Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2015 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package controllers; import com.arpnetworking.commons.jackson.databind.ObjectMapperFactory; import com.arpnetworking.metrics.portal.expressions.ExpressionRepository; import com.arpnetworking.steno.Logger; import com.arpnetworking.steno.LoggerFactory; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import; import; import; import; import models.internal.Expression; import models.internal.ExpressionQuery; import models.internal.QueryResult; import models.internal.impl.DefaultExpression; import models.view.PagedContainer; import models.view.Pagination; import play.Configuration; import play.libs.Json; import play.mvc.Controller; import play.mvc.Http; import play.mvc.Result; import; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.UUID; import; import javax.inject.Singleton; /** * Metrics portal expression controller. Exposes APIs to query and manipulate expressions. * * @author Ville Koskela (ville dot koskela at inscopemetrics dot com) */ @Singleton public class ExpressionController extends Controller { /** * Public constructor. * * @param configuration Instance of Play's <code>Configuration</code>. * @param expressionRepository Instance of <code>ExpressionRepository</code>. */ @Inject public ExpressionController(final Configuration configuration, final ExpressionRepository expressionRepository) { this(configuration.getInt("expression.limit", DEFAULT_MAX_LIMIT), expressionRepository); } /** * Adds an expression in the expression repository. * * @return Ok if the alert was created or updated successfully, a failure HTTP status code otherwise. */ public Result addOrUpdate() { final Expression expression; try { final models.view.Expression viewExpression = buildViewExpression(request().body()); expression = convertToInternalExpression(viewExpression); } catch (final IOException e) { LOGGER.error().setMessage("Failed to build an expression.").setThrowable(e).log(); return badRequest("Invalid request body."); } try { _expressionRepository.addOrUpdateExpression(expression); // CHECKSTYLE.OFF: IllegalCatch - Convert any exception to 500 } catch (final Exception e) { // CHECKSTYLE.ON: IllegalCatch LOGGER.error().setMessage("Failed to add an expression.").setThrowable(e).log(); return internalServerError(); } return ok(); } /** * Query for expressions. * * * @param contains The text to search for. Optional. * @param cluster The cluster of the statistic to evaluate as part of the exression. Optional. * @param service The service of the statistic to evaluate as part of the expression. Optional. * @param limit The maximum number of results to return. Optional. * @param offset The number of results to skip. Optional. * @return <code>Result</code> paginated matching expressions. */ // CHECKSTYLE.OFF: ParameterNameCheck - Names must match query parameters. public Result query(final String contains, final String cluster, final String service, final Integer limit, final Integer offset) { // CHECKSTYLE.ON: ParameterNameCheck // Convert and validate parameters final Optional<String> argContains = Optional.ofNullable(contains); final Optional<String> argCluster = Optional.ofNullable(cluster); final Optional<String> argService = Optional.ofNullable(service); final Optional<Integer> argOffset = Optional.ofNullable(offset); final int argLimit = Math.min(_maxLimit, Optional.of(MoreObjects.firstNonNull(limit, _maxLimit)).get()); if (argLimit < 0) { return badRequest("Invalid limit; must be greater than or equal to 0"); } if (argOffset.isPresent() && argOffset.get() < 0) { return badRequest("Invalid offset; must be greater than or equal to 0"); } // Build conditions map final Map<String, String> conditions = Maps.newHashMap(); if (argContains.isPresent()) { conditions.put("contains", argContains.get()); } if (argCluster.isPresent()) { conditions.put("cluster", argCluster.get()); } if (argService.isPresent()) { conditions.put("service", argService.get()); } // Build a host repository query final ExpressionQuery query = _expressionRepository.createQuery().contains(argContains).service(argService) .cluster(argCluster).limit(argLimit).offset(argOffset); // Execute the query final QueryResult<Expression> result; try { result = query.execute(); // CHECKSTYLE.OFF: IllegalCatch - Convert any exception to 500 } catch (final Exception e) { // CHECKSTYLE.ON: IllegalCatch LOGGER.error().setMessage("Expression query failed").setThrowable(e).log(); return internalServerError(); } // Wrap the query results and return as JSON if (result.etag().isPresent()) { response().setHeader(HttpHeaders.ETAG, result.etag().get()); } return ok(Json.toJson(new PagedContainer<>( result.values().stream().map(this::internalModelToViewModel).collect(Collectors.toList()), new Pagination(request().path(),, result.values().size(), argLimit, argOffset, conditions)))); } private models.view.Expression buildViewExpression(final Http.RequestBody body) throws IOException { final JsonNode jsonBody = body.asJson(); if (jsonBody == null) { throw new IOException(); } return OBJECT_MAPPER.readValue(jsonBody.toString(), models.view.Expression.class); } private Expression convertToInternalExpression(final models.view.Expression viewExpression) throws IOException { try { return new DefaultExpression.Builder() .setId(viewExpression.getId() == null ? null : UUID.fromString(viewExpression.getId())) .setCluster(viewExpression.getCluster()).setMetric(viewExpression.getMetric()) .setService(viewExpression.getService()).setScript(viewExpression.getScript()).build(); // CHECKSTYLE.OFF: IllegalCatch - Translate any failure to bad input. } catch (final RuntimeException e) { // CHECKSTYLE.ON: IllegalCatch throw new IOException(e); } } private models.view.Expression internalModelToViewModel(final Expression expression) { final models.view.Expression viewExpression = new models.view.Expression(); viewExpression.setCluster(expression.getCluster()); viewExpression.setId(expression.getId().toString()); viewExpression.setMetric(expression.getMetric()); viewExpression.setScript(expression.getScript()); viewExpression.setService(expression.getService()); return viewExpression; } /** * Get specific expression. * * @param id The identifier of the expression. * @return Matching expression. */ public Result get(final String id) { final UUID identifier = UUID.fromString(id); final Optional<Expression> result = _expressionRepository.get(identifier); if (!result.isPresent()) { return notFound(); } // Return as JSON return ok(Json.toJson(result.get())); } private ExpressionController(final int maxLimit, final ExpressionRepository expressionRepository) { _maxLimit = maxLimit; _expressionRepository = expressionRepository; } private final int _maxLimit; private final ExpressionRepository _expressionRepository; private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_LIMIT = 1000; private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ExpressionController.class); private static final ObjectMapper OBJECT_MAPPER = ObjectMapperFactory.getInstance(); }