Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 DECOIT GmbH * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package de.decoit.simu.cbor.ifmap.metadata.singlevalue; import; import; import; import; import; import de.decoit.simu.cbor.ifmap.exception.CBORSerializationException; import de.decoit.simu.cbor.ifmap.util.IfMapNamespaces; import de.decoit.simu.cbor.xml.dictionary.DictionaryProvider; import de.decoit.simu.cbor.xml.dictionary.DictionarySimpleElement; import de.decoit.simu.cbor.xml.dictionary.exception.DictionaryPathException; import java.time.ZonedDateTime; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode; import lombok.ToString; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; /** * Java representation of the IF-MAP server-capability operational metadata. * * @author Thomas Rix ( */ @EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = true) @ToString(callSuper = true) @Slf4j public class CBORServerCapability extends AbstractSingleValueMetadata { public static final String XML_NAME = "server-capability"; public static final String CAPABILITY = "capability"; private final Set<String> capabilities; /** * Create a new server-capability metadata. * This constructor should be used for metadata that is sent from the SERVER to the CLIENT. It includes * the attributes ifmap-publisher-id, ifmap-timestamp and ifmap-timestamp-fraction. * The timestamp is stored with UTC timezone. If a timestamp with another timezone is * passed into the constructor, it will be converted to UTC. The IF-MAP timestamp fraction * element will be calculated from the provided timestamp.<br> * Attribute for capability is initialized with an empty set. This set MUST be filled with * at least one valid item, otherwise the serialization process will not be successful. * * @param ifMapPublisherId IF-MAP client publisher ID * @param ifMapTimestamp Timestamp for the metadata */ public CBORServerCapability(String ifMapPublisherId, ZonedDateTime ifMapTimestamp) { super(IfMapNamespaces.IFMAP_SERVER, XML_NAME, ifMapPublisherId, ifMapTimestamp); this.capabilities = new HashSet<>(); } /** * Create a new server-capability metadata. * This constructor should be used for metadata that is sent from the CLIENT to the SERVER. It does not include * the attributes ifmap-publisher-id, ifmap-timestamp and ifmap-timestamp-fraction. * The timestamp is stored with UTC timezone. If a timestamp with another timezone is * passed into the constructor, it will be converted to UTC. The IF-MAP timestamp fraction * element will be calculated from the provided timestamp.<br> * Attribute for capability is initialized with an empty set. This set MUST be filled with * at least one valid item, otherwise the serialization process will not be successful. */ public CBORServerCapability() { super(IfMapNamespaces.IFMAP_SERVER, XML_NAME); this.capabilities = new HashSet<>(); } /** * Returns an immutable view of the capabilities set. * * @return Immutable set view */ public Set<String> getCapabilities() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(this.capabilities); } /** * Add a new capability to the metadata. * The capability string MUST NOT be blank. * * @param capability Capability to add */ public void addCapability(String capability) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(capability)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Capability must not be blank"); } this.capabilities.add(capability); } /** * Remove an existing capability from this metadata. * * @param capability Capability to remove */ public void removeCapability(String capability) { this.capabilities.remove(capability); } /** * Test if this metadata contains the specified capability. * * @param capability Capability to look for * @return Result of Set.contains(capability) */ public boolean hasCapability(String capability) { return this.capabilities.contains(capability); } @Override protected void serializeNestedElements(final ArrayBuilder<?> builder) throws CBORSerializationException { if (this.capabilities.isEmpty()) { throw new CBORSerializationException("Capabilities set must not be empty"); } try { // Build dictionary path to this element StringBuilder dictPathSb = new StringBuilder("<"); dictPathSb.append(this.namespace); dictPathSb.append(">"); dictPathSb.append(this.elementName); // Get dictionary entry for this element DictionarySimpleElement elementEntry = DictionaryProvider.getInstance() .findElementByPath(dictPathSb.toString()); // Serialize 'capability' { DataItem cborName = this.getNestedElementNameMapping(CBORServerCapability.CAPABILITY, elementEntry); -> { builder.add(new SimpleValue(SimpleValueType.NULL)); builder.add(cborName); builder.addArray(); builder.add(new UnicodeString(c)); }); } } catch (DictionaryPathException | RuntimeException ex) { throw new CBORSerializationException("Error during serialization, see nested exception for details", ex); } } /** * This class provides a list of TCG defined MAP-Server capabilities via static member variables. */ public static class TcgDefinedCapabilities { public static final String FRACTIONAL_TIMESTAMPS = "fractional-timestamps"; public static final String EXTENDED_IDENTIFIER_SEARCH_TERMINATION = "extended-identifier-search-termination"; public static final String MAP_CONTENT_AUTHORIZATION = "map-content-authorization"; public static final String IFMAP_BASE_VERSION_22 = "ifmap-base-version-2.2"; public static final String IFMAP_BASE_VERSION_21 = "ifmap-base-version-2.1"; public static final String IFMAP_BASE_VERSION_20 = "ifmap-base-version-2.0"; public static final String IFMAP_BASE_VERSION_11 = "ifmap-base-version-1.1"; public static final String IFMAP_BASE_VERSION_10 = "ifmap-base-version-1.0"; /** * Private constructor, this class is not meant to be instanciated. */ private TcgDefinedCapabilities() { } } }