Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * In the Hi-WAY project we propose a novel approach of executing scientific * workflows processing Big Data, as found in NGS applications, on distributed * computational infrastructures. The Hi-WAY software stack comprises the func- * tional workflow language Cuneiform as well as the Hi-WAY ApplicationMaster * for Apache Hadoop 2.x (YARN). * * List of Contributors: * * Jrgen Brandt (HU Berlin) * Marc Bux (HU Berlin) * Ulf Leser (HU Berlin) * * Jrgen Brandt is funded by the European Commission through the BiobankCloud * project. Marc Bux is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft through * research training group SOAMED (GRK 1651). * * Copyright 2014 Humboldt-Universitt zu Berlin * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. ******************************************************************************/ package de.huberlin.cuneiform.dag; import java.util.UUID; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; public class JsonReportEntry { public static final String KEY_INVOC_TIME = "invoc-time"; public static final String KEY_FILE_SIZE_STAGEIN = "file-size-stagein"; public static final String KEY_FILE_SIZE_STAGEOUT = "file-size-stageout"; public static final String KEY_INVOC_OUTPUT = "invoc-output"; public static final String KEY_INVOC_STDOUT = "invoc-stdout"; public static final String KEY_INVOC_STDERR = "invoc-stderr"; public static final String KEY_INVOC_USER = "invoc-user"; public static final String ATT_INVOCID = "invocId"; public static final String ATT_KEY = "key"; public static final String ATT_RUNID = "runId"; public static final String ATT_VALUE = "value"; public static final String ATT_TASKNAME = "taskname"; public static final String ATT_TASKID = "taskId"; public static final String ATT_TIMESTAMP = "timestamp"; public static final String ATT_LANG = "lang"; private UUID runId; private Long invocId; private String key; private String value; private String taskname; private Long taskId; private long timestamp; private String lang; public JsonReportEntry(long timestamp, UUID runId, Long taskId, String taskname, String lang, Long invocId, String key, String rawValue) { setTimestamp(timestamp); setRunId(runId); setTaskId(taskId); setTaskname(taskname); setInvocId(invocId); setLang(lang); setKey(key); setValueFromRawString(rawValue); } public JsonReportEntry(UUID runId, Long taskId, String taskname, String lang, Long invocId, String key, String rawValue) { this(System.currentTimeMillis(), runId, taskId, taskname, lang, invocId, key, rawValue); } public JsonReportEntry(long timestamp, UUID runId, Long taskId, String taskname, String lang, Long invocId, String key, JSONObject obj) { setTimestamp(timestamp); setRunId(runId); setTaskId(taskId); setTaskname(taskname); setInvocId(invocId); setLang(lang); setKey(key); setValueFromJsonObj(obj); } public JsonReportEntry(UUID runId, Long taskId, String taskname, String lang, Long invocId, String key, JSONObject obj) { this(System.currentTimeMillis(), runId, taskId, taskname, lang, invocId, key, obj); } public JsonReportEntry(String raw) throws JSONException { JSONObject obj, valueObj; String valueString; try { obj = new JSONObject(raw); setTimestamp(obj.getLong(ATT_TIMESTAMP)); setRunId(UUID.fromString(obj.getString(ATT_RUNID))); if (obj.has(ATT_TASKID)) if (!obj.isNull(ATT_TASKID)) setTaskId(obj.getLong(ATT_TASKID)); if (obj.has(ATT_TASKNAME)) if (!obj.isNull(ATT_TASKNAME)) setTaskname(obj.getString(ATT_TASKNAME)); if (obj.has(ATT_LANG)) if (!obj.isNull(ATT_LANG)) setLang(obj.getString(ATT_LANG)); if (obj.has(ATT_INVOCID)) if (!obj.isNull(ATT_INVOCID)) setInvocId(obj.getLong(ATT_INVOCID)); setKey(obj.getString(ATT_KEY)); try { valueObj = obj.getJSONObject(ATT_VALUE); setValueFromJsonObj(valueObj); } catch (JSONException e) { valueString = obj.getString(ATT_VALUE); setValueFromRawString(valueString); } } catch (JSONException e) { System.err.println("[raw]"); System.err.println(raw); throw e; } } public JsonReportEntry(Invocation invoc, String key, String value) throws NotDerivableException { this(UUID.fromString(invoc.getDagId()), (long) invoc.getTaskNodeId(), invoc.getTaskName(), invoc.getLangLabel(), invoc.getSignature(), key, value); } public UUID getRunId() { return runId; } public long getInvocId() { return invocId; } public String getKey() { return key.replace("\\n", "\n"); } public String getLang() { return lang; } public String getValue() { return value; } public JSONObject getValueJsonObj() throws JSONException { if (!isValueJson()) throw new RuntimeException("Value is not a JSON object, but a string."); return new JSONObject(value); } public String getValueRawString() { String s; if (!isValueString()) throw new RuntimeException("Value is not a string, but a JSON object."); s = value.substring(1, value.length() - 1); s = s.replace("\\n", "\n"); s = s.replace("\\\"", "\""); s = s.replace("\\\\", "\\"); return s; } public String getTaskName() { return taskname; } public Long getTaskId() { return taskId; } public long getTimestamp() { return timestamp; } public boolean isValueString() { if (value.startsWith("\"")) return true; return false; } public boolean hasInvocId() { return invocId != null; } public boolean hasLang() { return lang != null; } public boolean hasTaskId() { return taskId != null; } public boolean hasTaskname() { return taskname != null; } public boolean isValueJson() { return !isValueString(); } public void setInvocId(Long invocId) { this.invocId = invocId; } public void setKey(String key) { if (key == null) throw new NullPointerException("Key must not be null."); if (key.isEmpty()) throw new RuntimeException("Key must not be empty."); if (key.contains("\n")) throw new RuntimeException("Key must not contain newline character."); if (key.contains("\"")) throw new RuntimeException("Key must not contain double quote character."); if (key.contains("\\")) throw new RuntimeException("Key must not contain backslash character."); this.key = key; } public void setRunId(UUID runId) { if (runId == null) throw new NullPointerException("DAG id must not be null."); this.runId = runId; } public void setValueFromRawString(String value) { if (value == null) throw new NullPointerException("Payload must not be null."); if (value.isEmpty()) throw new RuntimeException("Payload must not be empty."); this.value = "\"" + value.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace("\n", "\\n").replace("\"", "\\\"") + "\""; } public void setValueFromJsonObj(JSONObject obj) { if (obj == null) throw new NullPointerException("Value JSON object must not be null."); value = obj.toString(); } public void setLang(String lang) { if (lang == null) { this.lang = null; return; } if (lang.isEmpty()) throw new RuntimeException("Language string must not be empty."); this.lang = lang; } public void setTaskId(Long taskId) { this.taskId = taskId; } public void setTaskname(String taskname) { if (taskname == null) { this.taskname = null; return; } if (taskname.isEmpty()) throw new RuntimeException("Taskname must not be empty."); if (taskname.contains("\n")) throw new RuntimeException("Taskname id must not contain newline character."); if (taskname.contains("\"")) throw new RuntimeException("Taskname id must not contain double quote character."); if (taskname.contains("\\")) throw new RuntimeException("Taskname must not contain backslash character."); this.taskname = taskname; } public void setTimestamp(long timestamp) { this.timestamp = timestamp; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuffer buf; buf = new StringBuffer(); buf.append('{'); buf.append(ATT_TIMESTAMP).append(':').append(timestamp).append(','); buf.append(ATT_RUNID).append(":\"").append(runId).append("\","); if (hasTaskId()) buf.append(ATT_TASKID).append(':').append(taskId).append(','); if (hasTaskname()) buf.append(ATT_TASKNAME).append(':').append("\"").append(taskname).append("\","); if (hasLang()) buf.append(ATT_LANG).append(':').append("\"").append(lang).append("\","); if (hasInvocId()) buf.append(ATT_INVOCID).append(':').append(invocId).append(','); buf.append(ATT_KEY).append(":\"").append(key).append("\","); buf.append(ATT_VALUE).append(':').append(value); buf.append('}'); return buf.toString(); } }