Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Yahoo Inc. * Licensed under the terms of the Apache version 2.0 license. * See LICENSE file for terms. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle; import java.lang.invoke.MethodType; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class ConstantExpressionEvaluator implements Function<OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>, Object> { private MethodHandle getprop = FlowBootstrapper .publicBootstrap(null, "dyn:getProp", MethodType.methodType(Object.class, Object.class, Object.class)) .dynamicInvoker(); private MethodHandle index = FlowBootstrapper .publicBootstrap(null, "dyn:getElem", MethodType.methodType(Object.class, Object.class, Object.class)) .dynamicInvoker(); public List<Object> apply(List<OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>> input) { return Lists.newArrayList(Iterables.transform(input, this)); } @Override public Object apply(OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> input) { switch (input.getOperator()) { case AND: { List<OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>> clauses = input.getArgument(0); for (OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> clause : clauses) { if (!Booleans.toBoolean(apply(clause))) { return false; } } return true; } case OR: { List<OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>> clauses = input.getArgument(0); for (OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator> clause : clauses) { if (Booleans.toBoolean(apply(clause))) { return true; } } return false; } case EQ: case NEQ: case LT: case GT: case LTEQ: case GTEQ: case NOT_IN: case LIKE: case NOT_LIKE: case MATCHES: case NOT_MATCHES: case IN: { Object left = apply((OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>) input.getArgument(0)); Object right = apply((OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>) input.getArgument(1)); return compare(input.getLocation(), input.getOperator(), left, right); } case IS_NULL: return apply((OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>) input.getArgument(0)) == null; case IS_NOT_NULL: return apply((OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>) input.getArgument(0)) != null; case ADD: case SUB: case MULT: case DIV: case MOD: { Object left = apply((OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>) input.getArgument(0)); Object right = apply((OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>) input.getArgument(1)); return math(input.getLocation(), input.getOperator(), left, right); } case NEGATE: return Maths.INSTANCE.dynamicNegate(apply((OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>) input.getArgument(0))); case NOT: return !Booleans.toBoolean(apply((OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>) input.getArgument(0))); case MAP: { List<String> keys = input.getArgument(0); List<Object> values = apply((List<OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>>) input.getArgument(1)); ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Object> map = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); ++i) { if (values.get(i) == null) { throw new NotConstantExpressionException(input.getLocation(), "Operator " + input.getOperator() + " with NULL value is not supported by constant expressions"); } map.put(keys.get(i), values.get(i)); } return new RecordMapWrapper(; } case ARRAY: return apply((List<OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>>) input.getArgument(0)); case INDEX: { Object target = apply((OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>) input.getArgument(0)); Object index = apply((OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>) input.getArgument(1)); if (target == null || index == null) { return null; } try { return this.index.invokeExact(target, index); } catch (RuntimeException | Error e) { throw e; } catch (Throwable throwable) { throw new RuntimeException(throwable); } } case PROPREF: { Object target = apply((OperatorNode<ExpressionOperator>) input.getArgument(0)); Object index = input.getArgument(1); if (target == null) { return null; } try { return this.getprop.invokeExact(target, index); } catch (RuntimeException | Error e) { throw e; } catch (Throwable throwable) { throw new RuntimeException(throwable); } } case LITERAL: return input.getArgument(0); case NULL: return null; case IN_QUERY: case CONTAINS: case READ_RECORD: case READ_FIELD: case READ_MODULE: case VARREF: case CALL: case NOT_IN_QUERY: throw new NotConstantExpressionException(input.getLocation(), "Operator " + input.getOperator() + " is not supported by constant expressions"); } throw new ProgramCompileException(input.getLocation(), "Unknown expression operator '%s'", input.getOperator()); } private Object math(Location location, ExpressionOperator operator, Object left, Object right) { if (left == null || right == null) { return null; } switch (operator) { case ADD: return Maths.INSTANCE.dynamicMath(ArithmeticOperation.ADD, left, right); case SUB: return Maths.INSTANCE.dynamicMath(ArithmeticOperation.SUB, left, right); case MULT: return Maths.INSTANCE.dynamicMath(ArithmeticOperation.MULT, left, right); case DIV: return Maths.INSTANCE.dynamicMath(ArithmeticOperation.DIV, left, right); case MOD: return Maths.INSTANCE.dynamicMath(ArithmeticOperation.MOD, left, right); } throw new ProgramCompileException(location, "Unknown math operator %s", operator); } private Boolean compare(final Location location, ExpressionOperator operator, final Object left, final Object right) { if (left == null || right == null) { return null; } Comparable<Object> comp; if (left instanceof Comparable && right instanceof Comparable) { comp = (Comparable<Object>) left; } else { comp = new Comparable<Object>() { @Override public int compareTo(Object o) { throw new ProgramCompileException(location, "Unable to compare %s and %s", left.getClass().getName(), right.getClass().getName()); } }; } switch (operator) { case EQ: return left.equals(right); case NEQ: return !left.equals(right); case LT: return comp.compareTo(right) < 0; case GT: return comp.compareTo(right) > 0; case LTEQ: return comp.compareTo(right) <= 0; case GTEQ: return comp.compareTo(right) >= 0; case NOT_LIKE: return negate(compare(location, ExpressionOperator.LIKE, left, right)); case NOT_MATCHES: return negate(compare(location, ExpressionOperator.MATCHES, left, right)); case NOT_IN: return negate(compare(location, ExpressionOperator.IN, left, right)); case IN: { if (right instanceof Collection) { return ((Collection) right).contains(left); } throw new ProgramCompileException(location, "right side of IN is not a Collection"); } case LIKE: { if (right instanceof CharSequence && left instanceof CharSequence) { Pattern pattern = Like.compileLike((CharSequence) right); return pattern.matcher((CharSequence) left).matches(); } throw new ProgramCompileException(location, "Left and right side of LIKE must be strings"); } case MATCHES: { Pattern pattern = null; if (right instanceof Pattern) { pattern = (Pattern) right; } else if (right instanceof String) { pattern = Pattern.compile((String) right); } if (left instanceof CharSequence && pattern != null) { return pattern.matcher((CharSequence) left).matches(); } throw new ProgramCompileException(location, "Left and right side of MATCHES must be strings"); } } throw new ProgramCompileException(location, "Unknown operator '%s'", operator); } private Boolean negate(Object result) { if (result == null) { return null; } return !(Boolean) result; } }