Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016, Yahoo Inc. * Licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0. * See the LICENSE file associated with the project for terms. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /**. * This class deliberately doesn't use GSON to make JSON in order to avoid any GSON specific changes or * misconfiguration (new fields added etc.) in the main code and tries to emulate what the parser will get from an * external client making an actual call. */ public class RuleUtils { @SafeVarargs public static String makeGroupFilterRule(String field, List<String> values, FilterType operation, AggregationType aggregation, Integer size, List<GroupOperation> operations, Pair<String, String>... fields) { return "{" + "'filters' : [" + makeFilter(field, values, operation) + "], " + "'aggregation' : " + makeGroupAggregation(size, aggregation, operations, fields) + "}"; } @SafeVarargs public static String makeGroupFilterRule(List<Clause> clauses, FilterType operation, AggregationType aggregation, Integer size, List<GroupOperation> operations, Pair<String, String>... fields) { return "{" + "'filters' : [" + makeFilter(clauses, operation) + "], " + "'aggregation' : " + makeGroupAggregation(size, aggregation, operations, fields) + "}"; } @SafeVarargs public static String makeRawFullRule(String field, List<String> values, FilterType operation, AggregationType aggregation, Integer size, Pair<String, String>... projections) { return "{" + "'filters' : [" + makeFilter(field, values, operation) + "], " + "'projection' : " + makeProjections(projections) + ", " + "'aggregation' : " + makeSimpleAggregation(size, aggregation) + "}"; } @SafeVarargs public static String makeRawFullRule(List<Clause> clauses, FilterType operation, AggregationType aggregation, Integer size, Pair<String, String>... projections) { return "{" + "'filters' : [" + makeFilter(clauses, operation) + "], " + "'projection' : " + makeProjections(projections) + ", " + "'aggregation' : " + makeSimpleAggregation(size, aggregation) + "}"; } @SafeVarargs public static String makeProjectionFilterRule(String field, List<String> values, FilterType operation, Pair<String, String>... projections) { return "{" + "'filters' : [" + makeFilter(field, values, operation) + "], " + "'projection': " + makeProjections(projections) + "}"; } @SafeVarargs public static String makeProjectionFilterRule(List<Clause> clauses, FilterType operation, Pair<String, String>... projections) { return "{" + "'filters' : [" + makeFilter(clauses, operation) + "], " + "'projection': " + makeProjections(projections) + "}"; } public static String makeSimpleAggregationFilterRule(String field, List<String> values, FilterType operation, AggregationType aggregation, Integer size) { return "{" + "'filters' : [" + makeFilter(field, values, operation) + "], " + "'aggregation' : " + makeSimpleAggregation(size, aggregation) + "}"; } public static String makeSimpleAggregationFilterRule(List<Clause> clauses, FilterType operation, AggregationType aggregation, Integer size) { return "{" + "'filters' : [" + makeFilter(clauses, operation) + "], " + "'aggregation' : " + makeSimpleAggregation(size, aggregation) + "}"; } public static String makeFilterRule(String field, List<String> values, FilterType operation) { return "{'filters' : [" + makeFilter(field, values, operation) + "]}"; } public static String makeFilterRule(List<Clause> values, FilterType operation) { return "{'filters' : [" + makeFilter(values, operation) + "]}"; } public static String makeFilterRule(FilterType operation, Clause... values) { return "{'filters': [" + makeFilter(operation, values) + "]}"; } public static String makeFieldFilterRule(String value) { return makeFilterRule("field", Collections.singletonList(value), FilterType.EQUALS); } @SafeVarargs public static String makeProjectionRule(Pair<String, String>... projections) { return "{'projection' : " + makeProjections(projections) + "}"; } public static String makeAggregationRule(AggregationType operation, Integer size) { return "{'aggregation' : " + makeSimpleAggregation(size, operation) + "}"; } @SafeVarargs public static String makeAggregationRule(AggregationType operation, Integer size, Map<String, String> attributes, Pair<String, String>... fields) { return "{'aggregation' : " + makeStringAttributesAggregation(size, operation, attributes, fields) + "}"; } public static String makeFilter(String field, List<String> values, FilterType operation) { return "{" + "'field' : " + makeString(field) + ", " + "'operation' : " + makeString(getOperationFor(operation)) + ", " + "'values' : ['" +, b) -> a + "' , '" + b).orElse("") + "']" + "}"; } public static String makeFilter(List<Clause> values, FilterType operation) { return "{" + "'operation' : " + makeString(getOperationFor(operation)) + ", " + "'clauses' : [" +, b) -> a + " , " + b).orElse("") + "]" + "}"; } public static String makeFilter(FilterType operation, Clause... values) { return makeFilter(values == null ? Collections.emptyList() : Arrays.asList(values), operation); } @SafeVarargs public static String makeProjections(Pair<String, String>... pairs) { return "{'fields' : " + makeMap(pairs) + "}"; } public static String makeSimpleAggregation(Integer size, AggregationType operation) { return "{'type' : '" + getOperationFor(operation) + "', 'size' : " + size + "}"; } @SafeVarargs public static String makeGroupAggregation(Integer size, AggregationType operation, List<GroupOperation> operations, Pair<String, String>... fields) { return "{" + "'type' : '" + getOperationFor(operation) + "', " + "'fields' : " + makeGroupFields(fields) + ", " + "'attributes' : {" + "'operations' : [" +, b) -> a + " , " + b).orElse("") + "]" + "}, " + "'size' : " + size + "}"; } @SafeVarargs public static String makeStringAttributesAggregation(Integer size, AggregationType operation, Map<String, String> attributes, Pair<String, String>... fields) { return "{" + "'type' : '" + getOperationFor(operation) + "', " + "'fields' : " + makeGroupFields(fields) + ", " + "'size' : " + size + ", " + "'attributes' : " + makeMap(attributes) + "}"; } @SafeVarargs public static String makeGroupFields(Pair<String, String>... fields) { if (fields == null) { return "null"; } return makeMap(fields); } public static String makeGroupOperation(GroupOperation operation) { return "{" + "'type' : " + makeString(operation.getType().getName()) + ", " + "'field' : " + makeString(operation.getField()) + ", " + "'newName' : " + makeString(operation.getNewName()) + "}"; } public static String makeString(String field) { return field != null ? "'" + field + "'" : "null"; } @SafeVarargs public static String makeMap(Pair<String, String>... pairs) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("{"); String delimiter = ""; for (Pair<String, String> pair : pairs) { builder.append(delimiter).append("'").append(pair.getKey()).append("'").append(" : '") .append(pair.getValue()).append("'"); delimiter = ", "; } builder.append("}"); return builder.toString(); } public static String makeMap(Map<String, String> map) { if (map == null) { return "null"; } return makeMap(map.entrySet().toArray(new Pair[0])); } public static Clause makeClause(FilterType operation, Clause... clauses) { LogicalClause clause = new LogicalClause(); clause.setOperation(operation); if (clauses != null) { clause.setClauses(Arrays.asList(clauses)); } return clause; } public static Clause makeClause(String field, List<String> values, FilterType operation) { FilterClause clause = new FilterClause(); clause.setField(field); clause.setValues(values == null ? Collections.singletonList(Type.NULL_EXPRESSION) : values); clause.setOperation(operation); return clause; } // Again, not implementing toString in Clause to not tie the construction of the JSON to the src. public static String toString(Clause clause) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); if (clause instanceof FilterClause) { FilterClause filterClause = (FilterClause) clause; builder.append( makeFilter(filterClause.getField(), filterClause.getValues(), filterClause.getOperation())); } else if (clause instanceof LogicalClause) { LogicalClause logicalClause = (LogicalClause) clause; builder.append(makeFilter(logicalClause.getClauses(), logicalClause.getOperation())); } return builder.toString(); } public static String getOperationFor(FilterType operation) { switch (operation) { case EQUALS: return "=="; case NOT_EQUALS: return "!="; case GREATER_THAN: return ">"; case LESS_THAN: return "<"; case GREATER_EQUALS: return ">="; case LESS_EQUALS: return "<="; case AND: return "AND"; case OR: return "OR"; case NOT: return "NOT"; default: return ""; } } public static String getOperationFor(AggregationType operation) { switch (operation) { case TOP: return "TOP"; case RAW: return "RAW"; case GROUP: return "GROUP"; case COUNT_DISTINCT: return "COUNT DISTINCT"; default: return ""; } } public static AggregationRule getAggregationRule(String ruleString, Map configuration) { try { return new AggregationRule(ruleString, configuration); } catch (ParsingException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public static FilterRule getFilterRule(String input, Map configuration) { try { return new FilterRule(input, configuration); } catch (ParsingException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }