Java tutorial
/* * R2R * * Copyright 2010-2011 Freie Universitt Berlin * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package de.fuberlin.wiwiss.r2r; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.HashSet; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryExecution; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QuerySolution; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.ResultSet; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Literal; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.RDFNode; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Resource; import com.hp.hpl.jena.shared.NotFoundException; import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.OWL; import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.RDF; import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.RDFS; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Property; /** * Repository that offers access to R2R mappings and functions to import non-R2R mappings. * It implements both Mapping Repository and Metadata Repository capabilities * @author andreas * */ public class Repository implements MappingRepository, MetadataRepository, Source { private Source source; private FunctionManager functionManager; private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(Repository.class); // load FunctionManager as defined in private FunctionManager loadFunctionManager(Source source) { String fm = Config.getProperty("r2r.FunctionManager", "de.fuberlin.wiwiss.r2r.BasicFunctionManager"); String error = null; Exception exception; try { Class<?> fmclass = Class.forName(fm); boolean constructorWithSource = false; Constructor<?> c = null; for (Constructor<?> constructor : fmclass.getConstructors()) { Class<?>[] pTypes = constructor.getParameterTypes(); if (c == null && pTypes.length == 0) c = constructor; if (pTypes.length == 1 && pTypes[0] == Source.class) { c = constructor; constructorWithSource = true; } } if (constructorWithSource) return (FunctionManager) c.newInstance(source); else return (FunctionManager) c.newInstance(); } catch (InstantiationException e) { exception = e; } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { exception = e; } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { exception = e; } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { exception = e; } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { exception = e; } error = "Could not load Function Manager: " + fm + ". Cause: " + exception; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(error); if (Config.rethrowActivated()) throw new R2RException(error, exception); return null; } /** * Create a Repository from a Source object * @param source A Source object */ public Repository(Source source) { this.source = source; functionManager = loadFunctionManager(source); }; //Factory methods: /** * create a repository based on a Jena model * @param model a Jena Model * @return Repository */ public static Repository createJenaModelRepository(Model model) { return new Repository(new JenaModelSource(model)); } /** * Create a repository created from a file or URI * @param fileOrUri a path to a file in the file system or a URI * @return Repository */ public static Repository createFileOrUriRepository(String fileOrUri) throws NotFoundException { return new Repository(new FileOrURISource(fileOrUri)); } /** * Create a repository that can be queried over a SPARQL endpoint * @param endpointURI The SPARQL endpoint URL String * @return Repository */ public static Repository createSparqlEndpointRepository(String endpointURI) { return new Repository(new SparqlEndpointSource(endpointURI)); } /** * Create a repository that can be queried over a SPARQL endpoint * @param endpointURI The SPARQL endpoint URL String * @param defaultGraph The default graph to query * @return Repository */ public static Repository createSparqlEndpointRepository(String endpointURI, String defaultGraph) { return new Repository(new SparqlEndpointSource(endpointURI, defaultGraph)); } /** * Create a repository that can be queried over a SPARQL endpoint * @param endpointURI The SPARQL endpoint URL String * @param defaultGraph The default graph to query * @param namedGraphURIs A list of named graphs against the query will be executed * @return Repository */ public static Repository createSparqlEndpointRepository(String endpointURI, String defaultGraph, List<String> namedGraphURIs) { return new Repository(new SparqlEndpointSource(endpointURI, defaultGraph, namedGraphURIs)); } /** * fetch _all_ mappings from the repository * @return Java Map: mapping URI String -> Mapping object */ public Map<String, Mapping> getMappings() { Map<String, Mapping> mappings = new HashMap<String, Mapping>(); List<String> resources = getMappingResources(); for (String resURI : resources) { Mapping mapping = getMappingOfUri(resURI); if (mapping != null) mappings.put(mapping.getUri(), mapping); } return mappings; } public Map<String, String> validateMappings() { Map<String, String> erroneousMappings = new HashMap<String, String>(); List<String> resources = getMappingResources(); for (String resURI : resources) { try { Mapping mapping = getMappingOfUri(resURI); if (mapping == null) erroneousMappings.put(resURI, "Unknown Error"); } catch (R2RException e) { erroneousMappings.put(resURI, e.getMessage()); } } return erroneousMappings; } /** * create a Repository object that includes the meta data of this Repository * @return Mapping meta-data Repository */ public MetadataRepository getMetaDataRepository() { Model resModel = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); List<String> resources = getMappingResources(); for (String resURI : resources) { Mapping mapping = getMappingOfUri(resURI); if (mapping != null) resModel.add(mapping.getJenaModelWithMappingMetaData()); } MetadataRepository repository = new Repository(new JenaModelSource(resModel)); return repository; } private List<String> listMappingResourcesFromResultSet(ResultSet resultSet) { List<String> resources = new ArrayList<String>(); while (resultSet.hasNext()) resources.add("s").toString()); return resources; } private List<String> getMappingResources() { String query = "select distinct ?s where { ?s <" + R2R.targetPattern + "> ?o }"; QueryExecution qe = source.executeQuery(query); try { return listMappingResourcesFromResultSet(qe.execSelect()); } finally { qe.close(); } } private List<String> getPropertyValues(ResultSet resultSet) { List<String> values = new ArrayList<String>(); while (resultSet.hasNext()) { RDFNode node ="o"); if (node instanceof Literal) values.add(((Literal) node).getLexicalForm()); else values.add(node.toString()); } return values; } private String getPropertyValuesQuery(String property, String resourceURI) { return "select distinct ?o where { <" + resourceURI + "> <" + property + "> ?o }"; } /** * fetches a Mapping out of the Repository * @param mappingURI the mapping URI String * @return a Mapping object corresponding to the supplied mapping URI or null */ public Mapping getMappingOfUri(String mappingURI) { List<String> mappingTypes = getPropertyValuesForResource(mappingURI, RDF.type.getURI()); if (mappingTypes.size() == 0) throw new RuntimeException("Unknown mapping type of resource <" + mappingURI + ">"); boolean isClassMapping = isClassMappingType(mappingTypes); List<String> sp = getPropertyValuesForResource(mappingURI, R2R.sourcePattern); if (sp.size() != 1) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Mapping <" + mappingURI + "> has no unique source pattern"); return null; } String sourcePattern = sp.get(0); List<String> targetPatterns = getPropertyValuesForResource(mappingURI, R2R.targetPattern); List<String> transformations = getPropertyValuesForResource(mappingURI, R2R.transformation); List<String> prefixDefinitions = getPropertyValuesForResource(mappingURI, R2R.prefixDefinitions); List<String> functionImports = getPropertyValuesForResource(mappingURI, R2R.importFunction); String classRef = getReferencedClassMappingUri(mappingURI); if (classRef == null) { addPrefixesOfMappingCollection(mappingURI, prefixDefinitions); return Mapping.createMapping(mappingURI, null, prefixDefinitions, targetPatterns, transformations, sourcePattern, isClassMapping, functionImports, functionManager); } String parentMapping = classRef; List<String> sourcePatterns = new ArrayList<String>(); sourcePatterns.add(sourcePattern); boolean successful = mergeWithReferencedMappings(mappingURI, prefixDefinitions, classRef, sourcePatterns); if (!successful) return null; addPrefixesOfMappingCollection(mappingURI, prefixDefinitions); return Mapping.createMapping(mappingURI, parentMapping, prefixDefinitions, targetPatterns, transformations, sourcePatterns, isClassMapping, functionImports, functionManager); } private List<String> addPrefixesOfMappingCollection(String mappingURI, List<String> prefixDefinitions) { List<String> mC = getPropertyValuesForResource(mappingURI, R2R.partOfMappingCollection); List<String> prefixDefsOfCollection = null; if (mC.size() > 0) { prefixDefsOfCollection = getPropertyValuesForResource(mC.get(0), R2R.prefixDefinitions); } if (prefixDefsOfCollection != null) prefixDefinitions.addAll(prefixDefsOfCollection); return prefixDefsOfCollection; } private boolean mergeWithReferencedMappings(String mappingURI, List<String> prefixDefinitions, String classRef, List<String> sourcePatterns) { HashSet<String> mappingPath = new HashSet<String>(); while (classRef != null) { if (mappingPath.contains(classRef)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Mapping <").append(mappingURI) .append("> references other mappings that lead to a cycle. "); sb.append("Cycle starts with mapping: <").append(classRef).append(">."); log.debug(sb.toString()); } return false; } else mappingPath.add(classRef); MappingData mapData = getMappingDataOfUri(classRef); if (mapData == null) return false; sourcePatterns.add(mapData.sourcePattern); prefixDefinitions.addAll(mapData.prefixDefinitions); classRef = getReferencedClassMappingUri(classRef); } return true; } private MappingData getMappingDataOfUri(String mappingURI) { List<String> sp = getPropertyValuesForResource(mappingURI, R2R.sourcePattern); if (sp.size() != 1) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Mapping <" + mappingURI + "> has no unique source pattern"); return null; } String sourcePattern = sp.get(0); List<String> prefixDefinitions = getPropertyValuesForResource(mappingURI, R2R.prefixDefinitions); return new MappingData(sourcePattern, prefixDefinitions); } private List<String> getPropertyValuesForResource(String resourceURI, String property) { QueryExecution qe = source.executeQuery(getPropertyValuesQuery(property, resourceURI)); try { return getPropertyValues(qe.execSelect()); } finally { qe.close(); } } //Check if the type of the resource is a class mapping private boolean isClassMappingType(List<String> types) { for (String type : types) { if (type.equals(R2R.ClassMapping)) return true; } return false; } private String getReferencedClassMappingUri(String mappingUri) { QueryExecution qe = source.executeQuery(getReferencedClassMappingUriQuery(mappingUri)); ResultSet resultSet = qe.execSelect(); try { if (resultSet.hasNext()) return"classref").toString(); else return null; } finally { qe.close(); } } private String getReferencedClassMappingUriQuery(String mappingUri) { return "Select ?classref where { <" + mappingUri + "> <" + R2R.mappingRef + "> ?classref }"; } private static class MappingData { String sourcePattern; List<String> prefixDefinitions; public MappingData(String sourcePattern, List<String> prefixDefinitions) { super(); this.sourcePattern = sourcePattern; this.prefixDefinitions = prefixDefinitions; } } /* * Get all the mapping URIs from the meta data repository that generate one or more of the given entities */ public List<MappingsInfo> getMappingURIsForVocabularyDefinition(List<String> entityUris) { return getMappingURIsForVocabularyDefinition(null, entityUris, false); } //TODO: Add another function or replace this function and offer a better interface, rework semantics of the return objects /** * Get all the mapping URIs from the meta data repository that generate one or more of the given entities. * All the mappings are being put into a specific context defined by the first argument. * @param classRestrictionTermUri * @param propertiesUris * @param addClassRestrictionMappings * @return MappingsInfo objects that contain information about which and how mappings should be executed. */ public List<MappingsInfo> getMappingURIsForVocabularyDefinition(String classRestrictionTermUri, Collection<String> propertiesUris, boolean addClassRestrictionMappings) { List<MappingsInfo> mappingInfos = new ArrayList<MappingsInfo>(); Set<String> classRestrictions = null; if (classRestrictionTermUri != null) classRestrictions = getMappingsOfTargetElement(classRestrictionTermUri); else { classRestrictions = new HashSet<String>(); classRestrictions.add(""); } Map<String, Set<String>> mappingsPerClassMapping = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>(); Map<String, Map<String, Collection<String>>> restrictionsPerClassMapping = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Collection<String>>>(); // This will only be executed if the class restriction mappings should be added if (classRestrictionTermUri != null) { for (String c : classRestrictions) { if (addClassRestrictionMappings) { addMappingsToClassMappingContext(c, c, mappingsPerClassMapping); addRestrictionToClassMappingContext(c, classRestrictionTermUri, c, restrictionsPerClassMapping); } } } //Add Property/Other Mappings for (String propertyUri : propertiesUris) { Collection<String> potentialPropertyMappings = getMappingsOfTargetElement(propertyUri); for (String potMapping : potentialPropertyMappings) { if (classRestrictionTermUri != null) for (String c : classRestrictions) { addRestrictionToClassMappingContext(potMapping, propertyUri, c, restrictionsPerClassMapping); addMappingsToClassMappingContext(potMapping, c, mappingsPerClassMapping); } else { addRestrictionToClassMappingContext(potMapping, propertyUri, "", restrictionsPerClassMapping); addMappingsToClassMappingContext(potMapping, "", mappingsPerClassMapping); } } } // Create Mappings Info objects for (String c : classRestrictions) { Set<String> m = mappingsPerClassMapping.get(c); if (m == null) continue; Map<String, Collection<String>> r = restrictionsPerClassMapping.get(c); Collection<String> context = null; if (classRestrictionTermUri != null) { context = new ArrayList<String>(); context.add(c); } mappingInfos.add(new MappingsInfo(context, m, r)); } return mappingInfos; } private void addMappingsToClassMappingContext(String mapping, String classMapping, Map<String, Set<String>> mappingsPerClassMapping) { assert (mappingsPerClassMapping.containsKey(classMapping)); Set<String> mappings = mappingsPerClassMapping.get(classMapping); if (mappings == null) { mappings = new HashSet<String>(); } mappings.add(mapping); mappingsPerClassMapping.put(classMapping, mappings); } private void addRestrictionToClassMappingContext(String propMapping, String property, String classMapping, Map<String, Map<String, Collection<String>>> restrictionsOfClassContexts) { assert (restrictionsOfClassContexts.containsKey(classMapping)); Map<String, Collection<String>> restrictions = restrictionsOfClassContexts.get(classMapping); if (restrictions == null) { restrictions = new HashMap<String, Collection<String>>(); restrictionsOfClassContexts.put(classMapping, restrictions); } Collection<String> properties = restrictions.get(propMapping); if (properties == null) { properties = new HashSet<String>(); restrictions.put(propMapping, properties); } properties.add(property); } private void addRestrictionToMap(String mappingUri, String propertyUri, Map<String, Collection<String>> resMap) { Collection<String> restrictions = resMap.get(mappingUri); if (restrictions == null) { restrictions = new HashSet<String>(); resMap.put(mappingUri, restrictions); } restrictions.add(propertyUri); } /* * Fetches all class mappings from the repository where classUri is the target class */ public Set<String> getMappingsOfTargetElement(String uri) { String query = "Select ?mapping where { ?mapping <" + R2R.mapsTo + "> <" + uri + "> }"; QueryExecution qe = source.executeQuery(query); ResultSet resultset = qe.execSelect(); Set<String> mappings = new HashSet<String>(); while (resultset.hasNext()) { mappings.add("mapping").toString()); } qe.close(); return mappings; } /* * Checks if the property mapping is associated with one of the class mappings or a subclass of one of them. */ // private boolean checkForMappingContainment(String propertyMapping, Set<String> classMappings) { // String currentMapping = propertyMapping; // // while(currentMapping!=null) { // String query = "Select ?mapping where { <" + currentMapping + "> <" + R2R.classMappingRef + "> ?mapping }"; // QueryExecution qe = source.executeQuery(query); // ResultSet rs = qe.execSelect(); // try { // if(!rs.hasNext()) // return false; // else { // currentMapping ="mapping").toString(); // if(classMappings.contains(currentMapping)) // return true; // } // } // finally { // qe.close(); // } // } // return false; // } public QueryExecution executeQuery(String query) { return source.executeQuery(query); } public Model executeDescribeQuery(String query) { return source.executeDescribeQuery(query); } /** * reads in all mapping data found in a Source object. Also converts simple OWL and RDFS mappings into R2R format * @param source Source object containing mapping information * @return Jena Model with the imported, possibly converted mappings */ public static Model importMappingDataFromSource(Source source, StringGenerator uriGenerator) { Model outputModel = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); importMappingDataFromSourceIntoModel(source, outputModel, uriGenerator); return outputModel; } public static Model importMappingDataFromFile(String filename, StringGenerator uriGenerator) { Source source = new FileOrURISource(filename); return importMappingDataFromSource(source, uriGenerator); } /** * write mapping data from Source object into the given Jena Model * @param source Source object * @param outputModel Jena model to output the imported (and possibly converted) mapping data */ public static void importMappingDataFromSourceIntoModel(Source source, Model outputModel, StringGenerator uriGenerator) { copyR2RmappingData(source, outputModel); importRDFSMappingData(source, outputModel, uriGenerator); importOWLMappingData(source, outputModel, uriGenerator); } private static void copyR2RmappingData(Source source, Model outputModel) { String query = "CONSTRUCT { ?s ?p ?o }" + "WHERE {" + "?s <" + R2R.sourcePattern + "> ?st ." + "?s ?p ?o ." + "}"; outputModel.add(source.executeConstructQuery(query)); } /** * imports rdfs:subClassOf and rdfs:subPropertyOf mappings from the Source * @param source the Source of the RDFS mappings * @param outputModel where the converted mappings are written to * @param uriGenerator URIs for the converted mappings are taken from the URIGenerator */ public static void importRDFSMappingData(Source source, Model outputModel, StringGenerator uriGenerator) { importAndConvertSubClassOfMappings(source, outputModel, uriGenerator); importAndConvertSubPropertyOfMappings(source, outputModel, uriGenerator); } /** * imports owl:equivalentClass and owl:equivalentProperty mappings from the Source * @param source the Source of the OWL mappings * @param outputModel where the converted mappings are written to * @param uriGenerator URIs for the converted mappings are taken from the URIGenerator */ public static void importOWLMappingData(Source source, Model outputModel, StringGenerator uriGenerator) { importAndConvertEquivalentClassMappings(source, outputModel, uriGenerator); importAndConvertEquivalentPropertyMappings(source, outputModel, uriGenerator); } private static void importAndConvertEquivalentPropertyMappings(Source source, Model outputModel, StringGenerator uriGenerator) { String query = "Select ?e1 ?e2 WHERE {" + "?e1 <" + OWL.equivalentProperty.getURI() + "> ?e2" + "}"; QueryExecution qe = source.executeQuery(query); ResultSet rs = qe.execSelect(); while (rs.hasNext()) { QuerySolution qs =; RDFNode e1 = qs.get("e1"); RDFNode e2 = qs.get("e2"); if (e1.isURIResource() && e2.isURIResource()) { String uri = uriGenerator.nextString(); String e1Pattern = "?SUBJ <" + e1.toString() + "> ?o"; String e2Pattern = "?SUBJ <" + e2.toString() + "> ?o"; addR2RMapping(uri, e1Pattern, e2Pattern, R2R.PropertyMapping, outputModel, true); uri = uriGenerator.nextString(); addR2RMapping(uri, e2Pattern, e1Pattern, R2R.PropertyMapping, outputModel, true); } } qe.close(); } private static void importAndConvertEquivalentClassMappings(Source source, Model outputModel, StringGenerator uriGenerator) { String query = "Select ?e1 ?e2 WHERE {" + "?e1 <" + OWL.equivalentClass.getURI() + "> ?e2" + "}"; QueryExecution qe = source.executeQuery(query); ResultSet rs = qe.execSelect(); while (rs.hasNext()) { QuerySolution qs =; RDFNode e1 = qs.get("e1"); RDFNode e2 = qs.get("e2"); if (e1.isURIResource() && e2.isURIResource()) { String uri = uriGenerator.nextString(); String e1Pattern = "?SUBJ a <" + e1.toString() + ">"; String e2Pattern = "?SUBJ a <" + e2.toString() + ">"; addR2RMapping(uri, e1Pattern, e2Pattern, R2R.ClassMapping, outputModel, true); uri = uriGenerator.nextString(); addR2RMapping(uri, e2Pattern, e1Pattern, R2R.ClassMapping, outputModel, true); } } qe.close(); } private static void importAndConvertSubClassOfMappings(Source source, Model outputModel, StringGenerator uriGenerator) { String query = "Select ?from ?to WHERE {" + "?from <" + RDFS.subClassOf.getURI() + "> ?to" + "}"; QueryExecution qe = source.executeQuery(query); ResultSet rs = qe.execSelect(); while (rs.hasNext()) { QuerySolution qs =; RDFNode from = qs.get("from"); RDFNode to = qs.get("to"); if (from.isURIResource() && to.isURIResource()) { String uri = uriGenerator.nextString(); String sourcePattern = "?SUBJ a <" + from.toString() + ">"; String targetPattern = "?SUBJ a <" + to.toString() + ">"; addR2RMapping(uri, sourcePattern, targetPattern, R2R.ClassMapping, outputModel, false); } } qe.close(); } private static void importAndConvertSubPropertyOfMappings(Source source, Model outputModel, StringGenerator uriGenerator) { String query = "Select ?from ?to WHERE {" + "?from <" + RDFS.subPropertyOf.getURI() + "> ?to" + "}"; QueryExecution qe = source.executeQuery(query); ResultSet rs = qe.execSelect(); while (rs.hasNext()) { QuerySolution qs =; RDFNode from = qs.get("from"); RDFNode to = qs.get("to"); if (from.isURIResource() && to.isURIResource()) { String uri = uriGenerator.nextString(); String sourcePattern = "?SUBJ <" + from.toString() + "> ?o"; String targetPattern = "?SUBJ <" + to.toString() + "> ?o"; addR2RMapping(uri, sourcePattern, targetPattern, R2R.PropertyMapping, outputModel, false); } } qe.close(); } private static void addR2RMapping(String uri, String sourcePattern, String targetPattern, String mappingClass, Model outputModel, boolean equivalenceMapping) { Resource res = outputModel.getResource(uri); res.addProperty(RDF.type, outputModel.createResource(mappingClass)); res.addProperty(outputModel.createProperty(R2R.sourcePattern), sourcePattern); res.addProperty(outputModel.createProperty(R2R.targetPattern), targetPattern); res.addLiteral(outputModel.createProperty(R2R.equivalenceMapping), equivalenceMapping); } public Model executeConstructQuery(String query) { return source.executeConstructQuery(query); } public Map<String, Set<String>> getMappingMetaData(String mappingURI) { Map<String, Set<String>> metadata = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>(); StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); query.append("SELECT ?property ?value WHERE { <").append(mappingURI).append("> ?property ?value }"); QueryExecution qe = source.executeQuery(query.toString()); ResultSet rs = qe.execSelect(); while (rs.hasNext()) { QuerySolution qs =; RDFNode valueNode = qs.get("value"); String value = null; if (valueNode.isURIResource()) value = valueNode.toString(); else if (valueNode.isLiteral()) value = ((Literal) valueNode).getLexicalForm(); if (value != null) insertMetaData(metadata, qs.getResource("property").getURI(), value); } qe.close(); return metadata; } private void insertMetaData(Map<String, Set<String>> metaData, String property, String value) { Set<String> values = metaData.get(property); if (values == null) values = new HashSet<String>(); values.add(value); metaData.put(property, values); } public boolean exportRepositoryData(Writer out, String serializationFormat) { if (isExportableRepository()) { ((ExportableSource) source).exportMappings(out, serializationFormat); return true; } else return false; } public boolean exportRepositoryData(OutputStream out, String serializationFormat) { if (isExportableRepository()) { ((ExportableSource) source).exportMappings(out, serializationFormat); return true; } else return false; } public boolean exportRepositoryData(Writer out) { return exportRepositoryData(out, "N-TRIPLE"); } public boolean exportRepositoryData(OutputStream out) { return exportRepositoryData(out, "N-TRIPLE"); } public boolean isExportableRepository() { return source instanceof ExportableSource; } }