Java tutorial
package cz.cesnet.shongo.connector.device; import cz.cesnet.shongo.AliasType; import cz.cesnet.shongo.ExpirationMap; import cz.cesnet.shongo.Technology; import cz.cesnet.shongo.TodoImplementException; import cz.cesnet.shongo.api.*; import cz.cesnet.shongo.api.jade.CommandException; import cz.cesnet.shongo.api.jade.CommandUnsupportedException; import cz.cesnet.shongo.api.util.DeviceAddress; import cz.cesnet.shongo.connector.common.AbstractMultipointConnector; import cz.cesnet.shongo.connector.common.Command; import; import cz.cesnet.shongo.connector.api.*; import cz.cesnet.shongo.ssl.ConfiguredSSLContext; import cz.cesnet.shongo.util.MathHelper; import org.apache.commons.configuration.HierarchicalConfiguration; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.http.*; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.apache.http.client.entity.UrlEncodedFormEntity; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost; import org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair; import org.apache.http.params.HttpConnectionParams; import org.apache.http.protocol.BasicHttpContext; import org.apache.http.protocol.ExecutionContext; import org.apache.http.protocol.HttpContext; import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils; import org.apache.tika.detect.DefaultDetector; import; import org.apache.tika.metadata.Metadata; import org.apache.tika.mime.MediaType; import org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException; import org.apache.xmlrpc.client.XmlRpcClient; import org.apache.xmlrpc.client.XmlRpcClientConfigImpl; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.Duration; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * A connector for Cisco TelePresence MCU. * <p/> * Uses HTTPS (only). * <p/> * Works using API 2.9. The following Cisco TelePresence products are supported, provided they are running MCU version * 4.3 or later: * - Cisco TelePresence MCU 4200 Series * - Cisco TelePresence MCU 4500 Series * - Cisco TelePresence MCU MSE 8420 * - Cisco TelePresence MCU MSE 8510 * <p/> * * @author Ondrej Bouda <> */ public class CiscoMCUConnector extends AbstractMultipointConnector { private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CiscoMCUConnector.class); private static final Pattern E164_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^\\+?\\d{9,14}$"); /** * Options for the {@link CiscoMCUConnector}. */ public static final String ROOM_NUMBER_EXTRACTION_FROM_H323_NUMBER = "room-number-extraction-from-h323-number"; public static final String ROOM_NUMBER_EXTRACTION_FROM_SIP_URI = "room-number-extraction-from-sip-uri"; /** * Maximum length of string which can be sent to the device. */ private static final int STRING_MAX_LENGTH = 31; /** * Max gain of dB. */ private static final int MAX_ABS_GAIN_DB = 20; /** * A safety limit for number of enumerate pages. * <p/> * When enumerating some objects, the MCU returns the results page by page. To protect the connector from infinite * loop when the device gives an incorrect results, there is a limit on the number of pages the connector processes. * If this limit is reached, an exception is thrown (i.e., no part of the result may be used), as such a behaviour * is considered erroneous. */ private static final int ENUMERATE_PAGES_LIMIT = 1000; /** * The default port number to connect to. */ public static final int DEFAULT_PORT = 443; /** * {@link XmlRpcClient} used for the XML-RPC API communication with the device. */ private XmlRpcClient xmlRpcClient; /** * {@link XmlRpcClient} used for the Http communication with the device. */ private HttpClient httpClient; /** * Detector for {@link MediaType}s. */ private DefaultDetector detector = new DefaultDetector(); /** * Authentication for the device. */ private String authUsername; private String authPassword; /** * Patterns for options. */ private Pattern roomNumberFromH323Number = null; private Pattern roomNumberFromSIPURI = null; /** * Addresses of participants which should be hidden. */ private Set<String> hiddenParticipantAddresses = new HashSet<String>(); /** * Cache of results of previous calls to commands supporting revision numbers. * Map of cache ID to previous results. */ private final Map<String, ResultsCache> resultsCache = new HashMap<String, ResultsCache>(); /** * Cache of snapshot URL for room participants ("roomId:roomParticipantId"). */ private final Map<String, String> roomParticipantSnapshotUrlCache = new HashMap<String, String>(); /** * Cache of {@link MediaData} snapshots for room participants ("roomId:roomParticipantId"). */ private final ExpirationMap<String, MediaData> roomParticipantSnapshotCache = new ExpirationMap<String, MediaData>( Duration.standardSeconds(10)); /** * @return URL for communication with the device via XML-RPC API */ private URL getDeviceApiUrl() throws CommandException { // RPC2 is a fixed path given by Cisco, see the API docs String protocol = (deviceAddress.isSsl() ? "https" : "http"); try { return new URL(protocol, deviceAddress.getHost(), deviceAddress.getPort(), "/RPC2"); } catch (MalformedURLException exception) { throw new CommandException("Error constructing URL of the device.", exception); } } /** * @param file relative file * @return URL for communication with the device via Http */ private URL getDeviceHttpUrl(String file) throws MalformedURLException { String protocol = (deviceAddress.isSsl() ? "https" : "http"); return new URL(protocol, deviceAddress.getHost(), deviceAddress.getPort(), file); } // COMMON SERVICE /** * Connects to the MCU. * <p/> * Sets up the device URL where to send requests. * The communication protocol is stateless, though, so it just gets some info and does not hold the line. * * @param deviceAddress device address to connect to * @param username username for authentication on the device * @param password password for authentication on the device * @throws cz.cesnet.shongo.api.jade.CommandException * */ @Override public synchronized void connect(DeviceAddress deviceAddress, String username, String password) throws CommandException { if (deviceAddress.getPort() == DeviceAddress.DEFAULT_PORT) { deviceAddress.setPort(DEFAULT_PORT); } // Load options roomNumberFromH323Number = configuration.getOptionPattern(ROOM_NUMBER_EXTRACTION_FROM_H323_NUMBER); roomNumberFromSIPURI = configuration.getOptionPattern(ROOM_NUMBER_EXTRACTION_FROM_SIP_URI); hiddenParticipantAddresses.clear(); for (Configuration participant : configuration.getOptionConfigurationList("participants.participant")) { boolean hide = participant.getBool("hide"); if (hide) { String address = participant.getString("address"); if (address == null || address.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Address for participant must be filled."); } hiddenParticipantAddresses.add(address); } } try { // not standard basic auth - credentials are to be passed together with command parameters authUsername = username; authPassword = password; // Create XmlRpcClient for XML-RPC API communication XmlRpcClientConfigImpl config = new XmlRpcClientConfigImpl(); config.setServerURL(getDeviceApiUrl()); config.setConnectionTimeout(requestTimeout); config.setReplyTimeout(requestTimeout); xmlRpcClient = new XmlRpcClient(); xmlRpcClient.setConfig(config); xmlRpcClient.setTransportFactory(new KeepAliveTransportFactory(xmlRpcClient)); // Create HttpClient for Http communication httpClient = ConfiguredSSLContext.getInstance().createHttpClient(requestTimeout); // Get and check device info Map<String, Object> device = execApi(new Command("device.query")); try { String apiVersionString = (String) device.get("apiVersion"); String[] apiVersionParts = apiVersionString.split("\\."); Double apiVersion = Double.valueOf(apiVersionParts[0]) + (Double.valueOf(apiVersionParts[1]) / 1000.0); if (apiVersion < 2.009) { throw new CommandException(String.format( "Device API %.1f too old. The connector only works with API 2.9 or higher.", apiVersion)); } } catch (Exception exception) { throw new CommandException("Cannot determine the device API version.", exception); } setDeviceName((String) device.get("model")); setDeviceSerialNumber((String) device.get("serial")); setDeviceSoftwareVersion(device.get("softwareVersion") + " (" + "API: " + device.get("apiVersion") + ", " + "build: " + device.get("buildVersion") + ")"); } catch (CommandException exception) { throw new CommandException("Error setting up connection to the device.", exception); } } @Override public ConnectionState getConnectionState() { try { synchronized (this) { XmlRpcClientConfigImpl configuration = ((XmlRpcClientConfigImpl) xmlRpcClient.getConfig()); configuration.setReplyTimeout(CONNECTION_STATE_TIMEOUT); execApi("device.query", null); configuration.setReplyTimeout(requestTimeout); } return ConnectionState.CONNECTED; } catch (Exception exception) { logger.warn("Not connected", exception); return ConnectionState.DISCONNECTED; } } @Override public synchronized void disconnect() throws CommandException { // TODO: consider publishing feedback events from the MCU // no real operation - the communication protocol is stateless xmlRpcClient = null; // just for sure the attributes are not used anymore } //</editor-fold> //<editor-fold desc="ROOM SERVICE"> @Override public Collection<RoomSummary> listRooms() throws CommandException { Command cmd = new Command("conference.enumerate"); cmd.setParameter("moreThanFour", Boolean.TRUE); cmd.setParameter("enumerateFilter", "!completed"); Collection<RoomSummary> rooms = new ArrayList<RoomSummary>(); List<Map<String, Object>> conferences = execApiEnumerate(cmd, "conferences"); for (Map<String, Object> conference : conferences) { RoomSummary info = extractRoomSummary(conference); rooms.add(info); } return rooms; } @Override public Room getRoom(String roomId) throws CommandException { Map<String, Object> conferenceStatus; try { Command cmd = new Command("conference.status"); cmd.setParameter("conferenceName", truncateString(roomId)); conferenceStatus = execApi(cmd); } catch (CommandException exception) { if (exception.getMessage().equals("no such conference or auto attendant")) { return null; } else { throw exception; } } Room room = new Room(); room.setId((String) conferenceStatus.get("conferenceName")); room.addAlias(AliasType.ROOM_NAME, (String) conferenceStatus.get("conferenceName")); if (conferenceStatus.containsKey("maximumVideoPorts")) { room.setLicenseCount((Integer) conferenceStatus.get("maximumVideoPorts")); } room.addTechnology(Technology.H323); if (conferenceStatus.containsKey("description") && !conferenceStatus.get("description").equals("")) { room.setDescription((String) conferenceStatus.get("description")); } // aliases if (conferenceStatus.containsKey("numericId") && !conferenceStatus.get("numericId").equals("")) { Alias numAlias = new Alias(AliasType.H323_E164, (String) conferenceStatus.get("numericId")); room.addAlias(numAlias); } // layout if (conferenceStatus.containsKey("customLayout")) { room.setLayout(getRoomLayoutByLayoutIndex((Integer) conferenceStatus.get("customLayout"))); } // options H323RoomSetting h323RoomSetting = new H323RoomSetting(); if (!conferenceStatus.get("pin").equals("")) { h323RoomSetting.setPin((String) conferenceStatus.get("pin")); } h323RoomSetting.setListedPublicly(!(Boolean) conferenceStatus.get("private")); h323RoomSetting.setAllowContent((Boolean) conferenceStatus.get("contentContribution")); h323RoomSetting.setJoinMicrophoneDisabled((Boolean) conferenceStatus.get("joinAudioMuted")); h323RoomSetting.setJoinVideoDisabled((Boolean) conferenceStatus.get("joinVideoMuted")); h323RoomSetting.setRegisterWithGatekeeper((Boolean) conferenceStatus.get("registerWithGatekeeper")); h323RoomSetting.setRegisterWithRegistrar((Boolean) conferenceStatus.get("registerWithSIPRegistrar")); h323RoomSetting.setStartLocked((Boolean) conferenceStatus.get("startLocked")); h323RoomSetting.setConferenceMeEnabled((Boolean) conferenceStatus.get("conferenceMeEnabled")); room.addRoomSetting(h323RoomSetting); return room; } @Override public String createRoom(Room room) throws CommandException { Command cmd = new Command("conference.create"); cmd.setParameter("customLayoutEnabled", Boolean.TRUE); cmd.setParameter("newParticipantsCustomLayout", Boolean.TRUE); cmd.setParameter("enforceMaximumAudioPorts", Boolean.TRUE); cmd.setParameter("maximumAudioPorts", 0); // audio-only participants are forced to use video slots cmd.setParameter("enforceMaximumVideoPorts", Boolean.TRUE); // defaults (may be overridden by specified room options cmd.setParameter("private", Boolean.TRUE); cmd.setParameter("contentContribution", Boolean.TRUE); cmd.setParameter("contentTransmitResolutions", "allowAll"); cmd.setParameter("joinAudioMuted", Boolean.FALSE); cmd.setParameter("joinVideoMuted", Boolean.FALSE); cmd.setParameter("startLocked", Boolean.FALSE); cmd.setParameter("conferenceMeEnabled", Boolean.FALSE); // Set default layout to SPEAKER_CORNER if (room.getLayout() == null) { room.setLayout(RoomLayout.SPEAKER_CORNER); } setConferenceParametersByRoom(cmd, room); // Room name must be filled if (cmd.getParameterValue("conferenceName") == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Room name must be filled for the new room."); } execApi(cmd); return (String) cmd.getParameterValue("conferenceName"); } private void setConferenceParametersByRoom(Command cmd, Room room) throws CommandException { // Set the room forever cmd.setParameter("durationSeconds", 0); // Set the license count cmd.setParameter("maximumVideoPorts", (room.getLicenseCount() > 0 ? room.getLicenseCount() : 0)); // Default layout RoomLayout roomLayout = room.getLayout(); if (roomLayout != null) { Integer layoutIndex = getLayoutIndexByRoomLayout(roomLayout); if (layoutIndex != null) { cmd.setParameter("customLayout", layoutIndex); } } // Set the description if (room.getDescription() != null) { cmd.setParameter("description", truncateString(room.getDescription())); } // Create/Update aliases if (room.getAliases() != null) { for (Alias alias : room.getAliases()) { // Derive number/name of the room String roomNumber = null; String roomName = null; Matcher m; switch (alias.getType()) { case ROOM_NAME: roomName = alias.getValue(); break; case H323_E164: if (roomNumberFromH323Number == null) { throw new CommandException( String.format("Cannot set H.323 E164 number - missing connector device option '%s'", ROOM_NUMBER_EXTRACTION_FROM_H323_NUMBER)); } m = roomNumberFromH323Number.matcher(alias.getValue()); if (!m.find()) { throw new CommandException("Invalid E164 number: " + alias.getValue()); } roomNumber =; break; case SIP_URI: if (roomNumberFromSIPURI == null) { throw new CommandException( String.format("Cannot set SIP URI to room - missing connector device option '%s'", ROOM_NUMBER_EXTRACTION_FROM_SIP_URI)); } m = roomNumberFromSIPURI.matcher(alias.getValue()); if (m.find()) { // SIP URI contains number roomNumber =; } else { // SIP URI contains name String value = alias.getValue(); int atSign = value.indexOf('@'); assert atSign > 0; roomName = value.substring(0, atSign); } break; case H323_URI: case H323_IP: case SIP_IP: // TODO: Check the alias value break; default: throw new CommandException("Unrecognized alias: " + alias.toString()); } if (roomNumber != null) { // Check we are not already assigning a different number to the room final Object oldRoomNumber = cmd.getParameterValue("numericId"); if (oldRoomNumber != null && !oldRoomNumber.equals("") && !oldRoomNumber.equals(roomNumber)) { // multiple number aliases throw new CommandException(String.format( "The connector supports only one number for a room, requested another: %s", alias)); } cmd.setParameter("numericId", truncateString(roomNumber)); } if (roomName != null) { // Check that more aliases do not request different room name final Object oldRoomName = cmd.getParameterValue("conferenceName"); if (oldRoomName != null && !oldRoomName.equals("") && !oldRoomName.equals(roomName)) { throw new CommandException(String .format("The connector supports only one room name, requested another: %s", alias)); } cmd.setParameter("conferenceName", truncateString(roomName)); } } } H323RoomSetting h323RoomSetting = room.getRoomSetting(H323RoomSetting.class); if (h323RoomSetting != null) { if (h323RoomSetting.getPin() != null) { cmd.setParameter("pin", h323RoomSetting.getPin()); } if (h323RoomSetting.getListedPublicly() != null) { cmd.setParameter("private", !h323RoomSetting.getListedPublicly()); } if (h323RoomSetting.getAllowContent() != null) { cmd.setParameter("contentContribution", h323RoomSetting.getAllowContent()); } if (h323RoomSetting.getJoinMicrophoneDisabled() != null) { cmd.setParameter("joinAudioMuted", h323RoomSetting.getJoinMicrophoneDisabled()); } if (h323RoomSetting.getJoinVideoDisabled() != null) { cmd.setParameter("joinVideoMuted", h323RoomSetting.getJoinVideoDisabled()); } if (h323RoomSetting.getRegisterWithGatekeeper() != null) { cmd.setParameter("registerWithGatekeeper", h323RoomSetting.getRegisterWithGatekeeper()); } if (h323RoomSetting.getRegisterWithRegistrar() != null) { cmd.setParameter("registerWithSIPRegistrar", h323RoomSetting.getRegisterWithRegistrar()); } if (h323RoomSetting.getStartLocked() != null) { cmd.setParameter("startLocked", h323RoomSetting.getStartLocked()); } if (h323RoomSetting.getConferenceMeEnabled() != null) { cmd.setParameter("conferenceMeEnabled", h323RoomSetting.getConferenceMeEnabled()); } if (h323RoomSetting.getAllowGuests() != null) { throw new CommandException( "Room Setting " + H323RoomSetting.ALLOW_GUESTS + "is not implemented yet."); } } } @Override protected boolean isRecreateNeeded(Room oldRoom, Room newRoom) throws CommandException { Alias oldRoomName = oldRoom.getAlias(AliasType.ROOM_NAME); Alias newRoomName = newRoom.getAlias(AliasType.ROOM_NAME); if (oldRoomName == null) { throw new CommandException("Room " + oldRoom.getId() + " doesn't have room name."); } if (newRoomName == null) { throw new CommandException("Room name must be present."); } return !newRoomName.equals(oldRoomName); } /** * * Disconnect participants in room to except number specified by {@code licenseCount}. * * @param licenseCount number of participants which can be kept in the room (0 means disconnect all participants, * 1 all participants except one, etc) */ private void disconnectRoomParticipants(String roomId, int licenseCount) throws CommandException { int participantCount = 0; for (RoomParticipant roomParticipant : getRoomParticipants(roomId, true)) { // Disconnect participant only when he excess specified license count if (participantCount < licenseCount) { logger.debug("Keeping participant {} connected to room {}...", new Object[] { roomParticipant, roomId }); participantCount++; continue; } try { logger.warn("Disconnecting participant {} in room {} to meet license count {}...", new Object[] { roomParticipant, roomId, licenseCount }); disconnectRoomParticipant(roomParticipant.getRoomId(), roomParticipant.getId()); } catch (CommandException exception) { throw new CommandException("Cannot disconnect participant" + roomParticipant + ".", exception); } } } @Override protected void onModifyRoom(Room room) throws CommandException { disconnectRoomParticipants(room.getId(), room.getLicenseCount()); Command cmd = new Command("conference.modify"); cmd.setParameter("conferenceName", truncateString(room.getId())); setConferenceParametersByRoom(cmd, room); execApi(cmd); } @Override public void deleteRoom(String roomId) throws CommandException { Command cmd = new Command("conference.destroy"); cmd.setParameter("conferenceName", truncateString(roomId)); execApi(cmd); } @Override public String exportRoomSettings(String roomId) throws CommandException, CommandUnsupportedException { throw new CommandUnsupportedException(); // TODO } @Override public void importRoomSettings(String roomId, String settings) throws CommandException, CommandUnsupportedException { throw new CommandUnsupportedException(); // TODO } //</editor-fold> //<editor-fold desc="ROOM CONTENT SERVICE"> @Override public void removeRoomContentFile(String roomId, String name) throws CommandException, CommandUnsupportedException { throw new CommandUnsupportedException(); // TODO } @Override public MediaData getRoomContent(String roomId) throws CommandException, CommandUnsupportedException { throw new CommandUnsupportedException(); // TODO } @Override public void clearRoomContent(String roomId) throws CommandException, CommandUnsupportedException { throw new CommandUnsupportedException(); // TODO } @Override public void addRoomContent(String roomId, String name, MediaData data) throws CommandException, CommandUnsupportedException { throw new CommandUnsupportedException(); // TODO } //</editor-fold> //<editor-fold desc="USER SERVICE"> @Override public Collection<RoomParticipant> listRoomParticipants(String roomId) throws CommandException { return getRoomParticipants(roomId, false); } @Override public RoomParticipant getRoomParticipant(String roomId, String roomParticipantId) throws CommandException { Command cmd = new Command("participant.status"); identifyParticipant(cmd, roomId, roomParticipantId); cmd.setParameter("operationScope", new String[] { "currentState" }); Map<String, Object> result = execApi(cmd); return extractRoomParticipant(result); } @Override public Map<String, MediaData> getRoomParticipantSnapshots(String roomId, Set<String> roomParticipantIds) throws CommandException { Map<String, MediaData> participantSnapshots = new HashMap<String, MediaData>(); for (String roomParticipantId : roomParticipantIds) { String cacheId = roomId + ":" + roomParticipantId; synchronized (roomParticipantSnapshotCache) { MediaData roomParticipantSnapshot = roomParticipantSnapshotCache.get(cacheId); if (roomParticipantSnapshot == null) { roomParticipantSnapshot = getRoomParticipantSnapshot(roomId, roomParticipantId); roomParticipantSnapshotCache.put(cacheId, roomParticipantSnapshot); } participantSnapshots.put(roomParticipantId, roomParticipantSnapshot); } } return participantSnapshots; } @Override public void modifyRoomParticipant(RoomParticipant roomParticipant) throws CommandException { String roomId = roomParticipant.getRoomId(); if (roomId == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("RoomId must be not null."); } String roomParticipantId = roomParticipant.getId(); if (roomParticipantId == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("RoomParticipantId must be not null."); } Command cmd = new Command("participant.modify"); identifyParticipant(cmd, roomId, roomParticipantId); // NOTE: oh yes, Cisco MCU wants "activeState" for modify while for status, it gets "currentState"... cmd.setParameter("operationScope", "activeState"); // @see extractRoomParticipant for more info we we don't return participant layout //if (roomParticipant.getLayout() != null) { // Integer layoutIndex = getLayoutIndexByRoomLayout(roomParticipant.getLayout()); // if (layoutIndex != null) { // cmd.setParameter("cpLayout", "layout" + layoutIndex); // } //} // Set parameters if (roomParticipant.getDisplayName() != null) { cmd.setParameter("displayNameOverrideValue", truncateString(roomParticipant.getDisplayName())); cmd.setParameter("displayNameOverrideStatus", Boolean.TRUE); // for the value to take effect } if (roomParticipant.getMicrophoneEnabled() != null) { cmd.setParameter("audioRxMuted", !roomParticipant.getMicrophoneEnabled()); } if (roomParticipant.getVideoEnabled() != null) { cmd.setParameter("videoRxMuted", !roomParticipant.getVideoEnabled()); } Integer microphoneLevel = roomParticipant.getMicrophoneLevel(); if (microphoneLevel != null && !microphoneLevel.equals(RoomParticipant.DEFAULT_MICROPHONE_LEVEL)) { double gainDb = MathHelper.getDbFromPercent(((double) roomParticipant.getMicrophoneLevel() - 5.0) / 5.0, MAX_ABS_GAIN_DB); cmd.setParameter("audioRxGainMillidB", (int) (gainDb * 1000.0)); cmd.setParameter("audioRxGainMode", "fixed"); } else { cmd.setParameter("audioRxGainMode", "default"); } // Content // NOTE: it seems it is not possible to enable content using current API (2.9) //throw new CommandUnsupportedException(); execApi(cmd); } @Override public void modifyRoomParticipants(RoomParticipant roomParticipantConfiguration) throws CommandException, CommandUnsupportedException { for (RoomParticipant roomParticipant : getRoomParticipants(roomParticipantConfiguration.getRoomId(), false)) { roomParticipantConfiguration.setId(roomParticipant.getId()); if (!roomParticipantConfiguration.isSame(roomParticipant)) { modifyRoomParticipant(roomParticipantConfiguration); } } } @Override public String dialRoomParticipant(String roomId, Alias alias) throws CommandException { // FIXME: refine just as the createRoom() method - get just a RoomParticipant object and set parameters according to it // NOTE: adding participants as ad_hoc - the MCU autogenerates their IDs (but they are just IDs, not names), // thus, commented out the following generation of participant names //String roomParticipantId = generateRoomParticipantId(roomId); // FIXME: treat potential race conditions; and it is slow... Command cmd = new Command("participant.add"); cmd.setParameter("conferenceName", truncateString(roomId)); //cmd.setParameter("participantName", truncateString(roomParticipantId)); cmd.setParameter("address", truncateString(alias.getValue())); cmd.setParameter("participantType", "ad_hoc"); cmd.setParameter("addResponse", Boolean.TRUE); Map<String, Object> result = execApi(cmd); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, Object> participant = (Map<String, Object>) result.get("participant"); if (participant == null) { return null; } else { return String.valueOf(participant.get("participantName")); } } @Override public void disconnectRoomParticipant(String roomId, String roomParticipantId) throws CommandException { Command cmd = new Command("participant.remove"); identifyParticipant(cmd, roomId, roomParticipantId); execApi(cmd); } //</editor-fold> //<editor-fold desc="MONITORING SERVICE"> @Override public DeviceLoadInfo getDeviceLoadInfo() throws CommandException { Map<String, Object> health = execApi(new Command("")); Map<String, Object> status = execApi(new Command("device.query")); DeviceLoadInfo info = new DeviceLoadInfo(); info.setCpuLoad(((Integer) health.get("cpuLoad")).doubleValue()); if (status.containsKey("uptime")) { info.setUptime((Integer) status.get("uptime")); // NOTE: 'uptime' not documented, but it is there } // NOTE: memory and disk usage not accessible via API return info; } @Override public UsageStats getUsageStats() throws CommandException, CommandUnsupportedException { throw new CommandUnsupportedException(); // TODO } //</editor-fold> /** * Perform http request for given {@code file} * * @param file * @return content as {@link MediaData} * @throws CommandException */ private synchronized MediaData execHttp(String file) throws CommandException { try { URL requestUrl = getDeviceHttpUrl(file); HttpGet request = new HttpGet(requestUrl.toURI()); HttpContext context = new BasicHttpContext(); HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(request, context); HttpRequest responseRequest = (HttpRequest) context.getAttribute(ExecutionContext.HTTP_REQUEST); StatusLine responseStatusLine = response.getStatusLine(); if (responseStatusLine.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) { if (responseRequest.getRequestLine().getUri().startsWith("/login.html")) { // Perform login loginHttp(); // Perform the request again response = httpClient.execute(request, context); } HttpEntity responseEntity = response.getEntity(); if (responseEntity != null) { byte[] mediaContent = EntityUtils.toByteArray(responseEntity); MediaType mediaType = detector.detect(TikaInputStream.get(mediaContent), new Metadata()); return new MediaData(mediaType, mediaContent); } } throw new RuntimeException(response.getStatusLine().toString()); } catch (CommandException exception) { throw exception; } catch (Exception exception) { throw new CommandException("Http request " + file + " failed.", exception); } } /** * Try to login for {@link #httpClient} * * @throws CommandException when login fails */ private void loginHttp() throws CommandException { try { HttpPost request = new HttpPost(getDeviceHttpUrl("/login_change.html").toURI()); List<NameValuePair> parameters = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(2); parameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair("user_name", authUsername)); parameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair("password", authPassword)); parameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair("ok", "OK")); request.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(parameters, "UTF-8")); HttpContext context = new BasicHttpContext(); HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(request, context); HttpRequest responseRequest = (HttpRequest) context.getAttribute(ExecutionContext.HTTP_REQUEST); StatusLine responseStatusLine = response.getStatusLine(); if (responseStatusLine.getStatusCode() != HttpStatus.SC_OK) { throw new RuntimeException("Wrong status " + responseStatusLine); } String responseRequestUrl = responseRequest.getRequestLine().getUri(); if (responseRequestUrl.startsWith("/index.html") || responseRequestUrl.equals("/")) {"Http login successful."); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Wrong response url " + responseRequestUrl); } } catch (Exception exception) { throw new CommandException("Http login failed", exception); } } /** * Sends a command to the device. Blocks until response to the command is complete. * * @param command a command to the device; note that some parameters may be added to the command * @return output of the command */ private Map<String, Object> execApi(Command command) throws CommandException { int retryCount = 5; while (retryCount > 0) { try { return execApi(command.getCommand(), command.getParameters()); } catch (XmlRpcException exception) { if (isExecApiRetryPossible(exception)) { retryCount--; logger.warn("{}: Trying again...", exception.getMessage()); continue; } else { throw new CommandException(exception.getMessage(), exception.getCause()); } } } throw new CommandException(String.format("Command %s failed.", command)); } /** * Sends a command to the device. Blocks until response to the command is complete. * * @param command * @param params * @return output of the command * @throws XmlRpcException */ private synchronized Map<String, Object> execApi(String command, Map<String, Object> params) throws XmlRpcException { logger.debug(String.format("Issuing command '%s' on %s", command, deviceAddress)); HashMap<String, Object> content = new HashMap<String, Object>(); if (params != null) { content.putAll(params); } content.put("authenticationUser", authUsername); content.put("authenticationPassword", authPassword); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, Object> result = (Map<String, Object>) xmlRpcClient.execute(command, new Object[] { content }); return result; } /** * @param exception * @return true whether given {@code exception} allows to retry the API request, false otherwise */ protected boolean isExecApiRetryPossible(XmlRpcException exception) { Throwable cause = exception.getCause(); return (cause instanceof SocketException && cause.getMessage().equals("Connection reset")); } /** * Executes a command enumerating some objects. * <p/> * When possible (currently for commands conference.enumerate and participant.enumerate), caches the results and * asks just for the difference since previous call of the same command. * The caching is intentionally disabled for the autoAttendants.enumerate command, as the revisioning mechanism * seems to be broken on the device (it reports dead items even with the listAll parameter set to true), and either * way it generates short lists. * * @param command command for enumerating the objects; note that some parameters may be added to the command * @param enumField the field within result containing the list of enumerated objects * @return list of objects from the enumField, each as a map from field names to values; * the list is unmodifiable (so that it may be reused by the execApiEnumerate() method) * @throws CommandException */ private synchronized List<Map<String, Object>> execApiEnumerate(Command command, String enumField) throws CommandException { List<Map<String, Object>> results = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); // use revision numbers to get just the difference from the previous call of this command Integer lastRevision = prepareCaching(command); Integer currentRevision = null; for (int enumPage = 0;; enumPage++) { // safety pages number check - to prevent infinite loop if the device does not work correctly if (enumPage >= ENUMERATE_PAGES_LIMIT) { String message = String.format( "Enumerate pages safety limit reached - the device gave more than %d result pages!", ENUMERATE_PAGES_LIMIT); throw new CommandException(message); } // ask for data Map<String, Object> result = execApi(command); // get the revision number of the first page - for using cache if (enumPage == 0) { currentRevision = (Integer) result.get("currentRevision"); // might not exist in the result and be null } // process data if (!result.containsKey(enumField)) { break; // no data at all } Object[] data = (Object[]) result.get(enumField); for (Object obj : data) { results.add((Map<String, Object>) obj); } // ask for more results, or break if that was all if (result.containsKey("enumerateID")) { command.setParameter("enumerateID", result.get("enumerateID")); } else { break; // that's all, folks } } if (currentRevision != null) { populateResultsFromCache(results, currentRevision, lastRevision, command, enumField); } return Collections.unmodifiableList(results); } /** * For string parameters, MCU accepts only strings of limited length. * <p/> * There are just a few exceptions to the limit. For the rest, this method ensures truncation with logging strings * that are longer. * <p/> * Constant <code>STRING_MAX_LENGTH</code> is used as the limit. * * @param str string to be (potentially) truncated * @return <code>str</code> truncated to the maximum length supported by the device */ private static String truncateString(String str) { if (str == null) { return ""; } if (str.length() > STRING_MAX_LENGTH) { logger.warn("Too long string: '" + str + "', the device only supports " + STRING_MAX_LENGTH + "-character strings"); str = str.substring(0, STRING_MAX_LENGTH); } return str; } //<editor-fold desc="RESULTS CACHING"> /** * Prepares caching of result of the supplied command. * * @param command command to be issued; may be modified (some parameters regarding caching may be added) * @return the last revision when the same command was issued */ private Integer prepareCaching(Command command) { Integer lastRevision = getCachedRevision(command); if (lastRevision != null) { command.setParameter("lastRevision", lastRevision); command.setParameter("listAll", Boolean.TRUE); } return lastRevision; } /** * Populates the results list - puts the original objects instead of item stubs. * <p/> * If there was a previous call to the same command, the changed items are just stubs in the new result set. To use * the results, this method populates all the stubs and puts the objects from the previous call in their place. * * @param results list of results, some of which may be stubs; gets modified so that it contains no stubs * @param currentRevision the revision of this results * @param lastRevision the revision of the previous call of the same command * @param command the command called to get the supplied results * @param enumField the field name from which the supplied results where taken within the command result */ private void populateResultsFromCache(List<Map<String, Object>> results, Integer currentRevision, Integer lastRevision, Command command, String enumField) throws CommandException { // we got just the difference since lastRevision (or full set if this is the first issue of the command) final String cacheId = getCommandCacheId(command); if (lastRevision != null) { // fill the values that have not changed since lastRevision ListIterator<Map<String, Object>> iterator = results.listIterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Map<String, Object> item =; if (isItemDead(item)) { // from the MCU API: "The device will also never return a dead record if listAll is set to true." // unfortunately, the buggy MCU still reports some items as dead even though listAll = true, so we // must remove them by ourselves (according to the API, a dead item should not have been ever // listed when listAll = true) iterator.remove(); } else if (!hasItemChanged(item)) { ResultsCache cache = resultsCache.get(cacheId); Map<String, Object> it = cache.getItem(item); if (it == null) { throw new CommandException( "Item reported as not changed by the device, but was not found in the cache: " + item); } iterator.set(it); } } } // store the results and the revision number for the next time ResultsCache rc = resultsCache.get(cacheId); if (rc == null) { rc = new ResultsCache(); resultsCache.put(cacheId, rc); }, results); } /** * Tells whether an item from a result of an enumeration command has been removed since last time the command was * issued. * * @param item an item from the resulting list * @return <code>true</code> if the item is marked as removed, <code>false</code> if not */ private static boolean isItemDead(Map<String, Object> item) { // try directly the item "dead" attribute if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(item.get("dead"))) { return true; } // for some enumeration items (namely "participants"), the "dead" attribute might? (who knows, it shouldn't // have been there for any result, since listAll=true) be listed in "currentState" @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, Object> currentState = (Map<String, Object>) item.get("currentState"); if (currentState != null && Boolean.TRUE.equals(currentState.get("dead"))) { return true; } return false; // not reported as dead } /** * Tells whether an item from a result of an enumeration command changed since last time the command was issued. * * @param item an item from the resulting list * @return <code>false</code> if the item is marked as not changed, * <code>true</code> if the item is not marked as not changed */ private static boolean hasItemChanged(Map<String, Object> item) { // try directly the item "changed" attribute if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(item.get("changed"))) { return false; } // for some enumeration items (namely "participants"), the "changed" attribute might be listed in "currentState" @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, Object> currentState = (Map<String, Object>) item.get("currentState"); if (currentState != null && Boolean.FALSE.equals(currentState.get("changed"))) { return false; } return true; // not reported as not changed } /** * Returns the revision number of the previous call of the given command. * <p/> * The purpose of this method is to enable caching of previous calls and asking for just the difference since then. * <p/> * All the parameters of the command are considered, except enumerateID, lastRevision, and listAll. * <p/> * Note that the return value must be boxed, because the MCU API does not say anything about the revision numbers * issued by the device. So it may have any value, thus, we must recognize the special case by the null value. * * @param command a command which will be performed * @return revision number of the previous call of the given command, * or null if the command has not been issued yet or does not support revision numbers */ private Integer getCachedRevision(Command command) { if (command.getCommand().equals("autoAttendant.enumerate")) { return null; // disabled for the autoAttendant.enumerate command - it is broken on the device } String cacheId = getCommandCacheId(command); ResultsCache rc = resultsCache.get(cacheId); return (rc == null ? null : rc.getRevision()); } private String getCommandCacheId(Command command) { final String[] ignoredParams = new String[] { "enumerateID", "lastRevision", "listAll", "authenticationUser", "authenticationPassword" }; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(command.getCommand()); ParamsLoop: for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : command.getParameters().entrySet()) { for (String ignoredParam : ignoredParams) { if (entry.getKey().equals(ignoredParam)) { continue ParamsLoop; // the parameter is ignored } } sb.append(";"); sb.append(entry.getKey()); sb.append("="); sb.append(entry.getValue()); } return sb.toString(); } private static RoomSummary extractRoomSummary(Map<String, Object> conference) { RoomSummary roomSummary = new RoomSummary(); roomSummary.setId((String) conference.get("conferenceName")); roomSummary.setName((String) conference.get("conferenceName")); roomSummary.setDescription((String) conference.get("description")); roomSummary.setAlias((String) conference.get("numericId")); String timeField = (conference.containsKey("startTime") ? "startTime" : "activeStartTime"); roomSummary.setStartDateTime(new DateTime(conference.get(timeField))); return roomSummary; } private Collection<RoomParticipant> getRoomParticipants(String roomId, boolean withHidden) throws CommandException { Command cmd = new Command("participant.enumerate"); cmd.setParameter("operationScope", new String[] { "currentState" }); cmd.setParameter("enumerateFilter", "connected"); List<Map<String, Object>> participants = execApiEnumerate(cmd, "participants"); List<RoomParticipant> hiddenResult = new ArrayList<RoomParticipant>(); List<RoomParticipant> result = new ArrayList<RoomParticipant>(); for (Map<String, Object> participant : participants) { if (participant == null) { continue; } if (!roomId.equals(participant.get("conferenceName"))) { // not from this room continue; } Map<String, Object> participantState = (Map<String, Object>) participant.get("currentState"); String participantAddress = (String) participantState.get("address"); if (participantAddress != null && hiddenParticipantAddresses.contains(participantAddress)) { hiddenResult.add(extractRoomParticipant(participant)); } else { result.add(extractRoomParticipant(participant)); } } // Append hidden participants to the end if (withHidden) { result.addAll(hiddenResult); } return result; } /** * Extracts a {@link RoomParticipant} out of participant.enumerate or participant.status result. * * @param participant participant structure, as defined in the MCU API, command participant.status * @return {@link RoomParticipant} extracted from the participant structure */ private RoomParticipant extractRoomParticipant(Map<String, Object> participant) { RoomParticipant roomParticipant = new RoomParticipant(); RoomParticipantIdentifier identifier = new RoomParticipantIdentifier(participant); String protocol = identifier.getParticipantProtocol(); String roomId = (String) participant.get("conferenceName"); roomParticipant.setId(identifier.toString()); roomParticipant.setRoomId(roomId); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, Object> state = (Map<String, Object>) participant.get("currentState"); String address = (String) state.get("address"); AliasType aliasType; if (protocol.equals("sip")) { aliasType = AliasType.SIP_URI; } else { if (E164_PATTERN.matcher(address).matches()) { aliasType = AliasType.H323_E164; } else { aliasType = AliasType.H323_URI; } } roomParticipant.setAlias(new Alias(aliasType, address)); roomParticipant.setDisplayName((String) state.get("displayName")); roomParticipant.setMicrophoneEnabled(!(Boolean) state.get("audioRxMuted")); roomParticipant.setVideoEnabled(!(Boolean) state.get("videoRxMuted")); if (state.get("audioRxGainMode").equals("fixed")) { double gainDb = (double) ((Integer) state.get("audioRxGainMillidB")) / 1000.0; roomParticipant .setMicrophoneLevel((int) (MathHelper.getPercentFromDb(gainDb, MAX_ABS_GAIN_DB * 5.0) + 5)); } else { roomParticipant.setMicrophoneLevel(RoomParticipant.DEFAULT_MICROPHONE_LEVEL); } roomParticipant.setJoinTime(new DateTime(state.get("connectTime"))); String previewUrl = (String) state.get("previewURL"); if (previewUrl != null && !previewUrl.isEmpty()) { String cacheId = roomId + ":" + roomParticipant.getId(); synchronized (roomParticipantSnapshotUrlCache) { roomParticipantSnapshotUrlCache.put(cacheId, previewUrl); } roomParticipant.setVideoSnapshot(true); } // We can't get room layout, because it is current participant layout and not the configured one // (we need "cpLayout" attribute but it is missing). // If we configure a "GRID" layout, and only one participant is present the "currentLayout=1", // but we need "cpLayout=<grid-index>" //if (currentState.containsKey("currentLayout")) { // roomParticipant.setLayout(getRoomLayoutByLayoutIndex((Integer) currentState.get("currentLayout"))); //} return roomParticipant; } private void identifyParticipant(Command cmd, String roomId, String roomParticipantId) { RoomParticipantIdentifier roomParticipantIdentifier = new RoomParticipantIdentifier(roomParticipantId); cmd.setParameter("conferenceName", truncateString(roomId)); cmd.setParameter("participantProtocol", truncateString(roomParticipantIdentifier.getParticipantProtocol())); cmd.setParameter("participantName", truncateString(roomParticipantIdentifier.getParticipantName())); // NOTE: it is necessary to identify a participant also by type; ad_hoc participants receive auto-generated // numbers, so we distinguish the type by the fact whether the name is a number or not cmd.setParameter("participantType", (StringUtils.isNumeric(roomParticipantIdentifier.getParticipantName()) ? "ad_hoc" : "by_address")); } /** * @param roomId * @param roomParticipantId * @return snapshot {@link MediaData} for given {@code roomId} and {@code roomParticipantId} * @throws CommandException */ private MediaData getRoomParticipantSnapshot(String roomId, String roomParticipantId) throws CommandException { String roomParticipantSnapshotUrl; String cacheId = roomId + ":" + roomParticipantId; synchronized (roomParticipantSnapshotUrlCache) { roomParticipantSnapshotUrl = roomParticipantSnapshotUrlCache.get(cacheId); if (roomParticipantSnapshotUrl == null) { Command cmd = new Command("participant.status"); cmd.setParameter("operationScope", new String[] { "currentState" }); identifyParticipant(cmd, roomId, roomParticipantId); Map<String, Object> result = execApi(cmd); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, Object> state = (Map<String, Object>) result.get("currentState"); roomParticipantSnapshotUrl = (String) state.get("previewURL"); if (roomParticipantSnapshotUrl == null) { throw new CommandException("Participant " + roomParticipantId + " doesn't have snapshot."); } roomParticipantSnapshotUrlCache.put(cacheId, roomParticipantSnapshotUrl); } } logger.debug("Fetching snapshot for participant {} in room {}...", roomParticipantId, roomId); try { MediaData mediaData = execHttp(roomParticipantSnapshotUrl); MediaType mediaType = mediaData.getType(); String type = mediaType.getType(); if (mediaType.equals(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN)) { String error = new String(mediaData.getData()); if (error.contains("Unable to generate participant preview")) { throw new CommandException("Cannot get snapshot for participant " + roomParticipantId + ". Participant doesn't exist."); } else { throw new CommandException( "Cannot get snapshot for participant " + roomParticipantId + "." + error); } } if (!type.equals("image")) { throw new CommandException( "Cannot get participant snapshot. Device returned " + mediaType + " instead of image."); } return mediaData; } catch (CommandException exception) { logger.warn( "Retrieving snapshot for participant " + roomParticipantId + " in room " + roomId + " failed.", exception); return null; } } /** * An example of interaction with the device. * <p/> * Just for debugging purposes. * * @param args * @throws IOException */ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, CommandException, CommandUnsupportedException { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; final String address; final String username; final String password; if (args.length > 0) { address = args[0]; } else { System.out.print("address: "); address = in.readLine(); } if (args.length > 1) { username = args[1]; } else { System.out.print("username: "); username = in.readLine(); } if (args.length > 2) { password = args[2]; } else { System.out.print("password: "); password = in.readLine(); } CiscoMCUConnector connector = new CiscoMCUConnector(); connector.connect(DeviceAddress.parseAddress(address), username, password); // Participant snapshot //MediaData mediaData = connector.getRoomParticipantSnapshots("YY-shongo-local-qgotdi", "4"); //System.out.println(mediaData.getType() + " " + mediaData.getData()); // Room status by multiple threads /*List<Thread> threads = new LinkedList<Thread>(); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) { Thread thread = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { try { Room shongoTestRoom = conn.getRoom("shongo-test"); System.out.println("shongo-test room:"); System.out.println(shongoTestRoom); } catch (CommandException exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); }; } }; thread.start(); threads.add(thread); } for (Thread thread : threads) { try { thread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException exception) { exception.printStackTrace(); } }*/ // gatekeeper status // Map<String, Object> gkInfo = conn.execApi(new Command("gatekeeper.query")); // System.out.println("Gatekeeper status: " + gkInfo.get("gatekeeperUsage")); // test of listRooms() command // Collection<RoomInfo> roomList = conn.listRooms(); // System.out.println("Existing rooms:"); // for (RoomInfo room : roomList) { // System.out.printf(" - %s (%s, started at %s, owned by %s)\n", room.getCode(), room.getType(), // room.getStartDateTime(), room.getOwner()); // } // test that the second enumeration query fills data that has not changed and therefore were not transferred // Command enumParticipantsCmd = new Command("participant.enumerate"); // enumParticipantsCmd.setParameter("operationScope", new String[]{"currentState"}); // enumParticipantsCmd.setParameter("enumerateFilter", "connected"); // List<Map<String, Object>> participants = conn.execApiEnumerate(enumParticipantsCmd, "participants"); // List<Map<String, Object>> participants2 = conn.execApiEnumerate(enumParticipantsCmd, "participants"); // test that the second enumeration query fills data that has not changed and therefore were not transferred // Command enumConfCmd = new Command("conference.enumerate"); // enumConfCmd.setParameter("moreThanFour", Boolean.TRUE); // enumConfCmd.setParameter("enumerateFilter", "completed"); // List<Map<String, Object>> confs = conn.execApiEnumerate(enumConfCmd, "conferences"); // List<Map<String, Object>> confs2 = conn.execApiEnumerate(enumConfCmd, "conferences"); // test of getRoom() command // Room shongoTestRoom = conn.getRoom("shongo-test"); // System.out.println("shongo-test room:"); // System.out.println(shongoTestRoom); // test of deleteRoom() command // Collection<RoomInfo> roomList = conn.listRooms(); // System.out.println("Existing rooms:"); // for (RoomInfo room : roomList) { // System.out.println(room); // } // System.out.println("Deleting 'shongo-test'"); // conn.deleteRoom("shongo-test"); // roomList = conn.listRooms(); // System.out.println("Existing rooms:"); // for (RoomInfo room : roomList) { // System.out.println(room); // } // test of createRoom() method // Room newRoom = new Room("shongo-test9", 5); // newRoom.addAlias(new Alias(Technology.H323, AliasType.E164, "950087209")); // newRoom.setOption(Room.OPT_DESCRIPTION, "Shongo testing room"); // newRoom.setOption(Room.OPT_LISTED_PUBLICLY, true); // String newRoomId = conn.createRoom(newRoom); // System.out.println("Created room " + newRoomId); // Collection<RoomInfo> roomList = conn.listRooms(); // System.out.println("Existing rooms:"); // for (RoomInfo room : roomList) { // System.out.println(room); // } // test of bad caching // Room newRoom = new Room("shongo-testX", 5); // String newRoomId = conn.createRoom(newRoom); // System.out.println("Created room " + newRoomId); // Collection<RoomSummary> roomList = conn.listRooms(); // System.out.println("Existing rooms:"); // for (RoomSummary roomSummary : roomList) { // System.out.println(roomSummary); // } // conn.deleteRoom(newRoomId); // System.out.println("Deleted room " + newRoomId); // Map<String, Object> atts = new HashMap<String, Object>(); // atts.put(Room.NAME, "shongo-testing"); // String changedRoomId = conn.modifyRoom("shongo-test", atts, null); // Collection<RoomSummary> newRoomList = conn.listRooms(); // System.out.println("Existing rooms:"); // for (RoomSummary roomSummary : newRoomList) { // System.out.println(roomSummary); // } // atts = new HashMap<String, Object>(); // atts.put(Room.NAME, "shongo-test"); // conn.modifyRoom(changedRoomId, atts, null); // test of modifyRoom() method // System.out.println("Modifying shongo-test"); // Map<String, Object> atts = new HashMap<String, Object>(); // atts.put(Room.NAME, "shongo-testing"); // Map<Room.Option, Object> opts = new EnumMap<Room.Option, Object>(Room.Option.class); // opts.put(Room.Option.LISTED_PUBLICLY, false); // opts.put(Room.Option.PIN, "1234"); // conn.modifyRoom("shongo-test", atts, opts); // Map<String, Object> atts2 = new HashMap<String, Object>(); // atts2.put(Room.ALIASES, Collections.singletonList(new Alias(Technology.H323, AliasType.E164, "950087201"))); // atts2.put(Room.NAME, "shongo-test"); // conn.modifyRoom("shongo-testing", atts2, null); // test of listRoomParticipants() method // System.out.println("Listing shongo-test room:"); // Collection<RoomParticipant> shongoUsers = conn.listRoomParticipants("shongo-test"); // for (RoomParticipant ru : shongoUsers) { // System.out.println(" - " + ru.getUserId() + " (" + ru.getDisplayName() + ")"); // } // System.out.println("Listing done"); // user connect by alias // String ruId = conn.dialRoomParticipant("shongo-test", new Alias(Technology.H323, AliasType.E164, "950081038")); // System.out.println("Added user " + ruId); // user connect by address // String ruId2 = conn.dialRoomParticipant("shongo-test", ""); // user disconnect // conn.disconnectRoomParticipant("shongo-test", "participant1"); // System.out.println("All done, disconnecting"); // test of modifyRoomParticipant // Map<String, Object> attributes = new HashMap<String, Object>(); // attributes.put(RoomParticipant.VIDEO_ENABLED, Boolean.TRUE); // attributes.put(RoomParticipant.DISPLAY_NAME, "Ondrej Bouda"); // conn.modifyRoomParticipant("shongo-test", "3447", attributes); //Room room = conn.getRoom("shongo-test"); connector.disconnect(); } /** * Cache storing results from a single command. * <p/> * Stores the revision number and the corresponding result set. * <p/> * The items stored in the cache are compared just according to their unique identifiers. They may differ in other * attributes. The reason for this is to provide simple searching for an item - the cache is given an item which has * just its unique ID, and should find the previously stored, full version of the item. Hence comparing just * according to the IDs. * <p/> * If the item contains a "participantName" key, the value under this key is used as the item unique ID. * If the item contains a "conferenceName" key, the value under this key is used as the item unique ID. * Otherwise, only items with equal contents are considered equal. */ private class ResultsCache { private class Item { private final Map<String, Object> contents; public Item(Map<String, Object> contents) { if (contents == null) { throw new NullPointerException("contents"); } this.contents = contents; } public Map<String, Object> getContents() { return contents; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } Item item = (Item) o; final Object participantName = contents.get("participantName"); if (participantName != null) { return (participantName.equals(item.contents.get("participantName"))); } final Object conferenceName = contents.get("conferenceName"); if (conferenceName != null) { return (conferenceName.equals(item.contents.get("conferenceName"))); } return contents.equals(item.contents); } @Override public int hashCode() { final Object participantName = contents.get("participantName"); if (participantName != null) { return participantName.hashCode(); } final Object conferenceName = contents.get("conferenceName"); if (conferenceName != null) { return conferenceName.hashCode(); } return contents.hashCode(); } } private int revision; private List<Item> results; public int getRevision() { return revision; } public Map<String, Object> getItem(Map<String, Object> item) { final Item it = new Item(item); // FIXME: optimize - should be O(1) rather than O(n) for (Item cachedItem : results) { if (cachedItem.equals(it)) { return cachedItem.getContents(); } } return null; } public void store(int revision, List<Map<String, Object>> results) { this.revision = revision; this.results = new ArrayList<Item>(results.size()); for (Map<String, Object> res : results) { this.results.add(new Item(res)); } } } /** * @param layoutIndex index of the layout as defined by Cisco * @return room layout according to the given Cisco layout index */ private static RoomLayout getRoomLayoutByLayoutIndex(int layoutIndex) { switch (layoutIndex) { case 1: return RoomLayout.SPEAKER; case 2: case 3: case 4: case 8: case 9: return RoomLayout.GRID; case 5: case 6: case 7: return RoomLayout.SPEAKER_CORNER; default: return RoomLayout.OTHER; } } /** * @param roomLayout * @return Cisco layout index according to the given room layout */ private static Integer getLayoutIndexByRoomLayout(RoomLayout roomLayout) { switch (roomLayout) { case OTHER: return null; case SPEAKER: return 1; case SPEAKER_CORNER: return 5; case GRID: return 3; default: throw new TodoImplementException(roomLayout); } } private static class RoomParticipantIdentifier { private final String participantProtocol; private final String participantName; public RoomParticipantIdentifier(Map<String, Object> participant) { this.participantProtocol = (String) participant.get("participantProtocol"); this.participantName = (String) participant.get("participantName"); } public RoomParticipantIdentifier(String roomParticipantId) { String[] parts = roomParticipantId.split(":"); if (parts.length != 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Room participant id must in format '<protocol>:<name>'."); } this.participantProtocol = parts[0]; this.participantName = parts[1]; } public String getParticipantProtocol() { return participantProtocol; } public String getParticipantName() { return participantName; } @Override public String toString() { return participantProtocol + ":" + participantName; } } }