Java tutorial
/* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at license/ESCIDOC.LICENSE * or * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at license/ESCIDOC.LICENSE. * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END */ /* * Copyright 2006-2008 Fachinformationszentrum Karlsruhe Gesellschaft * fuer wissenschaftlich-technische Information mbH and Max-Planck- * Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der Wissenschaft e.V. * All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms. */ package de.escidoc.core.test; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.ParsePosition; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TimeZone; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javax.xml.XMLConstants; import javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter; import javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeConstants; import javax.xml.datatype.DatatypeFactory; import javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException; import javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource; import javax.xml.validation.Schema; import javax.xml.validation.SchemaFactory; import javax.xml.validation.Validator; import*; import de.escidoc.core.test.common.client.servlet.oum.OrganizationalUnitClient; import org.apache.http.Header; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.protocol.HTTP; import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils; import org.apache.xerces.dom.AttrImpl; import org.apache.xml.serialize.OutputFormat; import org.apache.xml.serialize.XMLSerializer; import org.apache.xpath.XPathAPI; import; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone; import org.junit.After; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.w3c.dom.Attr; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.w3c.dom.bootstrap.DOMImplementationRegistry; import; import; import; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import de.escidoc.core.test.common.AssignParam; import de.escidoc.core.test.common.client.servlet.Constants; import de.escidoc.core.test.common.client.servlet.adm.AdminClient; import de.escidoc.core.test.common.client.servlet.interfaces.ResourceHandlerClientInterface; import; import de.escidoc.core.test.common.resources.PropertiesProvider; import de.escidoc.core.test.common.resources.ResourceProvider; import de.escidoc.core.test.common.util.xml.SchemaBaseResourceResolver; import; import; import; import de.escidoc.core.test.utils.DateTimeJaxbConverter; import etm.core.configuration.EtmManager; import etm.core.monitor.EtmMonitor; import etm.core.monitor.EtmPoint; /** * Base class for Escidoc tests. * * @author Michael Schneider */ public abstract class EscidocTestBase { public static final String VERSION_SUFFIX_SEPARATOR = ":"; private static final String NAME_USER_ACCOUNT_LIST = "user-account-list"; public static final String NAME_USER_ACCOUNT = "user-account"; public static final String NAME_ATTRIBUTE = "attribute"; private static final String NAME_USER_GROUP_LIST = "user-group-list"; public static final String NAME_USER_GROUP = "user-group"; private static final String NAME_SET_DEFINITION = "set-definition"; public static final String NAME_LATEST_VERSION = "latest-version"; public static final String NAME_AGG_DEF = "aggregation-definition"; public static final String NAME_REP_DEF = "report-definition"; public static final String NAME_SCOPE = "scope"; private static Map<String, URL> urlCache = new HashMap<String, URL>(); private static Map<URL, Schema> schemaCache = new HashMap<URL, Schema>(); public static final String DEFAULT_CHARSET = "UTF-8"; private static final Pattern PATTERN_ID_WITHOUT_VERSION = Pattern.compile("([a-zA-Z]+:[0-9]+):[0-9]+"); private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EscidocTestBase.class); protected static final EtmMonitor ETM_MONITOR = EtmManager.getEtmMonitor(); private StagingFileClient stagingFileClient = null; /** * Id of a persistent content type object. */ protected static final String CONTENT_TYPE_ID = "escidoc:persistent4"; /** * Id of a persistent context object. */ protected static final String CONTEXT_ID = "escidoc:persistent3"; /** * another Id of a persistent context object. */ protected static final String CONTEXT_ID1 = "escidoc:persistent23"; /** * another Id of a persistent context object. */ protected static final String CONTEXT_ID2 = "escidoc:persistent5"; /** * another Id of a persistent context object. */ protected static final String CONTEXT_ID3 = "escidoc:persistent10"; /** * Id of a persistent statistic-scope. */ protected static final String STATISTIC_SCOPE_ID = "escidoc:scope3"; /** * Id of a persistent statistic-scope. */ protected static final String STATISTIC_SCOPE_ID1 = "escidoc:scope4"; /** * Id of a persistent org unit object. */ protected static final String ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT_ID = "escidoc:persistent11"; /** * Id of a persistent org unit object. */ protected static final String ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT_ID1 = "escidoc:persistent1"; /** * Id of a persistent user-group object containing a list of users. */ protected static final String USER_GROUP_WITH_USER_LIST_ID = "escidoc:testgroupwithuser"; /** * Id of a persistent user-group object containing a list of ous. */ protected static final String USER_GROUP_WITH_OU_LIST_ID = "escidoc:testgroupwithorgunit"; /** * Id of a persistent user-group object containing a list of groups. */ protected static final String USER_GROUP_WITH_GROUP_LIST_ID = "escidoc:testgroupwithgroup"; /** * Id of a persistent user-group object containing an attribute selector. */ protected static final String USER_GROUP_WITH_EXTERNAL_SELECTOR = "escidoc:testgroupwithexternalselector"; protected static final String TEST_SYSTEMADMINISTRATOR_ID1 = "escidoc:testsystemadministrator1"; protected static final String TEST_USER_ACCOUNT_ID = "escidoc:test"; protected static final String TEST_USER_ACCOUNT_ID1 = "escidoc:test1"; protected static final String TEST_DEPOSITOR_ACCOUNT_ID = "escidoc:testdepositor"; protected static final String TEST_USER_GROUP_ID = "escidoc:testgroup"; /** * Id of a persistent aggregation-definition. */ protected static final String TEST_AGGREGATION_DEFINITION_ID = "escidoc:aggdef1"; /** * Pattern to detect place holder in Velocity templates that are not replaced by values. */ private static final Pattern PATTERN_VELOCITY_PLACEHOLDER = Pattern.compile("\\$\\{.*?\\}"); private static final Pattern PATTERN_VELOCITY_PLACEHOLDER2 = Pattern.compile("\\$esc\\."); public static final Pattern PATTERN_OBJID_ATTRIBUTE = Pattern.compile("objid=\"([^\"]*)\""); /** * Pattern used in modfyNamespacePrefixes to find and replace prefixes. */ private static final Pattern PATTERN_MODIFY_NAMESPACE_PREFIXES_REPLACE_PREFIXES = Pattern .compile("(</{0,1}|[\\s])([a-zA-Z-]+?:[^ =/>]+)", Pattern.DOTALL | Pattern.MULTILINE); /** * Pattern used in modfyNamespacePrefixes to fix namespace declarations after changing prefixes. */ private static final Pattern PATTERN_MODIFY_NAMESPACE_PREFIXES_FIX_NAMESPACE_DECLARATIONS = Pattern .compile("prefix-xmlns:([a-zA-Z-].+?)", Pattern.DOTALL | Pattern.MULTILINE); /** * Pattern used in modfyNamespacePrefixes to fix xml namespace declaration. */ private static final Pattern PATTERN_MODIFY_NAMESPACE_PREFIXES_FIX_PREFIX_XML = Pattern.compile("prefix-xml"); public static final String STATE_PENDING = "pending"; public static final String STATE_IN_REVISION = "in-revision"; public static final String STATE_SUBMITTED = "submitted"; public static final String STATE_RELEASED = "released"; public static final String STATE_WITHDRAWN = "withdrawn"; public static final String STATE_LOCKED = "locked"; public static final String STATE_UNLOCKED = "unlocked"; public static final String NAME_ALTERNATIVE = "alternative"; public static final String NAME_START_DATE = "start-date"; public static final String NAME_END_DATE = "end-date"; public static final String NAME_BASE = "base"; public static final String NAME_CITY = "city"; public static final String NAME_COMPONENT = "component"; public static final String NAME_COMPONENTS = "components"; public static final String NAME_COUNTRY = "country"; public static final String NAME_CREATION_DATE = "creation-date"; public static final String NAME_CURRENT_GRANTS = "current-grants"; public static final String NAME_VERSION = "version"; public static final String NAME_LATEST_RELEASE = "latest-release"; public static final String NAME_CREATED_BY = "created-by"; public static final String NAME_MD_RECORDS = "md-records"; public static final String NAME_MD_RECORD = "md-record"; public static final String NAME_DESCRIPTION = "description"; public static final String NAME_IDENTIFIER = "identifier"; public static final String NAME_FAX = "fax"; public static final String NAME_GEO_COORDINATE = "geo-coordinate"; public static final String NAME_GRANT_REMARK = "grant-remark"; public static final String NAME_HAS_CHILDREN = "has-children"; public static final String NAME_HREF = "href"; public static final String NAME_ITEM = "item"; public static final String XPATH_ITEM = "/" + NAME_ITEM; public static final String NAME_CONTAINER = "container"; public static final String NAME_CONTENT_MODEL = "content-model"; public static final String NAME_CONTENT_RELATION = "content-relation"; public static final String NAME_GRANT = "grant"; public static final String NAME_LAST_MODIFICATION_DATE = "last-modification-date"; public static final String NAME_LOCATION_LATITUDE = "location-latitude"; public static final String NAME_LOCATION_LONGITUDE = "location-longitude"; public static final String NAME_MODIFIED_BY = "modified-by"; public static final String NAME_NAME = "name"; public static final String NAME_OBJID = "objid"; public static final String NAME_ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT = "organizational-unit"; public static final String NAME_ORGANIZATIONAL_UNITS = "organizational-units"; public static final String NAME_PARENT = "parent"; public static final String NAME_PARENTS = "parents"; public static final String NAME_POSTCODE = "postcode"; public static final String NAME_PROPERTIES = "properties"; public static final String NAME_PUBLIC_STATUS = "public-status"; public static final String NAME_PUBLIC_STATUS_COMMENT = "public-status-comment"; public static final String NAME_CONTEXT = "context"; public static final String NAME_REGION = "region"; public static final String NAME_RESOURCES = "resources"; public static final String NAME_ROLE = "role"; public static final String NAME_TELEPHONE = "telephone"; public static final String NAME_TITLE = "title"; public static final String NAME_URI = "uri"; public static final String NAME_VERSION_STATUS = "status"; public static final String NAME_ORGANIZATION_TYPE = "organization-type"; public static final String NAME_TYPE = "type"; public static final String PART_LAST_MODIFICATION_DATE = "/@" + NAME_LAST_MODIFICATION_DATE; public static final String PART_OBJID = "/@objid"; public static final String PART_XLINK_TITLE = "/@title"; public static final String PART_XLINK_TYPE = "/@type"; public static final String PART_XLINK_HREF = "/@href"; public static final String PART_XML_BASE = "/@" + NAME_BASE; public static final String PART_XLINK_NS = "/@xlink"; public static final String GRANTS_PREFIX_TEMPLATES = "prefix-grants"; public static final String GRANTS_PREFIX_ESCIDOC = "grants"; public static final String ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT_PREFIX_TEMPLATES = "prefix-organizational-unit"; public static final String ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT_PREFIX_ESCIDOC = "organizational-unit"; public static final String ROLE_PREFIX_TEMPLATES = "prefix-role"; public static final String ROLE_PREFIX_ESCIDOC = "role"; public static final String SREL_PREFIX_TEMPLATES = "prefix-srel"; public static final String SREL_PREFIX_ESCIDOC = "srel"; public static final String USER_ACCOUNT_PREFIX_TEMPLATES = "prefix-user-account"; public static final String USER_GROUP_PREFIX_TEMPLATES = "prefix-user-group"; public static final String USER_ACCOUNT_PREFIX_ESCIDOC = NAME_USER_ACCOUNT; public static final String USER_GROUP_PREFIX_ESCIDOC = NAME_USER_GROUP; public static final String CONTAINER_NS_URI = ""; public static final String PROPERTIES_NS_URI_04 = ""; public static final String PROPERTIES_FILTER_PREFIX = "/properties/"; public static final String RDF_NS_URI = ""; public static final String RDF_TYPE_NS_URI = RDF_NS_URI + "type"; public static final String STRUCTURAL_RELATIONS_NS_URI = ""; public static final String STRUCTURAL_RELATIONS_FILTER_PREFIX = "/structural-relations/"; public static final String RESOURCES_NS_URI = ""; public static final String TYPE_FEDORA_OBJECT_URI = "info:fedora/fedora-system:def/model#FedoraObject"; public static final String CONTEXT_NS_URI = ""; public static final String CONTENT_TYPE_NS_URI = ""; public static final String DC_NS_URI = ""; public static final String DCTERMS_NS_URI = ""; public static final String GRANTS_NS_URI = ""; public static final String INTERNAL_METADATA_NS_URI = ""; public static final String ITEM_NS_URI = ""; public static final String COMPONENTS_NS_URI = ""; public static final String ITEM_PREFIX_TEMPLATES = "prefix-escidocItem"; public static final String MEMBER_LIST_NS_URI = ""; public static final String MEMBER_REF_LIST_NS_URI = ""; public static final String METADATARECORDS_NS_URI = ""; public static final String METADATA_NS_URI = ""; public static final String ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT_NS_URI = ""; public static final String PROPERTIES_NS_URI = ""; public static final String RELATIONS_NS_URI = ""; public static final String REQUESTS_NS_URI = ""; public static final String RESULTS_NS_URI = ""; public static final String ROLE_NS_URI = ""; public static final String SREL_NS_URI = ""; public static final String STAGING_FILE_NS_URI = ""; public static final String SCHEMA_NS_URI = ""; public static final String STRUCT_MAP_NS_URI = ""; public static final String USER_ACCOUNT_NS_URI = ""; public static final String USER_ACCOUNT_PREFERENCE_NS_URI = ""; public static final String USER_ACCOUNT_ATTRIBUTE_NS_URI = ""; public static final String USER_GROUP_NS_URI = ""; public static final String XACML_CONTEXT_NS_URI = "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:context"; public static final String XACML_POLICY_NS_URI = "urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:1.0:policy"; public static final String XLINK_NS_URI = ""; public static final String XML_NS_URI = ""; public static final String XSI_NS_URI = ""; public static final String DATE_FORMAT_PATTERN = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ"; public static final String UNKNOWN_ID = "escidoc:-1"; public static final String TEMPLATE_BASE_PATH = "templates"; public static final String TEMPLATE_EXAMPLE_PATH = "examples/escidoc"; public static final String TEMPLATE_AA_PATH = TEMPLATE_BASE_PATH + "/aa/template"; public static final String TEMPLATE_ST_PATH = TEMPLATE_BASE_PATH + "/st/template"; public static final String TEMPLATE_REQUESTS_PATH = TEMPLATE_AA_PATH + "/requests"; public static final String TEMPLATE_AA_ITEM_PATH = TEMPLATE_AA_PATH + "/item"; public static final String TEMPLATE_ROLE_PATH = TEMPLATE_AA_PATH + "/role"; public static final String TEMPLATE_CMM_PATH = TEMPLATE_BASE_PATH + "/cmm/template"; public static final String TEMPLATE_OM_PATH = TEMPLATE_BASE_PATH + "/om/template"; public static final String TEMPLATE_OAI_PATH = TEMPLATE_BASE_PATH + "/oai/template"; public static final String TEMPLATE_OUM_PATH = TEMPLATE_BASE_PATH + "/oum/template"; public static final String TEMPLATE_ADMIN_DESCRIPTOR_PATH = TEMPLATE_OM_PATH + "/admindescriptor"; public static final String TEMPLATE_OM_COMMON_PATH = TEMPLATE_OM_PATH + "/common"; public static final String TEMPLATE_CONTAINER_PATH = TEMPLATE_OM_PATH + "/container"; public static final String TEMPLATE_CONTAINER_SEARCH_PATH = TEMPLATE_CONTAINER_PATH + "/search"; public static final String TEMPLATE_XML_SCHEMA_PATH = TEMPLATE_OM_PATH + "/xmlschema"; public static final String TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PATH = TEMPLATE_OM_PATH + "/context"; public static final String TEMPLATE_CONTENT_MODEL_PATH = TEMPLATE_CMM_PATH + "/content-model"; public static final String TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_VERSION = "0.4"; public static final String TEMPLATE_ITEM_PATH = TEMPLATE_OM_PATH + "/item"; public static final String TEMPLATE_ITEM_SEARCH_PATH = TEMPLATE_ITEM_PATH + "/search"; public static final String TEMPLATE_ITEM_SEARCH_ADMIN_PATH = TEMPLATE_ITEM_SEARCH_PATH + "/admin"; public static final String TEMPLATE_INGEST_PATH = TEMPLATE_OM_PATH + "/ingest"; public static final String TEMPLATE_LANGUAGE_ITEMS_PATH = TEMPLATE_ITEM_PATH + "/language"; public static final String TEMPLATE_TME_PATH = TEMPLATE_BASE_PATH + "/tme/template/tme/0.1"; public static final String TEMPLATE_LICENSE_TYPE_PATH = TEMPLATE_OM_PATH + "/licensetype"; public static final String TEMPLATE_ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT_PATH = TEMPLATE_OUM_PATH + "/organizationalunit/0.8"; public static final String TEMPLATE_SB_PATH = TEMPLATE_BASE_PATH + "/sb/template"; public static final String TEMPLATE_SB_ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT_PATH = TEMPLATE_SB_PATH + "/organizationalunit"; public static final String TEMPLATE_SB_CONTEXT_PATH = TEMPLATE_SB_PATH + "/context"; public static final String TEMPLATE_SB_CONTENT_MODEL_PATH = TEMPLATE_SB_PATH + "/contentmodel"; public static final String TEMPLATE_SB_CONTENT_RELATION_PATH = TEMPLATE_SB_PATH + "/contentrelation"; public static final String TEMPLATE_USER_ACCOUNT_PATH = TEMPLATE_AA_PATH + "/useraccount"; public static final String TEMPLATE_USER_GROUP_PATH = TEMPLATE_AA_PATH + "/usergroup"; public static final String TEMPLATE_SET_DEFINITION_PATH = TEMPLATE_OAI_PATH + "/setdefinition"; public static final String TEMPLATE_SM_PATH = TEMPLATE_BASE_PATH + "/sm/template"; public static final String TEMPLATE_STAT_DATA_PATH = TEMPLATE_SM_PATH + "/statisticdata"; public static final String TEMPLATE_AGG_DEF_PATH = TEMPLATE_SM_PATH + "/aggregationdefinition"; public static final String TEMPLATE_REP_DEF_PATH = TEMPLATE_SM_PATH + "/reportdefinition"; public static final String TEMPLATE_REPORT_PATH = TEMPLATE_SM_PATH + "/report"; public static final String TEMPLATE_SCOPE_PATH = TEMPLATE_SM_PATH + "/scope"; public static final String TEMPLATE_REP_PARAMETERS_PATH = TEMPLATE_SM_PATH + "/reportparameters"; public static final String TEMPLATE_PREPROCESSING_INFO_PATH = TEMPLATE_SM_PATH + "/preprocessinginformation"; public static final String TEMPLATE_ST_ITEM_PATH = TEMPLATE_ST_PATH + "/item"; public static final String ESCIDOC_OBJECTS_SAVE_PATH = "build/escidoc"; public static final String VAR_COMPONENT_ID = "\\$\\{COMPONENT_ID\\}"; public static final String VAR_MD_RECORD_NAME = "\\$\\{MD_RECORD_NAME\\}"; public static final String STATUS_PENDING = "pending"; public static final String STATUS_SUBMITTED = "submitted"; public static final String STATUS_IN_REVISION = "in-revision"; public static final String STATUS_RELEASED = "released"; public static final String STATUS_WITHDRAWN = "withdrawn"; public static final String CONTEXT_STATUS_CREATED = "created"; public static final String CONTEXT_STATUS_OPENED = "opened"; public static final String CONTEXT_STATUS_CLOSED = "closed"; public static final String CONTEXT_STATUS_DELETED = "deleted"; public static final String CONTENT_MODEL_STATUS_CREATED = "created"; public static final String CONTENT_MODEL_STATUS_UPDATED = "updated"; public static final String CONTENT_MODEL_STATUS_DELETED = "deleted"; public static final String ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT_STATUS_CREATED = "created"; public static final String ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT_STATUS_OPENED = "opened"; public static final String ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT_STATUS_CLOSED = "closed"; public static final String ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT_STATUS_DELETED = "deleted"; protected static final String WITHDRAW_COMMENT = "This is a < withdraw comment."; private static Schema resourcesSchema; protected static Schema stagingFileSchema; protected static String startTimestamp = getNowAsTimestamp(); /** * Xlink namespace prefix in templates. */ public static final String XLINK_PREFIX_TEMPLATES = "prefix-xlink"; /** * Xlink namespace prefix in documents retrieved from the eSciDoc. */ public static final String XLINK_PREFIX_ESCIDOC = "xlink"; /** * Xlink namespace declaration in templates. */ public static final String XLINK_NS_DECL_TEPLATES = "xmlns:" + XLINK_PREFIX_TEMPLATES + "=\"" + XLINK_NS_URI + "\" "; /** * Xlink namespace declaration in documents retrieved from the eSciDoc. */ public static final String XLINK_NS_DECL_ESCIDOC = "xmlns:" + XLINK_PREFIX_ESCIDOC + "=\"" + XLINK_NS_URI + "\" "; /** * Prefix and name of xlink href attribute in templates. */ public static final String XLINK_HREF_TEMPLATES = XLINK_PREFIX_TEMPLATES + ":href"; /** * Prefix and name of xlink href attribute in documents retrieved from the eSciDoc. */ public static final String XLINK_HREF_ESCIDOC = XLINK_PREFIX_ESCIDOC + ":href"; /** * Prefix and name of objid attribute in documents retrieved from the eSciDoc. */ public static final String ID_ESCIDOC = "objid"; /** * Prefix and name of xlink title attribute in templates. */ public static final String XLINK_TITLE_TEMPLATES = XLINK_PREFIX_TEMPLATES + ":title"; /** * Prefix and name of xlink title attribute in documents retrieved from the eSciDoc. */ public static final String XLINK_TITLE_ESCIDOC = XLINK_PREFIX_ESCIDOC + ":title"; /** * Prefix and name of xlink type attribute in templates. */ public static final String XLINK_TYPE_TEMPLATES = XLINK_PREFIX_TEMPLATES + ":type"; /** * Prefix and name of xlink type attribute in documents retrieved from the eSciDoc. */ public static final String XLINK_TYPE_ESCIDOC = XLINK_PREFIX_ESCIDOC + ":type"; public static final String XPATH_ATTRIBUTE = "/" + NAME_ATTRIBUTE; public static final String XPATH_RESOURCES = "/resources"; public static final String XPATH_RESOURCES_BASE = XPATH_RESOURCES + "/@" + NAME_BASE; public static final String XPATH_RESOURCES_XLINK_HREF = XPATH_RESOURCES + "/@" + NAME_HREF; public static final String XPATH_RESOURCES_XLINK_TITLE = XPATH_RESOURCES + "/@" + NAME_TITLE; public static final String XPATH_RESOURCES_XLINK_TYPE = XPATH_RESOURCES + "/@" + NAME_TYPE; public static final String XPATH_RESOURCES_CURRENT_GRANTS = XPATH_RESOURCES + "/" + NAME_CURRENT_GRANTS; public static final String XPATH_RESOURCES_CURRENT_GRANTS_XLINK_HREF = XPATH_RESOURCES_CURRENT_GRANTS + "/@" + NAME_HREF; public static final String XPATH_RESOURCES_CURRENT_GRANTS_XLINK_TYPE = XPATH_RESOURCES_CURRENT_GRANTS + "/@" + NAME_TYPE; public static final String XPATH_RESOURCES_CURRENT_GRANTS_XLINK_TITLE = XPATH_RESOURCES_CURRENT_GRANTS + "/@" + NAME_TITLE; public static final String XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT = "/" + NAME_USER_ACCOUNT; public static final String XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT_LIST = "/" + NAME_USER_ACCOUNT_LIST; public static final String XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT_LIST_USER_ACCOUNT = XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT_LIST + "/" + NAME_USER_ACCOUNT; public static final String XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT_OBJID = XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT + "/@objid"; public static final String XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT_XLINK_TITLE = XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT + "/@title"; public static final String XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT_LAST_MOD_DATE = XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT + "/@last-modification-date"; public static final String XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT_XLINK_TYPE = XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT + "/@type"; public static final String XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT_XLINK_HREF = XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT + "/@href"; public static final String XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT_PROPERTIES = XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT + "/properties"; public static final String XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT_CREATED_BY = XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT_PROPERTIES + "/" + NAME_CREATED_BY; public static final String XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT_MODIFIED_BY = XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT_PROPERTIES + "/" + NAME_MODIFIED_BY; public static final String XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT_MODIFIED_BY_OBJID = XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT_MODIFIED_BY + "/@" + NAME_OBJID; public static final String XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT_MODIFIED_BY_XLINK_HREF = XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT_MODIFIED_BY + "/@" + NAME_HREF; public static final String XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT_MODIFIED_BY_XLINK_TITLE = XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT_MODIFIED_BY + "/@" + NAME_TITLE; public static final String XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT_MODIFIED_BY_XLINK_TYPE = XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT_MODIFIED_BY + "/@" + NAME_TYPE; public static final String XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT_CREATED_BY_OBJID = XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT_CREATED_BY + "/@" + NAME_OBJID; public static final String XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT_CREATED_BY_XLINK_HREF = XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT_CREATED_BY + "/@" + NAME_HREF; public static final String XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT_CREATED_BY_XLINK_TITLE = XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT_CREATED_BY + "/@" + NAME_TITLE; public static final String XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT_CREATED_BY_XLINK_TYPE = XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT_CREATED_BY + "/@" + NAME_TYPE; public static final String XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT_CREATION_DATE = XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT_PROPERTIES + "/creation-date"; public static final String XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT_RESOURCES = XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT + "/" + NAME_RESOURCES; public static final String XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT_RESOURCES_XLINK_HREF = XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT_RESOURCES + PART_XLINK_HREF; public static final String XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT_RESOURCES_XLINK_TITLE = XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT_RESOURCES + PART_XLINK_TITLE; public static final String XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT_RESOURCES_XLINK_TYPE = XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT_RESOURCES + PART_XLINK_TYPE; public static final String XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT_CURRENT_GRANTS = XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT_RESOURCES + "/" + NAME_CURRENT_GRANTS; public static final String XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT_CURRENT_GRANTS_XLINK_TYPE = XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT_CURRENT_GRANTS + PART_XLINK_TYPE; public static final String XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT_ACTIVE = XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT_PROPERTIES + "/active"; public static final String XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT_LOGINNAME = XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT_PROPERTIES + "/login-name"; public static final String XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT_NAME = XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT_PROPERTIES + "/name"; public static final String XPATH_USER_GROUP = "/" + NAME_USER_GROUP; public static final String XPATH_SET_DEFINITION = "/" + NAME_SET_DEFINITION; public static final String XPATH_SRW_RESPONSE_ROOT = "/searchRetrieveResponse"; public static final String XPATH_SRW_RESPONSE_RECORD = XPATH_SRW_RESPONSE_ROOT + "/records/record"; public static final String XPATH_SRW_RESPONSE_OBJECT_SUBPATH = "/recordData/search-result-record/"; public static final String XPATH_SRW_RESPONSE_OBJECT = XPATH_SRW_RESPONSE_RECORD + XPATH_SRW_RESPONSE_OBJECT_SUBPATH; public static final String XPATH_USER_GROUP_LIST = "/" + NAME_USER_GROUP_LIST; public static final String XPATH_USER_GROUP_LIST_USER_GROUP = XPATH_USER_GROUP_LIST + "/" + NAME_USER_GROUP; public static final String XPATH_SRW_USER_GROUP_LIST_USER_GROUP = XPATH_SRW_RESPONSE_OBJECT + NAME_USER_GROUP; public static final String XPATH_SRW_CONTAINER_LIST_CONTAINER = XPATH_SRW_RESPONSE_OBJECT + NAME_CONTAINER; public static final String XPATH_SRW_ITEM_LIST_ITEM = XPATH_SRW_RESPONSE_OBJECT + NAME_ITEM; public static final String XPATH_SRW_SET_DEFINITION_LIST_SET_DEFINITION = XPATH_SRW_RESPONSE_OBJECT + NAME_SET_DEFINITION; public static final String XPATH_SRW_ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT_LIST_ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT = XPATH_SRW_RESPONSE_OBJECT + NAME_ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT; public static final String XPATH_SRW_CONTENT_MODEL_LIST_CONTENT_MODEL = XPATH_SRW_RESPONSE_OBJECT + NAME_CONTENT_MODEL; public static final String XPATH_USER_GROUP_OBJID = XPATH_USER_GROUP + "/@objid"; public static final String XPATH_USER_GROUP_XLINK_TITLE = XPATH_USER_GROUP + "/@title"; public static final String XPATH_USER_GROUP_LAST_MOD_DATE = XPATH_USER_GROUP + "/@last-modification-date"; public static final String XPATH_USER_GROUP_XLINK_TYPE = XPATH_USER_GROUP + "/@type"; public static final String XPATH_USER_GROUP_XLINK_HREF = XPATH_USER_GROUP + "/@href"; public static final String XPATH_USER_GROUP_PROPERTIES = XPATH_USER_GROUP + "/properties"; public static final String XPATH_USER_GROUP_SELECTORS = XPATH_USER_GROUP + "/selectors"; public static final String XPATH_USER_GROUP_SELECTOR = XPATH_USER_GROUP + "/selectors/selector"; public static final String XPATH_USER_GROUP_CREATED_BY = XPATH_USER_GROUP_PROPERTIES + "/" + NAME_CREATED_BY; public static final String XPATH_USER_GROUP_MODIFIED_BY = XPATH_USER_GROUP_PROPERTIES + "/" + NAME_MODIFIED_BY; public static final String XPATH_USER_GROUP_MODIFIED_BY_OBJID = XPATH_USER_GROUP_MODIFIED_BY + "/@" + NAME_OBJID; public static final String XPATH_USER_GROUP_MODIFIED_BY_XLINK_HREF = XPATH_USER_GROUP_MODIFIED_BY + "/@" + NAME_HREF; public static final String XPATH_USER_GROUP_MODIFIED_BY_XLINK_TITLE = XPATH_USER_GROUP_MODIFIED_BY + "/@" + NAME_TITLE; public static final String XPATH_USER_GROUP_MODIFIED_BY_XLINK_TYPE = XPATH_USER_GROUP_MODIFIED_BY + "/@" + NAME_TYPE; public static final String XPATH_USER_GROUP_CREATED_BY_OBJID = XPATH_USER_GROUP_CREATED_BY + "/@" + NAME_OBJID; public static final String XPATH_USER_GROUP_CREATED_BY_XLINK_HREF = XPATH_USER_GROUP_CREATED_BY + "/@" + NAME_HREF; public static final String XPATH_USER_GROUP_CREATED_BY_XLINK_TITLE = XPATH_USER_GROUP_CREATED_BY + "/@" + NAME_TITLE; public static final String XPATH_USER_GROUP_CREATED_BY_XLINK_TYPE = XPATH_USER_GROUP_CREATED_BY + "/@" + NAME_TYPE; public static final String XPATH_USER_GROUP_CREATION_DATE = XPATH_USER_GROUP_PROPERTIES + "/creation-date"; public static final String XPATH_USER_GROUP_RESOURCES = XPATH_USER_GROUP + "/" + NAME_RESOURCES; public static final String XPATH_USER_GROUP_RESOURCES_XLINK_HREF = XPATH_USER_GROUP_RESOURCES + PART_XLINK_HREF; public static final String XPATH_USER_GROUP_RESOURCES_XLINK_TITLE = XPATH_USER_GROUP_RESOURCES + PART_XLINK_TITLE; public static final String XPATH_USER_GROUP_RESOURCES_XLINK_TYPE = XPATH_USER_GROUP_RESOURCES + PART_XLINK_TYPE; public static final String XPATH_USER_GROUP_CURRENT_GRANTS = XPATH_USER_GROUP_RESOURCES + "/" + NAME_CURRENT_GRANTS; public static final String XPATH_USER_GROUP_CURRENT_GRANTS_XLINK_TYPE = XPATH_USER_GROUP_CURRENT_GRANTS + PART_XLINK_TYPE; public static final String XPATH_USER_GROUP_ACTIVE = XPATH_USER_GROUP_PROPERTIES + "/active"; public static final String XPATH_USER_GROUP_NAME = XPATH_USER_GROUP_PROPERTIES + "/name"; public static final String XPATH_USER_GROUP_LABEL = XPATH_USER_GROUP_PROPERTIES + "/label"; public static final String XPATH_GRANT = "/grant"; public static final String XPATH_GRANT_PROPERTIES = XPATH_GRANT + "/" + NAME_PROPERTIES; public static final String XPATH_GRANT_GRANT_REMARK = XPATH_GRANT_PROPERTIES + "/" + NAME_GRANT_REMARK; public static final String XPATH_GRANT_ROLE = XPATH_GRANT_PROPERTIES + "/" + NAME_ROLE; public static final String XPATH_GRANT_ROLE_XLINK_TITLE = XPATH_GRANT_ROLE + PART_XLINK_TITLE; public static final String XPATH_GRANT_ROLE_XLINK_HREF = XPATH_GRANT_ROLE + PART_XLINK_HREF; public static final String XPATH_GRANT_ROLE_OBJID = XPATH_GRANT_ROLE + "/@" + NAME_OBJID; public static final String XPATH_GRANT_OBJECT = XPATH_GRANT_PROPERTIES + "/" + EscidocAbstractTest.NAME_ASSIGNED_ON; public static final String XPATH_GRANT_OBJECT_XLINK_TITLE = XPATH_GRANT_OBJECT + PART_XLINK_TITLE; public static final String XPATH_GRANT_OBJECT_XLINK_HREF = XPATH_GRANT_OBJECT + PART_XLINK_HREF; public static final String XPATH_GRANT_OBJECT_OBJID = XPATH_GRANT_OBJECT + PART_OBJID; public static final String XPATH_SCOPE = "/scope"; public static final String XPATH_STATISTIC_DATA_SCOPE = "/statistic-record/scope"; public static final String XPATH_AGGREGATION_DEFINITION_SCOPE = "/aggregation-definition/scope"; public static final String XPATH_REPORT_DEFINITION_SCOPE = "/report-definition/scope"; public static final String XPATH_SCOPE_OBJID = XPATH_SCOPE + PART_OBJID; public static final String XPATH_STATISTIC_DATA_SCOPE_OBJID = XPATH_STATISTIC_DATA_SCOPE + PART_OBJID; public static final String XPATH_AGGREGATION_DEFINITION = "/aggregation-definition"; public static final String XPATH_REPORT_DEFINITION = "//report-definition"; public static final String XPATH_REPORT_DEFINITION_OBJID = XPATH_REPORT_DEFINITION + PART_OBJID; public static final String XPATH_REPORT = "/report"; public static final String XPATH_REPORT_REPORT_DEFINITION = "/report/report-definition"; public static final String ENTITY_REFERENCES = "A < > & " ' &lt; &gt; &amp; &quot; &apos; Z"; public static final String XLINK_TYPE_VALUE = "simple"; public static final String NAME_ADMIN_DESCRIPTOR = "admin-descriptor"; public static final String NAME_ADMIN_DESCRIPTORS = "admin-descriptors"; private static final Pattern PATTERN_GET_ID_FROM_URI_OR_FEDORA_ID = Pattern.compile(".*/([^/>]+)>{0,1}"); private static String REPOSITORY_VERSION = null; private static String frameworkHost = null; private static String frameworkPort = null; private static String frameworkUrl = null; private AdminClient adminClient = null; private ItemClient itemClient = null; private IngestClient ingestClient = null; private ContainerClient containerClient = null; private ContextClient contextClient = null; private ContentRelationClient contentRelationClient = null; private DeviationClient deviationClient = null; private OrganizationalUnitClient ouClient = null; public EscidocTestBase() { this.stagingFileClient = new StagingFileClient(); } /** * Tear down. Resets the user handle in <code>PWCallback</code>. * * @throws Exception * If an error occurs. */ @After public void tearDown() throws Exception { PWCallback.resetHandle(); } /** * @return Returns the client to use in the test. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public ResourceHandlerClientInterface getClient() throws Exception { // get the current stack position try { throw new Exception(); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("getClient() not implemented by this test class.", e); } } /** * @return Returns the adminClient. */ public AdminClient getAdminClient() { if (this.adminClient == null) { this.adminClient = new AdminClient(); } return adminClient; } /** * @return Returns the itemClient. */ public ItemClient getItemClient() { if (this.itemClient == null) { this.itemClient = new ItemClient(); } return itemClient; } /** * @return Returns the IngestClient. */ public IngestClient getIngestClient() { if (this.ingestClient == null) { this.ingestClient = new IngestClient(); } return this.ingestClient; } /** * @return Returns the containerClient. */ public ContainerClient getContainerClient() { if (this.containerClient == null) { this.containerClient = new ContainerClient(); } return containerClient; } /** * @return Returns the contextClient. */ public ContextClient getContextClient() { if (this.contextClient == null) { this.contextClient = new ContextClient(); } return contextClient; } /** * @return Returns the contentRelationClient. */ public ContentRelationClient getContentRelationClient() { if (this.contentRelationClient == null) { this.contentRelationClient = new ContentRelationClient(); } return contentRelationClient; } /** * @return Returns the DeviationClient. */ public DeviationClient getDeviationClient() { if (this.deviationClient == null) { this.deviationClient = new DeviationClient(); } return this.deviationClient; } /** * * @return Returns the OrganizationalUnitClient. */ public OrganizationalUnitClient getOrganizationalUnitClient() { if (this.ouClient == null) { this.ouClient = new OrganizationalUnitClient(); } return this.ouClient; } /** * Returns the xml data of the provided result. * * @param result * The object holding the result. * @return Returns the xml string. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ protected String handleXmlResult(final Object result) throws Exception { String xmlResult = null; if (result instanceof HttpResponse) { HttpResponse httpRes = (HttpResponse) result; assertHttpStatusOfMethod("", httpRes); assertContentTypeTextXmlUTF8OfMethod("", httpRes); xmlResult = EntityUtils.toString(httpRes.getEntity(), HTTP.UTF_8); } else if (result instanceof String) { xmlResult = (String) result; } return xmlResult; } /** * Grab the object id from URI. * * @param uri * Fedora URI with objid . * @return object id */ public static String getIdFromURI(final String uri) { if (uri == null) { return null; } Matcher matcher = PATTERN_GET_ID_FROM_URI_OR_FEDORA_ID.matcher(uri); if (matcher.find()) { return; } else { return uri; } } /** * Test creating a resource using the specified resource handler.<br> * The client to use is determined by getClient() that must be implemented by the concrete test class. * * @param resourceXml * The xml representation of the resource. * @return The xml representation of the created resource. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public String create(final String resourceXml) throws Exception { EtmPoint point = ETM_MONITOR.createPoint("EscidocTestBase:create"); try { return handleXmlResult(getClient().create(resourceXml)); } finally { point.collect(); } } /** * Test deleting a resource from the framework.<br> * The client to use is determined by getClient() that must be implemented by the concrete test class. * * @param id * The id of the resource. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public void delete(final String id) throws Exception { Object result = getClient().delete(id); if (result instanceof HttpResponse) { HttpResponse httpRes = (HttpResponse) result; assertHttpStatusOfMethod("", httpRes); } } /** * Test retrieving a resource from the framework.<br> * The client to use is determined by getClient() that must be implemented by the concrete test class. * * @param id * The id of the resource. * @return The retrieved resource. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public String retrieve(final String id) throws Exception { EtmPoint point = ETM_MONITOR.createPoint("EscidocTestBase:retrieve"); try { return handleXmlResult(getClient().retrieve(id)); } finally { point.collect(); } } /** * Test retrieving the virtual resources of a resource from the framework.<br> * The client to use is determined by getClient() that must be implemented by the concrete test class. * * @param id * The id of the resource. * @return The retrieved virtual resources. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public String retrieveResources(final String id) throws Exception { return handleXmlResult(getClient().retrieveResources(id)); } /** * Test updating a resource of the framework.<br> * The client to use is determined by getClient() that must be implemented by the concrete test class. * * @param id * The id of the resource. * @param resourceXml * The xml representation of the resource. * @return The updated resource. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public String update(final String id, final String resourceXml) throws Exception { EtmPoint point = ETM_MONITOR.createPoint("EscidocTestBase:update"); try { return handleXmlResult(getClient().update(id, resourceXml)); } finally { point.collect(); } } /** * Assert that Map is empty. * * @param message * The message printed if assertion fails. * @param map * The map to check. */ public static void assertEmptyMap(final String message, final Map map) { if (map == null) { fail(message + " Map is null"); } if (!map.isEmpty()) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(""); for (Object key : map.keySet()) { buf.append(key); } fail(message + buf.toString()); } } /** * Assert that the http request was successful. * * @param message * The message printed if assertion fails. * @param httpRes * The http method. */ public static void assertHttpStatusOK(final String message, final HttpResponse httpRes) { assertHttpStatus(message, HttpServletResponse.SC_OK, httpRes); } // Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8 /** * Assert that the http request was successful. * * @param message * The message printed if assertion fails. * @param httpRes * The http method. */ public static void assertContentTypeTextXmlUTF8OfMethod(final String message, final HttpResponse httpRes) { assertContentType(message, MimeTypes.TEXT_XML, "utf-8", httpRes); } public static void assertContentType(final String message, final String expectedContentType, final String expectedCharset, final HttpResponse httpRes) { Header[] headers = httpRes.getAllHeaders(); String contentTypeHeaderValue = null; for (int i = 0; i < headers.length && contentTypeHeaderValue == null; ++i) { if (headers[i].getName().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).equals("content-type")) { contentTypeHeaderValue = headers[i].getValue(); } } assertNotNull("No content-type header found, but expected 'content-type=" + expectedContentType + ";" + expectedCharset + "'", contentTypeHeaderValue); assertTrue("Wrong content-type found, expected '" + expectedContentType + "' but was '" + contentTypeHeaderValue + "'", contentTypeHeaderValue.indexOf(expectedContentType) > -1); assertTrue( "Wrong charset found, expected '" + expectedCharset + "' but was '" + contentTypeHeaderValue + "'", contentTypeHeaderValue.indexOf(expectedContentType) > -1); } /** * Assert that the http request was successful. * * @param message * The message printed if assertion fails. * @param httpRes * The http method. */ public static void assertHttpStatusOfMethod(final String message, final HttpResponse httpRes) { // Delete Operation delivers Status code 206, HttpResponse doesn't // contain the original hhtp method if (httpRes.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpServletResponse.SC_OK) { assertHttpStatus(message, HttpServletResponse.SC_OK, httpRes); } else if ((httpRes.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == HttpServletResponse.SC_NO_CONTENT)) { assertHttpStatus(message, HttpServletResponse.SC_NO_CONTENT, httpRes); } } /** * Assert that the http response has the expected status. * * @param message * The message printed if assertion fails. * @param expectedStatus * The expected status. * @param httpRes * The http method. */ public static void assertHttpStatus(final String message, final int expectedStatus, final HttpResponse httpRes) { assertEquals(message + " Wrong response status!", expectedStatus, httpRes.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()); } /** * Assert that the http response has the expected status. * * @param message * The message printed if assertion fails. * @param matchString * expected String to match. * @param toTest * toTest. */ public static void assertMatches(final String message, final String matchString, final String toTest) { if (!toTest.matches("(?s).*" + matchString + ".*")) { fail(message); } } /** * Assert XML content is equal.<br/> * <p/> * This methods compares the attributes (if any exist) and either recursively compares the child elements (if any * exists) or the text content.<br/> * Therefore, mixed content is NOT supported by this method. * * @param messageIn * The message printed if assertion fails. * @param expected * The expected XML content. * @param toBeAsserted * The XML content to be compared with the expected content. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static void assertXmlEquals(final String messageIn, final Node expected, final Node toBeAsserted) throws Exception { // Assert both nodes are null or both nodes are not null if (expected == null) { assertNull(messageIn + "Unexpected node. ", toBeAsserted); return; } assertNotNull(messageIn + " Expected node. ", toBeAsserted); if (expected.equals(toBeAsserted)) { return; } String nodeName = getLocalName(expected); String message = messageIn; if (!message.contains("-- Asserting ")) { message = message + "-- Asserting " + nodeName + ". "; } else { message = message + "/" + nodeName; } // assert both nodes are nodes of the same node type // if thedocument container xslt directive than is the nodeName // "#document" is here compared assertEquals(message + " Type of nodes are different", expected.getNodeType(), toBeAsserted.getNodeType()); if (expected.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) { assertEquals(message + " Text nodes are different. ", expected.getTextContent().trim(), toBeAsserted.getTextContent().trim()); } // assert attributes NamedNodeMap expectedAttributes = expected.getAttributes(); NamedNodeMap toBeAssertedAttributes = toBeAsserted.getAttributes(); if (expectedAttributes == null) { assertNull(message + " Unexpected attributes. [" + nodeName + "]", toBeAssertedAttributes); } else { assertNotNull(message + " Expected attributes. ", toBeAssertedAttributes); final int expectedNumberAttributes = expectedAttributes.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < expectedNumberAttributes; i++) { Node expectedAttribute = expectedAttributes.item(i); String expectedAttributeNamespace = expectedAttribute.getNamespaceURI(); Node toBeAssertedAttribute = null; if (expectedAttributeNamespace != null) { final String localName = expectedAttribute.getLocalName(); toBeAssertedAttribute = toBeAssertedAttributes.getNamedItemNS(expectedAttributeNamespace, localName); assertNotNull(message + " Expected attribute " + expectedAttribute.getNodeName(), toBeAssertedAttribute); } else { // not namespace aware parsed. Attributes may have different // prefixes which are now part of their node name. // To compare expected and to be asserted attribute, it is // first it is tried to find the appropriate to be asserted // attribute by the node name. If this fails, xpath // selection is used after extracting the expected // attribute name final String expectedAttributeNodeName = expectedAttribute.getNodeName(); toBeAssertedAttribute = toBeAssertedAttributes.getNamedItem(expectedAttributeNodeName); if (toBeAssertedAttribute == null) { final String attributeName = getLocalName(expectedAttribute); final String attributeXpath = "@" + attributeName; toBeAssertedAttribute = selectSingleNode(toBeAsserted, attributeXpath); } assertNotNull(message + " Expected attribute " + expectedAttributeNodeName, toBeAssertedAttribute); } assertEquals(message + " Attribute value mismatch [" + expectedAttribute.getNodeName() + "] ", expectedAttribute.getTextContent(), toBeAssertedAttribute.getTextContent()); } } // As mixed content (text + child elements) is not supported, // either the child elements or the text content have to be asserted. // Therefore, it is first tried to assert the children. // After that it is checked if children have been found. If this is not // the case, the text content is compared. NodeList expectedChildren = expected.getChildNodes(); NodeList toBeAssertedChildren = toBeAsserted.getChildNodes(); int expectedNumberElementNodes = 0; int toBeAssertedNumberElementNodes = 0; List<Node> previouslyAssertedChildren = new ArrayList<Node>(); for (int i = 0; i < expectedChildren.getLength(); i++) { Node expectedChild = expectedChildren.item(i); if (expectedChild.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { expectedNumberElementNodes++; String expectedChildName = getLocalName(expectedChild); String expectedUri = expectedChild.getNamespaceURI(); boolean expectedElementAsserted = false; for (int j = 0; j < toBeAssertedChildren.getLength(); j++) { final Node toBeAssertedChild = toBeAssertedChildren.item(j); // prevent previously asserted children from being // asserted again if (previouslyAssertedChildren.contains(toBeAssertedChild)) { continue; } if (toBeAssertedChild.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && expectedChildName.equals(getLocalName(toBeAssertedChild)) && (expectedUri == null || expectedUri.equals(toBeAssertedChild.getNamespaceURI()))) { expectedElementAsserted = true; toBeAssertedNumberElementNodes++; assertXmlEquals(message, expectedChild, toBeAssertedChild); // add asserted child to list of asserted children to // prevent it from being asserted again. previouslyAssertedChildren.add(toBeAssertedChild); break; } } if (!expectedElementAsserted) { fail(new StringBuffer(message).append(" Did not found expected corresponding element [") .append(nodeName).append(", ").append(expectedChildName).append(", ").append(i) .append("]").toString()); } } } // check if any element node in toBeAssertedChildren exists // that has not been asserted. In this case, this element node // is unexpected! for (int i = 0; i < toBeAssertedChildren.getLength(); i++) { Node toBeAssertedChild = toBeAssertedChildren.item(i); // prevent previously asserted children from being // asserted again if (previouslyAssertedChildren.contains(toBeAssertedChild)) { continue; } if (toBeAssertedChild.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { fail(new StringBuffer(message).append("Found unexpected element node [").append(nodeName) .append(", ").append(getLocalName(toBeAssertedChild)).append(", ").append(i).append("]") .toString()); } } // if no children have been found, text content must be compared if (expectedNumberElementNodes == 0 && toBeAssertedNumberElementNodes == 0) { String expectedContent = expected.getTextContent(); String toBeAssertedContent = toBeAsserted.getTextContent(); assertEquals(message, expectedContent, toBeAssertedContent); } } /** * Gets the local name (the node name without the namespace prefix) of the provided node. * * @param node * The node to extract the name from. * @return Returns <code>node.getLocalName</code> if this is set, or the value of <code>node.getNodeName</code> * without the namespace prefix. */ private static String getLocalName(final Node node) { String name = node.getLocalName(); if (name == null) { name = node.getNodeName().replaceAll(".*?:", ""); } return name; } /** * Assert XML content is equal. * * @param message * The message printed if assertion fails. * @param expected * The expected XML content. * @param toBeAsserted * The XML content to be compared with the expected content. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static void assertXmlEquals(final String message, final String expected, final String toBeAsserted) throws Exception { Document expectedDoc = EscidocAbstractTest.getDocument(expected); Document assertedDoc = EscidocAbstractTest.getDocument(toBeAsserted); assertXmlEquals(message, expectedDoc, assertedDoc); } /** * Get the host name of the framework (read from properties). * * @return the host name of the framework */ public static String getFrameworkHost() { if (frameworkHost == null) { frameworkHost = PropertiesProvider.getInstance().getProperty("", "localhost"); } return frameworkHost; } /** * Get the port number of the framework (read from properties). * * @return the port number of the framework */ public static String getFrameworkPort() { if (frameworkPort == null) { frameworkPort = PropertiesProvider.getInstance().getProperty("server.port", "8080"); } return frameworkPort; } /** * Get the href of the framework (read from properties). * * @return the href of the framework. */ public static String getFrameworkUrl() { if (frameworkUrl == null) { frameworkUrl = Constants.PROTOCOL + "://" + getFrameworkHost() + ":" + getFrameworkPort(); } return frameworkUrl; } /** * Assert XML content is equal. * * @param message * The message printed if assertion fails. * @param expected * The expected XML content. * @param toBeAsserted * The XML content to be compared with the expected content. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static void assertXmlEquals(final String message, final InputStream expected, final String toBeAsserted) throws Exception { Document expectedDoc = EscidocAbstractTest .getDocument(ResourceProvider.getContentsFromInputStream(expected)); Document assertedDoc = EscidocAbstractTest.getDocument(toBeAsserted); assertXmlEquals(message, expectedDoc, assertedDoc); } /** * Assert XML content is equal. * * @param message * The message printed if assertion fails. * @param expected * The expected XML content. * @param toBeAsserted * The XML content to be compared with the expected content. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static void assertXmlEquals(final String message, final File expected, final String toBeAsserted) throws Exception { assertXmlEquals(message, new FileInputStream(expected), toBeAsserted); } /** * Assert that the Element/Attribute selected by the xPath exists. * * @param message * The message printed if assertion fails. * @param xml * The xml document as String. * @param xPath * The xPath. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static void assertXmlExists(final String message, final String xml, final String xPath) throws Exception { assertXmlExists(message, EscidocAbstractTest.getDocument(xml), xPath); } /** * Assert that the Element/Attribute selected by the xPath exists. * * @param message * The message printed if assertion fails. * @param node * The Node. * @param xPath * The xPath. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static void assertXmlExists(final String message, final Node node, final String xPath) throws Exception { NodeList nodes = selectNodeList(node, xPath); assertTrue(message, nodes.getLength() > 0); } /** * Assert that the Element/Attribute selected by the xPath exists. * * @param message * The message printed if assertion fails. * @param node * The Node. * @param xPath * The xPath. * @param namespaceNode * The namespace node. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static void assertXmlExists(final String message, final Node node, final String xPath, final Node namespaceNode) throws Exception { NodeList nodes = selectNodeList(node, xPath, namespaceNode); assertTrue(message, nodes.getLength() > 0); } /** * Assert that the value in the Document selected by the xPath equals the expected value. * * @param message * The message printed if assertion fails. * @param xml * The xml document as String. * @param xPath * The xPath. * @param expectedValue * The expected value. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static void assertXmlEquals(final String message, final String xml, final String xPath, final String expectedValue) throws Exception { assertXmlEquals(message, EscidocAbstractTest.getDocument(xml), xPath, expectedValue); } /** * Assert that the value in the Document selected by the xPath equals the expected value. * * @param message * The message printed if assertion fails. * @param node * The Node. * @param xPath * The xPath. * @param expectedValue * The expected value. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static void assertXmlEquals(final String message, final Node node, final String xPath, final String expectedValue) throws Exception { Node comp = selectSingleNode(node, xPath); assertNotNull(message + " Node selected by xpath not found [" + xPath + "]", comp); final String trimmed = comp.getTextContent().trim(); assertEquals(message, expectedValue, trimmed); } /** * Assert that the value in the Document selected by the xPath equals the expected value. * * @param message * The message printed if assertion fails. * @param expected * The expected node * @param result * The result to be asserted. * @param xPath * The xPath. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static void assertXmlEquals(final String message, final Node expected, final Node result, final String xPath) throws Exception { assertXmlEquals(message, expected, xPath, result, xPath); } /** * Assert that the value(s) in the to be asserted node selected by the xPath equals the expected value. * * @param message * The message printed if assertion fails. * @param expected * The node from which the expected value is selected by the xpath. * @param expectedXpath * The xpath expression navigating in the node to the expected value. * @param toBeAsserted * The node for that the value selected by the xpath shall be asserted. * @param toBeAssertedXpath * The xPath navigating to the value that shall be asserted. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static void assertXmlEquals(final String message, final Node expected, final String expectedXpath, final Node toBeAsserted, final String toBeAssertedXpath) throws Exception { final String msg = prepareAssertionFailedMessage(message); if (expected == toBeAsserted) { return; } final NodeList expectedNodes = selectNodeList(expected, expectedXpath); final NodeList toBeAssertedNodes = selectNodeList(toBeAsserted, toBeAssertedXpath); assertEquals(msg + "Number of selected nodes differ. ", expectedNodes.getLength(), toBeAssertedNodes.getLength()); final int length = toBeAssertedNodes.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { assertXmlEquals(msg + "Asserting " + (i + 1) + ". node. ", expectedNodes.item(i), toBeAssertedNodes.item(i)); } } /** * Assert that the value in the Document selected by the xPath NOT equals the unexpected value. * * @param message * The message printed if assertion fails. * @param unexpected * The unexpected node * @param toBeAsserted * The result to be asserted. * @param xPath * The xPath. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static void assertXmlNotEquals(final String message, final Node unexpected, final Node toBeAsserted, final String xPath) throws Exception { Node toBeAssertedComp = selectSingleNode(toBeAsserted, xPath); Node unexpectedComp = selectSingleNode(unexpected, xPath); assertNotEquals(message, unexpectedComp.getTextContent(), toBeAssertedComp.getTextContent()); } /** * Asserts that the timestamp has been updated.<br> * This assertion fails if the timestamp in the previous document is not less than the timestamp in the updated * document. The timestamp is identified by the root element's "last-modification-timestamp" attribute. * * @param message * The message printed if assertion fails. * @param previous * The document containing the expected timestamp * @param toBeAsserted * The document for that the timestamp shall be asserted. * @throws Exception * If an error ocurres. */ public static void assertXmlLastModificationDateUpdate(final String message, final Document previous, final Document toBeAsserted) throws Exception { final String previousLastModificationDateValue = getLastModificationDateValue(previous); final String toBeAssertedLastModificationDateValue = getLastModificationDateValue(toBeAsserted); assertDateBeforeAfter(previousLastModificationDateValue, toBeAssertedLastModificationDateValue); } /** * Asserts to objects are not equal. * * @param message * The message printed if assertion fails. * @param unexpected * The unexpected node * @param toBeAsserted * The result to be asserted. */ public static void assertNotEquals(final String message, final Object unexpected, final Object toBeAsserted) { if (unexpected == null && toBeAsserted == null || unexpected.equals(toBeAsserted)) { if (message == null || message.isEmpty()) { fail("Values are equal. Expected unequal"); } else { fail(message); } } } /** * Serialize the given Dom Object to a String. * * @param xml * The Xml Node to serialize. * @param omitXMLDeclaration * Indicates if XML declaration will be omitted. * @return The String representation of the Xml Node. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static String toString(final Node xml, final boolean omitXMLDeclaration) throws Exception { String result = new String(); if (xml instanceof AttrImpl) { result = xml.getTextContent(); } else if (xml instanceof Document) { StringWriter stringOut = new StringWriter(); // format OutputFormat format = new OutputFormat((Document) xml); format.setIndenting(true); format.setPreserveSpace(true); format.setOmitXMLDeclaration(omitXMLDeclaration); format.setEncoding(DEFAULT_CHARSET); // serialize XMLSerializer serial = new XMLSerializer(stringOut, format); serial.asDOMSerializer(); serial.serialize((Document) xml); result = stringOut.toString(); } else { DOMImplementationRegistry registry = DOMImplementationRegistry.newInstance(); DOMImplementationLS impl = (DOMImplementationLS) registry.getDOMImplementation("LS"); LSOutput lsOutput = impl.createLSOutput(); lsOutput.setEncoding(DEFAULT_CHARSET); ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); lsOutput.setByteStream(os); LSSerializer writer = impl.createLSSerializer(); // result = writer.writeToString(xml); writer.write(xml, lsOutput); result = ((ByteArrayOutputStream) lsOutput.getByteStream()).toString(DEFAULT_CHARSET); if ((omitXMLDeclaration) && (result.indexOf("?>") != -1)) { result = result.substring(result.indexOf("?>") + 2); } // result = toString(getDocument(writer.writeToString(xml)), // true); } return result; } /** * Delete an Element from a Node. * * @param node * the node. * @param xPath * The xPath selecting the element. * @return The resulting node. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static Node deleteElement(final Node node, final String xPath) throws Exception { Node delete = selectSingleNode(node, xPath); assertNotNull("No node found for provided xpath [" + xPath + "]", delete); if (delete instanceof AttrImpl) { throw new Exception("Removal of Element not successful! " + "xPath selects an Attribute!"); } else { delete.getParentNode().removeChild(delete); } return node; } /** * Delete all Elements from a Node. * * @param node * the node. * @param xPath * The xPath selecting the element. * @return The resulting node. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static Node deleteElements(final Node node, final String xPath) throws Exception { NodeList nodes = selectNodeList(node, xPath); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); ++i) { deleteElement(node, xPath); } return node; } /** * Return the text value of the selected attribute. * * @param node * The node. * @param xPath * The xpath to select the node contain the attribute, * @param attributeName * The name of the attribute. * @return The text value of the selected attribute. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static String getAttributeValue(final Node node, final String xPath, final String attributeName) throws Exception { String result = null; Node attribute = selectSingleNode(node, xPath); if (attribute != null && attribute.hasAttributes() && attribute.getAttributes().getNamedItem(attributeName) != null) { result = attribute.getAttributes().getNamedItem(attributeName).getTextContent(); } return result; } /** * Delete an Attribute from an Element of a Node. * * @param node * the node. * @param xPath * The xPath selecting the element. * @param attributeName * The name of the attribute. * @return The resulting node. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static Node deleteAttribute(final Node node, final String xPath, final String attributeName) throws Exception { if (node == null) { return node; } Node delete = selectSingleNode(node, xPath); if (delete == null) { return node; } if (delete.hasAttributes()) { for (int i = 0; i < delete.getAttributes().getLength(); ++i) { String nodeName = delete.getAttributes().item(i).getNodeName(); if (nodeName.endsWith(":" + attributeName) || nodeName.equals(attributeName)) { delete.getAttributes().removeNamedItem(nodeName); break; } } } return node; } /** * Delete an Attribute from an Element of a Node. * * @param node * the node. * @param xPath * The xPath selecting the attribute. * @return The resulting node. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static Node deleteAttribute(final Node node, final String xPath) throws Exception { final int index = xPath.lastIndexOf('/'); final String elementXpath = xPath.substring(0, index); final String attrName = xPath.substring(index + 2); return deleteAttribute(node, elementXpath, attrName); } /** * Substitute the element selected by the xPath in the given node with the new value. * * @param node * The node. * @param xPath * The xPath. * @param newValue * The newValue. * @return The resulting node after the substitution. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static Node substitute(final Node node, final String xPath, final String newValue) throws Exception { Node result = node; Node replace = selectSingleNode(result, xPath); assertNotNull("No node found for specified xpath [" + xPath + "]", replace); // if (replace.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { replace.setTextContent(newValue); // } // else if (replace.getNodeType() == Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE) { // replace.setNodeValue(newValue); // } // else { // throw new Exception("Unsupported node type '" // + replace.getNodeType() + "' in EscidocTestBase.substitute."); // } return result; } /** * Substitute the element selected by the xPath in the given node with the new value. * * @param node * The node. * @param xPath * The xPath. * @param newValue * The newValue. * @return The resulting node after the substitution. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public Node substituteId(final Node node, final String xPath, final String newValue) throws Exception { Node result = node; Node replace = null; String path = ""; replace = selectSingleNode(result, xPath + "/@href"); path = replace.getTextContent().substring(0, replace.getTextContent().lastIndexOf("/") + 1); assertNotNull("No node found for specified xpath [" + xPath + "]", replace); // if (replace.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { replace.setTextContent(path + newValue); // } // else if (replace.getNodeType() == Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE) { // replace.setNodeValue(newValue); // } // else { // throw new Exception("Unsupported node type '" // + replace.getNodeType() + "' in EscidocTestBase.substitute."); // } return result; } /** * Gets the prefix of the provided node.<br> * This returns Node.getPrefix() if this is not null. Otherwise, ittries to extract the prefix from * Node.getNodeName(). If this fails, null is returned. * * @param node * The node to get the prefix from. * @return Returns the determined prefix or null. * @throws Exception * Thrown if anything fails. */ public static String getPrefix(final Node node) throws Exception { String prefix = node.getPrefix(); if (prefix == null) { String nodeName = node.getNodeName(); int index = nodeName.indexOf(":"); if (index != -1) { prefix = nodeName.substring(0, index); } } return prefix; } /** * Creates a new element node for the provided document. The created element is an element that refers to another * resource, i.e. it has xlink attributes and an objid attribute. * * @param doc * The document for that the node shall be created. * @param namespaceUri * The name space uri of the node to create. This may be null. * @param prefix * The prefix to use. * @param tagName * The tag name of the node. * @param xlinkPrefix * The prefix to use for the xlink attributes. * @param title * The title of the referencing element (=xlink:title) * @param href * The href of the referencing element (=xlink:href). The objid attribute value is extracted from this * href. * @return Returns the created node. * @throws Exception * Thrown if anything fails. */ public Element createReferencingElementNode(final Document doc, final String namespaceUri, final String prefix, final String tagName, final String xlinkPrefix, final String title, final String href) throws Exception { Element newElement = createElementNodeWithXlink(doc, namespaceUri, prefix, tagName, xlinkPrefix, title, href); Attr objidAttr = createAttributeNode(doc, null, null, NAME_OBJID, getObjidFromHref(href)); newElement.getAttributes().setNamedItemNS(objidAttr); return newElement; } /** * Creates a new element node for the provided document. The created element is an element that that has xlink * attributes, but does not have an objid attribute. * * @param doc * The document for that the node shall be created. * @param namespaceUri * The name space uri of the node to create. This may be null. * @param prefix * The prefix to use. * @param tagName * The tag name of the node. * @param xlinkPrefix * The prefix to use for the xlink attributes. * @param title * The title of the referencing element (=xlink:title) * @param href * The href of the referencing element (=xlink:href). The objid attribute value is extracted from this * href. * @return Returns the created node. * @throws Exception * Thrown if anything fails. */ public static Element createElementNodeWithXlink(final Document doc, final String namespaceUri, final String prefix, final String tagName, final String xlinkPrefix, final String title, final String href) throws Exception { Element newElement = createElementNode(doc, namespaceUri, prefix, tagName, null); Attr xlinkTypeAttr = createAttributeNode(doc, XLINK_NS_URI, xlinkPrefix, NAME_TYPE, "simple"); Attr xlinkTitleAttr = createAttributeNode(doc, XLINK_NS_URI, xlinkPrefix, NAME_TITLE, title); Attr xlinkHrefAttr = createAttributeNode(doc, XLINK_NS_URI, xlinkPrefix, NAME_HREF, href); newElement.getAttributes().setNamedItemNS(xlinkTypeAttr); newElement.getAttributes().setNamedItemNS(xlinkTitleAttr); newElement.getAttributes().setNamedItemNS(xlinkHrefAttr); return newElement; } /** * Creates a new element node for the provided document. * * @param doc * The document for that the node shall be created. * @param namespaceUri * The name space uri of the node to create. This may be null. * @param prefix * The prefix to use. * @param tagName * The tag name of the node. * @param textContent * The text content of the node. This may be null. * @return Returns the created node. * @throws Exception * Thrown if anything fails. */ public static Element createElementNode(final Document doc, final String namespaceUri, final String prefix, final String tagName, final String textContent) throws Exception { Element newNode = doc.createElementNS(namespaceUri, tagName); newNode.setPrefix(prefix); if (textContent != null) { newNode.setTextContent(textContent); } return newNode; } /** * Creates a new attribute node for the provided document. * * @param doc * The document for that the node shall be created. * @param namespaceUri * The name space uri of the node to create. This may be null. * @param prefix * The prefix to use. * @param tagName * The tag name of the node. * @param value * The attribute value. * @return Returns the created node. * @throws Exception * Thrown if anything fails. */ public static Attr createAttributeNode(final Document doc, final String namespaceUri, final String prefix, final String tagName, final String value) throws Exception { Attr newAttribute = doc.createAttributeNS(namespaceUri, tagName); newAttribute.setPrefix(prefix); newAttribute.setValue(value); if (value != null) { newAttribute.setTextContent(value); } return newAttribute; } /** * Gets the prefix of the node selected by the xpath in the provided node.<br> * This returns Node.getPrefix() if this is not null. Otherwise, ittries to extract the prefix from * Node.getNodeName(). If this fails, null is returned. * * @param node * The node to get the prefix from. * @param xPath * XPath to the Node to select the prefix from. * @return Returns the determined prefix or null. * @throws Exception * Thrown if anything fails. */ public static String getPrefix(final Node node, final String xPath) throws Exception { return getPrefix(selectSingleNode(node, xPath)); } /** * Adds the provided new node as the child of the element selected by the xPath in the given node. * * @param node * The node. * @param xPath * The xPath. * @param newNode * The new node. * @return The resulting node after the substitution. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static Node addAsChild(final Node node, final String xPath, final Element newNode) throws Exception { Node result = node; Node parent = selectSingleNode(result, xPath); assertNotNull("No node for xpath found [" + xPath + "]", parent); // inserts at end of list parent.insertBefore(newNode, null); return result; } /** * Adds the provided new node after the element selected by the xPath in the given node. * * @param node * The node. * @param xPath * The xPath. * @param newNode * The new node. * @return The resulting node after the substitution. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static Node addAfter(final Node node, final String xPath, final Node newNode) throws Exception { Node result = node; Node before = selectSingleNode(result, xPath); assertNotNull("No node for xpath [" + xPath + "] found", before); Node parent = before.getParentNode(); parent.insertBefore(newNode, before.getNextSibling()); return result; } /** * Adds the provided new node before the element selected by the xPath in the given node. * * @param node * The node. * @param xPath * The xPath. * @param newNode * The new node. * @return The resulting node after the substitution. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static Node addBefore(final Node node, final String xPath, final Node newNode) throws Exception { Node result = node; Node after = selectSingleNode(result, xPath); assertNotNull("No node for xpath found [" + xPath + "]", after); Node parent = after.getParentNode(); parent.insertBefore(newNode, after); return result; } /** * Adds the provided new attribute node to the element selected by the xPath in the given node. * * @param node * The node. * @param xPath * The xPath. * @param attributeNode * The new attribute node. * @return The resulting node after the substitution. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static Node addAttribute(final Node node, final String xPath, final Attr attributeNode) throws Exception { Node result = node; Node element = selectSingleNodeAsserted(result, xPath); NamedNodeMap attributes = element.getAttributes(); attributes.setNamedItemNS(attributeNode); return result; } /** * Substitute the element selected by the xPath in the given node with the new node. * * @param node * The node. * @param xPath * The xPath. * @param newNode * The new node. * @return The resulting node after the substitution. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static Node substitute(final Node node, final String xPath, final Node newNode) throws Exception { Node result = node; Node replace = selectSingleNode(result, xPath); assertNotNull("No node selected for substitute. ", replace); Node parent = replace.getParentNode(); parent.replaceChild(newNode, replace); return result; } /** * Return the list of children of the node selected by the xPath. * * @param node * The node. * @param xPath * The xPath. * @return The list of children of the node selected by the xPath. * @throws TransformerException * If anything fails. */ public static NodeList selectNodeList(final Node node, final String xPath) throws TransformerException { NodeList result = XPathAPI.selectNodeList(node, xPath); return result; } /** * Return the list of children of the node selected by the xPath. * * @param node * The node. * @param xPath * The xPath. * @param namespaceNode * The namespace node. * @return The list of children of the node selected by the xPath. * @throws TransformerException * If anything fails. */ public static NodeList selectNodeList(final Node node, final String xPath, final Node namespaceNode) throws TransformerException { NodeList result = XPathAPI.selectNodeList(node, xPath, namespaceNode); return result; } public static int getNoOfSelections(final Node node, final String xPath) throws TransformerException { int result = 0; NodeList matches = selectNodeList(node, xPath); if (matches != null) { result = matches.getLength(); } return result; } /** * Return the child of the node selected by the xPath. * * @param node * The node. * @param xPath * The xPath. * @return The child of the node selected by the xPath. * @throws TransformerException * If anything fails. */ public static Node selectSingleNode(final Node node, final String xPath) throws TransformerException { Node result = XPathAPI.selectSingleNode(node, xPath); return result; } /** * Return the child of the node selected by the xPath.<br> * This method includes an assert that the specified node exists. * * @param node * The node. * @param xPath * The xPath. * @return The child of the node selected by the xPath. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static Node selectSingleNodeAsserted(final Node node, final String xPath) throws Exception { Node result = selectSingleNode(node, xPath); assertNotNull("Node does not exist [" + xPath + "]", result); return result; } /** * Return the child of the node selected by the xPath. * * @param node * The node. * @param xPath * The xPath. * @param namespaceNode * The namespace node. * @return The child of the node selected by the xPath. * @throws TransformerException * If anything fails. */ public static Node selectSingleNode(final Node node, final String xPath, final Node namespaceNode) throws TransformerException { Node result = XPathAPI.selectSingleNode(node, xPath, namespaceNode); return result; } /** * Return a filter parameter including only an empty filter. * * @return The filter parameter including only an empty filter. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static String getEmptyFilter() throws Exception { return EscidocAbstractTest.getTemplateAsString(TEMPLATE_OM_COMMON_PATH, "emptyFilter.xml"); } /** * Get the filter parameter for retrieving contexts matching the given filter criteria. If a criteria is null the * filter is deleted from the parameter. * * @param user * The expected user. * @param role * The expected role. * @param contextType * The expected type of the context. * @return The filter parameter. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static Map<String, String[]> getFilterRetrieveContexts(final String user, final String role, final String contextType) throws Exception { Map<String, String[]> result = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); StringBuffer filter = new StringBuffer(); if ((user != null) && (user.length() > 0)) { filter.append("user=\"" + user + "\""); } if ((role != null) && (role.length() > 0)) { if (filter.length() > 0) { filter.append(" and "); } filter.append("role=\"" + role + "\""); } if ((contextType != null) && (contextType.length() > 0)) { if (filter.length() > 0) { filter.append(" and "); } filter.append("\"/properties/type\"=\"" + contextType + "\""); } if (filter.length() > 0) { result.put("query", new String[] { filter.toString() }); } result.put("maximumRecords", new String[] { "1000" }); return result; } /** * Get the filter parameter for retrieving members of a context matching the given filter criteria. If a criteria is * null the filter is deleted from the parameter. * * @param members * A list of members to restrict the resulting members. * @param objectType * The type of the object (item or container). * @param user * The expected user. * @param role * The expected role. * @param status * The expected status of the resulting objects. * @param contentType * The expected contentType of the resulting objects. * @return The filter parameter. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static String getFilterRetrieveMembersOfContext(final List<String> members, final String objectType, final String user, final String role, final String status, final String contentType) throws Exception { Document filter = EscidocAbstractTest.getTemplateAsDocument(TEMPLATE_OM_COMMON_PATH, "filterRetrieveMembersOfContext.xml"); if ((members != null) && (members.size() > 0)) { for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { String value = null; try { value = members.get(i); filter = (Document) replaceInFilter(filter, value, "/param/filter[@name=\"members\"]/id[" + (i + 1) + "]"); } catch (final RuntimeException e) { filter = (Document) replaceInFilter(filter, null, "/param/filter[@name=\"members\"]/id[" + (members.size() + 1) + "]"); } } } else { filter = (Document) replaceInFilter(filter, null, "param/filter[@name=\"members\"]"); } filter = (Document) replaceInFilter(filter, objectType, "param/filter[@name=\"" + "22-rdf-syntax-ns#type\"]"); filter = (Document) replaceInFilter(filter, user, "param/filter[@name=\"user\"]"); filter = (Document) replaceInFilter(filter, role, "param/filter[@name=\"role\"]"); filter = (Document) replaceInFilter(filter, status, "param/filter[@name=\"" + "properties/public-status\"]"); filter = (Document) replaceInFilter(filter, contentType, "param/filter[@name=\"" + "structural-relations/content-model\"]"); String result = toString(filter, true); return result; } /** * If value is null the element selected by xPath is removed from the filter otherwise the elements value is set to * vlaue. * * @param filter * The filter parameter. * @param value * The value. * @param xPath * The xPath. * @return The resulting filter parameter. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static Node replaceInFilter(final Node filter, final String value, final String xPath) throws Exception { if (value != null) { return substitute(filter, xPath, value); } else { return deleteElement(filter, xPath); } } /** * Gets the last modification date from the resource through retrieve. * * @param id * The id of the Resource. * @return last-modification-date * @throws Exception * Thrown if anything fails. */ public String getTheLastModificationDate(final String id) throws Exception { Document resource = EscidocAbstractTest.getDocument(retrieve(id)); return getTheLastModificationDate(resource); } /** * Gets the last modification date from the Resource. * * @param resource * The Resource. * @return last-modification-date * @throws Exception * Thrown if anything fails. */ public String getTheLastModificationDate(final Document resource) throws Exception { // get last-modification-date NamedNodeMap atts = resource.getDocumentElement().getAttributes(); Node lastModificationDateNode = atts.getNamedItem("last-modification-date"); return (lastModificationDateNode.getNodeValue()); } /** * Gets the task param containing the last modification date of the specified object. * * @param includeComment * Flag indicating if the comment shall be additionally included. * @param id * The id of the object. * @return Returns the created task param xml. * @throws Exception * Thrown if anything fails. */ public String getTheLastModificationParam(final boolean includeComment, final String id) throws Exception { return getTheLastModificationParam(includeComment, id, null); } /** * @param includeComment * Flag indicating if the comment shall be additionally included. * @param id * The id of the object. * @param comment * The comment for the param structure (withdraw comment). * @return Returns the created task param xml. * @throws Exception * If an error ocurres. */ @Deprecated public String getTheLastModificationParam(final boolean includeComment, final String id, final String comment) throws Exception { String xml = null; if (includeComment) { xml = getStatusTaskParam(new DateTime(getTheLastModificationDate(id)), comment); } else { xml = getStatusTaskParam(new DateTime(getTheLastModificationDate(id)), null); } return xml; } /** * Get the last modification XML param. * * @param includeComment * Flag indicating if the comment shall be additionally included. * @param id * The id of the object. * @param comment * The comment. * @param lastModificationDate * The timestamp of the resource. * @return Returns the created task param xml. * @throws Exception * Thrown if anything fails. */ public String getTheLastModificationParam(final boolean includeComment, final String id, final String comment, final String lastModificationDate) throws Exception { String param = de.escidoc.core.test.Constants.XML_HEADER + "<param xmlns=\"\" " + "last-modification-date=\"" + lastModificationDate + "\" >"; if (includeComment) { if (comment != null) { param += "<comment>" + comment + "</comment>"; } else { param += "<comment>" + WITHDRAW_COMMENT + "</comment>"; } } param += "</param>"; return param; } /** * Get task parameter for optimistic-locking method. * * @param timestamp * last-modification-date of the resource * @return task param XML (optimistic-locking-task-param.xsd) */ public String getOptimisticLockingTaskParam(final DateTime timestamp) { return de.escidoc.core.test.Constants.XML_HEADER + "<param xmlns=\"\" " + "last-modification-date=\"" + DateTimeJaxbConverter.printDate(timestamp) + "\" " + " />"; } /** * Get task parameter for update password method. * * @param timestamp * last-modification-date of the resource * @return task param XML (update-password-task-param.xsd) */ public String getUpdatePasswordTaskParam(final DateTime timestamp, final String password) { String taskParamXml = de.escidoc.core.test.Constants.XML_HEADER + "<param xmlns=\"\" " + "last-modification-date=\"" + DateTimeJaxbConverter.printDate(timestamp) + "\" >\n"; if (password != null) { taskParamXml += "<password>" + password + "</password>\n"; } taskParamXml += "</param>\n"; return taskParamXml; } /** * Get task parameter to revoke grant. * * @param timestamp * last-modification-date of the resource * @param revocationRemark * revocation remark for param. Set null to exclude revocation-remark element from XML * @return task param XML (revoke-grant-task-param.xsd) */ public String getRevokeGrantTaskParam(final DateTime timestamp, final String revocationRemark) { String xml = de.escidoc.core.test.Constants.XML_HEADER + "<param xmlns=\"\">"; if (revocationRemark != null) { xml += "<revocation-remark>" + revocationRemark + "</revocation-remark>\n"; } xml += "</param>\n"; return xml; } /** * Get task param XML for add/remove members methods (see members-task-param.xsd) * * @param timestamp * Last modification date * @param ids * member id parameter * @return task param XML (assign-pid-task-param.xsd) */ public static String getMembersTaskParam(final DateTime timestamp, final List<String> ids) { String xml = de.escidoc.core.test.Constants.XML_HEADER + "<param xmlns=\"\" last-modification-date=\"" + DateTimeJaxbConverter.printDate(timestamp) + "\">\n"; for (String id : ids) { xml += "<id>" + id + "</id>\n"; } xml += "</param>\n"; return xml; } /** * Get task param XML for add/remove members methods (see members-task-param.xsd) * * @param ids * member id parameter * @return task param XML (assign-pid-task-param.xsd) */ public static String getIdSetTaskParam(final Set<String> ids) { StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder(de.escidoc.core.test.Constants.XML_HEADER); xml.append("<param xmlns=\"\">\n"); for (String id : ids) { xml.append("<id>" + id + "</id>\n"); } xml.append("</param>\n"); return xml.toString(); } /** * Get task param XML for add/remove members methods (see members-task-param.xsd) * * @param ids * member id parameter * @param sync * @return task param XML (assign-pid-task-param.xsd) */ public static String getDeleteObjectsTaskParam(final Set<String> ids, final Boolean sync) { // FIXME Namespace wrong but the real is'nt defined yet (INFR-1466) StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder(de.escidoc.core.test.Constants.XML_HEADER); xml.append("<param xmlns=\"\">\n"); for (String id : ids) { xml.append("<id>").append(id).append("</id>\n"); } if (sync != null) { xml.append("<sync>").append(sync.toString()).append("</sync>\n"); } xml.append("</param>\n"); return xml.toString(); } /** * Get task param XML for assing PID methods (see assing-pid-task-param.xsd) * * @param timestamp * Last modification date * @param param * Assign PID parameter * @return task param XML (assign-pid-task-param.xsd) */ public static String getAssignPidTaskParam(final DateTime timestamp, final AssignParam param) { String xml = de.escidoc.core.test.Constants.XML_HEADER + "<param xmlns=\"\" last-modification-date=\"" + DateTimeJaxbConverter.printDate(timestamp) + "\">"; if (param.getUrl() != null) { xml += "<url>" + param.getUrl() + "</url>\n"; } if (param.getPid() != null) { xml += "<pid>" + param.getPid() + "</pid>\n"; } xml += "</param>\n"; return xml; } /** * Get task parameter to revoke grants. * * @param ids * ids for filter, Set null to exclude filter * @param revocationRemark * revocation remark for param. Set null to exclude revocation-remark element from XML * @return task param XML (revoke-grant-task-param.xsd) */ public String getRevokeGrantsTaskParam(final Set<String> ids, final String revocationRemark) { StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer(de.escidoc.core.test.Constants.XML_HEADER + "<param xmlns=\"\">"); if (ids != null && !ids.isEmpty()) { xml.append("<filter name=\"" + DC_NS_URI + "identifier\">"); for (final String id : ids) { xml.append("<id>"); xml.append(id); xml.append("</id>\n"); } xml.append("</filter>\n"); } if (revocationRemark != null) { xml.append("<revocation-remark>"); xml.append(revocationRemark); xml.append("</revocation-remark>\n"); } xml.append("</param>\n"); return xml.toString(); } /** * Get task parameter for status methods. * * @param timestamp * Last modification date * @param comment * The comment. * @return task param XML (status-task-param.xsd) */ public static String getStatusTaskParam(final DateTime timestamp, final String comment) { StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer(de.escidoc.core.test.Constants.XML_HEADER + "<param xmlns=\"\" "); if (timestamp != null) { xml.append(" last-modification-date=\"" + DateTimeJaxbConverter.printDate(timestamp) + "\""); } xml.append(">"); if (comment != null) { xml.append("<comment>"); xml.append(comment); xml.append("</comment>\n"); } xml.append("</param>\n"); return xml.toString(); } /** * Get task parameter for relation methods. * * @param timestamp * Last modification date * @param targetId * targetId for the relation * @param predicate * predicate for the relation * @return task param XML (relation-task-param.xsd) */ public String getRelationTaskParam(final DateTime timestamp, final String targetId, String predicate) { StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer(de.escidoc.core.test.Constants.XML_HEADER + "<param xmlns=\"\" last-modification-date=\"" + DateTimeJaxbConverter.printDate(timestamp) + "\">"); xml.append("<relation>\n"); xml.append("<targetId>"); xml.append(targetId); xml.append("</targetId>\n"); xml.append("<predicate>"); xml.append(predicate); xml.append("</predicate>\n"); xml.append("</relation>\n"); xml.append("</param>\n"); return xml.toString(); } /** * Assert that the before timestamp is lower than the after timestamp. * * @param before * Timestamp before the event * @param after * Timestamp after event * @throws Exception * Thrown if the before timestamp is not lower than after. */ public static void assertDateBeforeAfter(final String before, final String after) throws Exception { Calendar oldModCal = getCalendarFromXmlDateString(before); Calendar newModCal = getCalendarFromXmlDateString(after); if (!oldModCal.before(newModCal)) { fail("Old last modification date is not before new last" + " modification date."); } } /** * Creates a <code>java.util.Calendar</code> object from an xml dateTime string. * * @param dateTime * The xml dateTime string. * @return The Calendar object. * @throws ParseException * If the dateTime string can not be correctly parsed. */ public static Calendar getCalendarFromXmlDateString(String dateTime) throws ParseException { Calendar cal = null; if (dateTime.length() >= 20 && dateTime.length() <= 23) { // no timezone // ensure 3 digits for millis int add = 23 - dateTime.length(); while (add > 0) { dateTime += "0"; add--; } dateTime += "+0000"; } else if (dateTime.length() == 19) { // no timezone // not 3 digits for millis // no dot dateTime += ".000+0000"; } // else if (dateTime.length() == 18) { // // no timezone // // not 3 digits for millis // // no dot // dateTime += "0.000+0000"; // } // else if (dateTime.length() == 17) { // // no timezone // // not 3 digits for millis // // no dot // dateTime += "00.000+0000"; // } // else if (dateTime.length() == 16) { // // no timezone // // not 3 digits for millis // // no dot // dateTime += ":00.000+0000"; // } TimeZone gmt = TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"); DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); DateFormat tf = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss.SSS"); Date oldModDateDate = df.parse(dateTime); Date oldModDateTime = tf.parse(dateTime, new ParsePosition(11)); // DateFormat f = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd-HH:mm:ss.SSS"); // dateTime = dateTime.replace('T', '-'); // dateTime = dateTime.trim(); cal = Calendar.getInstance(); // cal.setTime(f.parse(dateTime)); cal.setTimeZone(gmt); cal.setTime(oldModDateDate); long oldModDateDateMillis = cal.getTimeInMillis(); cal.setTime(oldModDateTime); long oldModDateTimeMillis = cal.getTimeInMillis(); long oldModDateMillis = oldModDateDateMillis + oldModDateTimeMillis; cal.setTimeInMillis(oldModDateMillis); return cal; } /** * Asserts first value to be greater or equals than second value. * * @param greater * first value. * @param lower * second value. */ protected void assertGreaterOrEquals(final int greater, final int lower) { if (lower > greater) { fail(lower + " is greater than " + greater); } } /** * Validates Item XML against the XML Schema, checks if the xml:base exists and if all placeholders are replaced. * * @param xmlData * The xml document as string. * @throws Exception * If an error occures. */ public void assertXmlValidItem(final String xmlData) throws Exception { URL url = new URL(getFrameworkUrl() + "/xsd/rest/item/0.10/item.xsd"); assertXmlValid(xmlData, url); assertXlinkXmlBaseExists(xmlData); assertAllPlaceholderResolved(xmlData); assertItemXlinkTitles(xmlData); } /** * Validates Component XML against the XML Schema, checks if the xml:base exists and if all placeholders are * replaced. * * @param xmlData * The xml document as string. * @throws Exception * If an error occures. */ public void assertXmlValidComponent(final String xmlData) throws Exception { URL url = new URL(getFrameworkUrl() + "/xsd/rest/item/0.10/item.xsd"); assertXmlValid(xmlData, url); assertXlinkXmlBaseExists(xmlData); assertAllPlaceholderResolved(xmlData); } /** * Validates ContentRelation XML against the XML Schema, checks if the xml:base exists and if all placeholders are * replaced. * * @param xmlData * The xml document as string. * @throws Exception * If an error occures. */ public void assertXmlValidContentRelation(final String xmlData) throws Exception { URL url = new URL(getFrameworkUrl() + "/xsd/rest/content-relation/0.1/content-relation.xsd"); assertXmlValid(xmlData, url); assertXlinkXmlBaseExists(xmlData); assertAllPlaceholderResolved(xmlData); } /** * Validates ContentRelations reistered predicates list XML against the XML Schema, checks if the xml:base exists * and if all placeholders are replaced. * * @param xmlData * The xml document as string. * @throws Exception * If an error occures. */ public void assertXMLValidRegisteredPredicates(final String xmlData) throws Exception { URL url = new URL(getFrameworkUrl() + "/xsd/rest/content-relation/0.1/predicate-list.xsd"); assertXmlValid(xmlData, url); assertXlinkXmlBaseExists(xmlData); assertAllPlaceholderResolved(xmlData); } /** * Validates Content Model XML against the XML Schema, if the xml:base exists and if all placeholders are resolved. * * @param xmlData * The xml document as string. * @throws Exception * If an error occures. */ public void assertXmlValidContentModel(final String xmlData) throws Exception { URL url = new URL(getFrameworkUrl() + "/xsd/rest/content-model/0.1/content-model" + ".xsd"); assertXmlValid(xmlData, url); assertXlinkXmlBaseExists(xmlData); assertAllPlaceholderResolved(xmlData); } public void assertXmlValidSetDefinition(final String xmlData) throws Exception { URL url = new URL(getFrameworkUrl() + "/xsd/rest/set-definition/0.2/set-definition.xsd"); assertXmlValid(xmlData, url); assertAllPlaceholderResolved(xmlData); } /** * Asserts there is no namespace declaration for prefixes starting with 'xml'. * * @param xmlData * The xml document as string. */ public static void assertXmlPrefixNotDeclared(final String xmlData) { if (xmlData.contains("xmlns:xml")) { fail("Namespace declaration for prefixes starting with 'xml'" + " is not allowed. Even not the declaration of the XML " + "Namespace because MS Internet Explorer perceive it as " + "an error."); } } /** * Asserts that all template placeholders are replaced by values. * * @param xmlData * The xml data to be asserted. */ protected void assertAllPlaceholderResolved(final String xmlData) { assertTrue("Placeholder not resolved during rendering\n." + xmlData, !PATTERN_VELOCITY_PLACEHOLDER.matcher(xmlData).find()); assertTrue("Placeholder not resolved during rendering\n." + xmlData, !PATTERN_VELOCITY_PLACEHOLDER2.matcher(xmlData).find()); } /** * Asserts that no local href (without protocol and host) appears without xml:base. * * @param xmlData * The xml data to be asserted. * @throws Exception * If an error ocurres. */ protected void assertXlinkXmlBaseExists(final String xmlData) throws Exception { Document document = EscidocAbstractTest.getDocument(xmlData); NodeList localHrefs = selectNodeList(document, "//*[starts-with(@href, '/')]"); NodeList xmlBase = selectNodeList(document, "//@base", document); assertTrue("xml:base needed", localHrefs.getLength() == 0 || xmlBase.getLength() != 0); } /** * Assert the XML structure of the return value (task oriented methods). * * @param xmlData * The return value of task oriented method * @throws Exception * Thrown if the XML has not the expected structure or values. */ public void assertXmlValidResult(final String xmlData) throws Exception { URL url = new URL(getFrameworkUrl() + "/xsd/rest/common/0.1/result.xsd"); assertXmlValid(xmlData, url); assertAllPlaceholderResolved(xmlData); } /** * @param xmlData * The xml document as string. * @throws Exception * If an error occures. */ public static void assertXmlValidTaskParam(final String xmlData) throws Exception { URL url = new URL(getFrameworkUrl() + "/xsd/common/0.2/add-relations.xsd"); assertXmlValid(xmlData, url); } public void assertXmlValidItemList(final String xmlData) throws Exception { URL url = new URL(getFrameworkUrl() + "/xsd/rest/item/0.10/item-list.xsd"); assertXmlValid(xmlData, url); assertAllPlaceholderResolved(xmlData); } public void assertXmlValidItemRefList(final String xmlData) throws Exception { URL url = new URL(getFrameworkUrl() + "/xsd/rest/item/0.4/item-ref-list.xsd"); assertXmlValid(xmlData, url); assertAllPlaceholderResolved(xmlData); } public static void assertXmlValidXmlSchema(final String xmlData) throws Exception { URL url = new URL(getFrameworkUrl() + "/xsd/common/0.2/xml-schema.xsd"); assertXmlValid(xmlData, url); } public void assertXmlValidContextMembersList(final String xmlData) throws Exception { URL url = new URL(getFrameworkUrl() + "/xsd/rest/common/0.10/member-list.xsd"); assertXmlValid(xmlData, url); } public static void assertXmlValidContextMemberRefsList(final String xmlData) throws Exception { URL url = new URL(getFrameworkUrl() + "/xsd/common/0.3/member-ref-list.xsd"); assertXmlValid(xmlData, url); } /** * Asserts that the provided xml data is valid for the subresource resources. * * @param toBeAsserted * The xml data to be asserted. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static void assertXmlValidResources(final String toBeAsserted) throws Exception { if (resourcesSchema == null) { resourcesSchema = getSchema(getFrameworkUrl() + "/xsd/common/0.2/resources.xsd"); } assertXmlValid(toBeAsserted, resourcesSchema); } /** * Asserts that the provided xml data is a valid scope. * * @param xmlData * The xml data to be asserted. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public void assertXmlValidScope(final String xmlData) throws Exception { URL url = new URL(getFrameworkUrl() + "/xsd/rest/scope/0.4/scope.xsd"); assertAllPlaceholderResolved(xmlData); assertXmlValid(xmlData, url); } /** * Asserts that the provided xml data is a valid scope-list. * * @param xmlData * The xml data to be asserted. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public void assertXmlValidScopeList(final String xmlData) throws Exception { URL url = new URL(getFrameworkUrl() + "/xsd/rest/scope/0.4/scope-list.xsd"); assertAllPlaceholderResolved(xmlData); assertXmlValid(xmlData, url); } /** * Asserts that the provided xml data is a valid SRW response. * * @param xmlData * The xml data to be asserted. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public void assertXmlValidSrwResponse(final String xmlData) throws Exception { Schema srwListSchema = getSchema(getFrameworkUrl() + "/xsd/rest/common/0.4/srw-types.xsd"); assertXmlValid(xmlData, srwListSchema); assertAllPlaceholderResolved(xmlData); } /** * Asserts that the provided XML data is a valid struct-map. * * @param xmlData * The xml data to be asserted. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public void assertXmlValidStructMap(final String xmlData) throws Exception { Schema structMapSchema = getSchema(getFrameworkUrl() + "/xsd/rest/container/0.4/struct-map.xsd"); assertXmlValid(xmlData, structMapSchema); assertAllPlaceholderResolved(xmlData); } /** * Asserts that the provided XML data is valid agains successors XSD. * * @param xmlData * The xml data to be asserted. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public void assertXmlValidSuccessors(final String xmlData) throws Exception { Schema structMapSchema = getSchema( getFrameworkUrl() + "/xsd/rest/organizational-unit/0.8/organizational-unit-successors.xsd"); assertXmlValid(xmlData, structMapSchema); assertAllPlaceholderResolved(xmlData); } /** * Asserts that the provided xml data is a valid aggregation-definition. * * @param xmlData * The xml data to be asserted. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public void assertXmlValidAggregationDefinition(final String xmlData) throws Exception { URL url = new URL(getFrameworkUrl() + "/xsd/rest/aggregation-definition/0.4/aggregation-definition.xsd"); assertAllPlaceholderResolved(xmlData); assertXmlValid(xmlData, url); } /** * Asserts that the provided xml data is a valid aggregation-definition. * * @param xmlData * The xml data to be asserted. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public void assertXmlValidTmeResult(final String xmlData) throws Exception { URL url = new URL(getFrameworkUrl() + "/xsd/tme/jhove.xsd"); assertAllPlaceholderResolved(xmlData); assertXmlValid(xmlData, url); } /** * Asserts that the provided xml data is a valid aggregation-definition-list. * * @param xmlData * The xml data to be asserted. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public void assertXmlValidAggregationDefinitionList(final String xmlData) throws Exception { URL url = new URL( getFrameworkUrl() + "/xsd/rest/aggregation-definition/0.4/aggregation-definition-list.xsd"); assertAllPlaceholderResolved(xmlData); assertXmlValid(xmlData, url); } /** * Asserts that the provided xml data is a valid report-definition. * * @param xmlData * The xml data to be asserted. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public void assertXmlValidReportDefinition(final String xmlData) throws Exception { URL url = new URL(getFrameworkUrl() + "/xsd/rest/report-definition/0.4/report-definition.xsd"); assertAllPlaceholderResolved(xmlData); assertXmlValid(xmlData, url); } /** * Asserts that the provided xml data is a valid report-definition-list. * * @param xmlData * The xml data to be asserted. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public void assertXmlValidReportDefinitionList(final String xmlData) throws Exception { URL url = new URL(getFrameworkUrl() + "/xsd/rest/report-definition/0.4/report-definition-list.xsd"); assertAllPlaceholderResolved(xmlData); assertXmlValid(xmlData, url); } /** * Asserts that the provided xml data is a valid report-definition. * * @param xmlData * The xml data to be asserted. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public void assertXmlValidReport(final String xmlData) throws Exception { URL url = new URL(getFrameworkUrl() + "/xsd/rest/report/0.4/report.xsd"); assertAllPlaceholderResolved(xmlData); assertXmlValid(xmlData, url); } /** * Asserts that the provided xml data is valid for a search result. * * @param xmlData * The xml data to be asserted. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static void assertXmlValidSearchResult(final String xmlData) throws Exception { URL url = new URL(getFrameworkUrl() + "/xsd/rest/search-result/0.8/srw-types.xsd"); assertXmlValid(xmlData, url); } /** * Asserts that the provided xml data is valid for a explain plan. * * @param xmlData * The xml data to be asserted. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static void assertXmlValidExplainPlan(final String xmlData) throws Exception { String replacedData = xmlData; if (replacedData.indexOf("explainResponse") > -1) { replacedData = replacedData.replaceFirst("(?s).*?(<[^>]*?explain[\\s>].*?<\\/[^>]*?explain.*?>).*", "$1"); } URL url = new URL(getFrameworkUrl() + "/xsd/rest/search-result/0.4/zeerex-2.0.xsd"); assertXmlValid(replacedData, url); } /** * Assert the provided XML data is valid against the provided schema. * * @param xmlData * The xml data to be asserted. * @param schemaURL * The URL of the schema. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static void assertXmlValid(final String xmlData, final URL schemaURL) throws Exception { Schema theSchema = getSchema(schemaURL); assertXmlValid(xmlData, theSchema); } /** * Assert the provided XML data is valid against the provided schema. * * @param xmlData * The xml data to be asserted. * @param schema * The schema inputstream. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static void assertXmlValid(final String xmlData, final InputStream schema) throws Exception { Schema theSchema = getSchema(schema); assertXmlValid(xmlData, theSchema); } /** * Assert the provided XML data is valid against the provided schema. * * @param xmlData * The xml data to be asserted. * @param schema * The schema. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static void assertXmlValid(final String xmlData, final Schema schema) throws Exception { assertNotNull("No Xml data. ", xmlData); try { Validator validator = schema.newValidator(); InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(xmlData.getBytes(DEFAULT_CHARSET)); validator.validate(new SAXSource(new InputSource(in))); } catch (final Exception e) { final StringBuffer errorMsg = new StringBuffer("XML invalid. "); errorMsg.append(e.getMessage()); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { errorMsg.append(xmlData); errorMsg.append("============ End of invalid xml ============\n"); } fail(errorMsg.toString()); } assertXmlPrefixNotDeclared(xmlData); } /** * Asserts that the objid and href attributes of the root element exist and are consistent. * * @param document * The document. * @throws Exception * Thrown if anything fails. */ public void assertHrefObjidConsistency(final Document document) throws Exception { assertHrefObjidConsistency(document, null); } /** * Asserts that a given string has the structure of an eSciDoc objid. * * @param objid * The string. * @throws Exception * Thrown if anything fails. */ public void assertObjid(final String objid) throws Exception { Pattern PATTERN_OBJID_ATTRIBUTE = Pattern.compile("[a-zA-Z]+:[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+"); if (!PATTERN_OBJID_ATTRIBUTE.matcher(objid).find()) { fail("Does not look like an objid: " + objid); } } /** * Asserts that the objid and href attributes exist and are consistent. * * @param document * The document. * @param xPath * The xpath to the element containing the objid and href attributes. If this parameter is * <code>null</code>, the root element is used. * @throws Exception * Thrown if anything fails. */ public void assertHrefObjidConsistency(final Document document, final String xPath) throws Exception { final String objid; final String objidFromHref; if (xPath == null) { objid = getRootElementAttributeValue(document, NAME_OBJID); objidFromHref = getObjidFromHref(getRootElementHrefValue(document)); assertEquals("Href and objid are inconsistent in root element", objidFromHref, objid); } else { Node objidNode = selectSingleNode(document, xPath + "/@objid"); Node hrefNode = selectSingleNode(document, xPath + "/@href"); assertNotNull("Objid not found for element [" + xPath + "]", objidNode); assertNotNull("Href not found for element [" + xPath + "]", hrefNode); objid = objidNode.getTextContent(); objidFromHref = getObjidFromHref(hrefNode.getTextContent()); assertEquals("Href and objid are inconsistent [" + xPath + "]", objidFromHref, objid); } } /** * Assert if the framework created the necessary elements and attributes. * * @param xmlData * The xml representation of the context. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static void assertXmlCreatedContext(final String xmlData) throws Exception { Document document = EscidocAbstractTest.getDocument(xmlData); assertXmlNotNull("/context/@objid", document, "/context/@objid"); assertXmlNotNull("/context/@last-modification-date", document, "/context/@last-modification-date"); assertXmlNotNull("/context/properties/creator/@href", document, "/context/properties/creator/@href"); assertXmlNotNull("/context/properties/creator/@title", document, "/context/properties/creator/@title"); assertXmlNotNull("/context/admin-descriptor/@objid", document, "/context/admin-descriptor/@objid"); assertXmlNotNull("/context/admin-descriptor/@href", document, "/context/admin-descriptor/@href"); assertXmlNotNull("/context/admin-descriptor/properties/creator/@href", document, "/context/admin-descriptor/properties/creator/@href"); assertXmlNotNull("/context/admin-descriptor/properties/creator/@title", document, "/context/admin-descriptor/properties/creator/@title"); // TODO check this list for completeness? } /** * Assert that the Element/Attribute selected by the xPath does not exist. * * @param message * The message printed if assertion fails. * @param xml * XML * @param xPath * The xPath. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static void assertXmlNotExists(final String message, final String xml, final String xPath) throws Exception { } /** * Assert that the Element/Attribute selected by the xPath does not exist. * * @param message * The message printed if assertion fails. * @param node * The Node. * @param xPath * The xPath. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static void assertXmlNotExists(final String message, final Node node, final String xPath) throws Exception { NodeList nodes = selectNodeList(node, xPath); assertTrue(message, nodes.getLength() == 0); } /** * Assert that the node selected by the xpath exists int the given document and is not empty. * * @param elementLabel * The label for assertion messages. * @param document * The document. * @param xPath * The xPath. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static void assertXmlNotNull(final String elementLabel, final Node document, final String xPath) throws Exception { Node element = selectSingleNode(document, xPath); assertNotNull(elementLabel + " not found!", element); assertFalse(elementLabel + " must not be empty!", "".equals(element.getTextContent())); } /** * Extracts the id from the href attribute of the root element of the provided document. * * @param document * The document to retrieve the id from. * @return Returns the extracted id value. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static String getIdFromRootElementHref(final Document document) throws Exception { return getObjidFromHref(getRootElementHrefValue(document)); } /** * Obtain the objid from the href. * * @param val * The href attribute. * @return objid */ public String getIdFromHrefValue(final String val) { String result = null; // FIXME it's no objid pattern Pattern PATTERN_OBJID_ATTRIBUTE = Pattern.compile(".*\\/([^\"\\/]*)"); Matcher m1 = PATTERN_OBJID_ATTRIBUTE.matcher(val); if (m1.find()) { result =; } return result; } /** * Obtain the objid from the XML root element. * * @param xml * The XML data. * @return objid */ public String getIdFromRootElement(final String xml) { String result = null; // FIXME PATTERN_OBJID_ATTRIBUTE is static field ! // FIXME this pattern does not work for componentId Pattern pATTERNoBJIDaTTRIBUTEjUSTfORtHISmETHOD = Pattern.compile("href=\"/ir/[^/]+/([^\"]*)\""); Matcher m1 = pATTERNoBJIDaTTRIBUTEjUSTfORtHISmETHOD.matcher(xml); if (m1.find()) { result =; } return result; } /** * Gets the id from the provided uri (href). * * @param href * The uri to extract the id from. * @return Returns the extracted id. */ public static String getObjidFromHref(final String href) { String grantId = href.substring(href.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); return grantId; } /** * Gets the href attribute of the root element from the document. * * @param document * The document to retrieve the value from. * @return Returns the attribute value. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static String getRootElementHrefValue(final Document document) throws Exception { return getRootElementAttributeValueNS(document, NAME_HREF, XLINK_NS_URI); } /** * Gets the objid attribute of the element selected in the provided node.<br> * It tries to get the objid attribute of the selected node. If this fails, it tries to get the xlink:href * attribute. If both fails, an assertion exception is "thrown". * * @param node * The node to select an element from. * @param xPath * The xpath to select the element in the provided node. * @return Returns the attribute value. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public String getObjidValue(final Node node, final String xPath) throws Exception { Node selected = selectSingleNode(node, xPath); assertNotNull("No Element selected to retrieve the object id from", selected); NamedNodeMap attributes = selected.getAttributes(); assertNotNull("Selected node has no attributes (not an element?) ", attributes); Node objidAttr = attributes.getNamedItem(NAME_OBJID); if (objidAttr != null) { return objidAttr.getTextContent(); } else { objidAttr = selectSingleNode(selected, "." + PART_XLINK_HREF); assertNotNull("Selected node neither has an objid " + "attribute nor an xlink href attribute", objidAttr); return getObjidFromHref(objidAttr.getTextContent()); } } /** * Gets the objid attribute of the root element from the Xml. * * @param xml * The xml representation of an object to retrieve the value from. * @return Returns the objid. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public String getObjidValue(final String xml) throws Exception { Matcher m = PATTERN_OBJID_ATTRIBUTE.matcher(xml); if (m.find()) { return; } else { fail("Missing objid in provided xml data"); return null; } } /** * Get objId with version part of latest version of document. * * @param xml * The Item XML. * @return The object id of the latest version. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public final String getLatestVersionObjidValue(final String xml) throws Exception { Node latestVersionNode = selectSingleNode(EscidocAbstractTest.getDocument(xml), "//properties/latest-version/number"); String id = getIdFromRootElement(xml) + VERSION_SUFFIX_SEPARATOR + latestVersionNode.getTextContent(); return (id); } /** * Remove version informaion from given objid. * * @param objid * The objid. * @return The objid without version information. */ public static String getObjidWithoutVersion(final String objid) { String result = objid; Matcher m = PATTERN_ID_WITHOUT_VERSION.matcher(objid); if (m.find()) { result =; } return result; } /** * Gets the last-modification-date attribute of the root element from the document. * * @param document * The document to retrieve the value from. * @return Returns the attribute value. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static String getLastModificationDateValue(final Document document) throws Exception { return getRootElementAttributeValue(document, "last-modification-date"); } /** * Gets the last-modification-date attribute of the root element from the document. * * @param document * The document to retrieve the value from. * @return Returns the attribute value. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static DateTime getLastModificationDateValue2(final Document document) throws Exception { String dateString = getRootElementAttributeValue(document, "last-modification-date"); if (dateString == null) { return null; } final Calendar calendar = DatatypeConverter.parseDate(dateString); return new DateTime(calendar.getTimeInMillis(), DateTimeZone.forTimeZone(calendar.getTimeZone())); } /** * Gets the creation-date element of the first element named "properties" from the document. * * @param document * The document to retrieve the value from. * @return Returns the creation date value or <code>null</code>. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static String getCreationDateValue(final Document document) throws Exception { return getCreationDateValue(document, null); } /** * Gets the creation-date element of the specified properties element from the document. * * @param document * The document to retrieve the value from. * @param xPath * The xpath to the parent element that contains the creation date element. If this is <code>null</code>, * the first element named "properties" will be selected. * @return Returns the creation date value or <code>null</code>. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static String getCreationDateValue(final Document document, final String xPath) throws Exception { String creationDateXpath = ""; if (xPath == null) { creationDateXpath = "//properties[1]/creation-date"; } else { creationDateXpath = xPath + "/creation-date"; } final Node creationDateElement = selectSingleNode(document, creationDateXpath); if (creationDateElement == null) { return null; } else { return creationDateElement.getTextContent(); } } /** * Get objid from ordered component. * * @param document * the document. * @param componentNo * the component order number. * @return component object id * @throws Exception * Thrown in case of internal error. */ // TODO should better be in OmTestBase public String getComponentObjidValue(final Document document, final int componentNo) throws Exception { return getObjidFromHref(getAttributeValue(document, OmTestBase.XPATH_ITEM_COMPONENTS + "/component[" + componentNo + "]", "xlink:href")); } /** * Get objid from component. * * @param document * the document. * @param xpath * tXPath identifying the component. * @return component object id * @throws Exception * Thrown in case of internal error. */ public String getComponentObjidValue(final Document document, final String xpath) throws Exception { return getObjidFromHref(getAttributeValue(document, xpath, "xlink:href")); } /** * Asserts that the creation-date element of the document exists. * * @param message * The fail message. * @param document * The document to retrieve the value from. * @return Returns the creation date value. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static String assertCreationDateExists(final String message, final Document document) throws Exception { return assertCreationDateExists(message, document, null); } /** * Asserts that the creation-date element of the specified properties element from the document exists. * * @param message * The fail message. * @param document * The document to retrieve the value from. * @param xPath * The xpath to the parent element that contains the creation date element. If this is <code>null</code>, * the first element named "properties" will be selected. * @return Returns the creation date value. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static String assertCreationDateExists(final String message, final Document document, final String xPath) throws Exception { final String creationDate = getCreationDateValue(document, xPath); assertNotNull(prepareAssertionFailedMessage(message) + "No creation-date", creationDate); return creationDate; } /** * Gets the value of the specified attribute of the root element from the document. * * @param document * The document to retrieve the value from. * @param attributeName * The name of the attribute whose value shall be retrieved. * @param namespaceURI * The namespace URI of the attribute. * @return Returns the attribute value. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static String getRootElementAttributeValueNS(final Document document, final String attributeName, final String namespaceURI) throws Exception { Node root = getRootElement(document); if (root.getNamespaceURI() != null) { // has been parsed namespace aware Node attr = root.getAttributes().getNamedItemNS(namespaceURI, attributeName); assertNotNull("Attribute not found [" + namespaceURI + ":" + attributeName + "]. ", attr); return attr.getTextContent(); } else { // has not been parsed namespace aware. String xPath; if (attributeName.startsWith("@")) { xPath = "/*/" + attributeName; } else { xPath = "/*/@" + attributeName; } assertXmlExists("Attribute not found [" + xPath + "]. ", document, xPath); final Node attr = selectSingleNode(root, xPath); assertNotNull("Attribute not found [" + attributeName + "]. ", attr); String value = attr.getTextContent(); return value; } } /** * Gets the value of the specified attribute of the root element from the document. * * @param document * The document to retrieve the value from. * @param attributeName * The name of the attribute whose value shall be retrieved. * @return Returns the attribute value. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static String getRootElementAttributeValue(final Document document, final String attributeName) throws Exception { Node root = getRootElement(document); // has not been parsed namespace aware. String xPath; if (attributeName.startsWith("@")) { xPath = "/*/" + attributeName; } else { xPath = "/*/@" + attributeName; } assertXmlExists("Attribute not found [" + attributeName + "]. ", document, xPath); final Node attr = selectSingleNode(root, xPath); assertNotNull("Attribute not found [" + attributeName + "]. ", attr); String value = attr.getTextContent(); return value; } /** * Gets the <code>Schema</code> object for the provided url. * * @param urlString * The <code>String</code> specifying the URL. * @return Returns the <code>Schema</code> object. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static Schema getSchema(final String urlString) throws Exception { URL url = urlCache.get(urlString); if (url == null) { url = new URL(urlString); urlCache.put(urlString, url); } return getSchema(url); } /** * Gets the <code>Schema</code> object for the provided <code>URL</code>. * * @param url * The url to get the schema for. * @return Returns the <code>Schema</code> object. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static Schema getSchema(final URL url) throws Exception { Schema schema = schemaCache.get(url); if (schema == null) { URLConnection conn = url.openConnection(); InputStream schemaStream = conn.getInputStream(); schema = getSchema(schemaStream); schemaCache.put(url, schema); } return schema; } /** * Gets the <code>Schema</code> object for the provided <code>InputStream</code>. * * @param schemaStream * The Stream containing the schema. * @return Returns the <code>Schema</code> object. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ private static Schema getSchema(final InputStream schemaStream) throws Exception { if (schemaStream == null) { throw new Exception("No schema input stream provided"); } SchemaFactory sf = SchemaFactory.newInstance(XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI); // set resource resolver to change schema-location-host sf.setResourceResolver(new SchemaBaseResourceResolver()); Schema theSchema = sf.newSchema(new SAXSource(new InputSource(schemaStream))); return theSchema; } /** * Asserts that ts1 depicts a time after ts2 (ts1 > ts2). * * @param message * The message is the assertion fails. * @param ts1 * The first timestamp. * @param ts2 * The second timestamp. * @throws Exception * If anything fails (e.g. one timstamp has incorrect format) */ public static void assertTimestampIsEqualOrAfter(final String message, final String ts1, final String ts2) throws Exception { assertTrue(message, compareTimestamps(ts1, ts2) >= 0); } /** * Asserts that ts1 and ts2 depict the same time (ts1 == ts2). * * @param message * The message is the assertion fails. * @param ts1 * The first timestamp. * @param ts2 * The second timestamp. * @throws Exception * If anything fails (e.g. one timstamp has incorrect format) */ public static void assertTimestampEquals(final String message, final String ts1, final String ts2) throws Exception { assertTrue(message, compareTimestamps(ts1, ts2) == 0); } /** * Returns a positive integer if ts1 depicts a time after ts2 (ts1 > ts2), 0 if ts1 and ts2 depict the same time * (ts1 == ts2), and a negative integer if if ts1 depicts a time before ts2 (ts1 < ts2). * * @param ts1 * The first timestamp. * @param ts2 * The second timestamp. * @return The comparison result. * @throws Exception * If anything fails (e.g. one timstamp has incorrect format). */ public static int compareTimestamps(final String ts1, final String ts2) throws Exception { int result = 0; XMLGregorianCalendar date1 = DatatypeFactory.newInstance().newXMLGregorianCalendar(ts1); XMLGregorianCalendar date2 = DatatypeFactory.newInstance().newXMLGregorianCalendar(ts2); int diff =; if (diff == DatatypeConstants.LESSER) { result = -1; } else if (diff == DatatypeConstants.GREATER) { result = 1; } else if (diff == DatatypeConstants.EQUAL) { result = 0; } else if (diff == DatatypeConstants.INDETERMINATE) { throw new Exception("Date comparing: INDETERMINATE"); } return result; } /** * Get the current time as timestamp. The date format is yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ. * * @return The current time as timestamp. */ public static String getNowAsTimestamp() { DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT_PATTERN); dateFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); return dateFormat.format(new Date()).replaceAll("\\+0000", "Z").replaceAll("([+-][0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})", "$1$2"); } /** * * @param timestamp * @return */ public static String normalizeTimestamp(final String timestamp) { return timestamp.replaceAll("Z", "+0000").replaceAll("([+-][0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})", "$1$2"); } /** * Return a unique name. It is the concatenation of the prefix and the current time in milli seconds. * * @param prefix * The prefix. * @return The unique name. */ public static String getUniqueName(final String prefix) { return prefix + System.currentTimeMillis(); } /** * Makes the value of the provided node unique by adding a timestamp to it. * * @param node * The node to find the "name" element in and make it unique. * @return Returns the unique value. */ public String setUniqueName(final Node node) { final String uniqueName = getUniqueName(node.getTextContent().trim()); node.setTextContent(uniqueName); return uniqueName; } /** * Makes the value of the selected node of the provided node unique by adding a timestamp to it.<br> * If no node can be selected, an assertion fails. * * @param node * The node to find the "name" element in and make it unique. * @param xpath * The xpath selecting the "name" element to change. * @return Returns the unique value. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public String setUniqueValue(final Node node, final String xpath) throws Exception { assertNotNull("No node provided to select a node in.", node); Node selected = selectSingleNodeAsserted(node, xpath); return setUniqueName(selected); } /** * Changes the given template. If currentElement (e.g. /context/properties/creation-date) is not a key in the * elements Map, currentElement is interpreted as a xpath and the selected node is removed from the template. If the * value for key currentElement is different from the empty String, the selected node's value is substituted with * this value. * * @param template * The context template. * @param elements * The elements Map. * @param currentElement * The currentElemnt. * @return The resulting template. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static Node changeTemplateWithReadOnly(final Node template, final Map<String, String> elements, final String currentElement) throws Exception { Node result = template; if (elements.get(currentElement) == null) { deleteNodes(template, currentElement); // // if (currentElement.indexOf("@") != -1) { // String xpath = currentElement.substring(0, currentElement // .indexOf("@") - 1); // String attribute = currentElement.substring(currentElement // .indexOf("@") + 1); // deleteAttribute(result, xpath, attribute); // } // else { // result = deleteElement(result, currentElement); // } } else if (!"".equals(elements.get(currentElement))) { String element = currentElement; if (element.indexOf("@" + XLINK_HREF_TEMPLATES) != -1) { element = element.replaceAll("@" + XLINK_HREF_TEMPLATES, "@href"); } result = substitute(result, element, elements.get(currentElement)); } return result; } /** * Gets the root element of the provided document. * * @param doc * The document to get the root element from. * @return Returns the first child of the document htat is an element node. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public static Element getRootElement(final Document doc) throws Exception { Node node = doc.getFirstChild(); while (node != null) { if (node != null && node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { return (Element) node; } node = node.getNextSibling(); } return null; } /** * Inserts the namespaces into the provided element node. * * @param element * The element into that the namespace definitions shall be inserted. * @return Returns the changed element node. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public Element insertNamespaces(final Element element) throws Exception { element.setAttribute("xmlns:prefix-container", CONTAINER_NS_URI); element.setAttribute("xmlns:prefix-content-type", CONTENT_TYPE_NS_URI); element.setAttribute("xmlns:prefix-context", CONTEXT_NS_URI); element.setAttribute("xmlns:prefix-dc", DC_NS_URI); element.setAttribute("xmlns:prefix-dcterms", DCTERMS_NS_URI); element.setAttribute("xmlns:prefix-grants", GRANTS_NS_URI); element.setAttribute("xmlns:prefix-internal-metadata", INTERNAL_METADATA_NS_URI); element.setAttribute("xmlns:prefix-item", ITEM_NS_URI); element.setAttribute("xmlns:prefix-member-list", MEMBER_LIST_NS_URI); element.setAttribute("xmlns:prefix-member-ref-list", MEMBER_REF_LIST_NS_URI); element.setAttribute("xmlns:prefix-metadata", METADATA_NS_URI); element.setAttribute("xmlns:prefix-metadatarecords", METADATARECORDS_NS_URI); element.setAttribute("xmlns:prefix-organizational-unit", ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT_NS_URI); element.setAttribute("xmlns:prefix-properties", PROPERTIES_NS_URI); element.setAttribute("xmlns:prefix-schema", SCHEMA_NS_URI); element.setAttribute("xmlns:prefix-staging-file", STAGING_FILE_NS_URI); element.setAttribute("xmlns:prefix-user-account", USER_ACCOUNT_NS_URI); element.setAttribute("xmlns:prefix-xacml-context", XACML_CONTEXT_NS_URI); element.setAttribute("xmlns:prefix-xacml-policy", XACML_POLICY_NS_URI); element.setAttribute("xmlns:prefix-xlink", XLINK_NS_URI); element.setAttribute("xmlns:prefix-xsi", XSI_NS_URI); return element; } /** * Inserts the namespaces into the root element of the provided document. * * @param doc * The document that shall be changed. * @return Returns the changed document. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public Document insertNamespacesInRootElement(final Document doc) throws Exception { final Element rootElement = getRootElement(doc); assertNotNull("No root element found in the provided document", rootElement); insertNamespaces(rootElement); return doc; } /** * Inserts the namespaces into the root element of the provided xml data. * * @param xmlData * The xmlData that shall be changed. * @return Returns the changed XML data. * @throws Exception * If anything fails. */ public String insertNamespacesInRootElement(final String xmlData) throws Exception { return toString(insertNamespacesInRootElement(EscidocAbstractTest.getDocument(xmlData)), false); } protected static String prepareAssertionFailedMessage(final String message) { final String msg; if (message == null) { msg = ""; } else if (!message.endsWith(" ")) { msg = message + " "; } else { msg = message; } return msg; } /** * Deletes the node selected by the given XPath from the provided node. * * @param node * The Node to delete the selected nodes from. * @param xPath * The XPath selecting the sub nodes in the provided node. * @return returns the provided <code>Node</code> object. This <code>Node</code> object may be changed. * @throws Exception * Thrown if anything fails. */ public static Node deleteNodes(final Node node, final String xPath) throws Exception { NodeList nodes = selectNodeList(node, xPath); if (nodes == null || nodes.getLength() == 0) { return node; } for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); ++i) { Node delete = nodes.item(i); if (delete.getNodeType() == Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE) { final int index = xPath.lastIndexOf('/'); String attribute = delete.getNodeName(); attribute = attribute.substring(attribute.lastIndexOf(':') + 1); String elementXpath = xPath.substring(0, index); elementXpath += "[@" + attribute + "=\"" + delete.getTextContent().trim() + "\"]"; Node parent = selectSingleNode(node, elementXpath); if (parent.hasAttributes()) { parent.getAttributes().removeNamedItem(delete.getNodeName()); } } else { delete.getParentNode().removeChild(delete); } } return node; } /** * Asserts that the value of the selected node of the provided node starts with the expected base. * * @param node * The node in that the node shall be selected abd asserted. * @param xPath * The Xpath to select the node that shall be asserted. * @param expectedBase * The expected value with that the selected node's value shall start. * @return Returns the value of the node that has been successfully checked. * @throws Exception * Thrown if anything fails. */ public static String assertHrefBase(final Node node, final String xPath, final String expectedBase) throws Exception { final String value = selectSingleNode(node, xPath).getTextContent(); assertTrue("href does not start with " + expectedBase, value.startsWith(expectedBase)); return value; } /** * Asserts that the selected xlink:type attribute of the provided node has the value "simple". * * @param document * The node from that the xlink:type attribute shall be selected and asserted. * @throws Exception * If an error ocurres. */ public static void assertXlinkType(final Document document, final String xPath) throws Exception { assertXmlExists("No xlink:type attribute found [" + xPath + "]", document, XPATH_USER_ACCOUNT_CURRENT_GRANTS_XLINK_TYPE); assertXmlEquals("Unexpected xlink:type [" + xPath + "]", document, xPath, "simple"); } /** * * @param query * @param format * @return */ public static String getSemanticStoreQuery(final String query, final String format) { String taskParam = de.escidoc.core.test.Constants.XML_HEADER + "<param xmlns=\"\" >\n"; taskParam += "<query>" + query + "</query>\n"; taskParam += "<format>" + format + "</format>\n"; taskParam += "</param>"; return taskParam; } /** * Modifies the namespace prefixes of the provided xml data by adding a prefix to the namespac. * * @param xml * The xml data to change the namespace prefixes in. * @return Returns the modified xml data. */ public static String modifyNamespacePrefixes(final String xml) { Matcher matcher = PATTERN_MODIFY_NAMESPACE_PREFIXES_REPLACE_PREFIXES.matcher(xml); String ret = matcher.replaceAll("$1prefix-$2"); matcher = PATTERN_MODIFY_NAMESPACE_PREFIXES_FIX_NAMESPACE_DECLARATIONS.matcher(ret); ret = matcher.replaceAll("xmlns:prefix-$1"); matcher = PATTERN_MODIFY_NAMESPACE_PREFIXES_FIX_PREFIX_XML.matcher(ret); ret = matcher.replaceAll("xml"); return ret; } public void assertRdfList(final Document xmlDoc, final String objectTypeUri, final String orderByPropertyUri, final boolean descending, final int limit, final int offset) throws Exception { selectSingleNodeAsserted(xmlDoc, "/RDF"); selectSingleNodeAsserted(xmlDoc, "/RDF/Description"); NodeList descriptions = selectNodeList(xmlDoc, "/RDF/Description"); if (limit != 0) { assertOrderNotAfter(descriptions.getLength(), limit); } for (int i = 0; i < descriptions.getLength(); i++) { NodeList nl = selectNodeList(descriptions.item(i), "type"); boolean foundTypeObjectTypeUri = false; for (int j = 0; j < nl.getLength(); j++) { Node n = nl.item(j); NamedNodeMap nnm = n.getAttributes(); Node att = nnm.getNamedItem("rdf:resource"); String uri = att.getNodeValue(); if (uri.equals(objectTypeUri)) { foundTypeObjectTypeUri = true; } } if (!foundTypeObjectTypeUri) { String about = selectSingleNode(descriptions.item(i), "@about").getNodeValue(); fail("Could not find type element refering " + objectTypeUri + " in RDF description of " + about + "."); } } if (orderByPropertyUri != null) { String localName = orderByPropertyUri.substring(orderByPropertyUri.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); Node orderNodeA = null; Node orderNodeB = null; // init order node A NodeList nl = selectNodeList(descriptions.item(0), localName); for (int j = 0; j < nl.getLength(); j++) { // FIXME compare with namespace orderNodeA = nl.item(j); } for (int i = 1; i < descriptions.getLength(); i++) { nl = selectNodeList(descriptions.item(i), localName); for (int j = 0; j < nl.getLength(); j++) { // FIXME compare with namespace // String curNsUri = nl.item(j).getNamespaceURI(); // if (nsUri.equals(curNsUri)) { orderNodeB = nl.item(j); // } } if (descending) { assertOrderNotAfter(orderNodeB.getTextContent(), orderNodeA.getTextContent()); } else { assertOrderNotAfter(orderNodeA.getTextContent(), orderNodeB.getTextContent()); } orderNodeA = orderNodeB; } } else { String orderValueXPath = "@about"; // "/Description/" // + orderByPropertyUri.substring(orderByPropertyUri // .lastIndexOf('/') + 1); for (int i = 1; i < descriptions.getLength(); i++) { int a, b; if (descending) { a = i; b = i - 1; } else { a = i - 1; b = i; } String lower = selectSingleNodeAsserted(descriptions.item(a), orderValueXPath).getNodeValue(); String higher = selectSingleNodeAsserted(descriptions.item(b), orderValueXPath).getNodeValue(); assertOrderNotAfter(lower, higher); } } } public static void assertOrderNotAfter(final int lower, final int higher) throws Exception { if (lower > higher) { fail("Incorrect order: " + lower + " < " + higher + "."); } } public static void assertOrderNotAfter(final String lower, final String higher) throws Exception { if (lower.compareTo(higher) > 0) { LOGGER.debug("Incorrect order: " + lower + " < " + higher + "."); } } public void assertContentStreamsOf_escidoc_item_198_for_create_3content_streams(final String itemId, final Document itemDoc, final boolean isRootContentStreams) throws Exception { // there should be content streams selectSingleNodeAsserted(itemDoc, "//content-streams[1]"); // but only once assertNull(selectSingleNode(itemDoc, "//content-streams[2]")); if (isRootContentStreams) { // there should be attributes xml:base, xlink:href and // last-modification-date in content streams container selectSingleNodeAsserted(itemDoc, "/content-streams[@base]"); // = '" + Constants.PROTOCOL + "://" + Constants.HOST_PORT + "']"); selectSingleNodeAsserted(itemDoc, "/content-streams[@href = '/ir/item/" + itemId + "/content-streams']"); selectSingleNodeAsserted(itemDoc, "/content-streams[@last-modification-date]"); // TODO check if latter is date } // there should be three content streams selectSingleNodeAsserted(itemDoc, "//content-streams/content-stream[3]"); // not more assertNull(selectSingleNode(itemDoc, "//content-streams/content-stream[4]")); // one of each storage type selectSingleNodeAsserted(itemDoc, "//content-streams/content-stream[@storage='external-managed']"); selectSingleNodeAsserted(itemDoc, "//content-streams/content-stream[@storage='internal-managed']"); selectSingleNodeAsserted(itemDoc, "//content-streams/content-stream[@storage='external-url']"); // check content URLs selectSingleNodeAsserted(itemDoc, "//content-streams/content-stream[@storage='external-managed'" + " and starts-with(@href,'/ir/item/')]"); selectSingleNodeAsserted(itemDoc, "//content-streams/content-stream[@storage='internal-managed'" + " and starts-with(@href,'/ir/item/')]"); selectSingleNodeAsserted(itemDoc, "//content-streams/content-stream[@storage='external-url'" + " and starts-with(@href,'http://')]"); selectSingleNodeAsserted(itemDoc, "//content-streams/content-stream[@storage='external-managed'" + " and @name='external_image' and @mime-type='image/jpeg'" + " and @href = '/ir/item/" + itemId + "/content-streams/content-stream/external_image/content']"); selectSingleNodeAsserted(itemDoc, "//content-streams/content-stream[@storage='internal-managed'" + " and @name='internal_xml' and @mime-type='text/xml'" + " and @href = '/ir/item/" + itemId + "/content-streams/content-stream/internal_xml/content']"); selectSingleNodeAsserted(itemDoc, "//content-streams/content-stream[@storage='external-url'" + " and @name='redirect_image' and @mime-type='image/jpeg']"); } /** * Uploading file to Staging Service and get URL back. * * @param file * The file which is to upload to the staging service. * @return The URL at the staging service. * @throws Exception * Thrown if uploading failed. */ public URL uploadFileToStagingServlet(final File file) throws Exception { String mimeType = file.toURI().toURL().openConnection().getContentType(); return uploadFileToStagingServlet(file, mimeType); } /** * Uploading file to Staging Service and get URL back. * * @param file * The file (which is to upload). * @param mimeType * The mime type of the content. * @return The URL at the staging service. * @throws Exception * Thrown if uploading failed. */ public URL uploadFileToStagingServlet(final File file, final String mimeType) throws Exception { InputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(file); return uploadFileToStagingServlet(fileInputStream, file.getName(), mimeType); } /** * Uploading file to Staging Service and get URL back. * * @param fileInputStream * The filenInputStream (whic upload). * @param filename * The name of the file. * @param mimeType * The mime type of the content. * @return The URL fro the staging service. * @throws Exception * Thrown if uploading failed. */ public URL uploadFileToStagingServlet(final InputStream fileInputStream, final String filename, final String mimeType) throws Exception { Object result = getStagingFileClient().create(fileInputStream, mimeType, filename); if (result instanceof HttpResponse) { HttpResponse httpRes = (HttpResponse) result; final String stagingFileXml = EntityUtils.toString(httpRes.getEntity(), HTTP.UTF_8); httpRes.getEntity().consumeContent(); Document document = EscidocAbstractTest.getDocument(stagingFileXml); Node fileHref = selectSingleNode(document, "/staging-file/@href"); URL url = new URL(getFrameworkUrl() + fileHref.getTextContent()); return url; } else { fail("Unsupported result type [" + result.getClass().getName() + "]"); throw new Exception("Upload to staging service failed."); } } /** * @return Returns the itemClient. */ public StagingFileClient getStagingFileClient() { return this.stagingFileClient; } /** * count the number of testMethods in the testClass. * * @return number of testMethods. */ public int getTestMethodCount() { Method[] methods = this.getClass().getMethods(); int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) { if (methods[i].getName().startsWith("test") && methods[i].getParameterTypes().length == 0 && methods[i].getReturnType().getName().equals("void")) { count++; } } return count; } /** * count the number of testMethods in the testClass. * * @return number of testMethods. */ public int getTestAnnotationsCount() { Method[] methods = this.getClass().getMethods(); int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) { if (methods[i].getAnnotations() != null) { for (Annotation annotation : methods[i].getAnnotations()) { if (annotation.annotationType().equals(org.junit.Test.class)) { count++; } } } } return count; } /** * Assert that all Xlink titles match the (eSciDoc) Xlink title conventions. * <p/> * TODO this test is not complete, because of an outstanding definition. (see issue INFR-865) * * @param xmlData * XML of the Item */ public void assertItemXlinkTitles(final String xmlData) throws Exception { Document document = EscidocAbstractTest.getDocument(xmlData); // relations Node relations = XPathAPI.selectSingleNode(document, "/item/relations/@title", document); if (relations != null) { assertEquals("Xlink:title of relations differs from convention", "Relations of Item", relations.getTextContent()); } } /** * Assert that all Xlink titles match the (eSciDoc) Xlink title conventions. * <p/> * TODO this test is not complete, because of an outstanding definition. (see issue INFR-865) * * @param xmlData * XML of the Container */ public void assertContainerXlinkTitles(final String xmlData) throws Exception { Document document = EscidocAbstractTest.getDocument(xmlData); // relations Node relations = XPathAPI.selectSingleNode(document, "/container/relations/@title", document); if (relations != null) { assertEquals("Xlink:title of relations differs from convention", "Relations of Container", relations.getTextContent()); } } /** * Obtain version number of framework by requesting it from Admin Service. * * @return version number of framework. * @throws Exception * Thrown if request failed. */ public String obtainFrameworkVersion() throws Exception { if (REPOSITORY_VERSION == null) { AdminClient admClient = new AdminClient(); String info = handleXmlResult(admClient.getRepositoryInfo()); Pattern p = Pattern.compile(".*<entry key=\"\">([^<]*)</entry>.*"); Matcher m = p.matcher(info); if (m.find()) { REPOSITORY_VERSION =; } else { throw new Exception("Cannot obtain framework version " + "from eSciDoc Core installation."); } } return REPOSITORY_VERSION; } }