReportEntry(ticket, JsonReportEntry.KEY_INVOC_SCRIPT, toScript());

    public String getFunDef() throws NotDerivableException {
        return defFunctionLog() + defFunctionNormalize() + defFunctionLogFile();

    public String getLangLabel() {
        return ticket.getLangLabel();

    public Set<String> getStageInList() throws NotDerivableException {

        CompoundExpr ce;
        Set<String> set;

        try {

            set = new HashSet<>();

            for (NameExpr nameExpr : ticket.getNameSet())

                if (isParamStage(nameExpr.getId())) {

                    ce = ticket.getExpr(nameExpr);
                    for (String s : ce.normalize())

            return set;
        } catch (NotBoundException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());

    public Set<String> getStageOutList() throws NotDerivableException {

        CompoundExpr ce;
        Set<String> set;

        try {

            set = new HashSet<>();

            for (NameExpr nameExpr : ticket.getOutputList())

                if (isOutputStage(nameExpr.getId())) {

                    ce = ticket.getOutputValue(nameExpr);
                    for (String s : ce.normalize())

            return set;
        } catch (NotBoundException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());

    public UUID getRunId() {
        return ticket.getRunId();

    public long getTaskId() {
        return ticket.getLambdaId();

    public String getTaskName() {
        return ticket.getTaskName();

    public Ticket getTicket() {
        return ticket;

    public long getTicketId() {
        return ticket.getTicketId();

    public boolean hasTaskName() {
        return ticket.hasTaskName();

    public boolean hasLibPath() {
        return libPath != null;

    public String toScript() throws NotBoundException, NotDerivableException {

        StringBuffer buf;

        buf = new StringBuffer();

        // insert shebang

        // modify library path
        buf.append(comment("modify library path"));
        if (hasLibPath())

        // import libraries
        buf.append(comment("import libraries"));

        // define necessary functions
        buf.append(comment("define necessary functions"));

        // bind single output variables to default values
        buf.append(comment("bind single output variables to default values"));
        for (String outputName : getSingleOutputNameSet())
            buf.append(varDef(outputName, quote(outputName)));

        // bind input parameters
        buf.append(comment("bind input parameters"));
        for (String paramName : getSingleParamNameSet()) {

            if (paramName.equals(CfSemanticModelVisitor.LABEL_TASK))

            buf.append(varDef(paramName, quote(getResolveableBoundToSingleParam(paramName))));
        for (String paramName : getReduceParamNameSet())
            buf.append(varDef(paramName, getReduceParam(paramName)));

        // report stage in file sizes and report error when something is missing
        buf.append(comment("report stage in file sizes and report error when something is missing"));

        // insert function body
        buf.append(comment("insert function body"));

        // check post
        buf.append(comment("check post"));

        // rename output files
        buf.append(comment("rename output files"));

        // collect output variables
        buf.append(comment("collect output variables"));

        // collect stage out information
        buf.append(comment("collect stage out information"));

        return buf.toString();

    protected String getCheckPost() {
        return "";

    protected String getImport() {
        return "";

    protected abstract String callFunction(String name, String... argValue);

    protected abstract String callProcedure(String name, String... argValue);

    /** Removes the first character of a string.
     * @param varName The name of the variable that holds the input string.
     * @return A statement in the foreign language.
    protected abstract String clip(String varName);

    protected abstract String comment(String comment);

    protected abstract String copyArray(String from, String to);

    protected abstract String defFunctionLog() throws NotDerivableException;

    protected abstract String defFunctionLogFile() throws NotDerivableException;

    protected abstract String defFunctionNormalize() throws NotDerivableException;

    protected abstract String dereference(String varName);

    protected abstract String fileSize(String filename);

    protected abstract String forEach(String listName, String elementName, String body);

    protected abstract String getShebang();

    protected abstract String getLibPath();

    protected abstract String ifListIsNotEmpty(String listName, String body);

    protected abstract String ifNotFileExists(String fileName, String body);

    protected abstract String join(String... elementList);

    protected abstract String listAppend(String listName, String element);

    protected abstract String listToBraceCommaSeparatedString(String listName, String stringName, String open,
            String close);

    protected abstract String newList(String listName);

    protected abstract String quote(String content);

    protected abstract String raise(String msg);

    protected abstract String symlink(String src, String dest);

    protected abstract String varDef(String varname, String value);

    protected abstract String varDef(String varname, CompoundExpr ce) throws NotDerivableException;

    private boolean isOutputStage(String outputName) {

        Prototype prototype;
        Type type;
        DataType dataType;

        prototype = ticket.getPrototype();

        for (NameExpr nameExpr : prototype.getOutputList())

            if (nameExpr.getId().equals(outputName)) {

                if (!nameExpr.hasType())
                    return false;

                type = nameExpr.getType();
                if (!(type instanceof DataType))
                    return false;

                dataType = (DataType) type;

                return dataType.getId().equals(CfSemanticModelVisitor.LABEL_FILE);

        throw new RuntimeException("Output not found.");

    private boolean isParamStage(String paramName) {

        Prototype prototype;
        Type type;
        DataType dataType;

        prototype = ticket.getPrototype();

        for (NameExpr nameExpr : prototype.getParamNameSet())

            if (nameExpr.getId().equals(paramName)) {

                if (!nameExpr.hasType())
                    return false;

                type = nameExpr.getType();
                if (!(type instanceof DataType))
                    return false;

                dataType = (DataType) type;

                return dataType.getId().equals(CfSemanticModelVisitor.LABEL_FILE);

        throw new RuntimeException("Output not found.");

    private int getOutputChannel(String outputName) {

        Prototype prototype;
        int i, n;
        NameExpr output;

        prototype = ticket.getPrototype();
        n = prototype.getNumOutput();

        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {

            output = prototype.getOutput(i);

            if (output.getId().equals(outputName))
                return i + 1;

        throw new RuntimeException("Output not found.");

    protected String getOutputCollect() {

        StringBuffer buf;

        buf = new StringBuffer();

        buf.append(varDef("CFSTR", quote("")));
        for (String outputName : getSingleOutputNameSet())

            buf.append(varDef("CFSTR", join(dereference("CFSTR"), quote(","), quote(outputName + ":[\""),
                    dereference(outputName), quote("\"]"))));

        for (String outputName : getReduceOutputNameSet()) {

            buf.append(varDef("CFSTR1", quote("")))
                    .append(forEach(outputName, "CFI",
                                    join(dereference("CFSTR1"), quote(",\""), dereference("CFI"), quote("\"")))))
                    .append(clip("CFSTR1")).append(varDef("CFSTR", join(dereference("CFSTR"), quote(","),
                            quote(outputName + ":["), dereference("CFSTR1"), quote("]"))));


                .append(varDef("CFSTR", join(quote("{"), dereference("CFSTR"), quote("}"))))

                .append(callProcedure(FUN_LOG, quote(JsonReportEntry.KEY_INVOC_OUTPUT), dereference("CFSTR")))

        return buf.toString();


    protected String getOutputRename() {

        StringBuffer buf;

        buf = new StringBuffer();

        for (String outputName : getSingleOutputNameSet())

            if (isOutputStage(outputName)) {

                buf.append(varDef("CFFILENAME", callFunction(FUN_NORMALIZE,
                        String.valueOf(getOutputChannel(outputName)), dereference(outputName))));

                buf.append(symlink(dereference(outputName), dereference("CFFILENAME")));

                buf.append(varDef(outputName, dereference("CFFILENAME")));

        for (String outputName : getReduceOutputNameSet())

            if (isOutputStage(outputName)) {


                buf.append(forEach(outputName, "CFFILENAME",

                                callFunction(FUN_NORMALIZE, String.valueOf(getOutputChannel(outputName)),

                                + listAppend("CFLIST", dereference("CFNEWFILENAME"))

                                + symlink(dereference("CFFILENAME"), dereference("CFNEWFILENAME"))));

                // buf.append( varDef( outputName, dereference( "__LIST" ) ) );
                buf.append(copyArray("CFLIST", outputName));

        return buf.toString();

    private Set<String> getReduceOutputNameSet() {

        List<NameExpr> outputList;
        Set<String> reduceList;

        outputList = ticket.getOutputList();
        reduceList = new HashSet<>();

        for (NameExpr nameExpr : outputList)

            if (nameExpr instanceof ReduceVar)

        return reduceList;

    protected Set<String> getReduceParamNameSet() {

        Set<Param> paramSet;
        Set<String> reduceList;

        paramSet = ticket.getParamSet();
        reduceList = new HashSet<>();

        for (Param param : paramSet)

            if (param instanceof ReduceVar)
                reduceList.add(((ReduceVar) param).getId());

        return reduceList;

    protected CompoundExpr getReduceParam(String paramName) throws NotBoundException {
        return ticket.getExpr(paramName);

    protected String getResolveableBoundToSingleParam(String paramName)
            throws NotBoundException, NotDerivableException {
        return ticket.getExpr(paramName).normalize().get(0);

    protected Set<String> getSingleOutputNameSet() {

        List<NameExpr> outputList;
        Set<String> nonReduceList;

        outputList = ticket.getOutputList();
        nonReduceList = new HashSet<>();

        for (NameExpr nameExpr : outputList)

            if (!(nameExpr instanceof ReduceVar))

        return nonReduceList;

    protected Set<String> getSingleParamNameSet() {

        Set<Param> paramSet;
        Set<String> nonReduceList;

        paramSet = ticket.getParamSet();
        nonReduceList = new HashSet<>();

        for (Param param : paramSet)

            if (!(param instanceof ReduceVar))
                for (NameExpr nameExpr : param.getNameExprSet())

        return nonReduceList;


    protected String getStageInCollect() {

        StringBuffer buf;

        buf = new StringBuffer();

        for (String inputName : getSingleParamNameSet())
            if (isParamStage(inputName))
                        raise(join(quote("Stage in: A file "), dereference(inputName),
                                quote(" should be present but has not been found.")))))

                        .append(varDef("SIZE", fileSize(dereference(inputName))))

                        .append(callProcedure(FUN_LOGFILE, dereference(inputName),
                                quote(JsonReportEntry.KEY_FILE_SIZE_STAGEIN), dereference("SIZE")))

        for (String inputName : getReduceParamNameSet())
            if (isParamStage(inputName))

                buf.append(forEach(inputName, "CFI",
                                raise(join(quote("Stage in: A file "), dereference("CFI"),
                                        quote(" should be present but has not been found."))))

                                + varDef("SIZE", fileSize(dereference("CFI")))

                                + callFunction(FUN_LOGFILE, dereference("CFI"),
                                        quote(JsonReportEntry.KEY_FILE_SIZE_STAGEIN), dereference("SIZE"))));

        return buf.toString();

    protected String getStageOutCollect() {

        StringBuffer buf;

        buf = new StringBuffer();

        for (String outputName : getSingleOutputNameSet())
            if (isOutputStage(outputName))
                        raise(join(quote("Stage out: A file "), dereference(outputName),
                                quote(" should have been created but has not been found.")))))

                        .append(varDef("SIZE", fileSize(dereference(outputName))))

                        .append(callProcedure(FUN_LOGFILE, dereference(outputName),
                                quote(JsonReportEntry.KEY_FILE_SIZE_STAGEOUT), dereference("SIZE")))

        for (String outputName : getReduceOutputNameSet())
            if (isOutputStage(outputName))

                buf.append(forEach(outputName, "CFI",
                                raise(join(quote("Stage out: A file "), dereference("CFI"),
                                        quote(" should be present but has not been found."))))

                                + varDef("SIZE", fileSize(dereference("CFI")))

                                + callFunction(FUN_LOGFILE, dereference("CFI"),
                                        quote(JsonReportEntry.KEY_FILE_SIZE_STAGEOUT), dereference("SIZE"))));

        return buf.toString();

    public static Invocation createInvocation(Ticket ticket) {

        String label, libPath;

        label = ticket.getLangLabel();
        libPath = libPathMap.get(label);

        switch (label) {

        case ForeignLambdaExpr.LANGID_BASH:
            return new BashInvocation(ticket, libPath);
        case ForeignLambdaExpr.LANGID_R:
            return new RInvocation(ticket, libPath);
        case ForeignLambdaExpr.LANGID_PERL:
            return new PerlInvocation(ticket, libPath);
        case ForeignLambdaExpr.LANGID_MATLAB:
            return new MatlabInvocation(ticket, libPath);
        case ForeignLambdaExpr.LANGID_OCTAVE:
            return new OctaveInvocation(ticket, libPath);
        case ForeignLambdaExpr.LANGID_SCALA:
            return new ScalaInvocation(ticket, libPath);
        case ForeignLambdaExpr.LANGID_JAVA:
            return new ScalaInvocation(ticket, libPath);
        case ForeignLambdaExpr.LANGID_PYTHON:
            return new PythonInvocation(ticket, libPath);
        case ForeignLambdaExpr.LANGID_LISP:
            return new LispInvocation(ticket, libPath);
        case ForeignLambdaExpr.LANGID_ERLANG:
            return new ErlangInvocation(ticket, libPath);
        case ForeignLambdaExpr.LANGID_HASKELL:
            return new HaskellInvocation(ticket, libPath);
        case ForeignLambdaExpr.LANGID_PEGASUS:
            return new PegasusInvocation(ticket, libPath);
            throw new RuntimeException("Language label '" + label + "' not recognized.");

    public static void putLibPath(String langId, String libPath) {

        if (langId == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("Language id must not be null.");

        libPathMap.put(langId, libPath);

    public JsonReportEntry createJsonReportEntry(String file, String key, String value) {
        return new JsonReportEntry(getRunId(), getTaskId(), getTaskName(), getLangLabel(), getTicketId(), file, key,

    public JsonReportEntry createJsonReportEntry(long timestamp, String file, String key, String value) {
        return new JsonReportEntry(timestamp, getRunId(), getTaskId(), getTaskName(), getLangLabel(), getTicketId(),
                file, key, value);

    public JsonReportEntry createJsonReportEntry(long timestamp, String file, String key, JSONObject value) {
        return new JsonReportEntry(timestamp, getRunId(), getTaskId(), getTaskName(), getLangLabel(), getTicketId(),
                file, key, value);

    public JsonReportEntry createJsonReportEntry(String key, String value) {
        return new JsonReportEntry(getRunId(), getTaskId(), getTaskName(), getLangLabel(), getTicketId(), null, key,

    public JsonReportEntry createJsonReportEntry(long timestamp, String key, String value) {
        return new JsonReportEntry(timestamp, getRunId(), getTaskId(), getTaskName(), getLangLabel(), getTicketId(),
                null, key, value);

    public JsonReportEntry createJsonReportEntry(long timestamp, String key, JSONObject value) {
        return new JsonReportEntry(timestamp, getRunId(), getTaskId(), getTaskName(), getLangLabel(), getTicketId(),
                null, key, value);
