Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of SMG, a symbolic memory graph Java library * Originally developed as part of CPAChecker, the configurable software verification platform * * Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Petr Muller * Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Dirk Beyer * All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package cz.afri.smg.join; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import; import cz.afri.smg.graphs.ReadableSMG; import cz.afri.smg.graphs.SMGEdgeHasValue; import cz.afri.smg.graphs.SMGEdgeHasValueFilter; import cz.afri.smg.objects.SMGAbstractObject; import cz.afri.smg.objects.SMGObject; final class SMGJoinMatchObjects { private boolean defined = false; private SMGJoinStatus status; private static boolean checkNull(final SMGObject pObj1, final SMGObject pObj2) { if (pObj1.notNull() && pObj2.notNull()) { return false; } return true; } private static boolean checkMatchingMapping(final SMGObject pObj1, final SMGObject pObj2, final SMGNodeMapping pMapping1, final SMGNodeMapping pMapping2, final ReadableSMG pSMG1, final ReadableSMG pSMG2) { if (pMapping1.containsKey(pObj1) && pMapping2.containsKey(pObj2) && pMapping1.get(pObj1) != pMapping2.get(pObj2)) { return true; } return false; } private static boolean checkConsistentMapping(final SMGObject pObj1, final SMGObject pObj2, final SMGNodeMapping pMapping1, final SMGNodeMapping pMapping2, final ReadableSMG pSMG1, final ReadableSMG pSMG2) { if ((pMapping1.containsKey(pObj1) && pMapping2.containsValue(pMapping1.get(pObj1))) || (pMapping2.containsKey(pObj2) && pMapping1.containsValue(pMapping2.get(pObj2)))) { return true; } return false; } private static boolean checkConsistentObjects(final SMGObject pObj1, final SMGObject pObj2, final ReadableSMG pSMG1, final ReadableSMG pSMG2) { if ((pObj1.getSize() != pObj2.getSize()) || (pSMG1.isObjectValid(pObj1) != pSMG2.isObjectValid(pObj2))) { return true; } return false; } private static boolean checkConsistentFields(final SMGObject pObj1, final SMGObject pObj2, final SMGNodeMapping pMapping1, final SMGNodeMapping pMapping2, final ReadableSMG pSMG1, final ReadableSMG pSMG2) { List<SMGEdgeHasValue> fields = new ArrayList<>(); Iterables.addAll(fields, pSMG1.getHVEdges(SMGEdgeHasValueFilter.objectFilter(pObj1))); Iterables.addAll(fields, pSMG2.getHVEdges(SMGEdgeHasValueFilter.objectFilter(pObj2))); //TODO: We go through some fields twice, fix for (SMGEdgeHasValue hv : fields) { SMGEdgeHasValueFilter filter1 = SMGEdgeHasValueFilter.objectFilter(pObj1); filter1.filterByType(hv.getType()).filterAtOffset(hv.getOffset()); Iterable<SMGEdgeHasValue> hv1 = pSMG1.getHVEdges(filter1); SMGEdgeHasValueFilter filter2 = SMGEdgeHasValueFilter.objectFilter(pObj2); filter2.filterByType(hv.getType()).filterAtOffset(hv.getOffset()); Iterable<SMGEdgeHasValue> hv2 = pSMG2.getHVEdges(filter2); if (hv1.iterator().hasNext() && hv2.iterator().hasNext()) { Integer v1 = Iterators.getOnlyElement(hv1.iterator()).getValue(); Integer v2 = Iterators.getOnlyElement(hv2.iterator()).getValue(); if (pMapping1.containsKey(v1) && pMapping2.containsKey(v2) && !(pMapping1.get(v1).equals(pMapping2.get(v2)))) { return true; } } } return false; } private static boolean checkMatchingAbstractions(final SMGObject pObj1, final SMGObject pObj2) { if (pObj1.isAbstract() && pObj2.isAbstract()) { SMGAbstractObject pAbstract1 = (SMGAbstractObject) pObj1; SMGAbstractObject pAbstract2 = (SMGAbstractObject) pObj2; //TODO: It should be possible to join some of the different generic shapes, i.e. a SLL // might be a more general segment than a DLL if (!(pAbstract1.matchGenericShape(pAbstract2) && pAbstract1.matchSpecificShape(pAbstract2))) { return true; } } return false; } public SMGJoinMatchObjects(final SMGJoinStatus pStatus, final ReadableSMG pSMG1, final ReadableSMG pSMG2, final SMGNodeMapping pMapping1, final SMGNodeMapping pMapping2, final SMGObject pObj1, final SMGObject pObj2) { if ((!pSMG1.getObjects().contains(pObj1)) || (!pSMG2.getObjects().contains(pObj2))) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if (SMGJoinMatchObjects.checkNull(pObj1, pObj2)) { return; } if (SMGJoinMatchObjects.checkMatchingMapping(pObj1, pObj2, pMapping1, pMapping2, pSMG1, pSMG2)) { return; } if (SMGJoinMatchObjects.checkConsistentMapping(pObj1, pObj2, pMapping1, pMapping2, pSMG1, pSMG2)) { return; } if (SMGJoinMatchObjects.checkConsistentObjects(pObj1, pObj2, pSMG1, pSMG2)) { return; } if (SMGJoinMatchObjects.checkMatchingAbstractions(pObj1, pObj2)) { return; } if (SMGJoinMatchObjects.checkConsistentFields(pObj1, pObj2, pMapping1, pMapping2, pSMG1, pSMG2)) { return; } status = SMGJoinMatchObjects.updateStatusForAbstractions(pObj1, pObj2, pStatus); defined = true; } private static SMGJoinStatus updateStatusForAbstractions(final SMGObject pObj1, final SMGObject pObj2, final SMGJoinStatus pStatus) { if (pObj1.isMoreGeneral(pObj2)) { return SMGJoinStatus.updateStatus(pStatus, SMGJoinStatus.LEFT_ENTAIL); } else if (pObj2.isMoreGeneral(pObj1)) { return SMGJoinStatus.updateStatus(pStatus, SMGJoinStatus.RIGHT_ENTAIL); } return pStatus; } public SMGJoinStatus getStatus() { return status; } public boolean isDefined() { return defined; } }