Java tutorial
/* Telegram_Backup * Copyright (C) 2016 Fabian Schlenz * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package de.fabianonline.telegram_backup; import de.fabianonline.telegram_backup.UserManager; import de.fabianonline.telegram_backup.Database; import de.fabianonline.telegram_backup.StickerConverter; import de.fabianonline.telegram_backup.DownloadProgressInterface; import de.fabianonline.telegram_backup.mediafilemanager.FileManagerFactory; import de.fabianonline.telegram_backup.mediafilemanager.AbstractMediaFileManager; import com.github.badoualy.telegram.api.TelegramClient; import com.github.badoualy.telegram.api.Kotlogram; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.slf4j.Logger; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption; import; public class DownloadManager { UserManager user; TelegramClient client; Database db; DownloadProgressInterface prog = null; static TelegramClient download_client; static boolean last_download_succeeded = true; static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DownloadManager.class); public DownloadManager(UserManager u, TelegramClient c, DownloadProgressInterface p) { this.user = u; this.client = c; this.prog = p; this.db = new Database(u, c); } public void downloadMessages(Integer limit) throws RpcErrorException, IOException { boolean completed = true; do { completed = true; try { _downloadMessages(limit); } catch (RpcErrorException e) { if (e.getCode() == 420) { // FLOOD_WAIT completed = false; Utils.obeyFloodWaitException(e); } else { throw e; } } catch (TimeoutException e) { completed = false; System.out.println(""); System.out.println("Telegram took too long to respond to our request."); System.out.println("I'm going to wait a minute and then try again."); try { TimeUnit.MINUTES.sleep(1); } catch (InterruptedException e2) { } System.out.println(""); } } while (!completed); } public void _downloadMessages(Integer limit) throws RpcErrorException, IOException, TimeoutException {"This is _downloadMessages with limit {}", limit); int dialog_limit = 100;"Downloading the last {} dialogs", dialog_limit); System.out.println("Downloading most recent dialogs... "); int max_message_id = 0; TLAbsDialogs dialogs = client.messagesGetDialogs(0, 0, new TLInputPeerEmpty(), dialog_limit); logger.debug("Got {} dialogs", dialogs.getDialogs().size()); for (TLDialog d : dialogs.getDialogs()) { if (d.getTopMessage() > max_message_id && !(d.getPeer() instanceof TLPeerChannel)) { logger.trace("Updating top message id: {} => {}. Dialog type: {}", max_message_id, d.getTopMessage(), d.getPeer().getClass().getName()); max_message_id = d.getTopMessage(); } } System.out.println("Top message ID is " + max_message_id); int max_database_id = db.getTopMessageID(); System.out.println("Top message ID in database is " + max_database_id); if (limit != null) { System.out.println("Limit is set to " + limit); max_database_id = Math.max(max_database_id, max_message_id - limit); System.out.println("New top message id 'in database' is " + max_database_id); } if (max_message_id - max_database_id > 1000000) { System.out.println( "Would have to load more than 1 million messages which is not supported by telegram. Capping the list."); logger.debug("max_message_id={}, max_database_id={}, difference={}", max_message_id, max_database_id, max_message_id - max_database_id); max_database_id = Math.max(0, max_message_id - 1000000); logger.debug("new max_database_id: {}", max_database_id); } if (max_database_id == max_message_id) { System.out.println("No new messages to download."); } else if (max_database_id > max_message_id) { throw new RuntimeException( "max_database_id is bigger then max_message_id. This shouldn't happen. But the telegram api nonetheless does that sometimes. Just ignore this error, wait a few seconds and then try again."); } else { int start_id = max_database_id + 1; int end_id = max_message_id; List<Integer> ids = makeIdList(start_id, end_id); downloadMessages(ids); }"Searching for missing messages in the db"); int count_missing = 0; System.out.println("Checking message database for completeness..."); int db_count = db.getMessageCount(); int db_max = db.getTopMessageID(); logger.debug("db_count: {}", db_count); logger.debug("db_max: {}", db_max); if (db_count != db_max) { if (limit != null) { System.out.println( "You are missing messages in your database. But since you're using '--limit-messages', I won't download these now."); } else { LinkedList<Integer> all_missing_ids = db.getMissingIDs(); LinkedList<Integer> downloadable_missing_ids = new LinkedList<Integer>(); for (Integer id : all_missing_ids) { if (id > max_message_id - 1000000) downloadable_missing_ids.add(id); } count_missing = all_missing_ids.size(); System.out.println("" + all_missing_ids.size() + " messages are missing in your Database."); System.out.println("I can (and will) download " + downloadable_missing_ids.size() + " of them."); downloadMessages(downloadable_missing_ids); } }"Logging this run"); db.logRun(Math.min(max_database_id + 1, max_message_id), max_message_id, count_missing); } private void downloadMessages(List<Integer> ids) throws RpcErrorException, IOException { prog.onMessageDownloadStart(ids.size()); boolean has_seen_flood_wait_message = false; logger.debug("Entering download loop"); while (ids.size() > 0) { logger.trace("Loop"); TLIntVector vector = new TLIntVector(); for (int i = 0; i < Config.GET_MESSAGES_BATCH_SIZE; i++) { if (ids.size() == 0) break; vector.add(ids.remove(0)); } logger.trace("vector.size(): {}", vector.size()); logger.trace("ids.size(): {}", ids.size()); TLAbsMessages response; int tries = 0; while (true) { logger.trace("Trying getMessages(), tries={}", tries); if (tries >= 5) { CommandLineController.show_error("Couldn't getMessages after 5 tries. Quitting."); } tries++; try { response = client.messagesGetMessages(vector); break; } catch (RpcErrorException e) { if (e.getCode() == 420) { // FLOOD_WAIT Utils.obeyFloodWaitException(e, has_seen_flood_wait_message); has_seen_flood_wait_message = true; } else { throw e; } } } logger.trace("response.getMessages().size(): {}", response.getMessages().size()); if (response.getMessages().size() != vector.size()) { CommandLineController.show_error("Requested " + vector.size() + " messages, but got " + response.getMessages().size() + ". That is unexpected. Quitting."); } prog.onMessageDownloaded(response.getMessages().size()); db.saveMessages(response.getMessages(), Kotlogram.API_LAYER); db.saveChats(response.getChats()); db.saveUsers(response.getUsers()); logger.trace("Sleeping"); try { TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(Config.DELAY_AFTER_GET_MESSAGES); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } logger.debug("Finished."); prog.onMessageDownloadFinished(); } public void downloadMedia() throws RpcErrorException, IOException { download_client = client.getDownloaderClient(); boolean completed = true; do { completed = true; try { _downloadMedia(); } catch (RpcErrorException e) { if (e.getTag().startsWith("420: FLOOD_WAIT_")) { completed = false; Utils.obeyFloodWaitException(e); } else { throw e; } } catch (TimeoutException e) { completed = false; System.out.println(""); System.out.println("Telegram took too long to respond to our request."); System.out.println("I'm going to wait a minute and then try again."); try { TimeUnit.MINUTES.sleep(1); } catch (InterruptedException e2) { } System.out.println(""); } } while (!completed); } private void _downloadMedia() throws RpcErrorException, IOException, TimeoutException {"This is _downloadMedia");"Checking if there are messages in the DB with a too old API layer"); LinkedList<Integer> ids = db .getIdsFromQuery("SELECT id FROM messages WHERE has_media=1 AND api_layer<" + Kotlogram.API_LAYER); if (ids.size() > 0) { System.out.println( "You have " + ids.size() + " messages in your db that need an update. Doing that now."); logger.debug("Found {} messages", ids.size()); downloadMessages(ids); } LinkedList<TLMessage> messages = this.db.getMessagesWithMedia(); logger.debug("Database returned {} messages with media", messages.size()); prog.onMediaDownloadStart(messages.size()); for (TLMessage msg : messages) { AbstractMediaFileManager m = FileManagerFactory.getFileManager(msg, user, client); logger.trace("message {}, {}, {}, {}, {}", msg.getId(), msg.getMedia().getClass().getSimpleName().replace("TLMessageMedia", ""), m.getClass().getSimpleName(), m.isEmpty() ? "empty" : "non-empty", m.isDownloaded() ? "downloaded" : "not downloaded"); if (m.isEmpty()) { prog.onMediaDownloadedEmpty(); } else if (m.isDownloaded()) { prog.onMediaAlreadyPresent(m); } else {; prog.onMediaDownloaded(m); } } prog.onMediaDownloadFinished(); } private List<Integer> makeIdList(int start, int end) { LinkedList<Integer> a = new LinkedList<Integer>(); for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) a.add(i); return a; } public static void downloadFile(TelegramClient client, String targetFilename, int size, int dcId, long volumeId, int localId, long secret) throws RpcErrorException, IOException { TLInputFileLocation loc = new TLInputFileLocation(volumeId, localId, secret); downloadFileFromDc(client, targetFilename, loc, dcId, size); } public static void downloadFile(TelegramClient client, String targetFilename, int size, int dcId, long id, long accessHash) throws RpcErrorException, IOException { TLInputDocumentFileLocation loc = new TLInputDocumentFileLocation(id, accessHash); downloadFileFromDc(client, targetFilename, loc, dcId, size); } private static boolean downloadFileFromDc(TelegramClient client, String target, TLAbsInputFileLocation loc, Integer dcID, int size) throws RpcErrorException, IOException { FileOutputStream fos = null; try { String temp_filename = target + ".downloading"; logger.debug("Downloading file {}", target); logger.trace("Temporary filename: {}", temp_filename); int offset = 0; if (new File(temp_filename).isFile()) {"Temporary filename already exists; continuing this file"); offset = (int) new File(temp_filename).length(); if (offset >= size) { logger.warn("Temporary file size is >= the target size. Assuming corrupt file & deleting it"); new File(temp_filename).delete(); offset = 0; } } logger.trace("offset before the loop is {}", offset); fos = new FileOutputStream(temp_filename, true); TLFile response; do { int block_size = size; logger.trace("offset: {} block_size: {} size: {}", offset, block_size, size); TLRequestUploadGetFile req = new TLRequestUploadGetFile(loc, offset, block_size); if (dcID == null) { response = (TLFile) download_client.executeRpcQuery(req); } else { response = (TLFile) download_client.executeRpcQuery(req, dcID); } offset += response.getBytes().getData().length; logger.trace("response: {} total size: {}", response.getBytes().getData().length, offset); fos.write(response.getBytes().getData()); fos.flush(); try { TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(Config.DELAY_AFTER_GET_FILE); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } while (offset < size && response.getBytes().getData().length > 0); fos.close(); if (offset < size) { System.out.println("Requested file " + target + " with " + size + " bytes, but got only " + offset + " bytes."); new File(temp_filename).delete(); System.exit(1); } logger.trace("Renaming {} to {}", temp_filename, target); int rename_tries = 0; IOException last_exception = null; while (rename_tries <= Config.RENAMING_MAX_TRIES) { rename_tries++; try { Files.move(new File(temp_filename).toPath(), new File(target).toPath(), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); last_exception = null; break; } catch (IOException e) { logger.debug("Exception during move. rename_tries: {}. Exception: {}", rename_tries, e); last_exception = e; try { TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(Config.RENAMING_DELAY); } catch (InterruptedException e2) { } } } if (last_exception != null) { throw last_exception; } last_download_succeeded = true; return true; } catch ( ex) { if (fos != null) fos.close(); System.out.println("IOException happened while downloading " + target); throw ex; } catch (RpcErrorException ex) { if (fos != null) fos.close(); if (ex.getCode() == 500) { if (!last_download_succeeded) { System.out.println( "Got an Internal Server Error from Telegram. Since the file downloaded before also happened to get this error, we will stop downloading now. Please try again later."); throw ex; } last_download_succeeded = false; System.out.println( "Got an Internal Server Error from Telegram. Skipping this file for now. Next run of telegram_backup will continue to download this file."); logger.warn(ex.toString()); return false; } System.out.println("RpcErrorException happened while downloading " + target); throw ex; } } public static boolean downloadExternalFile(String target, String url) throws IOException { FileUtils.copyURLToFile(new URL(url), new File(target), 5000, 5000); return true; } }