Java tutorial
/* 2012 ReadStackCorrector, developed by Chien-Chih Chen (, released under Apache License 2.0 ( at: */ package Corrector; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.MappedByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; //\\ import java.util.Random; //\\ import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configured; import org.apache.hadoop.filecache.DistributedCache; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileInputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileOutputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobClient; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapReduceBase; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Mapper; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.OutputCollector; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Reducer; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Reporter; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.RunningJob; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextOutputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.util.Tool; import org.apache.hadoop.util.ToolRunner; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; public class FindError extends Configured implements Tool { private static final Logger sLogger = Logger.getLogger(FindError.class); public static class FindErrorMapper extends MapReduceBase implements Mapper<LongWritable, Text, Text, Text> { public static int K = 0; public static int IDX = 0; public static int RANDOM_PASS = 100; private static Path[] localFiles; private static HashSet<String> HKmer_List = new HashSet<String>(); //public static int TRIM5 = 0; //public static int TRIM3 = 0; public void configure(JobConf job) { //K = Integer.parseInt(job.get("K")); IDX = Integer.parseInt(job.get("IDX")); RANDOM_PASS = Integer.parseInt(job.get("RANDOM_PASS")); try { localFiles = DistributedCache.getLocalCacheFiles(job); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.err.println("Caught exception while getting cached files: " + ioe.toString()); } try { String str; String str_r; File folder = new File(localFiles[0].toString()); for (final File fileEntry : folder.listFiles()) { //\\ //\\read distributed cache file : load data from file to id_seq RandomAccessFile f = new RandomAccessFile(fileEntry.getAbsolutePath(), "r"); FileChannel ch = f.getChannel(); String first_line = "BBBEBBBBBBBB "; int readlen = first_line.length(); // to determine the size of one record in the file byte[] buffer = new byte[readlen]; long buff_start = 0; //store buffer start position int buff_pos = 0; // fetch data from this buffer position // determine the buffer size long read_content = Math.min(Integer.MAX_VALUE, ch.size() - buff_start); //0x8FFFFFF = 128MB MappedByteBuffer mb =, buff_start, read_content); String kmer; while (mb.hasRemaining() && mb.position() + readlen <= read_content) { mb.get(buffer); kmer = new String(buffer); str = Node.dna2str(kmer.trim()); str_r = Node.rc(str); HKmer_List.add(str); HKmer_List.add(str_r); } ch.close(); f.close(); //\\ } } catch (IOException ioe) { System.err.println("Caught exception while reading cached files: " + ioe.toString()); } } public void map(LongWritable lineid, Text nodetxt, OutputCollector<Text, Text> output, Reporter reporter) throws IOException { /*List<String> HKmer_List = new ArrayList<String>(); try { String str; String str_r; File folder = new File(localFiles[0].toString()); for (final File fileEntry : folder.listFiles()) { BufferedReader readBuffer = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileEntry.getAbsolutePath())); //System.out.println(fileEntry.getName()); while(readBuffer.ready()){ str = Node.dna2str(readBuffer.readLine().trim()); str_r = Node.rc(str); HKmer_List.add(str); HKmer_List.add(str_r); } readBuffer.close(); } } catch (IOException ioe){ System.err.println("Caught exception while reading cached files: " + ioe.toString()); }*/ // Random seed Random dice = new Random(); int number; //\\\\\\\\\\ Node node = new Node(); node.fromNodeMsg(nodetxt.toString()); Map<String, String> group_sub = new HashMap<String, String>(); //slide the split K-mer windows for each read in both strands int end = node.len() - IDX; for (int i = 0; i < end; i++) { //Randomize number = dice.nextInt(100); if (number >= RANDOM_PASS) { continue; } //\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ String window_tmp = node.str().substring(i, i + IDX); //\\ String window_tmp_r = Node.rc(node.str().substring(i, i + IDX)); // H-kmer filter if (HKmer_List.contains(window_tmp)) { reporter.incrCounter("Brush", "hkmer", 1); continue; } //\\ if (window_tmp.compareTo(window_tmp_r) < 0) { String prefix_half_tmp = window_tmp.substring(0, 20); String suffix_half_tmp = window_tmp.substring(20); String prefix_half = Node.str2dna(prefix_half_tmp); String suffix_half = Node.str2dna(suffix_half_tmp); String group_id = prefix_half; int f_pos = i; if (!window_tmp.matches("A*") && !window_tmp.matches("T*")) { if (group_sub.get(group_id) != null) { // dir, pos, suffix String sub = group_sub.get(group_id); sub = sub + "|" + "f" + "!" + f_pos + "!" + suffix_half; group_sub.put(group_id, sub); } else { String sub = "f" + "!" + f_pos + "!" + suffix_half; group_sub.put(group_id, sub); } } } else if (window_tmp_r.compareTo(window_tmp) < 0) { String prefix_half_tmp_r = window_tmp_r.substring(0, 20); String suffix_half_tmp_r = window_tmp_r.substring(20); String prefix_half_r = Node.str2dna(prefix_half_tmp_r); String suffix_half_r = Node.str2dna(suffix_half_tmp_r); String group_id = prefix_half_r; int r_pos = end - i; //String Qscore_reverse = new StringBuffer(node.Qscore_1()).reverse().toString(); String Qscore_reverse = new StringBuffer(node.QV()).reverse().toString(); if (!window_tmp_r.matches("A*") && !window_tmp_r.matches("T*")) { if (group_sub.get(group_id) != null) { String sub = group_sub.get(group_id); sub = sub + "|" + "r" + "!" + r_pos + "!" + suffix_half_r; group_sub.put(group_id, sub); } else { String sub = "r" + "!" + r_pos + "!" + suffix_half_r; group_sub.put(group_id, sub); } } } //\\ } for (String id : group_sub.keySet()) { String sub = group_sub.get(id); output.collect(new Text(id), new Text(node.getNodeId() + "\t" + node.str_raw() + "\t" + node.QV_raw() + "\t" + sub)); } } } public static class FindErrorReducer extends MapReduceBase implements Reducer<Text, Text, Text, Text> { private static int IDX = 0; private static long HighKmer = 0; public void configure(JobConf job) { IDX = Integer.parseInt(job.get("IDX")); HighKmer = Long.parseLong(job.get("UP_KMER")); } public class ReadInfo { public String id; boolean dir; public short pos; //public short len; //public String seq; public byte[] seq; //public String qv; public byte[] int_qv; public ReadInfo(String id1, String dir1, short pos1, /*short len1*/String seq1, String qv1) throws IOException { id = id1; pos = pos1; //len = len1; String qv = Node.dna2str(qv1); if (dir1.equals("f")) { dir = true; //seq = Node.dna2str(seq1).toCharArray(); seq = Node.dna2str(seq1).getBytes(); int_qv = new byte[qv.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < int_qv.length; i++) { //int_qv[i] = (byte)((int)qv1.charAt(i)-33) if (qv.charAt(i) == 'A') { int_qv[i] = 0; } else if (qv.charAt(i) == 'T') { int_qv[i] = 10; } else if (qv.charAt(i) == 'C') { int_qv[i] = 20; } else if (qv.charAt(i) == 'G') { int_qv[i] = 30; } } } else { dir = false; //seq = Node.rc(Node.dna2str(seq1)).toCharArray(); seq = Node.rc(Node.dna2str(seq1)).getBytes(); int_qv = new byte[qv.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < int_qv.length; i++) { //int_qv[i] = (byte)((int)qv1.charAt(int_qv.length-1-i)-33); if (qv.charAt(int_qv.length - 1 - i) == 'A') { int_qv[i] = 0; } else if (qv.charAt(int_qv.length - 1 - i) == 'T') { int_qv[i] = 10; } else if (qv.charAt(int_qv.length - 1 - i) == 'C') { int_qv[i] = 20; } else if (qv.charAt(int_qv.length - 1 - i) == 'G') { int_qv[i] = 30; } } } } public String toString() { return id + "!" + dir + "|" + pos + "|" /*+ seq*/ ; } } /*public class SeqInfo { public String seq; public String qv; public SeqInfo(String seq1, String qv1) { seq = seq1; qv = qv1; } }*/ class ReadComparator_right implements Comparator { public int compare(Object element1, Object element2) { ReadInfo obj1 = (ReadInfo) element1; ReadInfo obj2 = (ReadInfo) element2; if ((int) ((obj1.seq.length - obj1.pos) - (obj2.seq.length - obj2.pos)) > 0) { return -1; } else if ((int) ((obj1.seq.length - obj1.pos) - (obj2.seq.length - obj2.pos)) < 0) { return 1; } else { if ( < 0) { return -1; } else { return 1; } } } } class ReadComparator implements Comparator { public int compare(Object element1, Object element2) { ReadInfo obj1 = (ReadInfo) element1; ReadInfo obj2 = (ReadInfo) element2; if ((int) (obj1.pos - obj2.pos) > 0) { return -1; } else if ((int) (obj1.pos - obj2.pos) < 0) { return 1; } else { if ( < 0) { return -1; } else { return 1; } } } } public void reduce(Text prefix, Iterator<Text> iter, OutputCollector<Text, Text> output, Reporter reporter) throws IOException { List<String> code_list = new ArrayList<String>(); List<ReadInfo> readlist; //List<String> ReadID_list = new ArrayList<String>(); Map<String, List<ReadInfo>> ReadStack_list = new HashMap<String, List<ReadInfo>>(); //Map<String, String> id_seq = new HashMap<String, String>(); //Map<String, String> id_qv = new HashMap<String, String>(); //Map<String, SeqInfo> id_seq = new HashMap<String, SeqInfo>(); HashSet<String> H_Kmer = new HashSet<String>(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String msg =; String[] vals = msg.split("\t"); String id = vals[0]; String seq = vals[1]; String qv = vals[2]; String[] subs = vals[3].split("\\|"); for (int i = 0; i < subs.length; i++) { String[] sub = subs[i].split("!"); String dir = sub[0]; String pos = sub[1]; String suffix = sub[2]; /*String DNAseq = Node.dna2str(seq); String DNAqv = qv; if (!id_seq.containsKey(id)) { id_seq.put(id, new SeqInfo(DNAseq, DNAqv)); }*/ ReadInfo read_item = new ReadInfo(id, dir, Short.parseShort(pos), seq, qv); //ReadInfo read_item = new ReadInfo(id,dir,Short.parseShort(pos), (short)DNAseq.length()); String window_tmp = Node.dna2str(prefix.toString()) + Node.dna2str(suffix); String window = Node.str2dna(window_tmp); if (!H_Kmer.contains(window)) { if (ReadStack_list.get(window) != null) { readlist = ReadStack_list.get(window); if (readlist.size() + 1 > HighKmer) { H_Kmer.add(window); ReadStack_list.remove(window); } else { readlist.add(read_item); ReadStack_list.put(window, readlist); } } else { readlist = new ArrayList<ReadInfo>(); readlist.add(read_item); ReadStack_list.put(window, readlist); } } } // duplicate reverse complement reads /*String window_r_tmp = Node.rc(window_tmp); String window_r = Node.str2dna(window_r_tmp); int end = Node.dna2str(vals[3]).length() - IDX; String Qscore_reverse = new StringBuffer(vals[4]).reverse().toString(); read_item = new ReadInfo(vals[0], Node.flip_dir(vals[1]), end - Integer.parseInt(vals[2]), Node.str2dna(Node.dna2str(vals[3])), Qscore_reverse); if (!H_Kmer.contains(window_r)){ if (ReadStack_list.containsKey(window_r)) { readlist = ReadStack_list.get(window_r); if (readlist.size()+1 > HighKmer) { H_Kmer.add(window_r); ReadStack_list.remove(window_r); } else { readlist.add(read_item); ReadStack_list.put(window_r, readlist); } } else { readlist = new ArrayList<ReadInfo>(); readlist.add(read_item); ReadStack_list.put(window_r, readlist); } }*/ } // for all ReadStack Node node = new Node("MSG"); node.setstr_raw("X"); node.setCoverage(1); Map<String, StringBuffer> outcode_list = new HashMap<String, StringBuffer>(); for (String RS_idx : ReadStack_list.keySet()) {// for each readstack readlist = ReadStack_list.get(RS_idx); //\\ if (readlist.size() <= 5) { continue; } //\\\ Collections.sort(readlist, new ReadComparator_right()); int right_len = readlist.get(0).seq.length - IDX - readlist.get(0).pos; Collections.sort(readlist, new ReadComparator()); int left_len = readlist.get(0).pos; ReadInfo[] readarray = readlist.toArray(new ReadInfo[readlist.size()]); readlist.clear(); //\\\\\\\ //\\DEBUG /*output.collect(new Text(node.getNodeId()), new Text( "[" + Node.dna2str(RS_idx) + "]" + RS_idx)); for(int i=0; i < readarray.length; i++){ //\\ DEBUG String start_pos=""; for(int j=0; j < (left_len - readarray[i].pos); j++) { start_pos = start_pos + " "; } output.collect(new Text(node.getNodeId()), new Text(start_pos + new String(readarray[i].seq)+ " " + readarray[i].dir + " " + readarray[i].id)); }*/ //\\\\\\\ debug //--- for each column int[] array = new int[6]; int[] lose = new int[4]; //\\ //String debug = ""; //\\ // left range int majority = 2; int reads_threshold = 6; for (int j = left_len - 1; j >= 0; j--) { char consensus = 'N'; for (int k = 0; k < 6; k++) { array[k] = 0; if (k < 4) { lose[k] = 0; } } //\\ //debug = ""; //\\ for (int i = 0; i < readarray.length; i++) { ReadInfo readitem = readarray[i]; if (readitem.pos - left_len + j < 0) { //debug = debug + " "; continue; } array[4] = array[4] + 1; int quality_value = readitem.int_qv[readitem.pos - left_len + j]; char base_char = (char) readitem.seq[readitem.pos - left_len + j]; /*int quality_value; char base_char; if (readarray[i].dir) { quality_value = (int)id_seq.get(readarray[i].id).qv.charAt(readarray[i].pos-left_len+j) - 33; base_char = id_seq.get(readarray[i].id).seq.charAt(readarray[i].pos-left_len+j); } else { String qv_reverse = new StringBuffer(id_seq.get(readarray[i].id).qv).reverse().toString(); quality_value = (int)qv_reverse.charAt(readarray[i].pos-left_len+j) -33; base_char = Node.rc(id_seq.get(readarray[i].id).seq).charAt(readarray[i].pos-left_len+j); }*/ if (quality_value < 0) { quality_value = 0; } else if (quality_value > 40) { quality_value = 40; } if (base_char == 'A') { array[0] = array[0] + quality_value; if (quality_value >= 20) lose[0] = lose[0] + 1; } else if (base_char == 'T') { array[1] = array[1] + quality_value; if (quality_value >= 20) lose[1] = lose[1] + 1; } else if (base_char == 'C') { array[2] = array[2] + quality_value; if (quality_value >= 20) lose[2] = lose[2] + 1; } else if (base_char == 'G') { array[3] = array[3] + quality_value; if (quality_value >= 20) lose[3] = lose[3] + 1; } //\\ //debug = debug + base_char; //\\ } //\\ //output.collect(new Text(node.getNodeId()), new Text("{" + debug + "}")); //\\ if (array[0] > array[1] && array[0] > array[2] && array[0] > array[3]) { consensus = 'A'; array[5] = array[0]; } else if (array[1] > array[0] && array[1] > array[2] && array[1] > array[3]) { consensus = 'T'; array[5] = array[1]; } else if (array[2] > array[0] && array[2] > array[1] && array[2] > array[3]) { consensus = 'C'; array[5] = array[2]; } else if (array[3] > array[0] && array[3] > array[1] && array[3] > array[2]) { consensus = 'G'; array[5] = array[3]; } else { consensus = 'N'; array[5] = array[0]; } int support = 0; if (lose[0] >= majority) { support = support + 1; } if (lose[1] >= majority) { support = support + 1; } if (lose[2] >= majority) { support = support + 1; } if (lose[3] >= majority) { support = support + 1; } if (support >= 2 || array[4] < reads_threshold) { break; //branch } for (int i = 0; i < readarray.length; i++) { ReadInfo readitem = readarray[i]; if (readitem.pos - left_len + j < 0) { continue; } String id =; /*int quality_value; int quality_value_r; char base_char; if (readarray[i].dir) { quality_value = (int)id_seq.get(readarray[i].id).qv.charAt(readarray[i].pos-left_len+j) - 33; quality_value_r = (int)id_seq.get(readarray[i].id).qv.charAt(readarray[i].len-1-(readarray[i].pos-left_len+j)) - 33; base_char = id_seq.get(readarray[i].id).seq.charAt(readarray[i].pos-left_len+j); } else { String qv_reverse = new StringBuffer(id_seq.get(readarray[i].id).qv).reverse().toString(); quality_value = (int)qv_reverse.charAt(readarray[i].pos-left_len+j) -33; quality_value_r = (int)qv_reverse.charAt(readarray[i].len-1-(readarray[i].pos-left_len+j)) -33; base_char = Node.rc(id_seq.get(readarray[i].id).seq).charAt(readarray[i].pos-left_len+j); }*/ int quality_value = readitem.int_qv[readitem.pos - left_len + j]; int quality_value_r = readitem.int_qv[readitem.seq.length - 1 - (readitem.pos - left_len + j)]; char base_char = (char) readitem.seq[readitem.pos - left_len + j]; int pos = 0; char chr = 'X'; if (consensus == base_char) { // Comfirmation boolean confirm = false; if (lose[0] >= 2 && base_char == 'A' && (lose[1] < 2 && lose[2] < 2 && lose[3] < 2)) { confirm = true; } if (lose[1] >= 2 && base_char == 'T' && (lose[0] < 2 && lose[2] < 2 && lose[3] < 2)) { confirm = true; } if (lose[2] >= 2 && base_char == 'C' && (lose[0] < 2 && lose[1] < 2 && lose[3] < 2)) { confirm = true; } if (lose[3] >= 2 && base_char == 'G' && (lose[0] < 2 && lose[1] < 2 && lose[2] < 2)) { confirm = true; } if (confirm) { boolean submit = true; if (readitem.dir && quality_value < 20) { pos = readitem.pos - left_len + j; } else if (!readitem.dir && quality_value_r < 20) { pos = (readitem.seq.length - 1 - (readitem.pos - left_len + j)); } else { submit = false; } if (submit) { //\\ //output.collect(new Text(id), new Text(pos+":LC")); //\\ if (outcode_list.get(id) != null) { StringBuffer sb = outcode_list.get(id); if (pos >= sb.length()) { for (int k = sb.length(); k <= pos; k++) { sb.append("X"); } sb.setCharAt(pos, 'N'); } else { sb.setCharAt(pos, 'N'); } outcode_list.put(id, sb); reporter.incrCounter("Brush", "confirm_char", 1); } else { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int k = 0; k <= pos; k++) { sb.append("X"); } sb.setCharAt(pos, 'N'); outcode_list.put(id, sb); reporter.incrCounter("Brush", "confirm_char", 1); } } } //\\\\ } else { if (consensus != 'N') { //\\\ float A_ratio = (float) array[0] / (float) array[5]; float T_ratio = (float) array[1] / (float) array[5]; float C_ratio = (float) array[2] / (float) array[5]; float G_ratio = (float) array[3] / (float) array[5]; if (consensus == 'A' && (T_ratio > 0.25 || C_ratio > 0.25 || G_ratio > 0.25)) { break; } if (consensus == 'T' && (A_ratio > 0.25 || C_ratio > 0.25 || G_ratio > 0.25)) { break; } if (consensus == 'C' && (A_ratio > 0.25 || T_ratio > 0.25 || G_ratio > 0.25)) { break; } if (consensus == 'C' && (A_ratio > 0.25 || T_ratio > 0.25 || C_ratio > 0.25)) { break; } //\\ if (base_char == 'A' && (lose[0] >= 2 || (float) array[0] / (float) array[5] > 0.25f)) { break; } if (base_char == 'T' && (lose[1] >= 2 || (float) array[1] / (float) array[5] > 0.25f)) { break; } if (base_char == 'C' && (lose[2] >= 2 || (float) array[2] / (float) array[5] > 0.25f)) { break; } if (base_char == 'G' && (lose[3] >= 2 || (float) array[3] / (float) array[5] > 0.25f)) { break; } if (readitem.dir) { pos = readitem.pos - left_len + j; chr = consensus; } else if (!readitem.dir) { pos = readitem.seq.length - 1 - (readitem.pos - left_len + j); chr = Node.rc(consensus + "").charAt(0); } //\\ //output.collect(new Text(id), new Text(pos+":L")); //\\ if (outcode_list.get(id) != null) { StringBuffer sb = outcode_list.get(id); if (pos >= sb.length()) { for (int k = sb.length(); k <= pos; k++) { sb.append("X"); } sb.setCharAt(pos, chr); } else { if (sb.charAt(pos) == 'X') { sb.setCharAt(pos, chr); } else if (sb.charAt(pos) != chr) { sb.setCharAt(pos, 'N'); } } outcode_list.put(id, sb); reporter.incrCounter("Brush", "fix_char", 1); } else { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int k = 0; k <= pos; k++) { sb.append("X"); } sb.setCharAt(pos, chr); outcode_list.put(id, sb); reporter.incrCounter("Brush", "fix_char", 1); } //\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ } } } } // IDX range for (int j = 0; j < IDX; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < 6; k++) { array[k] = 0; if (k < 4) { lose[k] = 0; } } //\\ //debug = ""; //\\ for (int i = 0; i < readarray.length; i++) { ReadInfo readitem = readarray[i]; /*int quality_value; char base_char; if (readarray[i].dir) { quality_value = (int)id_seq.get(readarray[i].id).qv.charAt(j+readarray[i].pos) - 33; base_char = id_seq.get(readarray[i].id).seq.charAt(j+readarray[i].pos); } else { String qv_reverse = new StringBuffer(id_seq.get(readarray[i].id).qv).reverse().toString(); quality_value = (int)qv_reverse.charAt(j+readarray[i].pos) -33; base_char = Node.rc(id_seq.get(readarray[i].id).seq).charAt(j+readarray[i].pos); }*/ int quality_value = (int) readitem.int_qv[j + readitem.pos]; char base_char = (char) readitem.seq[j + readitem.pos]; if (quality_value < 0) { quality_value = 0; } else if (quality_value > 40) { quality_value = 40; } array[4] = array[4] + 1; if (base_char == 'A') { array[0] = array[0] + quality_value; if (quality_value >= 20) lose[0] = lose[0] + 1; } else if (base_char == 'T') { array[1] = array[1] + quality_value; if (quality_value >= 20) lose[1] = lose[1] + 1; } else if (base_char == 'C') { array[2] = array[2] + quality_value; if (quality_value >= 20) lose[2] = lose[2] + 1; } else if (base_char == 'G') { array[3] = array[3] + quality_value; if (quality_value >= 20) lose[3] = lose[3] + 1; } //\\ //debug = debug + base_char; //\\ } //\\ //output.collect(new Text(node.getNodeId()), new Text("[" + debug + "]")); //\\ for (int i = 0; i < readarray.length; i++) { ReadInfo readitem = readarray[i]; String id =; /*int quality_value; int quality_value_r; char base_char; if (readarray[i].dir) { quality_value = (int)id_seq.get(readarray[i].id).qv.charAt(j+readarray[i].pos) - 33; quality_value_r = (int)id_seq.get(readarray[i].id).qv.charAt(readarray[i].len-1-(j+readarray[i].pos)) - 33; base_char = id_seq.get(readarray[i].id).seq.charAt(j+readarray[i].pos); } else { String qv_reverse = new StringBuffer(id_seq.get(readarray[i].id).qv).reverse().toString(); quality_value = (int)qv_reverse.charAt(j+readarray[i].pos) -33; quality_value_r = (int)qv_reverse.charAt(readarray[i].len-1-(j+readarray[i].pos)) -33; base_char = Node.rc(id_seq.get(readarray[i].id).seq).charAt(j+readarray[i].pos); }*/ char base_char = (char) readitem.seq[j + readitem.pos]; int quality_value = readitem.int_qv[j + readitem.pos]; int quality_value_r = readitem.int_qv[readitem.seq.length - 1 - (j + readitem.pos)]; int pos = 0; boolean confirm = false; if (base_char == 'A' && lose[0] >= 2) { confirm = true; } if (base_char == 'T' && lose[1] >= 2) { confirm = true; } if (base_char == 'C' && lose[2] >= 2) { confirm = true; } if (base_char == 'G' && lose[3] >= 2) { confirm = true; } if (confirm) { boolean submit = true; if (readitem.dir && quality_value < 20) { pos = j + readitem.pos; } else if (!readitem.dir && quality_value_r < 20) { pos = (readitem.seq.length - 1 - (j + readitem.pos)); } else { submit = false; } if (submit) { //\\ //output.collect(new Text(id), new Text(pos+":IC")); //\\ if (outcode_list.get(id) != null) { StringBuffer sb = outcode_list.get(id); if (pos >= sb.length()) { for (int k = sb.length(); k <= pos; k++) { sb.append("X"); } sb.setCharAt(pos, 'N'); } else { sb.setCharAt(pos, 'N'); } outcode_list.put(id, sb); reporter.incrCounter("Brush", "confirm_char", 1); } else { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int k = 0; k <= pos; k++) { sb.append("X"); } sb.setCharAt(pos, 'N'); outcode_list.put(id, sb); reporter.incrCounter("Brush", "confirm_char", 1); } } //\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ } } } // right range //for(int j=readarray[i].pos + IDX; j < readarray[i].seq.length; j++) { for (int j = 0; j < right_len; j++) { char consensus = 'N'; for (int k = 0; k < 6; k++) { array[k] = 0; if (k < 4) { lose[k] = 0; } } //\\ //debug = ""; //\\ for (int i = 0; i < readarray.length; i++) { ReadInfo readitem = readarray[i]; if (j + readitem.pos + IDX >= readitem.seq.length) { //debug = debug + " "; continue; } array[4] = array[4] + 1; /*int quality_value; char base_char; if (readarray[i].dir) { quality_value = (int)id_seq.get(readarray[i].id).qv.charAt(j+readarray[i].pos + IDX) - 33; base_char = id_seq.get(readarray[i].id).seq.charAt(j+readarray[i].pos + IDX); } else { String qv_reverse = new StringBuffer(id_seq.get(readarray[i].id).qv).reverse().toString(); quality_value = (int)qv_reverse.charAt(j+readarray[i].pos + IDX) -33; base_char = Node.rc(id_seq.get(readarray[i].id).seq).charAt(j+readarray[i].pos + IDX); }*/ int quality_value = readitem.int_qv[j + readarray[i].pos + IDX]; char base_char = (char) readitem.seq[j + readarray[i].pos + IDX]; if (quality_value < 0) { quality_value = 0; } else if (quality_value > 40) { quality_value = 40; } if (base_char == 'A') { array[0] = array[0] + quality_value; if (quality_value >= 20) lose[0] = lose[0] + 1; } else if (base_char == 'T') { array[1] = array[1] + quality_value; if (quality_value >= 20) lose[1] = lose[1] + 1; } else if (base_char == 'C') { array[2] = array[2] + quality_value; if (quality_value >= 20) lose[2] = lose[2] + 1; } else if (base_char == 'G') { array[3] = array[3] + quality_value; if (quality_value >= 20) lose[3] = lose[3] + 1; } //debug = debug + base_char; } //\\ //output.collect(new Text(node.getNodeId()), new Text("(" + debug + ")")); //\\ if (array[0] > array[1] && array[0] > array[2] && array[0] > array[3]) { consensus = 'A'; array[5] = array[0]; } else if (array[1] > array[0] && array[1] > array[2] && array[1] > array[3]) { consensus = 'T'; array[5] = array[1]; } else if (array[2] > array[0] && array[2] > array[1] && array[2] > array[3]) { consensus = 'C'; array[5] = array[2]; } else if (array[3] > array[0] && array[3] > array[1] && array[3] > array[2]) { consensus = 'G'; array[5] = array[3]; } else { consensus = 'N'; array[5] = array[0]; } int support = 0; if (lose[0] >= majority) { support = support + 1; } if (lose[1] >= majority) { support = support + 1; } if (lose[2] >= majority) { support = support + 1; } if (lose[3] >= majority) { support = support + 1; } if (support >= 2 || array[4] < reads_threshold) { break; //branch } for (int i = 0; i < readarray.length; i++) { ReadInfo readitem = readarray[i]; if (j + readitem.pos + IDX >= readitem.seq.length) { continue; } String id =; /*int quality_value; int quality_value_r; char base_char; if (readarray[i].dir) { quality_value = (int)id_seq.get(readarray[i].id).qv.charAt(j+readarray[i].pos + IDX) - 33; quality_value_r = (int)id_seq.get(readarray[i].id).qv.charAt(readarray[i].len-1-(j+readarray[i].pos + IDX)) - 33; base_char = id_seq.get(readarray[i].id).seq.charAt(j+readarray[i].pos + IDX); } else { String qv_reverse = new StringBuffer(id_seq.get(readarray[i].id).qv).reverse().toString(); quality_value = (int)qv_reverse.charAt(j+readarray[i].pos + IDX) -33; quality_value_r = (int)qv_reverse.charAt(readarray[i].len-1-(j+readarray[i].pos + IDX)) -33; base_char = Node.rc(id_seq.get(readarray[i].id).seq).charAt(j+readarray[i].pos + IDX); }*/ char base_char = (char) readitem.seq[j + readitem.pos + IDX]; int quality_value = readitem.int_qv[j + readitem.pos + IDX]; int quality_value_r = readitem.int_qv[readitem.seq.length - 1 - (j + readitem.pos + IDX)]; int pos = 0; char chr = 'X'; if (consensus == base_char) { // Comfirmation boolean confirm = false; if (base_char == 'A' && (lose[1] < 2 && lose[2] < 2 && lose[3] < 2) && lose[0] >= 2) { confirm = true; } if (base_char == 'T' && (lose[0] < 2 && lose[2] < 2 && lose[3] < 2) && lose[1] >= 2) { confirm = true; } if (base_char == 'C' && (lose[0] < 2 && lose[1] < 2 && lose[3] < 2) && lose[2] >= 2) { confirm = true; } if (base_char == 'G' && (lose[0] < 2 && lose[1] < 2 && lose[2] < 2) && lose[3] >= 2) { confirm = true; } if (confirm) { boolean submit = true; if (readitem.dir && quality_value < 20) { pos = j + readitem.pos + IDX; } else if (!readitem.dir && quality_value_r < 20) { pos = readitem.seq.length - 1 - (j + readitem.pos + IDX); } else { submit = false; } if (submit) { //\\ //output.collect(new Text(id), new Text(pos+":RC")); //\\ if (outcode_list.get(id) != null) { StringBuffer sb = outcode_list.get(id); if (pos >= sb.length()) { for (int k = sb.length(); k <= pos; k++) { sb.append("X"); } sb.setCharAt(pos, 'N'); } else { sb.setCharAt(pos, 'N'); } outcode_list.put(id, sb); reporter.incrCounter("Brush", "confirm_char", 1); } else { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int k = 0; k <= pos; k++) { sb.append("X"); } sb.setCharAt(pos, 'N'); outcode_list.put(id, sb); reporter.incrCounter("Brush", "confirm_char", 1); } } //\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ } } else { if (consensus != 'N') { //\\ float A_ratio = (float) array[0] / (float) array[5]; float T_ratio = (float) array[1] / (float) array[5]; float C_ratio = (float) array[2] / (float) array[5]; float G_ratio = (float) array[3] / (float) array[5]; if (consensus == 'A' && (T_ratio > 0.25 || C_ratio > 0.25 || G_ratio > 0.25)) { break; } if (consensus == 'T' && (A_ratio > 0.25 || C_ratio > 0.25 || G_ratio > 0.25)) { break; } if (consensus == 'C' && (A_ratio > 0.25 || T_ratio > 0.25 || G_ratio > 0.25)) { break; } if (consensus == 'G' && (A_ratio > 0.25 || T_ratio > 0.25 || C_ratio > 0.25)) { break; } //\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ if (base_char == 'A' && (lose[0] >= 2 || (float) array[0] / (float) array[5] > 0.25f)) { break; } if (base_char == 'T' && (lose[1] >= 2 || (float) array[1] / (float) array[5] > 0.25f)) { break; } if (base_char == 'C' && (lose[2] >= 2 || (float) array[2] / (float) array[5] > 0.25f)) { break; } if (base_char == 'G' && (lose[3] >= 2 || (float) array[3] / (float) array[5] > 0.25f)) { break; } //\\ if (readitem.dir) { pos = j + readitem.pos + IDX; chr = consensus; } else if (!readitem.dir) { pos = (readitem.seq.length - 1 - (j + readitem.pos + IDX)); chr = Node.rc(consensus + "").charAt(0); } //\\ //output.collect(new Text(id), new Text(pos+":R")); //\\ if (/*outcode_list.containsKey(id)*/outcode_list.get(id) != null) { StringBuffer sb = outcode_list.get(id); if (pos >= sb.length()) { for (int k = sb.length(); k <= pos; k++) { sb.append("X"); } sb.setCharAt(pos, chr); } else { if (sb.charAt(pos) == 'X') { sb.setCharAt(pos, chr); } } outcode_list.put(id, sb); reporter.incrCounter("Brush", "fix_char", 1); } else { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int k = 0; k <= pos; k++) { sb.append("X"); } sb.setCharAt(pos, chr); outcode_list.put(id, sb); reporter.incrCounter("Brush", "fix_char", 1); } //\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ } } } } } // for each readstack boolean export = false; for (String read_id : outcode_list.keySet()) { String msg = ""; msg = Node.str2code(outcode_list.get(read_id).toString()); node.addConfirmations(read_id, msg); //output.collect(new Text(read_id), new Text(Node.UPDATEMSG + "\t" + msg)); export = true; } if (export) { output.collect(new Text(node.getNodeId()), new Text(node.toNodeMsg())); } } } public RunningJob run(String inputPath, String outputPath, int idx, String hkmerlist) throws Exception {"Tool name: FindError");" - input: " + inputPath);" - output: " + outputPath); JobConf conf = new JobConf(FindError.class); conf.setJobName("FindError " + inputPath + " " + Config.K); conf.setLong("IDX", idx); //\\ DistributedCache.addCacheFile(new URI(hkmerlist), conf); //\\ Config.initializeConfiguration(conf); FileInputFormat.addInputPath(conf, new Path(inputPath)); FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(conf, new Path(outputPath)); conf.setInputFormat(TextInputFormat.class); conf.setOutputFormat(TextOutputFormat.class); conf.setMapOutputKeyClass(Text.class); conf.setMapOutputValueClass(Text.class); conf.setOutputKeyClass(Text.class); conf.setOutputValueClass(Text.class); conf.setMapperClass(FindErrorMapper.class); conf.setReducerClass(FindErrorReducer.class); //delete the output directory if it exists already FileSystem.get(conf).delete(new Path(outputPath), true); return JobClient.runJob(conf); } public int run(String[] args) throws Exception { String inputPath = ""; String outputPath = ""; Config.K = 21; long starttime = System.currentTimeMillis(); run(inputPath, outputPath, 1, "X"); long endtime = System.currentTimeMillis(); float diff = (float) (((float) (endtime - starttime)) / 1000.0); System.out.println("Runtime: " + diff + " s"); return 0; } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { int res = Configuration(), new FindError(), args); System.exit(res); } }