Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) Winson Chiu * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package cw.kop.autobackground.files; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import; import; import; import; import android.util.Log; import android.widget.Toast; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import cw.kop.autobackground.settings.AppSettings; import cw.kop.autobackground.sources.Source; public class FileHandler { public static final String DOWNLOAD_TERMINATED = "cw.kop.autobackground.files.FileHandler.DOWNLOAD_TERMINATED"; private static final String TAG = "FileHandler"; public static volatile boolean isDownloading = false; private static File currentWearFile = null; private static File currentBitmapFile = null; private static File previousBitmapFile = null; private static int randIndex = 0; private static DownloadThread downloadThread; public static boolean download(Context appContext) { if (!isDownloading) { ConnectivityManager connect = (ConnectivityManager) appContext .getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE); NetworkInfo wifi = connect.getNetworkInfo(ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI); NetworkInfo mobile = connect.getNetworkInfo(ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE); if (wifi != null && wifi.isConnected() && AppSettings.useWifi()) { } else if (mobile != null && mobile.isConnected() && AppSettings.useMobile()) { } else { if (AppSettings.useToast()) { Toast.makeText(appContext, "No connection available,\ncheck Download Settings", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } Intent resetDownloadIntent = new Intent(FileHandler.DOWNLOAD_TERMINATED); LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(appContext).sendBroadcast(resetDownloadIntent); return false; } isDownloading = true; downloadThread = new DownloadThread(appContext); downloadThread.start(); if (AppSettings.useToast()) { Toast.makeText(appContext, "Downloading images", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } return true; } else { return false; } } public static void setIsDownloading(boolean value) { isDownloading = value; } public static void cancel(Context appContext) { if (downloadThread != null) { downloadThread.interrupt(); Toast.makeText(appContext, "Stopping download...", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); Intent closeDrawer = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS); appContext.sendBroadcast(closeDrawer); Intent resetDownloadIntent = new Intent(FileHandler.DOWNLOAD_TERMINATED); LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(appContext).sendBroadcast(resetDownloadIntent); } isDownloading = false; } public static boolean hasImages() { boolean noImages = true; FilenameFilter filenameFilter = getImageFileNameFilter(); String cacheDir = AppSettings.getDownloadPath(); for (int index = 0; noImages && index < AppSettings.getNumberSources(); index++) { Source source = AppSettings.getSource(index); if (source.isUse()) { String type = source.getType(); if (type.equals(AppSettings.FOLDER)) { String[] folders = source.getData().split(AppSettings.DATA_SPLITTER); for (int folderIndex = 0; noImages && folderIndex < folders.length; folderIndex++) { File folder = new File(folders[folderIndex]); if (folder.exists() && folder.isDirectory() && folder.listFiles(filenameFilter).length > 0) { noImages = false; } } } else { File folder = new File(cacheDir + "/" + source.getTitle() + " " + AppSettings.getImagePrefix()); if (folder.exists() && folder.isDirectory() && folder.listFiles(filenameFilter).length > 0) { noImages = false; } } } } return noImages; } public static List<File> getBitmapList() { FilenameFilter filenameFilter = getImageFileNameFilter(); String cacheDir = AppSettings.getDownloadPath(); List<File> bitmaps = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < AppSettings.getNumberSources(); i++) { Source source = AppSettings.getSource(i); if (source.isUse()) { if (source.isUseTime()) { String[] timeArray = source.getTime().split(":|[ -]+"); try { int startTime = Integer.parseInt(timeArray[0] + "" + timeArray[1]); int endTime = Integer.parseInt(timeArray[2] + "" + timeArray[3]); int currentTime = Integer.parseInt(new SimpleDateFormat("HHmm").format(new Date())); if (startTime < endTime) { if (currentTime < startTime || currentTime > endTime) { continue; } } else { if (!(currentTime > startTime || currentTime < endTime)) { continue; } } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Error parsing time"); } } String type = source.getType(); if (type.equals(AppSettings.FOLDER)) { for (String folderName : source.getData().split(AppSettings.DATA_SPLITTER)) { File folder = new File(folderName); if (folder.exists() && folder.isDirectory()) { ArrayList<File> images = new ArrayList<>( Arrays.asList(folder.listFiles(filenameFilter))); Collections.sort(images); bitmaps.addAll(images); } } } else { File folder = new File(cacheDir + "/" + source.getTitle() + " " + AppSettings.getImagePrefix()); if (folder.exists() && folder.isDirectory()) { ArrayList<File> images = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(folder.listFiles(filenameFilter))); Collections.sort(images); bitmaps.addAll(images); } } } } Log.i(TAG, "Bitmap list size: " + bitmaps.size()); return bitmaps; } public static String getBitmapLocation() { if (currentBitmapFile != null) { if (AppSettings.getUrl(currentBitmapFile.getName()) == null) { return currentBitmapFile.getAbsolutePath(); } return AppSettings.getUrl(currentBitmapFile.getName()); } return null; } public static File getCurrentBitmapFile() { return currentBitmapFile; } public static File getCurrentWearFile() { return currentWearFile; } public static void renameFolder(String oldtitle, String newTitle) { File folder = new File(AppSettings.getDownloadPath() + "/" + oldtitle + " " + AppSettings.getImagePrefix()); File newFolder = new File( AppSettings.getDownloadPath() + "/" + newTitle + " " + AppSettings.getImagePrefix()); if (folder.exists()) { folder.renameTo(newFolder); } } public static void deleteCurrentBitmap() { Log.i(TAG, "Deleted: " + currentBitmapFile.delete()); } public static void deleteAllBitmaps(Context appContext) { File mainDir = new File(AppSettings.getDownloadPath()); for (File folder : mainDir.listFiles()) { if (folder.exists() && folder.isDirectory()) { for (File file : folder.listFiles()) { if (file.exists() && file.isFile() && file.getName().contains(AppSettings.getImagePrefix())) { file.delete(); } } } } } public static void deleteBitmaps(Context appContext, Source source) { File folder = new File( AppSettings.getDownloadPath() + "/" + source.getTitle() + " " + AppSettings.getImagePrefix()); if (folder.exists() && folder.isDirectory()) { if (folder.listFiles().length > 0) { for (File file : folder.listFiles()) { file.delete(); } } folder.delete(); } } public static File getNextImage() { List<File> images = getBitmapList(); images.remove(previousBitmapFile); images.remove(currentBitmapFile); previousBitmapFile = currentBitmapFile; if (images.size() > 0) { currentBitmapFile = images.get(new Random().nextInt(images.size())); } else { currentBitmapFile = null; } return currentBitmapFile; } public static File getNextWearImage() { List<File> images = getBitmapList(); images.remove(currentWearFile); images.remove(currentBitmapFile); if (images.size() > 0) { currentWearFile = images.get(new Random().nextInt(images.size())); } else { currentWearFile = null; } return currentWearFile; } public static void decreaseIndex() { randIndex--; } public static FilenameFilter getImageFileNameFilter() { return new FilenameFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File dir, String filename) { return filename.endsWith(".png") || filename.endsWith(".jpg") || filename.endsWith(".jpeg"); } }; } }