Java tutorial
/* Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. Copyrights licensed under the BSD License. See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms. */ package; import org.apache.commons.jxpath.JXPathContext; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class ProtoBuilder { private static String DEFAULT_TRANSFORMER = "root_transform"; private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ProtoBuilder.class); private static Cache<String, Config> configCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().maximumSize(10).build(); private Context context; private final String builderConfig; private final String transform; private JXPathContext jXPathContext; /** * Instantiates a new proto builder from the config file provided by the user. The default transformation definition * "root_transform" is used. * * @param builderConfig - The path to the config file for the corresponding json */ public ProtoBuilder(final String builderConfig) { this(builderConfig, DEFAULT_TRANSFORMER); } /** * Instantiates a new proto builder from the config file provided by the user. The transformation definition is also * provided by the user and is picked up from the config file. * * @param builderConfig - The path to the config file for the corresponding json * @param transform - The transformation definition that should be used from the config file. */ public ProtoBuilder(final String builderConfig, final String transform) { this(builderConfig, transform, null); } /** * Instantiates a new proto builder from the config file provided by the user. The transformation definition is also * provided by the user and is picked up from the config file. Also, a Context object is used for variable * substitution. * * @param builderConfig - The path to the config file for the corresponding json * @param transform - The transformation definition that should be used from the config file. * @param context - The context object */ public ProtoBuilder(final String builderConfig, final String transform, final Context context) { this.builderConfig = builderConfig; this.transform = transform; this.context = context; } /** * Gives a message builder from the content provided. * * @param content - The content object that is converted to JXPathContext to build the message. * @return The corresponding message builder object for the input. */ public Message.Builder builder(final Object content) { this.jXPathContext = JXPathContext.newContext(content); this.jXPathContext.setLenient(true); if (context == null) { return transformUsing(new Context(), builderConfig, transform); } else { return transformUsing(context, builderConfig, transform); } } /** * Gives a message builder from the content provided. * * @param content - The content object that is converted to JXPathContext to build the message. * @return The corresponding message object for the input. */ public Message build(final Object content) { return this.builder(content).build(); } private <T extends Message.Builder> T transformUsing(final Context vars, final String configPath, final String definitionName) { Config config; try { config = configCache.get(configPath, new ConfigLoader(configPath)); } catch (ExecutionException e) { throw new RuntimeException("There was a problem loading the config from the file: " + configPath); } return (T) transformUsing(vars, config, new JXPathCopier(jXPathContext, null), definitionName); } private static Message.Builder transformUsing(final Context vars, final Config config, JXPathCopier copier, final String definitionName) { Config.Definition definition = config.definitions.get(definitionName); if (null == definition) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot find transform definition: " + definitionName); } if (null != definition.getProto()) { Message.Builder target = createMessageBuilder(definition.getProto()); copier = new JXPathCopier(copier.getSource(), target); } else if (copier.getTarget() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "proto class must be specified at the top level definition name: " + definitionName); } return applyTransforms(vars, config, copier, definition); } private static Message.Builder applyTransforms(final Context vars, final Config config, final JXPathCopier copier, final Config.Definition definition) { for (Config.Entry transform : definition.getTransforms()) { if (transform.getDefinition() != null) { transformUsingDefinition(vars, config, copier, transform); } else if (transform.getHandler() != null) { transformUsingHandler(vars, config, copier, transform); } else { if (transform.getPath().startsWith("$")) { Object value = vars.getValue(transform.getPath().substring(1)); if (value != null) { copier.copyObject(value, transform.getField()); } } else { copier.copyAsScalar(transform.getPath(), transform.getField()); } if (transform.getVariable() != null) { vars.setValue(transform.getVariable(), copier.getValue(transform.getPath())); } } } return copier.getTarget(); } private static void transformUsingDefinition(final Context vars, final Config config, final JXPathCopier copier, final Config.Entry transform) { boolean isRepeated = false; if (transform.getField() != null) { Descriptors.FieldDescriptor fieldDescriptor = copier.getTarget().getDescriptorForType() .findFieldByName(transform.getField()); if (null == fieldDescriptor) { throw new RuntimeException("Unknown target field in protobuf: " + transform.getField()); } isRepeated = fieldDescriptor.isRepeated(); } JXPathContext context = copier.getSource(); if (isRepeated) { List list = context.selectNodes(transform.getPath()); Iterator iterator = list.iterator(); int limit = 0; int count = 0; if (transform.getLimit() != null) { limit = transform.getLimit(); } logger.debug("Applying limit of {} for field {}", limit, transform.getField()); while (iterator.hasNext() && (count != limit || limit == 0)) { Object value =; JXPathCopier innerCopier = new JXPathCopier(JXPathContext.newContext(value), copier.getTarget()); Message.Builder innerBuilder = transformUsing(vars, config, innerCopier, transform.getDefinition()); if ((transform.getField() != null) && (null != innerBuilder) && (innerBuilder.isInitialized())) { copier.copyObject(, transform.getField()); } count++; } } else { JXPathContext innerContext = JXPathCopier.getRelativeContext(context, transform.getPath()); if (innerContext != null) { JXPathCopier innerCopier = new JXPathCopier(innerContext, copier.getTarget()); Message.Builder innerBuilder = transformUsing(vars, config, innerCopier, transform.getDefinition()); if ((transform.getField() != null) && (null != innerBuilder) && (innerBuilder.isInitialized())) { copier.copyObject(, transform.getField()); } } } } private static void transformUsingHandler(final Context vars, final Config config, final JXPathCopier copier, final Config.Entry transform) { Descriptors.FieldDescriptor fieldDescriptor = copier.getTarget().getDescriptorForType() .findFieldByName(transform.getField()); if (null == fieldDescriptor) { throw new RuntimeException("Unknown target field in protobuf: " + transform.getField()); } JXPathContext context = copier.getSource(); Object handler = null; try { handler = Class.forName(transform.getHandler()).newInstance(); } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to create the handler: " + transform.getHandler(), e); } if (handler instanceof ObjectToFieldHandler) { invokeFieldHandler(vars, copier, transform, fieldDescriptor, context, (ObjectToFieldHandler) handler); } else if (handler instanceof ObjectToProtoHandler) { invokeProtoHandler(vars, copier, transform, fieldDescriptor, context, (ObjectToProtoHandler) handler); } else { throw new RuntimeException( "Handler must implement one of the ObjectToProtoHandler or ObjectFieldHandler interface: " + transform.getHandler()); } } private static void invokeProtoHandler(final Context vars, final JXPathCopier copier, final Config.Entry transform, final Descriptors.FieldDescriptor fieldDescriptor, final JXPathContext context, final ObjectToProtoHandler handler) { if (fieldDescriptor.isRepeated()) { List<Message.Builder> builders = handler.getRepeatedProtoBuilder(context, vars, transform); for (Message.Builder builder : builders) { copier.copyObject(, transform.getField()); } } else { Message.Builder builder = handler.getProtoBuilder(context, vars, transform); if (builder != null) { copier.copyObject(, transform.getField()); } } } private static void invokeFieldHandler(final Context vars, final JXPathCopier copier, final Config.Entry transform, final Descriptors.FieldDescriptor fieldDescriptor, final JXPathContext context, final ObjectToFieldHandler handler) { if (fieldDescriptor.isRepeated()) { List<Object> values = handler.getRepeatedProtoValue(context, vars, transform); for (Object value : values) { if (value != null) { copier.copyObject(value, transform.getField()); } } } else { Object value = handler.getProtoValue(context, vars, transform); copier.copyObject(value, transform.getField()); } } private static Message.Builder createMessageBuilder(final String className) { try { Class messageClass = Class.forName(className); Method getDefaultInstanceMethod = messageClass.getMethod("getDefaultInstance", (Class[]) null); Message message = (Message) getDefaultInstanceMethod.invoke((Object[]) null, (Object[]) null); Message.Builder builder = message.newBuilderForType(); return builder; } catch (ClassNotFoundException | NoSuchMethodException | IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }