Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package de.crowdcode.kissmda.cartridges.simplejava; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.inject.Inject; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.AST; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.AbstractTypeDeclaration; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.CompilationUnit; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Javadoc; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.MethodDeclaration; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Modifier; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Name; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.PackageDeclaration; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.PrimitiveType; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.SimpleType; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.TagElement; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.TypeDeclaration; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.TypeParameter; import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Classifier; import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Comment; import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Generalization; import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Operation; import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Parameter; import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.ParameterDirectionKind; import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Property; import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.TemplateParameter; import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.TemplateSignature; import org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Type; import de.crowdcode.kissmda.core.jdt.DataTypeUtils; import de.crowdcode.kissmda.core.jdt.JdtHelper; import de.crowdcode.kissmda.core.jdt.MethodHelper; import de.crowdcode.kissmda.core.uml.PackageHelper; import de.crowdcode.kissmda.core.uml.UmlHelper; /** * Generate Interface from UML class. * * <p> * Most important helper classes from kissmda-core which are used in this * Transformer: PackageHelper, MethodHelper, JdtHelper. * </p> * * @author Lofi Dewanto * @version 1.0.0 * @since 1.0.0 */ public class InterfaceGenerator { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(InterfaceGenerator.class.getName()); @Inject private MethodHelper methodHelper; @Inject private JdtHelper jdtHelper; @Inject private PackageHelper packageHelper; @Inject private UmlHelper umlHelper; @Inject private DataTypeUtils dataTypeUtils; private String sourceDirectoryPackageName; /** * Generate the Class Interface. This is the main generation part for this * SimpleJavaTransformer. * * @param Class * clazz the UML class * @return CompilationUnit the complete class with its content as a String */ public CompilationUnit generateInterface(Classifier clazz, String sourceDirectoryPackageName) { this.sourceDirectoryPackageName = sourceDirectoryPackageName; logger.log(Level.FINE, "Start generateInterface: " + clazz.getName() + " -----------------------------"); AST ast = AST.newAST(AST.JLS3); CompilationUnit cu = ast.newCompilationUnit(); generatePackage(clazz, ast, cu); TypeDeclaration td = generateClass(clazz, ast, cu); generateMethods(clazz, ast, td); generateGettersSetters(clazz, ast, td); logger.log(Level.INFO, "Compilation unit: \n\n" + cu.toString()); logger.log(Level.FINE, "End generateInterface: " + clazz.getName() + " -----------------------------"); return cu; } /** * Generate comment for the compilation unit. * * @param ast * the JDT Java AST * @param packageDeclaration * the package declaration where we want to insert the javadoc * @param comment * comments */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void generatePackageJavadoc(AST ast, PackageDeclaration packageDeclaration, String... comment) { Javadoc javadoc = ast.newJavadoc(); for (String actualComment : comment) { TagElement tagElement = ast.newTagElement(); tagElement.setTagName(actualComment); javadoc.tags().add(tagElement); } packageDeclaration.setJavadoc(javadoc); } /** * Generate the Getters and Setters methods. * * @param clazz * the UML class * @param ast * the JDT Java AST * @param td * TypeDeclaration Java JDT */ public void generateGettersSetters(Classifier clazz, AST ast, TypeDeclaration td) { // Create getter and setter for all attributes // Without inheritance EList<Property> properties = clazz.getAttributes(); for (Property property : properties) { // Create getter for each property // Return type? Type type = property.getType(); logger.log(Level.FINE, "Class: " + clazz.getName() + " - " + "Property: " + property.getName() + " - " + "Property Upper: " + property.getUpper() + " - " + "Property Lower: " + property.getLower()); String umlTypeName = type.getName(); String umlQualifiedTypeName = type.getQualifiedName(); // Only for parameterized type if (dataTypeUtils.isParameterizedType(umlTypeName)) { Map<String, String> types = umlHelper.checkParameterizedTypeForTemplateParameterSubstitution(type); umlTypeName = types.get("umlTypeName"); umlQualifiedTypeName = types.get("umlQualifiedTypeName"); } // Check the property name, no content means we have to get the // "type" and use it as the name if (property.getName().equals("")) { Type targetType = property.getType(); String newPropertyName = ""; if (property.getUpper() >= 0) { // Upper Cardinality 0..1 newPropertyName = targetType.getName(); } else { // Upper Cardinality 0..* newPropertyName = methodHelper.getPluralName(targetType.getName()); } property.setName(StringUtils.uncapitalize(newPropertyName)); } // Create getter for each property generateGetterMethod(ast, td, property, umlTypeName, umlQualifiedTypeName); if (!property.isReadOnly()) { // Create setter method for each property generateSetterMethod(ast, td, property, umlTypeName, umlQualifiedTypeName); } } } /** * Generate the getter method. * * @param ast * AST JDT * @param td * Abstract Type Declaration JDT * @param property * UML2 property * @param umlTypeName * UML2 type name * @param umlQualifiedTypeName * UML2 qualified type name */ public MethodDeclaration generateGetterMethod(AST ast, AbstractTypeDeclaration td, Property property, String umlTypeName, String umlQualifiedTypeName) { MethodDeclaration mdGetter = ast.newMethodDeclaration(); String getterName = methodHelper.getGetterName(property.getName()); // Check for boolean or Boolean, we need to make // isXxx instead of getXxx if (umlTypeName.equalsIgnoreCase("boolean")) { getterName = methodHelper.getIsName(property.getName()); } mdGetter.setName(ast.newSimpleName(getterName)); if (property.getUpper() >= 0) { // Upper Cardinality 0..1 jdtHelper.createReturnType(ast, td, mdGetter, umlTypeName, umlQualifiedTypeName, sourceDirectoryPackageName); } else { // Upper Cardinality 0..* generateAssociationEndUpperCardinalityMultiples(ast, td, property, mdGetter, umlTypeName, umlQualifiedTypeName); } // Getter Javadoc generateGetterSetterJavadoc(ast, property, mdGetter); return mdGetter; } /** * Generate the getter method with sourceDirectoryPackageName as input * parameter. Use this method if you need to call the method * generateGetterMethod from outside this class. * * @param ast * AST JDT * @param td * Abstract Type Declaration JDT * @param property * UML2 property * @param umlTypeName * UML2 type name * @param umlQualifiedTypeName * UML2 qualified type name * @param sourceDirectoryPackageName * root package name of the UML model */ public MethodDeclaration generateGetterMethod(AST ast, AbstractTypeDeclaration td, Property property, String umlTypeName, String umlQualifiedTypeName, String sourceDirectoryPackageName) { this.sourceDirectoryPackageName = sourceDirectoryPackageName; return generateGetterMethod(ast, td, property, umlTypeName, umlQualifiedTypeName); } /** * Generate the setter method. * * @param ast * AST JDT * @param td * Abstract Type Declaration JDT * @param property * UML2 property * @param umlTypeName * UML2 type name * @param umlQualifiedTypeName * UML2 qualified type name */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void generateSetterMethod(AST ast, AbstractTypeDeclaration td, Property property, String umlTypeName, String umlQualifiedTypeName) { MethodDeclaration mdSetter = ast.newMethodDeclaration(); // Return type void PrimitiveType primitiveType = jdtHelper.getAstPrimitiveType(ast, "void"); mdSetter.setReturnType2(primitiveType); td.bodyDeclarations().add(mdSetter); String umlPropertyName = property.getName(); if (property.getUpper() >= 0) { // Upper Cardinality 0..1 params String setterName = methodHelper.getSetterName(property.getName()); mdSetter.setName(ast.newSimpleName(setterName)); jdtHelper.createParameterTypes(ast, td, mdSetter, umlTypeName, umlQualifiedTypeName, umlPropertyName, sourceDirectoryPackageName); } else { // Upper Cardinality 0..* params // We need to use addXxx instead of setXxx String singularAdderName = methodHelper.getSingularName(property.getName()); String adderName = methodHelper.getAdderName(singularAdderName); umlPropertyName = methodHelper.getSingularName(umlPropertyName); mdSetter.setName(ast.newSimpleName(adderName)); jdtHelper.createParameterTypes(ast, td, mdSetter, umlTypeName, umlQualifiedTypeName, umlPropertyName, sourceDirectoryPackageName); } // Setter Javadoc generateGetterSetterJavadoc(ast, property, mdSetter); } /** * Generate the association end for * association. * * @param ast * AST from JDT * @param td * TypeDeclaration JDT * @param property * UML2 property (aka AssociationEnd) * @param mdGetter * method declaration JDT * @param umlTypeName * UML2 type name as String * @param umlQualifiedTypeName * UML2 qualified type name as String */ public void generateAssociationEndUpperCardinalityMultiples(AST ast, AbstractTypeDeclaration td, Property property, MethodDeclaration mdGetter, String umlTypeName, String umlQualifiedTypeName) { // Check for isOrdered and isUnique if (property.isOrdered() && !property.isUnique()) { // We need to add List<Type> as returnType jdtHelper.createReturnTypeAsCollection(ast, td, mdGetter, umlTypeName, umlQualifiedTypeName, sourceDirectoryPackageName, JdtHelper.JAVA_UTIL_LIST); } else if (property.isUnique() && !property.isOrdered()) { // We need to add Set<Type> as returnType jdtHelper.createReturnTypeAsCollection(ast, td, mdGetter, umlTypeName, umlQualifiedTypeName, sourceDirectoryPackageName, JdtHelper.JAVA_UTIL_SET); } else if (property.isUnique() && property.isOrdered()) { // We need to add SortedSet<Type> as returnType jdtHelper.createReturnTypeAsCollection(ast, td, mdGetter, umlTypeName, umlQualifiedTypeName, sourceDirectoryPackageName, JdtHelper.JAVA_UTIL_SORTEDSET); } else { // We need to add Collection<Type> as returnType jdtHelper.createReturnTypeAsCollection(ast, td, mdGetter, umlTypeName, umlQualifiedTypeName, sourceDirectoryPackageName, JdtHelper.JAVA_UTIL_COLLECTION); } } /** * Generate the operation end for * operation. * * @param ast * AST from JDT * @param td * TypeDeclaration JDT * @param operation * UML2 operation * @param mdGetter * method declaration JDT * @param umlTypeName * UML2 type name as String * @param umlQualifiedTypeName * UML2 qualified type name as String */ public void generateAssociationEndUpperCardinalityMultiples(AST ast, AbstractTypeDeclaration td, Operation operation, MethodDeclaration mdGetter, String umlTypeName, String umlQualifiedTypeName) { // Check for isOrdered and isUnique if (operation.isOrdered() && !operation.isUnique()) { // We need to add List<Type> as returnType jdtHelper.createReturnTypeAsCollection(ast, td, mdGetter, umlTypeName, umlQualifiedTypeName, sourceDirectoryPackageName, JdtHelper.JAVA_UTIL_LIST); } else if (operation.isUnique() && !operation.isOrdered()) { // We need to add Set<Type> as returnType jdtHelper.createReturnTypeAsCollection(ast, td, mdGetter, umlTypeName, umlQualifiedTypeName, sourceDirectoryPackageName, JdtHelper.JAVA_UTIL_SET); } else if (operation.isUnique() && operation.isOrdered()) { // We need to add SortedSet<Type> as returnType jdtHelper.createReturnTypeAsCollection(ast, td, mdGetter, umlTypeName, umlQualifiedTypeName, sourceDirectoryPackageName, JdtHelper.JAVA_UTIL_SORTEDSET); } else { // We need to add Collection<Type> as returnType jdtHelper.createReturnTypeAsCollection(ast, td, mdGetter, umlTypeName, umlQualifiedTypeName, sourceDirectoryPackageName, JdtHelper.JAVA_UTIL_COLLECTION); } } /** * Generate the parameter for * parameter. * * @param ast * AST from JDT * @param td * TypeDeclaration JDT * @param parameter * UML2 parameter * @param md * method declaration JDT * @param umlTypeName * UML2 type name as String * @param umlQualifiedTypeName * UML2 qualified type name as String */ public void generateAssociationEndUpperCardinalityMultiples(AST ast, AbstractTypeDeclaration td, Parameter parameter, MethodDeclaration md, String umlTypeName, String umlQualifiedTypeName, String umlPropertyName) { // Check for isOrdered and isUnique if (parameter.isOrdered() && !parameter.isUnique()) { // We need to add List<Type> as parameter jdtHelper.createParameterTypesAsCollection(ast, td, md, umlTypeName, umlQualifiedTypeName, umlPropertyName, sourceDirectoryPackageName, JdtHelper.JAVA_UTIL_LIST); } else if (parameter.isUnique() && !parameter.isOrdered()) { // We need to add Set<Type> as parameter jdtHelper.createParameterTypesAsCollection(ast, td, md, umlTypeName, umlQualifiedTypeName, umlPropertyName, sourceDirectoryPackageName, JdtHelper.JAVA_UTIL_SET); } else if (parameter.isUnique() && parameter.isOrdered()) { // We need to add SortedSet<Type> as parameter jdtHelper.createParameterTypesAsCollection(ast, td, md, umlTypeName, umlQualifiedTypeName, umlPropertyName, sourceDirectoryPackageName, JdtHelper.JAVA_UTIL_SORTEDSET); } else { // We need to add Collection<Type> as parameter jdtHelper.createParameterTypesAsCollection(ast, td, md, umlTypeName, umlQualifiedTypeName, umlPropertyName, sourceDirectoryPackageName, JdtHelper.JAVA_UTIL_COLLECTION); } } /** * Generate Javadoc for Getter and Setter method. * * @param ast * JDT AST tree * @param property * UML Property * @param methodDeclaration * MethodDeclaration for Getter and Setter */ public void generateGetterSetterJavadoc(AST ast, Property property, MethodDeclaration methodDeclaration) { EList<Comment> comments = property.getOwnedComments(); for (Comment comment : comments) { Javadoc javadoc = ast.newJavadoc(); generateJavadoc(ast, comment, javadoc); methodDeclaration.setJavadoc(javadoc); } } /** * Generate the Interface. * * @param clazz * the UML class * @param ast * the JDT Java AST * @param cu * the generated Java compilation unit * @return TypeDeclaration JDT */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public TypeDeclaration generateClass(Classifier clazz, AST ast, CompilationUnit cu) { String className = getClassName(clazz); TypeDeclaration td = ast.newTypeDeclaration(); td.setInterface(true); td.modifiers().add(ast.newModifier(Modifier.ModifierKeyword.PUBLIC_KEYWORD)); td.setName(ast.newSimpleName(className)); // Add inheritance generateClassInheritance(clazz, ast, td); // Add template params generateClassTemplateParams(clazz, ast, td); // Add Javadoc generateClassJavadoc(clazz, ast, td); cu.types().add(td); return td; } /** * Generate Javadoc for Interface. * * @param clazz * Classifier * @param ast * JDT AST tree * @param td * AbstractTypeDeclaration */ public void generateClassJavadoc(Classifier clazz, AST ast, AbstractTypeDeclaration td) { EList<Comment> comments = clazz.getOwnedComments(); for (Comment comment : comments) { Javadoc javadoc = ast.newJavadoc(); generateJavadoc(ast, comment, javadoc); td.setJavadoc(javadoc); } } /** * Generate the Generics for this Interface. * * @param clazz * the UML class * @param ast * the JDT Java AST * @param td * TypeDeclaration JDT */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void generateClassTemplateParams(Classifier clazz, AST ast, TypeDeclaration td) { TemplateSignature templateSignature = clazz.getOwnedTemplateSignature(); if (templateSignature != null) { EList<TemplateParameter> templateParameters = templateSignature.getParameters(); for (TemplateParameter templateParameter : templateParameters) { Classifier classifier = (Classifier) templateParameter.getOwnedParameteredElement(); String typeName = classifier.getLabel(); TypeParameter typeParameter = ast.newTypeParameter(); typeParameter.setName(ast.newSimpleName(typeName)); td.typeParameters().add(typeParameter); } } } /** * Generate the inheritance for the Interface "extends". * * @param clazz * the UML class * @param ast * the JDT Java AST * @param td * TypeDeclaration JDT */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void generateClassInheritance(Classifier clazz, AST ast, TypeDeclaration td) { EList<Generalization> generalizations = clazz.getGeneralizations(); if (generalizations != null) { for (Generalization generalization : generalizations) { Classifier interfaceClassifier = generalization.getGeneral(); String fullQualifiedInterfaceName = interfaceClassifier.getQualifiedName(); Name name = jdtHelper.createFullQualifiedTypeAsName(ast, fullQualifiedInterfaceName, sourceDirectoryPackageName); SimpleType simpleType = ast.newSimpleType(name); td.superInterfaceTypes().add(simpleType); } } } /** * Generate the Java package from UML package. * * @param clazz * the UML class * @param ast * the JDT Java AST * @param cu * the generated Java compilation unit */ public void generatePackage(Classifier clazz, AST ast, CompilationUnit cu) { PackageDeclaration pd = ast.newPackageDeclaration(); String fullPackageName = getFullPackageName(clazz); pd.setName(ast.newName(fullPackageName)); Date now = new Date(); String commentDate = "Generation date: " + now.toString() + "."; generatePackageJavadoc(ast, pd, PackageComment.CONTENT_1.getValue(), PackageComment.CONTENT_2.getValue(), " ", PackageComment.CONTENT_3.getValue(), " ", commentDate); cu.setPackage(pd); } /** * Generaate the Java methods from UML. * * @param clazz * the UML class * @param ast * the JDT Java AST * @param td * TypeDeclaration JDT */ public void generateMethods(Classifier clazz, AST ast, TypeDeclaration td) { // Get all methods for this clazz // Only for this class without inheritance EList<Operation> operations = clazz.getOperations(); for (Operation operation : operations) { logger.log(Level.FINE, "Operation: " + operation.getName()); MethodDeclaration md = ast.newMethodDeclaration(); md.setName(ast.newSimpleName(operation.getName())); // Parameters, exclude the return parameter generateMethodParams(ast, td, operation, md); // Return type generateMethodReturnType(ast, td, operation, md); // Throws Exception generateMethodThrowException(ast, operation, md); // Generate Javadoc generateMethodJavadoc(ast, operation, md); // Generate Method template params generateMethodTemplateParams(ast, operation, md); } } /** * Generate the template parameter for the given method - Generic Method. * * @param ast * AST tree JDT * @param operation * UML2 Operation * @param md * MethodDeclaration JDT */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void generateMethodTemplateParams(AST ast, Operation operation, MethodDeclaration md) { TemplateSignature templateSignature = operation.getOwnedTemplateSignature(); if (templateSignature != null) { EList<TemplateParameter> templateParameters = templateSignature.getParameters(); for (TemplateParameter templateParameter : templateParameters) { Classifier classifier = (Classifier) templateParameter.getOwnedParameteredElement(); String typeName = classifier.getLabel(); TypeParameter typeParameter = ast.newTypeParameter(); typeParameter.setName(ast.newSimpleName(typeName)); md.typeParameters().add(typeParameter); } } } /** * Generate Javadoc for UML Operation. * * @param ast * AST tree JDT * @param operation * UML Operation - Method * @param md * MethodDeclaration */ public void generateMethodJavadoc(AST ast, Operation operation, MethodDeclaration md) { EList<Comment> comments = operation.getOwnedComments(); for (Comment comment : comments) { Javadoc javadoc = ast.newJavadoc(); generateJavadoc(ast, comment, javadoc); md.setJavadoc(javadoc); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void generateJavadoc(AST ast, Comment comment, Javadoc javadoc) { String[] commentContents = parseComent(comment.getBody()); for (String commentContent : commentContents) { TagElement tagElement = ast.newTagElement(); tagElement.setTagName(commentContent); javadoc.tags().add(tagElement); } } private String[] parseComent(String body) { String lines[] = body.split("\\r?\\n"); return lines; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void generateMethodThrowException(AST ast, Operation operation, MethodDeclaration md) { EList<Type> raisedExceptions = operation.getRaisedExceptions(); for (Type raisedExceptionType : raisedExceptions) { String umlExceptionQualifiedTypeName = raisedExceptionType.getQualifiedName(); String name = jdtHelper.createFullQualifiedTypeAsString(ast, umlExceptionQualifiedTypeName, sourceDirectoryPackageName); Name typeName = ast.newName(name); md.thrownExceptions().add(typeName); } } private void generateMethodReturnType(AST ast, TypeDeclaration td, Operation operation, MethodDeclaration md) { Type type = operation.getType(); String umlTypeName = type.getName(); String umlQualifiedTypeName = type.getQualifiedName(); logger.log(Level.FINE, "UmlQualifiedTypeName: " + umlQualifiedTypeName + " - " + "umlTypeName: " + umlTypeName); if (operation.getUpper() >= 0) { // Upper Cardinality 0..1 // Only for parameterized type if (dataTypeUtils.isParameterizedType(umlTypeName)) { Map<String, String> types = umlHelper.checkParameterizedTypeForTemplateParameterSubstitution(type); umlTypeName = types.get("umlTypeName"); umlQualifiedTypeName = types.get("umlQualifiedTypeName"); } jdtHelper.createReturnType(ast, td, md, umlTypeName, umlQualifiedTypeName, sourceDirectoryPackageName); } else { // Upper Cardinality 0..* generateAssociationEndUpperCardinalityMultiples(ast, td, operation, md, umlTypeName, umlQualifiedTypeName); } } /** * Generate method parameters. * * @param ast * JDT AST tree * @param td * JDT type declaration * @param operation * UML2 operation * @param md * JDT method declaration */ public void generateMethodParams(AST ast, TypeDeclaration td, Operation operation, MethodDeclaration md) { EList<Parameter> parameters = operation.getOwnedParameters(); for (Parameter parameter : parameters) { if (parameter.getDirection().getValue() != ParameterDirectionKind.RETURN) { Type type = parameter.getType(); String umlTypeName = type.getName(); String umlQualifiedTypeName = type.getQualifiedName(); String umlPropertyName = StringUtils.uncapitalize(parameter.getName()); logger.log(Level.FINE, "Parameter: " + parameter.getName() + " - " + "Type: " + umlTypeName); if (parameter.getUpper() >= 0) { // Upper Cardinality 0..1 // Only for parameterized type if (dataTypeUtils.isParameterizedType(umlTypeName)) { Map<String, String> types = umlHelper .checkParameterizedTypeForTemplateParameterSubstitution(type); umlTypeName = types.get("umlTypeName"); umlQualifiedTypeName = types.get("umlQualifiedTypeName"); } jdtHelper.createParameterTypes(ast, td, md, umlTypeName, umlQualifiedTypeName, umlPropertyName, sourceDirectoryPackageName); } else { // Upper Cardinality 0..* generateAssociationEndUpperCardinalityMultiples(ast, td, parameter, md, umlTypeName, umlQualifiedTypeName, umlPropertyName); } } } } private String getClassName(Classifier clazz) { String className = clazz.getName(); return className; } private String getFullPackageName(Classifier clazz) { String fullPackageName = packageHelper.getFullPackageName(clazz, sourceDirectoryPackageName); return fullPackageName; } }