Java tutorial
/* * The MIT License * * Copyright 2013-2014 Jakub Jirutka <>. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package cz.jirutka.validator.collection; import cz.jirutka.validator.collection.constraints.EachConstraint; import cz.jirutka.validator.collection.internal.AnnotationUtils; import cz.jirutka.validator.collection.internal.ConstraintDescriptorFactory; import cz.jirutka.validator.collection.internal.MessageInterpolatorContext; import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate; import org.apache.commons.lang3.reflect.TypeUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.validation.ConstraintValidator; import javax.validation.ConstraintValidatorContext; import javax.validation.MessageInterpolator.Context; import javax.validation.Validation; import javax.validation.ValidatorFactory; import javax.validation.metadata.ConstraintDescriptor; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import static cz.jirutka.validator.collection.internal.AnnotationUtils.*; import static cz.jirutka.validator.collection.internal.ConstraintValidatorContextUtils.addConstraintViolationInIterable; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; import static java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList; import static java.util.Collections.unmodifiableMap; import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isEmpty; /** * Common validator for collection constraints that validates each element of * the given collection. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public class CommonEachValidator implements ConstraintValidator<Annotation, Collection<?>> { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CommonEachValidator.class); private static final ConstraintDescriptorFactory DESCRIPTOR_FACTORY = ConstraintDescriptorFactory.newInstance(); // injected by container, or set default during initialization private @Inject ValidatorFactory factory; // after initialization it's read-only private List<ConstraintDescriptor> descriptors; // after initialization it's read-only private Map<Class, Class<? extends ConstraintValidator<?, ?>>> validators; // modifiable after initialization; must be thread-safe! private Map<Class, ConstraintValidator> validatorInstances; private boolean earlyInterpolate = false; public void initialize(Annotation eachAnnotation) { Class<? extends Annotation> eachAType = eachAnnotation.annotationType(); LOG.trace("Initializing CommonEachValidator for {}", eachAType); if (factory == null) { LOG.debug("No ValidatorFactory injected, building default one"); factory = Validation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory(); } validatorInstances = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(2); if (eachAType.isAnnotationPresent(EachConstraint.class)) { Class constraintClass = eachAType.getAnnotation(EachConstraint.class).validateAs(); Annotation constraint = createConstraintAndCopyAttributes(constraintClass, eachAnnotation); ConstraintDescriptor descriptor = createConstraintDescriptor(constraint); descriptors = unmodifiableList(asList(descriptor)); // legacy } else if (isWrapperAnnotation(eachAType)) { Annotation[] constraints = unwrapConstraints(eachAnnotation); Validate.notEmpty(constraints, "%s annotation does not contain any constraint", eachAType); List<ConstraintDescriptor> list = new ArrayList<>(constraints.length); for (Annotation constraint : constraints) { list.add(createConstraintDescriptor(constraint)); } descriptors = unmodifiableList(list); this.earlyInterpolate = true; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format( "%s is not annotated with @EachConstraint and doesn't declare 'value' of type Annotation[] either.", eachAType.getName())); } // constraints are always of the same type, so just pick first ConstraintDescriptor descriptor = descriptors.get(0); validators = categorizeValidatorsByType(descriptor.getConstraintValidatorClasses()); Validate.notEmpty(validators, "No validator found for constraint: %s", descriptor.getAnnotation().annotationType()); } public boolean isValid(Collection<?> collection, ConstraintValidatorContext context) { if (collection == null || collection.isEmpty()) { return true; //nothing to validate here } context.disableDefaultConstraintViolation(); //do not add wrapper's message int index = 0; for (Iterator<?> it = collection.iterator(); it.hasNext(); index++) { Object element =; ConstraintValidator validator = element != null ? getValidatorInstance(element.getClass()) : getAnyValidatorInstance(); for (ConstraintDescriptor descriptor : descriptors) { validator.initialize(descriptor.getAnnotation()); if (!validator.isValid(element, context)) { LOG.debug("Element [{}] = '{}' is invalid according to: {}", index, element, validator.getClass().getName()); String message; if (this.earlyInterpolate) { message = createMessage(descriptor, element); } else { message = getMessageTemplate(descriptor); } addConstraintViolationInIterable(context, message, index); return false; } } } return true; } public void setValidatorFactory(ValidatorFactory factory) { this.factory = factory; } /** * Whether the given annotation type contains the {@code value} attribute * of the type that extends {@code Annotation[]}. */ protected boolean isWrapperAnnotation(Class<? extends Annotation> annotationType) { return hasAttribute(annotationType, "value") && Annotation[].class.isAssignableFrom(getAttributeType(annotationType, "value")); } protected Annotation[] unwrapConstraints(Annotation wrapper) { return AnnotationUtils.readAttribute(wrapper, "value", Annotation[].class); } protected ConstraintDescriptor createConstraintDescriptor(Annotation constraint) { return DESCRIPTOR_FACTORY.buildConstraintDescriptor(constraint); } protected <T extends ConstraintValidator<?, ?>> Map<Class, Class<? extends T>> categorizeValidatorsByType( List<Class<? extends T>> validatorClasses) { Map<Class, Class<? extends T>> validators = new LinkedHashMap<>(10); for (Class<? extends T> validator : validatorClasses) { Class<?> type = determineTargetType(validator); if (type.isArray()) continue; LOG.trace("Found validator {} for type {}", validator.getName(), type.getName()); validators.put(type, validator); } return unmodifiableMap(validators); } protected Class<?> determineTargetType(Class<? extends ConstraintValidator<?, ?>> validatorClass) { TypeVariable<?> typeVar = ConstraintValidator.class.getTypeParameters()[1]; return TypeUtils.getRawType(typeVar, validatorClass); } /** * Returns initialized validator instance for the specified object type. * Instances are cached. * * @param type Type of the object to be validated. */ protected ConstraintValidator getValidatorInstance(Class<?> type) { ConstraintValidator validator = validatorInstances.get(type); if (validator == null) { validator = findAndInitializeValidator(type); validatorInstances.put(type, validator); } return validator; } /** * Returns initialized validator instance for any object type. This is used * when the object to be validated is <tt>null</tt> so we can't determine * it's type. Instances are cached. */ protected ConstraintValidator getAnyValidatorInstance() { if (validatorInstances.isEmpty()) { Class type = validators.keySet().iterator().next(); return findAndInitializeValidator(type); } else { return validatorInstances.values().iterator().next(); } } protected ConstraintValidator findAndInitializeValidator(Class<?> type) { LOG.trace("Looking for validator for type: {}", type.getName()); for (Class<?> clazz : validators.keySet()) { if (!clazz.isAssignableFrom(type)) continue; Class validatorClass = validators.get(clazz); LOG.trace("Initializing validator: {}", validatorClass.getName()); return factory.getConstraintValidatorFactory().getInstance(validatorClass); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("No validator found for type: " + type.getName()); } /** * Reads and interpolates an error message for the given constraint and * value. * * @param descriptor Descriptor of the constraint that the value violated. * @param value The validated value. * @return An interpolated message. */ protected String createMessage(ConstraintDescriptor descriptor, Object value) { Context context = new MessageInterpolatorContext(descriptor, value); Annotation constraint = descriptor.getAnnotation(); String template = AnnotationUtils.readAttribute(constraint, "message", String.class); return factory.getMessageInterpolator().interpolate(template, context); } /** * Reads the error message template for the given constraint and * value. * * @param descriptor Descriptor of the constraint that the value violated. * @return A message template. */ protected String getMessageTemplate(ConstraintDescriptor descriptor) { Annotation constraint = descriptor.getAnnotation(); return AnnotationUtils.readAttribute(constraint, "message", String.class); } /** * Instantiates constraint of the specified type and copies values of all * the common attributes from the given source constraint (of any type) * to it. * * <p>If the source constraint's {@code message} is empty, then it will * <b>not</b> copy it (so the default {@code message} of the target * constraint will be preserved).</p> * * @param constraintType Type of the constraint to create. * @param source Any annotation to copy attribute values from. * @return An instance of the specified constraint. */ protected <T extends Annotation> T createConstraintAndCopyAttributes(Class<T> constraintType, Annotation source) { Map<String, Object> attributes = readAllAttributes(source); // if message is not set, keep message from original constraint instead if (isEmpty((String) attributes.get("message"))) { attributes.remove("message"); } return createAnnotation(constraintType, attributes); } }