Java tutorial
/** * Mogwai ERDesigner. Copyright (C) 2002 The Mogwai Project. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ package de.erdesignerng.dialect; import de.erdesignerng.ERDesignerBundle; import de.erdesignerng.exception.ElementAlreadyExistsException; import de.erdesignerng.exception.ElementInvalidNameException; import de.erdesignerng.exception.ReverseEngineeringException; import de.erdesignerng.model.Attribute; import de.erdesignerng.model.CascadeType; import de.erdesignerng.model.CustomType; import de.erdesignerng.model.Domain; import de.erdesignerng.model.Index; import de.erdesignerng.model.IndexExpression; import de.erdesignerng.model.IndexType; import de.erdesignerng.model.Model; import de.erdesignerng.model.ModelProperties; import de.erdesignerng.model.Relation; import de.erdesignerng.model.RelationList; import de.erdesignerng.model.Table; import de.erdesignerng.model.TableType; import de.erdesignerng.model.View; import de.erdesignerng.modificationtracker.VetoException; import de.erdesignerng.util.SQLUtils; import de.erdesignerng.visual.MessagesHelper; import de.erdesignerng.visual.common.ERDesignerWorldConnector; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * @param <T> the dialect * @author $Author: mirkosertic $ * @version $Date: 2009-03-13 15:40:33 $ */ public abstract class JDBCReverseEngineeringStrategy<T extends Dialect> { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(JDBCReverseEngineeringStrategy.class); protected final T dialect; protected JDBCReverseEngineeringStrategy(T aDialect) { dialect = aDialect; } /** * Convert a JDBC Cascade Type to the Mogwai CascadeType. * <p/> * Default is CASCADE. * * @param aValue the JDBC type * @return the CascadeType */ protected CascadeType getCascadeType(int aValue) { switch (aValue) { case DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyNoAction: return CascadeType.NOTHING; case DatabaseMetaData.importedKeySetNull: return CascadeType.SETNULL; case DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyCascade: return CascadeType.CASCADE; case DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyRestrict: return CascadeType.RESTRICT; default: return CascadeType.CASCADE; } } protected void reverseEngineerAttribute(Attribute<Table> aAttribute, TableEntry aTable, Connection aConnection) throws SQLException { } protected void reverseEngineerDomain(Model aModel, Domain aDomain, ReverseEngineeringOptions aOptions, ReverseEngineeringNotifier aNotifier, Connection aConnection) { } protected void reverseEngineerCustomType(Model aModel, CustomType aCustomType, ReverseEngineeringOptions aOptions, ReverseEngineeringNotifier aNotifier, Connection aConnection) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Userdefined datatypes (UDTs) not supported for " + aModel.getDialect().getUniqueName() + " databases."); } /** * Reverse engineer the sql statement for a view. * * @param aViewEntry die view entry * @param aConnection the connection * @param aView the view * @return the sql statement * @throws SQLException is thrown in case of an exception */ protected String reverseEngineerViewSQL(TableEntry aViewEntry, Connection aConnection, View aView) throws SQLException { return null; } /** * Reverse engineer an existing view. * * @param aModel the model * @param aOptions the options * @param aNotifier the notifier * @param aViewEntry the table * @param aConnection the connection * @throws SQLException is thrown in case of an error * @throws ReverseEngineeringException is thrown in case of an error */ protected void reverseEngineerView(Model aModel, ReverseEngineeringOptions aOptions, ReverseEngineeringNotifier aNotifier, TableEntry aViewEntry, Connection aConnection) throws SQLException, ReverseEngineeringException { aNotifier.notifyMessage(ERDesignerBundle.ENGINEERINGTABLE, aViewEntry.getTableName()); DatabaseMetaData theMetaData = aConnection.getMetaData(); String theTablePattern = getEscapedPattern(theMetaData, aViewEntry.getTableName()); String theSchemaPattern = getEscapedPattern(theMetaData, aViewEntry.getSchemaName()); ResultSet theViewsResultSet = theMetaData.getTables(aViewEntry.getCatalogName(), theSchemaPattern, theTablePattern, new String[] { aViewEntry.getTableType().toString() }); while ( { String theViewRemarks = theViewsResultSet.getString("REMARKS"); View theView = new View(); theView.setName(dialect.getCastType().cast(aViewEntry.getTableName())); theView.setOriginalName(aViewEntry.getTableName()); switch (aOptions.getTableNaming()) { case INCLUDE_SCHEMA: theView.setSchema(aViewEntry.getSchemaName()); break; default: } if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(theViewRemarks)) { theView.setComment(theViewRemarks); } String theStatement = reverseEngineerViewSQL(aViewEntry, aConnection, theView); try { SQLUtils.updateViewAttributesFromSQL(theView, theStatement); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.warn("View " + theView.getName() + " has a strange SQL : " + theStatement); } theView.setSql(theStatement); // We are done here try { aModel.addView(theView); } catch (VetoException | ElementInvalidNameException | ElementAlreadyExistsException e) { throw new ReverseEngineeringException(e.getMessage(), e); } } theViewsResultSet.close(); } protected String getEscapedPattern(DatabaseMetaData aMetaData, String aValue) throws SQLException { String thePrefix = aMetaData.getSearchStringEscape(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(thePrefix) && !StringUtils.isEmpty(aValue)) { aValue = aValue.replace("_", thePrefix + "_"); aValue = aValue.replace("%", thePrefix + "%"); } return aValue; } /** * Reverse engineer an existing table. * * @param aModel the model * @param aOptions the options * @param aNotifier the notifier * @param aTableEntry the table * @param aConnection the connection * * @return a Map of former ModelProperties of model items in case they have been replaced during reverse engineering into an existing model * * @throws SQLException is thrown in case of an error * @throws ReverseEngineeringException is thrown in case of an error */ protected final Map<String, ModelProperties> reverseEngineerTable(Model aModel, ReverseEngineeringOptions aOptions, ReverseEngineeringNotifier aNotifier, TableEntry aTableEntry, Connection aConnection) throws SQLException, ReverseEngineeringException { Map<String, ModelProperties> theExistingModelItemProperties = null; aNotifier.notifyMessage(ERDesignerBundle.ENGINEERINGTABLE, aTableEntry.getTableName()); DatabaseMetaData theMetaData = aConnection.getMetaData(); String theTablePattern = getEscapedPattern(theMetaData, aTableEntry.getTableName()); String theSchemaPattern = getEscapedPattern(theMetaData, aTableEntry.getSchemaName()); ResultSet theTablesResultSet = theMetaData.getTables(aTableEntry.getCatalogName(), theSchemaPattern, theTablePattern, new String[] { aTableEntry.getTableType().toString() }); while ( { String theTableRemarks = theTablesResultSet.getString("REMARKS"); Table theNewTable = new Table(); theNewTable.setName(dialect.getCastType().cast(aTableEntry.getTableName())); theNewTable.setOriginalName(aTableEntry.getTableName()); switch (aOptions.getTableNaming()) { case INCLUDE_SCHEMA: theNewTable.setSchema(aTableEntry.getSchemaName()); break; default: } if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(theTableRemarks)) { theNewTable.setComment(theTableRemarks); } // Reverse engineer attributes ResultSet theColumnsResultSet = theMetaData.getColumns(aTableEntry.getCatalogName(), theSchemaPattern, theTablePattern, null); while ( { String theColumnName = null; String theTypeName = null; Integer theSize = null; Integer theFraction = null; int theRadix = 0; int theNullable = 0; String theDefaultValue = null; String theColumnRemarks = null; try { theColumnName = theColumnsResultSet.getString("COLUMN_NAME"); } catch (SQLException e) { } try { theTypeName = theColumnsResultSet.getString("TYPE_NAME"); } catch (SQLException e) { } try { theSize = theColumnsResultSet.getInt("COLUMN_SIZE"); } catch (SQLException e) { } try { theFraction = theColumnsResultSet.getInt("DECIMAL_DIGITS"); } catch (SQLException e) { } try { theRadix = theColumnsResultSet.getInt("NUM_PREC_RADIX"); } catch (SQLException e) { } try { theNullable = theColumnsResultSet.getInt("NULLABLE"); } catch (SQLException e) { } try { theDefaultValue = theColumnsResultSet.getString("COLUMN_DEF"); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(theDefaultValue)) { theDefaultValue = theDefaultValue.trim(); } } catch (SQLException e) { } try { theColumnRemarks = theColumnsResultSet.getString("REMARKS"); } catch (SQLException e) { } Attribute<Table> theAttribute = new Attribute<>(); theAttribute.setName(dialect.getCastType().cast(theColumnName)); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(theColumnRemarks)) { theAttribute.setComment(theColumnRemarks); } // Search for the datatype in the domains, the dialect specific and the user defined datatypes DataType theDataType = aModel.getAvailableDataTypes() .findByName(dialect.convertTypeNameToRealTypeName(theTypeName)); if (theDataType == null) { throw new ReverseEngineeringException("Unknown data type " + theTypeName + " for " + aTableEntry.getTableName() + "." + theColumnName); } boolean isNullable = true; switch (theNullable) { case DatabaseMetaData.columnNoNulls: isNullable = false; break; case DatabaseMetaData.columnNullable: isNullable = true; break; default: LOGGER.warn("Unknown nullability : " + theNullable + " for " + theColumnName + " of table " + theNewTable.getName()); } theAttribute.setDatatype(theDataType); theAttribute.setSize(theSize); theAttribute.setFraction(theFraction); theAttribute.setScale(theRadix); theAttribute.setDefaultValue(theDefaultValue); theAttribute.setNullable(isNullable); reverseEngineerAttribute(theAttribute, aTableEntry, aConnection); try { theNewTable.addAttribute(aModel, theAttribute); } catch (ElementAlreadyExistsException | ElementInvalidNameException e) { throw new ReverseEngineeringException(e.getMessage(), e); } } theColumnsResultSet.close(); // Reverse engineer primary keys reverseEngineerPrimaryKey(aModel, aTableEntry, theMetaData, theNewTable); // Reverse engineer indexes try { reverseEngineerIndexes(aModel, aTableEntry, theMetaData, theNewTable, aNotifier); } catch (SQLException e) { // if there is an sql exception, just ignore it } // We are done here try { aModel.addTable(theNewTable); } catch (ElementAlreadyExistsException e1) { //this manages the reverse engineering into an existing model and cares only about the table names of the model that conflict with the new table names from the connection //TODO: also care about tables that are no longer part of the connection, but still exist in the local model. E.g. show a dialog and ask the user what to do (delete/keep) try { //buffer the properties (e.g. position in model) of the existing table and its relations (e.g. the offset of the title) that are going to be replaced Table theExistingTable = aModel.getTables().findByName(theNewTable.getName()); RelationList theExistingRelations = aModel.getRelations().getAllRelataionsOf(theExistingTable); if (theExistingModelItemProperties == null) { theExistingModelItemProperties = new HashMap<>(); } //store former layouting data for the table and its relations in the old graph theExistingModelItemProperties.put(theExistingTable.getName(), theExistingTable.getProperties()); for (Relation anExistingRelation : theExistingRelations) { theExistingModelItemProperties.put(anExistingRelation.getName(), anExistingRelation.getProperties()); } //remove old table and its relations aModel.removeTable(theExistingTable); //add the new table without relations aModel.addTable(theNewTable); } catch (ElementAlreadyExistsException | ElementInvalidNameException | VetoException e2) { throw new ReverseEngineeringException(e2.getMessage()); } } catch (ElementInvalidNameException | VetoException e3) { throw new ReverseEngineeringException(e3.getMessage()); } } theTablesResultSet.close(); return theExistingModelItemProperties; } protected void reverseEngineerPrimaryKey(Model aModel, TableEntry aTableEntry, DatabaseMetaData aMetaData, Table aTable) throws SQLException, ReverseEngineeringException { ResultSet thePrimaryKeyResultSet = aMetaData.getPrimaryKeys(aTableEntry.getCatalogName(), aTableEntry.getSchemaName(), aTableEntry.getTableName()); Index thePrimaryKeyIndex = null; while ( { String thePKName = thePrimaryKeyResultSet.getString("PK_NAME"); String theColumnName = thePrimaryKeyResultSet.getString("COLUMN_NAME"); if (thePrimaryKeyIndex == null) { thePrimaryKeyIndex = new Index(); thePrimaryKeyIndex.setIndexType(IndexType.PRIMARYKEY); thePrimaryKeyIndex.setName(convertIndexNameFor(aTable, thePKName)); thePrimaryKeyIndex.setOriginalName(thePKName); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(thePrimaryKeyIndex.getName())) { // Assume the default name is TABLE_NAME+"_PK" thePrimaryKeyIndex.setName(aTableEntry.getTableName() + "_PK"); } try { aTable.addIndex(aModel, thePrimaryKeyIndex); } catch (ElementAlreadyExistsException | ElementInvalidNameException e) { throw new ReverseEngineeringException(e.getMessage(), e); } } Attribute<Table> theIndexAttribute = aTable.getAttributes() .findByName(dialect.getCastType().cast(theColumnName)); if (theIndexAttribute == null) { throw new ReverseEngineeringException( "Cannot find attribute " + theColumnName + " in table " + aTable.getName()); } try { thePrimaryKeyIndex.getExpressions().addExpressionFor(theIndexAttribute); } catch (ElementAlreadyExistsException e) { throw new ReverseEngineeringException("Error adding index attribute", e); } } thePrimaryKeyResultSet.close(); } protected String convertIndexNameFor(Table aTable, String aIndexName) { return aIndexName; } protected void reverseEngineerIndexes(Model aModel, TableEntry aTableEntry, DatabaseMetaData aMetaData, Table aTable, ReverseEngineeringNotifier aNotifier) throws SQLException, ReverseEngineeringException { ResultSet theIndexResults = aMetaData.getIndexInfo(aTableEntry.getCatalogName(), aTableEntry.getSchemaName(), aTableEntry.getTableName(), false, true); Index theIndex = null; while ( { String theIndexName = convertIndexNameFor(aTable, theIndexResults.getString("INDEX_NAME")); if ((theIndexName != null) && ((theIndex == null) || (!theIndex.getOriginalName().equals(theIndexName)))) { String theNewIndexName = dialect.getCastType().cast(theIndexName); if (aTable.getIndexes().findByName(theNewIndexName) == null) { theIndex = new Index(); theIndex.setName(theNewIndexName); theIndex.setOriginalName(theIndexName); boolean isNonUnique = theIndexResults.getBoolean("NON_UNIQUE"); if (isNonUnique) { theIndex.setIndexType(IndexType.NONUNIQUE); } else { theIndex.setIndexType(IndexType.UNIQUE); } aNotifier.notifyMessage(ERDesignerBundle.ENGINEERINGINDEX, theIndex.getName()); try { aTable.addIndex(aModel, theIndex); } catch (ElementAlreadyExistsException | ElementInvalidNameException e) { throw new ReverseEngineeringException("Cannot add index " + theIndexName + " in table " + aTable.getName() + " : " + e.getMessage(), e); } } else { theIndex = null; } } if (theIndex != null) { short aPosition = theIndexResults.getShort("ORDINAL_POSITION"); String theColumnName = theIndexResults.getString("COLUMN_NAME"); String theASCorDESC = theIndexResults.getString("ASC_OR_DESC"); reverseEngineerIndexAttribute(aMetaData, aTableEntry, aTable, aNotifier, theIndex, theColumnName, aPosition, theASCorDESC); } } theIndexResults.close(); // Remove duplicate unique indexes Index thePrimaryKey = aTable.getPrimarykey(); if (thePrimaryKey != null) { Set<Index> theDuplicateIndexes = new HashSet<>(); for (Index theInd : aTable.getIndexes()) { if ((theInd.getIndexType() == IndexType.UNIQUE) && (thePrimaryKey.getExpressions().containsAllExpressions(theInd.getExpressions()))) { theDuplicateIndexes.add(theInd); } } aTable.getIndexes().removeAll(theDuplicateIndexes); } } /** * Reverse engineer an attribute within an index. * * @param aMetaData the database meta data * @param aTableEntry the current table entry * @param aTable the table * @param aNotifier the notifier * @param aIndex the current index * @param aColumnName the column name * @param aPosition the column position * @param aASCorDESC "A" = Ascending, "D" = Descending, NULL = sort not * supported * @throws SQLException in case of an error * @throws ReverseEngineeringException in case of an error */ protected void reverseEngineerIndexAttribute(DatabaseMetaData aMetaData, TableEntry aTableEntry, Table aTable, ReverseEngineeringNotifier aNotifier, Index aIndex, String aColumnName, short aPosition, String aASCorDESC) throws SQLException, ReverseEngineeringException { Attribute<Table> theIndexAttribute = aTable.getAttributes() .findByName(dialect.getCastType().cast(aColumnName)); if (theIndexAttribute == null) { // It seems to be a function based index aIndex.getExpressions().addExpressionFor(aColumnName); } else { // It is a column based index try { aIndex.getExpressions().addExpressionFor(theIndexAttribute); } catch (ElementAlreadyExistsException e) { throw new ReverseEngineeringException("Error adding index attribute", e); } } } /** * Reverse engineer relations for a table. * * @param aModel the model * @param aOptions the options * @param aNotifier the notifier * @param aTableEntry the table entry * @param aConnection the connection * @throws SQLException is thrown in case of an error * @throws ReverseEngineeringException is thrown in case of an error */ protected void reverseEngineerRelations(Model aModel, ReverseEngineeringOptions aOptions, ReverseEngineeringNotifier aNotifier, TableEntry aTableEntry, Connection aConnection) throws SQLException, ReverseEngineeringException { DatabaseMetaData theMetaData = aConnection.getMetaData(); String theSchemaName = null; String theCatalogName = null; if (aTableEntry != null) { theSchemaName = aTableEntry.getSchemaName(); theCatalogName = aTableEntry.getCatalogName(); } int theSysCounter = 0; List<Relation> theNewRelations = new ArrayList<>(); String theImportingTableName = aModel.getDialect().getCastType().cast(aTableEntry.getTableName()); aNotifier.notifyMessage(ERDesignerBundle.ENGINEERINGRELATION, theImportingTableName); Table theImportingTable; switch (aOptions.getTableNaming()) { case STANDARD: theImportingTable = aModel.getTables().findByName(theImportingTableName); break; case INCLUDE_SCHEMA: theImportingTable = aModel.getTables().findByNameAndSchema(theImportingTableName, theSchemaName); break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Not supported naming type"); } if (theImportingTable == null) { throw new ReverseEngineeringException("Cannot find table in model : " + theImportingTableName); } String theOldFKName = null; // Foreign keys Relation theNewRelation = null; ResultSet theForeignKeys = theMetaData.getImportedKeys(theCatalogName, theSchemaName, aTableEntry.getTableName()); while ( { String theFKName = theForeignKeys.getString("FK_NAME"); if ((theNewRelation == null) || (!theFKName.equals(theOldFKName))) { theOldFKName = theFKName; String thePKTableName = theForeignKeys.getString("PKTABLE_NAME"); String thePKTableSchema = theForeignKeys.getString("PKTABLE_SCHEM"); String theUpdateRule = theForeignKeys.getString("UPDATE_RULE"); String theDeleteRule = theForeignKeys.getString("DELETE_RULE"); Table theExportingTable; switch (aOptions.getTableNaming()) { case INCLUDE_SCHEMA: theExportingTable = aModel.getTables() .findByNameAndSchema(dialect.getCastType().cast(thePKTableName), thePKTableSchema); break; case STANDARD: theExportingTable = aModel.getTables().findByName(dialect.getCastType().cast(thePKTableName)); break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Naming not supported : " + aOptions.getTableNaming()); } if (theExportingTable != null) { // The relation is only added to the model // if the exporting table is also part of the model String theRelationName = dialect.getCastType().cast(theFKName); theNewRelation = aModel.getRelations().findByName(theRelationName); boolean addNew = false; if (theNewRelation == null) { addNew = true; } else { if (!theNewRelation.getExportingTable().equals(theExportingTable) || !theNewRelation.getImportingTable().equals(theImportingTable)) { theRelationName = "ERRELSYS_" + theSysCounter++; addNew = true; } } if (addNew) { theNewRelation = new Relation(); theNewRelation.setName(dialect.getCastType().cast(theRelationName)); theNewRelation.setOriginalName(theRelationName); theNewRelation.setExportingTable(theExportingTable); theNewRelation.setImportingTable(theImportingTable); if (theUpdateRule != null) { int theType = Integer.parseInt(theUpdateRule); theNewRelation.setOnUpdate(getCascadeType(theType)); } else { theNewRelation.setOnUpdate(CascadeType.NOTHING); } if (theDeleteRule != null) { int theType = Integer.parseInt(theDeleteRule); theNewRelation.setOnDelete(getCascadeType(theType)); } else { theNewRelation.setOnDelete(CascadeType.NOTHING); } theNewRelations.add(theNewRelation); } } } if ((theNewRelation != null) && (theNewRelation.getImportingTable() != null) && (theNewRelation.getExportingTable() != null)) { String thePKColumnName = dialect.getCastType().cast(theForeignKeys.getString("PKCOLUMN_NAME")); String theFKColumnName = dialect.getCastType().cast(theForeignKeys.getString("FKCOLUMN_NAME")); Attribute<Table> theExportingAttribute = theNewRelation.getExportingTable().getAttributes() .findByName(dialect.getCastType().cast(thePKColumnName)); if (theExportingAttribute == null) { throw new ReverseEngineeringException("Cannot find column " + thePKColumnName + " in table " + theNewRelation.getExportingTable().getName()); } Index thePrimaryKey = theNewRelation.getExportingTable().getPrimarykey(); if (thePrimaryKey == null) { throw new ReverseEngineeringException("Table " + theNewRelation.getExportingTable().getName() + " does not have a primary key"); } IndexExpression theExpression = thePrimaryKey.getExpressions().findByAttributeName(thePKColumnName); if (theExpression == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot find attribute " + thePKColumnName + " in primary key for table " + theNewRelation.getExportingTable().getName()); } Attribute<Table> theImportingAttribute = theNewRelation.getImportingTable().getAttributes() .findByName(theFKColumnName); if (theImportingAttribute == null) { throw new ReverseEngineeringException("Cannot find column " + theFKColumnName + " in table " + theNewRelation.getImportingTable().getName()); } theNewRelation.getMapping().put(theExpression, theImportingAttribute); } } theForeignKeys.close(); try { for (Relation theRelation : theNewRelations) { try { aModel.addRelation(theRelation); } catch (ElementAlreadyExistsException e) { // This might happen for instance on DB2 databases. We will try to generate a new name here!!! int counter = 0; String theNewName = null; while (counter == 0 || aModel.getRelations().findByName(dialect.getCastType().cast(theNewName)) != null) { counter++; theNewName = theRelation.getExportingTable().getName() + "_" + theRelation.getImportingTable() + "_FK" + counter; } LOGGER.warn("Relation " + theRelation.getName() + " exists. Renaming it to " + theNewName); theRelation.setName(theNewName); aModel.addRelation(theRelation); } } } catch (ElementInvalidNameException | VetoException | ElementAlreadyExistsException e) { throw new ReverseEngineeringException(e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * Check if the table is a valid table for reverse engineering. * * @param aTableName the table name * @return true if the table is valid, else false */ protected boolean isValidTable(String aTableName) { return true; } /** * Check if the table is a valid view for reverse engineering. * * @param aTableName the table name * @return true if the table is valid, else false */ protected boolean isValidView(String aTableName) { return true; } public void updateModelFromConnection(Model aModel, ERDesignerWorldConnector aConnector, Connection aConnection, ReverseEngineeringOptions aOptions, ReverseEngineeringNotifier aNotifier) throws SQLException, ReverseEngineeringException { Map<String, ModelProperties> theGlobalPreviousModelItemProperties = new HashMap<>(); Exception theUDTError = null; if (aModel.getDialect().isSupportsCustomTypes()) { try { reverseEngineerCustomTypes(aModel, aOptions, aNotifier, aConnection); } catch (ReverseEngineeringException e) { theUDTError = e; } } if (aModel.getDialect().isSupportsDomains()) { reverseEngineerDomains(aModel, aOptions, aNotifier, aConnection); } for (TableEntry theTable : aOptions.getTableEntries()) { if (TableType.VIEW.equals(theTable.getTableType())) { reverseEngineerView(aModel, aOptions, aNotifier, theTable, aConnection); } else { Map<String, ModelProperties> theLocalPreviousModelItemProperties = reverseEngineerTable(aModel, aOptions, aNotifier, theTable, aConnection); if (theLocalPreviousModelItemProperties != null) { theGlobalPreviousModelItemProperties.putAll(theLocalPreviousModelItemProperties); } } } for (TableEntry theTableEntry : aOptions.getTableEntries()) { // Reverse engineer only relations for tables, not for views! if (TableType.TABLE.equals(theTableEntry.getTableType())) { reverseEngineerRelations(aModel, aOptions, aNotifier, theTableEntry, aConnection); } } //transfer the properties of formerly removed tables/relations to the newly added tables/relations in case their types and names match for (Map.Entry pairs : theGlobalPreviousModelItemProperties.entrySet()) { String modelItemName = (String) pairs.getKey(); ModelProperties modelItemProperties = (ModelProperties) pairs.getValue(); Table theNewTable = aModel.getTables().findByName(modelItemName); if (theNewTable != null) { theNewTable.setProperties(modelItemProperties); } else { Relation theNewRelation = aModel.getRelations().findByName(modelItemName); if (theNewRelation != null) { theNewRelation.setProperties(modelItemProperties); } } } aNotifier.notifyMessage(ERDesignerBundle.ENGINEERINGFINISHED, ""); if (theUDTError != null) { MessagesHelper.displayInfoMessage(null, theUDTError.getMessage()); } } protected void reverseEngineerCustomTypes(Model aModel, ReverseEngineeringOptions aOptions, ReverseEngineeringNotifier aNotifier, Connection aConnection) throws SQLException, ReverseEngineeringException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Userdefined datatypes (UDTs) not supported for " + aModel.getDialect().getUniqueName() + " databases."); } /** * Reverse engineer the domains. * * @param aModel - model * @param aOptions - options * @param aNotifier - notifier * @param aConnection - connection * @throws SQLException - SQL exception * @throws ReverseEngineeringException - reverse engineering exception */ protected void reverseEngineerDomains(Model aModel, ReverseEngineeringOptions aOptions, ReverseEngineeringNotifier aNotifier, Connection aConnection) throws SQLException, ReverseEngineeringException { PreparedStatement theStatement = aConnection .prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM where DOMAIN_SCHEMA = ?"); for (SchemaEntry theEntry : aOptions.getSchemaEntries()) { theStatement.setString(1, theEntry.getSchemaName()); ResultSet theResult = theStatement.executeQuery(); while ( { String theDomainName = theResult.getString("DOMAIN_NAME"); String theDataType = theResult.getString("DATA_TYPE"); Integer theSize = null; try { Integer theTemp = theResult.getInt("NUMERIC_PRECISION"); if (theTemp != null) { theSize = theTemp; } } catch (SQLException e) { } try { Integer theTemp = theResult.getInt("CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH"); if (theTemp != null) { theSize = theTemp; } } catch (SQLException e) { } int theFraction = theResult.getInt("NUMERIC_PRECISION_RADIX"); int theScale = theResult.getInt("NUMERIC_SCALE"); aNotifier.notifyMessage(ERDesignerBundle.ENGINEERINGDOMAIN, theDomainName); Domain theDomain = aModel.getDomains().findByName(theDomainName); if (theDomain != null) { throw new ReverseEngineeringException("Duplicate domain found : " + theDomainName); } DataType theType = aModel.getDialect().getDataTypes() .findByName(dialect.convertTypeNameToRealTypeName(theDataType)); if (theType != null) { theDomain = new Domain(); theDomain.setName(theDomainName); theDomain.setConcreteType(theType); theDomain.setSize(theSize); theDomain.setFraction(theFraction); theDomain.setScale(theScale); try { aModel.addDomain(theDomain); } catch (VetoException e) { throw new ReverseEngineeringException(e.getMessage(), e); } } else { throw new ReverseEngineeringException( "Unknown data type " + theDataType + " for domain " + theDomainName); } reverseEngineerDomain(aModel, theDomain, aOptions, aNotifier, aConnection); } theResult.close(); } theStatement.close(); } public List<SchemaEntry> getSchemaEntries(Connection aConnection) throws SQLException { List<SchemaEntry> theList = new ArrayList<>(); DatabaseMetaData theMetadata = aConnection.getMetaData(); ResultSet theResult = theMetadata.getSchemas(); while ( { String theSchemaName = theResult.getString("TABLE_SCHEM"); String theCatalogName = theResult.getString("TABLE_CATALOG"); theList.add(new SchemaEntry(theCatalogName, theSchemaName)); } return theList; } protected List<TableEntry> getTablesForSchemaEntry(Connection aConnection, SchemaEntry aEntry) throws SQLException { List<TableEntry> theResult = new ArrayList<>(); DatabaseMetaData theMetaData = aConnection.getMetaData(); // Reverse engineer tables ResultSet theTablesResultSet; String theCatalogName = null; String theSchemaName = null; if (aEntry != null) { theCatalogName = aEntry.getCatalogName(); theSchemaName = aEntry.getSchemaName(); theTablesResultSet = theMetaData.getTables(theCatalogName, theSchemaName, null, TableType.toArray()); } else { theTablesResultSet = theMetaData.getTables(null, null, null, TableType.toArray()); } while ( { TableType theTableType = TableType.fromString(theTablesResultSet.getString("TABLE_TYPE")); String theTableName = theTablesResultSet.getString("TABLE_NAME"); if (TableType.VIEW.equals(theTableType)) { if (isValidView(theTableName)) { TableEntry theEntry = new TableEntry(theCatalogName, theSchemaName, theTableName, theTableType); theResult.add(theEntry); } } else { if (isValidTable(theTableName)) { TableEntry theEntry = new TableEntry(theCatalogName, theSchemaName, theTableName, theTableType); theResult.add(theEntry); } } } theTablesResultSet.close(); return theResult; } public List<TableEntry> getTablesForSchemas(Connection aConnection, List<SchemaEntry> aSchemaEntries) throws SQLException { List<TableEntry> theResult = new ArrayList<>(); if (dialect.isSupportsSchemaInformation()) { for (SchemaEntry theEntry : aSchemaEntries) { theResult.addAll(getTablesForSchemaEntry(aConnection, theEntry)); } } else { theResult.addAll(getTablesForSchemaEntry(aConnection, null)); } return theResult; } protected String extractSelectDDLFromViewDefinition(String theViewDefinition) { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(theViewDefinition)) { theViewDefinition = theViewDefinition.replace('\n', ' '); theViewDefinition = theViewDefinition.replace('\r', ' '); theViewDefinition = theViewDefinition.replace('\t', ' '); theViewDefinition = theViewDefinition.replace('\t', ' ').trim(); String theViewDefinitionLower = theViewDefinition.toLowerCase(); theViewDefinitionLower = theViewDefinitionLower.trim(); if (theViewDefinitionLower.startsWith("create")) { int p = theViewDefinitionLower.indexOf(" as "); if (p >= 0) { theViewDefinition = theViewDefinition.substring(p + 4).trim(); } } if (theViewDefinition.endsWith(";")) { theViewDefinition = theViewDefinition.substring(0, theViewDefinition.length() - 1); } } return theViewDefinition; } }