Java tutorial
package de.hpi.bp2013n1.anonymizer; /* * #%L * Anonymizer * %% * Copyright (C) 2013 - 2014 HPI-BP2013N1 * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import static; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.logging.FileHandler; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import de.hpi.bp2013n1.anonymizer.TransformationStrategy.ColumnTypeNotSupportedException; import de.hpi.bp2013n1.anonymizer.TransformationStrategy.FetchPseudonymsFailedException; import de.hpi.bp2013n1.anonymizer.TransformationStrategy.PreparationFailedException; import de.hpi.bp2013n1.anonymizer.TransformationStrategy.TransformationFailedException; import de.hpi.bp2013n1.anonymizer.db.BatchOperation; import de.hpi.bp2013n1.anonymizer.db.TableField; import de.hpi.bp2013n1.anonymizer.shared.Config; import de.hpi.bp2013n1.anonymizer.shared.Config.DependantWithoutRuleException; import de.hpi.bp2013n1.anonymizer.shared.Config.InvalidConfigurationException; import de.hpi.bp2013n1.anonymizer.shared.Config.MalformedException; import de.hpi.bp2013n1.anonymizer.shared.DatabaseConnector; import de.hpi.bp2013n1.anonymizer.shared.Rule; import de.hpi.bp2013n1.anonymizer.shared.Scope; import de.hpi.bp2013n1.anonymizer.shared.TableRuleMap; import de.hpi.bp2013n1.anonymizer.shared.TransformationKeyCreationException; import de.hpi.bp2013n1.anonymizer.shared.TransformationKeyNotFoundException; import de.hpi.bp2013n1.anonymizer.shared.TransformationTableCreationException; import; import; import de.hpi.bp2013n1.anonymizer.util.RuleConnector; import de.hpi.bp2013n1.anonymizer.util.SQLHelper; /** * Application class that conducts an anonymization run on databases. */ public class Anonymizer { public Config config; public Scope scope; private Connection originalDatabase, anonymizedDatabase, transformationDB; private ArrayList<TransformationStrategy> transformationStrategies = new ArrayList<>(); private TreeMap<String, TransformationStrategy> strategyByClassName = new TreeMap<>(); private Map<String, TransformationStrategy> strategyByName = new TreeMap<>(); private final int LOG_INTERVAL = 1000; public static final Logger anonymizerLogger = Logger.getLogger(Anonymizer.class.getName()); private static FileHandler logFileHandler; private static SimpleFormatter logFormatter; ConstraintToggler toggler = new ConstraintToggler(); private RowRetainService retainService; private ForeignKeyDeletionsHandler foreignKeyDeletions = new ForeignKeyDeletionsHandler(); private boolean skipRuleValidation; Multimap<TableField, Rule> comprehensiveRulesBySite; public static class TableNotInScopeException extends Exception { private static final long serialVersionUID = -4527921975005958468L; } public static class FatalError extends Exception { private static final long serialVersionUID = -6431519862013506163L; public FatalError() { super(); } public FatalError(Throwable cause) { super(cause); } } public static class TableNotFoundException extends Exception { private static final long serialVersionUID = -852972263392782109L; public TableNotFoundException(String message) { super(message); } } /** * Initializes Anonymizer * Connects databases specified in config * Creates strategies with database connections * * @param config Config object generated from config file. * @param scope Scope object generated from scope file. * @throws SQLException */ public Anonymizer(Config config, Scope scope) { this.config = config; this.scope = scope; } public RowRetainService getRetainService() { return retainService; } public void connectAndRun() throws FatalError { if (!connectDatabases()) { throw new FatalError(); } run(); } /** * Initializes transformation strategies, valides the configuration and * then performs the actual anonymization. Catches all declared exceptions * and wraps them as FatalError. */ public void run() throws FatalError { try { loadAndInstantiateStrategies(); } catch (InvalidConfigurationException e) { throw new FatalError(e); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { anonymizerLogger.severe("Could not load strategy: " + e.getMessage()); throw new FatalError(e); } // getConstructor catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { anonymizerLogger.severe("Strategy is missing the required constructor: " + e.getMessage()); throw new FatalError(e); } catch (SecurityException e) { anonymizerLogger.severe("Could not access strategy constructor: " + e.getMessage()); throw new FatalError(e); } // newInstance catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException e) { anonymizerLogger.severe("Could not create strategy: " + e.getMessage()); throw new FatalError(e); } // not a TransformationStrategy catch (ClassCastException e) { // error message has already been emitted in loadAndInstanciateStrategy throw new FatalError(e); } try { if (skipRuleValidation || validateRules() == 0) try { anonymize(); } catch (TransformationTableCreationException e) { logSevereErrorAndCausesWithInnerStackTrace(e); throw new FatalError(e); } catch (TransformationKeyCreationException e) { logSevereErrorAndCausesWithInnerStackTrace(e); throw new FatalError(e); } catch (FetchPseudonymsFailedException e) { logSevereErrorAndCausesWithInnerStackTrace(e); throw new FatalError(e); } catch (ColumnTypeNotSupportedException e) { anonymizerLogger.severe("An anonymization strategy does not " + "support the type of column to which the strategy " + "should be applied: " + e.getMessage()); logSevereErrorAndCausesWithInnerStackTrace(e); throw new FatalError(e); } catch (PreparationFailedException e) { logSevereErrorAndCausesWithInnerStackTrace(e); throw new FatalError(e); } catch (TableNotFoundException e) { logSevereErrorAndCausesWithInnerStackTrace(e); throw new FatalError(e); } } catch (SQLException e) { anonymizerLogger.severe("SQL error while checking whether all " + "values will fit into their column: " + e.getMessage()); throw new FatalError(e); } } private void logSevereErrorAndCausesWithInnerStackTrace(Throwable t) { Throwable last = t; anonymizerLogger.severe(t.getMessage()); while (t != null) { anonymizerLogger.severe("caused by: " + t.getMessage()); last = t; t = t.getCause(); } StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw); last.printStackTrace(pw); anonymizerLogger.severe("stack trace of inner exception: " + sw.toString()); if (last instanceof SQLException) { SQLException e = (SQLException) last; e = e.getNextException(); anonymizerLogger.severe("SQLException detected, exception chain follows"); while (e != null) { anonymizerLogger.severe(e.getMessage()); e = e.getNextException(); } } } public void loadAndInstantiateStrategies() throws ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchMethodException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, ClassCastException, InvalidConfigurationException {"Loading transformation strategies."); for (Map.Entry<String, String> strategiesEntry : config.getStrategyMapping().entrySet()) { String strategy = strategiesEntry.getKey(); String strategyClassName = strategiesEntry.getValue(); checkNotNull(strategyClassName, "No strategy class defined for " + strategy); if (!strategyByClassName.containsKey(strategyClassName)) { loadAndInstanciateStrategy(strategyClassName); } TransformationStrategy transformationStrategy = strategyByClassName.get(strategyClassName); strategyByName.put(strategy, transformationStrategy); } for (Rule rule : config.rules) { String strategy = rule.getStrategy(); if (!strategyByName.containsKey(strategy)) throw new Config.InvalidConfigurationException( "Strategy " + strategy + " is not defined but used in rule " + rule); rule.setTransformation(strategyByName.get(strategy)); } } protected void loadAndInstanciateStrategy(String strategyClassName) throws ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchMethodException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, ClassCastException { System.out.println("Loading " + strategyClassName); try { TransformationStrategy strategy = TransformationStrategy.loadAndCreate(strategyClassName, this, originalDatabase, transformationDB); transformationStrategies.add(strategy); strategyByClassName.put(strategyClassName, strategy); } catch (ClassCastException e) { anonymizerLogger.severe(String.format("%s is not a valid transformation class", strategyClassName)); throw e; } } private boolean connectDatabases() { try { originalDatabase = DatabaseConnector.connect(this.config.originalDB); anonymizedDatabase = DatabaseConnector.connect(this.config.destinationDB); transformationDB = DatabaseConnector.connect(this.config.transformationDB); } catch (SQLException e) { anonymizerLogger.severe("Could not connect to Databases. "); e.printStackTrace(); return false; } retainService = new RowRetainService(originalDatabase, transformationDB); return true; } protected void useDatabases(Connection originalDbConnection, Connection destinationDbConnection, Connection transformationDbConnection) { originalDatabase = originalDbConnection; anonymizedDatabase = destinationDbConnection; transformationDB = transformationDbConnection; retainService = new RowRetainService(originalDatabase, transformationDB); } /** * Loads Config, and scopes. Then starts the anonymization * * @param args * [0] = path to intermediary config file, args[1] = path to scope file * @throws Exception */ public static void main(String[] args) { if (args.length < 3) { System.err.println("Expected 3 Arguments\n" + "1. : path to intermediary config file, \n" + "2. : path to scope file,\n" + "3. : desired name of logfile"); System.exit(64); return; } List<String> arguments = Lists.newArrayList(args); boolean skipRuleValidation = arguments.remove("--skip-rule-validation"); try { setUpLogging(arguments.get(2)); } catch (IOException e) { anonymizerLogger.severe("Could not set up logging to the specified " + "file: " + e.getMessage()); System.exit(74); } Config config = new Config(); Scope scope = new Scope(); try {"Reading config file."); config.readFromFile(arguments.get(0)); } catch (IOException e) { anonymizerLogger.severe("Could not read from config file: " + e.getMessage()); System.exit(74); return; } catch (DependantWithoutRuleException | MalformedException e) { anonymizerLogger.severe("Invalid config file: " + e.getMessage()); System.exit(78); return; } try {"Reading scope file"); scope.readFromFile(arguments.get(1)); } catch (IOException e) { anonymizerLogger.severe("Reading scope file failed: " + e.getMessage()); System.exit(74); return; } Anonymizer anon = new Anonymizer(config, scope); if (skipRuleValidation) anon.skipRuleValidation = true; try { anon.connectAndRun(); } catch (FatalError e) { anonymizerLogger.severe("Cannot recover from previous errors, exiting."); System.exit(1); } } /** * Overrides the logging format and also routes logging output to the * specified log file. * * @param logFilename path to the log file to which logging output should be written * @throws IOException cannot initialize FileHandler for the logfile */ public static void setUpLogging(String logFilename) throws IOException { System.setProperty("java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter.format", "[%1$tF %1$tT] - %4$s: %5$s (%2$s)%n"); Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("de.hpi.bp2013n1"); logFileHandler = new FileHandler(logFilename); logFormatter = new SimpleFormatter(); logger.addHandler(logFileHandler); logFileHandler.setFormatter(logFormatter); } public int validateRules() throws SQLException {"Checking whether the transformation rules are valid."); int numberOfErrors = 0; RuleValidator ruleValidator = new RuleValidator(anonymizedDatabase.getMetaData()); for (Rule rule : config.rules) { if (!ruleValidator.isValid(rule)) { numberOfErrors++; } } return numberOfErrors; } /** * Main anonymization method. Creates transformation tables in * transformation database, then copies and/or anonymizes the data. * During the transformation and copying, every relevant constraint in the * destination database will be disabled. * * @throws ColumnTypeNotSupportedException * @throws TransformationTableCreationException * @throws TransformationKeyCreationException * @throws FetchPseudonymsFailedException * @throws PreparationFailedException */ public void anonymize() throws FetchPseudonymsFailedException, TransformationKeyCreationException, TransformationTableCreationException, ColumnTypeNotSupportedException, PreparationFailedException, TableNotFoundException {"Started anonymizing."); checkIfTablesExistInDestinationDatabase(); try { foreignKeyDeletions.determineForeignKeysAmongTables(originalDatabase, config.schemaName, scope.tables); } catch (SQLException e) { anonymizerLogger .severe("Could not determine relationships in the " + "source database: " + e.getMessage()); } foreignKeyDeletions.addForeignKeysForRuleDependents(config.rules); Collection<Constraint> constraints = disableAnonymizedDbConstraints(); prepareTransformations(); copyAndAnonymizeData(); ConstraintToggler.enableConstraints(constraints, anonymizedDatabase);"Finished: Anonymizing"); for (TransformationStrategy strategy : transformationStrategies) strategy.printSummary(); } private void checkIfTablesExistInDestinationDatabase() throws TableNotFoundException { try { DatabaseMetaData metaData = anonymizedDatabase.getMetaData(); String[] tableTypes = new String[] { "TABLE" }; List<String> missingTables = new ArrayList<>(); for (String tableName : scope.tables) { try (ResultSet tables = metaData.getTables(null, config.schemaName, tableName, tableTypes)) { if (! missingTables.add(SQLHelper.qualifiedTableName(config.schemaName, tableName)); } } if (!missingTables.isEmpty()) throw new TableNotFoundException( "The following tables could not be found:\n" + Joiner.on('\n').join(missingTables)); } catch (SQLException e) { anonymizerLogger.severe("Could not determine if all tables exist " + "in the destination database. This may lead to a lot of " + "error messages if some tables are really missing. " + "The error was: " + e.getMessage()); } } private Collection<Constraint> disableAnonymizedDbConstraints() { return ConstraintToggler.disableConstraints(anonymizedDatabase, config, scope); } private void copyAndAnonymizeData() {"Started copying data."); try { anonymizedDatabase.setAutoCommit(false); } catch (SQLException | AbstractMethodError e) { // no performance gain but not severe } collectRulesBySite(); int currentTableNumber = 0; for (String table : scope.tables) { TableRuleMap ruleMap = buildTableRuleMapFor(table);"Copying data from: " + table + " (table " + (++currentTableNumber) + "/" + scope.tables.size() + ")."); copyAndAnonymizeTable(ruleMap); } try { anonymizedDatabase.setAutoCommit(true); } catch (SQLException | AbstractMethodError e) { // probably disabling it earlier failed as well }"Finished: Copying Data."); } private TableRuleMap buildTableRuleMapFor(String table) { TableField tableSite = new TableField(table, null, config.schemaName); TableRuleMap ruleMap = new TableRuleMap(table); for (Map.Entry<TableField, Rule> fieldAndRule : comprehensiveRulesBySite.entries()) { TableField tableField = fieldAndRule.getKey(); if (tableField.asTableSite().equals(tableSite)) { Rule rule = fieldAndRule.getValue(); ruleMap.put(tableField.getColumn(), rule); } } return ruleMap; } /** * Creates a multimap which maps applied strategies to a TableField * (table or attribtue) in the correct order of application. */ void collectRulesBySite() { RuleConnector ruleConnector = new RuleConnector(); ruleConnector.addRules(config.getRules()); Multimap<TableField, Rule> rulesBySite = ruleConnector.getRulesBySite(); comprehensiveRulesBySite = LinkedHashMultimap.create(); for (Map.Entry<TableField, Rule> siteAndRule : rulesBySite.entries()) { TableField thisSite = siteAndRule.getKey(); ArrayList<Rule> rulesToApplyToThisSite = new ArrayList<>(); Rule rule = siteAndRule.getValue(); rulesToApplyToThisSite.addAll(rule.transitiveParents()); rulesToApplyToThisSite.add(rule); comprehensiveRulesBySite.putAll(thisSite, rulesToApplyToThisSite); } Iterator<Rule> rulesIterator = comprehensiveRulesBySite.values().iterator(); while (rulesIterator.hasNext()) { Rule eachRule =; if (eachRule.getTransformation() == null) { eachRule.setTransformation(strategyByName.get(eachRule.getStrategy())); } if (eachRule.getTransformation() instanceof NoOperationStrategy) { rulesIterator.remove(); } } } private void copyAndAnonymizeTable(TableRuleMap tableRuleMap) { // make sure target newDB is empty String qualifiedTableName = config.schemaName + "." + tableRuleMap.tableName; truncateTable(qualifiedTableName); ResultSetMetaData rsMeta; int rowCount = countRowsInTable(qualifiedTableName); if (rowCount > 0)"Found " + rowCount + " rows."); try (PreparedStatement selectStarStatement = originalDatabase .prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM " + qualifiedTableName); ResultSet rs = selectStarStatement.executeQuery()) { try { rsMeta = rs.getMetaData(); for (TransformationStrategy strategy : transformationStrategies) { TableRuleMap tableRuleMapForStrategy = tableRuleMap.filteredByStrategy(strategy); if (tableRuleMapForStrategy.isEmpty()) continue; strategy.prepareTableTransformation(tableRuleMapForStrategy); } } catch (SQLException | FetchPseudonymsFailedException e) { anonymizerLogger.warning("Fetching rows failed: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); return; } copyAndAnonymizeRows(tableRuleMap, qualifiedTableName, rsMeta, rowCount, rs); try { anonymizedDatabase.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { anonymizerLogger.warning("Commit operation concluding table " + qualifiedTableName + " failed."); } } catch (SQLException e) { anonymizerLogger.severe("Could not query table " + qualifiedTableName + ": " + e.getMessage()); } } private void copyAndAnonymizeRows(TableRuleMap tableRuleMap, String qualifiedTableName, ResultSetMetaData rsMeta, int rowCount, ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { // prepared Statement for batch loading int columnCount = rsMeta.getColumnCount(); List<String> columnNames = new ArrayList<>(); for (int column = 1; column <= columnCount; column++) { columnNames.add(rsMeta.getColumnName(column)); } StringBuilder insertQueryBuilder = new StringBuilder(); insertQueryBuilder.append("INSERT INTO ").append(qualifiedTableName).append(" (") .append(Joiner.on(',').join(columnNames)).append(") VALUES ("); for (int j = 0; j < columnCount - 1; j++) insertQueryBuilder.append("?,"); insertQueryBuilder.append("?)"); ResultSetRowReader rowReader = new ResultSetRowReader(rs); rowReader.setCurrentTable(tableRuleMap.tableName); rowReader.setCurrentSchema(config.schemaName); try (PreparedStatement insertStatement = anonymizedDatabase .prepareStatement(insertQueryBuilder.toString())) { int processedRowsCount = 0; while (!rs.isClosed() && { // for all rows try { copyAndAnonymizeRow(tableRuleMap, qualifiedTableName, rsMeta, columnCount, rowReader, insertStatement); } catch (SQLException e) { anonymizerLogger.severe( "SQL error when transforming row #" + (processedRowsCount + 1) + ": " + e.getMessage()); } processedRowsCount++; if ((processedRowsCount % config.batchSize) == 0) { try { BatchOperation.executeAndCommit(insertStatement); } catch (SQLException e) { logBatchInsertError(e); } } if ((processedRowsCount % LOG_INTERVAL) == 0) System.out.format("Progress: %d/%d (%d %%)\r", processedRowsCount, rowCount, 100 * processedRowsCount / rowCount); } if ((processedRowsCount % LOG_INTERVAL) != 0) System.out.format("Progress: %d/%d (%d %%)\n", processedRowsCount, rowCount, 100 * processedRowsCount / rowCount); else System.out.format("\n"); try { BatchOperation.executeAndCommit(insertStatement); } catch (SQLException e) { logBatchInsertError(e); } } catch (SQLException e) { anonymizerLogger .severe("SQL error while traversing table " + qualifiedTableName + ": " + e.getMessage()); } } private void logBatchInsertError(SQLException e) { anonymizerLogger.severe("Error(s) during batch insert: " + e.getMessage()); for (Throwable chainedException : Iterables.skip(e, 1)) { anonymizerLogger.severe("Insert error: " + chainedException.getMessage()); } } private void copyAndAnonymizeRow(TableRuleMap tableRuleMap, String qualifiedTableName, ResultSetMetaData rsMeta, int columnCount, ResultSetRowReader rowReader, PreparedStatement insertStatement) throws SQLException { boolean retainRow = false; if (foreignKeyDeletions.hasParentRowBeenDeleted(rowReader)) { retainRow = retainService.currentRowShouldBeRetained(config.schemaName, tableRuleMap.tableName, rowReader); if (retainRow) { anonymizerLogger.warning("Retaining a row in " + qualifiedTableName + " even though its parent row " + "in another table has been deleted!"); } else { // the parent row has been deleted, so delete this row as well // since the foreign key cannot be reestablished and should // possible be kept secret foreignKeyDeletions.rowHasBeenDeleted(rowReader); return; } } // apply rules which have no column name specified first // because these are likely to be retain or delete instructions for (Rule configRule : tableRuleMap.getRules(null)) { if (Iterables.isEmpty(anonymizeValue(null, configRule, rowReader, null, tableRuleMap))) { if (retainRow || retainService.currentRowShouldBeRetained(configRule.getTableField().schema, configRule.getTableField().table, rowReader)) { // skip this transformation which deleted the tuple"Not deleting a row in " + qualifiedTableName + " because it " + "was previously marked to be " + "retained."); retainRow = true; continue; } foreignKeyDeletions.rowHasBeenDeleted(rowReader); return; } } // apply rules to specific columns List<Iterable<?>> columnValues = new ArrayList<>(columnCount); for (int j = 1; j <= columnCount; j++) { // for all columns String columnName = rsMeta.getColumnName(j); ImmutableList<Rule> appliedRules = tableRuleMap.getRules(columnName); // check if column needs translation if (!appliedRules.isEmpty()) { // fetch translations Iterable<?> currentValues = Lists.newArrayList(rowReader.getObject(j)); for (Rule configRule : appliedRules) { Iterable<Object> newValues = Collections.emptyList(); for (Object intermediateValue : currentValues) { Iterable<?> transformationResults = anonymizeValue(intermediateValue, configRule, rowReader, columnName, tableRuleMap); newValues = Iterables.concat(newValues, transformationResults); } if (!newValues.iterator().hasNext()) { if (retainRow || retainService.currentRowShouldBeRetained(configRule.getTableField().schema, configRule.getTableField().table, rowReader)) { // skip this transformation which deleted the tuple"Not deleting a row in " + qualifiedTableName + " because it " + "was previously marked to be " + "retained."); retainRow = true; continue; } // if a Strategy returned an empty transformation, the // cross product of all column values will be empty, // the original tuple is lost foreignKeyDeletions.rowHasBeenDeleted(rowReader); return; } currentValues = newValues; } columnValues.add(currentValues); } else { // if column doesn't have to be anonymized, take old value columnValues.add(Lists.newArrayList(rowReader.getObject(j))); } } try { addBatchInserts(insertStatement, columnValues); } catch (SQLException e) { anonymizerLogger.severe("Adding insert statement failed: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Compute the cross product of columnValues and add them to * anonymizedDatabaseStatement with {@link PreparedStatement.addBatch}. * @param anonymizedDatabaseStatement * @param columnValues * @throws SQLException if calls to anonymizedDatabaseStatement fail */ private void addBatchInserts(PreparedStatement anonymizedDatabaseStatement, List<Iterable<?>> columnValues) throws SQLException { addBatchInserts(anonymizedDatabaseStatement, columnValues, 1); } private void addBatchInserts(PreparedStatement anonymizedDatabaseStatement, List<Iterable<?>> columnValues, int columnIndex) throws SQLException { if (columnIndex > columnValues.size()) { anonymizedDatabaseStatement.addBatch(); } else { for (Object columnValue : columnValues.get(columnIndex - 1)) { anonymizedDatabaseStatement.setObject(columnIndex, columnValue); addBatchInserts(anonymizedDatabaseStatement, columnValues, columnIndex + 1); } } } private Iterable<?> anonymizeValue(Object currentValue, Rule configRule, ResultSetRowReader rowReader, String columnName, TableRuleMap tableRules) { TransformationStrategy strategy; strategy = configRule.getTransformation(); try { return strategy.transform(currentValue, configRule, rowReader); } catch (TransformationKeyNotFoundException e) { anonymizerLogger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Transformation value for \"" + currentValue + "\" (from table " + tableRules.tableName + "." + columnName + ") was not found in keys for " + configRule.getTableField() + ". Used empty String instead.", e); } catch (SQLException e) { anonymizerLogger.severe("SQL error while transforming value \"" + currentValue + "\" (from table " + tableRules.tableName + "." + columnName + ") : " + e.getMessage() + ". Using empty String instead."); } catch (TransformationFailedException e) { anonymizerLogger.severe(e.getMessage()); Throwable t = e; while ((t = t.getCause()) != null) { anonymizerLogger.severe("caused by: " + t.getMessage()); } } return Lists.newArrayList(""); } private int countRowsInTable(String qualifiedTableName) { int rowCount = -1; try (Statement countStatement = originalDatabase.createStatement(); ResultSet countResult = countStatement.executeQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + qualifiedTableName)) {; rowCount = countResult.getInt(1); } catch (SQLException e) {"Could not retrieve row count for table " + qualifiedTableName + " (error message follows), " + "progress report will be awkward."); anonymizerLogger.warning(e.getMessage()); } return rowCount; } private void truncateTable(String qualifiedTableName) { TableTruncater.truncateTable(qualifiedTableName, anonymizedDatabase); } private void prepareTransformations() throws FetchPseudonymsFailedException, TransformationKeyCreationException, TransformationTableCreationException, ColumnTypeNotSupportedException, PreparationFailedException {"Setting up transformations."); try { createSchemaInTransformataionDatabase(); } catch (SQLException e) { anonymizerLogger.warning( "Could not create schema in the " + "transformation database, this might cause the creation " + "of pseudonym tables or others to fail."); } Multimap<TransformationStrategy, Rule> rulesByStrategy = ArrayListMultimap.create(); for (Rule rule : config.rules) { if (!scope.tables.contains(rule.getTableField().table)) { anonymizerLogger.warning("Table " + rule.getTableField().table + " not in scope. Skipping dependants and continuing."); continue; } rulesByStrategy.put(rule.getTransformation(), rule); for (TableField dependant : rule.getDependants()) { if (!scope.tables.contains(dependant.table)) { anonymizerLogger.warning("Dependend table " + dependant.table + " not in scope. Skipping dependant and continuing."); continue; } } } for (TransformationStrategy strategy : rulesByStrategy.keySet()) {"Setting up transformations for " + strategy.getClass().getSimpleName()); strategy.setUpTransformation(rulesByStrategy.get(strategy)); }"Finished: setting up transformations."); } private void createSchemaInTransformataionDatabase() throws SQLException { try (ResultSet schemasResult = transformationDB.getMetaData().getSchemas(null, config.schemaName)) { if ( return; // schema is already present } SQLHelper.createSchema(config.schemaName, transformationDB); } /** * Retrieves all rules which are applied to the specified attribute in the * order of application. * * @param tableName table which contains the attribute * @param columnName column name of the attribute */ public Collection<Rule> getRulesFor(String tableName, String columnName) { return comprehensiveRulesBySite.get(new TableField(tableName, columnName, config.getSchemaName())); } public boolean isTableInScope(TableField tableSite) { return scope.tables.contains(tableSite.getTable()); } public boolean isTableInScope(String tableName) { return scope.tables.contains(tableName); } }