Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2015 EMC Corporation * All Rights Reserved */ package controllers; import; import com.emc.storageos.systemservices.impl.validate.PropertiesConfigurationValidator; import com.emc.vipr.client.exceptions.ServiceErrorException; import com.emc.vipr.client.exceptions.ViPRException; import; import; import; import controllers.deadbolt.Deadbolt; import controllers.deadbolt.Restrict; import controllers.deadbolt.Restrictions; import controllers.infra.ConfigProperties; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import play.Logger; import play.Play; import; import; import; import; import play.mvc.Catch; import play.mvc.Controller; import play.mvc.Util; import play.mvc.With; import util.*; import util.validation.HostNameOrIpAddressCheck; import; import; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import static controllers.Common.flashException; @With(Deadbolt.class) public class Setup extends Controller { private static boolean isComplete = false; @Catch(ServiceErrorException.class) public static void jerseyException(Throwable e) { flashException(e); protectPasswords(); params.flash(); if (StringUtils.equals(request.actionMethod, "upload")) { license(); } else { index(); } } /** * Determines if initial setup has been completed. * * @return true if initial setup is complete. */ public static boolean isInitialSetupComplete() { if (isComplete) { return true; } isComplete = SetupUtils.isSetupComplete(); return isComplete; } /** * Determines if the product is licensed. * * @return true if the product is licensed. */ public static boolean isLicensed() { if (SetupUtils.isOssBuild()) { return true; } return LicenseUtils.isLicensed(false); } /** * Checks to see if setup is complete, and it not locks out non-admin users by redirecting to a static page instead * of showing a forbidden error. */ private static void checkCompleteAndLicensed() { // If setup is complete, redirect if (isInitialSetupComplete() && isLicensed()) { complete(); } // If this user does not have the right roles, redirect to a static page if (Security.isSystemAdminOrRestrictedSystemAdmin() == false && Security.isSecurityAdminOrRestrictedSecurityAdmin() == false) { notLicensed(); } if (!Common.isClusterStable()) { Maintenance.maintenance(request.url); } } /** * Redirects to the admin dashboard if setup is complete. */ private static void complete() { Dashboard.index(); } /** * Renders a page showing that the product is not licensed. This will be shown to non-admin users if setup has not * been completed. */ public static void notLicensed() { render(); } /** * Displays the initial setup screen. If initial setup is already complete, this will forward to the license page. */ public static void index() { checkCompleteAndLicensed(); if (!isLicensed()) { license(); } SetupForm setup = new SetupForm(); setup.loadDefaults(); render(setup); } /** * Saves the initial setup form. This is restricted to admin users. * * @param setup * the initial setup form. */ @Restrictions({ @Restrict({ "SYSTEM_ADMIN", "SECURITY_ADMIN" }), @Restrict({ "RESTRICTED_SYSTEM_ADMIN", "RESTRICTED_SECURITY_ADMIN" }) }) public static void save(@Valid SetupForm setup) { checkCompleteAndLicensed(); setup.validate(); if (Validation.hasErrors()) { protectPasswords(); params.flash(); Validation.keep(); index(); } Map<String, String> properties = getUpdatedProperties(setup); completeInitialSetup(properties); } /** * Completes initial setup with the given configuration properties. * * @param properties * the properties to update. */ private static void completeInitialSetup(Map<String, String> properties) { SetupUtils.markSetupComplete(); ConfigPropertyUtils.saveProperties(BourneUtil.getSysClient(), properties); complete(); } /** * Skips initial setup, advancing to the license screen. This is only available in DEV mode. */ public static void skip() { if (!Play.mode.isDev()) { forbidden(); } checkCompleteAndLicensed(); SetupUtils.markSetupComplete(); license(); } public static String getPasswordValidPromptRule() { String promptString = PasswordUtil.getPasswordValidPromptRules(Constants.PASSWORD_VALID_PROMPT); return promptString; } /** * Validate passwords dynamically from the initial setup form, rendering the result as JSON. * * @param setup * the initial setup form. */ @Restrictions({ @Restrict({ "SECURITY_ADMIN" }), @Restrict({ "RESTRICTED_SECURITY_ADMIN" }) }) public static void validatePasswordDynamic(String password, String fieldName) { boolean passed = true; if (fieldName.contains("root")) { fieldName = "setup.rootPassword"; } if (fieldName.contains("system")) { fieldName = "setup.systemPasswords"; } if (PasswordUtil.isNotValid(password)) { Validation.addError(fieldName + ".value", "setup.password.notValid"); passed = false; } if (passed) { String validation = PasswordUtil.validatePassword(password); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(validation)) { Validation.addError(fieldName + ".value", validation); } } if (Validation.hasErrors()) { renderJSON(ValidationResponse.collectErrors()); } else { renderJSON(ValidationResponse.valid()); } } /** * Validate passwords from the initial setup form, rendering the result as JSON. * * @param setup * the initial setup form. */ @Restrictions({ @Restrict({ "SYSTEM_ADMIN", "SECURITY_ADMIN" }), @Restrict({ "RESTRICTED_SYSTEM_ADMIN", "RESTRICTED_SECURITY_ADMIN" }) }) public static void validatePasswords(SetupForm setup) { setup.validatePasswords(); if (Validation.hasErrors()) { renderJSON(ValidationResponse.collectErrors()); } else { renderJSON(ValidationResponse.valid()); } } /** * Tests the SMTP settings from the initial setup form, rendering the result as JSON. * * @param setup * the initial setup form. */ @Restrictions({ @Restrict({ "SYSTEM_ADMIN", "SECURITY_ADMIN" }), @Restrict({ "RESTRICTED_SYSTEM_ADMIN", "RESTRICTED_SECURITY_ADMIN" }) }) public static void testSmtpSettings(SetupForm setup) { setup.validateSmtp(); Validation.required("setup.smtpTo", setup.smtpTo);"setup.smtpTo", setup.smtpTo); if (Validation.hasErrors()) { renderJSON(ValidationResponse.collectErrors()); } MailSettingsValidator.Settings settings = new MailSettingsValidator.Settings(); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(setup.nameservers) && !InetAddresses.isInetAddress(setup.smtpServer)) { Set<String> ips = Sets.newHashSet(setup.nameservers.split(",")); try { settings.server = DnsUtils.getHostIpAddress(ips, setup.smtpServer).getHostAddress(); } catch (ViPRException e) { renderJSON(ValidationResponse.invalid(e.getMessage())); } } else { settings.server = setup.smtpServer; } settings.port = ConfigProperties.getPort(setup.smtpPort, setup.smtpEnableTls); settings.username = setup.smtpUsername; settings.password = PasswordUtil.decryptedValue(setup.smtpPassword); = StringUtils.equals("yes", setup.smtpEnableTls) ? "starttls" : "clear"; settings.authType = setup.smtpAuthType; settings.fromAddress = setup.smtpFrom; try { MailSettingsValidator.validate(settings, setup.smtpTo); } catch (RuntimeException e) { Logger.error(e, "Failed to send email"); Validation.addError(null, "setup.testEmail.failure", e.getMessage()); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(setup.nameservers)) { Validation.addError(null, "setup.smtpServer.invalidEmptyNameserver"); } } if (Validation.hasErrors()) { renderJSON(ValidationResponse.collectErrors()); } else { renderJSON(ValidationResponse.valid(MessagesUtils.get("setup.testEmail.success"))); } } /** * Displays the restarting screen. */ @Util private static void restarting() { flash.success(MessagesUtils.get("setup.waitStable.description")); Maintenance.maintenance(Common.reverseRoute(Setup.class, "index")); } /** * Displays the license upload screen. */ public static void license() { checkCompleteAndLicensed(); if (Common.isClusterStable()) { render(); } else { restarting(); } } /** * Renders the cluster state as JSON. */ @Restrictions({ @Restrict({ "SYSTEM_ADMIN", "SECURITY_ADMIN" }), @Restrict({ "RESTRICTED_SYSTEM_ADMIN", "RESTRICTED_SECURITY_ADMIN" }) }) public static void clusterState() { renderJSON(Common.getClusterInfo()); } /** * Uploads a license file. This is restricted to admin users. * * @param licenseFile * the license file. */ @Restrictions({ @Restrict({ "SYSTEM_ADMIN", "SECURITY_ADMIN" }), @Restrict({ "RESTRICTED_SYSTEM_ADMIN", "RESTRICTED_SECURITY_ADMIN" }) }) public static void upload(@Required File licenseFile) { if (Validation.hasErrors()) { params.flash(); Validation.keep(); license(); } try { String license = FileUtils.readFileToString(licenseFile); if (StringUtils.isBlank(license)) { Logger.error("License file is empty"); Validation.addError("setup.licenseFile", MessagesUtils.get("license.uploadFailed")); params.flash(); Validation.keep(); license(); } LicenseUtils.updateLicenseText(license); index(); } catch (IOException e) { Validation.addError("setup.licenseFile", MessagesUtils.get("license.uploadFailed")); Logger.error(e, "Failed to read license file"); Validation.keep(); license(); } } private static Map<String, String> getProperties() { Map<String, String> properties = (Map<String, String>) request.args.get("properties"); if (properties == null) { properties = ConfigPropertyUtils.getPropertiesFromCoordinator(); request.args.put("properties", properties); } return properties; } private static Map<String, String> getUpdatedProperties(SetupForm setup) { Map<String, String> properties = Maps.newHashMap(); // Network properties.put(ConfigProperty.NAMESERVERS, setup.nameservers); properties.put(ConfigProperty.NTPSERVERS, setup.ntpservers); // Passwords properties.put(ConfigProperty.ROOT_PASSWORD, setup.rootPassword.hashedValue()); // Use the same password for proxyuser, svcuser, sysmonitor properties.put(ConfigProperty.PROXYUSER_PASSWORD, PasswordUtil.decryptedValue(setup.systemPasswords.value)); properties.put(ConfigProperty.SVCUSER_PASSWORD, setup.systemPasswords.hashedValue()); properties.put(ConfigProperty.SYSMONITOR_PASSWORD, setup.systemPasswords.hashedValue()); // SMTP settings if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(setup.smtpServer)) { properties.put(ConfigProperty.SMTP_SERVER, setup.smtpServer); properties.put(ConfigProperty.SMTP_ENABLE_TLS, setup.smtpEnableTls); properties.put(ConfigProperty.SMTP_FROM_ADDRESS, setup.smtpFrom); properties.put(ConfigProperty.SMTP_AUTH_TYPE, setup.smtpAuthType); if (!StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(setup.smtpAuthType, "None")) { properties.put(ConfigProperty.SMTP_USERNAME, setup.smtpUsername); properties.put(ConfigProperty.SMTP_PASSWORD, PasswordUtil.decryptedValue(setup.smtpPassword)); } } if (!SetupUtils.isOssBuild()) { // ConnectEMC settings properties.put(ConfigProperty.CONNECTEMC_TRANSPORT, setup.connectEmcTransport); if (!StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(setup.connectEmcTransport, "None")) { properties.put(ConfigProperty.CONNECTEMC_NOTIFY_EMAIL, setup.connectEmcNotifyEmail); } } return properties; } /** * Protects any passwords on the page by blanking them in case of an error, or encrypting them so they can be * redisplayed so a user doesn't have to retype them. */ private static void protectPasswords() { String[] fields = { "setup.rootPassword", "setup.systemPasswords" }; for (String field : fields) { protectPassword(field); } protectField("setup.smtpPassword"); } /** * Protects a password field by erasing it if there are validation errors, or encrypting it if there aren't. * * @param field * the base password field name. */ private static void protectPassword(String field) { String passwordFieldName = field + ".value"; String confirmFieldName = field + ".confirm"; if (Validation.hasError(passwordFieldName) || Validation.hasError(confirmFieldName)) { params.remove(passwordFieldName); params.remove(confirmFieldName); } else { protectField(passwordFieldName); protectField(confirmFieldName); } } private static void protectField(String field) { String value = params.get(field); if (Validation.hasError(field)) { params.remove(field); } else if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(value)) { params.put(field, PasswordUtil.encryptedValue(value)); } } public static class Password { @Required @MinSize(8) public String value; @Required @MinSize(8) public String confirm; public String hashedValue() { String decrypted = PasswordUtil.decryptedValue(value); return PasswordUtil.generateHash(decrypted); } public void validate(String fieldName) { // If local validations have passed, validate against remote api if (localValidation(fieldName)) { remoteValidation(fieldName); } } private boolean localValidation(String fieldName) { boolean passed = true; if (PasswordUtil.isNotValid(value)) { Validation.addError(fieldName + ".value", "setup.password.notValid"); passed = false; } if (PasswordUtil.isNotValid(confirm)) { Validation.addError(fieldName + ".confirm", "setup.password.notValid"); passed = false; } value = PasswordUtil.decryptedValue(value); confirm = PasswordUtil.decryptedValue(confirm); Validation.valid(fieldName, this); if (!StringUtils.equals(value, confirm)) { Validation.addError(fieldName + ".value", "setup.password.notEqual"); passed = false; } return passed; } private void remoteValidation(String fieldName) { String validation = PasswordUtil.validatePassword(value); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(validation)) { Validation.addError(fieldName + ".value", validation); } } } public static class SetupForm { /* Network Page */ @Required public String nameservers; @Required public String ntpservers; /* Passwords page */ public Password rootPassword = new Password(); public Password systemPasswords = new Password(); /* SMTP page */ public String smtpServer; public String smtpPort; public String smtpAuthType; public String smtpFrom; public String smtpUsername; public String smtpPassword; public String smtpEnableTls; // For test email settings public String smtpTo; public String fieldName; /* ConnectEMC page */ public String connectEmcTransport; public String connectEmcNotifyEmail; public void loadDefaults() { Map<String, String> properties = getProperties(); nameservers = properties.get(ConfigProperty.NAMESERVERS); ntpservers = properties.get(ConfigProperty.NTPSERVERS); smtpServer = properties.get(ConfigProperty.SMTP_SERVER); smtpPort = properties.get(ConfigProperty.SMTP_PORT); smtpAuthType = properties.get(ConfigProperty.SMTP_AUTH_TYPE); smtpUsername = properties.get(ConfigProperty.SMTP_USERNAME); smtpEnableTls = properties.get(ConfigProperty.SMTP_ENABLE_TLS); smtpFrom = properties.get(ConfigProperty.SMTP_FROM_ADDRESS); connectEmcTransport = properties.get(ConfigProperty.CONNECTEMC_TRANSPORT); connectEmcNotifyEmail = properties.get(ConfigProperty.CONNECTEMC_NOTIFY_EMAIL); } public void validate() { if (!PropertiesConfigurationValidator.validateIpList(nameservers)) { Validation.addError("setup.nameservers", "configProperties.error.iplist"); } if (!PropertiesConfigurationValidator.validateIpList(ntpservers)) { Validation.addError("setup.ntpservers", "configProperties.error.iplist"); } validatePasswords(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(smtpServer) || StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(connectEmcTransport, "SMTP")) { validateSmtp(); } if (!SetupUtils.isOssBuild()) { Validation.required("setup.connectEmcTransport", connectEmcTransport); if (!StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(connectEmcTransport, "None")) { Validation.required("setup.connectEmcNotifyEmail", connectEmcNotifyEmail);"setup.connectEmcNotifyEmail", connectEmcNotifyEmail); } } } public void validatePasswords() { rootPassword.validate("setup.rootPassword"); systemPasswords.validate("setup.systemPasswords"); } public void validateSmtp() { Validation.required("setup.smtpServer", smtpServer); if (HostNameOrIpAddressCheck.isValidHostName(smtpServer)) { if (PropertiesConfigurationValidator.validateIpList(nameservers)) { Set<String> ips = Sets.newHashSet(nameservers.split(",")); if (!DnsUtils.validateHostname(ips, smtpServer)) { Validation.addError("setup.smtpServer", "setup.smtpServer.invalidSmtpServer"); } } else if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(nameservers)) { Validation.addError("setup.nameservers", "setup.smtpServer.invalidNameserver", nameservers); } } if (!HostNameOrIpAddressCheck.isValidHostNameOrIp(smtpServer)) { Validation.addError("setup.smtpServer", "setup.smtpServer.invalid"); } if (!StringUtils.isNumeric(smtpPort)) { Validation.addError("setup.smtpServer", "setup.smtpServer.invalidPort"); } Validation.required("setup.smtpFrom", smtpFrom);"setup.smtpFrom", smtpFrom); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(smtpAuthType) && !StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(smtpAuthType, "None")) { Validation.required("setup.smtpUsername", smtpUsername); Validation.required("setup.smtpPassword", smtpPassword); if (PasswordUtil.isNotValid(smtpPassword)) { Validation.addError("setup.smtpPassword", "setup.password.notValid"); } } } } }