Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Dagger Authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package dagger.internal.codegen; import static dagger.internal.codegen.DaggerElements.getAnnotationMirror; import static dagger.internal.codegen.DaggerElements.isAnyAnnotationPresent; import static dagger.internal.codegen.ErrorMessages.BINDING_METHOD_ABSTRACT; import static dagger.internal.codegen.ErrorMessages.BINDING_METHOD_MULTIPLE_QUALIFIERS; import static dagger.internal.codegen.ErrorMessages.BINDING_METHOD_MUST_NOT_BIND_FRAMEWORK_TYPES; import static dagger.internal.codegen.ErrorMessages.BINDING_METHOD_MUST_RETURN_A_VALUE; import static dagger.internal.codegen.ErrorMessages.BINDING_METHOD_NOT_ABSTRACT; import static dagger.internal.codegen.ErrorMessages.BINDING_METHOD_NOT_IN_MODULE; import static dagger.internal.codegen.ErrorMessages.BINDING_METHOD_NOT_MAP_HAS_MAP_KEY; import static dagger.internal.codegen.ErrorMessages.BINDING_METHOD_PRIVATE; import static dagger.internal.codegen.ErrorMessages.BINDING_METHOD_RETURN_TYPE; import static dagger.internal.codegen.ErrorMessages.BINDING_METHOD_SET_VALUES_RAW_SET; import static dagger.internal.codegen.ErrorMessages.BINDING_METHOD_SET_VALUES_RETURN_SET; import static dagger.internal.codegen.ErrorMessages.BINDING_METHOD_THROWS; import static dagger.internal.codegen.ErrorMessages.BINDING_METHOD_THROWS_ANY; import static dagger.internal.codegen.ErrorMessages.BINDING_METHOD_THROWS_CHECKED; import static dagger.internal.codegen.ErrorMessages.BINDING_METHOD_TYPE_PARAMETER; import static dagger.internal.codegen.ErrorMessages.BINDING_METHOD_WITH_MULTIPLE_MAP_KEYS; import static dagger.internal.codegen.ErrorMessages.BINDING_METHOD_WITH_NO_MAP_KEY; import static dagger.internal.codegen.ErrorMessages.MULTIBINDING_ANNOTATION_CONFLICTS_WITH_BINDING_ANNOTATION_ENUM; import static dagger.internal.codegen.ErrorMessages.MULTIPLE_MULTIBINDING_ANNOTATIONS_ON_METHOD; import static dagger.internal.codegen.InjectionAnnotations.getQualifiers; import static dagger.internal.codegen.MapKeys.getMapKeys; import static javax.lang.model.element.Modifier.ABSTRACT; import static javax.lang.model.element.Modifier.PRIVATE; import static javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind.ARRAY; import static javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind.DECLARED; import static javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind.TYPEVAR; import static javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind.VOID; import; import; import; import; import dagger.MapKey; import dagger.Provides; import dagger.multibindings.ElementsIntoSet; import dagger.multibindings.IntoMap; import dagger.producers.Produces; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import javax.annotation.OverridingMethodsMustInvokeSuper; import javax.inject.Qualifier; import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror; import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement; import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind; import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror; import javax.lang.model.util.Elements; import javax.lang.model.util.Types; /** A validator for methods that represent binding declarations. */ abstract class BindingMethodValidator { private final Elements elements; private final Types types; private final Class<? extends Annotation> methodAnnotation; private final ImmutableSet<? extends Class<? extends Annotation>> enclosingElementAnnotations; private final Abstractness abstractness; private final ExceptionSuperclass exceptionSuperclass; private final Map<ExecutableElement, ValidationReport<ExecutableElement>> cache = new HashMap<>(); private final AllowsMultibindings allowsMultibindings; /** * Creates a validator object. * * @param methodAnnotation the annotation on a method that identifies it as a binding method * @param enclosingElementAnnotation the method must be declared in a class or interface annotated * with this annotation */ protected BindingMethodValidator(Elements elements, Types types, Class<? extends Annotation> methodAnnotation, Class<? extends Annotation> enclosingElementAnnotation, Abstractness abstractness, ExceptionSuperclass exceptionSuperclass, AllowsMultibindings allowsMultibindings) { this(elements, types, methodAnnotation, ImmutableSet.of(enclosingElementAnnotation), abstractness, exceptionSuperclass, allowsMultibindings); } /** * Creates a validator object. * * @param methodAnnotation the annotation on a method that identifies it as a binding method * @param enclosingElementAnnotations the method must be declared in a class or interface * annotated with one of these annotations */ protected BindingMethodValidator(Elements elements, Types types, Class<? extends Annotation> methodAnnotation, Iterable<? extends Class<? extends Annotation>> enclosingElementAnnotations, Abstractness abstractness, ExceptionSuperclass exceptionSuperclass, AllowsMultibindings allowsMultibindings) { this.elements = elements; this.types = types; this.methodAnnotation = methodAnnotation; this.enclosingElementAnnotations = ImmutableSet.copyOf(enclosingElementAnnotations); this.abstractness = abstractness; this.exceptionSuperclass = exceptionSuperclass; this.allowsMultibindings = allowsMultibindings; } /** The annotation that identifies methods validated by this object. */ Class<? extends Annotation> methodAnnotation() { return methodAnnotation; } /** Returns a {@link ValidationReport} for {@code method}. */ final ValidationReport<ExecutableElement> validate(ExecutableElement method) { return cache.computeIfAbsent(method, this::validateUncached); } private ValidationReport<ExecutableElement> validateUncached(ExecutableElement m) { ValidationReport.Builder<ExecutableElement> report = ValidationReport.about(m); checkMethod(report); return; } /** Checks the method for validity. Adds errors to {@code builder}. */ @OverridingMethodsMustInvokeSuper protected void checkMethod(ValidationReport.Builder<ExecutableElement> builder) { checkEnclosingElement(builder); checkTypeParameters(builder); checkNotPrivate(builder); checkAbstractness(builder); checkReturnType(builder); checkThrows(builder); checkQualifiers(builder); checkMapKeys(builder); checkMultibindings(builder); } /** * Adds an error if the method is not declared in a class or interface annotated with one of the * {@link #enclosingElementAnnotations}. */ private void checkEnclosingElement(ValidationReport.Builder<ExecutableElement> builder) { if (!isAnyAnnotationPresent(builder.getSubject().getEnclosingElement(), enclosingElementAnnotations)) { builder.addError(formatErrorMessage(BINDING_METHOD_NOT_IN_MODULE, FluentIterable .from(enclosingElementAnnotations).transform(Class::getSimpleName).join(Joiner.on(" or @")))); } } /** Adds an error if the method is generic. */ private void checkTypeParameters(ValidationReport.Builder<ExecutableElement> builder) { if (!builder.getSubject().getTypeParameters().isEmpty()) { builder.addError(formatErrorMessage(BINDING_METHOD_TYPE_PARAMETER)); } } /** Adds an error if the method is private. */ private void checkNotPrivate(ValidationReport.Builder<ExecutableElement> builder) { if (builder.getSubject().getModifiers().contains(PRIVATE)) { builder.addError(formatErrorMessage(BINDING_METHOD_PRIVATE)); } } /** Adds an error if the method is abstract but must not be, or is not and must be. */ private void checkAbstractness(ValidationReport.Builder<ExecutableElement> builder) { boolean isAbstract = builder.getSubject().getModifiers().contains(ABSTRACT); switch (abstractness) { case MUST_BE_ABSTRACT: if (!isAbstract) { builder.addError(formatErrorMessage(BINDING_METHOD_NOT_ABSTRACT)); } break; case MUST_BE_CONCRETE: if (isAbstract) { builder.addError(formatErrorMessage(BINDING_METHOD_ABSTRACT)); } break; default: throw new AssertionError(); } } /** * Adds an error if the return type is not appropriate for the method. * * <p>Adds an error if the method doesn't return a primitive, array, declared type, or type * variable. * * <p>If the method is not a multibinding contribution, adds an error if it returns a framework * type. * * <p>If the method is a {@link ElementsIntoSet @ElementsIntoSet} or {@code SET_VALUES} * contribution, adds an error if the method doesn't return a {@code Set<T>} for some {@code T} */ protected void checkReturnType(ValidationReport.Builder<ExecutableElement> builder) { switch (ContributionType.fromBindingMethod(builder.getSubject())) { case UNIQUE: /* Validate that a unique binding is not attempting to bind a framework type. This * validation is only appropriate for unique bindings because multibindings may collect * framework types. E.g. Set<Provider<Foo>> is perfectly reasonable. */ checkFrameworkType(builder); // fall through case SET: case MAP: checkKeyType(builder, builder.getSubject().getReturnType()); break; case SET_VALUES: checkSetValuesType(builder); break; default: throw new AssertionError(); } } /** * Adds an error if {@code keyType} is not a primitive, declared type, array, or type variable. */ protected void checkKeyType(ValidationReport.Builder<ExecutableElement> builder, TypeMirror keyType) { TypeKind kind = keyType.getKind(); if (kind.equals(VOID)) { builder.addError(formatErrorMessage(BINDING_METHOD_MUST_RETURN_A_VALUE)); } else if (!(kind.isPrimitive() || kind.equals(DECLARED) || kind.equals(ARRAY) || kind.equals(TYPEVAR))) { builder.addError(badReturnTypeMessage()); } } /** The error message when a non-{@code void} binding method returns a bad type. */ protected String badReturnTypeMessage() { return formatErrorMessage(BINDING_METHOD_RETURN_TYPE); } /** * Adds an error if an {@link ElementsIntoSet @ElementsIntoSet} or {@code SET_VALUES} method * doesn't return a {@code Set<T>} for a reasonable {@code T}. */ // TODO(gak): should we allow "covariant return" for set values? protected void checkSetValuesType(ValidationReport.Builder<ExecutableElement> builder) { checkSetValuesType(builder, builder.getSubject().getReturnType()); } /** Adds an error if {@code type} is not a {@code Set<T>} for a reasonable {@code T}. */ protected final void checkSetValuesType(ValidationReport.Builder<ExecutableElement> builder, TypeMirror type) { if (!SetType.isSet(type)) { builder.addError(badSetValuesTypeMessage()); } else { SetType setType = SetType.from(type); if (setType.isRawType()) { builder.addError(formatErrorMessage(BINDING_METHOD_SET_VALUES_RAW_SET)); } else { checkKeyType(builder, setType.elementType()); } } } /** * Adds an error if the method declares throws anything but an {@link Error} or an appropriate * subtype of {@link Exception}. */ private void checkThrows(ValidationReport.Builder<ExecutableElement> builder) { exceptionSuperclass.checkThrows(this, builder); } /** Adds an error if the method has more than one {@linkplain Qualifier qualifier} annotation. */ protected void checkQualifiers(ValidationReport.Builder<ExecutableElement> builder) { ImmutableSet<? extends AnnotationMirror> qualifiers = getQualifiers(builder.getSubject()); if (qualifiers.size() > 1) { for (AnnotationMirror qualifier : qualifiers) { builder.addError(BINDING_METHOD_MULTIPLE_QUALIFIERS, builder.getSubject(), qualifier); } } } /** * Adds an error if an {@link IntoMap @IntoMap} or {@code MAP} method doesn't have exactly one * {@link MapKey @MapKey} annotation, or if a method that is neither {@link IntoMap @IntoMap} nor * {@code MAP} has any. */ protected void checkMapKeys(ValidationReport.Builder<ExecutableElement> builder) { if (!allowsMultibindings.allowsMultibindings()) { return; } ImmutableSet<? extends AnnotationMirror> mapKeys = getMapKeys(builder.getSubject()); if (ContributionType.fromBindingMethod(builder.getSubject()).equals(ContributionType.MAP)) { switch (mapKeys.size()) { case 0: builder.addError(formatErrorMessage(BINDING_METHOD_WITH_NO_MAP_KEY)); break; case 1: break; default: builder.addError(formatErrorMessage(BINDING_METHOD_WITH_MULTIPLE_MAP_KEYS)); break; } } else if (!mapKeys.isEmpty()) { builder.addError(formatErrorMessage(BINDING_METHOD_NOT_MAP_HAS_MAP_KEY)); } } /** * Adds errors if the method has more than one {@linkplain MultibindingAnnotations multibinding * annotation} or if it has a multibinding annotation and its {@link Provides} or {@link Produces} * annotation has a {@code type} parameter. */ protected void checkMultibindings(ValidationReport.Builder<ExecutableElement> builder) { if (!allowsMultibindings.allowsMultibindings()) { return; } ImmutableSet<AnnotationMirror> multibindingAnnotations = MultibindingAnnotations .forMethod(builder.getSubject()); if (multibindingAnnotations.size() > 1) { for (AnnotationMirror annotation : multibindingAnnotations) { builder.addError(formatErrorMessage(MULTIPLE_MULTIBINDING_ANNOTATIONS_ON_METHOD), builder.getSubject(), annotation); } } AnnotationMirror bindingAnnotationMirror = getAnnotationMirror(builder.getSubject(), methodAnnotation) .get(); boolean usesProvidesType = false; for (ExecutableElement member : bindingAnnotationMirror.getElementValues().keySet()) { usesProvidesType |= member.getSimpleName().contentEquals("type"); } if (usesProvidesType && !multibindingAnnotations.isEmpty()) { builder.addError(formatErrorMessage(MULTIBINDING_ANNOTATION_CONFLICTS_WITH_BINDING_ANNOTATION_ENUM), builder.getSubject()); } } /** Adds an error if the method returns a {@linkplain FrameworkTypes framework type}. */ protected void checkFrameworkType(ValidationReport.Builder<ExecutableElement> builder) { if (FrameworkTypes.isFrameworkType(builder.getSubject().getReturnType())) { builder.addError(formatErrorMessage(BINDING_METHOD_MUST_NOT_BIND_FRAMEWORK_TYPES)); } } /** * Formats an error message whose first {@code %s} parameter should be replaced with the simple * name of the method annotation. */ protected String formatErrorMessage(String format, Object... otherParameters) { return otherParameters.length == 0 ? String.format(format, methodAnnotation.getSimpleName()) : String.format(format, Lists.asList(methodAnnotation.getSimpleName(), otherParameters).toArray()); } /** * The error message when an {@link ElementsIntoSet @ElementsIntoSet} or {@code SET_VALUES} method * returns a bad type. */ protected String badSetValuesTypeMessage() { return formatErrorMessage(BINDING_METHOD_SET_VALUES_RETURN_SET); } /** An abstract/concrete restriction on methods. */ protected enum Abstractness { MUST_BE_ABSTRACT, MUST_BE_CONCRETE } /** * The exception class that all {@code throws}-declared throwables must extend, other than * {@link Error}. */ protected enum ExceptionSuperclass { /** Methods may not declare any throwable types. */ NO_EXCEPTIONS { @Override protected void checkThrows(BindingMethodValidator validator, ValidationReport.Builder<ExecutableElement> builder) { if (!builder.getSubject().getThrownTypes().isEmpty()) { builder.addError(validator.formatErrorMessage(BINDING_METHOD_THROWS_ANY)); return; } } }, /** Methods may throw checked or unchecked exceptions or errors. */ EXCEPTION(Exception.class, BINDING_METHOD_THROWS), /** Methods may throw unchecked exceptions or errors. */ RUNTIME_EXCEPTION(RuntimeException.class, BINDING_METHOD_THROWS_CHECKED),; private final Class<? extends Exception> superclass; private final String errorMessage; private ExceptionSuperclass() { this(null, null); } private ExceptionSuperclass(Class<? extends Exception> superclass, String errorMessage) { this.superclass = superclass; this.errorMessage = errorMessage; } /** * Adds an error if the method declares throws anything but an {@link Error} or an appropriate * subtype of {@link Exception}. * * <p>This method is overridden in {@link #NO_EXCEPTIONS}. */ protected void checkThrows(BindingMethodValidator validator, ValidationReport.Builder<ExecutableElement> builder) { TypeMirror exceptionSupertype = validator.elements.getTypeElement(superclass.getCanonicalName()) .asType(); TypeMirror errorType = validator.elements.getTypeElement(Error.class.getCanonicalName()).asType(); for (TypeMirror thrownType : builder.getSubject().getThrownTypes()) { if (!validator.types.isSubtype(thrownType, exceptionSupertype) && !validator.types.isSubtype(thrownType, errorType)) { builder.addError(validator.formatErrorMessage(errorMessage)); break; } } } } /** Whether to check multibinding annotations. */ protected enum AllowsMultibindings { /** * This method disallows multibinding annotations, so don't bother checking for their validity. * {@link MultibindingAnnotationsProcessingStep} will add errors if the method has any * multibinding annotations. */ NO_MULTIBINDINGS, /** This method allows multibinding annotations, so validate them. */ ALLOWS_MULTIBINDINGS,; private boolean allowsMultibindings() { return this == ALLOWS_MULTIBINDINGS; } } }