Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015, Yahoo Inc. * Copyrights licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. * See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; public class JSONFunctionTest extends DatabaseTestCase { private void testJsonFunction(Runnable toTest) { testJsonFunction(toTest, JSONFunctions.JSON1_MIN_VERSION); } private void testJsonFunction(Runnable toTest, VersionCode minVersionCode) { if (isJson1ExtensionEnabled()) { testForMinVersionCode(minVersionCode, toTest); } } private boolean isJson1ExtensionEnabled() { try { return database.simpleQueryForLong("{ \"a\" : \"b\" }"))) != 0; } catch (RuntimeException e) { Logger.d("JSONFunctionTest", "JSON1 extension not available", e); return false; } } public void testJson() { testJsonFunction(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Function<String> json = JSONFunctions.json(" { \"this\" : \"is\", \"a\": [ \"test\" ] } "); String minified = database.simpleQueryForString(; assertEquals("{\"this\":\"is\",\"a\":[\"test\"]}", minified); } }); } public void testMalformedJsonThrowsError() { testJsonFunction(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { testThrowsRuntimeException(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Function<String> json = JSONFunctions.json(" { \"this\" : \"is\", \"a\": [ \"test\" } "); String minified = database.simpleQueryForString(; assertNull(minified); } }); } }); } public void testJsonArray() { testJsonFunction(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Function<String> jsonArray = JSONFunctions.jsonArray(1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13); String result = database.simpleQueryForString(; assertEquals("[1,1,2,3,5,8,13]", result); } }); } public void testJsonArrayLength() { testJsonFunction(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Function<Integer> jsonArrayLength = JSONFunctions .jsonArrayLength(JSONFunctions.jsonArray(1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13)); long result = database.simpleQueryForLong(; assertEquals(7, result); } }); } public void testJsonArrayLengthWithPath() { testJsonFunction(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Function<String> json = JSONFunctions.json(" { \"this\" : \"is\", \"a\": [ \"test\" ] } "); Function<Integer> jsonArrayLength = JSONFunctions.jsonArrayLength(json, "$.a"); long result = database.simpleQueryForLong(; assertEquals(1, result); } }); } public void testJsonExtractSinglePath() { // These tests are taken entirely from the examples at testJsonFunction(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { testJsonExtractSinglePathInternal("{\"a\":2,\"c\":[4,5,{\"f\":7}]}", "$", "{\"a\":2,\"c\":[4,5,{\"f\":7}]}"); testJsonExtractSinglePathInternal("{\"a\":2,\"c\":[4,5,{\"f\":7}]}", "$.c", "[4,5,{\"f\":7}]"); testJsonExtractSinglePathInternal("{\"a\":2,\"c\":[4,5,{\"f\":7}]}", "$.c[2]", "{\"f\":7}"); testJsonExtractSinglePathInternal("{\"a\":2,\"c\":[4,5,{\"f\":7}]}", "$.c[2].f", 7); testJsonExtractSinglePathInternal("{\"a\":2,\"c\":[4,5,{\"f\":7}]}", "$.x", null); } }); } private <T> void testJsonExtractSinglePathInternal(String json, String path, T expectedValue) { Function<T> extract = JSONFunctions.jsonExtract(json, path); Query sql =; Object value; if (expectedValue instanceof String || expectedValue == null) { value = database.simpleQueryForString(sql); assertEquals(expectedValue, value); } else if (expectedValue instanceof Number) { value = database.simpleQueryForLong(sql); assertEquals(((Number) expectedValue).longValue(), value); } else { fail("Invalid expected value"); } } public void testJsonExtractMultiplePaths() { // These tests are taken entirely from the examples at testJsonFunction(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { testJsonExtractMultiplePathsInternal("{\"a\":2,\"c\":[4,5],\"f\":7}", "[[4,5],2]", "$.c", "$.a"); testJsonExtractMultiplePathsInternal("{\"a\":2,\"c\":[4,5,{\"f\":7}]}", "[null,2]", "$.x", "$.a"); } }); } private void testJsonExtractMultiplePathsInternal(String json, String expectedValue, String... paths) { Function<String> extract = JSONFunctions.jsonExtract(json, paths); String value = database.simpleQueryForString(; assertEquals(expectedValue, value); } public void testJsonType() { // These tests are taken entirely from the examples at testJsonFunction(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { String jsonString = "{\"a\":[2,3.5,true,false,null,\"x\"]}"; testJsonTypeInternal(jsonString, null, "object"); testJsonTypeInternal(jsonString, "$", "object"); testJsonTypeInternal(jsonString, "$.a", "array"); testJsonTypeInternal(jsonString, "$.a[0]", "integer"); testJsonTypeInternal(jsonString, "$.a[1]", "real"); testJsonTypeInternal(jsonString, "$.a[2]", "true"); testJsonTypeInternal(jsonString, "$.a[3]", "false"); testJsonTypeInternal(jsonString, "$.a[4]", "null"); testJsonTypeInternal(jsonString, "$.a[5]", "text"); testJsonTypeInternal(jsonString, "$.a[6]", null); } }); } private void testJsonTypeInternal(String json, String path, String expectedType) { Function<String> type; if (path == null) { type = JSONFunctions.jsonType(json); } else { type = JSONFunctions.jsonType(json, path); } String result = database.simpleQueryForString(; assertEquals(expectedType, result); } public void testJsonInsert() { // These tests are taken entirely from the examples at testJsonFunction(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { testJsonInsertReplaceSetInternal(0, "$.a", 99, "{\"a\":2,\"c\":4}"); testJsonInsertReplaceSetInternal(0, "$.e", 99, "{\"a\":2,\"c\":4,\"e\":99}"); } }); } public void testJsonReplace() { // These tests are taken entirely from the examples at testJsonFunction(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { testJsonInsertReplaceSetInternal(1, "$.a", 99, "{\"a\":99,\"c\":4}"); testJsonInsertReplaceSetInternal(1, "$.e", 99, "{\"a\":2,\"c\":4}"); } }); } public void testJsonSet() { // These tests are taken entirely from the examples at testJsonFunction(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { testJsonInsertReplaceSetInternal(2, "$.a", 99, "{\"a\":99,\"c\":4}"); testJsonInsertReplaceSetInternal(2, "$.e", 99, "{\"a\":2,\"c\":4,\"e\":99}"); testJsonInsertReplaceSetInternal(2, "$.c", "[97,96]", "{\"a\":2,\"c\":\"[97,96]\"}"); testJsonInsertReplaceSetInternal(2, "$.c", JSONFunctions.json("[97,96]"), "{\"a\":2,\"c\":[97,96]}"); testJsonInsertReplaceSetInternal(2, "$.c", JSONFunctions.jsonArray(97, 96), "{\"a\":2,\"c\":[97,96]}"); } }); } // 0 for insert, 1 for replace, 2 for set private void testJsonInsertReplaceSetInternal(int type, String path, Object value, String expectedResult) { String jsonString = "{\"a\":2,\"c\":4}"; Function<String> func = null; switch (type) { case 0: func = JSONFunctions.jsonInsert(jsonString, path, value); break; case 1: func = JSONFunctions.jsonReplace(jsonString, path, value); break; case 2: func = JSONFunctions.jsonSet(jsonString, path, value); break; default: fail("Unsupported insert/replace/set type " + type); } String result = database.simpleQueryForString(; assertEquals(expectedResult, result); } public void testJsonRemove() { // These tests are taken entirely from the examples at testJsonFunction(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { String jsonArray = "[0,1,2,3,4]"; testJsonRemoveInternal(jsonArray, "[0,1,3,4]", "$[2]"); testJsonRemoveInternal(jsonArray, "[1,3,4]", "$[2]", "$[0]"); testJsonRemoveInternal(jsonArray, "[1,2,4]", "$[0]", "$[2]"); String jsonObject = "{\"x\":25,\"y\":42}"; testJsonRemoveInternal(jsonObject, "{\"x\":25,\"y\":42}"); testJsonRemoveInternal(jsonObject, "{\"x\":25,\"y\":42}", "$.z"); testJsonRemoveInternal(jsonObject, "{\"x\":25}", "$.y"); testJsonRemoveInternal(jsonObject, null, "$"); } }); } private void testJsonRemoveInternal(String jsonString, String expectedResult, String... paths) { Function<String> jsonRemove = JSONFunctions.jsonRemove(jsonString, (Object[]) paths); String result = database.simpleQueryForString(; assertEquals(expectedResult, result); } public void testJsonObject() { // These tests are taken entirely from the examples at testJsonFunction(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { testJsonObjectInternal("{\"a\":2,\"c\":4}", "a", 2, "c", 4); testJsonObjectInternal("{\"a\":2,\"c\":\"{e:5}\"}", "a", 2, "c", "{e:5}"); testJsonObjectInternal("{\"a\":2,\"c\":{\"e\":5}}", "a", 2, "c", JSONFunctions.jsonObject("e", 5)); } }); } private void testJsonObjectInternal(String expectedResult, Object... args) { Function<String> jsonObject = JSONFunctions.jsonObject(args); String result = database.simpleQueryForString(; assertEquals(expectedResult, result); } public void testJsonValid() { testJsonFunction(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Function<Integer> valid = JSONFunctions.jsonValid(" { \"this\" : \"is\", \"a\": [ \"test\" ] } "); Function<Integer> invalid = JSONFunctions.jsonValid(" { \"this\" : \"is\", \"a\": [ \"test\" } "); long validResult = database.simpleQueryForLong(; assertEquals(1, validResult); long invalidResult = database.simpleQueryForLong(; assertEquals(0, invalidResult); } }); } public void testJsonGroupArray() { testJsonFunction(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Thing thing = new Thing(); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { thing.setFoo(Integer.toString(i)); database.createNew(thing); } Function<String> groupArray = JSONFunctions.jsonGroupArray(Thing.FOO); String result = database.simpleQueryForString(; try { JSONArray resultArray = new JSONArray(result); Set<String> resultValues = new HashSet<>(); for (int i = 0; i < resultArray.length(); i++) { resultValues.add(resultArray.getString(i)); } assertEquals(5, resultValues.size()); assertTrue(resultValues.containsAll(Arrays.asList("0", "1", "2", "3", "4"))); } catch (JSONException e) { fail("JSONException: " + e.getMessage()); } } }, JSONFunctions.JSON1_GROUP_FUNCTIONS_VERSION); } public void testJsonGroupObject() { testJsonFunction(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Thing thing = new Thing(); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { thing.setFoo(Integer.toString(i)).setBar(i * 2); database.createNew(thing); } Function<String> groupObject = JSONFunctions.jsonGroupObject(Thing.FOO, Thing.BAR); String result = database.simpleQueryForString(; try { JSONObject resultObject = new JSONObject(result); assertEquals(5, resultObject.length()); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { assertEquals(i * 2, resultObject.getInt(Integer.toString(i))); } } catch (JSONException e) { fail("JSONException: " + e.getMessage()); } } }, JSONFunctions.JSON1_GROUP_FUNCTIONS_VERSION); } }