Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2016 German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * * Contributors: * Department Biological Safety - BfR *******************************************************************************/ package de.bund.bfr.knime.gis; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import de.bund.bfr.knime.gis.geocode.GeocodingSettings; public class BackwardUtils { private BackwardUtils() { } private static final String PROVIDER_MAPQUEST = "MapQuest"; private static final String PROVIDER_GISGRAPHY = "Gisgraphy"; private static final String PROVIDER_BKG = "Bundesamt fr Kartographie und Geodsie"; private static final String MULTIPLE_DO_NOT_USE = "Do not use"; private static final String MULTIPLE_USE_FIRST = "Use first"; private static final String MULTIPLE_ASK_USER = "Ask User"; public static Map<String, Set<String>> toNewCollapseFormat(Map<String, Map<String, Point2D>> map) { Map<String, Set<String>> result = new LinkedHashMap<>(); map.forEach((key, value) -> result.put(key, new LinkedHashSet<>(value.keySet()))); return result; } public static Map<String, Map<String, Point2D>> toOldCollapseFormat(Map<String, Set<String>> map) { Map<String, Map<String, Point2D>> result = new LinkedHashMap<>(); map.forEach((key, value) -> result.put(key, new LinkedHashMap<>(Maps.asMap(value, Functions.constant((Point2D) null))))); return result; } public static GeocodingSettings.Provider toNewProviderFormat(String provider) { if (provider.equals(PROVIDER_MAPQUEST)) { return GeocodingSettings.Provider.MAPQUEST; } else if (provider.equals(PROVIDER_GISGRAPHY)) { return GeocodingSettings.Provider.GISGRAPHY; } else if (provider.equals(PROVIDER_BKG)) { return GeocodingSettings.Provider.BKG; } throw new RuntimeException("Should not happen"); } public static GeocodingSettings.Multiple toNewMultipleFormat(String multiple) { if (multiple.equals(MULTIPLE_DO_NOT_USE)) { return GeocodingSettings.Multiple.DO_NOT_USE; } else if (multiple.equals(MULTIPLE_USE_FIRST)) { return GeocodingSettings.Multiple.USE_FIRST; } else if (multiple.equals(MULTIPLE_ASK_USER)) { return GeocodingSettings.Multiple.ASK_USER; } throw new RuntimeException("Should not happen"); } public static String toNewHighlightingFormat(String settings) { if (settings == null) { return null; } String oldValuePrefix = "<void property=\"type\"><string>"; String oldValuePostfix = "</string></void>"; String newValuePrefix = "<void property=\"type\"><object class=\"java.lang.Enum\" method=\"valueOf\"><class>de.bund.bfr.knime.gis.views.canvas.highlighting.ValueHighlightCondition$Type</class><string>"; String newValuePostfix = "</string></object></void>"; String oldValueType = oldValuePrefix + "Value" + oldValuePostfix; String newValueType = newValuePrefix + "VALUE" + newValuePostfix; String oldLogValueType = oldValuePrefix + "Log Value" + oldValuePostfix; String newLogValueType = newValuePrefix + "LOG_VALUE" + newValuePostfix; String oldLogicPrefix = "<void property=\"type\"><string>"; String oldLogicPostfix = "</string></void>"; String newLogicPrefix = "<void property=\"type\"><object class=\"java.lang.Enum\" method=\"valueOf\"><class>de.bund.bfr.knime.gis.views.canvas.highlighting.LogicalHighlightCondition$Type</class><string>"; String newLogicPostfix = "</string></object></void>"; String oldEqualType = oldLogicPrefix + "==" + oldLogicPostfix; String newEqualType = newLogicPrefix + "EQUAL" + newLogicPostfix; String oldNotEqualType = oldLogicPrefix + "!=" + oldLogicPostfix; String newNotEqualType = newLogicPrefix + "NOT_EQUAL" + newLogicPostfix; String oldGreaterType = oldLogicPrefix + ">" + oldLogicPostfix; String newGreaterType = newLogicPrefix + "GREATER" + newLogicPostfix; String oldLessType = oldLogicPrefix + "<" + oldLogicPostfix; String newLessType = newLogicPrefix + "LESS" + newLogicPostfix; String oldRgxEqualType = oldLogicPrefix + "== (Regex)" + oldLogicPostfix; String newRgxEqualType = newLogicPrefix + "REGEX_EQUAL" + newLogicPostfix; String oldRgxNotEqualType = oldLogicPrefix + "!= (Regex)" + oldLogicPostfix; String newRgxNotEqualType = newLogicPrefix + "REGEX_NOT_EQUAL" + newLogicPostfix; String oldRgxEqualCaseType = oldLogicPrefix + "== (Regex Ignore Case)" + oldLogicPostfix; String newRgxEqualCaseType = newLogicPrefix + "REGEX_EQUAL_IGNORE_CASE" + newLogicPostfix; String oldRgxNotEqualCaseType = oldLogicPrefix + "!= (Regex Ignore Case)" + oldLogicPostfix; String newRgxNotEqualCaseType = newLogicPrefix + "REGEX_NOT_EQUAL_IGNORE_CASE" + newLogicPostfix; return trimLineAndRemoveLineBreaks(settings).replace(oldValueType, newValueType) .replace(oldLogValueType, newLogValueType).replace(oldEqualType, newEqualType) .replace(oldNotEqualType, newNotEqualType).replace(oldGreaterType, newGreaterType) .replace(oldLessType, newLessType).replace(oldRgxEqualType, newRgxEqualType) .replace(oldRgxNotEqualType, newRgxNotEqualType).replace(oldRgxEqualCaseType, newRgxEqualCaseType) .replace(oldRgxNotEqualCaseType, newRgxNotEqualCaseType); } private static String trimLineAndRemoveLineBreaks(String s) { return Stream.of(s.split("\n")).map(l -> l.trim()).collect(Collectors.joining()); } }