Java tutorial
/* * Minecraft Programming Language (MPL): A language for easy development of command block * applications including an IDE. * * Copyright (C) 2016 Adrodoc55 * * This file is part of MPL. * * MPL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MPL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the * implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General * Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MPL. If not, see * <>. * * * * Minecraft Programming Language (MPL): Eine Sprache fr die einfache Entwicklung von Commandoblock * Anwendungen, inklusive einer IDE. * * Copyright (C) 2016 Adrodoc55 * * Diese Datei ist Teil von MPL. * * MPL ist freie Software: Sie knnen diese unter den Bedingungen der GNU General Public License, * wie von der Free Software Foundation, Version 3 der Lizenz oder (nach Ihrer Wahl) jeder spteren * verffentlichten Version, weiterverbreiten und/oder modifizieren. * * MPL wird in der Hoffnung, dass es ntzlich sein wird, aber OHNE JEDE GEWHRLEISTUNG, * bereitgestellt; sogar ohne die implizite Gewhrleistung der MARKTFHIGKEIT oder EIGNUNG FR EINEN * BESTIMMTEN ZWECK. Siehe die GNU General Public License fr weitere Details. * * Sie sollten eine Kopie der GNU General Public License zusammen mit MPL erhalten haben. Wenn * nicht, siehe <>. */ package de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.compilation; import static de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.compilation.CompilerOptions.CompilerOption.DEBUG; import static; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import de.adrodoc55.minecraft.coordinate.Coordinate3D; import de.adrodoc55.minecraft.coordinate.Orientation3D; import de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.antlr.MplBaseListener; import de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.ast.MplAstVisitor; import de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.ast.MplAstVisitorImpl; import de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.ast.chainparts.program.MplProcess; import de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.ast.chainparts.program.MplProgram; import de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.blocks.CommandBlock; import de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.blocks.MplBlock; import de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.blocks.Transmitter; import de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.chain.ChainContainer; import de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.chain.CommandBlockChain; import de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.commands.chainlinks.Command; import de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.commands.chainlinks.InternalCommand; import de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.commands.chainlinks.NoOperationCommand; import de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.interpretation.Include; import de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.interpretation.MplInterpreter; import de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.placement.MplDebugProgramPlacer; import de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.placement.MplProgramPlacer; import de.adrodoc55.minecraft.mpl.placement.NotEnoughSpaceException; /** * @author Adrodoc55 */ public class MplCompiler extends MplBaseListener { public static MplCompilationResult compile(File programFile, CompilerOptions options) throws IOException, CompilationFailedException { // Assembly MplProgram program = assembleProgram(programFile); // Materializing ChainContainer container = materialize(program, options); // Placement List<CommandBlockChain> chains = place(container, options); Orientation3D orientation = program.getOrientation(); // Inserts insertRelativeCoordinates(orientation, chains); // Result return toResult(orientation, chains); } public static MplCompilationResult toResult(Orientation3D orientation, List<CommandBlockChain> chains) { List<MplBlock> blocks = .flatMap(c -> c.getBlocks().stream())// .collect(toList()); ImmutableMap<Coordinate3D, MplBlock> result = Maps.uniqueIndex(blocks, b -> b.getCoordinate()); return new MplCompilationResult(orientation, result); } public static void insertRelativeCoordinates(Orientation3D orientation, Iterable<CommandBlockChain> chains) { for (CommandBlockChain chain : chains) { insertRelativeCoordinates(orientation, chain.getBlocks()); } } public static List<CommandBlockChain> place(ChainContainer container, CompilerOptions options) throws CompilationFailedException { try { if (options.hasOption(DEBUG)) { return new MplDebugProgramPlacer(container, options).place(); } else { return new MplProgramPlacer(container, options).place(); } } catch (NotEnoughSpaceException ex) { throw new CompilationFailedException("The maximal coordinate is to small to place the entire program", ex); } } public static ChainContainer materialize(MplProgram program, CompilerOptions options) { MplAstVisitor visitor = new MplAstVisitorImpl(options); program.accept(visitor); ChainContainer container = visitor.getResult(); return container; } public static MplProgram assembleProgram(File programFile) throws IOException, CompilationFailedException { MplCompiler compiler = new MplCompiler(); MplProgram program = compiler.assemble(programFile); List<CompilerException> exceptions = program.getExceptions(); if (!exceptions.isEmpty()) { ImmutableListMultimap<File, CompilerException> index = Multimaps.index(exceptions, ex -> ex.getSource().file); throw new CompilationFailedException(index); } return program; } private SetMultimap<File, String> programContent = HashMultimap.create(); private Set<File> addedInterpreters = new HashSet<>(); private LinkedList<Include> includeTodos; private MplProgram program; private Map<File, MplInterpreter> interpreterCache = new HashMap<>(); private MplInterpreter interpret(File file) throws IOException { MplInterpreter interpreter = interpreterCache.get(file); if (interpreter == null) { interpreter = MplInterpreter.interpret(file); } return interpreter; } private MplCompiler() { } private MplProgram assemble(File programFile) throws IOException { includeTodos = new LinkedList<Include>(); MplInterpreter main = interpret(programFile); if (main.getProgram().isScript()) { return main.getProgram(); } program = main.getProgram(); // The main interpreter does not need to be added to itself addedInterpreters.add(programFile); // Skip includes that reference the same file List<Include> includes = main.getIncludes().values().stream() .filter(include -> !program.containsProcess(include.getProcessName())).collect(Collectors.toList()); includeTodos.addAll(includes); // Mark all processes of the main file program.getProcesses().stream().map(p -> p.getName()).forEach(name -> { programContent.put(programFile, name); }); doIncludes(); return program; } private void doIncludes() { while (!includeTodos.isEmpty()) { Include include = includeTodos.poll(); String processName = include.getProcessName(); if (processName == null) { massInclude(include); } else { processInclude(include); } } } private void processInclude(Include include) { String processName = include.getProcessName(); FileException lastException = null; List<MplInterpreter> found = new LinkedList<>(); for (File file : include.getFiles()) { MplInterpreter interpreter = null; try { interpreter = interpret(file); } catch (Exception ex) { lastException = new FileException(ex, file); continue; } MplProgram program = interpreter.getProgram(); if (program.containsProcess(processName)) { found.add(interpreter); } } if (found.isEmpty()) { CompilerException ex = new CompilerException(include.getSource(), "Could not resolve process " + processName, lastException); program.getExceptions().add(ex); } else if (found.size() > 1) { CompilerException ex = createAmbigiousProcessException(include, found); program.getExceptions().add(ex); } else { MplInterpreter interpreter = found.get(0); addInterpreter(interpreter); addProcess(interpreter, processName); } } public CompilerException createAmbigiousProcessException(Include include, List<MplInterpreter> found) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < found.size() - 1; i++) { MplInterpreter interpreter = found.get(i); File programFile = interpreter.getProgramFile(); sb.append(programFile); if (i + 1 < found.size() - 1) { sb.append(", "); } } sb.append(" and "); sb.append(found.get(found.size() - 1).getProgramFile()); CompilerException ex = new CompilerException(include.getSource(), "Process " + include.getProcessName() + " is ambigious. It was found in '" + sb + "!"); return ex; } public void addProcess(MplInterpreter interpreter, String processName) { MplProcess process = interpreter.getProgram().getProcess(processName); File file = interpreter.getProgramFile(); Set<String> processNames = programContent.get(file); if (!processNames.contains(process.getName())) { program.addProcess(process); includeTodos.addAll(interpreter.getIncludes().get(processName)); programContent.put(file, processName); } } private void massInclude(Include include) { for (File file : include.getFiles()) { MplInterpreter interpreter = null; try { interpreter = interpret(file); } catch (IOException ex) { CompilerException compilerException = new CompilerException(include.getSource(), "Couldn't include '" + file + "'", ex); program.getExceptions().add(compilerException); return; } if (interpreter.getProgram().isScript()) { CompilerException compilerException = new CompilerException(include.getSource(), "Can't include script '" + file.getName() + "'. Scripts may not be included."); program.getExceptions().add(compilerException); return; } addInterpreter(interpreter); addAllProcesses(interpreter); } } public void addAllProcesses(MplInterpreter interpreter) { Collection<MplProcess> processes = interpreter.getProgram().getProcesses(); for (MplProcess process : processes) { addProcess(interpreter, process.getName()); } } public void addInterpreter(MplInterpreter interpreter) { if (addedInterpreters.add(interpreter.getProgramFile())) { MplProgram program = interpreter.getProgram(); this.program.getExceptions().addAll(program.getExceptions()); this.program.getInstall().addAll(program.getInstall()); this.program.getUninstall().addAll(program.getUninstall()); } } private static final Pattern thisPattern = Pattern.compile("\\$\\{\\s*this\\s*([+-])\\s*(\\d+)\\s*\\}"); private static final Pattern originPattern = Pattern .compile("\\$\\{\\s*origin\\s*(?:\\+\\s*\\(\\s*(-?\\d+)\\s+(-?\\d+)\\s+(-?\\d+)\\s*\\)\\s*)?\\}"); private static void insertRelativeCoordinates(Orientation3D orientation, List<MplBlock> blocks) { for (int i = 0; i < blocks.size(); i++) { MplBlock currentBlock = blocks.get(i); if (!(currentBlock instanceof CommandBlock)) { continue; } CommandBlock current = (CommandBlock) currentBlock; Matcher thisMatcher = thisPattern.matcher(current.getCommand()); StringBuffer thisSb = new StringBuffer(); while (thisMatcher.find()) { boolean minus ="-"); int relative = Integer.parseInt(; int direction = 1; if (minus) { direction = -1; } int refIndex = i; for (int steps = relative; steps > 0; steps--) { refIndex += direction; if (refIndex < 0) { refIndex = 0; break; } MplBlock block = blocks.get(refIndex); if (isNop(block) || (isInternal(block) && !isInternal(current))) { steps++; } } Coordinate3D referenced; if (refIndex < 0) { referenced = blocks.get(0).getCoordinate().minus(orientation.getA().toCoordinate()); } else { referenced = blocks.get(refIndex).getCoordinate(); } Coordinate3D relativeCoordinate = referenced.minus(current.getCoordinate()); thisMatcher.appendReplacement(thisSb, relativeCoordinate.toRelativeString()); } thisMatcher.appendTail(thisSb); current.setCommand(thisSb.toString()); Matcher originMatcher = originPattern.matcher(current.getCommand()); StringBuffer originSb = new StringBuffer(); while (originMatcher.find()) { Coordinate3D relativeCoordinate = current.getCoordinate().mult(-1); if ( != null) { int x = Integer.parseInt(; int y = Integer.parseInt(; int z = Integer.parseInt(; Coordinate3D referenced = new Coordinate3D(x, y, z); relativeCoordinate =; } originMatcher.appendReplacement(originSb, relativeCoordinate.toRelativeString()); } originMatcher.appendTail(originSb); current.setCommand(originSb.toString()); } } private static boolean isInternal(MplBlock block) { if (block instanceof Transmitter) { Transmitter transmitter = (Transmitter) block; return transmitter.isInternal(); } if (block instanceof CommandBlock) { CommandBlock commandBlock = (CommandBlock) block; Command command = commandBlock.toCommand(); return command instanceof InternalCommand; } return false; } private static boolean isNop(MplBlock block) { if (block instanceof CommandBlock) { CommandBlock commandBlock = (CommandBlock) block; Command command = commandBlock.toCommand(); return command instanceof NoOperationCommand; } return false; } }